TAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEFPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1925. BOARDMAN ERR. A. T. HKFttIM, Cerr? r-t FoTSnn jaed to fcart o nmry H r ?'" f k tttd th rt-e- .t ir hr fcrd believir.f in ?ci fi?rcftT turned cut in numbers or, V.uui" t !tud the Etua. The vnntfUft f'siurei of the prpnra were njojrd. ?ne cKriot rate u pr t ifiiifcr iy tniiii.r e and tnt resting; the l-uckiit cAT.tept whi pood, r,d tie barthhfk rulir.f w excit.r.p. The quirk chTipe rnce wesl n&nu-d chfcpp srd ddifs mere en anted with iiiinii"u'rjs fpeed. Contests of this ort have received nome censure oi lht" a btirp brutal both to ir.ari I rd b at. After pffir.gr both the I Kound-l'p and thf Frdeo only one fffcture observed that could be c;aned at brutal, and that waa the Mcer ard eatf roi.infr. Altheuph rop inp may be a ru-ceasary function of toe rarpe it is urplcassnt from the atandpf'int f amusement and s-port to a e&.' or steer hobbie off -ith a bri'Vfr, Irp or hip cr other wise injured. The parade on Sat urry wrs a fine exhibition of hor?e tiny Shetland ponies mounted by small boys and hors.es of ail color and descriptions. It was a pood exhibition for a town the aire of Heppner. Amor.p Boardman folks who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Fck Warren, Mrs. E. T, Messenper and Loi. Leo Root and sons, Mrs, M. K. Flickinper, Maurice Goodwin, Apple Waggoner, J. Jenkins and fam ily. Miss Officer, Mr. Packard, J Brice and Lillian, Jess Lower. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shell entertained Sunday eveninp at a dinner of lovely appointments. Covers were laid for eseren and all enjoyed the delicious dinner and a pleasant social eve ninp. Tho?e present were Misses Bougher, Officer, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mulkey. Mrs. Olive M. Wilson, Miss Mailoy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer, Mr. Foriier and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs, Nick Faler, Dan Ran gier and family ar.d Mrs. A. T. Her ein! and A. T. Jr. attended the Rodeo Saturday. An elaborate picnic lunch was enjoyed and the kind hospitality extended them by Mrs. Natter and Miss Katie Mmert at the noon hour was appreciated. All enjoyed the trip immensely. Services at the Community church? wilt be held next Sunday evening as it is the first Sunday of the month. Floyd Nunamaker and wife of Hood River were recent guests at the Eu gene Cumins home. J. T. Healey and wife of Portland came up Friday on business and visited for a few days with their numerous friends. They were former residents and their friends are plad to welcome them if only for a short stay. Chas. Harrington, J. Jenkins and E. Cumins have about 20 acres of sapar cane, and Messrs. Cumins and Jenkins were out last week tring to locate a sorghum mill so that they could utiliie their product. Hot cakes and old fashioned sorghum. Yum-yum. "On October 6, Tuesday eveninp, a meeting will be held at the school house at which time the P. T. A. will be organized. Everyone is urged to be present whether a parent or not. If you are interested in school affairs you are privileged to join the P. T. A, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney McReynolds and baby are house puests at the N. A. M acorn ber home. Mr. McReynolds is a brother of Mrs. M acorn ber. They - motored down from Spokane. M rs. Pearl Howell spent several days in Boardman with her husband before her departure on Friday for Monmouth where she will complete her normal course. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carr were din ner puegts at the Hereim home on Thursday evening. Mrs. Beardsley and children and Mrs. Clyde Carr left Tuesday by motor, the former for her home in Lewiston, Ida., going by way of Mab ton, Wn., where Mrs. Carr wlil visit her parents. They p'an to be gone about two weeks. J. F. Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie of Heppner were visitors the fore part of the week at the Jay Cox home. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley and Mr. and Mrs. Carr motored to Arlington to attend rfhe conference f superintendents and athletic in structors at which time the schedule for the year's athletic activities wsb tentatively made. This issue completes the list of prises of the North Morrow County Fair, and the people wish to thank Mr. Crawford for ao kindly extending apace to print this lengthy li&t which has proven of interest to aM. We thank you, Gazette editors, you have been generous with your space for this far end of tbe county. A big plan is on foot, and one which should satisfy a need in the community, name!y the school planning to put on a movie once a week, foe st'terai months, if the ! plan ireu with success. People mo tor to the nearby towns each week to attend the movies but re shall have one here in our own home town at the price of 10 and oOc. The first him ii an excellent one, "North of 36" and will be given October 8 at the school house. Mesdames Gorhara and children, Cramer and Hereim and A. T. Jr., motored to Htrmiston on Wednesday. Mrs. Gorham visited a friend who was there from Portland and Mrs. Cramer, Hereim and A. T. Jr., had dental work done. S. L. Beck has started another well, this one at the Jesa Allen ranch. Mr. Tate has returned to his ranch after an absence of some time. He has been up near Condon during harvest From Seattle were W. S. Ayres, Kay Hod gin and B. ictory at the Highway Inn recently. J. D, Ham mer of Deep Creek, Wn, J. P. Mullen of Spokane, Mrs. W. E. Collinpwood of Spokane. Geo. ii. Jensen and wife of Hood Kiver were among those rt'jriftered. Naomi Cobb of Walla Walla was registered at the Hiphway Inn on her way to Monmouth to attend school. From Toledo, Ohio, came A. L. Kauffman, P. J. Kuni and wife, J, J. Loohang of Opdtn, Utah, and Kay Bell of Troy, Idaho, were other guvsti at the inn. Ethel Broyles left last week to attend normal school at Monmouth and Edna went to Corvallis to attend U. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Calkins of the East End entertained at a lovely dinner on Sunday evening. Those who enjoyed this pteaaant affair were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Healey of Portland, Let Md and family and Mr. W. O. King. On Tuoaday eve nine the same congenial group were entertained at the Mead home at a moat delightful dinner, gueata being the Heaieya, Calkins', Mr. King and Fifcncuie. The Geenfield grarpe is running a Bun Ton socia. for Saturday eve nit. p. A joiiiy time l anticipated, m.th a feed and program. Chas. Wick.ander tok his children Gladys and Carl, and Vio:et Knight a fur as Heppner Junction on Mon day, where tney were m t by Mrs. Vt a ker, county superintend! nt of Htppntr who took them on to Salem where they will represent Morrow county in the club work. Curl has been the pnie winner in the sweet potato ciub, Gi&iiys in homemaking. and Violet Knight first in f owing. We are pleased to have thee young sters receive this honor and hope they will come home from Salem with more laurels. We are sure of that Carl's caie because he hut no competition, Morrow county Having the only sweet potato c:ub in the state. Superintendent and Mrs. Beardsley and children were dinner guests at the O. H. Warner home on Sunday. Lahmondiers pave a masquerade dance at Bailey's hall Saturday night. Mrs, Bob Wilson of Boardman, Mil ton Shane took first prizes for their costumes, John Brice, wife and son Warren enjoyed a pood laugh at Harold Lloyd in "Hot Water" at the theater in Umatilla last wetk. Seventy-five tons of hay were ship ped this week by the Delano brothers. Mr. Anderson who has been here at various times and who was the former owner of the ranch at Coyote Serines has started a creamery of his own called the Columbia crvam erv in Portland, and was here last week soliciting cream. Mr. Ander son has been a butter maker for years. Chas. Dillon who has a large poul try ranch on the West End is cull ing and shipping his old hens. The young pullets are just beginning to lay. He has been shipping two and three cases of epps per week. Mrs. Robert Lahmondier returned last Thursday from Pendleton with her new little son. She has not been at all well but it is hoped she will improve. R. C. (Bob) Mitchell and Mrs. Gross of Portland were married last week at Klickitat, near Goldendale, and are now at home at the Mitchell ranch on the west end. They were married bv Mr. Yates, a justice of the peace Mrs. Gross came up from Portland during the summer to visit the H Cason home, and while here she met i Mr. Mitchell. The groom has a ranch on the west end and has quite a fair! sited apiary also. Homer Mitchell and wife witnessed the ceremony. A crowd charvaried them on Sunday night but Bob had treats ready and the crowd was invited in and enjoyed dancing and the candy and cigars which were provided. Dallas Mallory, a nephew of Mrs. John Jenkins, visited Sunday at the Jenkins home. He lives near Spokane. O. T. Brown and wife of The Dalles visited over tne weea ena at tne .nas. Dillon home. Dr. Moss, wife and son Donald of Seaside visited Sunday at the J. C. Ballenger home. Dr. Moss is mayor of that thriving coast town which is such a popular summer resort. C. G. Blayden and T. E. Broyles motored to Heppner Monday on business. LEXINGTON At a recent meeting of the l-eving-ton high school student body the fol lowing officers were chosen to conduct its business for the year 125-26: president. Loren Leathers; vice-president, Velle Ward; secretary, Freda McMillan; yell leader, Eva Pad berg, James Leach. At 2:30 p. m. on Friday Lexington's football team will meet Hoardman's team on the home field. It is hoped that a goodly number will be present to encourape our boys along athletic tines. J. M. Crawford of Walla Walla, president of the Tum-A-Lum Lum ber Co., was a business visitor in Lex ington on Friday of last week. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Young left Sat urday for Pendleton where they ex pect to reside during the winter. Geo, McMillan returned recently from Portland where he has been for medical treatment. He is much im proved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marquardt are entertaining Mrs. Marquardt s moth er, Mrs. Miller of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Craber of Walla Walla paid Lexington a short visit last week. R. B. Wilcox accompanied by his sons Ciaud and Charles, his daughter, Miss Eva and Miss Eva Padberp, will motor to Salem on Thursday to at tend the state fair. Karl Beach returned Monday from Walla Walla where he enjoyed an over-Sunday visit with Mrs. Beach! and the boys. Miss Neva Shinn left Tuesday for her home in Astoria after spending the summer with friends and rela tives near Lexington. Misses Maxine Gentry, Opal and Wilraa Leach left Wednesday of last week for Corvallis to resume their studies at O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gentry and chil dren Leora and Virgil arrived Friday from Portland to visit relatives and attend the Rodeo. Dan Tucker came in from Portland on Friday evening to spend some time with his family. Westervelt of Boardman. The raising . of sweet potatoes has been somewhat of an experiment in the so two north Morrow county irrigated sections, but they are now making a success of the game, and in coming seasons will raise the sweeta in commercial quantities. A sample of these potatoes was fur nished the editor of this paper, and e can testify that they are of Just as good quality aa any that come to this market. The following is a detailed list of the winurrs: COMMERCIAL GRADES. Hri hit Holboke Hrv.. Ut ; A. P. Ayer. 2nd; K. Admnu. nt . Srt White F. Adam. Ut; K. A Thump on. Xttd and Ird. Hard Krd Winter Raymond Wright, 1st; .t' Gray, 2nd ; lieu. Peck, 3rd. Narthera Sprint- J. N. Batty, 1st; Ben Thonw, 2nd; Fred Akers, 3rd. Western White Ida IVterson, 1st; Chas. Hemrich, Hud ; J. ti. Key. 3rd. VARIETY SPECIALS. Hybrid lis Cha. Hemrich. 1st; A. W. CerumeU, 2nd; Phil Hirl, 3rd. Turkey Red Raymond Wright, 1st; Gene Gray, 2nd : Georira Peck, 3rd, Fortyfold F. Adams. Ut ; R. A. Thomp- aon, 2nd ; San ford Farming- Co., 3rd. Bluestcm F. Adams, 1st; Minnie L. Mc Millan, 2nd: J. P. Hughes, nt Federation R. A. Thompson, 1st. Hard Federation Molboke Brothers, 1st; Eric Berirtrom, 2nd ; Frank Fratus, 3rd. Baart, irrigated A. P. Ayers, Ut. Baart, dry land- Karl Simon ton, 1st. Red Chaff J, B. Key, Ut ; J. S. Young 2nd. Marquis J. N. Batty, Ut ; Ben Thomas. 2nd; Fred A ken. 3rd. Jenkins Club P. S. Griffin, 1st Hyhrid 143 Ida Peterson. 1st. Sweepstakes Holboke Brothers. Barley George Moure. 1st ; Ward Gravea, 2nd; Hayea Estate, 3rd. BIG CROWDS SEE rn ULUU LU L U L III il (Continued from Pint Pa) EXAMINATION FOR FOREST RANGER WILL BE HELD North Morrow County Fair prize list, continued: BOYS AND GIRLS' CLUBS Sewing Doshis Graybeal 1st; Belle Fredrickson, 2nd; June Knight, 3rd. Sewing Violet Knight, 1st, trip to State Fair; Shirley Fredrickson, 2nd; Lillian Yerger, 3rd; Alilce Pal mer 4th. Sewing Dorria Wilcox, 1st Eva Wil son, 2nd. Potato Clnti Claude Wilcox, 1st. Wheat Project Eva Wilcox, 1st. Garden Club Fletcher Walker, 1st. Sweet Potato ClubCarl Wickland- er, 1st; Vernon Partlow, 2nd. Manual Training Hector Wicklander, 1st; Delbert Johnson, 2nd. Home Making Gladys Wicklander, 1st; Helen Boardman, 2nd. Domestic ..Science ..Exhibit Gladys Wicklander, 1st. Sewing Ruth Dinges, 6th..' Best Article in Domestic Science Gladys Wicklander, 1st WEST LAND IRRIGATION DISTRICT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of the Westland Ir rigation District, acting as a board of Equalizatoin, will meet at the of fice of the district in Hemuston, Ore gon, on the first Tuesday in October, 1925. at 8 o'clock, p. m for the pur pose of reviewing and correcting its assessments and apportionment of taxes to be levied in said district for the year 1925. J. W. MESSNER, Secretary. Lexington Christian Church. All vacations must come to an end and most of them end at the same place where they started. And altho wa have seen a considerable portion of the Willamette Valley and west ern Washington, we come back to Lexington with renewed strength and a firm resolve to serve it's people in the work that God has intrusted us, with renewed activity. Before we ask for a continued co operation of the Lexington people we wish to thank one and all for their loyalty, which has been expressed by their contributions and by their un selfish service. Tot only do we wish to express our thanks but we believe the people have a right to know what our pro gram shall be for the following year. 1. We expect to keep our services free from sectarian teachings and to have them so filled with the spirit of Christ that every true Christian with out regard to his denominaitonal affiliations or preferences will find a home for worship and a field for service. 2. We desire to preach only the Gospel and to do it in such a way that all seeking the truth shall hnd it 3. To provide for regular prayer meeting. 4. To give occasional public lec tures on vital subjects. 5. To provide a clean social pro gram for the young. I have endeavored to set forth the purpose of the Lexington church for this year and to every one that be lieves the program is a worthy one, we are confidently soliciting your co operation. W. E. JONES, Pastor. An examination for forest ranger will be held on October 27, in twen ty-six different states, according to word just received by district forest er C. M. Granger, at Portland, im portant changes are that receipt of application will close on October 17, No applicant will be allowed to try the examination unless he has received fin admission card in ad vance from the U, S. civil service commission, Washington, D. C; hence forest officers urge all prospective ap plicants to secure at once form 2415, either from the commission at Wash ington or from any forest supervisor. Entrance salary for forest ranger in the U. S. forest service is $1500 in the United States, and $1900 in Alaska. Outside of the salary, the government allows a mileage' on pri vately-owned automobiles when used in official business, and actual ex penses when absent on official duty from official headquarters. Houses or ranger stations are furnished rangers or an allowance made in their salaries in lieu of quarters. In addi tion to the above, forest officers are protected by the federal compensa tion act, which covers accidental in juries and monthly payments to de pendents in case of death. The age limits for the examination are 21 to 35 inclusive. Forest rangers with experience and proven ability are eligible to a max imum salary or $2400 per annum. Many of the higher positions in the forest service are now filled by men who started in as forest rangers. The examination consists of three parts, educational and mental test, practical questions relative to the duties of the position, and experience. A medical certificate is required but no photograph. Applicants with mil itary or naval records must attach to their applications original, photo stat or certified copies of their or iginal discharge. Forest officers state that there are openings for good, live men with prac tical experience in the woods, and forest school graduates with practical experience. In Oregon the examination will be held at the 13 headquarters towns of forest supervisors and at the eight in Washington. LM ! enteMnta Jack French. II. W. Rivera, Slim fcdwardft. Art Huker, Pat Car key. Herb French, Orvilte Car ley. Cliff John Mm, Neil White, Vernon V aid. llillie IlueU, Tex Prichard, Koi Wallins. 1'hil litfyer. Fred Moore. Cecil Iowe, Art Alder man, Clvde Ha i ley, Kenneth LVpuy, J. Mills. Frank Gentry. Peti)liland. A. W. (iilliland. Sam Smith. Kalph Keade, Emery MMre, Ikilph Drown, Lloyd Mattetton, Ho ard tioff. Hill Kilkenny, ivl Mieridan, Joe Kenny. Raymond rerttunon, Monty lialvor- sen. Abe Hiatt. Jack Terry, Ed Scruaiiina, Buck Fadbera, L. V. Uqntry, Lonme Cop enhaver, Oscar Hanks, Antone Cunha, Krnet Cunha. Waldo Terry, Ralph J one, Albert Lawnon, Vernon tfrown, Johnny Eu banks. The clown wm Munk Avery of Pendleton. Sddlt Ho rat Ract -First day: Phil Guyer. 1st; Raymond Ferguson, 2nd; second day: Raloh Joneti. 1st ; Pete GUhlimd 2nd; third day, Pete Gilliland, lut ; Ken neth IVimy. 2nd. Calf Kopine First day: Frank Gentry 1:15. Ralph eade 1:04. Neil White 1 :0H, Sam Smith :40, Joe Kenny :f9 1-2; sec ond day : Ed Sheridan 1 :0'J S-6, Joe Kenny. :5S t-fi. Sam Smith 1:16; third day. Tex Prichard :52. Boya Pony Race First day. no J-ace ; sec ond day: Vernon hrown, 1st; brnest Cunha, 2nd; third day: Johnny ' Eu banks 1st, Albert Lawson, 2nd. ' I Steer Roping- First day: Ed Sheridan1 :27 1-2, Neil White :62 1-4. Hill Kil kenny 1:03 1-2, Vernon Waid 1:29 1-2. ftpcond day: Jack French :49. Tex Prich ard 1:16. Vernon Waid :56 : third day: Neil White 1:25. Tex Prichard. 1:07, Vernon Waid 1:10. Steer Maverick Race First day, Joe Ktn- ;ny second day, no race; third day, Tex Prichard. Phil Guyer.. Quick Chanke Raca First day. Ken. De- puy 1st, Tex Prichard 2nd; second day, Ken Dfpuy'lut, Phil Guyer 2nd; third day. Ken Depuy 1st. Tex Prichard 2nd. Special Race Swond day, Tex Prichard lat, u. Uopenhaver znd ; third day, r. Gilliland 1st. Neil White 2nd. Cowboy Rncf First Day, Joe Kenny 1st, A. W. Gilliland 2nd; second day. r UU liland Int. Tex Prichard 2nd ; third day, P. Gilliland 1st, L. Copenhaver 2nd.. Free for All Rar Last day, Frank Gen try 1st, Bill Kilkenny 2nd. 25 subscriber; Frieda Seaman's team, 16; Otto Beneftel's team. 10. Total 61 names, which means $25. SO for the school treasury. Hurrah for these loyal workers, and thanks to the subscribers. Raymond's team will be entertained at a party by th two losing teams at a later date. About an acre of the southwest cor ner of the school grounds is. bung graded and leveled by Messrs. Corey and Dempsey. Aftr this tract ia seeded, it will add very materially to the appearance of our campus. It ia understood that the board is plan ning on having two blocks more lev eled this fall. Violet Knight of the 8th grade left Monday for Salem where she will at tend the state fair with all expenses paid by the state. She waa one of the county champions in Club Work. Friday afternoon the larger boys spent a couple of hours at putting the football field In condition, while the girls worked at the basketball court and backstops. The boys plan on playing one or two games of foot ball with nearby schools. A little later both boys and girls will begin basketball practice. Recently the high school students elected the following officers: pres ident, Robert Smith; vice-president, Gertrude G ray beal ; secretary-treasurer, Earl Stewart; sergeant-at-arms, Russell McCoy. 1RRIGOX NEWS XOTES. Walter Warner, a graduate of Ir rigon high school, left Friday for Monmouth where he will attend the Normal until June. Chas. Powell and his sister, Mrs. Gurber, of Payette. Idaho, are in town for a short stay. - Mrs. Bert Knight, Mrs. Bess lam oreaux, Mrs. Rider and Mrs. Elray Lamoreaux were school .visitors on Tuesday afternoon. The contest for taking subscrip tions for the "Country Gentleman" ended Tuesday with the following re sults: Raymond Lnmoureaux's tetim, GET YOl'R LIBRARY BOOKS. There are some splendid library books in the office of Supt, Walker for the following districts: 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 18, 23, 25, 28, 32, 33, 86. 37, 38, 42, 48, 49, 60, 61, 62, 63, 21, 27. The superintendent desires that some one from these districts call for these books, especially for those be longing to district No. 61, as the teacher and the children will not have an opportunity to use the books long before school closes. S A F E T Y & s E R V I c E LAND AT HALF PRICE. Three wheat farms going at one-half price. Total, 2737 acrea. At $10 per acre; one-third cash, balance -on time at 6. Sandy loam soil; about 2400 acres plowed on which are three houses, three wells, schoolhouse, and other improvements. 2 miles from Cecil postoffice and R. R. station in Morrow county, Oregon. Free with this land a 75 Caterpillar engine with 4 3-bottom plows, a 24- foot combine, a header, two drills, two weeders, chain and other harness, 32 work horses, mares and mules, two harrows, three wagons, etc. Rea son for selling; security and other debts after leaving the farm, wife dead, no children and 78 years old. J. W. OSBORN, Cecil, Ore. UT (Continued from First Page) the courtesy of the Moro experiment station. There was also a display of threshed wheats in jars taken from the Lexington nursery as a demon stration of seeding tests. These sam pies were of 6 different varieties of wheat, snowing the yield and qual ity from date of seeding. The plant ings were on f'eb. 27, March 11 and March 25. The quality of March 25 wn vprv much noorer than the otlv lers, and the average yi4d per acre Dated this first day of September, was oui ousneia .ess man u. u. 1925 March 11. Aside from the grains there was 80 acres Alfalfa and Fruit Ranch , also a small exhibit of sweet potatoes cheap, near Umapine, Ore. Write, from the farms of N. Seaman and Frpewator. Ore.. R. 2. Box 154. 2t. Grim Bro?. of Irrigon and Elmer H ARUM AN HI NOTES. The high school Btudents are again resuming their work after a short vacation for the Rodeo, during which our principal, Mr. Meidinger, and as sistant, Miss Cornelison, took a trip to Walla Walla. Much to our disap pointment Miss Carnelison could not return for a few days at least owing to illneas. Mrs. Skeen is now her substitute whom " the students agree is a very capable instructor. Hard man boastB of having six stu dents in the Oregon Normal school, five of whom are graduates of our high school. We also have three col lege students, two of them attending O. A. -C. and one the Oregon univer sity. The freshmen initiation party will be held Thursday. Some are looking forward to this party with dread and others as a fit time to show phy sical strength. The seniors now have their class organized and are planning strongly on graduation this spring. Reduced To Sell To make room for new stock THE CHENEY PHONOGRAPH CO. announces big cut in prices on all models. $110 . . ' n .. - r, ,. . . tt-jti' THI l TWIT TT" '''nII ll I 4fi'' r nRa -first ArrcswoM ' "ff?, A 1 k ;i Bozo butts- I -re fjevJ6 kw 1., ' ? i 1 They Drive Him TTmy ) Jl "Rube" Coldberg j f W I HeLf V&O ,1.1 3Lass , OM WET-TEft, 1 SO I V MUTf 1 lf"i X. T CT 1 t " VI VI a4 v y- J ; M tH A lcy i f 1 H.J A. U r ; f vt i .1 1 t 11 -I Mi-1" a I 1 I. ..t-n , , - 3jrj)UJo,-rHAws-i wexrT ll "TCAaJ) TO OAK TEA J iMt it was A EOLONCY(j Model 'CZHtZ CUT to--P All models in proportion. Also, just received several'Swanson port able phonographs, little dandies carry like a grip just the thing to take on a picnic. They're a buy at $30.00. Our Music Room Always Open. Drop in and Hear the Latest Hits. HARWOOD'S Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry Call Main 1062 For Correct Time Write a Check And automatically receive a re ceipt for the bill which you have paid. A checking account not only af fords this convenience and protec tion but means instant recognition of your financial possibilities. We furnish our cusomers a check and bank book free of charge. Firt National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Subscribe for The Gazette-Times. Only $2 Per Year. Copper Carbonate FIRST QUALITY AT A REASONABLE PRICE 0 "' VAN BRUNT DRILLS JOHN DEERE These drills are made to last. The upkeep of a VAN BRUNT is very low and the quality of their work is high grade. Come in and look them over. Peoples Hardware Co. Good Merchandise at the Right Price Star Theater THURSDAY and FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1-2 BUCK JONES and ELINOR FAIR in "GOLD AND THE GIRL" A thrilling drama of the Golden West. Buck Jones, the Cowboy; Pal, the Dog, and Silver Buck, the Horse a screen trio hard to beat. ,. Gold and the Girl has nothing to do with a gold-digger." It's real gold and its a real girl. Also third episode of "WOLVES OF THE NORTH" (First two parts shown last week during the Rodeo, but the synopsis will start you off fine.) It's good. And THE HUNT, two reel comedy based on Richard Harding Davis's VanBibber stories. You'll like it too. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3: Lois Wilson, Noah Beery, Raymond Hatton and Raymond McKee in "CONTRABAND" From the story by Clarence Buddington Kelland, and he never wrote anything better. The story of a girl who tried to run a town and was almost run out of it; and of a man who was too proud to fight, till he fell in love with a fighting girl. Also "THE TROUBLE FIXER" Two-reel comedy. SUNDAY and MONDAY, OCTOBER 4-5 MAE MURRAY in "FASHION ROW" From the story by Sada Cowan, in which Miss Mumty plays a dual role as a Russian peasant and a luxurious society belle fine acting, beautiful costumes, unusual story and Mae Murray at her best. Also Comedy. TUES. and WEDS., OCTOBER 6 and 7: Zane Grey's "THE THUNDERING HERD" See ad on front page. NEXT WEEK: John Gilbert in Cameo Kirby, by Booth Tarkington. Anna Q. Nilsson in. HEARTS AFLAME. Marie' frevost in THREE WOMEN. Irene Rich in A LOST LADY, by Willa Cathor. Show Starts at 7:30 Doors Open Half Hour Earlier.