The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 23, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mr ar.d Mr. Geo. Hvr.drick of Jol
it, M t i:Urf it the home of
the ii iiHd, Mr. B. B. Lwi.
Th Herdnrki Kd most enjoyab'.e
trrp ent itppirj at Smith Center.!
Kr.ii. S t Lake City, Denver and
t I ii. E. Hmdriok of
The Ias pnt to I Grande to
irifet them. It ha been a period of
17 year since teo. Hendricki had
pfen hi father. G. E. Hendricks also
voted a few dayt at the l.ewu home
All it-ft on Sktuidsy for The Dalies.
Mojin will be n.ade at Seattle, Banff,
lke lrftuice and other point before
Mr. and Mr. Hendrick return to their
home in Jo'iet,
Sara T. Shell received word that
hia brother John is very low nd no
hoc are entertained for hia recov
ery. He it with a dnuphter on the old
home ranch near Goldendalt.
Mahava Kuti.ner, daughter of Mr.
and Mra. L. V. Katmer, irricd on
Tuepdny for a visit with Boardman
friend. The Kutrner? wer? forrver
resident of the East End. Maruva
In visiting with various fnerdm
Mrs. Seal Bleakney and children of
Echo visited Thursday at her moth
er home. Mm. H. H. Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Penny of Sunfield
were overnipht visitors at the Lee
Mead home Thursday following the
Granpe meetink. Mr. Penny is mas
ter of the Sunfieid Grange,
Emmett Cooney was here from
Condon la?tt week looking: over the
project with a view of investing: in
an improved ranch here or at Hermis
ton. He is a brother of L. C Cooney
of the East End.
Mra. H. H. Weston has purchased a
Ford coupe.
Arthur Goodwin was called to The
Dalles last Friday because of the ill
ness of his mother. He lfet her'much
Mrs. Henry Gorger was a visitor at
tha L. C. Cooney ranch on her way
home from Pendleton, where she has
been with her husband who under
went a serious operation for mastoid.
He has had difficulty with his ears
as an after effect of the flu.
Mrs. Lila Thorns of Sunfieid was
an overnight guest at the Sam Shell
home Thursday. Mrs, Thome is lec
turer for both the Pomona and Stan
field granges.
Tha Board man Grange (Green
field) attempted and successfully car
ried out a most elaborate affair last
Thursday when she was hostess to
Pomona Grange. This was a big un
dertaking for a community this sire
but everything went smoothly and
the visitors expressed themselves as
being well pleased with everything.
The various committees deserve un
stinted praise for their efforts. At
noon one of the most elaborate din
ners ever served here was given and
it was SOME dinner: sweet corn, hot
biscuits, chicken, mashed potatoes.
string beans, carrots, etc., ect., ect.
After this sumptuous banquet a pro
gram was given which was pleasing
to all, althuogh the heat was intense.
Tve following propram was given:
Music Grange Orchestra
Address Geo. A. Palmiter
State Grange Master
Vocal Solo - Mrs. Royal Rands 1
Dorothy Boardman, Accompanist
Beading Carl Wicklander
Reading Mrs. R. W. Morse
Sor.g, Gladys and Gloria Wicklander
Address, R, W. Morse, County Agent
Reading .. Mrs. Arthur Goodwin
Address -C. E. Spence
State Market Agent
Sam T. Shell made a few closing
The orchestra which gave several
pleasing numbers was composed of j
violin, Chas Hango. Mrs. Chas. Wick
lander; piano, Mrs. Lee Mead; drums,
Chas. Wicklander.
In the evening a bountiful supper j
was served. After this the fifth de-!
gree work was exemplified by the de
gree team of the Greenfield Grange
and owing to the work and perse
verance of Chas. Wicklander, master
of the local range, this was done
very successfully. A number were
initiated into the 5th degree.
Visitors were present from Hood
River, Umapine, Freewater and neigh
boring towns. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Palmiter were in attendance. The
next meeting of the Pomona Grange
will be at Irrigon in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shell received a
letter from Mrs. H. Eubank of Santa
Barbara, who gave a very vivid des
cription of the scenes and incident
at the time of the earthquake there.
The first temblor came at 6:55 while
Mrs. Eubank was getting breakfast.
She said there was a roar and a
crash like thunder and the hou.e
jerked and rocked and the stove ani
furniture moved out to the middle of
the floor. She tasd they were tryit?
to get out of the house when the sec
ond shock came and the thing that
impressed her most as she ran out in
the yard was that the rows of straw
berries came up to meet her. The
dam broke and in fifteen minutes th
water was d'jwn there washing things
away into the ocean. The letter told
Tery graphically the excitement and
fear felt at that time but stated that
the town wa being rebuilt at once.
Nate Macomber returned Tuesday
from a few days at Pilot Rock with
his family.
Ralph Davis was a Pendleton visit
or Sunday.
Mr. and Mr?. L. V. Woodard and
daughter Verrel came Tuesday eve
ning from a pleasant trip to Okla
homa and Missouri where they have
been for a month. They left early
for The Dalles where Mr, Wood-ird
will resume his work for the water
Krrvtee department of the O.-W. Mr.
Woodard'i father, Dr. W. II. Wood
ard returned with tnem and will visit
his son, W. H. Woodard. at the High
way Inn for a time. Woodards re
ceived word that little Ear), son of
Jennings Woodard and wife at The
Dalle, was seriously ill but word
came ltitr that he was improving.
The Ladies Aid will entertain W?d-
titmiay, August 6, at a Silver Tea at
Mrs, J. M. Alien's home. Everyone
aked to attend.
Kev. Swogger will occupy the pulpit
July 2ft. It is hoped for a large at
tendance. P. M. Smith went to liermistun on
Tuesday with Lawrence to have hit
arm examined and cared for. He
broke ft about 10 days ago.
Second cutting of alfalfa is fn full
itwttig. A htigi.-r and heavier cutting
than the first is reported because of
warmer weather and much of the
alfalfa that was frozen down hni
grown epleiididiy.
0, Fletcher and family of Det
Muinea. while on their way to Frisco
had some car trouble and were com
pellvd to stay here two days in the
Warner auto camp while awaiting
repairs. Others listed recently were
Mr. and Mra. C. H. Lampman of Og
dn, L'uh, who were also motoring
to Fhfo; Geo. Harmon of Lamotte,
Nib. Dr. and Mr. E. R. Flack of
Enterprise stopped on their way to
Portland. John Mudd of Tulsa, Ok la..
Harry L. Derby of Everett, Wb, H.
Arnold of Aurora, Colo., on hia way
to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson
of Pendleton were on their way to
Roy Dugan expects to start haling
the second cutting on tha Harrison
ranch on Thursday. Astor Smith of
Vancouver, Wn, will hare charge of
he baling. Mr. Dugan just shipped
three carloads of hay which he sold
to Ballenger. '
Mrs. John O'Connell and son Will
of Seattle stopped for a short visit
with the 0. H. Warners on their way
home from Colorado, where they took
Mr. O'Connell to look after his min
ing property.
Mrs, Geo. Wentiel and Mrs, Mary
House were registered at the High
way Inn recently from Inglewood.
California. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ab
bott of Everett, 111., were also listed.
Other names were Geo. Richmond
of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wil
liams of Corvallis. Wayne Tibbets
of Walla Walla, Tom Watson and
family of Freewater, Barbara Butler
of Corvallis. From Boise were Mrs.
Frang Dobson and daughters, Mrs.
R. A. Mcintosh and Mrs. J. C. Miller.
Mrs, Xeal Bleakney and children
spent several days at the H. H. Wes
ton home this week. Mrs. Bleakney
is teaching her mother to drive the
Mrs. T. E. Broyles, Irma and Grace,
and Blanche Imus have gone to Yak
ima for a short visit.
A pleasant gathering was that Sun
day at the H. H. Weston home with
Mr. and Mrs. Cason, their guest, Mrs.
Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nirer and
Mr. Broyles and Roscoe as guests.
Ice cream and cake were served by
Mrs. Weston.
A number of the neighbor women
went to Chas. Harrington's home
Sunday and prepared dinner for the
hay men. AH had a pleasant time as
well as doing a good turn for Mr.
Harrington who does no possess ft
L. Morgan and family stopped here
Friday night on their way to Bend
where they went to see Grandmother
Harter. who is 78 years of age and
who was ill. They made a fast trip
down and home again.
G. A. Cobb from Portland arrived
Wedneesday for a visit with his bro
ther, J. A. Cobb. Mr. Cobb is an at
torney in the metropolis.
Work was started on the Mack
buliding for J. A, Cobb who recently
purchased it. It will be remodelled
and extensive improvements made.
A pick-up team went to Bickleton
Sunday and played a return game
with that team. Boardman was de
feated 16 to 18.
A wedding of great interest to
Boardman friends occurred Tuesday
evening at 8:00 o'clock when Miss
Mabel Gray of Arlington became the
bride of Arthur A. Allen of Board
man. Rev. Neufeltd of the Methodist
church performed the ceremony. The
bride wore black canton crepe and
carried white roses. There were no
attendants. The newly married cou
ple will make their home at Olex
where Mr. Allen is employed on the
state highway.
It is reported that Ray Dempsey
and Thyra Beck were married Sun
day at Heppner. Details later.
country. The heaviest yield so far
s on the W itxel ranch, the wheat
making ten bushels per acre. Most
of the harvest returns will not be
known till after the threshing as
nearly everyone are using headers
on tneir ranches in the Cecil district.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan of Broad-
acres, accompanied by their children,
were visiting friends in Cecil on Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. A. Miller and son Elvin
of Highview ranch were calling in
Cecil on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Troedson of Grand-
view ranch, accompanied by Miss
Francis Jfnes, were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Lowe at Cecil on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butter-
by Flats and Miss Annie C. Lowe ar
rived in Cecil on Sunday after spend-
ng several days in Granite and Sump-
Elmer Cool and party from Athlone
cottage were doing the sights of Cecil
on Sunday.
Gene Logan, son of Melville Logan,
sheriff of Gilliam county, made a
short visit in Cecil on Tuesday be
fore leaving for his home in Condon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shofelt were
calling on John's old pals on Willow
creek on Tuesday before returning to
their home at South Elmo, Wash.
Mark Weahterford and party of
friends from Arlington were having
tour around the wheat land of these
parts on Tuesday.
Mrs. E. Hill of Kansas City, Mo.,
was visiting her cousin, Mrs. Weltha
Combest on Thursday at Fairview
whom she had not seen since Mrs.
Hill lived here thirty years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Dean and chil
dren of Four Mile visited Cecil and
vicinity on Wednesday in search of
a cool spot which could not be found.
The thermometer registered during
the week from 92 to 100 degrees. A
sand storm on a thin scale paid us a
short visit on Friday.
Ira. E. Samuels and children, who
have been spending a few days with
Mrs. Samuels parents, Mr, and Mrs.
W. H. Chandler at Willow creek
ranch, left for their home at Athena
on Monday.
Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats spent
his sister, Mrs. T. H. Lowe, spent
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy cott
at Hynd Bros.' ranch at Freezeout.
Mra. w. H. Chandler, son George
and daughter Miss Laura were in lone
on Tuesday to consult Dr. Walker
regarding Miss Laura who has been
on the sick list for some time.
Dr. Walker of lone was called to
Witzel's ranch on Wednesday to at
tend J. E. Crab tree who had one of his
legs badly crushed by the wheels of
the combine on which he was working.
Miss Annie C. Hynd of Butterby
Flats left Saturday morning for Hepp
ner to attend the wedding of Miss
Kathleen Mahoney.
Walter Pope of Hillside made a
hurried trip to lone on Thursday in
search of repairs for his header.
The number attending the meeting
called to discuss the community hall
proposition was rather discouraging
to those who have undertaken the
task of trying to supply the people
with a suitable place for entertain
ments, though they are not going to
quit for a long time yet, and I think
not until the hall is a reality. At
this enigihtened age it is a disgrace
and a shame as well as a proof of
lack of ordinary horse sense to build
more than one hall for about seventy'
five families. To be sure, we have
several organizations, each of which
would like a place to meet, but as
many of our residents belong to from
one to three of them, would it not be
the heighth of foolishness to try to
build a hall for each of them, when
one would do for all. You who be-
ong to Odd Fellows, Modern Wood
men and also to the Grange, and per
haps to other organizations, give this
a little serious thought before taking
a stand against a community build
The government has promised to
give us a 10-acre tract of land ad
joinnig the school property. What
better use could we put it to than to
erect a suitable place for all our so
cial and business meetings.
A building of this sort would be ft
real incentive to further improve the
property. In ft very few years we
could have a beautiful park and camp
ground. If we saw fit to open it to
the tourist the revenue from this
source alone would pay for the build
ing and improvements in less than
five years.
This building can be erected for
about $3000.00 which is not ft large
sum for our whole community when
we take into consideration that we
can put up more than forty of them
for what our ornamental schoolhouse
will cost us before the bonds and in
terest are paid. The building we
contemplate will pay itself out in at
the very most five years. The next
generation can enjoy its use without
cost, instead of having to pay for it
with interest as they will have to in
the other case.
Now, young people, what do you
think of building a hall which will
pay your money all back in a few
years, so that it will not have cost
anybody dollar and you will own
an equal interest in it with every
other person in the community.
We older folks can enjoy it for a
few years only, though your children
and even your grandchildren will have
the use of it. When we call another
meeting come and tell us what you
will do to help put up such ft building.
Yours for cooperation,
Mr. and Mrs. Zenneth Logan of
Wells Springs spent the week-end
with Leon Logan at Four Mile.
Miss MabeJe Sommerfeldt returned
to her homo in Portland on Thurs
day after spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at the Last
J. W. Osborn and sister, Mrs. Wei
tha Combest, left Cecil on Sunday
for their Fairview ranch and are now
buny harvesting.
Harry Lfndsey of Salem and broth
er Frank of Eight Mile were visiting
in Cecil for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crawford of
Ella were calling in Cecil on Sunday.
Mrs. Roy E. Slender of Seldomseen
ranch was ft visitor in Cecil on Sat
urday and informed ua that harvest
ing has begun in her part of the
ing with plenty of fresh air, of train
ing the body to an evacuation of the
bowels at a certain time daily, of
drinking lots of clean water, brush
ing the teeth and all the other things
that elp to create health and to keep
out disease. The more habits of this
sort we can form, the less we shall
have to worry about.
E. F. Ave rill of Pendleton haa been
appointed to the office of State Game
Warden to succeed Captain A. E.
Burghduff, who came under the ban
in the recent political shake-up of
the commission. Mr. Averill haa en
tered upon the duties of his office
with the unanimous approval of the
board. He is a broad-minded man of
long experience and wide acquaint
ance throughout the state and of
those connected with the forestry and
game preserves, also among the
sportsmen. While upholding the law,
Mr. Averill will do all in his power
to make Oregon the paradise for the
sportsmen, while at the same time
maintaining protection to its wild
After Jessie had been at the board
ing school for a few weeks she began
signing her letters home "Jessica.
Brother Tom thought he would give
her a little dig about it, so he wrote:
"Dear Jessica: Dadica and momica
have gone to visit Aunt Litzica. Un
cle Samica is talking of buying a new
machinica, but he doesn't know yet
whether to get a Fordica or ft Chevica.
The old cowica has had a calfica. I
was going to call it Nellica but I
changed it to Jimica because it was
a bullica. Your affectionate brother,
The season's newest styles at
wholesale prices, at The Curran Mil
linery Shoppe.
State Board of Health.
When children are young, they are
taught how to walk, how to dress
themselves, how to eat and to per
form all the many activities which
hie and civilization demand of us.
The various actions which they
learn become habits and are perform
ed without putting any special thot
on them. It is only the child who
has never learned how to use a fork
who is self-conscious and embar
rassed when the need to eat in com
pany arises.
It is just the same with health
habits. We don't want to be think
ing continually about our health and
the various dangers that surround
it. If we did, the worry would be
worse than the chance of
However, we do not want to teach our
children correct habits of health so
that they become just as automatic
and matter-of-fact as any other daily
Instead of amusing ourselves by
teaching children to be afraid of bo
gies, policemen, doctors and so forth,
why not instill a little reasonable
fear of playing with children who
have contagious diseases? We al
ready teach our youngsters to wash
themselves; let's go a little further
and teach them to" do it before every
meal. Or even further, and give
them the habit of never putting their
hands or anything else into their
mouths unless they (the hands, and
for that matter, the mount) are clean.
Many, if not most, of the catching
diseases get in thru the mouth; chil
dren cannot possible keep their
hands clean all the time; therefore
they must be made clean before meal
Children are taught to eat three
regular meals a day. At the same
time, they can be accustomed to mak
ing those meals of good, healthy
food. A person who has formed the
habit of eating wholesome food in
childhood will find it a hard habit
to break. The same applies to sleep-
Gilliam & Bisbee's
j& Column jZ?
What the trees sang: "Ashes to
ashes, dust to dust, if the loggers
don't get us, the cigarettes must."
For the lawn and garden:
Hose and sprinklers. We got
Lamp Black and oil is bad for
the wool. We have the "Harm
less" sheep marking liquid.
We are headquarters for poul
try supplies of al kinds.
Now is the time to clean up
and paint up. If you buy your
paints and varnishes from us you
will get the right price and qual
ity goods.
Winchester sporting goods are
guaranteed goods.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Hardware - Implements
We have it, will get it or
it is not made.
I I'l MiM I
Department of th. Interior, U. S,
Land Office t The Dallea, Oregon,
July 10, 1825.
NOTICE ia hereby im that Ralph
D. Jonea of Heppner Oregon, who, on
Feb. 19, 1924. made Homentead Entry
No. 024830 (La Grande No. 021486),
for EH NWS.. Section 21, Townahip
2 South, Range 27 Eait, Willaiiette
Meridian, haa filed notice of inten
tion to make final Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Gay M. Anderson, United States
Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon,
on the 26th day of August, 1925.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Brosnan of Lena, Oregon;
John F. Kenny of Heppner, Oregon;
Vern F. Pearson of Heppner, Oregon;
A. L. Casebeer of Heppner, Oregon.
J. W. DONNELLY, Register.
Mrs. Dorothy Patterson came up
from Portland on Friday to be pres-
ent at the Mather Mahoney wedding.
After spending a few days here, Mrs.
Patterson returned home.
FOR SALE - Dodge touring car, A-l
shape. Reasonable. See John P.
Hughes, Hrppner, or write owner,
T. A. Hughes, 1005 E. 6th St.; N..
Anyone wanting bluegrass pasture
for bucks, call on C. A. Minor.
Having lost all my business fn the
recent Are, I find myself badly in
need of funds that I may pay those
whom I owe. I am therefore request
ing that all those knowing themselves
indebted to me will make an effort
to settle with me in full or in part
immediately. I ahall greatly appre
ciate your help now.
Peoples Cash Market, Heppner.
Will sacrifice high grade piano
for Immediate sale. Will give
eaay terma to an established
home. For full particular! ad
dress Portland Music Co.
227 6th Street, Portland, Ore.
Good For .
Colds and Stomach Troabf
To all principal
banern utn
on sale daily
to Sept. IS
Final return
limit Oct. 31
Liberal stopover
privileges loins or
Visit the fol'ki
Jl oaojt iasr-
Inow while the
fares are low
Low fares also to
Zlera National
Yellow item
National Park
Ak for free booklet,
descriptive of theae
famous retort
Heppner, Ore.
Why Not Own
Your Home?
If another person can
make a profit by rent
ing you a house, sure
ly you can make a
profit by owning your
Ask us for free plans.
Heppner, Lexington, lone
"L, ( R
Mrs. C. Gates,
Meaick, Mkh.
Her letter reads: "I have used
Pe-ru-na for several years and it
has helped me in many ways. It
is good for colds, stomach trouble
and to improve the appetite when
taken three times a day. I am 78."
Used intelligently for catarrh and
diseases of a catarrhal nature,
Pe-ru-na seldom fails of the de
sired results. Coughs, colds, nasal
catarrh, stomach and bowel disor
ders are among the commoner
diseases for which Pe-ru-na has
proved its value.
Careful housewives and mothers
ake a practice of keeping a bottle
of lJe-ru-na in tne nome tor emer
gencies. Sold Everywhere) '
Tablet or Liquid
Red Crown
Oils, Differential, Transmission and
Cup Grease
Coming In Tomorrow
FORD Trucks
Some of them with the new enclosed
cabs, starters, etc. .
The first one set up will be equipped
with a closed cab, Warford transmission
and frame extension, with 32x6 bus tires.
Come in and look it over. This may help
you solve your wheat hauling problems.
The Price of a FORD Truck Chassis is
Here in Heppner.
Latourell Auto Company
Subscribe for Tbe Gazette-Times. Only $2 Per Year.
Will Soon Be Here
We have a large stock of Harvest
Supplies at the right price
Spokane Drapers XfTsf
John Deere Binders, Rakes, and
High Lift Mowers
This new mower is a wonderful machine with a guarantee
of satisfaction or money back.
took your threshing machinery over and let us supply
your drapers and repair parts before the rush season. Also
bring along the Missus when you do your shopping as we
carry a large stock of kitchen and table machinery. .
Agents forJ. I. Case and John Deere
Peoples Hardware Co.
Good Merchandise at the Right Price
The Home Is a Business
The many advantage sof the personal
checking account quickly appeal to women.
Paying all bills by checks eliminates all dis
cussions, as cancelled checks are receipts.
When the housewife has a checking ac
count, budgets are easier to keep; savings
are less subject to disturbance; thrift is es
tablished as a practice ; and the home is plac
ed in its rightful position as a business con
ducted along business lines.
Open a checking account for your wife
at this bank. Give her the opportunity to
show you how efficient she can be. No doubt
she will show you a healthy cash balance at
the end of the year on which we pay 4
Farmers ftStockgrowers
Heppner flank Oregon
Star Theater
Mimi Palmeri and Arthur Hohl in
Adapted from the famous stage play based on the
story by Hayden Talbot. A mystery play, with some
thing new in plot and characterization. Full of suspense
and interest.
Also Two Reel Comedy.
Owen Moore and Sylvia Breamer in
The romance of an American masquerading as a
Chinesse Lord. Wild adventures in the land of the Firey
Dragon.' Lots of excitement.
Grantland Rice Sportlight and News Reel.
By Mary Roberts Rhinehart. A romance of golden
youth, royal love and thrilling adventure, in which
Jackie appears as the boy prince. A fine picture which
you will thoroughly enjoy.
TUES. and WEDS., JULY 28-29:
Jack Holt, Ernest Torrence, Lois Wilson
and Noah Beery in
. By Emerson Hough.
A stirring chapter of American history thrillingly
Also The Go-Gctters.
Douglas McLean in THE YANKEE C0UNSUL.
Lloyd Hughes in UNTAMED YOUTH.
Thomas Meighan in TONGUES OF FLAME.