. HWtorled Society. The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 42, Number 16. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1925. Subscripion $2.00 Per Year I HURT GR,M:JS IN OREGDN Eastern Oregon Wheat Belt Will Fall Short of Early Promise. OTHER CROPS GOOD Department of Agriculutre Figure Show that Oats, Potfttoe, Hay, and Fruit Crop Normal. All Oregon spring planted grain crops suffered from weather condi tions during June, says F. L. Kent, statistician, United States Depart ment of Agriculture, in his July crop report Unued under dote of July 10. The fore part of the month was cool, with considerable rain, which put the crops in poor condition to withstand the heat of the latter part of the month. All June heat records of the Portland Weather Bureau were broken on June 25, when the mercury reached 101 at Portland, with corres ponding high temperatures all over the stute, reaching 104 and 109 at some points. WHEAT:-The lurge acreage of spring wheat due to the severe win ter killing of the fall seeding, gave promise a month ago of a yield near ly equal to a normal yield of winter wheat. But the dry weather began to affect the crop in some localities as early as the first of June. A let ter from D. E. Stephens, of the Sher man County Experiment Station, un der date of July 8th, reads in part as follows: "In Sherman county we had a fine prospect for a big crop about the middle of June. After the hot spell from the 18th to the 27th our crops did not look so good, and the contin ued dry weather has materially re duced our prospective yield. Much of the wheat on the shallower soils will make nothing and the damage in some localities on deeper soils has been quite material. It is difficult to exactly determine the extent of damage, but I think It is greater than most farmers realise. Fields that look good from a distance, when ex amined cloudy, show that the grain will be badly shrunken and the yield probably low. There is lots of fair ly good wheat in the county, how ever, and we shall have lots more wheat than we had last year. I think our average yield will be about two butihels higher than our average spring wheat yield, or in the neigh borhood of 18 or 17 bushels per acre. In the southern end of the county wheat Is still quite green and the crop may be further damaged in that vicinity but from Moro to the river most of the wheat, except Marquis, in about ripe. Harvest will begin in this county next week and has al ready started in northern Gilliam and Morrow counties. "Conditions in Gilliam are about the same as In Sherman, except that the average yield of wheat in that county will not be so high as In Sher man. Their yields, however, will run a buahel or two higher than the average for spring wheat In that county. 1 haven't been In Morrow, but County Agent Morse tells me that crops have been damaged there and that the crop will be very light in the north end. This statement tallies with other reports from the counties mentioned. In Umatilla the damage is less and in Bnker and Union there appears to have been practically no damage. In the western part of the state the dam age to ipring wheat was light and the yield gives promise of being close to normal. The Oregon crop of all wheat gives promise of about 18,000,000 bushels. The estimate of the United States all wheat crop is placed at 679,790,000 bushels, an increase of about 19,- 000,000 bushels over the prospect a month airo. Last year's crop was about 872,000,000 bushels. OATS: The Oregon oats acreage was somewhat increased by seeding on winter killed wheat areas. Winter oats suffered considerable winter kill but the springseeding does not ap pear to have been damaged greatly by the recent hot apell. The Oregon ........ tm Mna fm-aon mteA at nVtnnt fi. 500,000 bushels compared with about 8,500.000 bushels last year. The Uni ted States oats crop is placed at 1, 292.000,000 bushels, compared with 1,542.000,000 last year. POTATOES: The Oregon acreage of potatoes apears to be about the same as last year. ' There have been .marked decreases in some counties, and considerable increases In others, which appear to have about offsot each other. The July 1 condition in dicates a probable state production of 4,950,000 bushels, compared with 8,780,000 bushels last year. The Uni ted States crop Is estimated at 849, 500,000 bushels, which Is 105,000,000 bushels less than the crop of last year. HAY: The Oregon hay crop shows no particular change from our report of last month. Total production will probably not vary much from that of Imit voar which was estimated at about 1,000,000 tons. The United States cron is estimated as about B3,- 000,000 tons, which Is about 20,000,- 000 tons less than last year's proauc tion. Apples, pears and prunes In the state show no important change from a month ago. The United States ap pie prospect ts for a total crop of about 157,000,000 bushels compared with 179.000,000 bushels last year. Hons give promise of nenrly a normal crop the production for the coast states being estimated at about 23,- 000,000 pounds. "CHARLEY'S AUNT" Slnr Theater, Tonight and Friday, July 16-17 The funniest farce In forty years 2.1c and 50c FARMERS ENJOY PICNIC AT RHEA CREEK SUNDAY Some 200 Attend Affair at Wright Brothers' Place; Day Is Hot But Games Are Enjoyed. Around fifty automobiles carried some two hundred farmers and oth ers to the place of Wright Brothers on Rhea creek Sunday to enjoy the program of the farmers' picnic, ar ranged by County Agent Morse and members of the Farm Bureau. It was a hot day, but this did not keep the folks from having an ex cellent time. Agent Morse states that he and his assistants were kept busy handing out the lemonade, and my, how that crowd did call for the re freshing drink. Two speakers were on the program, and following lunch some fifteen ears proceeded to the wheat nursery on Eight Mile where they viewed the work done. B. B. Bayles, assistant superinten dent of the Moro station, and Prof. F. L. Ballard, county agent leader of Corvallis, made the addresses. Mr. Ballard brought a splendid message to the farmers. Baskets of good eats had 4een provided and the company gathered In groups about the grounds and enjoyed the picnic dinner. In the way of sports, everything was abandoned because bf the heat, with the exception of the horseshoe games, and these created a lot of interest. Carlson Bros., Leonard and Bernard, of Gooseberry carried off the laurela, the finals being fought out between them and Drake brothers of Eight Mile, but they could not keep the Carlson boys from taking the penannt. APPLE AGAIN KING IN GREAT BRITAIN English Now Paying Homage to This Monarch of Fruit; Apple-a-Day Slogan Being Used. The doctors of Great Britain are on the run. At least that ia the im pression one would gain from read ing the short paragraph that appear ed in the Vacation Guide of the Cin cinnati Post a few days ago. It is quoted In full as follows: "APPLE A DAY IN ENGLAND American plan of Advertising is Be ing Followed. "An apple a day" is now pursuing the doctors of Great Britain, having probably reduced all American doc tors to penury. A series of "Fruit Weeks in the various towns of Great Britain, for the purpose of spreading the fruitar ian gospel, has been arranged by the Fruit Trades Federation. "This intensive scheme," said an of ficial of the federation, "follows the lines of the American 'apple week.' By means of advertising. America has increased the consumption of apples ten-fold; we hope to do the same thing here at first locally and later nationally." "Scotland," he added, "has respond ed enthusiastically to the idea. Prac tically every fruiterer has joined the scheme and one is tempted to wonder whether Scotland may be induced, for at least a week in the year, to forsake her breakfast porridge." The origin of the apple wave now sweeping over England and Scotland is an interesting story. One of the big orchardists of the Northwest with extensive marketing relations in Eng land ran acorss a copy of "150 Rec ipes for Apple Dishes" published by the Union Pacific, and was so Im pressed with its merit that he sent it to his representatives in London to inquire if the apple was receiving the cordial consideration there that it was in America. The answer was conspicuously lacking in enthusiasm This booklet, however, set the wholesaler to thinking. "Why has not some one In England had sense enough to do this?" he inquired of his associates. "If we can get a book like thia into the homes of Great Britain we can multiply the consump tion of apples tremendously." He im mediately cabled his representative in the Northwest for several thous and copies and in less thnn forty eight hours they were on their way. On arrival in England they were dis tributed primarily among the whole- alers, but soon reached the atten tion of the Fruit Trades Federation. Needless to say the entire supply van ished like the traditional hotcakes Nearly a million copies have thus far been issued to meet the demand on this side of the Atlantic, and ne gotiations are pending for another is sue of 850,000. STEARNS-SCI1 ERZINGER. While the robins and sparrows were with their songs adding charm to the morning hour, promptly at seven o'clock Tuesday, July 14th, at th home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schersinger in this city, their daughter, Rachel was joined In marriage to Mr. Richard Gerald Stearns, whose people live at Enter prise .Oregon, Rev. E, C. Alford, pas tor of the Methodist Community church, ofllclating. Each of the couple has been In at tendance at Oregon Agricultural Col lego during the pRst year. It was here as students that they formed their acquaintance. Mr. Stenrna is In his Junior year at the college, while Miss Scherzingor was a freshman having graduated from the Heppner High school with the class of 1024. The young people left Immediately for Enterprise, where they will spend their honeymoon while Mr. Steam works In the harvest field, being In terested with his father there in the farming business. The combine harvester of Benge and Cox arrived from Spokane the first of tha week and Mr. Cox took it out to the Six Dollar farm yester day where harvest will be ready as soon as the machine Is In shape for operation. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS C. L. Sweek and wife, Chai. Cox and wife, Bert Stone and wife, Dean T. Goodman and wife are Mr. and Mrs. Billi going; to Portland on Sun day to be in attendance at the big Elks reunjon during this week. Head quarters for Heppner lodge were es tablished at the Portland Hotel, and quite a number are gathered there. Cyrus Aiken and family, who have been spending the past two weeks at Heppner on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Aiken, left Wednes day for Portland. After a few days spent there they will motor on to their home at Oakland, Calif. Henry Cohn, Dave Wilson and Earl Gordon are members of Heppner lodge of Elks in Portland this week for the big festivities. Messrs. Wilson and Gordon left for the city Wednesday. Messrs. Wilson and Gordon left for the city on Wednesday. Frank Turner and son Bobby are enjoying the big things consequent upon the gathering of the Bills in Portland this week. They departed for the city on Sunday. Millard French arrived at Heppner the last of the week from his home at Midvale, Idaho, and expects to spend some weeks visiting with his relatives in Heppner. FOR SALE- Dodge touring car, A-l shape. Reasonable. See John P. Hughes, Heppner, or write owner, T. A. Hughes, 1005 E. 6th St., N., Portland. George Tomson of Thomson Bros, is taking in the big doings of the Elks in Portland this week, leaving for the city on Saturday. Sam Hughes left for Portland on Sunday, expecting to spend a few days in the city on business and pleasure. FOR SALE, or will trade for a Ford car or cattle, one team, weight 3100 pounds. E. K. Mulkcy, Boardman, Oregon. Heppner Transfer Company, office at Baldwin's Second Hand More. Phone Main 82. LOST Pair heavy rimmed glasses; finder please leave at this office. Anyone wanting bluegrass pasture for bucks, call on C. A. Minor. APPOINTED LANCE CORPORAL. Headquarters, Citiiens' Military Training Camp, Camp Lewis, Wash., July 9, 126.Marvin R. Wlghtman of Heppner, Oregon, who is enrolled as a student at the Citizens' Military Training Camp at Camp Lewis, has been appointed as a Lance Corporal of Company "C", He is a member of the Basic Course. WHO WATCHES YOUR WATER? State Board of Health. In the country, each household is responsible for its own water supply. Almost every home has its own well, pump or Bpring. It is up to the house holder to see that the water is pure; if it is contaminated, it rarely af fects more than a few people. Towns and cities supply water to hundreds or thousands of people. The home which gets city water-supply cannot itself look after the purity of the water but must rely on the city to see that nothing harmful comes with it. One of the first duties of a city is to see that the waetr which it furnishes its citizens is not dan gerous. There are three great water-borne diseases: typhoid, dysentery and chol era. In past ages, before attention was paid to the importance of cjean water, recurring epidemics of these diseases decimated cities almost ev erywhere Long before their infective nature was recognized, ft was found that by providing pure water the epi demics could be stopped, and that the diseases grew much less or even dis appeared. The lesson was learned; but even now vigilance is the price of freedom from disease. Two things must be done by every city providing water. The first is to pick its source so that, as far as pos sible, it shall be free from alt likely contamination. This means that not ojily shall the water be pure as a us ual thing, but that It must be con trolled so that no filth can get into it. A few years ago there was sharp outbreak of typhoid fever in a town whose water was usually good. The water came from a brook which arose in the hills. It was found that during the winter a family living in the hills had had typhoid fever. Their wastes, which had been frozen on the ground thru the cold weather (thus preserving the germs) were washed into the stream with the first spring rains. The epidemic of typhoid in town immedttittjly followed. Here we had a source of water which was us ually good, but could easily be con taminated, and was not thoroughly watched. If the water fs not entirely pure and certain to remain so, the city must see that it is purified by nitration, chlorination, a combination of the two or some other approved method. Above all, the city must keep its water controlled by regular ex aminations so that any contamination will be shown before it has a chance to do much harm, It is most Important that city coun ells realize their responsibility in this matter. Most water supplies are not dangerous most of the time. When they are suspicious, however, the grentest vigilance ts necessary. One unexpected contamination can cause an epidemic after years of safety, ESTHAYED OU STOLEN. From my pasture about 8 mil north of Lexington, shortly after the first of June, the following animal: were either stolen .or strayed away One bay mare, 12 years old, weight about 1400, with no visible brand or marks; one Iron gray mule, 2 years old, PR brand connected and upsld down. on left shoulder. Reward of fered for information leading to re covery. WALT RIETMANN, lone, Ore. MRS. JOY SPEAKS OUTI By a. b. chapin WfflM I'LL HV YOU UNDERSTAND THIS STOUT SUIT 13 THE1 - VMli-ri W4't VERY LATEST TMiNg- QJJT I gjMH' fc ! j W YOU WEM MAKF HE WEARY- YOU THIMfc ITS ALL RKWT FOP. SOMe I jlw'il i ' 'I'lJ' tHlfl.'MfiKBa - .-..1 . .nn-n t-n TVm . . IO 11 1 TUC A. in V 1 TWlT HESITATE . . Kfl 1 1 1 I i I. . . i NEDGESS SEWSiBLYFOftATOUft AkJD YCW PULL YOUR MOUTH PCVAITlU IT W W W'A Le?wTHVsTsiRLWwto"iYMF MeLoatUKEPCRarwYOtSit.D , N ffipiil i guess Swe KwowS I Dcu't CA.ee what you think, op. Say (As 7 W?WW 6C"N0' T WCAR YOU U. HAVE TO PEAR EM H J I 4vV 1 111 '1 14 11411 m. (J cy W. P. MAH0NEY TAKES PLUNGE OFF HIGHWAY Banker's Car Overturns on Hepp ner Hill But He Escapes With Slight Injuries. What might have been a very ser ious, if not fatal, accident occurred to W. P. Mahoney, vice-president of the First National Bank, when he was returning from a trip to the country on Friday evening. Mr. Mahoney was driving the big Hudson car and had just started down the grade on Heppner hill. The car being hot, he thought it better to coast down thy hill and so shut off the power. The car gathered a little too much momentum and Mr. Ma honey put on the brakes, causing the heavy machine to skid on the turn and head for the ditch. It went over the bank with force enough to carry it up the bank on the inside next to the hill and the machine turned com pletely over backwards, with the wheels up in the air. Fortunately for Mr. Mahoney he was not caught under the steering wheel or the seat back and was Boon free to seek as sistance, not knowing just how bad ly he might be hurt. He walked on down the grade to the -Chas. Jones place and was brought into town, where physicians looked after him but could find no further injuries than a badly cut wrist from which the blood had flowed freely and Mr. Mahoney was somewhat weakened by the loss. He was able to be out Sat urday and received the congratula tions of his many friends on his for tunate escape from more serious in- ury. This makes the Bixth car that has gone off this grade at practically the same Bpot, and it might be a good idea for the county to run a fence along thiB turn and another one or two on the grade, that such accidents might be prevented. The incline at the top of the hill is just a little steeper than t appears to be, and if one is not on the lookout pretty close his car will get to moving a little too fast, and the sharp turn is one hard to hold Vacation Bible School On Permanent Basis At the Christian church on Sunday afternoon there was a gathering of those interested in the Vacation Bible school, and a permanent organization was perfected. Mrs. C. E. Woodson, who so sucessfully superit.tended the recent vacation school, wns chosen superintendent for the coming year; Mrs. Roger Morse, secretary, and by unanimous vote, pastors of the dif ferent churches, and one lay member elected by each church in the city, will form a council for directing the work of the school, the vacation su perintendent, to be an ex-offlcio mem ber of the council. Reports showed that all bills for conducting the school for this sum mer had been cleared up. The or ganization will now be in position to have all arrangements for the 1926 vncation school completed so that there will be no delay in getting un der way for successful work when the ante arrives. IT IS TIME NOW To start feeding egc mash for fall and winter eggs. ORDER NOW. Rgg Mash Scratch Feed Corn GRAIN BAGS AT HEPPNER AND LEXINGTON Brown Warehouse Co. WE DELIVER W ITHIN CITY LIMITS. ttuammunnmiuuitti Petitions For Calling 1 Bond Election Filed Petitions containing 365 names and asking that an election be called by the county court of Morrow county to pass on the question of bonding the county in the sum of $550,000 for the purpose of carrying on the road program, were filed the last of the week with the court, and further ac tion will be taken at the coming Aug ust term. It had been the desire of the court to have the petitions contain at least 15 par cent of the voting strength of the county, and this was exceeded. We are not definitely informed as to when the election will be called, but it is understood that this will not be before the middle of September and after the bulk of the harvesting is out of the way. By that time it will be possible to have a fuller vote on the question, and whichever way it may go it will be by a better rep resentation of the voting strength than it is possible to have at an earlier date. Forest News From Gurdane District By S. R. WOODS; The fire fighting machine has been greased and fully manned. R. A, Cu lick has resumed his old job of dis patcher at Ukiah. Will Hill is on his stand as lookoutman on Madison Butte. Donald Church is in charge of the lookout station on Arbuckle mountain. Four fires have been reported to Dispatcher Culick by Lookout Hill from Madison Butte. All of the fires were on state protected land. State Fire Warden Arbuckle of Ukiah be gan the fire season with a fire near the summit of the mountains north west of Albee. j Clarence Bisbee, who was injured j recently by being thrown from a horse, is now sufficiently recovered j to be back on the jjob. He will be 1 stationed at Bull prairie ranger sta tion during the fire season. Will Troxel has been transferred from Tupper station to Bear Wallow station in the Eastern Division where he will be stationed during the fire season. The Western Route road crew has been increased to ten men. They now have the road almost completed from Kelly prairie to the head of Ditch creek. The huckleberry crop was very se verely hurt by the frosts in June but indications are that there will be at least a partial crop. Permits to build camp fires on Na tional Forest lands are now required in all cases. Permits are free and will be issued by any forest officer upon application. Campers who use stoves and do not build camp fires are not required to have permits. The Forest Service is making a determin ed effort to reduce the number of man-caused fires, and much prefers to regulate the camping rather than close the forest to campers. "CHARLEY'S AUNT" Star Theater, Tonight and Friday, July 16-17 The funniest farce In forty year. 25c and 50c ttmtnan!!Ktmmman: RESIDENCE AND CONTENTS LOST IN FIRE SUNDAY Walbridge House in North End Scene of Early Morning Blaze; Loss Covered By Insurance. The two-story residence in the north part of town just at the end of the bridge south of the depot, with all its contents, was destroyed in an early morning fire Sunday. The dwelling was occupied by J W. Johnston and family. Mr. John: ston, who is the engine wiper at the round house, is alone at tha present, his family of wife and two children having departed last week for a visit with relatives at Boise, Idaho. At about a quarter of four Sunday morn ing, he got up to go to his work. Making a fire in the kitchen stove, he went on to the engine house, ex pecting to return in about fifteen minutes and get his breakfast. After being there for some little time he stepped outside and on looking in the direction of the house saw smoke is suing from that source which aroused his fears. On going to the water tank and climbing up he discovered his house ablaze and immediately sound ed the alarm by blowing the engine whistle and this brought forth the sounding of the siren up town and in a few minutes the fire truck was on its way to the fire, besides many a denizen of Heppner had his Sunday morning snooze broken up. This was about a quarter to five. The fire had gone so far that it was impossible to get out any of the contents and the loss was total to Mr. Johnston. Con tents were covered by $1000 insur ance. The house is the property of Mrs. W. E. Walbridge of Pendleton, and waa also insured. Prompt work by the fire department kept the struc ture from burning up entirely, but there is little salvage, if any. The fire must have resulted from a de fective flue. Will Attend Conference of the Epworth League Rev. E. C. Alford will depart for Bend on Monday, where he will spend week visiting at the home of his daughter, and then go to Suttle lake for the conference of the Epworth League, beginning there on the 27th. He will be joined at Biggs by Mrs. Alford who has been visiting for sev eral weeks with members of the fam ily residing in the Willamette valley. The League conference at Suttle lake this season will combine the Sa lem and Dalles districts, and Mr. Al ford expects that the meeting of the young people of the church will be one of much interest and enthusiasm. The surroundings at Suttle lake at the foot of the Sisters are ideal for such a gathering and the attendance will no doubt be large. Coming home. Mr. Alford will make a visit to the fossil beds near Mitchell and has hopes of uncovering something of interest. MARES GOOD DISINFECTANT. A friend of ours this week called attention to the use of alkili from the banks in the vicinity of Heppner as a disinfectant. During the time the city was being cleaned up fol lowing the flood in the summer of 1903, this element was made use of for the purpose of overcoming the ef fects of putrefaction and wns found very efficient, and aided greatly in preventing an epidemic of disease nt that time. It was just as good as chloride of lime and other expensive doorderants and at thia season of the year it could be liberally used about water closets and cess pools, preventing noxious odors and lensen ing the attraction for flies. Try it. Tom Brennan left yostcrday for Portland where he will enjoy a short visit in tha city and take in a part of the Elks doings. It has been good many years since he visited he metropolis. MORROW COUNTY FOLK HOLD PICNIC IN PORTLAND, 4TH Laurelhurst Park Scene of Gath ering of Former Residents Now Living in Rose City. By MRS. H. E. WARREN, Secretary The annual picnic of Morrow coun ty folk was held in Ladrelhurst Park, Portland, July 4th, 1925. The meeting was called to order by the president. N. C. Maris. In Mb dry humor we were led to believe that he had taken to the dramatic arts as he announced the treats in store on the program. The secretary being absent, the re port was read by W, L. Mallory and adopted. Mr. Mallory gave his an nual good talk, touching the bright lights of Christian love and fellow ship, softening the pangs of our re cent loss by death of several of our members, Mr. Henry Blackman, Judge Dutton and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alger. The report of the floral committee read and accepted; report of treas urer showing a balance of funds on hand, $4.47. The election of officers then followed, resulting as follows: W. B. Barratt, president; N. C. Maris, vice-president; Mrs. H. E. Warren, secretary and J. W. Becket, treasurer. The floral committee was retained. Mrs. H. E. Warren gave a talk on historic Wells Springs of Morrow county, to which the society respond ed by donating five dollars to assist in the preservation of this spot and the erection of a suitable marker. We trust that the friends in Morrow t county will add to this fund. Pic tures of Wells Springs and report of work done by Messrs. J. Kirschner and E. H. Hedrick of Heppner in re setting the "Old Oregon Trail" mark ers of Ezra Meeker was given by Mrs. Warren. The secretary was instructed to send greetings of good wishes for a happy and prosperous year to our friends in Morrow county; also to send a letter of comfort and cheer to Judge Phelps and family, and wish him a speedy recovery to health from his illness. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Potter for their royal service in making coffee for the lunch. It was suggested that a banner be made bearing the society's name, to be displayed at our next meeting. A decision was made by unanimous vote to meet at two o'clock dinner on July 4th, 1926, at Laurelhurst Park and that we fly at this place our na tional flag on this patriotic day. At five o'clock an adjournment was tak en to do justice to the annual feast, with the following present: Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Maris, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Green Mathews, M. A. Bates. Geo. S. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Rufe V. Blake and two children, Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Ashbaugh, Mrs. Anna Borg, Mrs. W. A. Swope, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Potter, Mrs. M. Belle Thompson, Mrs. Frank Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mallory, Mrs. W. R. Ellis, Mrs. Fay B. Isaacs and two children, Mrs. Julia R. Metz ler, Mrs. J. W. Becket, Mrs. E. D. Rood, Mrs. S. P. Garrigues, J. E. Stan ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Warren. Public Service Commis sion Answers Complaint To the Editor: Several complaints from your vi cinity have reached the Public Ser vice Commission regarding the licen sing and bonding of motor vehicles engaged in the transportation of per sons or property for compensation The motor vehicle law reads as fol- lows: "The words 'for compensation' shall be deemed to mean transporta tion of any person for hire or the carrying of any freight or article of commerce for hire in any motor ve hicle; provided, that the Public Ser vice Commission may exempt from the operation of this act the trans porta tion of freight or passengers by motor vehicles in rural communities not done on a commercial basis." It is a common practice in rura! districts for farmers to assist each other in the marketing of their pro ducts and the law clearly exempts such operation where there is charge made for the rendering of such service. The intent of the law is no doubt to require the operators of motor vehicles engaged in the transportation of persons of proper ty as a means of livelihood and to cover such vehicles as are operated as common carriers, i. e., those who hold themselves out to render service to the general public and to any one who desires their service. The far mers do not hold themselves to serve the general public. They are solely interested in transporting their com modities to market. If there is any doubt in the minds of any person engaged in this work. the Commissionn will be glad to fur ther enlighten said person upon re quest. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OREGON, By H. H. COREV, Commissioner. JOINT MEETING OF GRANGE AT BOARDMAN TODAY. District Pomona Grange of Morrow and Umatilla counties is in a meet ing at Boardman today and a good time is being had. The newly or ganized GraiiKu at Rugg schoolhouse on Rhea creek will hold a meeting on next Sunday at the school house, so we are informed. The Grange is mak ing quite a rapid growthin Oregon at present and Morrow county is be ginning to join in with the move ment. LOST Lady's pweketbook, at farm era picnic, Sunday. July l'J, contain ing checkbook, valuable papern, some key and a small sum of money; party may keep cash, and no questions ak ed if he returns pockethook with other contents; leave at this oflice. Br Arthur BmbtM Coolidge on the Radio. The Farmer's Share. The 21-Ounce Dress. Old Swimming Holes. The Agricultural Department showa that in 1924 the farmers averaged a profit of 21 cents a bushel on wheat and 28 cents a bushel on corn. Many lost money on every bushel, othets made more than the average. Fanners that raised potatoes on the average actually lost money, and would have been better off if they hadn't planted a potato. A good wheat speculator, knowing that the prosperous class wanted La Follette badly beaten, and was sure to put up the price of wheat, could easily buy a million bushels of wheat early in the campaign, and sell it at a profit of one million dollars. It was a lucky farmer that could raise five thousand bushels of wheat and sell it at a profit of one thousand dollars. No man can guess what power to speak well over the radio may mean in years to come. The other night bridge parties laid down their cards, women on farms stopped the late cleaning up of dishes, their husbands came in from evening chores, tens of millions listened to the President's clear, incisive matter of fact voice, discussing in plain fashion the importance of national economies and laying down, to the satisfaction of every hearer, the simple truth that the people's money belongs to the PEOPLE. It was an innovation when Wood- row Wilson, so perfectly dressed. drove to the Capitol and talked direct to Senators, Representatives, the Supreme Court and others. "Wonderful audience," the world said. But it was no audience at all com pared to the vast multitude that heard President Coolidge talk direct to the people of the United States. Proof that the complete costume of a modern woman, including dress, stockings, shoes and underwear, may weigh as little as 24 ounces causes the virtuous to grieve. But, even as woman in her changing moods cuts off her dress at top and bottom, there may be comfort. The low-necked dress is partially justified by this fact. to which your doctor will testify: Cancer attacks women more often than men, and cancer of the breast, dreadfully frequnet in civilized coun tries, is quite unknown among female savages that wear no clothing above the waist. Sunshine seems to keep cancer away. Amundsen is back from "almost to the Pole," and if he lives and can raise the money he will start again. His ambition is to be the only man that ever stood "on both tops of the earth," In English coal mines, mechanical cutters and carriers of coal are driv ing out men by the thousands. "The truth shall set you free," says the Bible. Science IS the truth, and you realize what science has done to set humans free when you look at the pictures of women that used to work in English coal mines, crawling on their hands and knees through the narrow passages, an iron chain around their necks, passing under their bodies and fastened to a small coal car. Turn from that picture of a woman pulling coal on her hands and knees to a modern mechanical coal carrier, moved by electricity. Patriotic citizens of Indiana con tribute $12,500 to preserve Jtimes Whitcomb Riley's M0!e Swimmin Hole." That's worth while; senti ment is beautiful. The government ought to spend a few thousand times 512.500 to fill up a lot of mosquitoes' old swimming holes, swamps and other breeding places of maiaria. Some of the money that President Coolidge and Secretary Mellon are going to save might well be spent wiping out disease, deserts and swamps on Uncle Sam's greut farm. American officers that went to Eng land to play polo against the British otlioers beat the British and the polo military title stays in the United States. That is good. But why are American enlisted men sent over to act as servants. HARVEST UNDER WAY. Wheat harvest in Morrow county is (retting generally under way, this be ing especially true of the lighter land section in the north end. The south end furmers will be getting busy in another week or so, and in the course of about six weeks the most of the grain will be harvested and moving to market. We have not learned of yields so far, as reports are not corn ing in, but the crop is cut quite short as a result of the hot weuther be ginning about the middle of June and continuing up to the present. Some little difficulty is being experienced in getting harvest hands, according to reports from certain quarters, but this difficulty may be overcome. A number of people have been in Hepp ner during the wek seeking work, but are nut altogether aalUKi'd with the scale of wages offered. CHARLEY'S AUNT" Slar Thvatrr. Tonlcht and I'rlday, July lti-17 Th funnii'.t fare In furtjf yrara 25c and 30e