PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1925. BOARDMAN F.rt M fno!ord cp Sfcturdfty M-r "r rort r:it at the A. T. Ilrim h"fr. Vr. Surn- Nr. Hrt Jy ff P.rt.r,! und ton md Uujrh-t--r ifi-i w. Mr. nrd W r. Clifford Hart ley ff Malta Wilii, visiU-d at the li-rm i.nni. Mr. Uartliy. Sr., went r, t?i IVtrt:at,(J nh tha Williama'. Mr, fcT d Mt W ..comber and on I. -Ion of it-rand ir Wn., cam Kn d? f r a v,;t at the home of their Km, Nf Waff ixr and family, mho -.-r hIxim ir, I'.'iot Rock. The men ftiAVfd in the camp frcttrdi atd Mr. Macorr.bfr at Warner and on Satur fny th y dnsT on to Arlington to .Mt iir. ar.d Mr. Albert Macomber. returrtd Sunday evening from a tr:p to Tuot Rock, Vkiah and Hid aay. Boardman v&i practically desertod ob t)- J; h. In ijron entertained a nun-. be r of our foiks and Arlington ai ti e Mf-cca for the majority of the b'niiTinn piritvure seekers. Ail said that Ariirgtn did herself proud as a host for the day. John Jenkins won lirnt r .rise for the best decorated cr in the paraJe. .Mrs. Nick Gaglia 1st priae in one of the women's races and vira Je ikins also carried away two prm-s, o Poardrran came up to scratch on Independence Day, Mr. and Mr. Lowell Spagle spent the 4th with Mr. Spagie'a parents, the Leslie Packard. Mr. Spagle is employed on the Mt, Hood Loop at present, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham and children left early Saturday morning for New Plymouth, Idaho, in their Ford. Mrs. Gorham and children Will for two or three weeks. Jack came back Monday evening. Mrs. Max Ashenfelter it making preparations to leave this next week for Weiser, Idaho. Mr. Ashenfeltr will follow later. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howell of Sil ver ton arrived Saturday for a visit with th e la tie r 's pa ren ts, M r. and Mrs. Royal Rands. J. C. Balleriger left Sunday for a trip to Seaside to visit his family. Victor Han go has resumed his work as rural carrier after a 2 -weeks va cation. Mrs. Leo Root left Tuesday for a two- or three-weeks vacation. She went with her grandfather, Mr. Knowlton and will visit in Seattle, Auburn, and Arlington in Washing ton. Portland and other points before returning. Mrs. Root has been the efficient postmistress here for the past five or six years. Mr. and Mrs, Ash ford and children of Kelso, Wn, visited at the Chas. Har.go home over the 4th. Mrs. Ash ford is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Han go. W. H. Meffords entertained a house full the past few days. Chas. Knowl ton, a brother of Mrs. Mefford, cane to visit his mother and sister. He and Mrs. Mefford had not seen each other for a period of 22 years. Mr. and Mrs. Johns and family of W ft ps to (another sister) were also pres ent, and Rheul Knowlton and his bride of Arlington, Wn., and Mr. Meffords father of the same place, all left for their various homes Tues- day morning after a delightful visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Price and son Billy spent the 4th in Walla Walla with Mrs. Price's mother. Mrs, C. G. Blayden returned Mon day from a sojourn in Portland and Ciatskame, visiting her daughter She thoroughly enjoyed every mo ment of her visit. Mra. C. B. Gaines and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hazel of Portland were guest at the Ellis Garrett hoire iast week. They returned to Portland on Sun day. Glen Hadley and Alec Warren re turned the 4th from Montana where tl ey have been sharim? sheep. Tn?y felt the result of the earthquake? which were disturbing the peace or the citizens while there. Bai! Cramer -amo up Sunday from Portland for a visit with his father and grandparents. He made the trip alone. Deibert Johnson left Tuesday for Wasco where he will work in the har vest fields. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Garrett were hosts at an elaborate dinner on Mon day, having Mr. and Mrs. Rheul Knowlton of Arlington. Wn., Mr. and Mrs. Johns of Wapato, Wn., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mefford and Chas. Knowl ton as guests. Adolph Skoubo, who is a strong advocate of the hairy vetch for ir rigated lands, began to cut his acre age Thursday. July . He has about six acres which he is cutting and will thresh for the seed. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin were guests at tiie Warner home for din ner Sunday. July 6. Sweet corn from the ficuidu;c grirden was on the menu for the day. We haven't heard of anyone having corn any earlier this year. Mr. Raybum had sweet corn or Juy 3 la.-t year. Mr. and Mrs. C. Snively and chil dren were visitors here last week Tney were former Doardman resi- cenW, he having owned the pastime oreral years ago. They are now lo tHtd at Vtiectt. Essie bniveiy has been married for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. King and fam ily wen? gufts of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Morse, the cour.ty agent, on Sat urday, going up to Iirigon to the Grange picnic. Other Boardman peo p'e ;n atu-ndar:ce were, UiUabaugha, Wickianct-rs, Kunziea, P. Smith, Geo. Mitchell, Chas. Kier and Tom Brew. Every venit, bring," its quota of c simper at the Warner camp ground. P. U. Dirl.ersoo of Indianapolis, Ind asid Vernon Van Camp of Croswell, Mich., were registered from the great est riihUnte. Sevenil Idaho cars, were itere. Odftru Pen on of Nam pa, U. W. Taylor of Biarnfoot, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. fmr.g and Raymond of Emmctt, ar.d hnity Mann of the aauie town. F. M. t hiljip, drove in from Fort Worth, Tenti. and Max Johnswi from Myer, Minn. R. T. BwHnson came from Cherokee, Okla., J. II. Alford from Ban Jose, Calif. From points n Oregon were James of Wolf Creek and Wm. Roth of Kmlem. A pleaaArtt afternoon party was giv en at the A. home Tuesday afternoon ly a number of the East Khd wonin, honoring Mr. K, Skoubo and Mrs. R. Lahmondier. The lovely lawn and yard made a splendid et inig fur a parly and the twenty-four gu NU enjoyed the afUmoon. A tnost delightful ltinchtfort was aerved. Earl and Kay OUen have gone to the hsrveat fields. A Jolly group who gathered In the Warner tamp grounds for picnic dihntT the 41 h were the Chaffees, waruera, Buurdman, Klitis. Grand- fat h r Warrvn was a truest. were V. G. Coater and wife ef Los Arg1e, Mra. Rachel Bailey, Ena and fa Badey of Roseville. Calif. J. E. Waterman. V. Waterman and E. Wit- ttn of Seattle were gnesta. O. 0. Bnrrt and wife of Caldwell, Idaho, ve registered. Mr. ar.d Mra. Kirry Hinef and daughter and Mr. and Mra. v ! . Robin son, who have bea in Texas, were on their way home to Kan as City. Mrs. Alec Warren returned Wd nesday from a viit in Dallas and Jefferson where she has been visit ing relatives the past few wees. Mrs. . A. Bleakney and three chil dren of Echo spent the week-end vis iting her mother. Mrs. H. H. Weston. Mr. and Mr. Chas. Dillon enjoyed a visit with the latter s cousin, Mr. and Mrs, O. G. Brown and hree chil dren over the week-end. On the 4th the Clarence Berger. Chas. Dillon and O. G, Brown families p ion iced in the Mitchell grove. The Bickleton baseball team coming to Boardman Sunday for a game with the local nine. Alton Kliti left Wednesday for the harvest fields near lone. J. T. Brice had some mechanical trouble with his car Sautrday while on the way to Arlington and had to "roost" in the torrid sun two or three hours till repairs were obtained. Mr. Lee of Pendleton was here on Mondav looking for a ranch. The Leslie Packard home is near- ing completion. The plasterers will come this week. The Dillon and Knauff binder start ed work last week cutting the grain at Frank Otto's place. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dingman spent the week-end at Goidendale. CECIL Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lieuallen of Pendleton spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd at Butterby Flats, Clyde Kellogg, manager of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. at Lexing ton, was doing business in Cecil on Friday. Miss Thelma Morgan and brother Floyd of Broad acres have been kept busy driving all their stock to Cecil every day to quench their thirst in Willow creek. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Pettyjohn and children from their ranch near lone spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Med lock at Rockcliffe, near Cecil. The members of Rhea Siding Sun day school, accompanied by a large party of friends, held a picnic on Sunday at Deos grove near the Wil lows. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the outing. Mrs, Wm. Sexton of the Logan cot tage left on Sunday for Condon, en- route for Prairie City and other points where she will visit friends for a few weeks before returning to Cecil. Master Ewing Hynd and sister Miss Lilas, who have been visiting friends in Cecil for some time, left Monday for Sand Hollow to visit Hynd Bros, before going to their home at Ukiah. Miss Margaret Happold of Heppner has been spending several days with her cousin, Miss Geraldine Funk, at the Curtiss cottage near Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs and sons were doing business in lone Saturday. Clifford Henriksen of Pendleton and Oral Henriksen of the Moore ranch near Lexington were calling on their friends on Willow creek on Wednesday. W. V. Pedro returned home from his Hamilton ranch on Tuesday and is now entertaining his brother from Pendleton for a few days at his home at twine. Henry and John Krebs of the Last Camp and Alf Med lock of the Pop lars left on Monday to finish up some fencing, etc., on the Krebs Bros, ranch above Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Hopper of Heppner were introducing a party of their friends who are visiting them from North Dakota to the beauty spots of Cecil on Thursday. Only thing they missed was one of our "honest-to- goodness" sand storms. Walter Pope of Hillside made a trip to lone on Wednesday for re pairs for his harvest machinery. Wal ter intends to begin harvest in a few days. Leon Logan of Four Mile be gan on Monday, June 29th, but no reports have reached here as yet to the yield of crops on his ranch. Roy E. Stender of Seldomseen reports that his wheat was badly burned with the hot winds of last week. Marcellus Van Schoiack o Arling ton is spending his school vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Krebs, at the Last Camp and is having the time of his life, trying to teach the com ing generation how to swim in Wil low creek without drowning. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. U. Krebs of Port land arrived at The Last Camp on Wednesday and will visit their sons for some time. Jack Hynd and daughter, Miss An nie C, of Butterby Flats took in the doings at the farmers Experiment Station at Moro on Sunday. Gene Logan, who is working for Sam Barnett at Four Mile, left Friday to rpend the fourth with his parents at Condon. Geo. Chandler arrived at Willow creek ranch on Thursday from Ver nonia end will spend a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chandler. Children's Diseases. StaU Board of Health. What ii a "ehjldrcn'a diaeaie"? Plainly, one which is ao catching and o widely distributed, that most of as get it before we are very old. Among the most contagious of these diseases are measles and chickenpox, which very few of us escape, and which most of us get either before we go to school or soon after we start. Other diseases, like scarlet fever, whoopinx-cough or diphtheria, are most common among children. We often escape the latter, however. They are not quite ao catching, and as we grow older we are apt to de velop resistance to them so that we often keep from having them alto gether. W never become resistant to the first two If we never happen to have had them In childhood, wt art almost sure to get them th first time we are exposed, no matter how old we are. Many of the men who went to army camps at the beginning of the war came from email, isolated commun ities, like the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee. These men had never been exposed to some of these dis eases, because never in their lives had they come In contact with very many people. As a result, outbreaks of "children's diseases" were on of th nrst things that happened when camps were established. During these outbreaks usually everybody who had with them. Th policemen of Edin burgh, Scotland, are recruited largely from amall Highland village. There usually are ene or two police -recruits in th hospital in Edinburgh with measles or chickenpox. Just because most of us must get these diseases is no reason for being in a hurry to let our children have them. Measles and whooping cough. (or instance, are very fatal in young children and infanta. The longer we can protect our family from them, the less dangerous they will be. If we can protect them long enough, they may never get aome of the con tagious diseases. Smallpox uaed to be a "children's disease"; everybody looked forward, with a minimum of pleasure, to the time when they or their families must go through it. It was so certain, that children were exposed to mild eases or inoculated with smallpox itself so as to get as mild as possible an at tack. With th present neglect of vaccination, smallpox is again in a fair way to become a "children's dis ease". Vnvaccinated children are in considerable danger. Recently, four cases have been reported from an Or egon orphanage. It is merely a ques tion of whether to vaccinate the chil dren first and avoid all smallpox, or to wait until some of them get the' disease and then vaccinate the rest FARMERS ARE . TO BLAME FOR BAD CONDITION Lack of Organization Is Making Bask Industry Poorest Paying of All in the United States. By C. E. SPEXCE, State Market Agt. The most of the industries of the nation are thoroughly organized and they have little worry about ruinous competition. Prices are general in most o fthe lines. ,If there is demand enough, trade enough, they will get their profits. When wages, taxes or other expenses increase their produc tion costs, they simply raise the sell ing price and pass it along. Such is the power of thorough organization, But one of the nation's biggest in dustries agriculture is not organ ized, except in spots. The resources of agriculture in this country are in exhaustible. It is a giant industry, on which the prosperity of cities de pends, yet it is the poorest industry in all the countrythe day laborer is more prosperous in comparison. And the farmers themselves are largely to blame for this condition. While all other industries have or ganized for profits, the general fann ers continue the same old individual process. When they came to sell they were selling to organizations, not as one organization to another, but as individuals, a farmer here and there, and they sell at the price the organizations set for them. The business of the world is han dled through oraginzatlons now and the farmers' business is also as soon as it leaves his hands. The individ ual farmer stands a poor chance against such odds. He simply com petes with his neighbor in helping the middle interests to hold his prod uct prices to cost of production. Fanners must organize and do bus iness collectively. It is no greater undertaking than the organization 'of labor, which seemed almost impossi ble when first undertaken. They must put their own price on their own goods and maintain it They must buy togetheras well. Organized as tightly as other classes, the farmer's business wouldn't be the football it is now for the middle men to kick around. Get Rid of the Poor Cow Hoard's Dairyman says that no matter how strongly organized the dairymen of a locality may be, or what the quality of the produce may be, they cannot make a profit with low producing cows. It is just as logical to keep low producing cows as it is for the creamery owners to hold that milk and cream grading is impractical. FLOW EES OP MAY. By ELVA PERRY. They gathered from hill and from valley, rair maiden, ana matron and man. To join in the re-union rally Ana answer the call of the clan. For Guy, he had turned "Crystal gazer," And tnousrht that he needed a wife. So be hunted clean mx and a razor And prepared for the time of his life. Pa Barlow, he greeted new comer With many a hearty hand nhnke. And Ma made a bid for affection By feeding them chicken and cake. There were Flowy and Daisy and Goldie And Claud, Kay, Erddie and Jay. And Zerl and Echo and Jinnie, Jays two kida, and Edith Marie. There were Charlie, Blanche and the baby. Who never had learned how to cry. But watches with amber-eyed interest bo many new people so by. And there was the hospital "tray-girl" wnoa had a lurlouifh for the day. And Mr. and Mrs. Frank barlow. And Crystal, the Wueen of the May. Por this was a special occasion, That called for the bent that we had. For Crystal u a Ane little lanaie, And Guy is an excellent lad. Well, after we'd all got acquainted. laiitea crops, politics, and the rain. Someone proposed a baseball game jo liven things up once again. So the whole flock adjourned to the barn- yard, Kan the wagon and horses outxide, Chose sides, found a bat, and made bases ; All ready, play ball, someone cried. Crystal, the kida end the tray-gir Kooted loud for each brtliant homerun : Ma, the kept tally, and Pa refereed To tee that true justice was done. Flossy and Goldie and Dafoy Were fine when it came to the bat. But couldn't make third base to save them because of u perilous fat. But Leita could run likt s gray hound, j bo ber knees were quite painfully barked. And brought much applause from the bieechers. Where all the spectators were parked. uuf w mm u mmrTeioui pucner I n iiu y J r-ii-7 -ih.tss aiKjcru m- wnme uuncn I uui rjii jw nviu u7 ine viKinn inning;, neiniorcing nimseti wttn a tuncn. The championship went to the Tigers, 1 no the Heavers they labored like mad : They rumbled the bail and misHed baiHm, in tact an their playing was Una. Well, time went along until morning. Ai time baa a habit, you know. Seven-thirty and time for the wedding. We gathered to witnena th show. Judge Benge, he officiated,. We all sat around the front room. The tray-girl she sat next to Crystal And Crystal stood close to the groom. And when the laat word wan spoken We all kissed the bride just for fun. And aome of us kissed the bridegroom, ADd called him our favorite son. Well, that is the md of the chapter or just the beginning, we ll say. And may all their future be gladdened FOR SALE Registered Chester White yearling boar; best Valley prise winning stock. Oral Henriksen, Heppner. WANTED Middle-aged woman to cook on ranch; all summer job; $30 per month. Address Box 180, lone. Ore. FOR SALE 250 Hollywood white leghorn hens; very fine stock, 1 Jer sey bull, 2 years old. Geo. Henrik sen, Willows, Ore. (Phone Cecil.) Dr. D. R. Haylor, eye specialist of Portland, in Heppner July 19, 20, 21. Priscilla dresses, very reasonably priced, at the Cur ran Millinery Shop. Horse pasture for rent. Telephone 7FU, Heppner. H. V. Coxen. Dr. D. R. Haylor, eye specialist of Portland, in Heppner July 19, 20, 21. IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. BANK OF IONE, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. S. H. DOAK and L. A. DOAK, Defendants. SUMMONS. In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 15th day of August, 1925, and if you fail to so answer ror want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of $3134,65, with interest at the rate of 10 per annum from the 28th day of March, 1925; the further sum of $300.00 attorney's fees and the plain tiff's costs and disbursements in the action. And you are hereby further notified that the plaintiff has caused a writ of attachment to issue in the above entitled action and has attached the following described real property be- ummet TripS Round Trip Excursion Tickets To all principal Eastern Cities on sale daily to Sept. IS Final return limit Oct. 31 Liher.1 ....... aMUDI privilege, coin, or retunun Visit the folki "back East" now while the rare are low tow fares also to Zloa NattMal Park and Tdlowsten National Park Ask for free booklet, dewnptiv. of the famous resorts C. DABBEE, Agent Heppner, Ore. mm HARVEST Will Soon Be Here IT IS NOW TIME TO PREPARE We have a large stock of Harvest Supplies at the right price Spokane Drapers 1fett THE BEST DRAPER MADE ANYWHERE John Deere Binders, Rakes, and High Lift Mowers This new mower is a wonderful machine with' a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Look your threshing machinery over and let lis supply your drapers and repair parts before the rush season. Also bring along the Missus when" you do your shopping as we carry a large stock of kitchen and table machinery. Agents for J. I. Case and John Deere longing to jrea and located ia Morrow County, Stat of Oregon, to-wit: Th North half of Section t. in Township t South, Rang S3, E. W. M. And by virtu of said attachment and th judgment hereafter to be at tained, th plaintiff will caua aaid real property to be sold for th pur pose of satisfying its judgment. This summona is being published by virtue of an order of Honorable R. L. Benge, County Judge of Morrow County, State of Oregon, mad and entered on th 9th day of July, 1925; and th dat of th first publication of thia summona ia July 9, 1V26. WOODSON a SWEEK. Attorneys for Plaintiff. IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. CYNTHIA WALKER, Plaintiff," a. F. H. WILSON, GEORGE W. AYERS and Mary E. Ayers, his wife; Mary E. Kirk, a widow; William A. Ayers and Dora Ayers, his wife; Thomas Ayers and Etta Ayers, his wife; Ida M. Fell and George D. Fell, her hus band; Elsie I. Lasater and J. H. Lasater, her husband, and Edgar B. Ayers, a single man; Defendants. SUMMONS. To: F. H. Wilson, George W. Ayers, Mary E. Ayers, Mary E. Kirk, William A, Ayers, Dora Ayers, Elsie I. Lasa ter and J. H. Lasater: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the ISth day of August, 1925; and if you fail to an swer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the court .that the plaintiff ia the owner in fee simple of Lots 1, 2 and S in Block 3, in the Town of lone, County of Morrow, "Now I Am Well and the Mother of Two Children" Mrs. Anna Lindcr. R. F. D. No. ', Box 44, Dassel. Meeker County, Iinn., writes: "For two years 1 uffered with that terrible disease, hronic catarrh. Fortunately I iaw your advertisement and took Pe-ru-na. Now I am well and the mother of two children. I owe it all to Pe-ru-na. I would not be without that great remedy for twice its cost, for I am well and strong now. t cannot speak in too high terms of its value as a medi cine.1 For more than half a century Dr. Hartman's Pe-ru-na has been per forming just such wonderwork as this. Pe-ru-na is sold everywhere in both tablet and liquid form. In sist upon having genuine Pe-ru-na. Just liv?5 Another IA, Story goodness f la-- es Hardware Co. Good Merchandise at the Right Price State of Oregon, clear of all liens or claims af any of the above named de fendants; and that th abov named defendants be decreed to have no in terest in or to aaid real property; and for a further deere quieting th plaintiff's title to said real property against the claims of all of th abov named defendanta and against all per sons claiming by, through or under them or any of them, and restrain ing and enjoining th defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them from hereafter aetting up any claim to any part of said real property adverse to this plaintiff's title. This summons la being published by virtuef an order of the Honor able R. L. Bengs, County Judge of Morrow County, State of Oregon, made and entered on theth day of July, 1925, and th date of th first publication of thia summons is July 9, 1925. WOODSON a SWEEK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. PIANO FOR SALE Will sacrifice high grade plaao for immediate sale. Will give eaay term to an etabliahed home. For full particulars ad drees Portland Music Co. 227 6th Street, Portland, Ore, Gilliam & Bisbee s Column jgr What the trees sang: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if the loggers don't get us, the cigarettes mast." For the lawn and garden : Hose and sprinklers. We got 'em. Lamp black and oil is bad for the wool. We have the "Harm less" sheep marking liquid. We are headquarters for poul try supplies of al kinds. Now is the time to clean up and paint up. If you buy your paints and varnishes from us you will get the right price and qual ity goods. Winchester sporting goods are guaranteed goods. Gilliam & Bisbee EVERYTH1NO IN Hardware - Implements We have it, will get it or it is not made. Til RSaST SERVICE Oils, Differential, Transmission and Cup Grease TIRES and TUBES-FREE AIR and WATER FERGUSON BROTHERS There's a RADIOLA for Every Purse PRICE CHANGES EFFECTIVE FEB. 1st Guaranteed to Aug. 1st RADIOLA III $45.25 (Not loud speaking) RADIOLA III-A $98.50 (l8Ja 130.00 down, $7.86 per month.) RADIOLA REGENOFLEX $131.00. ($147.00-f 40.00 down, $10.70 per month) RADIOLA X $165.00 ($18UO-$46.00 down, $13.66 per month) RADIOLA SUPERHETRODYNE, $272.00 ($300.00 $76.00 down, $22.60 per month) Prices include cost of delivery and installation with guar antee and three months' free aervic privilege. A big organization extending over three counties enables ua to give real aervic and satisfaction. MAURICE A. FRYE EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 8TUDEBAKER SIXES The Home Is a Business The many advantage sof the personal checking account quickly appeal to women. Paying all bills by checks eliminates all dis cussions, as cancelled checks are receipts. When the housewife has a checking ac count, budgets are easier to keep; savings are less subject to disturbance; thrift is es tablished as a practice ; and the home is plac ed in its rightful position as a business con ducted along business lines. Open a checking account for your wife at this bank. Give her the opportunity to show you how efficient she can be. No doubt she will show you a healthy cash balance at the end of the year on which we pay 4 interest. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank Oregon Star Theater THURSDAY and FRIDAY, JULY 9 & 10: Alma Rubens, Jacn Mulhall and Harry Myers in "SHE WOLVES" From Belasco's stnge play "The Man in Evening Clothos." A vivid picture of Parisian night life. Also Comedy and end of "Galloping Hoofs" SATURDAY, JULY 11: WESLEY BARRY and MOLLY MALONE in "BATTLING BUNYAN" The story of a kid with a Fighting Heart, and two ambi tions, a garaire and a girl of a "clown" of the prize-ring who fights one battle In earnest of youth's loves and hopes, its defeats and victories. Wesley ("Freckles") Is growing up. See him in this very entertaining picture. Also Grantland Rice Sportlight, and News SUNDAY and MONDAY, JULY 12 & 13: ANNA Q. NILSSON and JAMES KIRKWOOD in "P0NJ0LA" From the story of the same name by Cynthia Stockley. A romance of Paris and the African veldt, where men and women of every race, dare-devils all, fearless, adventurous galhar to stake their last dollar, their lives, for the untold riches of the diamond mines. The story of a woman of noble birth who masqueraded as a man, to save the one she loved. Also Fables and Topics TUES. and WEDS., JULY 14 and 15: Bdtty Compson, Warner Baxter and Noah Beery in "THE FEMALE" From hto story "Dalla, the Lion Cub," another of Cynthia . Stockley's novels. Appealing story of Love, l,auirhs and Gen uine Thrills. In "Ponjola" the society woman went into tho wilds. In "The Female" the junglo girl enters civilization. It is a coincidence that we have boolted theno two Ctockloy1, stories so close together. If you have read tho stories you will certainly want to see the pictures. Also "THE GO-GETTERS" NEXT WEEK: CHARLEY'S AUNT, featuring Syd Chaplin. Lefty Flynn in THE MILLIONAIRE COWBOY. Corrinne Griffith in BLACK OXEN. Agnes Ayers in THE STORY WITHOUT A NAME. STATION Union Gasoline Keeetit guet at the Highway Inn never had th diseases cam down With sunshine and flowers of May.