The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 02, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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C. ii, BJaydn wg eniertiinfd at
0e Jfin Jerkin Koir.e for dinner en
vimtmp Yt uuhtrr, Mri. rirt. in
T'ortiftr went on t where
Tiniie4 :ih another daughter,
Mr. rtd Mr. Xt Mftcombrr nd
KupMrr PyV il Gw nd Wallace
Vtth-- writ to Pilot Rock Ut
'cIl Mr. M worn be r ret urned Sat
uHay fvt-nmy hut Mr. Ma comber and
Sybil limre wi.1 remain lorpr.
C. F. Cohh, the new proprietor of
the Poariiman Trading Co., hat his
family with him now and they have
mbh'fd iiito the Gibbon noose, for
merly occupied by Mr. and Mr. Spa-
(ti. The Cohbs have four dauphtera.
MifB Nami, who ha been a student
ht Monmouili, Ht ien, Mildred and
Mr. E. K. Muikey and two chil
drn went to The Dalles on Friday,
returning: Suaday.
The younpest child cf Mr. and Mrs.
Jny Cox had one of his little hands
severely burned last week when he
touched a hot oil Move. The palm
waf MiM-rrod but is healing1 nicely.
Ur, Miller, eye. ear, nose and throat
specialist of Portland, was here last.
Thursday. He removed the tonsils
and adenoids of A. T. Hereim. Jr. Mrs.
R. Rands assisted the doctor. A. T.
recovered rapidly.
Mra. Nellie Wisdom and son Hubert
of Pilot Rock visited at the Royal
Rands home a few days last week, ar
riving Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Humphrey of
La Grande visited a short time at the
T. E. home while on their
way to Salem. Mr. Humphrey will be
sent out from Salem on some highway
The Standard Oil Co. has started
work toward the construction of
station here jut east of the lumber
yard. The pround is, now being grad
ed. Mr. Owens of Walla Walla has
charge. The contract has been let to
Mr. Kelly of La Grande.
W. A. Gilbreth and family have
gone to The Dalles.
A pleasant family gathering was
held at the W. H. Metford home on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ma
comber of Olex. Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Mefford and children of Portia .l, El
lis Garrett and family, Thomas
Knowttoa and Leo Root and family as
guests. A bounteous dinner was
served and a pientitude of ice cream
was enjoyed. Geo. MerTord is having
his vacation from the 0.-V, R. k N
office in Portland and he and Tamily
came here Saturday ni-it and left
Sunday for Spokane, Wash., Troy,
Idaho, where they will visit Mrs,
Mefford's relatives. They will also
visit at Yakima before their return
The Misses Edna and Ethel Broyles
were pleased to have some friends
from Colfax, wn, visit them on Fri
day. Mrs. Meaney and daughter, Mis
Lucile Mt-aney and Mrs. Glen Hunt
were overnight visitors on their way
to Colfax after a motor trip in Cal
Mrs. Jessie Gross of Portland came
last week for a visit at the H. J.
Cason home.
Chas. Barnes left Wednesday for
the coast in his Ford. The Latoruell
garage is closed temporarily.
G rattan Hoffman (Hi) is now it
Pontiac, Mich., working for the com
pany that builds Willys-Knight en
gines. He left here several weeks
ago and has been working his way
bacn to Ohio to visit his mother.
Miss Dorothy Boardman returned
home Saturday from a pleasant vaca
tion rip to Gearhart with her friend.
Miss Rasmsen, after the closing of
school at Willamette University.
B. S. Kingsley was a Boardman vis
itor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nizer returned
Saturday from a most delightful trip
to Winlock, Or., where they were in
vited to attend the Pomona Grange
held at that place. A elass of 30 was
initiated and speakers of the day were
Mr. Dalie'!, Gov. Pierce's private sec
retary, and Mr. Spence, state market
agent. The banquet that was served
was one long to be remembered. This
Pomona Grange comprises granges
of Gilliam and Wheeler counties. The
Nizers were guets of Mr. and Mrs.
Sitz. They found the roads splendid
except for about 6 miles of rough
traveling in 30-Mile canyon. Win
lock is in Wheeler county, 106 miles
from here, past Fossil and Mayville.
They found things in fine shape at
home, Tom Brew and Elmer West
erfelt having kept the home fires
burning for them.
The Greenfield Grange gave a box
supper at the Mitchell grove Satur
day night About $16.80 was received
from the boxes. Lee Mead wag the
auctioneer but so few boxes were
brought. Dancing was enjoyed and
the ladies sold ice cream and were
pleased ?, to discover that some
miscreant had swiped the proceeds
from trie aie.
N. W. Usher of Waila Walla was
a business visitor in Boardman last
week. He is the owner of the John
Partiow ranch.
Roy Dugan who in farming the
Harrison ranch left Saturday with
his family for Whatcomb, Wn., where
he has a ranch also.
Clifford Olson and his uncle John
Olson are now at Red Deer, Alberta,
Canada. They made Ihe rtip of 800
miles in 4 days in the Ford. They
will visit for a t:me and then return.
Th Olsons formerly lived at that
Dr. Miller performed a minor op
eration on one of Donny Miller's eyes
last Thursday, scraping granule?
from the lid.
Mrs. E. K. Mulkey entertained on
Thursday afternoon for her daughter,
Miriam's, 7th birthday. The children
of the East End were guests and all
had a merry time. Little guests pres
ent were, Francine, Ruth and Stan
ley King, Paul and Helen Mead, Lois
Mi Knenpfr, Lillian and Linda Han go.
Mnry Ijthmondier, Donald and Bud
Miller, Eugene and Betty Muller,
Ht;rje, Krtda and Edith Richardson.
Tnt grown-ups who enjoyed the af
fair were Mesuames King, Miller,
Howell. Messenger, Olson, Hango and
Mus Mitmie Hango. Delicious ice
cream and cake were enjoyed.
W. H, Woodard and family were
Arlington visitora on Tuesday.
Mra. Ada Godowln of Condon had a
very seriou operation on Monday at
The Dalles. Her son Arthur Good
win was called to The Lilies because
of his mother's illness.
A car from .Syracuse, New York,
wan roistered at Warner's auto camp
raeantly. C N. Key was the driver
H. T. of Everett, Wn., John
W. Adams of Columbus, Nebr., Mr.
and Mrs W, J. tiarmer of Hoquiara
W n., C. E. Bowman of Calgaty, were
among the recent viaitors noted. Uln
ar names on the register .no hi ltd
Krai Ktandi.'b of Long Beach, Calif.,
Wm, Kr-tU of Curtiss, Wis., C. A,
1 A'tlhams of Nelson. B C. T Idaho
; cars were camp4 there, Ida May Van
i from Wasco, Idaho, and B. B. Frioscn
of Nam pa, Idaho. H. Links represent
ed Pasadena, Calif, in the camp
Dr. W. J. Miller, throat specialist
of Portland, was a guest at the High
way Inn. Frank C. Hall of Chico.
Cat, J no. W. Glasier of Kaub, Utah,
were also registered. F. J. Owens,
one of the Standard Oil Men of Walla
Waila who has been looking after the
construction of the new plant here
was also a guest at the Inn. M. Fair
weather, of Spokane registered in one
Boardman tied with Hermistoa for
the cellar championship of the Irri
gation league. We did so want to de
feat Umatilla at least once but were
unable to do so and Sunday's tale was
a repetition of the previous three
gamea with that team, 7 to 4. Stan
tield and Umatilla are tied for first
place. Well, we did our best anyhow.
Better luck next year.
Mrs. Ralph Davis left Monday for
Colorado to visit her aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mra, Stokes at Denver and
at the east portal of the famoua Mof
fatt tunnel. Mr. Stokes is superin
tendent of the construction work on
this tunnel which is a marvelous
piece of engineering skill and ia the
consummation of a life-long dream
of the Colorado financier, Dave Mof
fatt. A fair sized town has been
built at the east and west portals,
with facilities which are usually
found only in larger places.
Mrs, Frank Hayes and chidren vis
ited in Pendleton two days last week.
Mhile Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Myers,
who became parents of a 6H-lb. girl;
last week on their way to Golden-!
dale, Wn, from the Rock Creek ranch,
were absent at Goldendale, their 1
home burned with all its effects. Miss ;
Stella Dingman lost all her personal
belongings. Mrs. Myers and Miss
Dingman are daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Dingman of this place.
Mrs. Beardsley of Coyote has a new
girl, born Monday at He ran s ton, Mr.
Beardsley is section foreman at Coy
ote, His mother, of Arlington, is at
Coyote taking care of the house and
children during Mrs. Beardsley's ab
sence, W. H. Mefford motored to Arling
ton Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Jennie white and three chil
dren of Flint, Mich., visited 4 few
days at the Claud Myers home last
week. Mrs. Myers and Mrs. White
are old friends and had not seen each
other for a period of 16 years. Thy
departed Sunday for Denver, Colo.
M Wen rwHin retatiwea fa the Willam
ette alley for aeveral wert.
Warren Sten4r of SeUfemMvn ranch
w 4Htt buiMM in Cec-U om Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seiton f the Loaa
eUeT accoinparurd ibr erankU lighter.
Mim Emma Ward, to Arlington on Sunday
on her way 10 summer ckool at Ma
mouta. Mr. and Mr. U L. Funk and daughter.
Mi Gfrtidine. of the Curtis cottage w?rr
doing buainms in lone oa Saturday.
Boh Lowe and Noel Strwter left Cecil
in the early hour of Sunday morn me in
tending to pend the day in the mountain
hut were caught in a ry heavy rain
strom when ral mito above Hppner.
The hoy were obliged to give up their trip
hut are not downhearted and will try again
t reach a cool pot in the mountain n.
Mr. and Mra. Jack Franklin left twin
on Sunday for the Hamilton ranch above
HeppncT to annist W. V. rVdro with hi
hay 1 tig there and returned Thursday with
a load of pole for W. V ranch at Swing.
Peter Bauernnend. Cecils right hand
man, left on SUturdav for hi annual visit
to Ritter Spring. I'ete declare the mud
hatha which have only recently been io
talled at Ritter are doing wonderful cures
and he would not miaa taking the mud
hatha, etc. for anything as he ban always
received such good results from hia treat
ment at Ritter. Sixty-two people took
dinner at Ritter on June 21st.
WnlTfr pppe of Hillside ranch was doing
Gilliam & Bisbee s
j& Column j&
What the trees sang: "Ashes to
ashes, dust to dust, if the loggers
don't get us, the cigarettes must."
For the lawn and garden:
Hose and sprinklers. We got
Lamp black and oil is bad for
the wool. We have the "Harm
less" sheep marking liquid.
We are headquarters for poul
try supplies of al kinds.
Now is the time to clean up
and paint up. If you buy your
paints and varnishes from us you
will get the right price and qual
ity goods.
Winchester sporting goods are
guaranteed goods.
Miss MUdred Donran of Busy Re ranch
and Miss Irene O'Neal of Portland were
calling on friends in lone on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. ueo. Allyn and children
of Lexington were calling in Cecil on Sunday.
Bert Palmateer of Morgan made m short
call in Cecil on Sunday before leaving for
Arlington to meet ms wife ard son who
Gilliam & Bisbee
Hardware - Implements
We have it, will get it or
it is not made.
Or so people used to think in the 1 6th century.
This is the 20th century. But we are still
superstitious; for example, when we pay fancy
prices for eastern lubricants in spite of the
fact that the best crudes so far discovered for
the manufacture of a motor oil are obtained
from wells on the Pacific Coast.
Experience explodes the anti-Western
oil superstition
Zerolene actually lubricates better and
because it does it lubricates more cars in the
Pacific Coast states than any other oil made
low and high priced cars alike. The most
advanced refining process is this Company's
patented high-vacuum process, during the use
of which Zerolene is submitted to 15 positive
checks for quality. Zerolene's special filtration
through 40 tons of Florida Fuller's Earth gives
you an oil that's absolutely pure and safe.
A longer working life for your motor
Zerolene will increase the gasoline mileage
of your car, reduce carbon accumulation and
lengthen its working life.
Why pay tribute to a superstition? Insist
on Zerolene ask for it by name.
Get the Facts!
A series of independent and impartial reports
showing the experience of large users with
Zerolene has been collected in our booklet,
"Why Pay Tribute to a Superstition ? " Ask any
Standard Oil Company representative or Zero
lene dealer for a copy.
fcuins loa a Wednesday.
At Cecil school meeting the following
gentlemen were elected: H. J. Streets
chairman. W. H. ("handler and Gea. trees'
directors, and H. l Hv-d. clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. tiedlora and soas of
the PoWars spent Sunday with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. bar ran and daugh
ter, of Portland. Miss Anita Hughes of
hVwner .pent Sunday with Mr. and Mra.
Js.k Hvnd at Butterby Flata. leasing Moo
day for Heppner where they will visit for
torn time before leaving to tour other
tate. after which they will return to
their home in Portland.
Mrs. Karn.worth and dsughters. Mrs. W
Beynier and Mrs. L. K. Bibee. all of Hepp.
ner. spent Friday evening visiting Mrs.
Jack Hynd while Jack and Kill were do
tnr hutine. along the sheep line.
W. E. Ahalt, Sr.. of lone is assisting his
on-in-law, Herman Havereost at Rhea
Siding during his buy hay time.
Mrs. Fred burhanaa and sons and niece.
Mrs. Kay It.rnet of lone, were visiting with
Mr. Herman Havereost at Hhea Siding
on Wednesday.
Otto Lindctrotn. from his ranch near
lone, was taking in the sights along with
the heat at Cecil oa Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and sons of
Rhea Siding were calling on Mr. and Mrs
Paul Splllni.n near the Willows on Wed
nesday. Melville Logan, sheriff of Gilliam coun
ty, and Mr. and Mra. Kruse of Condon were
culling on friend on Willow creek on
Cecil suffered during the week from a
heat wave. Wednesday. June 14th. heat
registered at Cecil store, lot aWgnos :
Thursday. 104. Friday. Saturday windy
and aiuch cooler, registering SI digissa.
Having lost all my businais in tht
recent fire, I find myself badly in
need of fundi that I may pay thou
whom I ows. I am therefor request
tnf that all those knowing themselves
indebted to me will make an effort
to settle with me in full or in part
immediately. I shall greatly appre
ciate your help now.
Peoples Cash Market, Heppner.
Hudson Super-Six touring in fine
condition, value 450, to swap for
livestock, farm machinery. If in
terested write P. Silkworth, Parkdale,
FOR SALE 250 Hollywood white
leghorn hens; very fine stock, 1 Jer
sey bull, i years old. Geo. Henrik
aen, Willows, Ore. (Phone Cecil.)
FOR SALE Registered Chester
White yearling boar; best Valley
prise winning stock. Oral Henriksen,
FOR SALE Ten head of good dairy
cows. See Oral Henriksen, six miles
northwest of Heppner, on Willow
WANTED Middle-aged woman to
cook on ranch; all summer job; 130
pe.r month. Address Box 180, lone.
Heppner Transfer Company, office
at Baldwin's Second Hand Store.
Phone Main 82.
Dn D. R. Haylor, eye
specialist of Portland, in
Heppner July 19, 20, 21.
Priscilla dresses, very reasonably
priced, at the Curran Millinery Shop.
Horse pasture for rent. Telephone
7F11, Heppner. H. V. Coxen.
Mr. and Mrs.- Russell Anderson
motored to Pendleton today.
Oils, Differential, Transmission and
Cup Grease
What Would This
Country Be Worth
? ?
o o
What would your business be worth, Mr. Stockman?
What would your farm be worth, Mr. Farmer?
What would your job be worth, Mr. Laboringman?
IT WOULD then become a necessity to
send to the mail order houses,, with sev
eral days wait, for every little artcile you
wanted. Would this be a desirable place to
live in then? How quick the community
would begin agitating for local business
Do the mail order houses pay taxes to
keep up our roads and schools? Do they
take a few dozen eggs in exchange for gro
ceries? In case of some calamity or some
destitute family, do they contribute? What
would you think of the service of the local
merchant if you had to pay for each article,
then wait several days for its delivery?
Don't fool yourself. -Look at this situa
tion on the square. Remember, we meet
any price on first quality goods when the
money is placed upon our counter. If you
do not believe so, bring your catalogue and
we will convince you.
Let us figure with you on that harvest
order. Of course, you have a right to buy
where you please. But let your local mer
chant have a chance to figure with you be
fore sending away.
Our store is your store. We are here
to serve.
Cash & Carry Grocery
JOHNNY HIATT, Proprietor
even if it does
Will Soon Be Here
We have a large stock of Harvest
Supplies at the right price
Spokane Drapers 1Sfiffit
John Deere Binders, Rakes, and
High Lift Mowers
This new mower is a wonderful machine with a guarantee
of satisfaction or money back.
Look your threshing machinery over and let us supply
your drapers and repair parts before the rush season. Also
bring along the Missus when you do your shopping as we
carry a large stock of kitchen and table machinery.
Agents for J. . Case and John Deere
es Hardware Co.
Good Merchandise at the Right Price
There's a RADIOLA for
Every Purse
Guaranteed to Aug. 1st
RADIOLA III : 4 $45.25
(Not loud speaking)
($108030.00 down, $7.86 per month.)
($147.00140.00 down, $10.70 per month)
RADIOLA X $165.00
($181 Jt $46.00 down, $13.06 par month)
($300.00 $76.00 down, $22.60 per month)
Prices Include cost of delivery and installation with guar
antee and three) months' (re service privilege.
A big organization extending over three countios enables
ui to give real service and satisfaction.
The Home Is a Business
The many advantage sof the personal
checking account quickly appeal to women.
Paying all bills by checks eliminates all dis
cussions, as cancelled checks are receipts.
When the housewife has a checking ac
count, budgets are easier to keep; savings
are less subject to disturbance; thrift is es
tablished as a practice ; and the home is plac
ed in its rightful position as a business con
ducted along business lines.
Open a checking account for your wife
at this bank. Give her the opportunity to
show you how efficient she can be. No doubt
she will show you a healthy cash balance at
the end of the year on which we pay 4
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner Bank Oregon
Star Theater
From the novel Upstage by Reita Weiman.
Little Norah McPherion had a bit of Scotch and a Ait of
Irish In her, so she was ready to fight, her way when she en
tered the chorus. Then she saw Jimmy Patterson III skiddir
AIsoChas. Chase in
FRED THOMPSON and his marvel horse Silver Kino in
If you like cyclonic action, If powerful drama appeals to
you, if you respond to exquisite romance, if you're entertained
by a real Western photodrama full of every element that has
made movies popular, by all means see this picture.
Also Comedy and News Reel
SUNDAY and MONDAY, JULY 5 and 6:
A romance of modern Moxlco, a story of Yankee Pcpl and
Spanish Are. The gorgeous Murray gowns, the exotic Murray
dances, the brilliant Murray settings and a story that will
thrill you.
Also Cartoon Comedy
TUES. and WEDS., JULY 7 and 8:
GLENN HUNTER and selected cast in
From the well known Saturday Evening Post story
by Harry Leon Wilson.
If you aro one of the seventeen million people who read
the story or saw tht play, yon won't need coaxing to see the
picture, If not, take a tip and get acquainted with laughable
lovable "Morton" and hie fun-filled career. You'll enjoy a'
rnio treat.
A corking comedy-drama of a movie-struck country youth
and his adventures In Hollywood.