PAGE TWO THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1925. THE GIZETTE-TIIS TH HKPrvnt CAT! I 1 1. RiuUbM Ht M. 1MI THE HETPKTR TIMES KMsUfaM Nowr,bT 1. 1S7 CONSOLIDATED FF-PKl-AIlT J. aT vn n tv( ri imwra eft nld at lb PnM tirtw al HcffUT- ADTMTimxiC BSTfH CITKN ON APPUIATIUN SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . 1 . n .M 1rw Until. Sinew tapws MORROW COINTT OFFICIAL PAPER THE AUKRICAN TKtSS ASSOCIATION Bond Issue to be Pre sented. BY THE decision of the meet ing at the court house on Sat urday afternoon, the question of submitting a bond issue to the people of .Morrow count)' at this time as fully endorsed. The necessary proceeding ill be had to get the matter going, and the petitions will he circulated prompt ly for the calling of an election. This step was not taken without due consideration. In fact there has been much real thought given on both sides and now the time for action has arrived. The pro posals will call for the authoriza tion of a bond issue to the limit, which is $550,000. By referring to the story of the Saturday meet ing on the first page of this issue, the tentative program may be had. The road situation has reached just that stage in this county where the large sum of money al ready spent for permanent roads is short of any practical benefit. But to carry on and come any where near completing the pro gram will require money. The county court lias had to wrestle with the demands for extensions of the market road system and the completion of certain gaps in the main highways. They are powerless to proceed with the work, bad as they might desire to do so, without funds to work with. The plans now proposed, should a bond issue carry, will soon ex tend some of the market roads to points where they will be in fair reach of the greater bulk of the tonnage to be brought to market, and within a few short years these will not only be completed, but others as well, and the desires of the various communities needing these market roads will be met. The program is a large one, to be sure, but it is along the lines of progress, and we believe that the people of the county, when they have given some thought and at tention to this matter, will en dorse it and authorize the bond issue. We may be somewhat in the hole at the present but there is no need of pulling the hole in af ter us and burying ourselves. The pushing ahead of the road pro gram will be a genuine boost to the entire county, and so far as this paper is concerned we are glad to boost for the bond issue, along with every other progressive movement that comes up. s-s-s Crop reports from over the county are still encouraging Warmer weather has been need ed; we are having it. Some moisture, especially in the light land sections, may be needed now. yet reports from that quarter are to the effect that grain is growing well and with rains in a couple of weeks there will be no break in the progress of the growing crops. S-S-S THAT the farmers of this coun J. ty are facing a pretty serious situation should the rain hold off too long, is the suggestion made in a letter to this office by B. F. Swagagrt of Lexington, who is ready to put up some money to engage the services of the rain maker. He believes 2 inches of rainfall in May or June would .guarantee the crop, and Hatfield, vho has been collecting money from the farmers in different sec tions of California, was success ful on other occasions in bringing ra;n to the fanners of Sherman county. The suggestion offered t y Mr. Swaggart is worth serious consideration. Our trust is in the one, however, who sends the rain alike upon the just and the un just, who in due season will prob ably send abundant showers to Morrow county and the situation will be saved. S-S-S Mothers' Day is to b fittingly ob served lit the Christian Bible -school en next Sunday morning, the mem ber of the primary department, as suited by other of the advanced grades will participate and the pro-t-rani will be interesting. NOTICE OK SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice It hereby gWen that the un dersigned, by virtue of the statutes of the Stat of Oregon, has taken up the hereinafter described animal, found running at lurge upon his premises in Morrow County, Oreron, and that he will, on Saturday, Mr.y 18, 125, at the ranch of Al Henrik son, 3 miles north of Cecil, in aaid Morrow county, aell to th highest bidder fur each in band, the follow ing described animal, to-wlt: One buckskin mare, weight about 11&0 pounds, branded S reversed with dash underneath on right ahoulder, unless said animal shall have been redeemed by the owner thereof or hia legal rep reaentatives. CLIFFORD HENKlKSfc.W LEGAL NOTICES SIMMONS. IN THE CIRCVIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COVXTY OF MORROW. Cecil Beckiey, T aintiff, vs. Pagna Beckley. Defendant. To Psgna PeckVv. defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer the plaintiff complaint filed agminat you in the above entitled court on or before ail weeks from the dat of the first pub lication of this summon, to-wit: on or before the 12th day of June, 1925. and if you fail to so appear or ans wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff wi'.l apply to the above entitled court for the reiief prayed for in plaintiff's complaint, to-wtt: That the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between you and plaintiff be forever dissolved and plaintiff have an absolute divert from yon, and for such other renft aa may be just ard equitable. This summons ia published upon you in the Gaiette-Timea, once a week for six succesaive weeks pur suant to as order of Hon. R. L. Benge. Judge of tha County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order is dated April 29th, lt25, and tha date of the first publication of this summons ia April 30th, 1925. JOS. J. NYS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and postomce address, Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed hia final account as administrator of the estate of Lu- la Marquardt, deceased, and the County Court of the Suite of Oregon has fixed Monday, the first day of June. 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place, of hearing and settle ment of said final account. Objec tions to said final account must te filed on or before said date. LOUIS MARQUARDT, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. (RE-PUBLICATION) U. S. LAND OFFICE at La Grande, Oregon, April 25, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that Hen ry S. Crump, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on March 8. 1920, made Addi tional Homestead Entry, Act 12-29-lfi, No. 0180S9, for NWVi and SW, Sec tion 12. Township 1 South, Range 27 East, Y lllamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to. make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 12th day of June, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: J. C. Sharp, W. H. Turner, Fred Crump. A. L. Casebeer, all of Heppner, Ore gon. J. H. PEARE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S. LAND OFFICE at The Dalles, Oregon, April 21, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of !ec. 24oo, R. S pursuant to the application of Walter W. Wright, Se rial No. 023432, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than J2.60 per acre, at 10:15 o'clock A. M.t on the 19th day of June, next, at this office, the follow ing tract of fand: NE4NE, NWVi SE4, Sec. 20, SWNW4, Sec. 21, T. 5 S., R. 26 E., W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. J. W. DONNELLY, Reenter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. S. LAND OFFICE at La Grande, Oregon, April 22, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that Floyd M. Duncan, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 3, 1922, made Additional Home- led Entrv. Act 12-29-16, No. 020137, for NHSE, SEttSEK, Section 2. Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Clerk of Circuit Court at Heppner, Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: George R. Pearson, Wiley Pearson, F. A. Gentry and R. C. Culick, all of Lena, Oregon. J. H. PEARE, Register. NOTICE OF SALE OP ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by virtue of the statutes of the State of Orgon, has taken up the hereinafter described animal, found running at large on his prem ises in Morrow County, Oregon, snd that he will, on Saturday, the 9th day of May, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at hia farm one mile north of Jordan Elevator, sell to the- highest bidder for cash in hand, the following des cribed animal, to-wit: One hay horse mule, about 6 year sold, weight about 1000 pounds, branded JR connected on right shoulder; unless the ssid ani mal shall have been redeemed iry the owner or owners thereof, or lerai rep resentatives. J. C. MEAD. NOTICE OF SALE. In the Circuit Qurt of the State of Oregon, for the County o'f Mult nomah, Department of Probate. In the matter of the Guardianship of Earl W. Slocum, a minor: Notice is hereby given that Edna L. Slocum, guardian of the person and estate of Earl W. Slocum, a mi nor, haa been authorised and empow ered by the above entitled court to ell at private sale tha aaid minor's undivided one-third interest in and to all ths following described real property situated in Morrow County, StaU of Oregon: The south half (Stt) of the northeast quarter (NEK), th north half (NVi) of the South east quarter (SEK), the aouth west quarter (SWK) of th southeast quarter (SE14), tha east half (EVs) of th southwest quarter (SW1), and th south wet quarter (SWK) of th southwest quarter of Section 25; th southeast quarter (SE4) of th aoutheatt quarter (8E14) of Section it; the northeast quarter (NEa) of Section So; the north half (NS, tha weal half (WS1 of the southwest quarter tSWW), the southeast quarter tSE1) of the southwest quarter tSWa), and the north half IN'SI of the southeast quar ter SEV) of Section 36; all in Township 4 South, Range 27 East of Willamette Meridian; Alto, the west half (W of the southwest quarter (SW) and southwest quarter (SWli) of the northwest quarter (NW1.) of Section 30; the west half tW of the aouthwest quarter (SWV) and the west half Wi) of tho northwest quarter (NW4) of Section 31; all in Township 4 South. Range 28 East of the Willamette Meridian. On and after the 22nd day of May, 1925, the said guardian will receive bida at her residence, 1226 Wilbur Street, Portland, Oregon, for tha said minor's undivided one-third interest in ths above described real property. Each bid should state the amount of cash tha purchaser will pay when his bid is accepted and the terms upon which he will psy th balance of the purchase price. EDNA L. SLOCUM, -Guardian of Earl W. Slocura a minoT. Dated this 23rd dsy of April. 1925. First publication April 23, 1925. Last publication May 21, 1925. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly sppointed Dy the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Morrow County, adminis tratrix of the estate of W. A, Rich ardson, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the estate of aaid deceased are hereby required to pre sent the same with proper vouchers to said administratrix at her resi dence at Heppner, Oregon, or at the law office of J. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 16th day of April, 1925. ROSA RICHARDSON. . Adminiatratrix. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by virtue of the statutes of the State of Oregon, hss taken up the hereinafter described animal, found running at large upon his premises in Morrow County, Oregon, and that he will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of May, 1925, at his ranch one half mile south of Gooseberry Springs, southwest of Eight Mile postoffice, in said Morrow County, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of aaid day, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the follow ing described animal, to-wit: One yearling steer calf, black with mot tied face, no other visible marks or brands, unless said animal shall have been redeemed by the owner thereof or his legal representative. F. M. LOVGREN. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by virtue of the statutes of the State of Oregon, has taken up the hereinafter described animal, found running at large on his prem ises in Morrow County, Oregon, and that he will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of May, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at his farm, one and one-half miles east of Heppner, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described animal, to-wit: One gray mare, about 4 years old and weighing 1150 pounds; no visible marks or brands; unless the said ani mal shall have been redeemed by the owner thereof or hia legal represen tative. L. V. GENTRY. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an attachment exe cution duly issuedout of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, on the 13th day of April, 1925, pursuant to a judgment and order of sale duly entered and rendered in ?aid Cjurt on the 2-411 day of March, 1924, in favor of Roy E. Brown, plaintiff, and against M. A. Wright, defendant, for the sura of $144.00, with interest thereon from the 25th day of March, 1920, at the rate of aix per cent per annum, the further sum of $82.25, with interest thereon from the 2nd day of Febru ary, 1924, at the rate of six per cent per annum, and the further sum of $12.00, cost and disbursement, I will on Saturday, the 16th day of May, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Court House at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of said defendant, M. A. Wright, in and to the following described real property, aituste in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: SEK of SEK and 37 acres in SWK of SEK of Section 25, SV4 of NK. NEK of SEK, SK of SEK and SWK of Section 36 In Twp. 3 South, Range 25, E. W. M., NWK of SE?4. EK of SWK and Lot 4 of Section 30, NK of NWK, SK of SWK, WK of SEK and SWK of NEK of Section 31 in Twp. 3 South, Range 26 E. W. M. NK, NK of SV4, SH of SWK, SWK of SEK of Section 1, all of Section 2, except Eis of SWK thereof, EH of NEK and SEK of Section 3, NK, EH of SWK, NEK of SWK, SVs of SEK and NEK of SEK of Sec tion 11, WK of NEK, NVi of NWK and SWK of Section 12, NWK of NWK of Section 13, NH of Ntt of Section 14, in Twp. 4 South, Range 25, E. W. M., WVi of Wtt, WVi of NEK, SEK of NWK and NEK of SWK of Sec tion 6, Twp, 4 touth, Rang 26, E. W. M. All of Section 36 in Twp. 6 South, Range 27, E. W. M. I will sell said real property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment snd accruing cost of sule. Dated this 16th day of April, 1925. GEO. McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOIt MOR ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Ivy M. Nolan, Deceased. CITATION. To. W. E. Nolan, Gladys J. Johnson, Esther M. Nolan, Elmo D. Nolan, and Wilma A. Nolan, Millard V. Nolan and Walter C. Nolan, GKF.ETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are here cited and required to appear in the County Court of th Stat of Oregon for Morrow County, at the Court room thereof, at Heppner, Oregon, in the County of Morrow, on Saturday, th 16th day of May, 1925, at th hour of 10 o'clock in th forenoon of said day, then and there to show caus if any exist, why an order should not be mad by the above entitled court for th sal by H. J. Biddl. administra tor of th abav entitled etUU, of th following described real property be longing to said sut. to wit: An undivided an half interest, subject to th dower right f Louie D. Dorman, in and to all of th following detcribed real prop erty in Morrow County, Stat of Oregon, to wit: Southeast quar ter of Section 10; Southwest quarter. North half of Southeast quarter and Southweat quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 11; North half of South half of Sec tion 13; Northweat quarter and Northwest quarter of th North east quarter of Section 14; North east quarter. North half of North west quarter and Southeast quar ter of Northwest quarter of Sec tion 15, all in Township 2 South, Range 24 E. W. M containing 1080 acres mora or less. WITNESS th Hon. R. L. Benge, Judge of the County Court of th State of Oregon for Morrow County, with the aeal of said Court affixed this th day of April, 1926. Attest: GAY M. ANDERSON, (SEAL) Clerk. By H. H. HILL, Deputy. Date of first publication April 16. 1925. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UN DER MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. Notice is hereby given that under snd by virtue of an execution and or der of sal issued by the Clerk of Morrow County, Stat of Oregon, dat ed April 8. 1925, to m directed, in a certain suit in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Coun ty, wherein Ada M. Ayers, as plain tiff, recovered judgment against the defendants J. T. Knappenberg and Helen V. Knappenberg for the sum of $10,000.00 with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from Aug ust 14, 1923; the further sum of $700.00 attorneys' fees and her costs and disbursementa taxed and allowed at $28.60, and wherein th aaid Court for the purpose of satisfying said judgment, ordered and decreed a sale of the following described reel prop erty in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, to wit: Southeast quarter of th North east quarter. Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sec tion 33; Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter. Southwest quarter, West half of th South east quarter, and Southeast quar ter of the Southeast quarter of Section 34; South half of the Northwest quarter. North half of the Southwest quarter and South-" west quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 35, all in Township 6 South, Range 26, E. W. M. Also lots 2, 3 and 4 and the Southwest quarter of the North west quarter of Section 1; Lots 1 and 2 and the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 2, all in Township g South, Range 26 E. W. M., together with all water rights appurtenant to and used in connection with said lands. I will on Saturday, the 9th day of May, 1925, at the hour of Two o'clock P. M. of Baid day, at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Heppner, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the real property hereinbefore de scribed, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the paintiff's judgment, including attorneys' fees and costs and disbursements and ac cruing costs. Dated April 8. 1925. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW The Second Alliance Trust Company, Limited, Plaintiff, Benjamin F. Berry and Margaret Ber. ry, his wife, J. H. Imus and Lucy J. Imus, his wife, John McDevitt and Katherine McDevitt, his wife and Dan McDevitt, Defendants. Ng. 2254. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. TO BENJAMIN F. BERRY and MARGARET BERRY, HIS WIFE, DE FENDANTS: In the name of the State of Ore gon you and each of you ar hereby required to appear and answer th complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, said period of six weeka being the time prescribed for publication hereof; and if you fail so to appear and answer said eomplaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: that a decree b entered against you for the sum of four thousand dollars ($4000) to gether with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent (8) per an num from and after the 1st day of January, 1924, and for th further sum of four hundred dollars ($400) as attorney's fees and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein sus tained; foreclosing a certain mort gage made and executed by Benjamin F. Berry and Margaret Berry, his wife, and J. H. Imus on the 19th day of December, 1918, covering certain real property situated in the county of Morrow and state of Oregon, to wit: All of Section sxiteen (16), th Northwest Quarter (K) of Sec tion seventeen (17), th East Half (Vi) of Section seven (7) and the Southwest Quarter (K) of Section eight (8) in Township One (1) North, Range Twenty five (25), East of th Willsmett Meridisn, containing twelve hun dred eighty (1280) acres, mora or less, together with th tenements, heredl ments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, and all rights to the use of water for Irri gating said premises and for domes tic use thereon, to which the said mortgagors or th premises thereby conveyed wer then or should there after become entitled, and declaring plaintiff's said mortgage to b th first Hen upon the aaid real property snd superior to any right or interest of anyone or mora of said defendants; foreclosing said mortgage, providing for th sal of said real property, or of to much thereof as may be neces sary to pay such judgment, th costs and expenses of said aale, plaintiff's said costs and disbursements, and said attorney's fea, and for th ap plication of th proceeds of such le: First, to th payment of said eostt and expenses of said aale, of plain tiff's said costs and disbursements, and of said attorney'! fee; necond, to th payment of the amount due plaintiff on such judg ment as shall be entered in plaintiff's favor herein; and, Third, with rtp.ct to th balance,! if any, than remaining, in such man ner aa th Court saay braftr di rect, declaring that aaid dfndanta snd each and vry on of them and any and all other parsons claiming or to claim by, through, or ttndar them or any on or snor of them ia any way or manner whatsoever n forever barred and foreclosed of and from any and all right, title, claim, equity of redemption, or other interest or estate in or to said real property and any part thereof, ex cepting only th statutory right to redeem, permitting plaintiff to -bid at and become th purchaser under said sale, directing the sheriff to execute s deed to the purchaser or purchasers of said sale, and ordering that such purchaser or purchaser be let into possossion of aaid real property upon preaentation of said shsriff a deed thereto; and adjudging that any and all rights, Interest, claima, liens or benefits which said defendanta or any one or more of you have or claim to have in or to said real property or any part thereof, b declared to be subsequent in tim and subordinate in right to th lien of plaintiff's said mortgage, and to plaintiff s right. title, and interest in and to said real property, and granting plaintiff such other and further relief in the premises as to the Court may seem equitable and proper. This summons is published by or der of th Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of th abov entitled Court, made and entered in said Court and cause on the 6th day of April, 1925, describing that this sum mons b served by publication there of one each week for six (6) con secutive weeks in Th Gatette-Times, a newspaper published in Morrow County, Oregon. April 9, 1925, ia the date of the first publication of this summons, and May 21, 1925, is th date of the last publication of this summons. ROGERS MAC VEAGH, HERBERT SWETT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 616 Gasco, Building, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U, S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, April 10, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that Wal- don R. Straight, of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 27, 1922, made Homestead entry, Act 2-19-09, No. 021223, for SEK SEK, Section 6. EH NEK, NEKSEK, Section 7, NWKNWK, Section 8, Township 3 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 23rd day of May, 1925. Claimant names at witnesses: Jesse D. French, of Gurdsne, Ore gon, John Brosnan and Robert A. Cu lick, of Lena, Oregon, Ralph Jones, of Heppner, Oregon. J. H. PEARE, Register. APPLICATION FOR JUDGMENT FORECLOSING TAX LIENS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. Morrow County, Oregon, A Public Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Clema Tens O'Neill, R. V. Brown, Richard Hogeland, Northern Pacific Railway Company, a corporation. John M. Main, R. O. Horning, H. C. Robertson, and Asa L, Young, and any other person or persons own ing or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any Interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter descibed, Defendanta. SUMMONS AND NOTICE. To Clema Tena O'Neill, R. V. Brown, Richard Hogeland, Northern Paci fic Railway Company, a corporation, John M. Main, R. O. Horning, H. C. Robertson, and Asa L. Young, and any other person or persons own ing or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any interest or estate in or to th real property hereinafter described, Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified that the above named Plaintiff, a public eorportion, is the purchaser, owner and holder of certificates of delinquency num bered 1119, 1136, 1152, 1160, and 1169. issued on the 6th day of June, 1923, by the Sheriff and Collector of De linquent Taxes for Morrow County. Oregon, and filed by the ssid Sheriff snd Collector of. Delinquent Taxes In the office of the County Clerk of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1923, for taxes due and delinquent, together with penalty, interest and costs there on, upon real property situste in Morrow County, Oregon. You are further notified that the amount for which said certificate is issued is set opposite and following the description of the tract or parcel of land hereinafter set out, the same being the amount then due and delin quent, for taxes for th year 1918, to gether with penalty, interests, costs thereon, upon real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon, and par ticularly bounded and described as hereinafter set forth, said tract or parcel of land being aaaessed for the yesr 1918 to the first person whose name immediately precedes the des cription thereof, and is followed by the name of the person appearing to be the owner thereof, as appears on the tax roll of Morrow Countw, Ore gon, for the year 1924, now in th hands of the Sheriff of said County fr collection, at th date of th first publication of thie summons and no tice, which data is th 2nd day of April, 1925. Certificate No. 1119, R. V. Brown and Clema Tena O' Neill, Lot 7, Block 8, Cluff's Seventh Addition to Ion, ' Oregon 6.33 Certificate No. 1136, Richard Hogeland and Richard Hoge land, SEKSWK, Sec. 14; NEKNWK, Sec. 23; and SH NWK, SWKNEK, and NWKSWK, Sec 24; all In Tp. 5 8., R. 26 East of Wil lamette Meridian $ 22.86 Certificate No. 1162, Northern Pacific Railway Company, a corporation, car of John M. Main, and R. O. Horning, That portion of SWKSEK of Sec. 8, lying north of can al; and SEKSWK, Sec. 8; all In Tp, 4 N R. 26 Eait of Willamette Meridian $ 2.84 Certificate No. 1160, H. C. Rob ertson and H, C. Robertson, SWKNWK and WHSWK, Sec. 19, Tp. 1 N., R. 28 East of Willamette Meridian I 49,06 Certificate No. 1169, Asa L. Young and Asa L. Young, All of See. 16, Tp. 6. 8., R. 27 East of Willamette Meridian, and All of Sac. 16, Tp. 6 8., R. 29 East of Willamette Meridian .'. $190.47 That said amounts bear Interest as follows: Th Taxes aforesaid btar Interest from th dat of filing of said certificates, being th 6th day of Jan.. 1923. And yon and each of yon are here by summoned to appear within aixty daya after th dat of first publica tion of this summons, exclusive of th day of first publication thereof, to- wit: April I, 1925, and defend th suit in th Court aforesaid, or pay th amount du as shown abov sgainst aaid tracts or parcels of land, respectively, abov described, of which you are th owner, or in which you bav or claim to hare, any inter tat or tUte, together with interest and costs accrued in this suit thereon. Service of a copy of your answer or other process may b mad on th underaigned attorney for plaintinT, at th plac specified below as his ad dress, and in cat of your failure ao to do, judgment and decree will be entered against you and each of yon foreclosing said tax liens for th amount sat opposite and following th description of said parcel of land above act forth, together with in terest and costs thereon, againat aaid tract or parcels of land, and aaid tracts or parcels of land will be sold to satisfy said judgment and decre obtained in this suit. You are further hereby notified that the plaintiff will apply to th Court aforesaid for judgment and decree foreeloaing aaid tax liens against said property hereinbefore described. This summons is published once each week for six consecutive weeks in The Gasette-Timea, a newspaper of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published weekly at Heppner in aaid County, the dat of first publication thereof being April 2, 1925, and said publication being made in purauanc of the atatutes of tha Stat of Oregon, said newspaper having been designated by the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County as the newspaper in which said summons should be pub lished, by order duly entered in said Court on the first day of April, 1925. COUNTY OF MORROW, STATE OF OREGON, BY SAMUEL E. NOTSON. ' District Attorney for Morrow County, Oregon, and Attorney for Plaintiff; whose addreas is Heppner, Oregon. Date of first publication, April 2, 1925. Data of last publication, May 13, 1925. u "i-r re Eat more tea foode... They are highly recommneded by all leading physicians aa being necessary to proper food bal ance. FRESH OYSTERS, CLAMS and CRABS arriving now twice each week. Why not a big oyster stew, j creamy, rich and appetising f ELKHORN RESTAURANT HEPPNER'S POPULAR EATING HOUSE Delicious Coffee Professional Cards GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1026 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Oregon . Phone Broadway 6583 DR. A. H. JOHNSTON Physician and Surgeon L O. O. F. Building Phones: Olfics, Mala S; Urn., 491 HEPPNER, OREGON A. M. EDWARDS I DRILL WELLS I also handle Casing, Windmills and Supplies, do fishing and clean out old wells. BOX 14, LEXINGTON, ORE. DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST . L O. O. F. Building Heppner, Orcon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Offlc In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner, Orefoa Drs. Brown and Chick PHYSICIANS ft BURGEONS 800 Albert St, (Cor. E 24th.), PORTLAND, ORE. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW Offices In First National Bsnk Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORN KY-AT-LAW One In Court House , Or. F. II. ROBINSON LAWYER IOM. OREGON AUCTIONEER Fares and Personal Property Sale A Specially. T Years In Umatilla Cbanty. G. L. BENNETT, Lexington, Ore. FIRE INSURANCE Waters & Anderson Heppnar, Oncol Grocery FOR WEEK ENDING MAY 13 Take advantage of these CASH offerings Pure Cane Sugar, per 100 lbs $7.30 12io lbs. for $1.00 Blue Rose Jap Rice, per pound 10c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per package 10c St. Clair's Certified Condensed Milk, per can - 10c Bulk Dates, per pound 10c White Wonder Soap, 20 bars for $1.00 2 Bars Double Refined Borax FREE Men's Harvest Shoes $2.00 Men's Big Yank Work Shirts 51.00 Boss of the Road Bib Overalls $1.90 Watch for our Special Cash Bargains each week. Sam Hughes Co. I Special Price Home Canned Fruit I H Cheaper than you can put it up yourself. TFTTT Don't Mothers Day j May 12th I Your mother will appreciate a remem brance on that day. . We would suggest one of our Special "Mothers" Boxes of high grade choco lates. Get them early. I Phelps Grocery Company frlUINK 53 E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY C. A. MINOR rWC. AUTO AND LOT INSURANCE Old line OaapaaJee REAL ESTATE Heppner, Ore. MATERNITY HOME MRS. O. C A1KBN. BIPPNIR I am prepared to tea a Umited auat- ber of maternity cams at my bomm. Patleata rivllsi le tama tkitt ewa Shrtictaa. Best el ear and attention awured. PUONR JOS. J. NYS ATTOENEY-AT-LAW Upstairs In Humphreys Building Heppner. Oresoa Froget -i u