THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1925. PAGE THREE This Week's Cross Word Puzzle Br MRS. LEE YOEIIAN Mrs. Carri Lewis and son Trav rit arrived at Heppner on Sunday evening from their homo at Braodus. Montana. They will make a visit at the home of Mr. and Mra. Stacy Rob erta. Mra. Lewie ia a aiiter of Mrs. Roberta and it haa been 23. yean ince they met laat, when Mrs.' Lewis and her husband left Hardman for Montana. Her coming was a surprise to Mra. Roberta who had no word that her aiiter waa on the way here until ahe waa called up from Arling ton on Sunday. A card thia week from C. M. Rung of Willamina, Oregon, itatea that ha and hla family are getting along fine, and everything ! quite pros peroua in that aection of the Willam ette valley with plenty of moisture and vegetation growing well. Mr. Rugg atatea that he ia employed on a good job a ahort distance from home and ia well pleaaed with his location. The proceaa of working over the meat market in the Garriguea build ing ia progrcaaing under the direc tion of Henry Crump, and it will not be many daya before C. W. McNamer will have everything in shape for the opening of the new market. He will occupy the room recently va cated by Dave Wilson, instead of the one formerly occupied by Curdane and Son. Professor Jamei M. Burgess, newly elected auperintendent of 4the Hepp ner schools, arrived on Saturday from Palo Alto, Calif., where he has been attending Stanford University for the past winter. Mr. Burgess has been putting in the week here, getting acquainted with the situation. He expresses himself as well pleased with his prospective field of labor. Dean T. Goodman, accompanied by Mrs. Goodman, his father and mo ther, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Goodman and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo motored to Pendleton on Monday. Mr. Good man brought home a new Star sedan for Mrs. Frank Anderson, while Mrs. Goodman drove the other car home after the folks had enjoyed a pleas ant visit at Pendleton, Jasper Crawford, who Is a student in journalism at the U. of 0., arrived home from Eugene on Sunday eve ning. He ia helping in the G.T. shop this week, running the "lino" and assisting the force with the wora of getting out the 125 Hehtach, high school annual. He expects to return to his studies next week. Ed Musgrave, who farms on Rhea creek, waa a visitor in the city on Tuesday. The cool weather ha caused the wire worms to work pret ty lively on his place, and aomc damage to the growing wheat is r.oted. This will cease with the war mer weather conditions now pre ail ing. . Many were the fishing parties out on the various streams accessible to Heppner on Sunday. ' We have not learned how great were the catches made in every instance, but Orve Rasmua reports that he landed 20 fine apeckled beauties up Willow creek, one of these being a whopper. Attorney C. E. Woodson departed yesterday morning for Portland to attend to business affairs, and from there will go on to Eugene to attend a meeting of the board of regents of the state university. He expects to be absent for the most part of a week. The Frank Turner shearing crew and outfit left town yesterday morn ing for the Jaa. Carty ranch at Tub Springs, where they will shear out the Carty sheep, and perhaps sever al other bands as well. ( Tha families of P. M. Gemmcll and Spencer Crawford motored down to Boardman on Sunday afternoon, en joying a nice ride and taking a view of the project, where they found veg etation coming along fine. Gilbert Coats waa down from Hardman on Saturday and made this office a pleasant call. Spring is open ing up well out that way and the warmer weather Is making vegetation put out lively. Mr. and Mra. Walter LaDusire re turned on Sunday from Portland, where they had been to deliver a new Maxwell coupe to Miss Leta Humph reys, Beauty work done every Wednes day and Saturday at Mrs. Curran s Millinery Shoppe. Marcelling a spec ialty, Mra. Florence Seal Davis. Charles Vaughn la out again after being confined to his home for sev eral days with alight attack of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek motored to Pendleton on Friday where Mr. Sweek was called on legal business. Jaa. Carty and ion were visitor in the city for a short time Tuesday from their Tub Springs ranch. Judge R. L. Benge and family drove over to Pendleton on Saturday, where they spent tha day. . FOR SALE head of No. 1 dairy cowa. R. D. Wilson, Wells Springs Ranch". LOST Pair of ladiea black fiber gloves. Findes. leave at this office. Spring Fries, extra fine, 60o each. See Art Minor. HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE The first letter of nek word Is Indicated br a number placed In the blank white paces, and kr referrina to the lUt of worda civen below, roll will find the drnnttioa. ror Initmnee, number one horiionUU fives the definition of a word which will fill ia all the white spaces to the first black space at the riirht. Number one vertical rivea the nnitlon for a word which will fill in all the white pacea to the (rat black space be. w. -I tae black spaces Indicate the end of a word, and no letter la placed In them. When completed, the pusale nuit read both boriauntailr and vertically or acroae and down. i Tp rs ' ; a - io t " n a i5 -- jj - U U it 3A IS 2 87 """"" J 2fl - 23 SO "" """ " 31 31 33 4 i i i i Horizontal 1. It's misuse is inexcusable. 7. It takes more than one to make it. 8. In the eye and in the sky. 10. To spread one's self boastfully. 11. Canvas shelter (plural). 13. To move slowly. 14. Adam did it and we've had to work ever since. 16. What you can't stand up and do. 17. An Indian tribal appellation. 19. Lima is its largest city. 20. This word could apply to "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick." 21. To pull along by main force. 24. An agreement. 27. Eternity. 28. A tree with a chewey bark. 30. The unfortunate absent mem ber at the Ladies' Aid. 31. What the boss did to the office girl while she was doing it to a bill of lading. 33. What you are as soon as you are out of bed. 35. What Abe Lincoln pulled the pig out of. 36. Cupid's best friend. 37. Half man, half beast. Vertical 1. What Dad does to the coal pile with a speculative eye in cold wea ther. 2. What we should hate to ride into town on. 8. A small sunken court in front of a basement. 4. A very simple amount or par ticle. 5. A form of the verb "To be." 6. What a small boy does when he Introduces water to his face and hands. 7. A small piece of land. 9. What gossip creates. 10. The pirate's aspirations. 12. DemoBthenes as he walked the seashore. IB. A crucial time for the plaintiff. 18. What the ladies hate in skirts. 19. What the originator of a cross word puzzle possesses. 22. To move about uncertainly from place to place. 23. A monkey shine. 25. An American lady prominent in England. 26. What we all do too much of. 29. The friend a feller needs. 32. Before. 34. A French coin. Anawer to last week'i puzzle. unc LTJe ffjH -LB. R" o" 3" DJ IA If T O Hsnclo" L OJNL apnftjE a cIhueQ a p ELj ri at He g o S IjO PL JN O R A p1e1n1alL-Te1n10I! Our Washington Letter (By N. P. S.) Washington, D. C, April 24. There Is on foot deliberate attempt to hollttla President Coolldge'i program of economy. There is no douht In the minds of many In Washington that thia attempt is being made not only by political opponents, but also by some who are Interested to aee that the government shovels out money In expenditures which would result In their personal gain. This is evidenced by the heterogeneous collection of rumors, Inuendoes, skil fully thought out propaganda, Infan tile Imaginings and doublo-meaning articles which, with the Washington date line, Is being broadcast through out tha country. Under the classi fication of vicious and misleading propaganda, one can, by carefully reading articlos sent out from the nation's capital, discern the effort that la being made to misconstrue the attitude of tin President In the mattor of economy. H ! extremely doubtful, despite the efforts of some of the writers of this kind of matter, that any impression has been, or will be, made upon the peojle of the na tion. The originators of this plan have overlooked one important fac tor, namely, that the people of the country have witnessed a material demonstration of the benefits of the President's plan to stop the wasting of the tax-payer's money. It is not an easy matter, even for clever pro pagandists, to fool the people when they know that the present plan of stoppi ngwastage has resulted in the saving of their dollars. It must be recognized that national economy and th edecreae in the expenses of the government has brought about a de crease 'in federal taxes. President Coolidge's program of economy, put in plain words, is this: he is determined to stop the wastage of government funds, funds secured by taxes upon the people of the na tion for inconsequential, non-esnen-tial, bureaucratic activities. This means that with these expenditures eliminated less money has to be paid to the government in the form of taxes. Consequently, It means more money for the individual to spend as he or she pleases. The President intends to stop the wasting of the tax-payer's money, and there certain ly has been a great wastage of the people's dollars since the beginning of the World war. President Coolidge is concerned only with the manner in which the government spends the tax-payer's money; what the individual man or woman does with their own wages or income is a matter that the President considers their on personal busi ness. Already this effort to belittle his work is in evidence. Some of tl'eac stories are feeble attempts to be witty; others are veiled aticmns to dl. credit the President's determina tion to save the tax-pnyer's dollars. There are those who, for purely selfish reasons, would be delighted to aee the President's policy of econ omy killed killed in order that they might put their hands in tne tax payer's pocket and pull out every dol lar therein. There are some very clever propa gandists sending out stories from Washington. One thing is certain, the President will not be harpooned by those who now seek to belittle his economy Droiram. as tno puonc com monsense already detects the objec tive aimed at. The public win ao well to continue to analyze stories of the before-mentioned character so they can draw the conclusion as to what particularly selfish interests are tn he hencfltcd bv the stopping of an economy program. Those back of movements of this character have not the courage to come out and openly attack Calvin Coolidgo. They realize full well that ho possesses the re ..i and esteem of the people; if th. In.tlirators of this closs of pro puganda hnd the sense of an infant in arms they would realize that no method of propaganda, no matter now sugar-coated It may be, ia going to stop the President from carrying out his plan of stopping government was tage. Th s conspiracy win DO aeieat d hv the sunnort of the decent, niean.thlnklnir citizens of our land and by the President's unflinching continuation of the program which he has outlined and Is already execut- ing. irrigation begins until notice ia given at this office that same has been dis continued. Irrigating without a nozzle or sprinkler will not be allowed. CITY OF HEPPNER WATER DEPARTMENT. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the eBtate of Lu la Marquardt, deceased, and the County Court of the State of Oregon has fixed Monday, the first day of June, 1926, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place, of hearing and settle ment of said final account. Objec- ions to said final account must le filed on or before said date. LOUIS MARQUARDT, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. ( RE-PUBLICATION) U. S. LAND OFFICE at La Grande, Oregon, April 25, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given thnt Hen ry S. Crump, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on March 8. 1920, made Addi- ional Homestead Entry, Act 12-29-16, No. 018089, for NWH and SWVi, Sec- ion 12, Township 1 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, i the 12th day of June, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: J. C. Sharp, W. H. Turner, Fred Crump, A. L. Casebeer, all of Heppner, Oregon. J. H. PEARE, Register. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Houra for irrigation will be from 6 A. M. to 9 A. M.. and from 5 P. M to 8 P. M. The whistle will blow for turnlnff on and off water, If whistle does not blow for turning on water! do not Irrigate, The hours for Irrigation may lessen aa the season advances and water gets low; thoso irrigating will have to be governed by the whistle. in case of fire turn off water for irrigation. Charge will ba made from th time NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAM) SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S. LAND OFFICE at The Dalles, Oregon. April 21, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Waiter W. Wright, Se rial No. 023432, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10:15 o'clock A. M., on the 19th day of June, next, at this office, the follow ing tract of land: NEKNE14, NWK SE14, Sec. 20, SWliNWW, Sec. 21, T. 6 S R. 26 E., W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will bo declared closed when those present at the hour nnmed have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. J. W. DONNELLY, Rcg'stcr. of th Stat of Orgon, haa taken up th hereinafter described animal, found running at large on hie prem ises in Morrow County, Oregon, and that he will, on Saturday, th th day of May, 1925, at th hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of laid day; at his farm one mile north of Jordan Elevator, sell to the higheat bidder for cash in hand, th following des cribed animal, to-wit: One bay horse mule, about 6 year aold, weight about 1000 pounds, branded JR connected on right shoulder; unless the said ani mal ahall have been redeemed by the owner or owners thereof, or legal rep resentatives, i. C. MEAD. NOTICE OF SALE. In tha Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the County of Mult nomah, Department of Probate. In the matter of th Guardianship of Earl W. Slocum, a minor: Notice is hereby given that Edna L. Slocum, guardian of the person and estate of Earl W. Slocum, a mi nor, has been authorized and empow ered by the above entitled court to sell at private sale the said minor's undivided one-third interest in and to all the following described real property situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon: The south half (Stt) of tht northeast quarter (NEK), the north half (Nty ) of the South east quarter (SEU), the south west quarter (SW) of the. southeast quarter (SE), the east half (E!4) of the southwest quarter (SW); and the south west quarter (SW54) of th southwest quarter of Section 25; the southeast quarter (SE4) of the southeast quarter (SE4) of Section 26; the northeast quarter (NEK) of Section 36; the north half (Ntt), the west half (W) of the southwest quarter (SW14), the southeast quarter (SEK) of the southwest quarter (SWtt), and the north half (N) of the southeast quar ter (SEVi) of Section 36; all in Township 4 South, Range 27 East of Willamette Meridian; Also, the west half (WK) of the southwest quarter fSWK) Neighborhood Items It's a good thing those Put nam boys are going back to school next week OU heard the latest exploit, didn't youT Left the water runniim in the bath tub and ruined the living room wall. Just redecorated, it was, and Mrs. Putnam knew she couldn t ask to have it dune over. But her cousin Jim, the decora tor, said if the boya would buy the Acme Quality No-Lustre Finish he would do over the walls himself. Mrs. Putnam Bays now she isn't sorry it happened the walls are simply lovely and she has learned something about wall finishes she wishes she had known years ago. ACME QUALITY NO-LUSTRE FINISH tmr wmll, emilingt anf woodwork All th nttiffhborhftiv! btivm it Acm Oitnlitv Faint, Enamels, tStaim and YarniM-'n in ur ton. It you want to join every ono f!w in brifhtcniua up the home in the iiPiKiiltiirhtioi' we can ten you just how to bo about it, tml Acme Product! to use. and tow to um them Coma io any time. PEOPLES HARDWARE COMPANY HEPPNER, OREGON and touthweat quarter (SW) of trw northwest quarter of Section 30; the west half (WH) of the eouthwest quarter (SWW) and the west half (WH) of the northwest quarter (SW!4) of Section 31; all in Township 4 South, ft a ripe 28 East of the Willamette Meridian. On and after the 22nd day of May, 1925, the said guardian will receive bids at her residence, 1226 Wilbur Street, Portland, Oregon, for the laid minor's undivided one-third interest in the above described real property. Each bid should state the amount of cash the purchaser will pay when his Did is accepted and the terms upon which he will pay the balance of the purchase price. - EDNA L. SLOCUM, Guardian of Earl W. Slocum a minor. Dated this 23rd day of April, 1925. First publication April 23, 1925. Last publication May 21, 1025. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, adminis tratrix of the estate of W. A. Rich ardson, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to pre sent the same with proper vouchers to said administratrix at her resi dence at Heppner, Oregon, or at the law office of J. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 16th day-f April, 1925. ROSA RICHARDSON, Administratrix. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL, Notice is hereby given that tha un dersigned, by virtue of the statutes of the State of Oregon, has taken up the hereinafter described animal, found running at large upon his premises in Morrow County, Oregon, and that he will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of May, 1925, at hit ranch one half mile south of Gooseberry Springs, southwest of Eight Mile postoffice, in said Morrow County, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the follow ing described animal, to-wit: One yearling steer calf, black with mot tled face, no other visible marks or brands, unless said animal ahall have been redeemed by the owner thereof or his legal representative. F. M. LOVGREN. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by virtue of the statutes of the State of Oregon, has taken up the hereinafter described animal, feund running at large on his prem ises in Morrow County, Oregon, and that he will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of May, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at his farm, one and one-half miles east of Heppner, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described animal, to-wit: One gray mare, about 4 years old and weighing 1150 pounds; no) visible marks or brands; unless the said ani mal shall have been redeemed by the owner thereof or his legal represen tative. L. V. GENTRY. Kenneth Harlan starring in Harold Bell Wright's "Recre. at ion of Brian Kent", wearing a Hardeman Hat. HAtoEMAN HATS Men buy Hardeman Hats not only for good looks but for proven qualities of hat -endurance. They are guaranteed to keep their excellent shape. Last minute styles with full season service are embodied in the new Hardeman. Made in two weights in all popular shades. DAVID A. WILSON HEPPNER, OREGON Who Burns the Forest, Burns the Welfare - of the World. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH CAUSED 3 TEARS Of SUFFERHS Mrs. Rotafia Eania, 39 Silver Street, New Britain, Com.., had a terrible experience and jrirra foil credit for her recovery to Pe-ra-na: "I had eramos for three years and thought I would never be any better. I oould not eat without distrrs. Nothing helped me. I had catarrh of the stomach. Now, after taking Pe-ra-na, I have no cramps and am feeling well and healthy. I with every sufferer from a catarrhal disease would take Pe-ru-a. Hiert are thousands, patn racked and miserable as tbe malt of some catarrhal com plication who could juit as well be strong and healthy. Ginghams, Etc. A colorful array of brightly hued materials in checks, plaids stripes and solid colors, 32 to 36 inches wide. You will need plenty of fresh tub dresses during the Spring and Summer months. We display excellent val ues in cotton mtaerials, including, Linens, Voiles, Flax ons, Crepes, Striped English Broadcloth and novelty fabrics in the most desirable spring colors. QDT7PTAT 1900 Line Ginghams 25c Malcolm D.Clark Printing is the Inseparable Companion of Achievement II I. NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. S. LAND OFFICE at La Grande, OrcRon, April 22, 1026. NOTICE is hereby given that Floyd M. Duncan, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 3, 1922, mud Additionnl Home stead Entry, Act 12-29-16, No. 020187, for NV4SE14, 8EKSE14, Section 2, Township 1 South, Rnnge 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Clerk of Circuit Court at Heppner, Oregon, on the 6th dAy of June, 1025. Claimant names as witnesses: Goorgo R, Pearson, Wiley Pearson, F. A. Gentry and R. C. Cullck, all of Lena, Oregon, J. II. PEARE, Register. NOTICE OK SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice Is hereby given that tha un dersigned, by virtu of the statutes Mm CLOTHING. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK We have a beautiful showing of Young Men's Suits at $22.50 $25.00 MEN'S SUITS AT $29.50 Th omson Bros. s A F E T Y & s E R V I C E Getting Started Many people have plenty of good intentions but fail because of lack of action. rroba bly your fortune and suc cess may lie in forming the simple habit of banking a little surplus every week. Getting started in this habit will count more than the amount. Forest wealth is shared by every business man. Forest Fires mean burning wealth. Help prevent them. Fir& National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON