The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 42, No. 5. HEPPNER, OREGON, TH URSDAY, APR. 30, 1925. ' Subscripion $2.00 Ter Year IMF. CELEBRATED HERE All Branches in County Represented at Meeting Monday Evening IS 106th BIRTHDAY Two Hundred Delegate! Took Part In Program; W. W, Head Preaented Collar. .The 106th anniversary of tha Or der of Oddfellowship wag fittingly observed by the various branches of the order in Morrow county, by an appropriate program on Monday eve ning at the hall of Willow Lodge, No. 66, in Heppner. The subordinate lodges and the Rebekahs of the eoun ty each had delegations present, and the total number was around 200. Oscar Edwards was master of cer emonies for this occasion. It had been expected that District Deputy Young of Hermiston would have the prominent place on the program as the speaker of the evening, but ow ing to the sudden death of a brother residing in the Willamette valley, he was prevented from attending, much to the disappointment of all those present whose pleasure it had been to hear htm on other occasions. In this connection, the chairman appointed a committee to prepare suitable resolutions of respect and sympathy and forward the same to Mr. Young. The committee consist ing of W. W. Head, S. E. Notson, A. M. Phelps, Sisters Frye, Rankin and Walker, met immediately and per formed their duty. Because of the inability of Mr. Young to attend, S. E. Notson wan pressed into service and did ample justice to the subject in hand, and paid splendid tribute to the accom plishments and virtues of the order. Other speakers were W. W. Head of lone and A. M. Phelps of Heppner, and Keid TJuseick also of Heppner, who had just been initiated into full membership in the Heppner lodge, was the youngest Oddfellow in point of years and membership in Che county. A touching feature of the evening was the presentation of a beautiful collar to W. W. Head, the gift of the various lodges. Aside from the addresses, there was a fine program of music and rec itations. The orchestra from lone lodge was a chief musical feature and furnished several selections that delighted the audience; Ernest He II ker gave a vocal solo, Mrs. Rankin a piano solo, Miss Gladys Benge a reading, each number being excel lent and greatly appreciated. The ritualistic work was led by . the chairman, - and the benediction was by Mr. Head. Following the pro gram there was a bountiful lunch, brought in by the members, and a fine social hour was a fitting climax to a very enjoyable occasion. MARY LOUISE THOMPSON. Died, at her home in Heppner on Sunday, April 26, 1925, after a ling ering illness, Mary Louise Thomp son, aged 72 years, 6 months and 2 days. Funeral services were held for Mrs. Thompson at the Christian church in this city on Tuesday morn ing at 10 o'clock, Rev. E. C. Alford. pastor of the Methodist community church, delivering a short and appro priate sermon, and a quartet con sisting of Mrs. Walter Moore, Mrs. Claire Hopper, Dean T. Goodman and Malcolm D. Clark, singing several beautiful hymns, with Mrs. Calvin L. Sweek at the piano. There were large and beautiful floral offerings and the church was decorated in an abundance of flowers. Following this service the remains were taken to The t)alles where interment was made in the cemetery there beside the companion who passed away sev eral years ago. Mary Louise Ella Thompson was born November 24, 1852, In the state of Pennsylvania, and died April 20 at Heppner, Oregon. She was mar ried to Stephen H. Thompson In 1874 and to them were born five children Willie and Harry Ells Thompson, de ceased, Mrs. Maude Garner of Spra gue, Washington; Robert A. Thomp son of Heppner, and Mrs. Edith Suhl of Wyeth, Oregon. She also, leaves seven grandchildren three sisters and one brother. She was a member of the Methodist 'church since early childhood. Mrs. Thompson lived in Oregon for over thirfy years, coming to The Dalles in 1RI4. Several years were spent In Wasco and Sherman, coun ties, and for the last eight years she has made her home at Heppner. DRUMMER 18 FAST DRIVER, Recent accidents on the John Day highway make It plain that there is too fast driving, especially between here and Arlington. Last week one drummer made the 40 miles in 40 minutes, with no slow ups around the turns near the Wilkins farm Such speed is dangerous anywhere - both to the driver of the car that makes ft and to all curs that h meets. No one but the fool would wager a million dollars against cent, yet that drummer was betting 10 minutes against eterntty, for him self and all who ride with himl Few would miss the mile-a-minute drummer if he cashed in on son nh&rp turn. But he endangers ever; orcuprnt of every car he chances to meet. Sensible drivers should not b bxnrcd to the speed imbecility o Hitch knights of the road. The law stiys thirty miles is fast enough. Cond(n Globo-Tlmes, Jeff Jones went to Portland on Mondny to meet his daughter, Mrs. Ellis Hendrlckson, of San Leandro, Calif., who was on hor wny to Hepp ner. They arrived Wednesday after noon, and Mrs. Hondrickson and lit tle son will mako an extended visit with her parents. CECIL Mrs. George Krebs of The Last Camp was visiting friends in Arling ton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butter by Flats accompanied by David Hynd of Sand Hollow and also Mrs. Roy Scott and daughter, Miss Cora, of Freezeout ranch, left Cecil on Sunday for Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Zenneth Logan from their ranch near Lexington were vis iting at the home of Leon Logan in Four Mile on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Levi May of The Dal les spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George Krebi at The Last Camp. Mr., and Mra. C. Waddell ,of Ta coma spent the week-end with friends at Cecil before leaving for -Portland on Monday. Max Gorfkle of the Army and Navy Htore at Pendleton was calling on his friends in the Cecil vicinity on Monday. Wilfred Cecil and Pat Curran pass ed through Cecil on Thursday en route for the mountains with a band of ewes and lambs belonging to John Kelly of Heppner, which have been feeding on Willow creek for some time. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter and daughter Misa Opal were calling in lone en Thursday. Mrs. Grover Curtiss, near Rhea Siding, entertained her Sunday school scholars on Saturday night to a splen did evening's enjoyment. Games of all kinds were played by all and dur ing the evening a delightful supper was served. No need to say every one had a fine time and heartily wish to thank Mrs. Curtiss for her hos pitality, Mrs. Alfred Medlock and sons of The Poplars left for Heppner on Wednesday where they will visit for a few days. Miss Josephine McEntire of Kil- larncy spent Thursday evening with her school chum, Miss Lucille Tyler, at Rhea Siding. Walter Pope and G. W. Hirsch of Hillside ranch were doing the sights of Arlington on Sunday. W. H. Chandler of Willow Creek ranch left on Sunday to visit friends for a few days in Portland. John Mechanic who has been work- ng at Butterby Flats for several months left on Thursday for Port land en route for Alaska. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mra. Oral Henrikaen, late of Cecil, now of the Moore ranch near Heppner, on the arrival of a son weighing 8 pounds on April 22, 1925. Miss Katherine Farnsworth of Rhea Siding was the guest of Mrs. , H. Lowe at Cecil on Wednesday. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats cha peroned several of Cecil's charming young ladies to the high school play given in Heppner on Wednesday. Peter Bauernflend, Cecils right hand man, was calling on his friends n Heppner on Thursday. Pete still declares there's no place like Cecil. Willie Logan of Rhea Siding left on Saturday to visit friends In lone for a few days. Miss Rhoda Beck, .teacher of Ce il school, closed her school for the ummer on Friday and left for her home in Estacada on Saturday. Mrs. E. Thompson and daughter of Portland arrived at Rhea Siding on Friday and will vsiit with her mo ther, Mrs. W. O. Neal. - Cecil and vicinity were visited on April 22, 23, 24 by dreadful wind and sand storms, declared to have been the worst yet. An S. O. S. call went out on Saturday, April 25, for "bar row and broom brigades" to assist ir digging all inhabitants out of our sand piles, and make room for more sand to blow in again. Mr. and Mra. John Gray and fam- ly left Shady Dell ranch near Cecil during the week and are now living at Morgan. J. J. Kelly, prominent sheepman of Heppner, was doing business in Cecil on Friday. COMPLETE T. B. TESTS Dr. H. H. Green, deputy sta vet erinarian, and County Agent Morse completed testing for t'lbenMloais on forty-three herds of dairy cattle this week. Many of these were fum- ily cows so that a total )f only 174 animals were tested. No re-acters were found among these ;ow (. ThU makes a total of 1015 cows tested this year with only two re-acters, or Ubs than 1-6 of one per enct of the rattle tested reacting. This shows Morrow county is exceptionally frac from tuberculosis in its dairy cattle, al though if the entire county were tested the percentage would probably run higher, inasmuch as many of the herds tested this year were tested two years ago and something like 17 re-acters killed, A comparison of the reaction in other sections shows that (117,810 cows tested in the United Stntes during March, and 19,841 or more than an average of three per cent reacted. In several states the average runs over ten per cent of re acters. The state of Oregon as I whole averages a rate of one per cent reactors. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our thanks to those who so kindly assisted u during the Illness and douth of our wife and mother. Anson E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Wright Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rugg. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Wright. Mrs. W. V. Clubine. Nellie Wright. Walter Wright. MASONIC MEETING. Regular meeting of Heppner Lodge No. 09, A. F. & A. M., Saturday eve nlng, May 2. Work In tho M. M, degree. Visiting brothers alwnys welcome. L. W. BIUGGS, Secretary, Lou Zlegler came in yesterday with a fine catch of rainbow trout, the result of a few hours fishing on Rhea and Rock creeks, They were certain ly a bunch of beauties, FOR BALE Registered Cheste White yearling boar; best Valley prize winning stock. Oral Henriksen Heppner. H00 dozen fresh egg wanted, pay cash, Heppner Bakery, W Penalty and Interest On Taxes Remitted In compliance with the act of the last legislature, whereby pen alty and interest may be remit ted on unpaid taxes for tho years 1U21, 1922 and 1923, notices have been mailed from my office 'his week, as follows: Heppner, Ore iron, April 27, 1925. Under a recent ruling of the Attorney General, you may have the penalty, interest, and costs on your taxes for the years 1921, 1922, and 1923 remitted to you if you pay the original tax for those years, prior to May 1, 1925. Since the time is short, payments will be accepted to and including May 6, 1925. Your taxes, omitting pen alty, interest and costs are; For the year 1921, $ For the year 1922, $ For the year 1923, f By making such payment you save 12 per cent, interest and five per cent penalty, and some costa. Remit to Sheriff. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff. R. L. BENGE, County Judge. O. E. S. Social Club Enjoys Fine Afternoon The O. E. S. Social club met on Saturday afternoon at Masonic hall and had an interesting time. .Sewing and bridge were indu'ged m, Mrs. Earl Gilliam getting first and Mrs. W. O. Dix second prize. The room was beautifully decorated for the occasion with an abundance of cut flowers, and elegant refreshments were served. Mra. J. H. Cox was present on thia occasion and was remembered with a birthday cake, the handiwork of her daughter, Mrs. Vivian Ball, and Mrs. Cox was the recipient of a number of presents and the congrat ulations of all who were glad that she could be present on thia occasion, and hopes were expressed for many returns of her birthday. GUESTS AT HOTEL HEPPNER. The following guests were regis tered at Hotel Heppner during the week: Chas. Grimmiaux, Portland; H. J. Collins, Portland; R. T. Jack son, Portland; F. L. Kent, Portland; Jack Comara, Echo; J. J. Murray, Portland; H. H. Green, Corvallia; E. W. Miller and R. Smith, Colum bus, Ohio; L. T. Wilson, Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Simon, Port land; John G. Clous ton, Pendleton; H. M. Cumming, Pendleton; Edward Chidsey, Pendleton; F. M. Stroble, Pendleton; Joseph R. Lights, Barney Kenny, Pendleton; F. A. McMena min and Eldon Hunt, Portland; S. C. Johnson, Spray; B. H. Bessey, Ce-4 cil; A. T. Merrill, Monument; Geo. W. Sheppard, Spokane; F. B. Leslie, Tacoma; Wm. McKenzie, Pilot Rock; Chas. H. Simmons, Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sibley, Great Falls, Mont.; Geo. F. RobertB, Portland; Hibbard, Portland; W. R. Web ber, The Dalles; Jesse Deos, Willows; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Troxeil, Parkers Mill; R. A. Wilson and wife, Port land; C. M. Hyskel), Portland; F. D. McGuirk, Portland; R. C. Barnard, Portland; F. J. Richards, Portland: R. McBride, Walla Walla; M. R. Mat thew, The Dalles; L. R. Stockman, Bfiker; Mrs. Burdette, McMinnville; G. M. Blakely, Portland; A. B. Rob ertson, Condon; F. A. Clark, Enter- rise; Wm. Rose, Billings, Mont.; V. A. McKillop, Portland. CONDON PLAYS HERE SUNDAY. Heppner and Condon will clash in ball game on Gentry field at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, when the GilMam county aggregation will attempt to take the scalp of Heppner a ball toss- era. The last game Heppner had was with Arlington, and they demonstra ted their ability to play tight ball n a manner that will no doubt make Condon sit up and take notice. At any rate, there is promise of a red hot contest, with plenty of thrills for the fans, and Manager Shively anticipates a big turnout for the first tussel between Condon and Heppner. INSTALLS NEW WATER HEATER. That there may be no more trouble n having plenty of hot water, Mrs. Rogers of Hotel Heppner has had in stalled a water heater tht will be operated independently of the big boiler in the basement that has been used heretofore, and withal has been an item of big expense as well as causing no small amount of triublo. The new heater was put in by W 'li ter F. Fox for a Portland firm and will be capable of furnishing all the hot water the big building will re quire. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to extend out sincere thanks to all those who so kindly as sisted us In every way during the s'ckness and death of our mother, Mrs. Mary Louise Thompson, and for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Suhl. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson, THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP Presents new designs In all art goods. Made to order if desired. Sun tub aprons, children's made romperi and dresses. Boll-proof threads. MRS. L. B. DEVIN, Bethel missionary society held their regular meeting at the chapel on Tu esday afternoon and enjoyed an in tercsting program given by Mrs, Pruyn and Mrs. Phelps. Barbara Jean CoiTee recited a missionary rhyme, and Louise Anderson and Daniel Chinn favored the ladiea with solos. Mrs. A. M. Phelps and Mrs. Will Kirk acted as hostesses. WANTED Several hundred women to work at canning fruits and veg etables. ' Crop conditions indicate long season beginning about May 20. Lihby, McNeill & Libby, The Dalles, Oregon, St, Misa Florence Cason, chief clerk at the postotnee, is spending a fow daya In Portland this week. Pacific Cooperative Wool Growers Expand As a result of the general satis faction of its three thousand mem bers the Pacific Cooperative Wool Growers has been conducting an ex pansion campaign during the past two months in the Northwest which has resulted in nearly three hundred thousand sheep being signed on the growers new marketing agreement. The record made by the associa tion during the past four and a half yerrs together with the fact that the Pacific Cooperative Woo Growers was endorsed by the Oregon Wool Growera association, the Idaho Wool Growers association, the California Wool Growers association and the Nevada Land & Livestock association as resulted in a generally favorable sentiment towards the association on the part of the large growers and bankers of the Northwest. It has generally been conceded that selling wools cooperatively based on their actual quality, character, grade nd shrinkage is the only Bound way to market the western clips, partic ularly in times of falling or alow market such as has been experienced uring the past year. Through its arrangements with the Federal Intermediate Credit bank and large Portland banks the Pacific Cooperative Wool Growers has been able to finance all its members while their clips were being marketed in an orderly manner. This has been of great benefit in some of the isola ted interior sections of Idaho, Wash ington and Oregon where growers re handicapped by inadequate finan cing and high interest rates. The association is now houaed in its new home, the Pacific Wool Ware- ouse and is being operated under U. S. license at 12th and Davis where it will be able to take care of about twice the volume of wool which it could handle in its former location St. Johns. The Pacific Wool Growers new home has the addition- I advantage of being easily access ible to all mills, buyers and others nterested as it is in the heart of the uptown warehouse 'district. The organization had its inception some five years ago', among the small- r growers of the Northwest, but the larger growers of wool hav found that it can serve them as well as the small man and many of the largest growers in the Northwest are now members. Recently the chairman oi the Idaho Wool Growers association marketing committee joined the Pa cific association with over 15,000 head of sheep. Another member joined uring the current year. Some of the larger banks and livestock loan companies are having their custom- rs join and are putting their mort gagees' clips tnrougn tne associa tion. Recently the owners of 50,000 heep joined in the state of Nevada. HARDMAN The game between lone and Hard- man was very disastrous ior me Hani man team. The final score be ing 19-8 in Ione's favor. But, as you know, gome one always has to lose so might as well be us as any one else. The next baseball game will be played at Hardman with the Heppner team next Saturday, May Z, at H:iU p. m. Miss Lucy Williams of Hardman Hi spent the week-end with her par ents in Rood canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Stevens have moved back to Hardman vicinity from Top, Oregon. Mrs. Clarence Howell and her bro ther, Eslie Walker, Bpent the week end at the home of their mother, Mrs. Ward of Monument. They spent a very enjoyable trip. mrs. noweu brought back her baby who has been with her mother since about Christ mas. There is going to be a dance in Hardman Saturday night, May 2nd Music will be furnished by A. M Flett of Olex, Percy Bleakman and Haxel Hays of Hardman. Midnight ; supper will be served. A good time , assured to all. hverybody come and bring your friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Batty and chil dren, Lewis, Beulah and Buddy, ac companied by Miss Haxel Hays and Marion Saling of Hardman spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Thomas on Light Mile. Kenneth Batty spent the week-end with Neal Knighten. Mrs. J. H, McDaniel who has been teaching in our high school the past two years has accepted a position as principal of the Alpine school for the coming year, She will be missed by her many friends at Hardman. The Misses Beth Bleakman, Nellie Flynn and Alice Bleakman. Messrs. George Bleakman, Dale BTeakman, and Percy Bleakman were fishing on Rock creek Sunday. Pirl Howell and Carrie Hastings returned from lower Rock creek last Thursday, where they had gone to shear, because of the cold weather. Mr, and Mrs. Suddarth, teachers of Hardman, went to Condon Friday evening returning to Hardman Sat urday evening with Dnle Bleakman. H Coming to STAR THEATER, Tuesday and j H . Wednesday, May 12 and 13: 1 THEHUNCHBACKOFNOTREDAME 1 Featuring Ion Chtnry, K.rnmt Torrence, Norman Kerry and Patsy Ruth Miller. Everyone who haa aeon Chaney'a work In "The Miracle Man," Torrcnee In "Tho Covered Wagon" and Kerry In "The Merry-Go-Roiind" will be anxious to see them all In "THE Hl'NOHHiU'K OF NOTRE DAME." Declared by press, pulpit and public to be the greatest picture ever made. LEXINGTON Don't forget the picture show Sat urday Zane Grey's story, "The Call of the Canyon." Joe Devine, Jr., senior in Heppner high school, entertained his class with a party at his father's farm home north of Lexington last Friday evening. About seventeen young folks from Heppner were present. Bert Thomburg has returned from Hood River and he and Bus Johnson , are busy at their old job of painting. ' Seniors of Lexington high went on a very enjoyable picnic in the moun tains above Heppner on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson chaperoned the party. About twenty of Mrs. May Bunn ell's lady friends journeyed out to j the Burchell farm and gave Mrs. B. a complete surprise party, the occa-; aion being Mrs. Burchell's birthday, i Ice cream and eake were served and everyone enjoyed the afternoon j greatly. j Tom Cutsforth and daughter. Miss j Dora, were Walla Walla visitors two days of last week. One of the most exciting games of baseball this season was played on Lexington's diamond Saturday morn- j ing when lone and Lexington grade j schools crossed bats in a return : game, resulting in a score of 12 to 11 in Lexington's favor. Vernon ; Scott playing for Lexington was high man, making the majority of tallies, and Kennie Warner proved himself to 1 be a whiz at the bat, and was largely responsible for Lexington's scores, i A number of Lexington folks went to Heppner Monday night to attend the celebration of the Odd Fellows anniversary. All report a good time, i J. W. Chenault of Freewater was a Lexington visitor on Thursday. Mrs. Sadie Lewis, who has been visiting her daughters at Salem and Drain for the past six weeks, re turned to her home in Lexington on Wednesday. Mrs. Lewis reports Earnest Frederickson not much bet ter when she left Salem. Mr. and Mrs. George White spent the week-end at Pendleton visiting relatives. Ed Kelley came over from Helix last Saturday to go - fishing with friends here, but on his arrival in Lexington he found a telephone call from his wife to come home at once as there little girl had become ser iously ill. Mr. Kelley immediately started back and at this writing friends here have not yet heard how the little one is progressing. Mr. Money, with the Harris Com bine company, was a business caller in Lexington Wednesday. Mr. Money's home is at Walla Walla. Miss Leon a Richie of lone was visiting friends here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. White sp"nt the week-end at Dayton, Wash., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelley went to Walla Walla Saturday with Karl Beach, returning Sunday. On rnday. May 8th, the senior class of Lexington high school will present the play, "Whose Little Bride Are You." This farce comedy in 3 nets is a royalty play produced by special arrangement with T. S. Den nison & Co. The characters are Dr Benjamin Bellows (Russe! Wright;, the man who steamed the lives of millions of Americans; Flo -ence Bel lows (LaVelle Leathers), nis daugh ter who won't marry unless she wants to; Mrs. McEckron (Neva Shinn), a charming widow who has designs on the doctor; Dorothy McEckrcn (Bertha Tucker), her daughter; Mag gie Brady (Freda McMillan), the maid; August May (Glenn Shearer), the butler who likes "Hamerica" and sherry; Mrs. Gabin (Alice Palmer), the doctor's early love; George Ga bin (Marion Palmer), her son "who don't dast rebel;" Algernon Clayham mer (Lester White), who does his best to love the wrong girl, and Si mon Singleton (Paul Nichols), an in corri gable flirt at the age when he should know better. The entire play is one laugh from start to finish. There's no dull moment in it. It be gins at 8 o'clock sharp, Lexington high school auditorium, price 50c; matinee in the afternoon for chil dren, 15c. Don't, miss the last and best play of the year. Manuscripts in Hands Of Award Committee The local history contest that has been going on in the high school and grades for the past two months or more, came to a close this week, and the manuscripts arc now in the hnnds of the award committee, con sisting of Frank Gilliam, Osmin Ha ger, Mrs. Arthur McAtee, Mrs. Roy Missildine and Mrs. Roger Morse. This contest was sponsored by the school and the P.-T. A., and as it has progressed has created an im mense amount of interest among the pupils and a very large number of manuscripts are now in the hands of the committee. The prize winners will have their essays printed in this paper, and we expect they will ap pear by next issue, or the week fol lowing. Martin Reid made a business trip to Pendleton on Saturday. m This Week By Arthur Brisbane 8,000,000 More of Us. Ford's First Air Route. Our Polo Lackeys. You Can't Judge Youth. The population of the United States has increased by eight millions dur ing the past five years. There are 113,000,000 of us now. When thje ill informed suggest that population will outgrow the country, don't worry. I The State of Texas alone, under intensive cultivation, could feed eas ily two thousand million human be ings about four hundred millions more than there are on the earth now. As for the ignorant man who eays "more population will reduce wages," ask him how it happens that, when there were only four million people in the United States, wages averaged less than forty cents a day, whereas with one hundred millions they aver age close to four dollar;? Henry Ford has started his first regular flying machine route. The first all metal monoplane of the air route arrived from Dearborn in Chi cago last week making the trip in two hours and 50 minutes. Crowds cheered the arrival of the airship, and well they might. Having built that one, you can rely on Henry Ford and his son to build 10,000 more. Those 10,000 airplanes will wake up capital, including capital invested in railroads. The American airship problem will be solved and the coun try will have the protection it needs. Postmaster General New announces that all the foreigners will be en couraged to organize flying machine routes and allowed to carry mail un der Government contracts, as rail roads carry it. That is excellent news. Both the Postmaster General and President Coolidge are to be congratulated on their effort to. establish real flying in the United States. Flying machines owned by aliens will be barred by the Postoffice au thorities, as we bar alien ships in coastwise trade. In Chicago, Robert Preston, only twenty-one, jumps to his death in the lake. First he shot himself, and all because "life was a failure." The probability is that he was entirely mistaken.- A little more patience and courage might have brought him real suc cess. Some of the ablest men, and most successful, have contemplated suicide at one time or another. No man can say he is a failure until death comes and gets him, and even then he can't be sure. Dying on the Island of St. Helena, Napoleon said that if he had had the good fortune to die in Russia, he would have been called one of the world's greatest generals, and a great success. He thought he was a failure be cause he was the prisoner of Eng land. Now everybody knows that he was the world's greatest general and a most extraordinary genius in the accomplishment of his desires. It is all right for the Maharajah of Jodphur to bring native soldiers from his state to act as servants while he plays polo. But what does President Coolidge think of sending enlisted men from the United States army to play a lackey's part in Eng land? Is that what the farmers pay taxes for? In that the work for which American young men are in- vited to enlist? Chicago is- trying to select among her boys one can that can hope to be the most useful citizen of 1950. Such a selection is impossible. The boy with the best brain in Chicago may seem the dullest, least promising to day. Newton, the greatest mathemati cal mind ever born on earth, was called dull when, as a mere child, he was working out mathematical problems that would have puzzled his teachers. Gibbon, before he wrote his great History of Rome, was considered a gluttonous, unpromising semi-military person. Washington, as a young man, af ter he had undertaken important tasks, declared himself a failure. De mosthenes, greatest of orators, stut tered and stammered as a youth. NOTES FROM HEPPNER HI. The judges for the Oregon History contest met at the schoolhouse Wed nesday to examine the papers but the results have not been announced aa yet. There were some 200 papers handed in. This being Forestry week the school was treated to some very in teresting talks on the subject, last Tuesday, These talks were given by John Clouston, S. E. Notson, and Rev. Alford. Mr. Jtimes Burgess, who has been chosen superintnedent of the school for next year, spent the early part of the week here. The baseball game which was to have been played last Saturday with Lexington will bo played here to morrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Brown, Mrs, Jennie Hrwin and Mrs. Myrtle Ben- nott of Condon, motored to Heppne; on Wednesday to be present last eve ning at the reception tendered Mrs Mary Alice Burdette, grand worthy matron of the Order of Eastern Star at Masonic hall. Wheat Loans fcr County Will Reach $100,000 According to the statement fur nished this paper by Mr. C. E. Wood son, who acted as attorney for the committee making loans to the far mers of Morrow county for the pur chase of seed wheat, the sum of $90,738.61 has been placed to date. This represents the sum on which the loans have been closed and the money received. Mr. Woodson states that the total amount will be about $100,000 when the loans now pending are closed. This winds up the seed wheat busi ness for the county and has fairly taken care of the needs of the far mers who suffered from the Decem ber freeze and were not able to fin ance themselves otherwise for the reseeding. The heaviest amount was distributed to those farmers in the lone section, but every part of the county received some aid. American Sunday School Union Group Gatherings Word received at this office from Clark M. Smith, missionary of the American Sunday School Union, an nounces the dates for the group ga therings on the field for this sum mer. Mr. Smith's territory covers Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam and Morrow counties, as well as a portion of Klickitat county In Washington, and the schedule arranged will cover the greater portion of the summer. The date for Morrow county is May 10th at lone, and will include Heppner, Lexington, and lone Sun day schools and ' Eight Mile, Rhea, Morgan, Fairview and Willow Creek as well. Mr. Smith says, "We wish the best teacher from each school to teach a class at the gathering and other teachers sit in the class and observe if they wish. You will be informed as to which class. Then each school will be asked to give about 10 min utes in the afternoon program of something helpful and interesting for the other schools if possible." Mr. Smith further requests that you write out at once if you have any suggestion for any part of the program for the gathering. LOCAL NEWS HEMS Manager Sigsbee of the Star the ater certainly made a hit with "The Covered Wagon," and for the first two nights has had crowded houses. This wonderful picture is one of the very best productions ever presented in Heppner, and Mr. 8igsbee is ap preciative of the fine houses that have greeted it here. The final pre sentation is tonight, when all those who have been prevented from at tending will be on hand, for they cannot afford to pass it up. John H.Bush and family of Ver- nonia, Oregon, arrived here Sunday night and spent Monday and Tuesday visiting at the home of Mrs. Bush's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kirk of Willow creek, and other relatives in Heppner. They returned home Wednesday morning. Mr. Bush drove up from Vernonia on Sunday night. He runs the picture show in that thriving city and is enjoying a fine business. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wells were over from Pendleton yesterday, and last eve ning took in the reception of Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S., to the grand worthy matron. Mr. Scott is interested in some farm land in this county in the vicinity of lone. Harry Wright and wife and father-in-law are visiting here from their home in California. They arrived the first of the week and expect to remain at least two weeks. It has been 11 years since Harry left Hepp ner. They are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bisbee. Mrs. John Cason and little daugh ter Patricia were at Pendleton on Saturday where she enjoyed a pleas- j ant vslt 8 the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Keithly, former residents of Heppner. D. C. Wells, real estate dealer of Pendleton accompanied by Mr. Rose of Billings, Montana, was here yes terday, Mr. Rose was interested in ooking over some of the ranches of the county with a view to locat- ng. Delbert Bellenbrock, champion buckaroo of Heppner's 1923 Rodeo, is the proud father of a daughter, born at the Bellenbrock home near Mon ument the past week. Mother and child are reported to be doing well. John Kirk reports that his brother. Jess Kirk, who has been an invalid for several years past, is gradually growing more feeble each day. Mr. Kirk is a victim of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cochran of lone and Mr. and Mrs. Branner Reese of Yakima were visitors in this city on Monday, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner. Oliver Bowman, reported in these columns as being quite ill at his home in Monument with spotted fe ver, is reported now to be on the road to recovery. Twenty acres, garden, pasture, small house, barn, sheds, 400 hens, water in house, mile of town, price $126 per acre, terms. Box 88, Hermis ton, Ore. Elmer Baldwin was taken to Hot Lake yesterday, he being a aurTercr from a very severe attack of sciatic rheumatism. Mrs. L. V. Gentry, who has been ill at her home near Heppner, reported to be fully recovered. An eight-round daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mulvaney of Ulackhcrse on April 24th. A. E. Wright and son Walter wore visitors in Heppner on Tuesday from their home at Hardman. A. B. Robertson, warehouseman of Condon, was a business visitor in this city yesterday. Buck Lieunllen, state highway cop. has been spending a few dxys in thit vicinity. LARGE RECEPTION Mrs. Burdette, Grand Worthy Matron, Is Honor Guest VISITORS ARE MANY Other G ra nd Lod ge Officers A re Present; Degree Work and Banquet Feature. The occasion of the official visit of Mrs. Mary Alice Burdette, grand worthy matron of the Order of Eas tern Star of Oregon, to Ruth Chap ter No. 32 of Heppner on last eve ning, was made doubly pleasant by the very large number of visitors here from outside points. Mrs. Bur dette, whose home is in McMinnville, is a member of Jasmine Chapter No. 74 of Arlington, and almost the en tire membership of that body was present to assist in the entertain ment of Mrs. Burdette. Two other grand officers were also in attend ance, these being Mrs. Zada Ebi of Arlington, grand worthy organist and Joseph N. Scott of Pendleton, grand worthy sentinel, and the greetings of all present were extended to them. In the exemplification of the work four candidates were given the de grees, Mrs. Ruth Benge Eakelson and Miss Gladys Benge of Lexington, Mrs. Harvey Bauman and Mrs. L. L. Gil liam of Heppner, and the officers of Ruth chapter received very high commendation from the state officers on the splendid manner in which they handled the work; it was well done and the parts of each handled word perfect. Following the initiatory ceremon ies, Mrs. Burdette delivered a short address, in which she stated that she greatly appreciated the splendid re ception on the part of Ruth chapter, and doubly appreciated the visit of practically the entire membership of her home chapter, Jasmine No. 74 of Arlington, stating that still another pleasure of the occasion was the pre sence of C. W. Shurte, also a member of her chapter and Patron at the time she was Matron of the Arlington lodge. Mrs. Burdette was remembered by a beautiful gift from Ruth Chapter this being presented to her on behalf of the chapter by C. L. Sweek, who said just the right things in such a nice way as to receive the plaudits of the entire audience, to which Mrs. Burdette graciously replied. There was no set piogiaut; "trot "Mtv- t9eefc was called upon and rendered two beautiful baritone solos, being ac companied at the piano by Mrs. Ebi. The reception closed with the serving of refreshments, the dining hall be ing beautifully decorated with an abundance of cut flowers. Visitors present were: Edith Leg horn, Etta VanWinkle, Vada Bragg, Lockey Fisk, Zada Ebi, C. W. Shurte, Carrie W. Bum ham, Sophie Douglass, Nellie Rhodes, Hazel Josephsen, Helen Storey, Chas. F. Storey, Flor ence Leghorn. Margaret Williams, Elizabeth Van Schoiaek, Anna B. Blackburne, Pearl C. Stephens, Edith Snell, Thedosia Irby, Ada Christen sen, Cora Van Winkle. Margaret Se go, Iva Inglish, A. E. Blackburne, Geo. O. Stylson, Earl Snell, of Jasa mine Chapter 74, Arlington; W. E. Buliard, Dr. Walker, Myrtle A. waiK- er, Ruth B. Mason, Margaret A. Bul iard, of Locust Chapter No. 119, lone; Rosa Brown, Myrtle Bennett, Jennie Erwin, Dock Brown, Condon Chapter No. 23; Margaret Goodman, Friendship Chapter No. 115, Port land; Joseph N. Scott, D. C. Wells, Mrs. Joseph N. Scott, Mrs. D. C. Wells of Buahee Chapter No. 19, Pendleton; Bessie Mercer, Union Chapter No. 49; Gertrude Davies, Es ther Chapter, Baker; Leona W. Mill er, Camelia Chapter, Portland. World's Greatest Riders Entered Idaho Stampede Couer d'Alene, Idaho, April 30. (Special.) "Paddy" Ryan of Miles City, Montana, world's greatest all round cowboy contestant, has wired his entry to the secretary of the Northern Idaho Stampede to take part in the riding and roping con tests at Stampede park on July first to fourth, inclusive. Paddy, having wrested cowboy honors form Yakima C-anutt at both Pendleton and Chey enne last year, now stands at the pinnacle of cowboy fame. His entry means much to the Stampede man agement as it shows the class of tal ent expected. Bonnie Gray, a graduate of the University of Idaho at Moscow, now one of the world's greatest horse women, has also signed up to appear in her famous trick riding Btunts a well as relay races. Among other feats, she will vauit her favorite horse over a fu'l grown automobile on the truck, The ten thousand dollars in cash prizea for cowboy, cowgirl, Indian and parade events, is attracting the best rdiers and ropers from twenty states in the catti) districts. At the high school auditorium on Tuesday forenoon, the obrvi.nce of Forest Week was prvseiiti'd to th pupils by Runner Clouston, Rev. E. C. Alfiml and Dist. Atly. S. E. Not son. This is American Forest Week April 27 to May 3 and the foruat service is using every means possi ble to impress the importance of preventing furest fires, and the be ginning of the summer's educations! campaign for forest protection. Dr. M. II. Fisher nd wife of Ta-vt-re if in; .its at coma, W asriiiigton, the home of Mr. and Mn. M. I. C Urk in this city ovr lust Thurtdny nitiht. They were on their return homo from a li-Wiitig trip out in the Mend country and a short viit at the homo of Mm. Fisher's mother. Mr. Wm. l,ttUrtll, at Grass Valley. Mrs. Kihr formerly Miss Gladys Lane of this city.