The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY " ' Volume 41, Number 49. HEPPNER, OREGON, TH URSDAY, MAR. 5, 1925 ': Subscripion $2.00 Per Year E LIFE Appointment of Kansas Man Is Boon to Co-Op-erative Marketing. FIGHTER IN CHARGE Rugged Westerner, Still In Forties, Hm Had Colorful Life and Knows Farm and Ranch Flrat Band. Written Specially for The Gazette Timei by JOHN THOMAS WILSON Washington, D. C, Mar. 8. "Ride 'em cowboy" will likely be the battle cry in the Department of Agriculture for the next four years. That there is going to be some plain and fancy riding U a foregone conclusion, to those acquainted with the life story of Dr. William M. Jardine, former cowboy and ranchman who becomes Secretary of Agricultlure March 4th. Cowboy to Cabinet. From the great west, comes Jar dine. Born in Idaho 46 years ago, he spent the first sixteen years of his life on his father's ranch. He "punch ed" cattle, broke broncos, at 25 cents each, and attended district school In the winter. At 17 he felt the call to be out and doing, so he left the home ranch and went to Big Hole, Mont., where he got a job on a cattle ranch, performing the usual tasks of a ranch hand. He then became interested in dairy ing. Realizing tho need of education, he entered Utah Agricultural Col lege, graduating in 1104. Those years at school were active for young Jar dine. He was up and doing and active in sports. He played four years on the varsity football team, captaining it the last year. During the summer he pitched hay and worked on dairy farms. One summer he was out with a surveying gang. Farm to Washington. After graduation he taught for a year, then sought and obuined the job as manager of a farming company which was tilling acres on the whole sale plan in Utah. Then came his flrat contact with government work. He sought and secured a job as an assistant in the cereal branch of the Department of Agriculture. He work ed there three years, from 1907 to 1910. Then he returned to the rug ged west he knew so well, little real ising or with little ground for hope that fifteen years later he would re turn to Washington to head the De partment of Agriculture and sit as a cabinet member. When he returned to the west in 1910 he was offered a professorship at Kansas Agricultural College. Af ter three years as professor of agron omy he was made Dean of the Divis ion of Agricultral and Director of the Experiment Department. In 1918 he succeeded Dr. H. J. Waters as president of the Kansas College. That is the post he now leaves to become Secretary of Agriculture. Dr. Jardine is a rugged westerner who will bring to Washington first hand knowledge of agriculture. He has always been an outspoken advo cate of the farmers' Interests. He is openly opposed and a foe to gov ernment price-fixing on farm commod ities. He runs counter to the views of many men prominent in the Ag riculture Department and the influ ences of the farm bloc in congress. What to Expect. In plain words. Dr. Jardine U a fighter. A polite but positive shake up in the Department may be expect ed. Such opposition as is thrown up will meet a mental vigor credited with a thorough acquaintance with farm problems through a lifetime spent in studying them. The appointment of a mid-westerner, Cecil W. Creel of Indiana, now director of Agricultural Extension at Nevada University, as assistant see- ST. PATRICK'S BALL Juniper Hall ST. PATRICK'S DAY Tries.,. Mar. 17 Good Music -:- Supper at Midnight f.titttttttttmttiiittttititiittititttitttitttttntitttttii BARLEY FOR SEED Also Bluestem & Red Chaff Club Wheat ROLLED WHEAT AND BARLEY Brown Warehouse Co. Phone 613 WKKUK1 HIS APPROVAL TO APPROPRIATIONS Measures Conserving Funds Have His Okey; Other Bills Are Signed. On Tuesday Governor Pierce signed two of the revenue saving measures approved by the legislature. They were house bill COO, which suspends state aid to the industrial accident commission for two years, amounting to $176 000, and house bill 497, which reduces the millage levy for the r.tate bonus commission from one to one half mill, amounting to aboua half a million dollars. The governor has signed the fol lowing appropriation bills: H. B. 488 For state and supreme court libraries. H. B. 499 For installing fire exits and repairing elevators in capitol and supreme court building. H. B. 479Salaries and expenses of state livestock sanitary board. H, B. 473 Salaries in attorney gen eral's office. H. B. 490 For eradication of ro dents. H. B. 486 To pay sundry claims. H. B. 495 Expenses of general and biennial elections. H. B. 470-:-Salaries and expenses of educational department. H. B. 492 For transferring con victs. H. B. 472 Salaries and expenses of supreme court. H. B. 486 For support of homeless, neglected and abused children. H. B. 476 Salaries and expenses of tailor department, H. B. 481 For O. A. C. underJSmith Lever act. H. B. 475 -Salaries and expenses of O. N. G. H. B. 493 For payment of interest on irrigation district bonds. H. B. 477 For salaries and expen ses of state engineer. Other bills signed Tuesday were: H. B. 170 To exempt from estate and inheritance taxes property pre viously taxed. H. B. 132 -For uniform system of accounts for state institutions. D. A. Wilson Located In New Place of Business At the end of the week the stock of gents furnishing goods and haber dashery of the D. A. Wilson stora was transferred to the new location in Masonic building, and Mr. Wilson is getting pretty well straightened up in the new quarter, where he in vites his old customers to visit him, and where he expects to welcome many new friends. The room occupied by Mr. Wilson was vacated by the Sam Pughes com pany and it makes a very nice loca tion for his line of merchandise. Sinre opening up in lleppner Mr. Wilson has enjoyed a splendid trade in gents' furnishings, suits and clothing, and he will continue to enjoy a fine pat ronage in this line by virtue of be ing better located than heretofore. .Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hiatt were visit ors in Heppner on Monday from their home out at Lena. retary of Agriculture to Dr. Jardine, may be expected. This is in line with the naming of Jardine by President Coolidge. It Is understood that Creel is in complete accord with the views of the new secretary and will vigor ously carry out Jardine's policies. Under Jardine, a radical change is expected in the policy advocated by the late Secretary, Henry C. Wallace. Mr. Wallace favored the government handling of surplus farm products and for the virtual fixing of price. Dr. Jardine is especially interested in co-operative marketing. In address he has said: "Only 10 of the trou bles of the farmer can be remedied by legislation. The other 90 must be solved by tho farmers themselves and their immediate associates the business men of each agricultural community." IttttttJtttttlttlRttttnitti TO OUR If 1 RESIDENT COOLIDGE irf W tiite- I nUniMwif 1 VAn fyT-cAyTc ) been reached. Now with the inauguration we have in the White House a full fledged, well balanced experienced man holding the reins of government and equipped to his individual liking. Up to this hour the president has been kept busy trying to shape and modify the legacy left to him, but necessarily hampered by the clutter of officialdom and the bewildering maze f o policies which' in no sense were the children of his own creation. The situation is now changed. For months President Coolidge has been putting his official house in order. As a tact no President ever has would be ready to function he stepped into office. The idg in action. No one knows better than the President that with the assump tion of complete power he must also bear the full burden of responsibility, but the people, ever generous, will stand behind their national leader. For the next four years there can be no aspiration is peace and the s Among iruesta registered at Hotel Heppner during the week were: F. L. Morrow, Wasco; Tilman Hogue, lone; P. J. Doherty, Lexington, B. W. Sny der. The Dallen, W. A. WirU, Walla Walla, F. D. McGuirk, Portland, F. E. Ramsey, Portland, B. F. Lowe and wife, Pendleton, E. M. Kellogg and ife Portland, A. G. Thompson, Port land, William G. Patterson, Port land, E. J. Scellars, Salem, J. C. Eul- berg, Portland, W. H. Lovcland, Port- lnnd, J. H. Gordon, Portland, L. E. Dnvis, Portland, J. H. Thompson, Hamilton, L. Altman, Enterprise, Miss Florence Sealo, Arlington, The Macy-Baird show company, M. Flem ing, Portland, Bob Tuttle, Pendleton. O. L. lhlan, Pendleton, H. S. Thomp son and v. J. Thompson, Gibbon. R. McElligott, Portlnnd. James Hager, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Osmin Hager, was injured quite seriously in a runaway on Saturday morning. He was coming down from the field on the hill where he had been to deliver a harrow, using the wagon that had dump boards on. These boards slid forward and struck the team and they ran. The boy held on pretty well, but when the team made a turn at the feed yards near the north end of Chase street, he was thrown and struck by a wheel. Sev eral stitches were necessary to close the cuts on his head, but fortunately no bones were broken. Sheepmen and farmers are thank ful for the tine weather, but want a little more rain to keep the grain and grass coming along. ' The gardener would appreciate weather that is a lit tle more severe so that his plants will not be nipped later an. It is a tough job for the weather man, as he can not please everybody he just shakes up tho box, opens the lid and lets come what may. These balmy spring days have been an incentive to cleaning up and there has been much smoke in the air about the city during the week, resulting from burning rubbish and trash. Some have altto caught the garden fe ver and early gardens are being made, while it may be noted that others have been attacked with the "spring fever" caused from the warm sun shine. The Eastern Star social club met 'art. Saturday afternoon at MaBonic hall, with about 2u in attendance. Bridge was Indulged in and refresh ments consisted of cookies, ice cream and coffee. Mrs. Ralph Thompson was winner of first priie. The host esses were Mrs. C. L. Sweek, Mrs. W. H. Cleveland, Mrs. John Wight man and Mrs. Lillian Cochran. While In Portlnnd the first of the week, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Turner visited Mrs. C. C. Haynle at the san itarium at Milwaukic, and found her to be getting along well, In fact, Mrs, llnynie has so far recovered her health that she will leave the sani tarium and return to her home at Kairlleld, Idaho, by the middle of this month, Jns, Luper, who has been living at Hubbard during the winter, arrived home last evening and will look af ter reseedlng a part of his place on Heppner flat. Mr. Lupor had In. about 300 acres of fall grain that was froi- THIRTIETH PRESIDENT at last. The end of the long trail of preparation has had better opportunity to shape a government that with full intelligence and understanding the instant people look forward with confidence to the real Cool- parties save those that stand for a united nation whose prosperity that follows in its wake. en out in December, and he will have to put in spring grain now, expecting, however, to seed only a portion of the ground. Quite a number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. HBrvie Young gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones on Tuesday evening and gave them a farewell party. The Youngs departed today for their new home at Medford and the best wishes of a host of friends here go with them for their success. Henry Thompson, .former business man of Heppner, but for many years a resident of Portland where he has engaged in the real estate business, came up from the city on Tuesday and will spend a few days looking af ter business here and enjoying a visit with the old .timers. The Galloway Telephone Co. sold out the past week and will retire from business. Individuals along the line bought up the equipment, among them being Charles Barth.lomew of Pine City, John Brosnan and Percy Hughes of Lena and Dillard French of Gur dane. Richard MeElIigott of Portland was doing business in Heppner on Wed nesday. He was formerly extensively engaged in farming in the lone coun try, but is now a retired capitalist, living at case in Portland. Officers and members of Ruth Chap ter No. 82, O. E. S., will go to Ar lington tomorrow evening and be the guests of the Chapter there, and wit ness their degree team put on the work. L. Betram of The Dalles, represen tative of Marshall Wells, wholesale hardware of Portland, was Interview ing the trade here on Wednesday. He was registered at Hotel Heppner. County court convened in regular March session at the court house yes terday forenoon, with Judge Bongo presiding and (Jommsisioners David son and Blcakman attending. Evangelist A. J. Tiffany of Port land will be in Heppner and occupy the pulpit at the Methodist Commun ity church Sundny, March 8th, both morning and evening. Rhea Luper, state engineer of Ore gon, came up from Salem last evening and is spending a day or so here. He accompanied Mb father, Jas. Lupor. Bertha Robertson of Butter creek, who was recently operated' on at the hospital here for appendicitis, wa able to return to her home Snturday. W. A. WirU, auditor of Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., was here from Walla Walla on Tuesdny. He was a guest at Hotel Heppner while in the city. Dr. F. W. Clarke, of the Clarke Stram Optical Co., of Portland, ar rived here yestreday and was stopping at Hotel Heppnor. Mr. and Mrs. John Her this week moved into tho residence on Church street recently vacated by Henry Hnp pold and family. Crocuses are in bloom everywhere just peeping out of the ground; their way of saying, "howdy do, spring's hero." The Indies auxiliary of Bethel chap el are meeting this afternoon with Mesdames McNmnor and Campbell as hostesses. Emmet Cochran was over from his Monument ranch and spent severnl days in the city thia week. ii J, ii.ii jnjij, i m The sophomores held their annual "dress up day" last Wednesday. Some of the most gorgeous summer costumes were displayed. They held a theater party in the evening which was largely attended. The freshmen journeyed up Willow creek to the Monahan ranch last Sat urday evening where they held a weinie roast. Everybody reports an enjoyable evening and plenty of eats. The high school operetta "Crimson Eyebrows" will be given in about two weeks. A definite date will be an nounced later. The "H" Club is planning another smoker to be given in the near future. The pupils of both the grades and the high school have begun work on the Oregon history contest. THE GIRL SCOITS. The advisory board of the Girl Scouts will meet with Mrs. W. P. Mahoney on Wednesday afternoon. A full attendance will be expected. The regular meeting of the Scouts was held at Bethel Chapel yesterday afternoon, and a large number of the girls were in attendaecn. The work was put on in fine shape and is great ly enjoyed by all. A larger attend ance for the next meeting is antici pated nnd expected. AUXILIARY MET MONDAY. The second meeting of the newly formed Ladies Auxiliary to the American Legion was held Monday evening at Bethel Chapel with a fine attendance. Sixteen applications for membership were received. Through the efforts of Mrs. Wilkinson of Yak ima, representing a lyceum bureau, the unit contracted for an entertain ment to be given sometime during October. DANCE AT JCNIPER, SATURDAY, MARCH 11. The people of the Juniper Hall As sociation will give a dance at the Hall on Saturday, March 14. This dance marks the first anniversary of the building of the hall. Supper will be served at midnight, A cordial invi tation is extended to all. LADIES TAKE NOTICE. The sale of dresses, coats, suits, by the Reliable Dress Co., at Curran's Millinery Shoppe will continue until Saturday, March 7. All ladies are invited to call and see our selecti. Prices are very moderate. EASTER SALE. Tlio ladies of the Methodist Com munity church will hold their Easter sale of gingham dreases, aprons and toou, Saturday, April 4th, at 1:80 n m at the store of Case Furniture Company. ROYAL ARCH MASONS TO MEET. A meeting of Heppner Chapter No. 26, R. A. M., will be hold at Masonic itall on Thursday evening, March, 6 There will bo work in both the P. M nnd M. E. M. degrees. ah lias nave you seen our window display of tools to repair menu hailuk. This Week By Arthur Brisbane Our Gifts to Justice. Defective Teeth, Hands. Our Feeble Imagination. Neighborly Nationas. A man in the Sing Sing death house sentenced to die next month, hangs himself. Doctors work over him for hours, trying to bring him back to life. -The interesting feature of this death in the death house is the vio lent effort to resuscitate tbe man af-' ter he had strangled himself. The law said he must die. why not let him die? What do the higher powers above think of the corpses that we send up from our gallows, electric chairs and lethal chambers? How much better does our civilization Beera up there than that of the ancient Mexicans that ripped out the heart of a living buman sacrifice, offering that as a welcome gift to their gods? How do our gifts to the goddess f justice impress real justice? The French army has tested and approved a new stabilizing device for airplanes, 'Without the use of a gyro-J scope. That means one step nearer to absolutely safe flying, safer than any mode of travel on land. Ten to twenty years should see the end of long distance rail travel and of ocean surface travel. Wise real estate investors will make their plans with the nying machine in mind. The British worry because the na tional eyesight grows weaker. One hundred and fifty in every 1,000 lack good sight at the age of twenty and ten at the age of four. The human eye, like the teeth that nature gave us, is defective, a poorly made instrument. Our teeth cause suffering and death. Teeth better planned would not do that. Even our five-fingered hands, would have been much improved by adding .one finger. w ith that extra finger we should use in arithmetic the superior duodecimal system, instead of the inferior deci mal system, and we could play string ed instruments of a higher, jnore com plicated kind. Floyd Collins1 suffering is over. This man's death illustrates the pow er and the weakness of human imag ination. A hundred men risked their livea to save his. Doctors went to his rescue by flying machine, but could do nothing. The entire nation followed closely the tragic story. Imagination showed the man lying in the low cave, his leg crushed by the 14,000-pound rock, existing day after day for nearly two weeks in horrible agony and discomfort. It was possible to imagine clearly that dreadful situation. And the na tion sympathizes. Any legislature would gladly have voted $100,000 to save Collins. The same nation, through its leg islatures, refuses to pass the Child Labor amendment that would free tens of thousands of children from years of slow torment. The feeble public imagination can not see clearly those children in the mills. The Prince of Wales, whom Amer icans recently made very welcome, is interested in a plan to send British students to this country. That is common sense, as well as a pleasant compliment. The Rhodes scholarship system. that now sends American boys to British universities, will be reversed in the new plan. The way to estab lish peace la to increase intelligence. When nations know each other, they will compete instead of fighting. . There is disappointment because the British Church can't find a way to make a saint of Florence Nightin gale, and supply her with a halo. The answer to that is that Florence Night ingale Is a saint already, and needs no halo. When she went to Scutari, with her group of devoted nurses, to save from needless death the wounded men in the Crimea, sticking at her work, al though prostrated with fever, she made herself a saint. Nothing that the Archbishop of Canterbury might do would make her saintliness more genuine than it is. ALEX CORNETT AGAIN J. P. At yesterday's session of the coun ty court, the matter of appointment of a justice of the peace for the sixth district, made vacant by the resig nation of Harvie Young, came up for consideration. The petition of W. A. Richardson was filed, and also the ap plication of Alex Cornet who was defeated in the election last fall by Mr. Y'oung, and who had occupied the office for several years. Upon due consideration of the matter, the ap pointment of Mr. Conwtt was made, and he filed his bond and qualified at once. TO SPEND SI MMER AT PULLMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howard de parted on Tuesday for Pullman, Wn.. where they will spend the summer. Mr. Howard has two daughters, Mrs. Frank Stevenson and Mrs. Chaa. Kin caid, and' also a son residing in that vicinity, and the old people will en joy their stay in the Palouse country. Mr. Howard has quite completely ro covorod from his protracted spell of the grippe, and it is felt that the change will be benelicial to them both. APPLES I am closing out the last of my Newtona at 90c, f. o. b. Hood River, cash with order. Also while they last, a few boxes of small New tons, Winesnps and Spitsenbergs, at 60c a box. Bliss L. Clark, R. 1, Box 121, Hood River, Oregon. ODD FELLOWS MET IN I0NE LAST NIGHT Last of Cet-Together Meetings Well Attended; Alt County Lodges Represented. The fourth and lait of the geries of get-together meeting! of tho. Mor row county Three-Linkers, wag held last evening in tho big rink at lone, and there was almost a capacity house present. We aro informed by mem bers of Heppner lodges that thre must have been at least 250 Odd Fellows and Rebekaha present, and these represented every lodge in the county save one. There was the usual fine program, participated in by members of Mor gan, lone and Heppner lodges, who joined in furnishing the entertain ment numbers, and the meeting was one long to be remembered. Between eight and ten cars of members of Willow lodge and San Souci Rebakah lodge of Heppner attended, lone lodges were out in full force, while Lexington, Hardman and Morgan sent large delegations. The meeting was closed with a cafeteria lunch, and the gathering was pronounced one of the very best yet held. It was tentatively planned at lone last evening to hold the annual cele bration of the birth of the order at Heppner on the 26th of April, and all arrangements for the proper cele bration of this event will be worked out and announced later. P. T. A. Will Have Election of Officers The next regular meeting of the loeal Patron-Teachers association will be held at the high school audi torium on next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The annual election of officers will take place at this meet ing, and it is desired that there shall be a good attendance on the part of the members. The program will be rather brief, but will contain some good numbers, among them a piano solo by Miss ELenn, a vocal duet by Mrs. Gillilan and Miss Davies, and an address by Mrs. F. R. Brown on the subject, "Child Guidance." While in Portland during the week, President Turner met Mrs Ava Lewis Stevens, state chariman of the social hygiene committee who informed her that she contemplated making a visit here early in April. Mrs. Stevens will be accompanied by Mr. Grant, who is representative of the boys' division of the same committee, and these two state officers will address the P. T. association and the high school. Definite annnouncement of the date of their visit to Heppner will be given later. Elks Preparing For Big: Dance at Condon According to the ' Condon Globe Times, arrangements are being per fected by the Elks of that city for a big dance on Friday evening, March 20, with a banquet at Hotel Condon. The Elks of Heppner, to whose lodge the Condon Elks belong, have engaged a special train for March 20, and will attend in force, states thft Condon paper. The dance and ban quet is being arranged to inject some old time pep into local Elks and to jazz up the entire membership of the lodge to which they belong. STEREOPTICON SLIDES ON CHINA. The Epworth League of the Meth odist Community church will give, on Friday evening, March 6th, at 7:45 o'clock a talk on China, illustrated with beautiful, colored slides. Every one, young or old, interested in this wofWerful country, will be welcome. Program free. Following the pictures ' the young people will serve refresh ments al la Chinese. They hope by this means to add something to their athletic fund. Sunday evening, the topic for dis cussion will be "The Town Where I Live Keeping It Clean." Everybody come and tell us how to do it. " CARMEN GILLILAN, Reporter. HAS FIRST WEDDING CEREMONY. On Friday afternoon last, Judge R. L. Benge performed his first wed ding ceremony when he joined in marriage Etta Hallam of this county and Zephyl A. Harrison of Monu ment, at his office in the court house. Other officers of the court house were witnesses to the event, and it is re ported that the Judge got through with his part of the program in good shape, though we did not learn that he kissed the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Hallam will make their home at Mon ument. IONE COUPLE MARRIED HERE. The marriage of Mr. Fred Nicho son and Miss Edith Ella Petteys., young people of lone, took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mc Niimer in this city Wednesday after noon, March 4th. Rev. E. C. Alford of the Methodist Community church officiated. 'These are tine young folk of the lone section where the bride was born and raised, and where for a number of years Mr. Nichoson has engaged in business. They will make their home in lone. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Having decided to continue in bus iness at the old stand, 1 wish to thaivk you for your loyal support in the past, and to ask for a continuance of your patronage. I have made arrange ments with Lowengart A Co. for the exclusive sale in Heppner of their Cameo and Elcrest hats the most popular hats in the west These hats an priced . very reasonably from $3.60 to $15.00. This line was for merly handled in Heppi er by Mrs. Luper, and local women know of its excellent quality. MR J, L. G. H ERR EN. Harvey' McAHater, pron inent citi wn of Lexington, was a visitor here en Tuesday afternoon. C1GESEESH FnCESMII Three Changes Came With Teapot Dome Ex posures. FIVE MEMBERS NEW Resignation of Hughea and Death of Wallace, Remove Two; Weeks and Mellon Only Easterners Left Sec.' of 8tate .....Frank B. Kellogg Minnesota. L Attorney General, Chaa. B. Warren Michigan Sec of Treasury Andrew Mellon Pennsylvania Secretary of War, John W. Weeks Massachusetts Sec of Navy .. .Cartlss D. Wilbur California Postmaster Gen. Harry S. New Indiana Sec of Agriculture, Wm. Jardine Kansas Sec of Commerce, Herbert Hoover California Sec of Labor James . Davis Indiana Sec of Interior Hubert Work Colorado Kellogg, Warren, Wilbur, Jar dine and Work selected by Cool id gt. Written Specially for The Gazette- Tunes, By ROBERT FULLER Washington, D. C, March 4. In the usual slow, careful and deliberate way that the nation has come to know Calvin Coolidge, during the last fif teen months, changes have been made until now when he takes oath of of fice by his own election, the Presi ident has a cabinet, one-half of which is new from that which came to him from the Harding administration. Five of the ten cabinet members are new as the new administration gets under way. The new members of the President's official family are Kellogg, Warren, . Wilbur, Jardine and Work. In real ity, there have been six new faces, but Harian Fiske Stone, passed on from the Attorney-Generalship to the Supreme Court bench to be re placed by Warren of Michigan. Changes in the cabinet have been unhurried and each new selection has been forced by circumstances. New heads for the Departments of State, Navy and Interior were forced by the Teapot Dome exposures and public sentiment. The change in Agriculture was caused by the death of Secretary Wallace. The resigna tion of Charles Evans Hughes as Secretary of State, brought about the selection of Frank B. Kellogg for the post. Even the change within the White House, the resignation of Private Secretary to the President, Bascom Slemp was forced, and the position went to Roy Sanders of Indiana. The arrival of Frank B. Kellogg from London last week, where he has served as American ambassador to England for one year, completed the actual presence of the Cabinet group in Washington. Each and every one has conferred at great length with the President and all were set and ready to assume duties immediately fol lowing the inauguration today. The opposition to the appointment of Warren of Michigan as Attorney general gave way in the last hours of the closing congress when the Presi dent refused to consider another se lection. Summed up, the middle-west and west seem to lead in cabinet posts. Wilbur, Navy, and Hoover, Interior, are from California; Kellogg, State, is from Minnesota; Jardine, Agricul ture, is from Kansas; Work, Interior, is from Colorado; Warren, Attorney General, is from Michigan; while In diana, with New, Postoffice, Davis, Labor, and Sanders, Secretary to the President, leads in representation. Weeks, War, from Massachusetts, and Mellon, Treasurer, from Penn sylvania, are the two only eastern men in the cabinet. At least, it cannot be said that President Coolidpe kept his eyes to the East in the remolding of his cab inet. Michael Doherty Died At Pendleton Yesterday Pendleton East Oregonian. Michael Doherty, sheepman of But ter creek, died this morning at fl o'clock at St. Anthony's hospital, his death being due to typhoid fever. Mr. Doherty, who was iZ years old, was born in Ireland, coming to Amer ica in UKKi. He at tim hyrded uhtep in this county and later went into the sheep business with his cousin, Patrick Doherty. Mr. Doherty is survived by hit widow and th following minor chil dren: Cecelia, Kathleen, Edward, Ei leen and Marie Dohnrty. Surviving a 1 so are his mother, M rn. It ridc''t Doherty and two brother., Edward and Joim Doherty, the thrue latter residing in Ireland; and three ilsfwr. Mrs. John McDvvitt of Line; Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Mis Juno Doher ty, both of Seatt'e, and Mis Undo Doherty of tins city. Mr. Doherty w;m u member of tlia Roman Catholic chun. h an 1 f un ! services will bo held from St. Mary's at 10 a. m. on T'lurday. Interment will be hire. Mrs. Cittherino Erh knon, oru'iizcr for a women insurance orgiuiiziitl'iri, came in on Monday. While In lh City she rvgMtwred at lUiU-t iUj,)piir.