The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEiaY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY " I , Volume 41, Number 48. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1925. v Subscripion $2.00 Per Year i . . . 1 CARS DAMAGED LOCAL HISTORY TO BE This Week ITS GOT TO BE SOLVED BY MARCH 15 IN COLLISION ON CECIL HIGHWAY L By SATTERF1ELD HELDJI ALPINE D. E. Stephens and B. S. Bessee Speak on Live Farming Topics. ' HERE FRIDAY NIGHT Cost of Wheat Production and Va rieties of Sprint Wheata Dla cnaaed Lait Night. . It was the pleasure of the editor to attend the meeting at the new schoM houie at Alpine last evening, on the invitation M County Agent Moree, and tnten to the addresses of Messra. Beaiee and Stephens. The people of the district turned out well and manifested much inter est in what the gentlemen represent ing the 0. A. C. and Moro experiment stations had to say. Mr. Bessee spoke particularly on the costs of produc tion in wheat raising, gathered from the survey of 77 wheat farms in Sher man county and covering a period of three years, the points being illus trated by charts; -he also set out on the blackboard the figures showing the factors that would have to do with the price that the farmer might ex pect to receive for his crop this sea son, and mentioned some of the fac tors that might help in making the price to the farmers here better. Short crops, abandoned acreage and low yield per acre over the wheat belt would undoubtedly cause the price to raise, whereas a big crop, increased acreage, would have a tendency to lessen the price on the basis of world production. In this country there haa been an Increase of winter sow ing to the amount of 4,000,000 acres but this may not affect the export market, and our price is governed by this. Mr. Bessee also urged the adoption of a number of side lines along with the wheat raising as a means of supplying some needed cash in times like these. Three years of hard sledding by the farmcra of the Inland Empire has put them in a bad way, but there Is hope that a good crop or two, with fair prices, will straighten them out and the future is brighter. Mr. Stephens has been heard by our farmers many times, and he always has something good to deliver out of his storehouse of knowledge concern ing the breeding and propagation of wheats that bring the best results in this Eastern Oregon country. He dwelt at some length on the varieties of spring wheat that would be best to sow on the lands being reseeded. Federation and Hard Federation re ceived his highest commendation, but these wheata are in strong demand the price is high and they are not ao easy to get right now. Preparing of seed bed, and caution as to the spread of weeds were also topics touched on by Mr. Stephens. He was parties larly emphatic in regard to the prop et cleaning of all seed wheat that is shipped into the county, as there is grave danger of noxious weeds being introduced here that we do not have at this time, and that would be very hard to get rid of. Messrs. Bessee and Stephana are speaking at Eight Mile this afternoon and on tomorrow evening they will speak at the court house In Heppner, at which time all the wheatraisers in this vicinity should make it a point to be present, as they will get much that is of benefit. Tuesday evening they addressed a fine crowd of farm ers in the new school building at lone, and many questions of interest and profit were, brought up and dis cussed. KNIGHTS ENJOY PROGRAM. The Knighta of Pythias celebrated the anniversary of their lodge on Tuesday evening, Feb. 24, by a good program and a big clam feed. Hon ors were declared awarded to Knight Fred Tash at the clam feed, as he succeeded in hiding himself almost entirely behind a mountain of clam shells not a small feat to be sure, but one he survived and is able to tell the tale. This is an illustration of the fact, however, that the clam feed was mighty good, and the Knights falling to attend missed a real treat. There will be initiatory work, beginning March 8rd, and every Pythian should make it a point to be presont. The program given was as follows: Opening Ode. Solo - Mrs. Alex Gibb Reading Mrs. Roger Morse Whistling Duet, Miss Elisabeth Phelps and Mrs. Gene Ferguson Reading Mrs. Ray Shurte Song Alex Gibb Address C, F. Trimble Whistling Duet Miss Phelps and Mrs. Ferguson MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS. Bethel Missionary society held its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Thomson. The program was given by Mrs. Frye, Mrs. McNamer and Mrs. Thelps, and was greatly enjoyed by all present. In addition to the ladies' program, a patriotic program was given by Neda Mercer, Frank Andorson, Burdett Launti and Billy Thomson, who did remarkably well with their various parts. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. George McDuffoe and Mrs. Thomson. BARLEY FOR SEED Also Bluestem & Red Chaff Club Wheat ROLLED WHEAT AND BARLEY Brown Warehouse Co. Phone 643 HmtmtMtwtji By Arthur Brisbane The Doctor Bill $3,000,000,000 For Cars. Wall Street Always Takes. "3 In 1" Husbands. It is suggested that income tax pay ers be allowed to deduct from taxable income what they have to pay doc tors. If a man makes his income by us ing machinery he ia allowed to deduct from income whatever he haa to spend to keep the machinery in order. The machinery used by a lawyer, merchant or mechanic is his own body and brain. If he has to spend money to keep that machinery in or der and fit to earn revenue, OF COURSE he should be allowed to charge that to "repairs" and deduct it from income tax. And also he should be allowed to deduct for each year of wear and tear a fair charge for DEPLETION. A coal mine owner charges off "de pletion," because his mine is worth less each year. What about the man whose ml:ie is his brain? That also is worth leu each year. Fashion can do what other things can't do. For instance, the fashion in short skirts haa made fashionable restaurants and night dancing re sorts in London cut down the height of tables and chairs. It is impossi ble for women with skirts up to their knees to sit gracefully, not to say modestly, at the regulation high table. So the table legs are cut off. Last year thia country paid out 3, 000,000,000 for automobilae. That's a large sum, but no money was better spent. To economise on automobiles would mean to economise on fresh air, health, happiness, and It would mean waste of time more than offsetting the saving in money. Europe, poorer and less efficient than the United States, suffers for lack of cars. Some of the millions we spent for trucks, to be used car rying freight. That was educational. Enough trucks competing with rail roads and cutting freight prices will make some of the old-faahioned rail road men think. Merely relying on the Interstate Commerce Commission to raise your rates, when you need more money, is not scientific rail roading. - "Tom" Lawson, author of "Fren zied Finance" and an active figure In much frenzied finance of hiB own,! was buried last week close to the magnificent estate that he once own ed. Wall Street gave it to him. And Wall Street took it away from hiiu. When he was aixteen he made $40, 000 in Wall Street. In twenty years of Wall Street life he made forty millions of dollars, and Wall Street took it all back. The old croupier at Monte Carlo's gambling house said to thia writer long ago: "We don't have to worry bout profits. While they have money the strangers stay and gamble or spend it in our hotels. When they haven't any more money, they go. The money stays with us." So with Wall Street, if you gamble. Mrs. Tcnnal, lady editor of the Sa- betha Herald, in Kansas, tells Kansas editors, at Topeka that every woman needs three husbands one for so ciety, one to make money, one to look after the housekeeping. Present-day husbands are satisfactory. as far as they go," she says, but they do not go far enough. The learned Mrs. Tennal knows that polyandry, meaning several husbands, was once the rule among many ra tions. It still prevails among certain setnl-barbaroua peoples. And the husbands manage to get along fairly well. Polyandry, however, will not solve the problem. The husband must mul tiply his accomplishments, while in creasing his tendency to fidelity. The American husband makes money, but does not know how to pny compli ments. Many European men pay marvelous compliments, but can't make money. The combination, or "three-in-one" husband will appear in the course of evolution. METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH The patriotic program by the Hp- worth League on Sunday evening last was greatly enjoyed by all present. The address by Professor Hedrick on "The Public School as a National In stitution," was especially interesting and instructive. On Sunday, March 1st, the regular League topic is, "Physical Health, How to Protect and Conserve It," In the League rooms at 6:30 Dr, McMur do, city health officer, will discuss some phase of this subject at tho meeting. A general invitation Is ex tended, to attend. ttttfflttttttttttUttttfflffittii Many Projects to Receive Attention During This Year. LEGISLATION ASKED Predatory Animal and Wild Horse Control, Cooperative Marketing, Among Afma of Body. According to Mac Hoke, secretary of the Oregon Woolgrwoers associa tion, the following project! will con stitute the wool growers program of work for 1925: 1. Cooperate with National Wool growers' assocaition and with other state woolgrowers' associations, to secure passage of national legislation beneficial to the sheep and wool grow ing industry, viz.: N 1. The Phipps Grazing Bill. 2. Increased appropriation for pred- datory animal control. 3. Maintain protective tariff. 4. Oppose Gooding Long and Short Haul Bill. 5. Legislation improving methods of financing. 2. Support the National Woolgrow ers' association by pledging 1c per head on sheep and lambs sold for 192S, and cooperate with the Nation al Woolgrowers' association in car rying on its program pf work. 3. Secure passage of state legisla tion for: 1. Appropriation for control of predatory animals and rodents. 2. Uniform assessments of sheep and range lands. 3. Control of wild horses. 4. Closed season on beaver in East ern Oregon. 5. Oppose laws detrimental to sheep and wool growing indus try. 4. Support Boston Wool Trade as sociation in petition asking for thru billing by rail and water on wool to Atlantic Coast points. 5. Educate sheep owners, farmers, camptenders. herders and others to the utte of poison as a means for con trolling predatory animals. 6. Cooperate with Forest Service officials to secure better results from the grazing resources of the National Forests. 7. Secure Association insurance covering liability of members who are permitted on National Forests, and who are liable for damage from fires that may be caused by employes. 8. Secure cost of operation data covering the range sheep business. 9. Encourage cooperative and or derly marketing of wool. 10. To establish shearing wages for 1925 at 12c and board, and to sta bilize wages paid for other labor. 11. Publish semi-monthly the "Ore gon Woolgrower" and distribute thru this publication market news and gen eral activities of the association, also conduct a free exchange column for members who wish to buy or sell sheep, lambs, wool, ranches, feed and supplies. 12. Increase membership so that the Oregon Woolgrowers association will represent the majority of the sheep owners and sheep population of Oregon. 13. Encourage the formation of Na-. tional Forest Perm i tees associations for each Natoinal Forest in Oregon. 14. Cooperate with other state as sociations to establish wages for la bor and shearing, and in all other matters of mutual interest. 15. Cooperate with the Federal Bu reau of Animal Husbandry, the State Livestock Sanitary Board, and the Veterinary Department of the Agri cultural College for the control of livestock diseases. 16. Cooperate with State Agricul tural College Extension and Experi ment Station Divisions, Farm Crops and Animal Husbandry Departments, to further investigations being ear ned on, and for the effective distri bution of this information through County Agents and Extension Spec ialists. 17. Cooperate with various trans portation companies to improve ser vice to shippers, to reduce rates where consistent, and to secure fa? vorable summer grazing rates for members. 18. To encourage the continued pro duction of high quality breeding sheep in Oregon, thus enabling our growers to continue to enjoy prices established for breeding sheep by the active competition of buyers from other sections of the sheep growing West. LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET. A meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion will be held Monday evening, March 2nd, In Bethel Chapel rooms, at 7:30. At the last meeting the following slogan was adopted: "Every Member Bring Member. All women who are eligi ble are cordially invited to attend this meeting. An applicant for mem bership must be the mother, wlfo, sis ter or daughter of a member of the American Legion. MRS. R. W. MORSE, President. HOUSE FALLS IN WELL. An exhibition of horsemanship was given on the vacant lot south of the McRoberts livery bam Sunday, when Glenn Mntteson was riding a bucking bronk. After plunging around for a short time, the animal broke through the covering of an abandoned well. The rider was not hurt and the ani mal had to bo drawn out of tho well by the use of a block and tackle fur nished by the power house. The event was the cause of quite a little in to rest as well as some excitement. UNION PRAYER MEETING. The several missionary societies of the city will meet on tomorrow af ternoon at 2:80 nt the parlors of the Christian church, to join in the ser vices of a union prayer meeting. All the women of the city are cordially invited and will be made welcome. f A Four vvrTtwA - ' 1111111 PIS ITFMS nirl HFPPHFR HIM MFWjj A number of outside people were in the city on Saturday evening to at tend the Elks ball. Among them our reporter noted the following: Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McDonald, W. G. Smith, W. J. Smith, L. C. Beeson, Robert Tapp, Robert McDonald, David Lemon, of Arlington; Mr. and Mrs. Veach, Mr. and Mrs. Haines, Miriam Keeney of Condon; F. J. Ayers and wife and R. M, Corrigall of Echo. Judge Benge and Commissioners Bleakman and Davidson went to Port land on Tuesday to be present at the meeting of the State Highway com mission, in session there since Wed nesday. They will take up the mat ter of the completion of the Lena Vinson gap of the Oregon-Washington highway, and hope to be able to arrive at a plan whereby the work will be started at an early date. . J. W. Becket is up from Portland to look after some busniess matters in connection with his Eight Mile farm. Mr. Becket is recovering from a spell of sickness that cut him down con siderably, but thinks the Morrow county sunshine will be of much help in his recuperation. Too much rain about Portland of late. Mrs. M. L. Curran returned last evening from a two weeks' stay in Portland, where she has been busy in selecting her spring millinery stock for Curran Millinery Shoppe. It rained constantly during the time Mrs. Curran was in Portland and she appreciates being able to see the sun shine once again. Rev. C. F. Trimble and family de parted yesterday forenoon fcr Van couver, Wash., where they go to take charge of the Pythian Home. Mr. Trimble will be supernitendent of the home and Mrs. Trimble Is to be the matron. He closed his pastorate , with the Christian church here on ! Sunday. Many beautiful gowns were in evi dence at the Elks ball on Saturday evening, and this annual event was very largely attended. There was good music by the Erwin orchestra and the evening was greatly enjoyed. Refreshments were served at the close of the entertainment. A marriage license was issued on Friday at the office of Clerk Ander son to Elmer R. Hunt and Mary E. Thompson, young people of Lexing ton. Their marriage occurred on Sat urday morning, Wallace Jones, pastor of the Christian church at Lexington, officiating. A large number of local Masons at tended the services at the Episcopal church on Sunday morning and lis tened to the splendid address of Arch deacon Goldie on the tenents of the order. Mr. Goldie held services in the evening, also, and these were well attended. Early Spring showing at Mrs. M. L. Curran's Millinery Shoppe for one week, beginning Monday, March 2nd. The Reliable Dress Co. will show the largest display of Spring garments ever attempted before. New York and Paris models. L, Altman, man ager. R. S. Bessee of the Oregon Agri cultural college and D. E. Stephens, superintendent of tho Moro experi ment station, have been in the county this week, and with County Agent Morse, conducting several meetings in the wheat growing sections. APPLES I am closing out the last of my Newton at 90c, f. o, b. Hood River, cash with order. Also while they Inst, a few boxes of small New- tons, Winesaps and Spltzcnbergs, at fide a box. Bliss L. Clark, R. 1, Box 121, Hood River, Oregon. Assessor Jesse J. Wells is spending a few days in Portland this woek, go ing to the city to make arrangemonts for his daughters, Helen and Myra, to enter business college. The young ladies will leave for school there shortly. w A l cm ha Have you seen our window displny of tools to repair tncmr haylok. Wallace Jones, Christian minister of Lexington, was a visitor in Hepp ner on Tuesday, N. P. S. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 23. The inauguration of a presi dent is of great interest to every cit izen of the nation. The method of procedure is as follows: A President is inaugurated every four years on March 4th. The inaugural proceed ings follow immediately after twelve o'clock meridian, at which time every two years a Congress adjourns. There are two phases to the inaugural exer cise: theofficial at which the Presi dent takes the oath of office, this is the only essential one, the other is the eh'ic celebration. The Senate, a tu-4-auhig body, is always convened by its outgoing president in special session; at the moment of official ad journment of the old congress the Senate at once convenes under the proclamation of the president in its special session, then the formal cere monies of swearing in the vice-president and new members of the sen ate, for one-third of that body is elec ted every two years. The Vice-President directs the sergeant-at-arms to carry out the orders of the senate for the inauguration of the President of the United States. The President elect, who is escorted by the Chief Justice of the United States, asso ciate justices of the Supreme Court, the joint committee on arrangements composed of three senators and three members of the House of Represen tatives, proceeds to the platform erected at the East front of the Cap itol. Following the presidential party are members of the diplomatic corps, the official representatives of nations, the general of the Army, chief of na val operations, chief of staff of the Army, the commandant of the Marine Corps, members of the senate headed by the vice president, the sergeant-at-arms and the secretary of the senate, members of the House of Representa tives lead by the Speaker and clerk and other guests of the Senate. The marshal of the Supreme Court car ries a Bible which is placed on a stand in front of the President-elect who opens it at any point he may de sire. The Chief Justice administers the oath prescribed in the constitu tion, which is the only oath prescrib ed in the constitution for any one. The other officials take the oats pre scribed by the statutes, the President taking the oath prescribed in th Constitution. The Constitution says "Before he enters on the execu tion of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: 'I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that J will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability pre serve, protect and defend the Con stitution of the United States.1 This, the takine of the oath, is the only real essential acrof the inaugur tion. The rest is merely a matter of form carried down from year to year. Having taken the oath, the resident proceeds to doliver his ad dress. After the President has de livered his inaugural address, the civic celebration begins. The inaug ural parade is formed, the President is escorted back to the White House at the head of a military parade. Up on reaching the White House the presidential party enters for a short luncheon. The inaugural parade halts, the President takes his place on tho review stand nnd reviews the pivrade. After which he and the Vice President return to the White House preparatory to taking up their du ties. There is no official inaugural ball. There will be, in lieu thereof, a char ity ball given at the Mayflower, Wash- ington s magnificent new hotel, at which Vice President-elect Dawes and numerous distinguished guests from all over the nation, in fact the world, will bo present. Those who are in touch with Presi dent Coolidge and who have an in sight into his ideas, hint that in his constant and insistant demands for a reduction in governmental expendi tures ho has a larger and bigger mo tive than the mere saving of dollars. Harking back to his experience when as Governor of Massachusetts he eliminated half of the state commis sions and thoir office holding staffs The Heppner basketball teams went to lone last Friday where they played their last games of the season. The girls' game resulted in a score of 8-19 in favor of lone, while the boys' game ended in a score of 4-28 in tone's favor. The sophomores elected Orin Bis- bee president of the class to fill the vacancy left by Victor Lovgren when he quit school. The sophomores shined shoes Mon day for the purpose of raising money for their treasury. Among the visitors to the school this week were Mrs. Walker, S. E. Not son and Paul Gemmell. The tennis court is being fixed up and will soon be ready for use. Spring football practice will start Monday. The practice takes three nights a week for the next six weeks. The sophomores will hold a wienie roast March 6. The freshmen had dress-up day last Friday. You could hardly recognize them so well were they disguised. Many gorgeous costumes were in evi dence. They held a theater party in the evening. ROYAL ARCH MASONS TO MEET. A meeting of Heppner Chapter No. 26, R. A. M., will be held at Masonic hall on Thursday evening, March 6. There will be work in both the P. M. and M. E. M. degrees. EST RAYED. A white-faced (Hereford) bull, 2- year-old past; no brands or marks; strayed from Thompson place on Balm Fork in May, 1924. Reward. RICHARD PETERSON. BABY CH1X White Leghorns of Hollywood and O. A, C. strains. See my selected stock in breeding pen at Rhea Creek Poultry and Berry ranch R. H. Quackenbush is Son, phone 11F14, Heppner, Oregon. Charley Bartholomew was in from Pine City Tuesday. He has complet ed the reseeding of about 600 acres of wheat on his farm, and is now un decided as to whether he wlil put in more seed or not. Grant Olden was here from his Rhea creek farm on Tuesday. He states that it is necessary for him to re seed his grain, though it appeared for a time that this would not be necessary. Mrs. M. L. Curran wishes to an nounce an early showing of Spring hats next week, beginning Monday, March 2nd. and by the act improved the public service, it is whispered that he is am bitious to try the same experiment in Washington. It must be admitted that there is room for improvement in this great nest of officials. There are departments and bureaus and di visions where the office holders fairly sit on one another, and where public business is delayed because of the lost motions which the employment of a surplus of chiefs naturally im poses. It is also a matter of public comment, that in the overmanned de partments the general attitude dis played toward the public, is out of kilter with what should be evident in a public office. It Is said that in some of the divisions, which might be named, one requires an official guide to discover the identity of the chiefs and a lawyer to present the case when that person is found. This is what Calvin Coolidge is driving against, that is what he is trying to root out. He believes that the taxpayer has a right to approach a chief without a guide, interpreter or lawyer and to secure a settlement at first hand. In the naming of his new cabinet officers it will not be surprsiing if the ability of the candidates to cut red tape, to stand unmoved and unafraid before governmental routine and office hold ing, would be the determining factor in the mind of the President in mak ing his selection. Dr. A. D. McMurdo's Franklin Mixes Up With Big Stude baker Monday Night. Dr. A. D. McMurdo and W. W. Sroead returned home Monday from Portland, where they had been over the week-end. Dr. McMurdo going to Portland to attend the banquet on Saturday night of the Kappa Psi fra ternity, and Mr. Smead being called to the city on business. They came as far as Arlington on the train, and were returning to Heppner in the McMurdo Franklin. Just this side of Cecil, they col lided with the Studebaker car of a Mr. Huff, who was driving into Ar lington, and the McMurdo car suffered the loss of a front wheel, the strip ping of the fenders and running board from one side and broken steering gear and windshield. Fortunately no one was very seriously injured. Mr. Smead was cut quite severely about the face, his nose and chin being the worst sufferers, and he was weakened considerably by the loss of blood. Krebs Bros, of Cecil brought the par ties to Heppner, wfiere they arrived about 12 o'clock and Dr. McMurdo fixed up the injuries to Mr. Smead, who is recovering from the effects of his experience. The Huff car got off with a bent front axle, caused by the car drop ping over a culvert, and slight dam age to the front fender. The failure on the part of Huff to dim his lights and his turning too suddenly toward the middle of the highway is given as the cause of the collision. Huff lives at Aloah, Oregon, and after getting his car in shape he proceeded on his way home. Liberty-Eight Mile Folk Enjoy Dancing Party A most enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Frankie and Everett Barlow Saturday, Feb. 21. They en tertained about twenty couples at a dancing party, Maud Barlow acting as hostess, the music being furnished by the Messrs. Walter and Noel Dobyng. A sumptuous supper was served at midnight, consisting of veg etable and fruit salads, sandwiches, cake and coffee. The following were the guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Me Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becket, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston, the Misses Hazel Hays, Beu lah Batty, Ethel Cradick, Crystal Roberts, Leita Barlow, Hazel and Dorothea Anderson, Margaret Becket, Norma, Jean and Florence Becket, Jean and Jane Huston, and Messrs. Tyndall Robison, Cecil Lutkins, John Markle, Laurence Becket, Guy, Ed, and Ray Barlow, Crayton Lawson, Oscar Hanks, Billy Letrace, Alvin Barlow, Ora Barlow, Lester Gay, Robert Allstott, Jr., and Tommy Hus ton. Contributed. LEXINGTON Married, at the home of"W. 0. Hill in Lexington last Saturday morning, Mr. Elmer Hunt and Miss Mary Thompson. These young people have a legion of friends in Morrow county who join in wishing them a long and happy married life. The bride is an instructor in the Pine City school. The happy couple went to Walla Wal la Saturday, returning Monday eve ning. A fire at Chas. Marquardt's home did quite a bit of damage last Sun day, destroying the garage and would have burned the barn and chicken house but for the Chas. Brash ears family who happened to be passing Mr. Marquardt's home, and seeing the smoke coming from the garage, gave the alarm. daughter Mrs. Wroods, and Mrs. Harry Munkers made a trip to Monument last week and spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Munkers' son Ray. Mrs. i Woods, who is here visiting from Portland, had not seen her brother i for twelve years, Mrs. Rolfe Paquin went to Salem last Friday to spend the week-end ' with her relatives, and her husband has wired to Prof. Kelly that Mrs. Paquin has taken quite ill and will not be able to return to her school duties until later in the week. Ed Cummins, who was quite ser iously injured in an auto accident with Karl Miller, is now able to hob ble around some by the aid of a cane. Mr. Miller has almost entirely re covered. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Munkers and Miss Lavelle Lucas, who is employed in the Hamilton hospital at The Dal les, was here a few days of last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas. The ladies of the C .of C. are giv ing a play entitled "A Rainy After noon" on Friday, the 27th, which promises to be good. The admission is only 15 and 35 cents. Mrs. Eva Lane left on Sunday for a two-months' stay at the Frank Engel man home on Eight Mile. Don't miss the picture show this week. It is Jack Holt in "Making a Man." Mrs. Ollie Tomlinson returned to her home in Astoria on Thursday. BAR DM AN NEWS ITEMS. The seniors have set the date for their play "Safety First," March U. They are at work getting the play in shape to be given then. The basketball team will leave to morrow, Feb. 25, to attend the bas ketball tournament to be held at Pen dleton. ' Their schedule will come second. They will play the McLaugh lin team. There will bt no school because Mr. Suddarth is going with the team to Pendleton. Choice residence property for rent. Inquire Case Furniture Company. Prizes Offered for Best Papers Covering Past of Heppner Country. PURPOSE TWO FOLD Greater Interest Id Local History and Basis for Language Work Objects of Contest. A local history contest for pupils of the Heppner school has just been announced by Superintendent Hed rick and the Patron-Teacher Associa tion. The object of the contest is to create among the pupils of tho school a greater interest in oar early local history, and a better knowledge of it, as well as to serve as a basis for good language work. The following rules governing tho contest have been drawn up: 1. The pupils, assisted by sugges tions from the teachers, will gather their own material. In gathering this pupils may begin with their own folk parents or grandparents, or if they do not happen to have been early settlers and in a position to know first hand something of the early his tory of the county, they may inter view some acquaintances who were in a position to know. What is want ed ia to gather all possible of onr unwritten local history that now ex ists largely in the memories of our early settlers or their children. Writ ten histories of the state and county may be used to verify dates and other details, but the story as submitted by the pupil should be from the original sources. 2. The stories that are submitted may be on such subjects as the first settler m Heppner, the first store. church or school, the old fort that once stood within the present city limits; early Indian battles and raids; the first wagon roads, emigrant and military; historic spots along the old emigrant road, water boles, springs. graves, and incidents connected with them; the building of the railroad; the early mills; the beginnings of such industries as cattle raising, sheep raising, etc. Who grew the first wheat? the first alfalfa? the first fruit trees? These topics are merely suggestive and stories may be about anything of historical interest in the county, either persons or places. 3. The territorial Imitations for this contest are the present boundar ies of Morrow county, and events re counted, and stories that are told must be of incidents, persons or places within the county. This does not prevent material from being gath ered outside the county if those per sons whom it is desired to interview are now living outside the county. Tho time limitation is June 14, 1903. All stories told or incidneta written of must have occurred prior to that date. 4. After the facts have been gath ered the pupils should first work it into a good oral story. They should verify the statements given them, tell where they got their information; of written records, if any are used. Ex act titles, author, volume and pages should be given. When the authority is a person, some statement of the person's fitness to give the informa tion should be included. Who is he? How does he happen to know the story be tells? In order to make it easier to report and verify interviews pupils will be furnished with blank forms for this purpose. 5. Once the material has been gath ered, teachers will by suggestions and criticism, assist in getting it into the proper shape for submission to the judges. This will, for the time become the basis for language train ing in the several grades, and as a part of the regular school work. 6. Judges on manuscripts will be appointed by the president of the superintendent of schools. I Patron-Teacher association and the t. ine contest wiu oe open on mar. 2d, 1125, and all manuscripts must be submitted to Superintendent Hed rick on or before April 25, 1925. 8. Pupils will be divided into three groups for the .contest: high school, seventh and eighth grades; fourth, fifth and sixth grades. 9. The papers will be judged: Accuracy of material 40 pointi. Interesting manner, 30 points. Composition and grammatical structure, 30 points. 10. Prizes awarded: High School, first, $5.00, second, $3.00, third, $2.00; 7th and 8th grades, first $4.00; sec ond $3.00, third, $2.00; 4th, 5th and 6th grades, first, $4.00, second, $3 00, third, J'-'.OO. 11. The three best essays will be publshied in The Gazette-Tim us. ARE ACCUSED OF TAKING PELTS. Officers of this county are in quest of J. 11. and R. D. Huff, young fel lows in the car that collided on Mon day evening with Dr. McMurdo, near Cecil. These men were in Heppner for a couple of days, while their car was being repaired, and leaving here they were suspected of taking some 18 sheep pelts from the premises of Krebs Bros, at Cecil. Stopping at Cecil, they borrowed a tire from the Krebs boys, stating that they would return it from Arlington. Shortly after their departure from the Krebs ranch, the pelts were missed. Being followed to Arlington, it was found they had not stopped there. These same fellows sre also charged with taking some auto tools from the Lat ourell garage here, and the case has been placed in the hands of Sheriff MePutTee, who is seeking the men, that thy may explain their actions in this regard. CARD OF THINKS. We desire to express our sincere thank to the friends and neighbors who asrtMted ue in every way possible during the serious illness of our tit tle boyn; words fail to express our full appreciation. Mli. and MRS. HENRY AIKEN.