THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1925. PAGE THREE Archdeacon Goldia wn in Heppner over Sunday and held services at the Episcopal church. Thii Is his flriit visit here in fourteen weeki, ai he U now just recovered from the wrioui injuries he received three months afro in an automobile accident on the John Day highway in Grant county. Mr. Goldie had planned delivering a special addresa to the Maxonic fra ternity on the occasion of his regular visit to Heppner when the accident happened. He will give this address here on his next visit, which is the fourth Sunday of this month Feb. 22nd. and he hopes to be greeted by a large representation from the Ma sonic bodies of Heppner. Arthur Smith was called to Port land by the very serious illness of his son-in-law, James Webster. A phone message received Tuesday afternoon announced that Mr. Webster has been suddenly stricken and his condition was such that his recovery seemed doubtful. Mr. Smith left for Portland announced that Mr. Webster had been at once and Mrs. Smith took the train for the city Wednesday morning. Word received later announced the death of Mr. Webster. Tilman Hogue states that his sec tion of the county, after all, seems to have suffered a heavy loss owing to the December freeze. For a time it appeared that the Gooseberry coun try was coming along all right but reseeding is now necessary In the larger portion of the acreage. Mr. Hogue came to Heppner on Tuesday, bringing his daughter, Miss Cecil, to the hospital, where on yesterday morning she underwent an operation for appendicitis, 1. A. Patterson, A. L. Ayers, M. D. Clark, Geo. Aiken and Frank Gilliam went to The Dalles on Monday and at tended the funeral of the late W. A. Johnston, who was a prominent Ma son of that city and a Shriner. Mr. Johnston died suddenly at his home in The Dalles on Saturday. His funeral was very largely attended. Mr. John ston was in business in this city for about seven years, going from here to The Dalles more than 20 years ago. This paper is pleased to announce that the family of C. L. Gillilan is to remain in the city. Some time since, through changes taking place along the branch line, it was reported that Mr. Gillilan would be transferred to another point, hut this did not materialise and he will remain with his job on the Heppner branch. Rev. G. T. Wilbur of Hood River preached for the members of Bethel chapel on Sunday forenoon, and his sermon was greatly appreciated. At this service W. O. Dix sang a olo, Miss Elisabeth Phelps whistling the air with him and Mrs. Phelps accom panying on the piano. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. M. Rurnctt of Ar lington spent the week-end at Hepp ner, returning home the first of the week. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lillian Cochran who expects to be absent from the city for a couple of weeks. Mr. and" Mrs. John Gates and Mrs. Grace Shoun of Spray came to Hepp ner on Monday to attend the funeral of the late Albert H. Stamp, father of Mrs. Gates and Mrs. Shoun. They returned home on Tuesday. FOR SALE One cook stove with hot water attachment; 1 MHooaier' kitchen cabinet; 1 bedroom suite and 1 library table, all as good as new. See Mrs. Alex Green in Heppner. BABY CHICKC-Eggs for hatching. Barred Rock and Leghorns, O. A. C. strain. None better. Trial will con vince you. R. Woolery, Capital Poul try Farm, Salem, Ore. Our Washington Letter - N. P. 8. William M. Butler, chairman of the Republican National Committee and Senator from Massachusetts, laid down the law and the gospel of the Republican party of 1024 in an extra ordinary address which he recently made. It was a national message. This, he argued, was first of all a time of opportunity for all the sober thinking people to gather within the party fold but to secure this end he declared thot the party must show It self responsive to the needs of the people. It must first and always stand as a party in which all the peo ple can gather without distinction as to race, creed, or condition of life, as a party of equal opportunity. And it must be responsive to the great hu manitarian needs' of the people. It is too big to be a ono-issue parly, even though that Issue is the tariff, the imporotnnce of which is admitted by all, it must, in short, as he put it. be responsiveto appeals which can not be "tested on a cash register." Equally striking was his declara tion that the party can only grow through loyalty of all the members to party principles, and can only live through party discipline. Blocs and factions, he said, have injured instead of helping the people. The party wants all new sucpostinns but those SPECIAL lc Sale Fancy Light Bacon 43 Cents Per Pound 2 lbs. or 44c Juicy Steak 15c Fancy Roast .... 12 'c Fat Boil 8c SMELT and CLAMS HEPPNER PACKING CO. Phone 653 who submit such plana mutt be will ing to accept majority rule. Referr ing to the recent action of the senate in eliminating certain men from the rmrty rolle, he taid thii waa not done through feeling of personal bias but olely because a party cannot func tion which does not control its own representatives and this he said was the real reason for the Senate action. Long experience has shown that a two party system is a necessity for the real administration of the govern ment for the welfare of the people as a whole. The more striking fea tures of his speech are here given:- The greatest nationalizing influence which has made our federal govern ment virile and enduring is the two party system. The two great political parties are the sole agencies for for mulating national policies and carry ing them out This brings us again to the realisa tion of the need and value of party solidarity, and party responsibility in the conduct of public affairs. Probably no public man was ever more opposed to party government than waa George Washington, yet Washington's aense of duty to the whole country led him to consent to hold the position of leadership in the Federal- party. Unless I have misread the signs of the times, we have now open to us an opportunity, not only to increase the strength and influence of our party throughout the nation, but also to se cure from citizens In genera), a great er participation than ever in political activities, an opportunity not only to increase the total of our votes, but to keep the confidence and support of thoKe who have aided in the great re sult of November fourth. There are millions of voters today, and I am speaking advisedly, who have no fixed political home, and rec ognize no party control. Arouned by their experiences in the campaign to a realization that right political thinking is as important as ritfht living, they are standing at the political cross roads. With affiliations nominal rather than actual with parties which stood indifferently by, they turned to our standards and severed old party ties by voting direct for Calvin Coolidge. These are the people who I believe can be brought into formal affiliation with us. But we cannot ignroe the fact their votes in the main were cast for Coolidge the man rather than Coolidge the Republican. We must prove to them, that our party is worthy of the President and that the President is typically a product of our-party. - The campaign gave us, not only converts, but it quickgned and strengthened the respect and confi dence in Republican principles among a great number of our own people who were Republicans in thought rather than in deed. There must be a shelving of petty and personal ambitions and the adop tion of an attitude of unswerving loy alty to the principles of the party, and an ambition to serve and a gen erous submission to discipline. One of the important readjust ments must be a more general under standing, that after all, we are only members, not the owners of the Re publican party. , The country today calls for a lead ership practical in its manifestations, but idealistic in its ambitions. We cannot ignore this, even if we would. We must recognize that while our parry is not relieved of any of its ob ligations to p resist in its demand for the reduction of national expenditures and the development of efficiency in pnvornment. it mut be ready to for ward and sustain with equal entha siatm sound humanitarian movements for the betterment of all the people in the country. On the tariff for example, we stand pledged to the people. But important as that issue is to the American work man, w must develop a strength of political resources ao that without abating one jot of our loyalty to that plank in our platform, we will be able to give generous recognition and aid to those measures which touch our people spiritually. Our party ia too big to be dominated by any one plank and that thought must be driven home and by definite action on our part if we are to win to our side those whom we are seeking. The people look to us, and expect us at all times to make certain, as to the economic soundness of such proj ects as we propose, such movements as we endorse, but for our part we must remember there are certain moral iMues which can never be de termined through a cash register. The demand for the outlawry of war is not only country-wide, but world-wide. It is just, and to the ac complishment of that .dual we should bring all our ability and resolution. The cry of the womanhood of Amer ica for the inauguration of a policy which while not affecting our integ rity as a sovereign state or involving ua in foreign alliances, or affecting our purpose at all times to be first of all American, devoted to the mainten ance of our own national strength and independence, will yet make for harmony among the nations of the earth is not only impressive, but right and should have our sympathetic consideration and support. The time is ripe for a great con solidation within one party, provided we are able to build a framework, na tional in its scope, economically sound and also humanitarian, of the men and women who think in reasonable harmony with one another. The people want it. After years of political experimentation with blocs and factions, which for all of the good intentions of the promoters or par ticipants, have only worked to in crease the general confusion, and de lay the application of real remedies, the people are inclined to a sober and saner line of thinking. I know from interviews and conferences with men of all parts of the country there is a general disposition to support a uni fied Republican organization. They appreciate that the house divided against itself must fall, and this ap plies to political organizations. All our efforts, and I am speaking plainly, will come to naught unless we succeed in developing, not only among the rank and file, but among the leaders and our duly elected offi cials an appreciation of the necessity of party loyalty. No progress can be made without a program and no pro gress can be made effective without loyalty. In Washington a man is either with a party or against it. There is no middle course. There is an absolute necessity for Iqyalty; for the control of Congress is regulated by party lines and conditions. It was in rec ognition of this situation, and not be cause of any feeling of personal bias that certain gentlemen were lately stricken from the Republican rolls. I have no thought of a system of discipline which seeks to encroach on the rights of any man or woman to aspire or stand for office or to limit their rights to propose or advance legislative or party programs. But a man who is elected to office on a Republican platform must stand on that platform. If he does not like the platform, he is justified and en titled to seek to make any correction or amendments which he de"ire. but once -the majority of the party for mally rejects bis suggestion, his ob ligation is to accept that decision. There is no service more important and essential to our well being in gov ernment than a aane, wholesome un derstanding participation in politics. We have in recent years changed the form of our party machinery for the selection of candidates for public office. We have very generally sub stituted the primary for the repre sentative convention. We have sub stituted the primary for the legisla tive election of United States Sena tors. This change has brought about its problems. The old convention sys tem of nominations fixed the respon sibility upon the party and exerted a definite party influence upon the can didate. He realized his accountabil ity to his party, and he knew definite ly where his loyalty and allegiance belonged. The primary system has given an opportunity for cunning men to nse the party label in the primary, and thereby attract to their support the loyal members of the party. .And it has enabled such men to gain a party nomination, and with the support of the party, an election to important office, and in some instances, only to repudiate the platform of the party and the nominees of the national con vention. Such conduct is reprehen sible. It is obtaining office by false pretense. And such practices should be condemned not only by the party organization, but by the people whose confidence has been betrayed. But whatever our machinery in order to preserve party government which is so indispensable to efficient administration, men and women in their party affiliations, must be hon est to the party and mUBt be loyal. The campaign of 1924 worked a veritable revolution in the political thinking processes of the people. It was the greatest "thinking election" which we have had since the Civil War, the campaign of 16 alone stand ing comparison. The iitue) wer- so grnt, that thy purified even the methods of am-' paignir.g. They banished the petti- j ness, the selfishness, the lntriguemg , which has so often marred political contests. The man who thinks before he votf Tot- ripit. cSALE WALLPAPER From January 28 to February 1 5 Select any sidewsll pattern In my 1924 Pan-American sample booka. Pay the regular price for one roll the next roll will cost yon ONLY 1 CENT! The third roll will coat you the full price the fourth 1 CENT and ao on for any quantity! Whatever quantity your rooms require yon get it practically at half the regular price! Thia ia a most remarkable opportunity to get your wall paper at a tremendous savins;! All grades! 500 patterna to choose from! PHONE ME AT ONCE AND I WILL BRING SAMPLES FOR YOUR SELECTION. MAKE EARLY APPOINTMENT AS MANY WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS WONDERFUL BALE! W. T. Brookhouser PHONE MAIN 703 iinimumiraia 3 Butlerick in Come in and get our prices Thomson Brothers gZ Design yr 5830 m n Every Woman' Looks Well Dressed In this coat dreu It conies in all " Sizes from 36 t 52 Get your pattern at Our Butterick Pattern Department to-day Then buy your Material at our piece- Goods counter The Dehor ihowi you How to make the dreu ' Step by ep Alwayi Buy BUTTERICR Patterns including Deltoh r WW!- i, life P 1 P 11 II - it 1 i 1 1 1 mmmmmmmMmMmmm Malcolm D. Clark The Mothers of this community are the buyers of most of the goods required for the home, themselves and the chil dren and, in large measure, for the men as well. These women are the closest read ers of the local newspaper. A mes sage in The Gazette-Times is cer tain to be read by the very people the home, merchant must reach with his "store news." ADVERTISING is the bond of confidence that ties your store' to the homes of the community. The homemakers expect to be invited to your store. Are you willing to be shown that AN ADVERTISEMENT IS AN INVITATION ? - Big Redu&ions Ladies and Ghildrens COATS m s A F E T Y & . pliiil I G ia M !i S 8 E R V I c E OUR FACILITIES INCLUDE A Bank whose methods are modem and progressive; Officers and employees who are eager to. help you in any matter requiring individual attention; And Cortesy where your account is welcome and appreciated, tho it may be one of modest size. Fir& National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Maxwell - Chrysler Automobiles Fisk Tires and Satisfactory and Well Known Atwater-Kent Radio Sets. GASOLINE, OILS and GREASE Guaranteed Automobile Electricians and General Repair Shop. CITY GARAGE WALTER L LA DUSIRE, Prop. GENERATORS STARTERS, MAGNETOS OVERHAULED Vulcanizing U. S. TIRES Willard Batteries GAS, OILS, GREASE HEPPNER TIRE & BATTERY SHOP C. V. HOPPER eiiuM'iu til llMlfMlinWM - - IE