The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 05, 1925, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Historical Society.
Volume 41, Number 45.
Subscripion $2.00 Per Year
Commissioner Duby Here
Friday and Addresses
Club Meeting.
Morrow County Projects and County
Court Program Endorsed by
Local Buslneie Men.
Heppner Commercial club and bui
inesi men of Heppner gathered about
the table at the Elkhorn restaurant
on Friday last for the purpose of
meeting William Duby of Baker,
chairman of the itate highway com
mission, who had sent word that he
wae making a visit to Heppner on
that day and desired to "get His feet
under the table" with the Heppner
folks and talk over some of our road
problems. Some forty plates were
spread at half past one in the after
noon, and about an hour later, Mr.
Duby, accompanied by Engineer Bal
dock, arrived, and wera given their
places at the table, having been de
layed somewhat In getting to Hepp
ner by auto trouble.
President Van Marter presided at
the meeting, and when the meal had
been finished, he announced the ob
ject of the get-together, and also
stated some of our road problems and
what the cititens of Heppner and vi
cinity would like to have put over.
Calling upon Mr. Duby, the chairmnn
of the highway commission stated
that he would like to hear from our
people before he entered upon any dis
cussion of road matters, whereupon
several of the local men gave ex
pression to their desires. - George
Bleakman, eounty commissioner, was
asked to present the matter of the
Pendleton-Prinevilie cut-off, a map
of which was published in the last
issue of this paper, and this Mr.
Bleakman did in good shape, being en
tirely familiar with the route of the
proposed road between Hard man and
Spray, and the particular part that
this community is Interested in. The
completion of the gap on the O.-W.
highway between Lena and Vinson
was also discussed at length, with a
view to getting at some plan whereby
this might be accomplished. It was
shown that there Is mora than a mil
lion and a half dollars tied up in
this highway from Heppner Junction
to the Umatilla county line and the
uncompleted portion makes the road
of no general value.
After hearing a number of speeches
along these lines, Mr. Duby was again
called upon, and for about an hour
proceeded to enlighten the company
on road matters, both statewide and
local, and suggested, in a manner,
several plans that might be available
for getting the results In this coun
ty's road program that the people
here desire. Encouragement was
gathered from the talk of Mr. Duby
and much enthusiasm was stirred In
the road program. The chairman of
the state highway commission was
found to be very approachable, and
his talk was given out of the abund
ant experience he has gathered in
road matetrs during his incumbency
in the office of state highway commis
Following the talk of Mr. Duby,
some resolutions were passed in fur
therance of the road building pro
gram. One of these in particular
had to do with the matter of support,
ing the county court in its entire
road program for the county and
backing them in whatever move they
might make toward getting the Lena
Vinson gap closed. From the state
ments of Mr. Duby, though he made
no promises whatever as to what the
commission would do, it was gathered
that they are anxious for the comple
tion of this highway at just as early
a date as possible, but ha thoroughly
impressed the fact that nothing could
be expected without cooperation on
the part of Morrow eounty. This
was our problem and it was up to us
to work it out.
At this meeting it was shown that
Heppner, Lexington. Tone, and points
along the Oregon-Washington high
way had far less tourist travel the
past year than they enjoyed the year
before. The highway commission has
kept account of this through the
system they have, and It was made
fully known, also, that before the
highway wns ever built up Willow
creek these towns enjoyed much net-
tor tourist trade and there was far
more travel coming this way. Mr.
Duby admitted that the situation here
was worse than before the highway
was built. The commission and the
people of Morrow county should be
able to realise some benefit from th
capital now invested in this road
Outside of the local benefits to travel
away from tha towns of the valley,
it stands as a waste of money and
detriment to the state's highway sys
Between forty and fifty men of th
community were present at the Frl
day meeting, and since that time th
road situation here has been upper
most in their minds. The determina
tion seems to be that plans wilt ma
ture whereby the county can adopt
a road program, to be enrried out
ovor a period of years, thnt will not
only complete several projected mar
ket roads in the county, and connect
up the system here in auch a wa
that every section of tho county will
be reached by a good hard surfaced
road, built according to the state1
specifications, but will complete th
O.-W. highway and also get th
Hnrdmsn-Spray road on the map.
We venture the stntement that it
would bo a mighty fine thing righ
now if Morrow county had a few hun
drcd thouHand dollar to start th
program with, It would give employ
ment to a lot of our people and put
money in their pockets at a tim
when it is sorely needed. Tloweve
the way of providing this money
yot to be worked out. Wa bcllovo It
will bo, and It is certainly encourag
ing to have our interest stirred in
these matters to the point that we
will do lomehlng to help ourselves,
uneral of Albert H.
Stamp Is Held Here
Respected Pioneer Who Came to
Morrow County 39 Years Ago
Laid to Rest Monday. ,
The funeral of .Albert H. Stamp,
respected pioneer of tha Heppner
country, was held from the Methodist
hurch here on Monday afternoon,
ev. E. C. Alford, the pastor, con
ducting the services, which were at
tended by many of hi old friends and
neighbors who held the deceased in
high esteem.
Mr. Stamp passed away rather sud-
enly at the home of his daughter.
re, Eliza Gates, residing near Spray,
at about 8:00 o'clock Saturday, Jan
uary 81. The night previous he had
retired to his bed apparently In his
aual good health and happy frame
of mind. Towards morning he was
attacked by pains in the region of
is heart and before medical assist
ance could reach him he expired, his
eath evidently being caused by heart
Word of Mr. Stamp's death was im
mediately phoned to members of the
family here and preparations were
de for -the funeral which took place
as above stated.
Albert Henry Stamp was born in
Wat kins, New York, on November 17,
1845, and died at Spray, Oregon, Jan
uary 31, 1025, at the advanced age of
79 years, 2 months and 14 days. His
early manhood was spent in his native
state, where at the age of 18 years
e enlisted as a volunteer in the Un
ion army and went into active service
fox his country. He was a member
of Company R. Third Infantry, New
York Volunteers, and served until
the end of the war, being discharged
on the 28th day of August, 1865. In
this service he was severely wounded
twice. Six brothers were in the army
at the same time and one of these
lost his life tn action.
On June 18, 1870, Mr. Stamp left
Bath, New York, and came to Kansas,
where he homesteaded land and resid
ed for a number of years, and thn
moved on west to California, living in
that state for three years, after
hich he moved to Dixie, Wash. At
this place he was married to Sarah
akan, who survives him. Six chil-
ren were born to this union, two
aving passed on. The survivors are
Mrs. Grace Shaun, Mrs. Eliza Gates,
f Spray, Albert L. Stamp and Mrs.
Luella Acock of Heppner.
Thirty-nine years ago Mr. Stamp
came to Morrow county and took
nd at the head of Sand Hollow,
hich place had been his home until
is death, except for parts of the
past three years, when he has resid
ed at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
ohn Gates, at Spray. He was known
to be a man of strong moral convic
tions and strict probity, an earnest
advocate of prohibition and a hard
worker for that cause. As a neigh
bor he was kind and considerate at all
mes. He passes to a well earned
Gray Family Grateful
For Assistance Given
o Mr. DwEght M inner, spokesman of
the relief committee, and people of
Cecil, Morgan, lone, Eight Mile,
Lexington, Heppner and vicinities:
For the relief of John Gray and
family during the recent illness of
our son, Gerald Howard, and other
children: We are glad to write you
that our boy can w&lk seemingly as
good as ever, and his speech is grad
ually coming back to him. The other
hildrcn are all well again and our
boy is going to be all right in every
way as near as we can tell now.
We wuold like to express our ap-
rcciation and thanks to you and the
ommittce and to all contributors in
so many needed ways. Aid was ren-
cred us so abundantly. Sympathetic
letters and kind words through so
many anxious hours were a great
help to us. Dr. Walker's special ser
vices, with the aid of the good and
kind nurse sent to us by the good
people, under God, our Father, saved
our little man. Again let us thank
you all for the many kind acts so
much needed and so greatly appre
ciated by us.
Gratefully yours,
Morgan, Ore., Jan. 29, 1925.
Word was received by Heppner
friends this morning announcing the
death of Mrs. Otis Patterson at her
home in Canyon City last night.
Some three months ago Mrs. Patter
son was the victim of an auto acci
dent on the John Day highway near
Dayvillo, at which time she received
serious injuries. It was thought that
she was recovering nicely from the
effects of the accident, but on the
first of the past week she suffered a
nervous breakdown from which she
lid not rally. Friends of Mr. and Mrs,
Patterson at Heppner, where they
made their home for so many years,
are shocked to learn of her passing.
The funeral wil lbe at Baker Sunday,
The barn on the W. E. Mikesell
place south of town was completely
demolished by a heavy gust of wind
that struck In the course of the rain
and wind storm passing this way last
evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mikesell were
in the barn at the time, milking the
cowa. lie received some bruises and
thinks this morning that he hai
couple of cracked ribs, but Mrs,
Mikesell escaped injury. The lumber
of the barn was pretty welt scattered,
Mr. Duby stated both publicly and
privately, while here, that he would
not likely be on the commission as
Eastorn Oregon's representative after
the next two meetings, as his term
expires at that time. Our people here
were so woll impressed with him, and
feel that he is so qualified in every
way to go on with the work that it
will be little less than a calamity to
have him retire. He has largo bust
ness Interests in Bakor county that
require his attention, being a leading
sheepman of that part of the state,
so ho feels that he has done his part
in making personal sacrifice of these
Varieties Should Be Care
fully Selected So That
Fields Will Be Clean.
By R. W. MORSE, County Agent.
During the past two weeks many
questions have developed relative to
spring wheat varieties and the best
methods to follow in seeding spring
wheats. In choosing varieties to re
seed the winter wheats frozen out,
one of the things to be carefully con
sidered is the amount of winter
wheat that is 'alive and will come
through the winter all right. Most
winter wheat fields will have enough
scattered winter plants to foul the
spring wheat.
It is considered best to plant white
spring wheats on land that has had
hybrid or fortyfold. Marquis is prob
ably the best wheat to use on turkey
land although it Is not as high a
yielder as aome of the other wheats.
There is much confusion regarding
the federation varieties. Federation
wheat was brought from Australia in
1916 and later selections were made
from this of hard federation and
white federation. Each of the va
rieties is beardless and the kernels
white. Hard federation matures ear
lier than federation and has harder
kernels of a better milling quality.
Both varieties have stiff straw and do
not shatter readily. They are spring
varieties of federation being about as
winter hardy as bluestem, but hard
federation is not at all winter hardy.
These wheats are more fully discuss
ed in Station Bulletin 204 from the
Oregon Agricultural College, which
can be secured from the county ag
ent's office. The following are yields
of the five leading spring wheats at
the Moro experiment station from
1918 to 1924 inclusive: Federation
27.4 bushels per acre; hard federa
tion 26.8; Baart 23.2; Bluestem 20.9;
Marquis 20.2. For the period
hybrid 128 winter wheat yielded 80.9;
turkey red 30.3 bushels per acre.
Spring grains should be sown early. ;
The sooner they are in the ground af
ter spring Is open, the better yields !
will be obtained. One caution that
the writer wishes to make to all far- i
mers buying seed is to reclean It :
carefully on your own place. There
are many weeds in some sections of
the country that we do not have in
Morrow county. Some of these are
particularly objectionable, such as
fan weed, which Is prevalent in Un
ion county. These can be taken out
by carefully recleaning.
The ground should be prepared so
that you will have a good seed bed.
In some sections the ground will not
require reworking. In other sections
harrowing or discing and harrowing
should be done to give the spring
wheat the best chance. If weeds are
coming in the fields the ground should
be worked to kill those now sprouting
just before seeding.
Wheat Was Protected
By the Land Blows
While at the meeting of the Hepp
ner Commercial club on last Friday,
Bert Mason of lone quoted some of
the farmers of his section to the ef
fect that their wheat was not injured
by the freeze; that it was coming
long all right since the warm weath-
Since returning home, and upon
further inquiry, Mr. Mason finds that
he was correct in his statements, but
that the lands in question were those
where land blows had covered the
wheat to an extent that it was pro
tected and la now coming along in
good healthy condition. This is a
small area, however. The general re
ports are to the effect that the wheat
is practically all killed.
By R. W. MOIJSE, County Agent
Spring seed being shipped into Mor
row county contains more or less
weed seed. Many of these weeds are
new ones to this county and all seed
wheat should be carefully rcclcaned
before planting. Some of these seeds,
such as fan weed, prevalent in Union
county, are worse than any weed we
have in the county at present, so
that care should" be observed in not
getting these weeds started In your
All wheat seed should be treated
for smut, preferably with the copper
carbonate treatment as this treat
ment will give a better chance for a
full stand of spring wheat and will
control smut as well as any other
treatment if properly applied.
Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon l
Owing to sickness, and not being
able to be present at the time of the
death and funeral of our father, we
take this method of thanking the
many friends and neighbors who so
kindly assisted during the sickness
and death of our dear father, Virgil
A. Stevens.
Freeman, Wash.
Calvin L. Swcck of thi city wan
choften president for this district of
the Federal Farm Loan BHPociation at
Pendletton on Friday. Representa
tives were present at the meeting
from the various associations in Mor
row, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa and
linker counties and the program was
of much interest. Included In this
district are number of associations
in Washington. Prominent members
of the federal land bank at Spokane
were speakers on the program and
they presented Informntion of much
value to the local farm loan associa
tions. Jeff Jones was also a delegate
attending th meeting from Heppner.
There waa a good game of basket
ball on the Heppner floor Saturday
ovoning, the contestants being the
lone and Heppner town teams. Tha
eontest waa a close one and tho game
well played throughout, The score
stood 22 to 21 in Hoppner's favor.
Comedy-Drama Tuesday
Was Greatly Enjoyed
The three-act farce-comedy, "When
a Feller Needs a Friend," waa played
to good audiences at the Star theater
on Tuesday afternoon and evening,
and there were none who failed in
getting the worth of their money.
The cast, coached by Mrs. C. V.
Hopper and Mrs. Roy Missildine, was
largely from the high school student
body, and the handling of the play
proved their ability to interpret the
parts and get the best out of each in
dividual performer. Each characer
was well chosen in the first place and
the thorough preparation made the
play move up with snap. We should
not discriminate as to any of the
performers, as they all did their parts
well, but will state that the roles of
Mrs. Reese, Liz, her daughter, and
Jerry Smith, returned soldier, carried
by Mrs. Ray Shurte, Miss Elaine Sigs
bee and Crocket Sprouls, respectively,
were each a scream and created no
end of fun and laughter for the au
dience. Music for the occasion was fur
nished by Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner
at the opening, and by a quartette
composed of Marjorie Clark, Ora Gen
try, Edna . Vaughn and Mary Farley,
between first and second acts. Miss
Luola Benge gave a delightful read
ing, accompanied by Mrs. Hopper at
the piano, between second and third
The play was given to help the
Christian Endeavorers on the final
payment of their pledge to the new
church building. They realized fully
on their expectations in this regard,
and the public of Heppner and vicin
ity, who so largely attended, were
given one of the best treats of the
Mrs. Emily Keiley
Answers FinalCall
The final -.summons came to Mrs.
Emily Sherman Keiley at her home
Heppner early on Wednesday
morning, after an illness of several
months, and having been confined to
her bed for a number of weeks. Mrs.
Keiley suffered from hardening of the
arteries and other ailments due to
advancing years.
She was an honored pioneer of
Heppner and Willow creek valley,
having lived here for many long years
and ahe passes to her reward after
having enjoyed many years of usefiil
and fruitful living in this commun
ity. At the time of her death she
was 96 years, 6 months and 9 days of
age. Funeral services will be held
at the Christian church in this city
on tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Rev. C. F. Trimble, pastor, having
charge. Mrs. Keiley is survived by
her only relative here, her son, Bruce
B. Keiley.
The funeral of Mrs. Viola Esther
Cox, wife of Benjamin F. Cox, was
held at the Christian church in
Heppner on Friday last at 10 o'clock,
C. F. Trimble, pastor, officiating and
large number of friends and rela
tives being in attendance.
Mrs. Cox died at her home on H in
tern creek at 5 o'clock a. mM on Thurs
day, January 29, after a short illness
with pneumonia. She is survived by
her husband, numerous relatives and
host of friends.
Viola Esther Flo re on was born on
Willow creek in this county June 12,
1896, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
S. W. Floreon, and was married to
Benjamin F. Cox October 25th, 1914.
At the time of her death she was 28
years, 7 months and 17 days old.
Holda They are Community's Greatest
Moral Upbuflder and Should Be
Heartily Supported.
The church is the only institution
we have in our town which gives it's
entire attention to the spiritual side
of man's life. It Is, therefore, almost
impossible to stay away from the
church and not neglect the spiritual
side of life. There is always enough,
even In a poor sermon, to help in the
duties of life, and enough to chal
lenge one to newer and higher duties.
While you may not agree with the
church's ideas of theology, you do
believe in its ideals of life.
Whatever we may be doing we are
doing less than we can. Not one of
us but may attempt more than we are
now doing. There is no wisdom' in
expecting great things of God unless
we are willing to attempt great things
for God. It is only when a man takes
up the highest duties, when 'he ac
cepts the noblest life, that God can
manifest himself to him and through
him. Think of the best moments you
have ever had and believe that the
highest you have ever been you may
be all the time, and higher still thru
the larger manifestations of truth
that can only come to you when you
are upon the high level of Ufa. We
are hindered by our failure to sound
the depths of our own latent powers.
There is something within us, pecu
liar to our manhood, that demands
that we make an effort in righteous
ness, if we would rise to a higher
level of daily lviing.
Pastor Christian Church,
To those who so kindly assisted us
during the death and buriul of our
beloved wife and daughter, and for
the many beautiful floral offerings,
we desire to take this method of ex
tending our sincere thanks.
MR. and MRS. F. D. COX AND
Al Henriksen of Pendleton, who
came here from Heppner several
months ago, has just closed a deal
for the purchase of a tract of timber
of 1,000 acres in Morrow county. The
deal was msde through the Wells A
Keithley agency. The consideration
involved in the deal was not made
public. East Oregonian.
L O. O. F. Get-Together
Meet Largely Attended
There was scarcely room to enter
tain the large number of members
and friends of the I. O. O. F. and Re
bekahs in their third get-together
meeting at the Heppner lodge quar
ters on last evening. The represen
tatives came from the various lodges
of the county in numbers to fill I.
O. O. F. hall to overflowing. Two hun
dred were seated at the banquet board
following the progrom that number
at least were counted, after which
our informant laid off the job, for
many more were fed.
The program waa of a very excell
ent order and carried out as pub
lished with one or two exceptions.
The .high school orchestra and glee
club furnished selections under the
direction of Miss Denn that were
greatly appreciated. Then the young
er members of the Rebekahs gave a
playlet, localizing the characters, that
was a scream from beginning to end.
The program was such as to prepare
the crowd for the good things that
came in the dining room, and all told
the meeting was one of the very best
yet held. The next meeting of the
orders along this line will be at lone
on the 4th of March.
To all those outside the order who
so kindly assisted with the program
the thanks aof the committee on en
tertainment is extended for their
splendid assistance.
Bids For Postoffice
Quarters Here Asked
The Post Office Department will re
ceive proposals up to and including
February 20, 1925, for furnishing
suitable quarters for post office pur
poses at Heppner, Oregon, at a stat
ed price per annum, including heat,
light, water, toilet facilities and safe
provided with burglar proof chest,
and all necessary furniture and equip
ment under a ease for 5 or 10 yearB
from May 16, 1925.
Floor space of about 1400 feet is
Good daylight and a reasonably
central location are important consid
erations. Specifications and blank proposals
may be obtained from the postmaster
and a sample form of lease may be
examined in his office.
Good Program Arranged
For Next P.T.A. Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of
the local Parent-Teacher association
will be held in the high school audi
torium on next Tuesday, February 10,
at 8 o'clock p. m. The following pro
gram will be given:
Valentine Play, "Cupid's Lost Arrow'
Pupils of Sixth Grade.
Piano Solo Anna McNamee
Violin Solo ... Bruce Gibb
Patriotic Pantomime.
Address on Health Mrs. Alfcrd
The grades earning $5.00 each for
having the largest representation of
parents present are the 6th, 6th and
2nd. The money was intended to be
used for purchasing books for the
respective rooms, The teachers re
port that the books have been or
dered and no doubt will be in the
rooms by the date of our next P. T.
A. meeting. The children will be
pleased to have the parents visit their
rooms and not only see their new
books but look over the art work
which the teachers have so painstak
ingly arranged.
Every parent who possibly can
should attend these meetings to as
sist each child in earning the next
Both the boys' and girls' teams
went to Arlington last Saturday. The
games were fast ones and resulted in
victories for the Arlington teams.
The score for the girls' game was
27-3. While that for the boys' game
was 22-17.
Practically all the cast for the high
school operetta to be given in the
near future has been selected. The
cast has been chosen from the stu
dent body. The operetta this year
will be ' Crimson Eyebrows," a color
ful Chinese play full of clever lines
and catchy, melodious tunes.
The lone boys and girs' basketball
teams will play here next Saturday.
These will be good games. Come and
see them.
ne desire to express our sincere
thanks to the Heppner friends and
neighbors of the late Alfred H. Stamp
for their kindly assistance and sin
cere expressions of sympathy extend
cd during the funeral.
We wish to express our thanks to
our many friends for the kindness
shown us during the illness and
death of our baby, and also for the
many beautiful floral offerings.
Reward will be paid for the delivery
of my big shepard dog that strayed
from my ranch on upper Willow creek
during the week of Jan. 11. A black
dog with white breast and white Ting
around neck. Deliver to Clint Sharp
at Heppner. JOHN T. KIRK.
BABY CHIX White Leghorns of
Hollywood and O. A. C. strains. See
my solected stock in breeding pen at
Rhea Creek Poultry and Berry ranch.
R. H. Quackenbush & Son, phone
11F14, Heppner, Oregon.
FOR SALE Fresh milch cow with
3-weeka-old calf. Stock Jersey and
Shorthorn; third calf. Prico $50.
Opal E. Clark, Heppner.
Mrs. George Swnggnrt of Pendleton
was a guest over the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McAtce
in this city.
First quality copper carbonate now
in stock. Peoples Hardware Co.
Anniversary Remembered
By Banquet and Party
Friday Evening.
Four Charter Members Present; Pro
grain of Music and Talks Enjoyed
By Members and Visitors.
At Masonic hall on last Friday eve
ning the 30th anniversary of the in
stitution of Ruth Chapter No. 32, Or
of the Eastern Star, was celebrated
by a large gathering of the members
and friends of the order. At 6:30 the
banquet room was thrown open and
the guests to the number of about
125 gathered around the tables to be
served to a splendid repast. Seated
at the table were just four of the
charter members, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gilliam and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pst
terson. Before the close of the ban
quet, the big birthday cake was
brought in, properly decorated with
the right number of candles and the
colors of the order. This work of
culinary art was from the hands of
Mrs. Rebecca Patterson, who per
formed the ceremony of cutting the
cake which was passed to all present
and received their ample expressions
of praise and appreciation.
Immediately following the banquet
was presented the program of the
evening, as follows:
Solo Dorothy Patterson
Solo Dean T. Goodman
Reading . Paul Gemmell
Marjorie Clark, Patricia Mahoney
Reading Mrs. Roger Morse
Address Mrs. Rebecca Patterson
Talk Frank Gilliam
Remarks Rev. C. F. Trimble
The adress of Mrs. Patterson was
in a reminiscent vein and covered the !
history of the organization of Ruth
Chapter. Mrs. Patterson drew on her
memory for the facts as the records
of the lodge were destroyed in hte
Heppner flood. From the address we
Ruth Chapter was instituted on
Feb. 1, 1895, with a charter member
ship of thirty-four sixteen men and
eighteen women. Peter Borg was in
strumental in getting the organisa
tion going and John Vert of Pendle
ton was the instituting officer, who at
the time was Grand Patron of Oregon.
The first officers were Mrs. Ida Ellis,
W. M.; P. O. Borg, W. P.; Mrs. Lil-
lie Conser, A. M.; Miss Margaret Hor-
nor, Secretary! - un. - Anna Borg,
Treasurer; Mrs. Lizzie Matlock
Keeney, Con.; Mrs. Mamie Brown, A.
Con.; Mrs. Lauretta Leerer, Chaplain;
Mary Ayers, Ada; Rebecca Patterson,
Ruth; Anna Spencer, Esther; Mary
McCarty, Martha; Katie Morrow.
Mrs. Patterson went on to state
that they had quite a time in perfect
ing the organization, as none were at
all familiar with the work, had never
seen a ritual, in fact. However, by
close application the work was soon
learned. The many difficulties met
with in getting a new organization
on its feet were gradually overcome
and it was not a great while until
Ruth Chapter began to be recognized
as one of the best in the jurisdiction.
Property needed was acquired through
the getting up of dinners for the
brother Masons at their big functions
and quite a sum of money was thus
accumulated. Many good times were
enjoyed, social meetings held every
month with good banquets and fine
social events.
Mrs. Patterson did not fail to re
cord some of the sorrows of the lodge
occurring in those earlier days. The
first death among the members was
that of Sister Carrie Wells, one of
the charter members, and the next
was Brother Will Leezer, then In
1903 came the terrible disaster to
Heppner and nine more of the sisters
and brothers were taken, and gloom
was cast over the entire membership
for some time.
There was work for all in helping
those who had lost so much. "Let us
not forget how great is the need of
ordinary kindness, for In the daily
battle of life there are the wounded
and broken hearted; a smile gleam
ing from the face of an innocent
child has comforted one here, and
the courtesy of a Btranger has reas
sured a man almost discouraged. A
pleasant word, a kind inquiry, a
friendly look, a hearty greeting is of
ten enough to redeem one from lon
liness and heart exile and remnld
them that they belong in the circle
of humanity and have their home with
God's children. For it is the little
deeds of kindness and little acts of
love that make life one long sweet
song. So believing that the 30th an
niversary of Ruth Chapter will prove
another link in the chain which binds
us together in the service of human
ity, and hoping we may enjoy many
more anniversaries, let us strive to
make our lives as the floral emblems
of the Eastern Star, breathing a ben
ediction of goodness to mankind;
making this world a garden whose
beds are crowded with thoughts of
our Maker.
The Blue, the color of the asure sky.
Beneath which Ada pledged herself
to die;
The Yellow, as golden grains of truth,
Gathered from the fiathful gleaner,
The White, a gem of purest ray se
rene. Exampled in the life of our Noble
The Green, our living faith shall ever
In life, in death. In all eternity;
Th eRcd, suggests a fervency of
In which the lesson of Charity is
to light
So, Sisters and Brothers, let us not
forget to live up to the Golden Rule
to do to others as we would like to
he done by, so that dear old Ruth
No, 82 will prosper and be one of the
best chapters in the state, is the wish
of your Past Matron.
Tale of Lost Battalion Already
Part of America's
Americana thrill with patriotic
pride when they hear the story of
the Lost Battalion of the world war,
the tensest, most dramatic, most
gripping incident of America's part
in the great conflict. To give the
people of Heppner an opportunity to
"feel" this epie action as they could
not otherwise do, Heppner Post No.
87 of the American Legion has ar
ranged to show "The Lost Battalion,"
a motion picture faithfully reproduc
ing this historic event with an in
woven tale of delightful romance, at
the Star Theater on Tuesday, Febru
ary 24th.
The story of the Lost Battalion has
become definitely part of the tradi
tions of the American people. No
sooner had the news of the superhu
man resistance of this handful of
men, completely surrounded by Ger
man troops in the almost impenetra
ble Argonne forest, been flashed to
the nation than these men took their
places at once as national heroes. The
story of their dogged stand is as
firmly fixed in the history of America
as that of Washington crossing the
Delaware that winter night or kneel
ing in the snow of Valley Forge to
pray while his men paced their sen
try rounds with bleeding feet.
For aix bitter days these heroes of
1918 clung to their hillsides, galled
by German fire from every direction,
hugging the hope that relief would
somehow come. Death lurked in ev
ery bush, behind every tiny mound.
Out of the tree-tops the spiteful fire
of machine guns hailed upon them.
Nor waa this alL Hunger, privation,
the terrible agony of wounds were
worse enemies than Genu an sharp
shooters and machine gun nests. Then
came a demand that they surrender
demand met with instant refusal,
a renewal of battle, rescue, victory.
John Jenkins Resigns
As Road Supervisor
John Jenkins, who has been road
supervisor of the Boardman district
for the past five years, tendered his
resignation to the county court this
week, states the Boardman Mirror.
During his administration, Mr.
Jenkins - has greatly improved the
roads all over the project, WTien he
first took office the roads here were in
very poor condition but we now have
good graded roads with gravel sur
face. Several concrete bridges have
replaced the old wooden ones, which
makes not only a better appearance,
but smoother riding.
"Clarence Berger has been appoint
ed his successor in office.
Hodsdon Literary Society
Enjoys Splendid Program
A splendid program was pulled off
on rnday evening last at the Hods
don school house under the auspices
of the literary society. The enter
tainment was well attended, and after
the program a basket social wsa held
which resulted in the raising of $30
to be added to the funds for improv
ing the school building.
The committee for arranging the
program for the next meeting consists
of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Copenhaver, Earn Smith
and Claud White. One feature of the
next program will be a debate of the
question, "Resolved, that there is
more happiness in pursuit than in
All the ordinary and necessary ex
pensea paid or incurred in carrying
on any trade, business, profession, or
vocation are allowable deductions in
preparing federal income tax returns,
according to Clyde G. Runtlely, col
lector of internal revenue. Typical
expenses of a mercantile establish
ment are amounts paid for advertis
ing, hire of clerks, and other em
ployees, rent, light, heat and water,
telephone, insurance, delivery expen
ses, the cost of operating delivery
wagons and motor trucks, and inci
dental repairs to such vehicles, but
not the original cost of such vehicles.
The expenses of a manufacturing bus
iness include labor, raw materials,
supplies, repairs, lgiht and heat, pow-
aelling cost, administration and
similar charges.
Rev. E. C. Alford. pastor of the
Methodist Community Church, will
give in an illustrated lecture tomor
row evening a personal description
of life in the Yelowstone National
Park. Mr. Alford spent an entire
season in the park, and knows the
geysers by their first names and
some of the bears. The set of lan
tern slides illustrating the lecture
are of the finest made. Admission
free, but a sliver offering will be tak-
A social half hour will be en
joyed at the close of the lecture; the
Juniors will have candy and popcorn
for sale.
Goerge Wayne Warner, baby son of
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner of neur
Lexington, died at the home of his
parents on Wednesday, January 23th
The baby was not woll from it birth
and while all that was possible wns
done it could not rally from the ef
fect of the flu from which it suffered
and passed after six days of illness.
The remains were taken to Walla
Wall on Thursday, where the funeral
was held.
Mrs. Angela Kincart left on Friday
morning for Roseburg where she ex
pects to join her husband and to visit
with friends. Mr. Kincart has be-n
working for the Southern Pacific Co.
as a brakeman for the past two years.
Favorable Action Taken
On Seed Grain Bill
For Farmers.
Bill Passes Senate by Una nl mom
Vote; $1,500,000 to B Loaned to
Fanners on Approved Security.
News received from the State House
on Tuesday was to the effect that the
seed grain bill passed the Senate In
its original form. An unsuccessful
attempt was made to write into the
bill an amendment providing that
loans should be made direct to bank
ers in the frost-devastated areas, who
in turn, would place the money in
the hands of the farmers on approved
collateral. The senate by unanimous
vote passed the original measure with
but two minor ehanges. The bill pre
viously had been approved by the
house with but two dissenting votes.
The bill provides an appropriation
from the bonus sinking fund of $1,
500,000, which shall be loaned to far
mers to purchase seed under the jur
isdiction of the state board of con
trol. The notes shall be payable to
the state and become due January 1,
1926. In cases of emergency the
board of control is authorized to ex
tend the payment of the notes for
one year.
Senator Tooze, chairman of the
ways and measn committee which re
ported favorably on the bill, declared
that while it would .be necessary for
some of the senators to stretch their
business judgment in supporting the
measure, it was an emergency act
and was demanded by a class of peo
ple who were suffering because of tha
elements. It was the prediction of
Senator Tooze that a large part of
the loan would be repaid and that the
interest of 6 per cent charged for
the use of the money would go far
toward wiping out any loss that might
be incurred.
Member Local Lodge
Named on Committee
Mrs. Lillian Turner of Heppner has
been highly honored by receiving the
appointment at the hands of Mrs.
Mary D. Moss, president of the Re
bekah assembly of Oregon, L O. O. F.,
to a place on the advisory committee
for the entertainment of the Associa
tion of Rebek&h Assemblies, which
will meet in Portland September 21.
We members of San Souci Lodge
No. 33 of Heppner feel especially
honored, as aside from Mrs. Turner
and a very few other instances, the
appointees were all past presidents.
Mrs. Turner is a past Noble Grand of
San Souci lodge and is at present
our most efficient secretary, having
been elected to this office to succeed
herself time after time. We are
pleased to have her receive this honor
at the hands of the State President.
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Webb of Walla
Walla were week-end visitors in
Heppner, driving over from their
home on Friday afternoon and arriv
ing in time to attend the 30th anni
versary services of Ruth Chapter No.
32, O. E. S., of which Mrs. Webb is a
member. Mr. Webb, who is exten
sively encaced in farming in the
Walla Walla section, is of the opinion
that the grain over that county was
seriously damaged by the December
freeze, and much reseeding will be
the home of her mother and sister.
j Banker W. P. Mahoney arrived
home on Saturday from a business
trip to Portland and Salem which
occupied his attention for a number
of days. He was one of the commit
tee from Heppner to interview the
legislature regarding aid to the
stricken wheat producers of Eastern
Frank Harwood, jeweler, has just
returned from Portland, where he
spent several days this week on bus
iness. He states that it can stilt rain
in his old home town. While in the
city Mr. Harwood succeeded in get
ting Brunswick records and machines
for his store here, and these are now
on sale.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pad berg were
visitors in Heppner on Saturday from
their Heppner Flat home. They were
accompanied by Jess Lieuallen, broth
er of Mrs. Pad berg, who spent sev
eral days visiting with his relatives
here. His home is at Walla Walla.
Roger Morse, county agent, arrived
home from Salem iate on Friday
night. He expects to see the bill for
relief of tho wheat raisers go through
though there seemed to bo some pret
ty stitf opposition at the time he left
Dean T. Goodman of the Heppner
Garage was a passenger going cut to
Poitiand on Monday, being called to
the city on matters of buiiness.
While there he wilt take in the tig
auto .(how. now in progress.
Mrs. L. C. GilLilan and son Richard
of Filer, Idaho, enjoyed a visit of sev
rl days at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
O. L. Gillilan in this city. They do
par ltd for their home on Thursday
Cecil Warner was In town Satur
day from Lexington. Roseeding of
tho ihim.igvd wheat folds is the ordr
there nuw and the farmers are buy
taking advantage of the good weather.
LOST A large hand knit wool
scurf, tan color, with roue colored
stripes serous each end. Finder Niave
at Gnsette-Tiinta office. Mary I .
lr. Johnston reports the arrival of
a 10-lb, daughter at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Cuwins In this city on
Sunday, Ftbuary 1, 1926.