The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 41, Number 44. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 1925. Subscripion $2.00 Per Year E Corporation Expands to Aid Sheepmen in North-v west in Coming Year. Extension of tha loan service of the Wool Growers' Service corporation on a large scale throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho, beginnnig Jan. 1, was announced recently by Secretary J. F. Bears. Commencing on that date, the cor poration will advance $1 per fleece on all unshorn wool to growers op e rating In the three northwestern states. After the wool is shorn and lodged in the Western Wool ware house at Portland, Ore., a government bonded and licensed concern, the cor poration will advance to the growers, not to exceed 60 per cent of the ap praised value of the wool. Sheepmen to Get Funds. In both Instances, money will be obtained from the Federal In termed iate Credit bank, Spokane. For ad vances made prior to shearing 7 per cent interest will be charged and on advances made after the wool has been shorn and stored in the ware house, 6 per cent interest will be charged. "This method will give the sheep men funds for spring expenses and a strong advance on their wool after it has been placed in the warehouse," Sears said. It will also give them time to msrket it in an orderly man ner, as the mills require it, Portland is regarded as the wool market of the west as Boston is of the east, and mills tributary to Portland consume from 10,000,000 to 15,000,00 pounds of wool annually, approximately half of the production of the three states. In addition a number of eastern mills have buyers residing at Portland who are in the market for wool continu ally to fill their mills' requirements. Wool In Growers' Names. "Wool shipped to Portland under this plan will at all times remain in the name of the grower and subject to his orders. It will remain in the original bags. A sample will be tak en, scoured and tested and the grow er confidentially advised by the ware house officials as to the approximate shrink, grade and value of his wool. The appraisal will be made by gov ernment licensed men and therefore authentic and correct in every detail. Neither the Western Wool warehouse company nor any of its employes are allowed under the warehouse act to buy or sell wool on their own ac count, "When the wool is landed in the warehouse, the grower will get a re ceipt as it is weighed in. When the wool Is sold, the grower is paid -for the outgoing weights. In many In stances, wool will gain enough weight while in storage to psy the carrying charges. Last season Washington sheepmen shipped approximately 600,- (Continued on Par Four.) BE The Pendlelon-Prineville feJ55-J-V 4 t ua.i hm&rd. i' w. fc-lvXvl3$ K J"b" ft lTiTlZpt Tf?V- v JiMrr '--' o "- r1 iV Tli -,-r4 ' o n t"tmss.9 fl T ni- J X y r Azzrt ASuttwrlllt j,, M , Dmn.lM.Wr 1 I ' ' Mllltt A j J,.jl ' It . Ifc h 'ItlMrt. SyLw ''jrg-i.. 1 "r Tf' y A 1. 1 F O i R ' N l A Ml rUCH Interest Is being shown large in tha proposed improvement of the ren 1 dleton-Prlneville cutoff through Wheclor and Morrow counties, where Is now an undeveloped trail of forty-eight miles winding through one of the most beau tiful sections of Oregon. Twenty miles of this route is Impassablo, In the inaccessible sections which would be benefitted by construction of this highway there Is one line of twenty miles of well developed whoat farms and scattered over the area are prosperous stock ranches and the nucleus of a future dairy district. All this re claiming has been done by forward-looking pioneers who have invested their money with the faith that such a vast fertile country could not ba long Ignored by good roads legislators. The proposed highway connects the Old Oregon Trail at Pendleton with The Dnilos-Cnilfornia at Bend, and then branches off from Bend to Eugene, opening up a new country as well as creating direct commercial con nection from Walla Walla, Washington, to Bend and Eugene and hence to the Port of Portland, The highway COMMITTEE GOES TO SALEM BEHALF GRAIN GROWERS! Wheat Growing Sections Repre sented in Appeal for State Aid In Reseeding Crops. $1,000,000 WILL BE ASKED In order to put the situation of the grain growers of Morrow county be fore the legislative assembly at Sa lem, a committee consisting of W. P. Mahoney, Roger Morse, Judge R. I. Benge, C. E. Woodson of Heppner, George Peck of Lexington, Mr. Me Entire and C. R. Gunzel of lone, de parted on Monday and have been at the state capitol during the week, la boring in conjunction with similar committees from Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco counties to secure finan cial aid from the state that will as sist the farmers in financing their needs in reseeding their lands. The Morrow county committee mo tored to Arlington and attended a meeting of the farmers of Gilliam county held there Monday afternoon, and then on to Portland, where the various committees were to meet and organize for business before proceed ing to Salem. We have received no direct infor mation as to what progress is being made. A bill was prepared and pre sented in committee, calling for an appropriation of $300,000 for this re lief, but by request was held up awaiting the arrival of the grain growers' committee. We understand this died in committee room. An other measure, similar to the one pre sented to the Washington legislature, is being considered, asking for $1, 000,000, and allowing a maximum of 600 bushels of grain to be furnished to one grower. The Washington bill allows but 400'bushels as a maximum that can be supplied to any one pro ducer. The members of the Morrow coun ty committee are expected to arrive home this week-end. Held For Theft of Krebs Bros.' ar Willie Duran Is being held at Hepp ner for the theft of an automobile, the property of Krebs Bros, at Cecil. The car was taken from the Krebs place on Thursday morning last, and after driving about for a day Duran came to Heppner on 'Friday morning and was picked up by the officers at the filling station of Universal ga rage, A preliminary hearing In the case will be held tomorrow, as Duran had asked for time. The car was turned over to the owners immediately af ter the arrest and was returned to Cecil. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hus ton of Eight Mile on January 22nd, a son, weight 7 pounds Map showing proposed IVndleton-Prinevllle cut-off con necting The Dalles-California highway. The opening of (he highway to Prinevllle and Mend would give this area i direct route to California and Klamath Falls and would also open np sections of Morrow and Wheeler counties. would also make accessible valuable timber in the Blue mountains which Is now completely bottled up. A preliminary Investigation made under the supervis ion of B. F. Uceiley of the public bureau of roads in 1922 gives a favorable report of the less than five per cent grade and the nominal expenditure necessary for compltion of a single track earth road with suitable turnouts at frequent intervals. The report indicates the approximate cost of each mile of road as about $10,000, including bridges. Mr. Becsley suggests in his report that considerable additional development of the interior torrltory would result from any road improve ment. Considering the hadshipa that are being faced by settlers who live in this country, practically untouched by either highway or railroad, with the hope of soma day having transportation facilities for their products, and also taking into consideration the difficulties that are cheerfully borne yearly by hundreds of nimroda and anglers who avail themselves of the rich game resources of the mountains and streams of Central Oregon, the state would without doubt reap a rich harvest from the nominal sum needed for construction of this important brnnch of its highways. Recognition by the Federal Government is to be ex over the state at I WHEN DAD WAS A BOY I l m vm V!5 ? x i 5 i it cold, 6l mm w a Wl yOU CAN f A WAITin OOTMy lunch Spi N I. 0. 0. F. Lodges to Entertain Next Week On Wednesday, February 4th, the fourth of a acriea of I. O. 0. F. and Rebekah get-together meeting! will be held in Heppner, and the com mittees in charge wish to cordially in vite everyone who is any way affiliat ed with either branch. The follow ing program will be given, after which refreshments will be served: Address of Welcome S, E. Notson High School Orchestra Selection. Whistling Duet Miss Elizabeth Phelps and Mrs. Gene Ferguson Vocal Solo Anabel Turner Reading Otelia Copenhavcr 'Vocal nolo Paul Mortimore Reading Miss Gladys Benge Boys Glee Club. Reading Don Turner Mixed Quartette High School Plsyette. High School Orchestra Selection. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John Par ker of Lexington, Tuesday, January 27, 1!2S, a 7-pound son. Cut-off pected, ndvocatcs of the improved road believe. So far Morrow county has never received any government aid whatsover for highway construction, although at least 125 square miles of the Umatilla national forest lies in Morrow county on the line of the proposed Improvement, It is also pointed out that Morrow county has already expended more than $100,000 on this project from which It can derive no benefits until this connecting road is built. Residents of Morrow and Wheeler counties, the two counties directly affected by lack of construction of this road, hope to see this importunt part of Oregon's proposed road dcvelopmen placed upon the regular high way program of tha state highway commission. Your Income Tax. IF YOU are single and support in your home one or more persons closely related to you and over whom you exercise family eontrol, you are the head of a family and entitled under the revenue act of 1924 to the same personal exemp tion allowed a married person. $2,500. In addition, a taxpayer is entitled to a credit of $400 for each person dependent upon him for chief support, if such person is either under 18 years of age or incapable of self-support because mentally or physically defective. Such dependent need not be a member of the taxpayer's house hold. For example, an unmarried son who supports in his home an aged mother is entitled to an ex emption of $2,600 plus the $400 credit for a dependent, a total of $2,900. If from choice the mother lived in another city, the son, al though her chief support, would be entitled only to the $1,000 exemp tion, plus the $400 credit. The mother not living with him, he is not considered the head of a fam ily. An exemption as the head of a family can be claimed by only one member of a household. The $400 credit does not apply to the wife or husband of a tax payer, though one may be totally dependent upon the other. State Officers Visit Local Elks Saturday Burnett Goldstein, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for Oregon, north, and Ben Fisher, president of the State Elks association, paid Heppner Lodge No. 358 an official visit on Saturday evening, Harold Cohn meeting the gentlemen at Ar lington and bringing them on to Heppner in the afternoon. There was a goodly attendance of the Elks present to greet the state officials, and Mr. Goldstein exempli fied the work of the order and de livered to them words of encourage ment. His home is in Portland and that city is getting ready to entertain the national convention of the order next summer. Mr. Fisher, who resides at MarBhfteld, was particularly in terested in this coming event as he goes about the state working up in terest in the big convention. Local Talent Will Present Comedy The three-act farce comedy, "When a Feller Needs a Friend," will be presented at the Star theater on Tuesday afternoon and evening of next week, February 3rd. Local tal ent, under the direction of Mrs. C V. Hopper and Mrs. Roy Missildine, have been diligently rehearsing the play for several weeks past, and it will be presented in first class style and should draw a large crowd at both performances. The cast is as follows: Tom Denker, an artist, Austin Smith Bob Mills, a magazine writer Leonard Schwart Mrs. Reese, their landlady Mrs. Violet Schurte Jerry Smith, just returned from "over there" Crocket Sprouls Lis, Mrs. Reese s stepdaughter .... Elaine Sigsbee "Bing" Dickson, Lit s steady Earl Merritt William Denker, Tom's uncle Rcid Buselck Alice King, Tom's aunt . Mary Patterson rJatne Lynne, Alice King's ward.... Luola Bongo Angela Scott, Bob s fiancee Mary Crawford John C. Ball suffered a fall this wook that caused injury to his crip pled leg. By SATTERFIELD HEPPNER H NEWS Reports issued by the Superintend ent show that for the semester just ended 94.4 of all work done by high school pupils was of passing grade or above. This includes the work of all students in all classes. For the first semester of last year 91.4 only was of passing grade. In the elementary grades for this semester 95.5 of the work of all rooms was of passing grade. Under the new ruling of the child labor and compulsory education laws which require all children under 18 yars .of age to be in school or le- IV employed, the county board has ordered all such to present themselves at school. According to Mr. Hedrick, "The new round up will not effect more than seven or .eight pupils on the outside. There is probably no town in the state where a greater per centage of pupils eligible to attend school is enrolled than in Heppner, over 98 -of all our eligibles are actually in school and 51 of these are boys." The Junior class has elected its officers for this semester. They are president. Gene Pyle; vice president, Crocket Sprouls; secretary, Flossie Stender, treasurer, Victor Lovgren; sergeant-at-arms, Eugene Doherty. The two basketball games played at Lexington between Lexington and Heppner Hi teams resulted in vic tories for the Lexington teams. These games, however, were hard, fast ones. Both teams played well. The score for the girls' game was 27-2, while that for the boys was 32-8. The next basketball game will be double-header played between the Arlington and Heppner high school teams. This game will be played at Arlington next Saturday. Farm Loan Association Holds Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Hard- man National Farm Loan association was held at Heppner on January 13, at which time the following officers and directors were chosen: officers, Jeff Jones, president; E. E. Rugg, vice-president, and C. L. Sweek, sec retary; directors, Jeff Jones, E. E. Rugg, Theo. Anderson, John Her, O. T. Ferguson and Oscar Keithley. The association has over $400,000 in farm" loans in Morrow county, one of these, only, being north of the base line. There is to be a district meeting at Pendleton today of the National Farm Loan association, and delegates chosen to attend from Hard- man association are Jeff Jones and C. L. Sweek. A program of consider able length has been prepared for the Pendleton meeting, and those who are to deliver short addresses are Asa B. Thompson, treasurer of the Federal Land Bank of Spokane; Fred Bennion of Pendleton; Eliza Ray Galbruith of Prairie City; A. W. Cauthorn, di rector of Federal Land Bank; Geo. C, Jewett, secretary of Federal Land Bank; Walter Hinkle, federal apprais er; James H. Graham, Baker; Julia Hagman, Stanfteld, and G. L. Sweek. Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Bell Give Up Hotel Heppner Lease Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boll, who have for the past two years been in charge of Hotel Heppner on a lease from Pat Foley of The Dalles, this week gave up possession of the hostlery and retired. Mr. Foley, who Is also owner of Hotel Dalles at The Dalles, has taken charge again of the Heppner hotel and will operate the same until other arrangements are made, so we are in formed. Mr. Bell and family are still at Heppner and wo are not informed as to what their plans for the future are. Mrs. Emily Kolley Is reported to be quite low at her home in this city. Control of Production Is Not Enough to Insure Success of Efforts. By C. E. SPENCE, Market Agent Co-operative marketing has made great progress in the year just past and it will make yet further advances as its leaders study tbe problems and look further into causes. The failure of too many marketing organizations in the past has been that they have been based too much on contracts to tie up producion and too little on what to do with the tied up products. Farm production can not be curtailed like the production of a furniture factory. The farm is not a factory, where the output can be controlled at will. California thought it had solved the marketing problems of raisins and prunes when a monopoly was formed in control of these products. The minute that higher prices pre vailed, then production increased; a big unsold surplus piled up and the result was the carry-over broke the market and prices went below cost of production. Raisins were fed to stock. And California has learned what every successful selling agency most learn that co-operative organizations must go much further than tying up production under sales contracts. They must co-operate and work with the buying end. No matter how high or low the selling price of a product. that is not a necessity, it will not have a normal sale unless the con suming public is able to buy it. Or ganizing supply and overlooking de mand entirely will not solve market ing problems they must be consid ered together. t The consumers' ability to buy is of more importance than the producers' ability to sell. The relation of prof itable marketing to purchasing power is clear. The demand for farmers' products is largely in city consumers, and a very large majority of them are wage-earners. When they have steady work at fair wages they are depend able purchasers of the farmers' goods. The same is true of the farmers. When they have ready markets at fair prices for their products, they in turn are good customers for the fac tories that employ the city workmen. These conditions work together for general prosperity. To have stable conditions it is ab solutely necessary that the farmers and industrial workers (who com prise 90 per cent of our population) have a purchasing power that will enable them to buy each others' pro ducts otherwise a surplus on each side accumulates, or rather an under consumption occurs. When this hap pens the factories and mills curtail production and lay off men, and when two or three million men are out of employment they cannot buy what they need of the farmers' products, and down go prices. And then the farmer is forced to curtail his pur chases of factory goods. Another farmers' problem is the relation of land values to cost of production. Too many farmers who buy land pay more for it than it is actually worth far more than it is worth based on the returns. This boosts the cost of production and cuts down the profits. As land values rise mortgages and tenancy increase. A third important factor that holds back prosperous conditions is both di rect and indirect taxation. These are a heavy load on both farmer and con sumer. Both have to pay the taxes that are put on industry. The farm er has to pay more for what he has to use and this increases his produc tion costs. And the consumer has to pay the indirect taxes caused by the many middle profits and other costs in the way of higher prices, and is therefore compelled to cut down on his purchases. The solution of marketing prob lems must take into consideration these conditions. The demand side must be studied and remedied. It must be worked out in connection with organized supply. Goods must go to the consumer from both the farm and the factory at a far less between cost, with fewer handlings and less middle profits. Herein lies a great indirect tax load, and a great field for study and investigation. E. L. Padberg Funeral Held at lone Yesterday Edward Lee Padberg passed away at his home in lone on Monday, Jan uary 26, following an illness of sev eral months duration. He had been a sufferer for a long time with stom ach trouble, and for several months past he Bought relief of physicians at Pendleton and Portland, but to no avail. His funeral was held at 1 o'clock p. m., on Wednesday at lone Baptist church, and was so largely attended that it was not possible for half the people to get into the church Burial was at the cemetery in Lex ington, and the procession of automo biles was at least a mile in length Mr. Padberg was a prominent resi dent of the lone section, having re sided all his life in that portion of Morrow county. He was 64 years, 4 months and 26 days of age and leaves besides his own immediate family very large circle of friends. He had been active for years in the business affairs of lone, engaged quite exten sively in farming and stockraising, in all of which he was quite successful He was also an active member of the t. O. O. F. order, and his funeral was conducted under the auspices of the lone lodge and largely attended by members of the fraternity from over the county. LEGION MEETING. Regular meeting of Heppner Post No, 87, American Legion, will be held Tuesday evening, February 3rd. It Is the desire of Commander Gemmell that a large number of the members be present as there are several mat ters of importance to be disposed of. NEW FOOTBALL COACH CHOSEN Richard Shore Smith, Former All American Fullback, Accepts Position at University. University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan. 24. Richard Shore Smith of Eugene, former All-American fallback and all around athlete and during his playing days captain of two. collegiate elevens, Oregon and Columbia University, New York, was elected coach of the Uni versity of Oregon eleven to succeed Joseph H. I. ad doe It, resigned, at s meeting of the executive council Wed nesday. Smith was one of the greatest play ers of the period from 1896 to 1903 and many critics class him as among the best fallbacks who ever wore col lege colors. He won the distinction of making the All-American team while a law student at Columbia, fol lowing his graduation from the Uni versity of Oregon in 1901. He played on Colombia elevens from 1901 to 1903. With the appointment of Smith there are now two former All-American players holding coaching posi tions on the Pacific Coast. Andy Smith of California, while fullback on the Pennsylvania eleven, won the honor. The two Smiths competed against each other when Columbia met Pennsylvania in 1902. The new Oregon coach, known to his friends as "Dick" has followed football ever since his college days. He coached the Oregon football team in 1903 after completing his law course in the East, and in 1904 re turned to New York to tutor the Co lumbia eleven for a year. Changes in football that have taken place since then have been carefully studied by the former fullback. In recent years he has aided the Oregon coaches, giv ing a good deal of service to the squad last fall when Mad dock was head coach. Those in charge of Oregon athletics look forward confidently to the 1925 season. Smith is a coach who com mands the situation, maintains a good coaching organization, keeps up mor ale, and gets his instruction over to the team. Smith played on Oregon elevens from 1896 to 1901, the last two years as captain. He played on an Oregon eleven that triumphed over a Univer sity of California team 2 to 0, a re markable achievement for the young Eugene institution. He made his "O" also in track, competing in the broad jump and the weights. While at Co lumbia the Oregon man starred tn track and crew as well as in football. The Columbia football captaincy came to him in his third and last year on the Eastern eleven. After serving a year as coach at Columbia, Smith took up the practice of law in Oregon, locating at Astoria and later at Klamath Fails, borne years later he moved to Eugene, where he practiced since. His firm is Smith and Bryson. No details of Smith s contract or salary were announced by the execu tive council. The new coach will have charge of spring practice. "I personally think that Smith is one of the best informed men on foot ball in the country," said Virgil Earl, University director of athletics. "He has the football instinct and is an excellent judge of the game. Smith knows men and knows how to handle them." This view was seconded by the members of the executive council. MRS. BEN COX DIES. Mrs. Ben Cox passed away at her home on Hinton creek at 5:00 a. m. this morning, following an illness of several weeks. She is survived by her husband. As we go to press funeral arrangements have not been complet ed, but will likely be on tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'Rourke of La Grande announce the arrival at their home on January 3, 1925, of a son weighing 8 pounds. The young man has been given the name of Pet er, Jr. Walter Becket, who rai ses grain on Eight Mile, was in the city on Satur day attending to bmines affair. The Three Act Comedy "WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND" Will Be Presented on Tuesday, February 3 AT STAR THEATER By High School Students, and directed by Mrs. Caire Hopper and Mrs. Roy Missildine. Matinee 2:30 p. m. Admission 20c and 40c Regular Performance at 8:00. Adm. GOc. BENEFIT OF C. E. SOCIETY By Arthur BrisbtuM What Women Teach. Mr. Stone's Enemies. Two Wonderful Legs. About Clock Watching. H. G. Wells worries about tha American system of public school ed ucation. He is much afraid that our manhood will be damaged because oar Lschool boys are educated largely by women. It is kind of Mr. Wells to worry, but he is wasting time and energy in this case. If he will look into his own book of history at one of his ancestors with the big teeth, low forehead and heavy jaw, he will find that human beings have changed. And he ought to know that they have changed, thanks to the fact that men have been educated by their MOTHER3. Women have educated not only the boys but also the men, gradually tak ing the brutality out of them. And that's what they need. On the lap of his mother, and at her knee, man has been changed from the troglodyte that used to crack bis neighbor's thigh bone to get at the marrow, in to our present imitation of civiliza tion. Women can teach the schoolboy justice, kindness, courage, patience and concentration. What other manly characteristics does the man teach? Somebody representing the rail roads will have to do some thinking, and plan something, or our very re spectable United States railroads are going to suffer no matter how much the Government may do for them. Motor trucks are robbing the roads of short haul freight, and the long haul goes more and more by canal wherever it can. Mr. Thorn for the railroads says so. Do railroads intend to meet new conditions or just die out, like the dinosaur, when his time came and the rats gnawed his big feet? The motor truck and flying machine will be the rats of the railroad dino saur. Ail the world reads about the mar velous racing Finn, Nurmi. He broke two indoor world's records. He's an iron man. He ran the mile in 4 min utes 13 3-5 seconds, cutting a second off the world's record. Honor him, his legs, heart, longs and courage, but honor still more highly such men as the late Stein metz. A crippled hunchback, he could not have run five thousand metres in two hours. But his brain ran as well as Nurmi's legs run. If, by the way, Steinmetz came to the United States today, a crippled Jewish boy, as he did forty or fifty years ago, he would be sent home. Why does the crowd pay to see fast legs and care less for a thinking brain? Because the crowd can all run. Not all can think. Further information would be wel come concerning the motives of in dividuals that oppose the Presi dent's appointment of Attorney Gen eral Stone to the Supreme Bench. What disturbs those that oppose the nomination? How much of the opposition is due to the fact that as soon as he was ap pointed Mr. Stone proceeded to select competent lawyers, to dig into the war frauds, instead of letting the grafters rest in peace? And how much of the opposition ia due to Attorney General Stone's at titude toward the combination of har- f Continued on Page Four)