PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22. 1925. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF MORROW COUNTY, ORE CON, FOR THE SIX MONTHS PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1924. CLAIMS PAID FROM GENERAL COUNTY FUND Allowed bv County Court EvPFNSE OF Amount RcmHs and Highways $ 4.334.70 S46.56 259.33 1. 197.93 2.623.12 Election Current Expense County Court ... Sheriff Clerk 1.735.63 Assessor - 2.532.33 Treasurer - 546.55 Court House - 2.013.33 Circuit Court - 543.05 Justice Court - 3S9.95 Superintendent - 1,124.24 Physician Overseer Widows Pension Poor Jail Sealer .. Audit Books . 60.00 150.00 615.00 1.0S0.S3 4S3.10 46.49 350.00 County Agent 1.050.00 Health Tax Rebate District Attorney Insurance Watermaster Surveyor Coroner Publishing Budget Library . Emergency Donation Juvenile . 17.50 81.76 60.75 110.00 31.24 81.49 57.75 83.00 174.70 25.00 25.00 13.70 Total ...1 $ 22.S04.18 $22,804.18 Claims paid from Road Funds, including Bond and Special Road Funds ...$ 32.022.53 Claims allowed from Market Road Fund. 20,785.54 Claims Allowed from Miscellaneous Funds.... 22,373.86 Total .. ..$ 75,136.93 $75,186.98 SUMMARY OF WARRANT ACCOUNT Outstanding General Fund Warrants June 30, 1924 $ 22,408.69 Outstanding Road Fund Warrants June 30, 1924 293.64 Outstanding Market Road Warrants June 30, 1924 17.09 Outstanding Miscellaneous Warrants June 30, 1924 205.04 Genera! Fund Warrants issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1924 22,430.64 Road Fund Warrants issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1924, in cluding Special Roads . 32,022.58 Market Road Warrants issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1924 20,785.54 Miscellaneous Warrants issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1924.... 22,38 rom sunset to iunn. rat McEntira and Pat Outran are busy men this week hauling corn rom Ocil warehouse to Killamey ranch where they have several bunds of theep feeding. j Jack Hynd Tnade h trip to Hvnd Bros, ranch in Sand Hollow on Tues- to arranre for more sheep to come to Hyod Bros, ranch near Cecil or the winter. Mrs. L. L. Funk and daughter. Miss GeraMine, of Cecil accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Krebs and sons of the Last Camp were visiting in Ion on Saturday. Oral Henriksen of the Moore ranch near Heppner was busy measuring: hay on his ranch near Ewing which he has sold to R. A. Thompson of Heppner. Zenneth Locan of Boardman spent Thursday and Friday with his brother Leon at Four Mile and was also call ing on his friends at Cecil. W. V. Pedro and Mrs. Joe Pedro made a short call in Cecil on Sunday before leaving for the homo of Mrs. Pedro at mson, Ore. Mrs. T. H. Lowe and daughter Miss Annie C, were calling on Mrs. R. E. Duncan and infant son at Busy Bee ranch on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Tyler and family of Rhea Siding were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Dofur at the Cot near Cecil on Sunday. Messrs. Clark, Gaunt, Mattison and Furlong of Heppner finished tagging for Krebs Bros, at the Last Camp on Friday. Mrs. Geo. A. Miller and son El- Yin of Highview ranch spent Friday th Mrs. H. V. Tyler near Rhea Siding. Paul G. Balsiger, prominent hard ware merchant of lone, was doing bus iness in Cecil vicinity on Wednesday. R. E. Stender of Seldomseen and J. E. Crabtree of Cuckoo Flats were doing the sights of lone on Sunday. Noel Sereeter is spending his spare time from school building extra houses for his rabbits, etc. Mrs. Pat Medlock of Morgan spent Monday with Mrs. Alf. Medlock at Rockcliffe near Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth of Rhea Siding were visiting friends in Olex during the week. J. O. Osborn of Fairview ranch was a caller in Heppner on Wednesday. rvrntna from tkrir hoax ta grattlo. Mr. hue. art Is la the employ tae Shell Oil Co.. fu a two wrrfcs' varatioa an la, are vivittna; taeir parents an friends. The ha.krthsl! rames here Friday ataht between tne Lexington boy and airta and Itoanlman boy and Slrts. were lively. Lu.'S however, Memed ayainst foardraaa and the Lexinaton teams were winners. T. W. Cuteforth and sons returned Sun day from Salem vnere tney had been with Mr, lutafortn who is very 1.1. Mr. CuU forth wtU return to Salem this week. Mr. Georce Peek and two eons returned Saturday from Junction City where they had been for the peat six weeks, visitin Mrs. Peek's parents. A double-header basketball a-ame is scheduled for Friday niaht between Hepp ner and Lexington laoud lively gamea are promised. Clarence Carmiehael returned from Cor- vsllis on Monday, bavina decided not to enter O. A. C. untU the beannning of next term. County School Superintendent Walker of Heppner and Mrs. Josle Frederickson of Lexington were over to Irrigon Monday. Mrs. Harry Dingea and son Danny re turned from Portland Friday of last week after a visit with relatives in the city. A number of our young folks attended the Elks dsnee at Heppner on Saturday night and all report a grand time. Mr. and Mm. Cbisam of Pendleton were in Lexington Tuesday. Mr. Chiasm ia with the Collins Grain Co. of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Copenhaver were in from their ranch in Sand Hollow on Tues day, doing some shopping. Miss Vail, primary teacher, who was quite ill. has recovered sufficiently to take up her school work again. Grandma McMillan departed Wednesday morning for Portland where she will visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ward were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lueaa over the week-end. Mrs. Leach McMillan left on Wednesday for Portland on a combined business and pleasure trip, Chs.. Swindig and family of Heppner were visiting at tko Braee Grady nosa ovwr Sunday. Jason Biddle and wife were ta from their ranch Saturday doing annas shopping. Karl Iteaeb spent Saturday and Sunday with bis family at Walla Walla. Frank Burgoyme Is installing a mew Jec trie light dynamo ia his store Frank Harwood of Heppner paid Lexing ton a social call oa Sunday. Harvey MrAlister ia ia Portland this week visiting hia brother. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING. Heppner Lodge No, JS8, B. P. O. E. There wilt be a special meeting of Heppner Lodge No. SM. B. P. 0. Elks, oa Saturday night, January 24th, 1925, at which tint Bamett H. Gold stein, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, and Bro. Ben Fiaher, proaident of th State Elks' association, will be present. All brothers ar urged to at tend. C. L. SWEEK, Exalted Ruler. J. 0. RASMUS, Secretary. FOR SALE 1922 Ford Sedan; good tires, spare, Hassler shocks, foot feed and other extras, Mechanically perfect. A good buy if you need a Total $120,645.08 General Fund Warrants paid July 1 to Dec. 31, 1924 $ 18,526.57 Road Fund Warrants, including Special Roads, paid July 1 to Dec. 31. 1924 31,966.53 Market Road Warrants paid July 1 to Dec. 31, 1924 20,802.63 Miscellaneous Warrants paid July 1 to Dec. 31, 1924 22,378.86 General Fund Warrants outstanding December 31, 1924 26,312.76 Road Fend Warrants outstanding December 31, 1924 452.69 Market Road Warrants outstanding December 31, 1924.... .00 Miscellaneous Warrants outstanding December 31, 1924 205.04 LEXINGTON BRIEFS Psve Porter left Sunday morning for Portland where he will enter the I. O. O. F. home. Uncle Dave has resided here for many long' years and haa a host of friends among both old and young who wih for him many years more of life under the pleasant surroundings of the home where the Oddfellows care for their aged. The Collins Grain Co. of Pendleton pur chased the Scott A McMillan warehouse this week. Mr. Collins is an extensive warehouse owner and grain buyer and owns numerous warehoused throughout the grain growing section, as well as big flour mill at Pendleton. Mr. and Mr. Ray White arrirpd Tutdfty Gilliam & Bisbee's jZ? Column j& Total ..$120,645.08 CASH ON HAND IN VARIOUS FUNDS ON DE CEMBER 31st, 1924. General County General Road General School ;. Trust Funds High School Tuition Union High School No. 1 Fire Patrol City of Boardman City of Heppner City of Hardman City of lone City of Lexington Special School Districts Elementary School West Land Irrigation West Extension Irrigation John Day Irrigation Motor Vehicle Market Road Special Road District No. 1 Special Road District No. 4 Special Road District No. 5 Special Road District No. 14 Lexington-Jarmon Road . Prohibition Fund Rodent Fund Bee Fund Dog Fund Fair Fund Herd Fund Old Soldiers Indemnity Fund Bond Sinking Fund . Bond Interest Fund ...$ 6,474.53 1.023.86 2,775.06 1,295.60 14.54 120 00 .00 .00 .00 5.40 .00 .00 7,884.49 1,648.53 .00 4,254.40 422.47 7.65 239.39 1,683.05 339.74 .81 197.19 12.57 986.50 1,650.75 42.00 438.84 578.11 19.35 .85 12.00 65,965.37 2,687.45 FOR THE BOBBIES They are the best that are made. Velocipedes and Kiddie Kars for the Kids. Enterprise vacuum bot tles that will keep Christ mas warm and the 4th of July cool. Community Silver and high grade aluminum ware for Christmas. Winchester Flashlights and Batteries. Gilliam & Bisbee EVERVTHINO IN Hardware - Implements We have H, will get it or it is not made. Total . $100,780.50 $100,780.50 STATE OF OREGON, . ss. County of Morrot, I, Gay M. Anderson, County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct account of all claims allowed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon; the funds on which naid claims were drawn and the amount of out standing warrants not paid, for the six months period ending Decem ber 31, 1924. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office this 15th day of January, 1925. (SEAL) GAY M. ANDERSON, County Clerk. CECIL US HEMS We are find to art W. O. Palmatoer of Wirdynook around again after hit recent srvert attack of tonstlitis. (Jowl reports are coming in from th family of John Gray at Shady Dell !ar Ccil who ar now under atrict quarantine nn acrount of infantlla paralysis. Th Ktd Cross has a nurse in attendance at the Gray noma. W. A. Thomas of Dotheboys Hill was Cecil visitor on Sunday and trying to find out whether the ma jority of the wheat in thia district it froaen out or not. Report on hand are not definite ag to the dam age which the late frosts have done. Dick Logan and Harvey Smith of Four Mile made a hurried trip to Cecil on Saturday in starch of the weather report! and wheat market report which are of big interest to these young ranchmen, the coming wheat men of Morrow county. Howard Hardeity of Morgan was visiting the Streeter boy on Sunday and wo having the time of his life until h took a fall on hia bicycle and found the ground at Cecil hard er than th Morgan ground. E. Bennett, assisted by H. Cox of Heppner, are making all thing ihlne at the Shepherd' Rest and intend to put out their sign ihorotly, "At home There's a Radiola for every home RADIOLA HI - $ 45.25 (Not loud apeaking) RADIOLA HI-A ...... M.00 (1100.00 $10 down, $10 per month) RADIOLA REGENOFLEX 190.00 ($200.00 $30 down, $14.17 per month) RADIOLA X 260.00 ($270.00 $30 down, $20 per month) RADIOLA BUPERIIETRODYNE 278.00 ($21)8.00 $30 down, $21.60 per month) Price Include coat of delivery and installation with guarantee and three months free service. All RADIOLAS ue dry batterie only. A big organization extending over three countie enables us to give real service and satisfaction. MAURICE A. FRYE Everything Electrical Studcbaker Sixes Come in and see our "Before and After Taking," Tum-A-Lumber Book. A prize book of sug gestions for making a modern home out of the old house, with many illustrations and plans. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Red Crown Gasoline SERVICE STATION Union Gasoline Oils, Differential, Transmission and Cup Grease TIRES and TUBES FREE AIR and WATER FERGUSON BROTHERS ear. Price $300. ALVA JONES, Box 102, Lexington, Oregon. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. To any on giving information of person or peraon who shot two fox terriers, male and female, wearing Morrow county licenses Nos. 1028 and 102V for 1D26, near Cecil, Morrow county, Oregon, on January . 1025. MRS. JENNIE LOWE, Cecil, Oregon. Don't overlook th food sale at Humphreys Drug Co. Saturday. Heppner, Lexington, lone 30-Day Cash Sale I 210 Pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, I will sell at COST. j 35c Outing Flannel, 36-in 27 '2c j 25c Outing Flannel, 27-in 18c j 50c Satteen, 36-in 38c i 25c Gingham 20c j Men's Woolen Underwear at 10 Discount Ladies' and Children's Underwear at Cost. $1.85 Men's Overalls ...$1.70 H $2.10 Men's Overalls $1.90 S Men's Pants 10 off. . H Men's Woolen Shirts 10 7o off. H $14.50 Leather Coats, now $12.00 H Reduction on Most All Canned Goods H and Groceries I W. P. Prophet & Co. I 1511 GE TO Quick Starting'MD CROWN AND FEEL THE DIFFERENCE Fill your tank with Red Crown and press the starter button- youlljee the difference Fill your tank with "Red Crown" and press the starter button you'll feel the difference. Drive for a day or a week and then look at your gasoline gauge you'll see the difference. Keep track of your gasoline cost you'll save the difference. Fill your tank with "Red Crown" at any . red, white and blue pump in town "in every way a better gasoline." These Dealers in Morrow County Sell Red Crown Gasoline Cohn Auto Company Heppner, Ore. Vaughn & Goodman Heppner, Ore. C. V. Hopper Heppner, Ore. M. R. Fell Heppner, Ore. Ferguson Bros. Heppner, Ore. Gilliam & Bisbee Heppner, Ore. Peoples Hardware Company Heppner, Ore. L. H. Frederickson, Lexington, Ore. E. Nordyke Lexington, Ore, Leach Bros. Lexington, Ore. E. R. Lundcll lone, Ore. I. R. Robinson lone, Ore. Martin Bauernfiend Morgan, Ore. T. II. Lowe Cecil, Ore. Colliver & Miller Hardman, Ore. Pyle & Grimes Parkers Mill, Ore. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) , QUICK STARTING 100 POWER Harivood's Closing Out Sale of Gennett Records Entire stock must be disposed of at once. ALL 75c RECORDS SPECIALLY PRICED AT 50 Cents Everything in Musical Instruments Odd Fellows Building Heppner, Oregon Courtesy to You In all matters however large or small Is the end toward which we strive. Anyone can accept business pleasantly you know THAT. If for any reason we DO have to say "no" We can be courteous about. the refusal, too. Did you know THAT? , Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bflk Oregon Star Theater THURSDAY and FRIDAY, JAN. 22-23 GLORIA SWflNSQN A PARAMOUNT PICTURE raillNTID V JlSilLlASKV ion will sec uioria ai ner unri.ancu u,,i , ......... comedy-drama of a girl who learned on her wedding night that he had married a twenticth-century Bluebeard with seven divorced wives. You'll se her in the most alluring gown evor devised. In a itory of French boudoirs and beachea, of startling scenes and gorgeous Bettings. A TOP-NOTCH SWANSON PICTURE Also "The Spat Family" in "HOT STUFF" TWO-REEL COMEDY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 EDITH ROBERTS "ROULETTE AND ELEVEN OTHER WELL KNOWN STARS IN Th story of on of New York's hidden Monte Carlos. When a man wants to be emphatic h says, "I'll bet my life!" But he never doe. It i a woman who bet her life. When she marries, he knows her entir life depends on what this man may be. Se Edith Roberts and this unrivalled cast in "ROULETTE." Also Ben Tuprin in "STEP FORWARD" SUNDAY and MONDAY, JAN. 25 and 26 FLORENCE VIDOR and THEODORE ROBERTS in "HAIL THE WOMAN" Not a new picture, but one of th very best produced. A New York critic saysi "Hail th Woman" is a master piece in every sense of the word. It Is a powerful human drama. Its characetrs are not shadows, but real human be ings; they think and act just as human being would have thought an dacted in real life. And because it conveys a moral lesson loyalty and self-sscrlflce, and also condemnation of th double moral standard not in the form of preachment but submerged In th entertainment, it is destined to liv In he mind of picture-goers, when hundreds of other pictures will be forgotton, The story is by the well-knodn author C. Gardner Sullivan, and In addition to Miss Vidor and Theodora Roborts th cast includes Lloyd Hughes, Gertrude Clair, Madg Bellamy and Tully Marshall, and directed by Thos. II, Ince. Also "FELIX GETS HUNGRY" W are (lad to announc (hat w have been able to so ar range our booking contracts that after January 2Hth, we will have a show every night, Instead of closing on Tuesday and Wednesday.