AeVf. The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 41, Number 38. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1924 Subscription $2.00 Per Year Farm Bureau Will Elect Officers at Odd Fellows Hall Here Saturday MARIS ON PROGRAM Important Matters to be Acted Upon Include Child Labor Amendment and Wild Horse Situation. By R. W. MORSE, County Agent. Many matters of importance to all farmers and stockmen of Morrow county will be considered at the an nual meeting of the Morrow County Farm Bureau to be held at the Odd Fellows Hall at Heppner, Saturday, December 20, starting at 10:30 a. m. That Morrow county needs and muat have a real live farmers' organization was the decision of a number of rep resentative farmers meeting with the Farm Bureau executive committee two weeks ago. That the county Farm Bureau could fill this need and serve as a clearing houtie for united action for matters of importance to people of the county was the decision reached at this meeting. At the annual meeting definite plans for making the organization of real service to the people of the county will be worked out At the same time a number of matters of current importance will be consider ed at the meeting. The principal speaker of the day will be Paul V. Marts, Director of the Extension Service, from Corvallis. Mr. Maris, who is a former Morrow county boy, has recently returned from the East where he addressed the association of Land Grant col leges on State Programs for Agricul ture. He is exceptionally well-in formed on the agricultural situation throughout the West. Among the matters that will be brought up at this meeting and fol lowed up by defininte action by the new executive committee of the Farm Bureau, will be election of officers for next year; consideration of proposed legislation, auch as the Child Labor Amendment to the Federal Constitu tion, the control of the wild horse situation in Eastern Oregon, and method of predatory animal control. A committee on farm labor will sub mit some definite proposals for handling the labor situation the com ing year. The committee on by-laws expects to recommend a very nom inal membership fee for the Farm Bureau, and other changes in the rules of the organisation. The reso lutions committee will be appointed at the meeting, with B. H. Peck as chairman. Don't forget the date, December 20, at 10:30 a. m. Lunch will be served In the Odd Fellows hall dining room and the meeting will be over not later than 3:30 p. m. Odd Fellows Will Hold Installation Jan. Seven The following newly elected offi cers of Willow Lodge No. 66. I. O. O. F. of Heppner, together with the ap pointive officers, will be installed at the first regular meeting of the lodge in January, if nothing happens to pre vent: Lee Slocum, noble grand; A. J. Chaffee, vice grand; A. M, Phelps, secretary, and Albert Adkins, treas urer. MASK BALL ENJOYABLE AFFAIR. The mask ball given by the man agement of the Juniper Community hatl on Saturday evening was well patronized, and report reaches this paper that it was a great success and much enjoyed by all attending. The order was good and there was nothing to mar the pleasure of the evening. The people of this commun tiy are contemplating snother enter tainment of this sort on New Year's eve. Get Bulk of Harding Estate E" Joanne nnd George Necly Da Wolfe of Marion, Ohio, children of Mm, Warrim O. Hurdlnn'i on by her flrnt marriage, will receive the mont of the 1600,000 from the Into President's en tail), aa willed by Mm. Harding be fort bar death laat month, TV. ji i,? i I1""""! 8 WW SB TEST FOR OIL TO BE MADE AT IONE lone Gas and Oil Company Pre paring to Start Operations; May Cost $150,000. That a real test for oil will be made in Morrow county is the as surance given this paper by Sam Gan ger of the lone Hotel, who is author ity for the statement that it will not be long before actual work of drill ing is begun. Mr. Ganger bases his statement upon the information gathered the past week from mem bers of the lone Gas & Oil company who were in his town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConnell of Long Beach, Jack Teeters of Lomita, and Robert A. Gutherie, Jr., of Her mosa Beach, California, arrived in lone Tuesday of last week and de parted on their return to California on Monday, spending the six days in looking over the situation. Mr. McConnell, president of the company, says he will return with all the material necessary for setting up a complete drilling rig within 60 days, and immediately upon the rig bing placed in position work of drill ing will start. The test hole will be sunk to a depth of 5000 feet if neces essary, states Mr. McConnell, and the estimated cost will be around $150, 000. Jack Teeters will superintend the work and John P. Louy of lone will be the business agent of the com pany, which is known as the lone Gas & Oil company. They have under lease at the present time some 20,000 acres of land and the promise of about that much more, as well as the backing of the loyai Morrow county boosters when the material is on the ground. Operations will begin in the vicinity of Wells Springs, we are in formed. LEXINGTON BRIEFS The Lexington high school basket ball team and the Pine City basket ball team played their first game of this season at the Lexington gymna sium, Tuesday, Dec. 16th. The score was, Lexington 22, Pine City 8. An added feature of the evening was the game between the upper class girls and the freshmen girls. The score was 16-12 in favor of the upper class girls. Those playing for the winning team were Bertha Tucker, Neva Shinn, Alice Palmer, Eva Wilcox, Ma bel Wright, Frieda McMillan and Eva Padberg. The freshman team was composed of Eula McMillan, Arlene Morey, Gwendolyn Evans, Mane Alli son, Cleta Paimateer and Elsie Tuck- The Lexington high school present ed the play "It Pays to Advertise" Saturday, December 13, at the high school auditorium. The cast included LaVella Leathers, Russet Wright, Clarence Carmichael, Lester White, Neva Shinn, Bertha Tucker, JameB Keller, Glenn and Harold Shernck Marion Palmer, Paul Nichols and Alice Palmer, The play was well presented and was enjoyed by a large audience. Gerald White and Miss Audra Gro gan stole a march on their many friends and were quietly married on November 25th. The young couple succeeded in keeping the happy event secret until Dec. 10th and then some one told. About fifty of their f riends gave them a regular old fashioned serenade and extended to them their heortiest congratulations. A number of Rebekahs and Odd Fellows of Lexington nttended the get-together meeting at Morgan the 11th, and all report a fine time. The next meeting of this kind will bo at Lexington on January 8th, 1925, Edward Cummins returned Tues day from Idaho, where he has been for the past two months engaged In shipping cattle to the Portland mar kets. Mr. Money, representative of the Harris Combined Harvester Co., of Walla Walla, was transacting busi ness in Lexington on Wednesday. Owen Helms, who is engaged in the sawmill business at Ostrander, Wash., is here visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jns. Helms. E. A. Kelly, formerly engaged in the gnrnge business here, has leased large wheat ranch in the vicinity of Helix, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Piepcr and family who have been visiting in Salem the past month, returned home this week. Hugh Shaw and Celtis Nichols spent a few days of last week in Hood River, returning Sunday, George Allyn and family returned on Tuesday from a visit with rela tions at Walla W alia. Harvey McAHster went to Pendle ton Tuesday on a business trip. Attorney Woodson of Heppner was business caller here Monday, METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH You will receive at your door a printed copy of the Holiday Program to be given at the Methodist Com munity Church. The Christmas pro gram will bo given by the Sunday School and by the church on iSundiiy mornnig next, and by the church in the evening. Special Christmas music will be given at both morning and evening services. A beautiful feature of the Sunday School service will be the presentation of the clasi gifts for the Near East Relief. The New Year's program will con sist of a play "Old Father Time" to be givon by the two Kpworth Lea gues on New Year'B eve. Preserve your printed program for this occa sion, II A RDM AN MAN BANKRUPT, The petition of Joe Howell of Pen dleton, petitioner in bankruptcy, has been referred to Thomas Fitzgerald, referee in bankruptcy in this district, states Monday's Kast Oregonian. The petitioner sets forth that his home is in Hnrdmnn and that he ia here tem porarily, working for wages. Hit debts amount to $1,(150 and his assets including his house nnd furniture to $HO0. He claims that nil his property is exempt attorney, Will M. Peterson is his Severe Cold Snap Hits This Section Following a couple of weeks of very mild and spring-like weather and coming on with a rush, this part of the country was hit by a cold snap that began at Heppner on Monday with a snow storm lasting for a cou ple of hours or so, and the wind in the north. The mercury began a rap id descent and on Tuesday night it was 6 degrees below zero at Heppner and the same temperature was regis tered last night. When the snow began falling, there was no frost in the ground and the hope was entertained by all that a heavy fall of snow would result. This was not to be, however, as the falling temperature soon reached a point causing the snow storm to abate. The most of the mantle of snow dis appeared and the ground is now froz en to a depth of several inches, with every prospect that it will remain thus for some litlte time to come. The sudden advent of Old Man Winter caught the most of the Hepp ner denizens unawares, Frozen wa ter pipes quite generally prevailed and the plumbers have been a busy bunch. Other points in the vicinity of Heppner report about the same temperature as here. It was colder up Willow creek by some six degrees on Tuesday according to the report given us by Ralph Thompson, his thermometer registering 12 below. Winter is a reality here at present, and coming bo suddenly after the mild weather it is quite noticeable. The cold wave prevails all over the north west and from newspaper reports is much worse in many sections than here, Portland had a heavy fall of snow on Tuesday and the tempera ture is close to the zero point there. SCHOOL CHRISTMAS VACATION WILL BEGIN NEXT WEDNESDAY The holiday vacation of the Hepp ner schools will extend over a period of two weeks and begins on next Wednesday and work will be re sumed on Tuesday, January 6th, 192.", Many of the teachers wilt leave on Tuesday afternoon, following the close of the day's exercises, for their homse at various points, and a lull two weeks of vacation will be enjoyed by a rest from their labors. AUTO ACCIDENT NEAR CECIL. While on his way to a ranch near Alderdalc, Wash., F. A. McMenamin's car and a Ford driven by E. H. Tur ner collided about one mile below Cecil last Saturday night. It is un derstood that on meeting the car driven by Mr, Turner, McMenamin drove too elose to the edge of the road with the result that the froit wheel went over the bank, throwing the rear of the car toward he cen tcr of the road. Mr, Turner's car crashed into the rear of the Dodge. losing a front wheel and a fender, One of tho rear wheels of Mr. Mc Menamin's car was broken nnd a fender bent, but after a few repairs by J. II. Rryson, he was able to con tinue his trip. Mr. McMenamin Is a former Hepp ner attorney and is now practicing Inw in Portland. lone Independent. SMOKER IS POSTPONED. Because of the arising of certain contingencies, the smoker advertised in this issue to be given by the high school Honorary H club, and to take place at the Fair pavilion on tho eve ning of Friday, December 19, tomor row, has had to bo postponed. The smoker will be given later, perhaps immedintoly following the hojiday season, and duo notice of tho date will be given, PASTOR TO THE DALLES. Rev, K, C, Alford, pastor of the Methodist Community church, de parted for The Dalles on Wednesday to spend a day in that city attending a group mooting of pastors nnd lay men of the Methodist church. Thii meeting Is for the purpose of discuss inir wavs nnd methods of raisino- I pcrmnncnt fund for the support of the retired ministers of the church FOR YOUR UNCLE SAM jl9lw" or W The first smoker of the year is be ing promoted by the Honorary "H" Club of Heppner Hi for the benefit of the high school and the club. This smoker will be held Friday, December 19, and starts promptly at 7:30. The junior class will sell candy. The special features will be the Rlind-Fold Match and White Shirt Match, The main event will be a boxing match between Earl Merritt and Charlie Marshall. There will also be other good matches of both boxing and wrestling. The admis sion will be 25c and 50c. The freshmen and sophomore class basketball games were played Isat Friday. The results were: the bays' game ended in a score of 17-4 in the sophomores' favor while the girls' game ended in a score of 1-4 in the freshmen's favor. The sophomores and seniors play Thursday, todny, at 3:30. The soph omores and Juniors play Friday at 3:30. The play "Dulcy" which was pre sented by the high pchool last Mon day evening was a huge success. The class games "played by the juniors and seniors Wednesday eve ning resulted in a score of 9-20 in favor of the junior boys while the girls game ended with 16-9 in favor of the the seniors. At the P. T. A. meeting Tuesday afternoon the president, Mrs. Boyer, resgined, and Mrs. Lillian Turner will succeed her. VOLUME OF FOREST BUSINESS LARGER Sales of Timber Big Item; Graz ing Fees Less; 28,000 Per mits for Stock Issued. Portland, Ore.. Pec. 17. Sales of timber from the 147 National Forests during the fiscal year reflected the steady and substantial westward movement of the lumber industry from the cut-over regions of the East, says Chief Forester Greeley in his annual report just issued. The amount of timber cut in the Federal Forests totaled over a billion board feet, of which more than half was furnished by the Forests in Oregon, Washington and California. The calendar year 1023 witnessed the largest volume of timber sales the Forest Service ever experienced. Drought conditions and foot-and-mouth disease interfered somewhat with the grazing of livestock on Na tional Forest ranges. However, the Forester's report states that for the 147 National Forests nearly 2S.000 permits were issued covering the grazing of nearly 2.000.000 head of cattle, over 6,000.000 head of sheep, 64.000 head of horses, 31,000 head of goats, and 1,300 head of swine, a to tal of over R.000,000 animals without counting young stock for which no permits are required. This number, however, was 200,000 animals loss than the total for the previous year, PIONEER VISITS MILTON. C. C. Boone, stop brother of H. B. Lee is here visiting, having come from the Old Soldiers' Home at Rose- burg. Mr. Boon came to this county with Mr. Lee in lNi7 and settled at Milton making claim to the quarter section on which tho O.-W, R. & N. depot now stands. He sold his claim to this land to Wm. Nichols f $1500. Ho was owner of various bus iness properties in Milton in early days, and was sherilT of Umatilla county at one timo, nnd also sheriff of Morrow county, where his homo is, 13 miles from Heppner. Milton Eagle, HOUND OVER TO lR AND JURY. At tho preliminary heating of the case against Stickles nnd Hottman, charged with operating a still, and had before Justice Cornott last Fri day, they were bound over to the grand jury Upon filing the proper bail bond, they were released from custody, Order of Eastern Star Has Annual Election The annual election of officers was part of the official program at the meeting of Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. SM at Masonic hall on last Friday evening. There was also initiation of candidates at this meeting, the busniess session being followed by a nice spread of good things to eat in the dining hall, The newly elected officers were: Mrs, Elizabeth Dix, worthy matron, Gay M. Anderson, worthy patron; Mrs. Beatrice Penland, associate ma tron; Mrs. Harriet Mahoney, secre tary; Mrs. Olive Frye, treasurer, Mrs. Harriett Gemmell, conductress; Mrs. Sylvia Missildine, associate conduct ress. Appointive officers will be an nounced later, and the installation will take place at the first regular meeting in January, which is Friday, the 9th. P. T. A. Has Profitable Meeting Last Tuesday The regular meeting of the Parent- Teacher association held at the high school auditorium on Tuesday after noon was very profitable and instruc tive to all those in attendance, and the officers express the regret thet the attendance of parents was not much larger. Mrs. Guy Boyer, president, presid ed, and in the absence of Mr. John Miller, secretary, Mrs. Finch filled thnt position. The program presented was espec ially interesting, being largely the work of the children. The grades of .Miss Case and Mrs. Clark participat- d, and their part of the program was faultless. Billy bean Gu'.ilan ang two beautiful solos without ac companiment, and Master Don Turner recited a couple of pieces in his us ual masterful style, and the audience expressed their appreciation of the efforts of the little folks in no un- mistakeable terms. The address of the afternoon was by Mr. Trimble. His subject was Home," It was an excellent address that should have been heard by the parents of the city. At the business session, Mrs. Boyer resigned as president, owing to her removal to the country, and Mrs, Frank Turner was appointed to serve the unexpired term. CHVRCH OF CHRIST. C. F. TRIMBLE, Pastor. Bible School at 9:45. Classes for all ages with competent teachers. The pastor urges the men to attend and help build up a big class for men. Morning worship, 11 a. m. In oh servance of Woman's Day the officers of the Missionary Society will have charge of this service. The pastor will deliver the missionary address, Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m Topic, The Christmas Story in Poetry and Song. Evening worship at 7:30, RARfllT DRIVE AT ECHO. Sunday, December 28, has been set for the big rabbit drive in the infest ed district west of Echo, Wire cor rals nnd wings are being prepared by ranchers of that community to han die what is expected to be tho largest drive of its kind ever held. Fox Film Co. hns arranged to have camera men at the drive to take moving pictures of the event for use in their weekly news film. Echo Rod and Gun club is handling the preliminary arrange' monts. Echo News. NOTES FROM THE GIRL RESERVES Wedncday, December 10, the Girl Reserves made scrap books for the poor children of different homes Portland. The Reserved are organising two teams. Mrs. Roy Missildine is the leader of Winifred Thomson's tenm. and Miss Elizabeth Plielps is the lead er of Katherin Uisbeo's team. These two teams are organized to carry on tho work more efficiently, and from them will be drawn tho teams for the (iirl Reserve basketball games, REPORTER. LEGION WILL PUT All Kiddies 12 and Under to Be Guests of Post on Christmas Eve. As has been their custom for a couple of years past, Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion, will play Santa Claus to the kiddies of Hepp ner again this Christmastide, and will have a big community tree and treat for all of the youngsters of the city and immediate surrounding territory. Preparations are being made for this big event to take place on Christmas eve, and it is the intention, should the weather conditions permit, to place the tree at the intersection of Main and Willow streets, as It was last year. However, should the pres ent cold snap prevail, the tree will be placed in the exhibit pavilion on the fair grounds, and appropriate ceremonies will be given there. The Legion boys will have a nice gift and treat for all of the little folks of twelve years and under, and they want every child to be present to receive his remembrance and be made happy. The Legion's annual Christmas dance will be given at the Fair pa vilion on Christmas night. Good music has been obtained and this dance will be one of the features of the holidays, , Mrs. Francis J. Gordon Passes After Long Illness Following an illness of several months, during which time she suf fered from the result of a severe Btroke of paralysis, Mrs. Francis J. Gordon answered the summons of the Grim Reaper at her home in this city Saturday morning. While there was much of the time during her long ill ness that Mrs. Gordon suffered great ly, yet she was patient and uncom plaining and the end came to her peacefully. Funeral services were held on Sun day afternoon at the Christian church, Pastor Trimble delivering a short but impressive address that was listened to by a lrage number of the friends and neighbors of the de ceased. Burial was in the family plot at Masonic cemetery, where the beautiful ceremony of the Rebekahs was said at the graveside of a de parted sister. Mrs. Gordon Is survived by her three children and one adopted son. Mrs. Bessie Thomson of Echo, Elza G. Sutton of Springfield, Mrs. Nellie Bissette of Portland and Earl W. Gordon of Heppner. Lexington Has Six Students at O. A. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallis, Dec. 17. Lexington is repre sented by six of the 3061 students registered at the eollege, Many of the Lexington students take part in college activities. Dallas Ward, sophomore in voca tional education, is a member of the varsity football team. He was a member of the freshman football, basketball and baseball squads last year. He is a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Elmo McMillan, a freshman m vo- catoinal education, and Walter No lan, freshman in pharmacy, are mem bers of the freshman wrestling squad. McMillan is a pledge of Psi Chi fra ternity. Opal Leach, sophomore in home economics, is president of Wauna club of Waldo hall. Wilma Leach, sophomore in vocational education, is undergraduate representative of the Y. W. C. A. and manager of bas ketball for 'women. Maxine Gentry is a freshman in home economics. FARM POINTERS. Success in controlling Oregon fruit tree pests and diseases depends upon having everything ready at the right time, counsels the state college. The spray outfit is overhauled and spray materials arranged for so they will be ready for use in the spring. Bees, like humans, dislike winter moving. If not moved in early fall. then delay the process till at least next March, says H. A. Scullen, bee specialist at O. A. C. If moved more than two miles, the bees should be aroused and unclustered by pounding on the hive, and by smoking, to en able them to take new observation. Otherwise many may return to the former location. Grass or weeds placed over the entrance helps. Barnyard manure is too often al lowed to remain in the open. Over 50 per cent of it is lost by the rain's leaching out the soluble plant foods. If the amount of manure produced on a farm is large, a covered manure pit should be built, advises the O. A. C. experiment station. The pit should not extend into the ground more than a foot to make the loading of the ma nure easier. Proper pollenization is the main limiting factor in sweet cherry pro duction. In planting cherry orchards in Oregon, pollcnizers are best in cluded in the ratio of one polleniier to nine other trees, advises the col lege experiment station. This ratio will vary in different sections accord ing to weather conditions. Since pol lenization depends upon insects, their efficiency as pollcnizers depends up on favorable weather conditions that will permit them to visit the flowers. At the annual meeting of the Amer ican Farm Bureau Federation held in Chicago early in the month, O. E. Rradfute of Xenia, Ohio, was re-elected president for the third consecutive term. Peter Rnuernfiend. sage of Cecil, was a business visitor in Heppner on Tuseday, CHRISTMAS MUSIC PROGRAM FEATURE Annual High School Program to Be Given Tuesday, Dec. 23; Public Is Invited. The Heppner high school will give its annual Christmas program Tues day afternoon, Decembre 23, at 1 o'clock in the school auditorium. The Glee Clubs will sing carols, and the chorus and orchestra wiii provide numbers. The Heppnerian and Arion literary societies are each planning appro priate stunts. After the program, the students will have their Christmas tree. Ail parents and friends are invited. Standard Oil Men In Conference at Pendleton A conference of agents of the Stan dard Oil company in Umatilla and Morrow counties was held at the rooms of the Pendleton Commercial association in Pendleton on Tuesday, states the East Oregonian. The conference had to do with com pany business and methods and was attended by agents from Hermiston, Stanfield, Condon, Heppner, Arling ton, Pendleton, Pilot Rock and He lix. Several officials were there from the district offices in Walla Walla to participate in the conference, includ ing W. T. McCallum, asssitant dis trict salesman; C. S. Seagren, district credit man; L. Hagen, routine sales. The conference will be held once a month hereafter. LOCAL ENS ITEMS From the Pilot Rock correspond ence in the East Oregonian, we have the following: Miss Margaret Me Devitt, who teaches the Warner school on Butter creek, invites all patrons and friends to attend the Chrismas play to be given by the school next Friday, December 19. There will be a Christmas tree for the children. Miss McDevitt will pend the holidays at her home in Lexington. W. A. McClintock was in the city today from his farm in the floose- berry section. Winter has hit his part of the county strong but there was no snow to cover the sprouting grain and furnish additional moi ture. Mr. McClintock states that mask dance wlil be given on the eve ning of January 10th at the Dry Fork hall and a jolly good time is antici pated. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Vaughan and their niece, Miss Edna Florence, will leave January 10 for an extended trip. They will go directly to New Orleans, then to Florida, and from Havana, Cuba, will sail by way of the Panama Canal for New xork city, stopping enroute at Bermuda. They will be away two months. Oregon ian. John Hughes of this city is report ed to be very ill at a hospital in Port land, where he recently underwent a serious operation. Members of the family have been called to Portland and there are grave doubts enter tained for his recovery. Mrs. Nellie Bissette and son, Gor don, were called to Heppner on Sat urday by the death of Mrs. Bissette's mother, Mrs. Francis J. Gordon. They returned to their home at Portland on Tuesday. State Senator elect, Robert J. Cars ner of Spray, was a visitor in Hepp ner on Tuesday, being called to the city on business matters. He was on his return home from a trip to Port land. Elza G. Sutton and wife of Spring field, Oregon, arrived at Heppner on Saturday to be present at the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Francis J. Gor don. Now is the time to buy Christmas Seals and by doing so not only help tuberculosis sufferers but diminish the danger to the rest of the people. Your purchase of Christmas Seals will be an investment in health for the State of Oregon and will hasten victory over tuberculosis. Bishop Remington will be in Hepp ner on Sunday, Dec. 2Sth, and will coduct services at the Episcopal church at 11 a. m. Buying Christmas Seals is the big humanitarian work that confronts Oregonians from now until Christ mas. Herman Neilson of Rood Canyon was down this way on Friday last to attend to matters of business in the city. The Christmas packages look much more attractive when decorated with Christmas Seals. II AR DM AN NEWS ITEMS. The play. "The Toor Married Man," was given by the high school girls last Saturday evening. It was well attended and the play was enjoyed by everyone present. A Christmas dance will be given in the basketball hall December 24th, The Uardinan people are beginning to realize Christmas is nearly here for now the ground is covered with snow and it has been several degrees bleow zero the last two nights. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors, the Rebekahs and the Elks, for their kind assistance i sympathy during the long illness and death of our mother, t nine is J. dor don, and for the many beautiful floral offerings. MRS. ALLEN THOMPSON. ELZA G. SUTTON. NELI.IK M. BISSETTE. EARL W. GORDON. Hi SCHOOL PLAY Light Comedy Presented In Pleasing Manner By Local Talent. "DULCY" TRIUMPHS Some New Talent Appears to Prove Their Ability Before the Foot lights; First Play Successful. The first play of the season, pre sented by the students of Heppner high school under the direction of Miss Annabel Denn, music instructor, and Miss Hazel Martin, teacher of domestic science and art, was greeted by good audiences at both the after noon and evening performances on Monday and its splendid success not only deserves favorable mention on behalf of each and every performer, but is due to the young ladies who had the work in preparation and di rection as well. It was doubtless no easy matter to bring out the best points of the individual performers in the manner in which it was done. and is evidence of the fact that the students gave it much hard work and followed the interpretation of the directors in a strict manner. "Dulcy," the dumbell, is a eomedy in three acts and full of good laughs all the way through. Each part was particularly suited in the cast. The leading lady, Dulcinea, was taken by Kathleen McDaid, and she was cer tainly a whirlwind when it came to assisting her husband in his business transactions. Her propensity for doing things" grot both her husband and her guests into serious and amus ing situations, and while she proved to be the blunderer supreme, success finally crowned her seemingly mis spent efforts. Miss McDaid was just right in the character she assumed. Her husband was Austin Sm'th in tre character of Gordon Smith, manufac turing jeweler on the verge of bank ruptcy, but on a big business deal with C. Roger Forbes, capitalist, a part well sustained by Elmer Bnck num. A week-end party planned by Dulcy brought an ill-assorted group to the Smith home. Among the?e were William Parker, brother of Dulcy (Crocket Sprouls); Mrs. Forbes (Mary Patterson) and rcr beautiful step-daughter, Angela Forbes (Mar jorie Clark), while others of the par ty were Schuyler Van Dyke (Harold Becket), Tom Sterret (Earl Merritt), Vincent Leach (Joe Devine), Blair Patterson (Vawter Parker), and Hen ry, the butler (Merle Becket). Van Dyke was somewhat eccentric and wandered off into great financial deals at times, while being somewhat of an artist at the piano and thus impressing himself upon the female portion of the party. After the fail ure of Smith and Forbes to complete their business deal because of the mischief wrought by Dulcy, the prop osition was mentioned In the presence of Van Dyke, who took to it at onee and promised to finance Mr. Smith to his heart's desire. Just about this time Patterson appears on the scene and it is made known that Van Dyke is not a capitalist just thinks he is and as Patterson is his guardian he is hustled off to the city and the Smith financial boom fades into thin air, giving Forbes his chance to crow and retaliate for the cold-blooded turn down from Smith. The business proposition is now up in the air. Mr. Vincent Leach is a great sce nario artist and in a very dramatic manner he illustrates his ability be fore the party. Miss Angela seems to fall for his blandishments, though he has been the object of the affec tions of William Parker. Here again Dulcy shows her wonderful ingenuity managing ail affairs, either of business or of the heart, and when in formed that Leach and Angela desire to elope and get married, she arrange this; they are to leave in the Forbes car and William goes along to help m securing the license and to per form other menial duties. Forbes, being defeated in more ways than one and sick and disgusted with the entire outfit, desires to return to the city, but his daughter and his car are gone and he is compelled to throw a few fits of anger and make prepara tions to take the train. Whereupon, Angela and William return and an nounce their marriage Leach having been appropriately ditched on the way after the marriage license and all ends well between the Smiths and Forbes, both socially and financially. Several of the performers appeared for the first time in public, but the parts they took did not suffer be cause of this. Merle Pecket made a good butler and played his part welt. Mary Patterson, Marjorie Clark and Crocket Sprouis were also new on the stage, but they carried their roles in s natural way, and proved that stage acting was easy for them. We glad ly testify the entire production wa,i one of the best yet presented by the students of the h igh school and it well deserved the applau.-te if tho good audiences by which it was greeted. WILL HOLD JOINT INSTALLATION. Hepprer I.udge No. 69, A. F. A A. M. and Heppner Chapter N., 2i, R. A. M., will hold their installation of otlu'ers jointly on Saturday evening at M.isonic hall. The Chapter holds its election tonight at their regular meeting, and th Blue Initio will elect as well as install on Saturday eve ning. The attention of members of tvith branches of the order U par ticularly culled to tli eso m tutting tinrl a goodly uUemlniu-e U luokud Nr. A big clam feed will fullow tho inntul latioti cerenwn U . NOT l E. The next regular necting of the . E. S. Social Club has been piHpone! until Saturday, January "1 rf . NELLIE G. ANDERSON, Preldnt.