The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, October 30, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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"Going Over the Top" at the Exposition
Th Pacific International Livestock
Exposition ia an educational inatitu
tion. Ita exhibits are brought for
the purpose of teaching the public
something of the work done toward
perfecting animal life for the benefit
of mankind.
But if, while learning this lesson,
one may have a good time, it is so
much the better There is one'unique
part of the Exposition which delighti
and charms the public more than any
other, and that ii the home show.
It used to be the Night Horse Show,
but so popular did it prove and so
(treat were the crowds that came to
see it that matinees were added in
the afternoons of the last three days.
Last year it was asserted by visitors
who attended the great horse shows
of America every year, that the Pa
cific International was surpassed In
variety of performance and excel
lence by no other horse show In
Some of the finest ahow hqraea in
America were at the 1123 show and
they gave performances worthy of
their reputation. This year even more
elaborate preparations have been
made for the show. Some wonderful
hornes, both for form and action, are
to be here. There will be shown all
the gaits, and all the feats posttbile
within a horse ahow arena.
Kapidly this show has come to the
front and today it enjoys an astonish
ing reputation. The blue ribbons it
grants for conformation and perform
ance are eagerly sought by the best
drivers and owners of this country.
It is assured already that the show
this year will surpass in brilliance
and thrilling quality and class all its
The spectacle of industrial exhib
its will be one of surpassing beauty.
In a blaze of light, every color of
the rainbow will be blended to ex
press and emphasize the quality of
the fruits and vegetables, the wares
of every kind, to be exhibited. The
best music obtainable will be sup
plied every afternoon and evening.
The Manufacturers' and Land Prod
ucts Show and Grain and Hay Show
under the management of C. D. Min
ton, the Dairy Products Show in
charge of L, B. Ziemer and other
features deserve more than bare men
tion but space forbids.
The Pacific International Livestock
Exposition affords every man, woman
and child both education and enjoy
ment. It is held at North Portland
November 1 to 8 inclusive.
Ford Makes Change In
Closed Car Upholstery
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 29. Change in
the upholstery in the Ford Fordor
sedan, which has been effected lately,
has given the car a most attractive
This Ford type, which has been
highly popular since its introduction
into the Ford line, Is now upholstered
in a soft, durable cloth of blue-slate
background relieved by a royal blue
stripe. Head linings and floor rugs
harmonize nicely in color and blue
Bilk curtains on the three rear win
dows give an added tone of richness
to the interior, equally effective in
the day time and under the soft glow
of the dome light at night.
Appointments are complete, the
Ford dash light, windshield wiper
and rear vision mirror now being part
of the standard equipment of the
Fordor sedan.
With the change in upholstery, the
closed car buyer is given a littlo more
variety in the selection of a car for
family use, the Fordor with its blue
interior or the always attractive Tu
dor upholstered in dark brown.
Upholstery in the Ford coupe also
remains in brown cloth, affording the
most practical and pleasing effect
under the wide variety of uses to
which this popular Ford closed type
is adapted.
disclose, from the property sold by
the state on which loans have been
made, no loss has been incurred.
There may be some loss in the state
where the assessed valuation of lands
in Eastern Oregon, on which loans
have been made, has depreciated to
one-half or one-third of the assessed
valuation of several years ago. The
losses, however, will be so small as
not to affect appreciably the irre
ducible school fund or the Interest
distribution thereon.
The delinquencies in interest and
the increased population account for
the nine cents drop in the per capita
There has been no losses thus far
and there will probably be little if
any loss.
County School Superintendent.
Information Regarding
Irreducible School Fund
For the benefit of any school board
member who may have conceived the
Idea that his district will not receive
the per capita distribution of the in
terest from the irreducible school
fund, I am giving this information
which I have recently received from
the state office.
The distribution was made as usual
by the State Land Board in August.
The per capita distribution is one
dollar and sixty-four cents against
one dollar and seventy-three cents
last year. As the population of the
state increases you can reasonably
expect the per capita distribution will
grow less.
Thus far, Insofar as the records
The man who came up from the
rtnkt to head the police of the
world! greatest city. New York
Be ha done more in eeven years'
lime than all predecessors to bring
the department to its present high
standard of efficiency. He has
made New York safe for the stran
ger and avoided by the crook.
John L. Lewis, Leader Of United
Mine Workers OfAnierica, Aids
Republican Board Of Strategy
. Labor' voice always has Had an
attentive hearing In the high
council! Of tho Republican party
and thcro Is no exception to thin
ruin during tho campaign of 1024.
When the Republican National
Committee, sought to orgunlto an
Advisory Committee of thirty-two
prominent men and women, ro
preaenllng every section of the
country, whoso purpose It should
be to assist In tho organizing of
Iho campaign, one of tho first
names suggested and accepted was
that of John L. Lewis, of Indian
apolls, president of tho United
Mine Workers of America,
, Mr.'. Iiflwli, who has becomo
known throughout the world bo
rauHa of his (ealous efforts on be
half of men who mlna coal, has
alwavi boon IdontMcd with the
Republican party, and frequently
has given wise counsel to those
who control lis destinies. As a
member of tho Advisory Com
mittee ho already has been actlvo
In Iho current campaign and will
continue his efforts until 11 has
John L. Lewis was barn In Iowa
44 years ago and first beejimo
acllvo In labor circles In 1909,
when ho becamo legislative agent
for tho United Mlno Workers.
From 1911 to 1917 hn was a Hold
representative Of tho American
Federation of Ijibor and in Iho
latter year was chosen vloo-prcsl-dent
of tho United Mine Workers.
In 1919 he becamo acting president
nnd In 1920 was made l'resldent
of that organization. Ho has
served with distinction on several
government commissions,
The "Barrow and Broom Brigade"
has been pensioned off as no aand
storms have visited Cecil for three
weeks and if Wid of Windynook
keeps to his aide of the creek, we
may escape . from further sandy
troubles. The fine weather seems to
have revived the drooping spirits of
our people, even if it raineth not.
We notice Krebs Bros, are leveling
and improving their ditches on The
Poplars and Hynd Bros, are working
against time at Butterby Flats, mak
ing new ditches, cementing wells,
etc. W. H. Chandler of Willow creek
ranch, tumbling over himself because
he is wanted at every place at once
to bale hay; W. V. Pedro so busy or
dering more material for his new ad
dition to his residence that he over
locked ordering the readymade gar
ar;e for his weekly visitors who park
on the roadside; J. J. McEntire of
Kiliarney has a hard task getting all
hit produce from his dairy shipped
out quick enough on our local to
supply his customers; R. E. Duncan
of Busy Bee ranch so busy delivering
honey, ducks, rabbits and chicken
that he hasn't time to even bet a hat I
or hive of bees on the results of the ,
coming election. j
Jack Hynd arrived in Cecil Tues-j
day. He was accompanied by his
brother David of Rose Lawn, Sand
Hollow, and Mrs. Roy Scott and
daughter Cora of Freeteout, Jack
only came down to aee if the ranch
wa still in the same place and find
ing all in order he returned to the
eonnty seat with his brother. Mrs.
Scott and daughter will visit friend h
In Cecil for a abort time while Jack
settles all the pros and cona of the
political questions of the coming
election in his county town.
Harvey and Erwin Medlock of Mor
gan spent the week-end with their
vncle Alfred Medlock at Kockcliffe.
They had the "times of their lives"
exploring around Cecil, but what
amused them most was that every
thing that had a voice was singing
Hit ain't going to rain any more in
Harold Ahalt Is spending a day or
two with Leon Logan before leaving
for Canyon City. We understand
Jim Logan is now a government trap
per and has left during the week for
John Day and surrounding country.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs and twin
sons spent Sunday with friends in
Condon. Mrs. Krebs' sister, Mrs. C.
Wallace of Condon, returned with
them to Cecil and will visit at ;he
Last Camp for a few days.
A birthday party was held at Pock- j
cliffe on Saturday evening, the occa
sion being the birthday of Mrs. Al
fred Medlock. An enjoyable evening
was spent by the many friends present.
Mrs. E. Thompson and daughter
Virginia of Hood River arrived at
Ewing on Sunday and will visit with
Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Neal, the parent
of Mrs. Thompson, for a few days.
Mrs. Opal E. Clark of Heppner.
democratic nominee for county school
superintendent, accompanied by Jake
Wells, also of Heppner, was ve
busy around Cecil on Thursday.
Mrs. Eric Waldo and children of
Eugene arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Lundell near Rhea
Siding on Saturday and will visit for
some time.
Mrs. Helen M. Walker of Hard man,
republican candidate for county
school superintendent, was calling in
Cecil and surrounding districts on
R. E. Duncan of Busy Bee ranch
rested from his labors amongst his
bees, rabbits and ducks and took a
trip to The Dalles on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and
children of Rhea Siding wre visi'in,?
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dell
Ward in lone.
Miss Cieta Palmateer, student at
Lexington high school, spent the
week-end with her parents at Windy
nook. Mr. and Mrs. John Gray and chil
dren of Shady Dell spent Sunday
amongst their friends in Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Curtisg of
Rhea Siding were calling on Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Lundell on Saturday.
Probing Political "Slush Funds"
gaa Jjtfffl, tinl " ' ''" '
Grat.rfma Hadlejr of HaHtnan is vis
iting ,th Mr. and M-a. Cr4 Ons
f.t'y lri fit. thi. wt.
This it the group on the Senatorial Investigating Committee which
is probing charges and counter-charges of the rival parties, who
aver that huge sums are being raised to back the candidates. Left
to right: Senators Thomas W. Bayard, T. H. Caraway, W. E. Borah
and Henrik Shipstead.
John Kelly of Rock creek was a W. V. Pedro and niece, Miss Jjsin
busy man on Saturday at Cecil ship- Pedro, of Ewin? were doing busir.os
pinp Iambi to SunnyaHe. Wash. . in Heppner on Thursday. j
Come in and see our
"Before and After
Taking," Tum-A-Lumber
A prize book of sug
gestions for making a
modern home out of
the old house, with
many illustrations
and plans.
Heppner, Lexington, Ioa
Richard E. Enright
I ' i ?
La - p
we stand for a law that
-s I -s An r-. 4
0 course we wouldn't1. So it's up to us to vote the
antagonistic Income Tax Law out of existence!
For it has already lost for Oregon payrolls amount'
ing to more than six million dollars ($6,000,000)
a year! And six million dollars means at least
3000 families who are lost to Oregon's popula
tion in just one year under this dangerous law,
Oregon needs Jobs and Markets
The Income Tax kills both!
Vote 312X YES and hill the Income Taxi
If there are two things Oregon needs above all others it is ( I ) jobs for her
workers, and (2) markets for her products. Every new enterprise or in
dustry brought into Oregon means more jobs. Jobs support population. Ev
ery increase in population means a better market for farm and factory
Yet the income tax law antagonizes industries and enterprises. Many au
thentic cases are on file where industries MOVED OUT OF OREGON OR
DECIDED NOT TO COME TO OREGON because of the income tax law.
Counting loss of capital invested, purchases and payroll, this loss is already
conservatively estimated at more than $40,000,000. The payroll loss alone
is already over $6,000,000 a year I
59 Industries lost to Oregon in
a single year others threatened
These figures show the appalling effect of this unwise tax law
which antagonizes industries on which a large part of our
t growth and prosperity depend.
Recorded Damage Due to State Income Tax
Timber purchases cancelled or iu-
pended $16,000,000
Construction of lumber miDs, towns,
logging camps and logging railways
abandoned or suspended 7,875,000
Other industrial investment! can
celled or suspended 4,578,000
One year's operating payroll on
foregoing items 5,680,000
Disincorporations, $4,606,000 capi
tes! Damage listed 110 only 460,600
Actual removals from the state, in
cluding loss of only one year's pay
roll 2,440,250
Threatened removals, including loss
of only one year's payroll 2,216,500
Cases as to which definite amount
are not available, but which would
amount to many millions; damage
listed as
Cases still under investigation;
would amount to many millions;
damage listed as ,
Cases in which reported removal
or investment elsewhere was stated
to have been caused by the income
t but which cannot be verified in
writing; damage listed as
SSmU'TTT1. $41,252,350
These 6gurei certified conservative and correct brt FRANK E. ANDREWS,
The customer who quits and says nothing
The insidious thing about this law is that industries do not complain they simply
pack up and move to another state I They are like the customer who quits and says
nothing you never know he is dissatisfied nor why hence have no chance to
make matters right with him. Many large concerns who left or stayed out of Ore
gon on account of the income tax refused to allow us to use their names because
they did not want to be made to appear as tax dodgers and yet they could not af
ford to carry a tax burden in Oregon which they did not need to pay in California or
Washington! There is an old adage which says, "Business is sensitive. It goes only
where it is invited and stays only where it is well treated." We cannot afford to AN
TAGONIZE enterprises which other states are INVITING I
This insidious law must go
It is hurting Oregon
we had planned to establish our Northwest
headquarters in Portland. We changed our plans, and
are locating in Seattle because of the adverse Oregon
Tax Law.
Had we known the Oregon Income Tax Law would
have pitted, we certainly would have bought timber in
Washington or British Columbia, rather than in Ore
gon, CENTRAL COAL ft COKE CO., Kansas City,
Owners of Vernon it, Ore., development.
We had planned on erecting a aawmill at cost of
approximately $100,000 and four miles of logging rait
road. This would increase our logging facilities which
would amount to an expenditure of about $150,000 addi
Olendale, Oregom.
On receipt of a draft of the stare Income tax law at
1 our New York headquarters, instructions were sent to
close the Pacific Coaat branch at Portland, February
1, 1024.
We would not consider any further expansion M
long as there ii a state income tax in Oregon,
We had completed plans and speciftcationB for
building to be used as a warehouse and offices for
Urge corporation with headquarters in California, but
these plans fell through when they learned of the state
Income tax measure. Will do nothing further in this
matter until the Income tax measure is settled.
HOLMAN TRANSFER CO., Portland, Oregon.
Will reduce our operations In Oregon and possibly
go to Vancouver, Washington.
COAST CULVERT ft FLUME CO., Portland, Ore.
Read these extracts from letters. The originals
and hundreds more like them are on file. Then
go to the polls November 4th and rid Oregon
of this objectionable law which is keeping
millions of dollars and thousands of people
away from our state.
Our company will not expand in Portland so long
as there ia a State Income Tax Law. The principal
reason our head office was not located in Portland waa
on this account.
Portland, Oregon.
had we not already opened our office there,
and established ourselves, we certainly would not so
it now, and furthermore, we have been considering the
advisability of discontinuing our branch there.
THE B. F. STUKTKVANT CO., San Francisco.
When the State of Oregon passed the state income
tax law, then we believed it best to re-incorporate the
company In California, which was done.
we cannot permit ourselves to be burdened
with any taxes that our competitors, the majority of
whom are In Washington, do not have to pay. For
that reason we figure that if the Income tax is to
be permanent, ws, in self preservation, must with
draw our headquarters to another stats.
II ft M WOODWORKING CO., Portland, Oregon.
We had acquired property for the erection of a
warehouse when we learned of this law.
I have heretofore advised on similar requests that wa
cannot maintain our business in Oregon if the statute
is upheld.
Youngnown, Ohio, W. F. Guthrie, V. P.
Corning from Wisconsin, where we have had a state
Income tax for several years, we are familiar with that
deterrent to business development, and we, ourselves,
as well as many others whom we know, left Wisconsin
for the same reason for which ws hesitate to go into
business in Oregon.
WM. M. BRAY, Secy.-Treaa., Oshkosh Land
ft Timber Co., Oshkosh, Wis.; Pres. Klam
ath Logging Co., Klemath Falls, Ore.) Pres.
Sprsgus River Co., Chiloqutn, Ore,; Third
largest owners in Klamath County.
Will limit expansion to moat absolute necessities to
complete present functions, a reduction of 05 in
program. On account of the severity and injustice of
the Oregon income tax law we have decided to cut
down our proposed building and equipment project
from $33,000 to $12,000, and had we reahied that this
tax would become effective, we would not have
budgeted any additional Improvement at ,
Unless the law is repealed we are seriously con
sidering incorporating our Seattle house separately and
diverting also to them all Oregon business that it ia
possible for them to handle.
CLYDE EQUIPMENT CO., Portland, Oregon.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong, Western Manager for the
Menaatp Wooden ware company, stated that they were
figuring on moving the Western Woodenware Com
pany from Tacoma to Coos Bay, and had already pur
chased site on our waterfront. Later stated they
would not do anything at all toward a change until
they had seen the eiiect of the Oregon State Income
Tax Law.
H. G. KERN, President, First National Bank, (
North Bend, Oregon,
Our original plans of operations in Oregon called
for an annual production of 200 million feet of lum
ber, whereas our present plans call for only 20 of
that amount. Furthermore, we had planned on con
structing and operating a large Door and Sash Factory
in connection with our lumbering plant, but with this
threatening legislation there is no encouragement for
ua to invest the neceasary capital for carrying out our
original plana.
Ws hope that the majority of the people In Oregon
wiD ultimately change their present attitude towards
earHtal and industry, to the end that it will be a weA
some visitor in every section of the state.
we contemplated putting In an electric steel
furnace, but will not do thja until the law has been
TTifllC tflY Irttll hflQ fllypflfl'V Inst or re8n more than 40 million dollars just for the purpose of
X I llo 114A ItilV I Itio till Ctttiy lUdl' soaking our enterprises 2 or 3 millions a year. Is that good business
or good sense? The situation is critical It must be met by intelligent voting. If we want Oregon to grow we must vote to
loltlatsd bj 0. C Chapmsa, Editor, Ongoa Vot.r, 189 WorewLt Build-
lac ranlaafl, Orpn INCOME TAX HEPEAl-rn: To rf
pal chapter SJ8 of tb Orotral Laws of Or. (Ton of knows as
Booms Ttx Act. vol. i or
tbs Iaoomi
Vote 312 X Yes
Make sure yourballot
it marked this way
Taid advert i.empnt, Portland Cham her of Crrimrrce Committee for repeat of Income Taa,
W. S. Babson, Chairman, rei-idcnce 54- Kail lSih Street, North, Portland, Oroo,