THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1924. PAGE FTVE Attorney C. E. Wood ion, who under went an operation at Portland Mon day, ii reported to be getting; along well and hia prompt recovery la ex pected. Mr. Wood ion went to Port land late la it week to consult with apecialiiti concerning an ailment from which he had been suffering for eome time, and the operation was tht result. Chi Omega, national woman's liv ing organisation on the university campus, recently announced the pledging to membership of Mary Clark, registered in the university of Oregon from Heppner. At 0. A. C. Paul McDuffee of Heppner and Elmo McMillan of Lexnigton have each been pledged by the Psi Chi fra ternity. LaVeroe Van Marter, Pete Shively and Martin Reid were Heppner nim rods who journeyed the past week to Malheur lake in Harney county and spent several days shootin ducks and geese. They found an abundance of the game and returned home on Mon day well laden with the spoils of the hunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hiatt arrived on Monday from their home at Kelso, Wash., and will spend a week or two visiting with their relatives in Hepp ner and on Butter creek. Mr. Hiutt states that business is still on the boom at Kelso and Longview and times are prosperous over that way Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Edwards of For est Grove visited with relatives and friends at Heppner for several days during the week. They departed on Monday for Athena, where they will visit a short time with their daugh ter, residing there. Frank Turner drove them as far as Echo. Barney Doherrty spent Monday in the city from his home down Sand Hollow, He is getting very anxious! to see some good rains come; they I would be beneficial not only to those who desire to get in their crops, but would also help the range conditions a great deal. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Darbee de parted Saturday morning on a trip to the middle west and eastern states, expecting to be absent for several weeks. Mr. Purdin, who was former ly operator here, is acting as O.-W. R. A N. agent during the absence of Mr. Darbee. Geo. N. Harness of Tillamook was an over Sunday visitor at Heppner. He is the retiring preacher of the Christian church at Tillamook, where .he has been for the past two years or more. He filled the pulpit of the church in Heppner both morning and evening. Mrs. Agusta Johnson f Heppner, Or., is passing a few weeks in Port land visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. W. Harris of Roselawn and Mrs. Bar ton Peden of Parkrose. She will also be the house guest of Mrs, F. B. Ste vens. Sunday Oregonian. Mrs. Emmet Cochran received the sad news on Thursday last of the death of her friend, Mrs. J. D. Zur cher at her home in Lewiston. Mr. and Mrs. Zurcher were formerly res idents of Stan fie Id and were quite well known here. 0. C. McCormick of Walla Walla was visiting with relatives and friends at Lexington and Heppner the first of the week. He is an ex-service man and at the present time is receiving treatment at the veterans' hospital in Walla Walla. . C. W. McNamer si in Portland this week, undergoing a physical examin ation at the hands of specialists at the Portland Sanitarium. It is re ported that he may have to submit to an operation. Andrew Rood was an outgoing pas senger on Wednesday, expecting to be absent from the city for several days. F. A. Rowell, certified public ac countant, who ia engaged in auditing the county'a books for Measra. Cran dall A Roberts, ia also making an audit of tht books of the Morrow county chapter of the Red Cross. Falling hair can be stopped. Dand ruff and scalp eesema can be cured. Ask your druggist or barber for Luc ky Tiger Hair Remedy. Endorsed by millions. Sold under money back guarantee. , Messrs. Wilson, Townusend and McUirr, cattle men of Fox Valley, shipped three carloads of fat steers and cowa from the Heppner yards on Sunday, tht stock going to Port land. Harold Mason, who makea his home in Portland these days, has been on a visit with tht folka at lone. He was in Heppner on Saturday and made this office a pleasant call. Mrs. Willia McCarty and children arrived from The Dalles on Monday and art the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson, FOR RENT 7 room house, ample grounds with good garden spot and place to keep cow and chickens. In quire C. A. Minor. TO LEASE 000 acres of good sheep range for 8 months, and plenty of hay for two bands of sheep. C. E. Cripe, Olex, Ore. al8-4. For Pale Pure bred Holstein bull, eligible for registry; age 1 year; prict reasonable. Set or call J. O. Turner. Paperhanging, decorating, painting, by experienced man. Prices reason able. Inquire at Peoples Hardware Co. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John Kil kenny at their home on Hinton creek on Monday, October 13, a daughter. For Rent Seven room house with bath ; other conveniences on prem ises. See C. A. Minor. For Sale 100 head yearling Ram bouiltett bucks. J. C. HOSKINS, Stanfield. Phone 28F3. Btp. Heppner Tailor Shop J. Skuxeskie SUITS MADE TO MEASURE $35 Up GUARANTEED TO FIT Come in and see our "Before and After Taking," Tum-A-Lumber Book. A prize book of sug gestions for making a modern home out of the old house, with many illustrations and plans. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Heppner, Lexington, lone mnn m urn m.i m wi wm vn sjtijm m jm m nrx hm ubi jftim m jm ip anrwH mriinftiff..rririn iii.H. M.vrM in mil n.vriii infill rui urw iru n i m iMiin iiifiVT i HARWOOD'S Jewelry Store HAMILTONS FOR MEN and WRIST WATCHES WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED Chime Clocks, Cuckoo Clocks and all makes repaired. WHY THROW AWAY THAT ALARM CLOCK WHEN IT CAN BE MADE TO RUN AS GOOD AS A NEW ONE. Complete Line Records and Sheet Music Let us show you the complete Swanson PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, Phonograghs and Sheet Music HEPPNER, OREGON LOST At Rodeo f round, Udy'i mall gold wriit watch. Finder please lean at this office. FOR SALE Murat grupe. 10 e per lb., prepaid. A. E. Anderson, R. 1, The Dalles, Ore. FOR SALE Oliver typewriter No. 7, in food repair. Bargain. Phelps Grocery Co. LOST Belt off of child's Norfolk suit. Finder please leave at thia of fice. For Sale 60 tons of grain hay. Gunnar Lindhe, Lexington, Ore. 2tp. HEITNEK GARAGE BARGAINS. Big reduction on 30x3 Goodyear Wirigfoot tires. 1923 Ford, fine condition, spotlight, Haunter phock abstrrbers, 5 pood cord tirer. A real bargain at $275.00. 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet good condition and cheap price. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself ax an In dependent candidate for the office of Sneriff of Morrow County, and aik for the support ef the voters at the coming General Election in Novem ber. If elected I promise faithful performance of all duties pertaining to the office. WM. BALL. (Paid Advertisement.) 50 NEW SETTLERS. Over 500 new families located in Oregon, according to a recent survey by the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, in the month of Septem ber. Ail districts report new arri vals, ranging from six in the Baker district to 70 reported from Myrtie Point in Coo county. Many of these settlers were tourists who through assistance rendered them by local and state organizations, were able to find suitable locations. NEW FOOO PRODUCT. Beef, cooked with vegetables and put up in cans ready to serve after heating, is a new food combination being placed on the market by the Rogue River Valley Canninj? com pany. This company has an order from a responsible firm with a branch in Portland for all of th product they ean turn out, a strong retail de mand already having been created. Mr. Builis, tht manager, states ship ments of potatoes, onions and cab bages from outside of Medford have been necessary to take care of their shipments. From 140 to 150 people are employed. The plant is located at Medford. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has beep appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Lulu Marquardt, de ceased; that all persons having claims against th said estate must present the same, duly verified ac cording to law, to me at the office of my attorney, S. E. Notoson, in Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of this notice, which date of first publication is October 16, 1924. LOUIS MARUARDT, Administrator. New Cathedral Gong Colonial Clock NOW ON EXHIBITION AT OUR STORE WILL BE Given Away Absolutely Free You may hold the proper dial and receive this beautiful high grade CLOCK FREE With each $1.25 cash purchase at our store, we will give our customers absolutely free, one Special Clock Dial. When all of the dials have been given out, the Clock which is on display, will be wound and placed in our window. When the Clock, after running for a number of days, runs down, the party holding the Dial identically corresponding to the time of the stopped Clock, will receive, absolutely free, this HIGH GRADE COLONIAL CLOCK. t Come to our store and personally see the Colonial Clock on display We Want to Increase Our Business, So Make This Remarkable Offer. MALCOLM D. CLARK Hill Dental Clinic Pendleton The Hill Dental Clinic is conducted along the most advanced lines of dentistry, which enables patients to obtain t h e services of a" group of dentists each doing work he is best fitted for at considerably less cost than is required under ordinary practice. Out of town patient's work wilt be don quickly po. Iblc. Keep (Hoolidge and flect J)awes Vote For the Common-Sense Candidates Their Records Recommend Them "I AM FOR ECONOMY. AFTER THAT I AM FOR MORE ECONOMY"Coolidge He proved his faith by his works. This administra tion has saved the people $6,000,000 daily n taxes as com pared with 1921. It has lopped off 95,456 employes from the federal payrolls. Dawes, the budgeteer, put the country on a business basis by cutting out the deadwood in governmental affairs. Deficits in former years have been turned into surpluses. The national debt has been reduced $2,750,000,000 in 3 years. FOREIGN POLICY SPELLS PEACE ABROAD AND PROSPERITY AT HOME The Dawes plan has made possible rehabilitation of Europe, which means better markets and better prices for America's farm crops. Limitation of armaments is an ad ministration policy and makes for peace as well as reduced cost of government. The Republican tariff, linked with restrictive immigra tion, has brought prosperity to the man who toils. Wages were never so high, they would never buy so much as today. COOLIDGE POLICIES HAVE RE-ESTABLISHED PROSPERITY CONTINUE THEM When this administration took office, it faced all the problems of reconstruction. Deplorable conditions existed. The people were suffering from a tremendous deflation. In terest was high and capital scarce. There was general acute financial distress. Our citizens were compelled to sell their government bonds around 85 that they had bought in wartime at par. A complete change has been accomplished. Never be fore in peace time has there been such constructive accom plishments as since March, 1921. Prosperity for all the people has replaced general distress. Industrially, the country was never on firmer gruond. Agriculture, in dire plight when the Republican party came into power, faces a brightening future. Our depreciated government bonds have all risen above par and one is selling at better than 106. THESE ARE SOUND, CONSTRUCTIVE, SENSIBLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS A Vote for Coolidge and Dawes is a Common-Sense Vote I. L. PATTERSON, Chairman REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE Portland, Oregon (Paid Advertisement) JOHN W. COCHRAN, Secretary Figure It Out Yourself LET us give you a few facts and figures to show you why dairy cows should be on J your farm. Assuming that all the milk of your cows were marketed in the form of butter fat, a fair av erage would be 36 pounds per cow. The mar ket price fluctuates around 48c per pound or a gross revenue of $17.28. The hay for feeding would only amount to $5.00 per month of a net return of $12.28 per cow. Now, if you had 10 cows, your monthly profit would be $122.80 for at least 10 months of the year. Don't these fig ures speak for themselves? Here at the First National Bank, we believe, Mr. Fanner, that much prosperity will be added to our community if dairy cows were on every farm, and we are more than will ing to assist and co-operate with you. The Pacific International Livestock Exposition at Portland, Nor. 1st to 8th, is the largest and leading general livestock show In America... It furnishes a wonderful opportunity to learn how breeders of purebred beef and dairy cattle, sheep, hogs, goata and horses are bringing large profits to their farms. Yon will greatly enjoy it and profit by attending. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON 7L ALL KINDS OF Loose and Dried-Out Wheels REPAIRED GREASE M. R. FELL AND OIL GENERATORS STARTERS, MAGNETOS OVERHAULED Vulcanizing U. S. TIRES Willard Batteries GAS, OILS, GREASE HEPPNER TIRE & BATTERY SHOP C. V. HOPPER Best Wool Fabrics FALL AND WINTER SAMPLES of the J. B. Simpson made-to-measure, all wool clothes direct to you from the sheep's back have arrived. Fit, satisfaction and wear guaranteed at $31.50 WORTH $50 OF ANY MAN'S MONEY FRANK W. TURNER HEPPNER, OKF.GON