The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, October 16, 1924, Image 1

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The Gazette-Times
Volume 41, Number 29. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1924. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Four Weeks Poll By The
Gazette-Times Ends
Next Thursday.
Lack of Interest la Shown, However,
in Local Vote; National Poll
Showa Candidates Close.
There is a very apparent lack of in
terest in The Gazette-Times' straw
vote which enda next Thursday, as
shown by the figures after four weeks
of balloting. We had been led to be
lieve that there would be a much bet
ter showing; on the part of the La
Follette vote, at least, and there
should have been a much stronger
vote for Davis, aa he has a represent
ative following; in the county.
In the national poll in which this
paper has been interested along with
the Autocaster Service, representa
tive of a great number of country pa
pers, from all over the country, the
three leading candidates are running
on a more even scale. The total vote
for President Coolidge is 189,245;
La Follette. 147,766; Davis, 131,657.
In this poll the heavier voting for
Mr. Davis comes from the southern
states, while Mr. La Toilette's
strength appears to be in the middle
west and northwestern group. The
President carries a good representa
tive vote from these sections, with
the heavier representation coming
from east of the Mississippi river and
the far east. In another column Is
given a prophesy based on an analy
sis of this vote, together with a num
ber of other factors. Preserve It for
future reference and see how far
our political prognosticator misses
the mark when the Anal count Is made
after November 4.
Our local poll gives Coolidge 187;
La Follette 60, and Davis 32.
A straw vote was taken on Monday
In the high school and the fifth, sixth,
seventh and eighth grades on the
three prominent candidates for the
presidency. The poll stood as fol
lows: Cool. Davis LaFol.
High School 73 6 23
Eighth Grade 19 6 6
Seventh Grade 22 t (
Sixth Grade 16 7 8
Fifth Grade 26 S 4
Total 164 27 46
Regular service., will be held at
the Episcopal church in Heppner on
the first and third Sundays of each
month, at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday
school meets regularly each Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock. People not
worshipping elsewhere are cordially
invited to these services.
The ladies of Bethel Chapel enter
tained in their home last Thursday
afternoon In honor of Mrs. A. M.
Phelps and her guest, Mrs. Wilson,
nd Mrs, John Patterson and her sis
ter. Mrs. Bennett. A delightful af
ternoon was spent at the game of
Travel, after which refreshments
were served. The rooms were beau
tifully decorated with autumn fol
iage and cut flowers.
Mrs. Fred Elder of The Dalles is a
guest this week at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Mattie Adkins in this
Charter No. 228 Reserve District No. 12
NESS OCTOBER 10, 1924.
Loans and discounts, including rediscounts $
U. S. government securities owned
Other bonds, wnrrants and securities, including foreign gov
ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc
Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc
Furniture and fixtures
Real estate owned other then banking house
Cash on hand in vault and due from other banks, bankers,
and trust companies designated and approved reserve
agents of this bank
Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and
other cash items
Total cash and due from banks $30,289.01
Interest, taxes and expenses paid, less undivided profits
Other assets
Capital stock paid In 16,000.00
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits $6,497.84
Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid bb8!'42
Reserved for taxes, Interest and depreciation 87 58
DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve:
individual deposits subject to check, Including deposits due
io niaio or urogon, county, cities or other public funds
Demand certificates of deposit outstanding
Cashier's checks of this bank outstnnding payable on de
mand Total of demand deposits, othor than bunk de
posits, subject to reserve $I0 703 78
TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and
payable on demand or subject to notice:
Time certificates of deposit outstnnding 18,397. I
Total of time and savings deposits payable on
demand or subject to notice $18,397.84
Slate of Oregon, County of Morrow, aa:
I, W. O. Hill, cashier of tho abovo-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above, statement Is true to the best of kn,t.i, ,,!.,
oeiiui .
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 16th dny of October, 1024.
Notnry Public.
My commission expires Dec. 27,
Placing of Human Waste in Run
ning Streams Untreated Not
Good For Public Health.
Oregon State Board of Health.
One of the first problems of sani
tation is the safe disposal of sew
age. Various devices for the disposal
of the waste of animal life have had
their day. With the almost unversal
introduction of running water into
the home the water-carriage system
hai been generally adopted. Sewage
may contain all the original vehicles
of disease, as it carries excreta from
the skin, the alimentary, pulmonary
and genito-urninary tracts. The
problem is how can sewage be treat
ed, disinfected or purified so that it
will not carry disease.
Whenever a city or town introduces
a system of sewers, it Is easy and
natural to dispose of sewage by let
ting it run from the main sewer into
a river or stream. In case the amount
of aewage is small and the body of
water large, this practice doe not
seem wholly objectionable. But the
growth of many of our cities has in
creased the amount of sewage and
transformed many of our beautiful
streams from something giving pleas
ure into an open sewer shunned By
all mankind.
It is now known that streams do
not purify themselves to any great
extent. The disposal of sewage into
streams is to be depreciated unless
the sewage can be first properly
treated. It is for this reason that all
new sewage disposal systems and wa
ter supplies or alterations in these
systems require the approval of the
State Board of Health. Many cities
are operating systems that have not
complied with the law and will un
doubtedly render themselves liable
and force themselves into litigation
unless proper steps are made to com
ply with the law.
Polluted water is a problem that
requires intelligent consideration.
The proper sewage disposal is just as
important, if not more so, than safe
bridges across our large streams and
ihould receive the same amount of
engineering consideration. The prob
lem of how a city of three hundred
thousand people is going to properly
dispose of its sewage cannot be solved
by the corner grocery philosopher.
It It a great undertaking and its so
lution demands the services of a
great engineer and not a surveyor of
back lots.
Our sewage systems can only be
made safe by the community demand
ing sanitary methods of sewage dia
posal. There are four principal
methods of sewage treatment, con
sisting of sand filtration, contact bed,
trickling filter and activated aludge
processes. AH these processes may
be supplemented with chlorine disin
fection. The particular process do
1 ends on local conditions and Iri a
problem for the properly qualified ex
pert. Many of the cities of the Uni
ted States have protected the ati'tami
by the installation of plants for mod
ern sewage disposal and purification.
The improvement of the ntvghbonrg
streams makes these a real usttet in
stead of a growing menace.
A very enjoyable afternoon was
spent by the O.E.S. social club at the
Masonic building on Saturday. The
games of bridge and travel were play
ed and much enjoyed. Mesdames
Hedrick, Vaughn, Goodman and
Johnston were hostesses, and delic
ious refreshments were served. Mrs.
Vt m. Straight won first priie in travel
and Mrs. Fred Lucas was awarded
first at bridge.
W. O, HILL, Cashier.
frank gilliam,
ceo. McMillan,
Have Serious Accident
On Heppner Hill Road
While returning from Hardman
late Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Adknis met with an accident just
after reaching the grade at the top
of Heppner hill. Their car swerved
from the side of the road and into the
ditch, turning over. Mrs. Adkins was
thrown in such a manner as to re
ceive serious injuries to her back:,
and since has been lying at the Hepp
ner Surgical hospital, paralyzed from
her hips down. She received no
broken bones, and her physician
thinks that the paralysis is caused
from injury to the spine. Mr. Ad
kins was not injured.
A wheel was smashed on the ear
and the top demolished but no other
damage was done to the machine.
While the injuries to Mrs. Adkins
seem at this time to be very serious,
her physician does not expect they
will prove fatal, and he looks for im
provement in a few more days.
Mr. AdkinB states that he believes
the breaking of a radius rod was the
cause of the car turning from the
Red Cross Chapter
Has Annual Meeting;
There waa a special meeting of the
Red Cross on Monday evening at the
lobby of the Hotel Heppner, for the
purpose of electing officers for the
ensuing year. While the attendance
was not as large as it should have
been, the interest was good, neverthe
less, and the business of the meeting
was carried out by the election of
the following officers:
Mrs. Emmet Cochran, chairman;
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, vice-chairman;
Paul Gemmell, treasurer; Mrs. Frank
Turner, secretary; Prof. E. H. Hed
rick. M. D. Clark, Mrs. W. E. Pruyn
of Heppner, Mrs. Bert Mason, Paul
Mortimore of lone. Jack Gorham,
Boardman, and W. R. Walpole, Irri-
gon, executive committee.
Notes From Heppner Hi.
The football game played here Sat
urday between Grass Valley and
Heppner resulted in a score of 64
to 0 in Heppner'a favor. Although
Grass Valley had a very fast team
they seemed unable to score a touch
down against the Heppner line. The
local line made a good showing in
this game,
The Freshmen held a candy mak
ing last Friday but the upper clans
men found where it was being held
and they postponed it aB they had
more company than they needed.
The Juniors hold a weinle roast
laat Monday evening. Cars were
provided and all the teachers and
Juniors went up Balm Fork to the
Osmin ranch where they built a fire,
roasted weinies and played games.
,ator in the evening a large number
of the Seniors and bophomores came
up. Everyone reports an enjoyable
The Freshmen took advantage of
the excitement caused by the Juniors'
wefnie roast and held a candy making
at the home of Margaret Smith, Their
absence at the woinie roast was no
At last the Juniors have decided
upon the design for their rings and
pins and have ordered them,
Don't forget the footbnll game to
be played here Saturday between
Wasco and Heppner. It will be the
hardest game of the season as Wasco
has a very strong toam. Heppner
also has a strong team, Lets see
the town people turn out and back
them up.
Circulars have been sent out from
the office of Prof, Hedrick at the high
school to the parents of the chlldron
who bring their lunch to school, for
the purpose of determining tho de
mand for the institution of a hot
lunch this winter. If the demand is
sufficient tho hot lunch will be es
tablished immediately.
State President P. T. A.
Visits Heppner Saturday
Mrs. Geo. J. Perkins, state presi
dent of the Parent-Teacher associa
tion, was a visitor here on Saturday
and was entertained by the local
association. In the high nchool audi
torium in the evening, Mrs. Perkm
was the speaker and delivered a splen
did address on the work of the asso
ciation and what it is aiming to ac
complish by bringing patrons and
trachers together. She was listened
tn intently and the many good points
if the address were noted by those
An excellent musical program was
given by atudents of the high tehoo1
directed by Mis Denn, as follows:
High School Chorus:
(a) Anchored.
fb) Honey Town.
Encore, High School Song.
Boys Chorus "Sweet Genevieve"
Encore, "Silly Willy"
Orchestra "When Shadows Fall'
Encore, "Mandalay"
Much credit is due both students
and instructor for the splendid ap
pearance made this early in the year.
A review of plans for the work of
the local association for the year
war given by the president, Mrs. Guy
Mrs. C. L. Gillilan wls selected by
the executive committee to serve as
a delegate to the state convention of
the P. T. A. at Corvallis, Oct. 21-24,
and will be able to give a report of
that gathering at the next regular
Mr. Perkins was entertained at
the home of Mrs, W. P. MaHoney over
Saturday night.
Former Heppner Woman
Passes at Oakland, Calif.
Word was received here early Mon
day morning; by John Patterson, an
nouncing the death of Mrs. Harry L.
Davis, who was formerly Emma Stev-,
?nson, at their home in Oakland, Cal
ifornia, on Sunday. The telegram did
lot state the cause of death hut nirf
that the funeral would be on Tues-
lay. While in California nwantlv
Mr. Patterson visited at the Davis
ome. and at that time Mrs. ilnvi. n
peered in the best of health, and the
announcement of her death came as
complete surprise.
When Mr. Patterson was eneine.,,-
on the Heppner branch, Mr. Davis
was for a long time his fireman. This
was about eighteen or twenty years
ago. lie and Mrs. Davis were mar
ried here and about fifteen mr. .,,,
they removed to Oakland where they
nave since resided. The husband and
one son survive.
Get a thrill and manv Uurrh. hv
seeing "FAIR WEEK," featuring Wal-
I. "e,r" Theater ton ght
Your Choice for President?
(Put an X mark before
After filling out this trial ballot, please mail or bring to
the otlice of The Gasctlr-Timea, Heppner, Ore.
Chas. Dillon, Boardman
Opposes Davidson, lone
While the announcement published
elsewhere in these columns is to the
effect that Chas. Dillon of Boardman
is seeking election as county commis
sioner to fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of R. L. Benge, he
has in reality tiled big certificate of
nomination in the office of Clerk An
derson for the four-year term, and
thus becomes an opponent of L, P.
Davidson of lone, who received the
nomination for the long term at the
hands of the Republicans in the pri
miries. - Air. Dillon la running as an inde
pendent and in seeking the four-year
term it leaves but two contenders
for the short term, G. A. Bleakman,
independent republican, and Jeff
Jones, independent democrat.
Miss Eula Simpson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Simpson, became
the bride of Aaron E. Faw on Thurs
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Saling. Rev. Alfred
Lockwood, rector of the Church of
the Redeemer, read the srevice.
The bride wore a lovely gown of
Victoria crepe in copper tones and
curried Ophelia roses. Mrs. Vincent
Buttervitch, matron of honor, wore
a crepe frock and carried roses. Mr.
Buttervitch was best man,
The bride has been a resident of
Pendleton for the greater part of her
life and is a graduate of St. Joseph's
Academy. Mr. Faw is a civil engin
eer employed by Oregon state high
way department. They will make
their home in Heppner. Pendleton
East Oregonian,
In the game of football played at
lone on Saturday between the Condon
and lone high school teams, the lat
ter won in a score of 26 to 12. lone
was an easy victor in the firBt half
of the game, but in the last half Con
don rallied and the contest was a
very hot one. Ed Bristow, fullback,
John Graves, halfback, George Rit
chie, left end, and Clarence Lane,
quarter of lone, made many brilliant
plays, ably assisted by the rest of the
eleven. Inmann, Morgan and Brant
were the stars for Condon.
There was a gathering of Odd Fel
lows at Pendleton on Tuesday eve
ning a twhich the grnnd officers of
the state were present. Noble Grands
and secretaries of the various sub
ordinate lodges in the district were
requested to be present, and a num
ber of the members from Willow
Lodge No. 66 drove to Pendleton on
Tuesday afternoon to attend the gath
ering. Among these were A. M.
Phelps, J. L. Yeager, Adam Knob
lock, R. L. Benge, Albert Adkins and
Oscar Edwards.
FOLLETTE Progressive
the one you intend to vote.)
A Political Prophesy
POLITICAL prophecies always mast
be accepted with a degree of reser
vation and with due regard to condi
tions existing at the time they are
made. Developments, disclosures, and
consequent changes in public attitude
follow each other with such rapidity
in politics that the safe bet one week
becomes only a ten-to-one shot the
next. Below, however, we present an
analysis of the national political out
Icok as seen at thia time by Mr. John
H. Perry, who has at his disposal un
usual sources of authentic informa
tion. Mr. Perry is President of the
American Presa Association, having
relations with some eight thousand
newspapers. He is President of the
Publishers Autocaster Service Com
pany, dealing with approximatly two
thousand other papers, of which this
is one. In addition, he is an import
ant factor in the larger field of news
paperdom, being the proprietor of
several daily newspapers published
throughout the country.
Mr. Perry'a summation of the out
look for the Electoral vote is as fol
. 29
. 15
... 10
Connecticut .
Delaware ....
Maine 6
Massachusetts .: 18
Michigan 15
New Hampshire 4
New Jersey ... 14
New York 45
Ohio 24
Oregon 5
Pennsylvania 38
Rhode Island 5
Utah 4
Vermont 4
Wyoming m 3
- 13
'.. i'ZIl'L" 6
- 6
Iowa ...
Minnesota ......
North Dakota
South Dakota
Washington 7
Wisconsin 13
Arizona 3
Florida .
Mississippi ,
North Carolina
Oklahoma ..
South Carolina1 ..
Tennessee ....
Texas .....
West Virginia
New Mexico
... ....... 12
266 Electoral votes are necessary
to elect. Otherwise the contest goes
into Congress
Mr. Perry is a keen poltiical ob
server. It will be interesting to re
tain these figures and to compare
them with the result in November.
Central Market Passes
To New Management
Grover Swaggart this wek sold out
his interests in the Central Market
to Harry Seevey and E. L, Kirk and
the new owners took over the busi
ness on Monday. The business will
likely be moved from its present lo
cation in the Gilman building, to the
Garrigues building on Main street,
the new proprietors having an option
on the building lately occupied by
Gurdane & Son, so we are informed.
Mr. Swaggart has been running
the business for the past two years.
What he intends doing now, this pa
per has not been informed. Mr. See
vey has been connected with the shop
much of this time as meat cutter and
butcher and he is an expert in this
line. Much improvement is contem
plated in the market by the new man
agement and it will be made up-to-
date in every respect should their
present plans be carried out.
Field Representative of
Red Cross Visits Here
Miss Nell Holsinger, field represen
tative of the Pacific division of the
A. R. C. is making an official visit to
Morrow county this week. She ar
rived at Heppner Saturday, and or
that day, in company with Mrs, Em
met Cochran, chairman of the Mor
row county chapter, made a visit to
lone in the evening and held quite a
successful meeting. Other points in
the county nre being visited, the la
dies going to Boardman and Irrigon
for meetings Tuesday and W ednes
The annual roll call will soon bt
on again, and the chairman of the
Morrow county chapter is quite anx
ious that this shall be put over the
top in good shape.
Grandma Howell, an old resident of
this county, was very pleasantly sur
prised by a number of her friends
on Monday, when they appeared at
her home with a big birthday cake
and a number of minor presents, ten
dered to her In memory of her 92nd
birthday anniversary. Mrs, Howell is
yet very spry for one of her years
and gets around well. She was very
much pleased at thus being remem
bered by her friends and neighbors,
all of whom extended congratulations
and well wishes.
See Walter Heirs in "FAIR WEEK"
at Star Theater to-night (Thursday).
Wells Springs "Sacred Acre" Is
Historic Spot. Remains of 16
Emigrants Lie Unmarked
(The following interesting article,
concerning an historical land mark
of Morrow county, is taken from the
Optimist of The Dalles, issue of Oc
tober 10. That paper did not give
the name of the writer, so we are
unable to credit the author.)
All of my life I have been familiar
with the words "Wells Springs." Un
til last Sunday I had never beheld
this notec camping place on the old
Emigrant Road. I certainly had a
thrill when we cooked coffee and ate
our sandwiches on the spot where my
father and mother camped for the
night, over 72 years ago, in Septem
ber, 1852, after a six months march
across the desert to Oregon, the goal
of their ambition.
Wells Springs, geographically, is
located on the main traveled road
from Cecil at the crossing of Willow
creek in Morrow county to Echo at
the crossing of the Umatilla River in
Umatilla county, about 16 miles from
Cecil and about 20 miles from Echo.
This road follows the section lines,
while the "old Emigrant Road" fol
lowed canyons or took up and dowrt
the bald face of a high hill, following
old Indian trails.
Tho Wells Springs are on an im
mense sheep ranch of 6,000 acres and
are an invaluable asset to the sheep,
industry, for watering places are
rare. Wells Springs are two in num
ber and are most appropriately nam
ed. They are, both of them, situated
upon a slight elevation like a mound
from which the water comes up ex
actly like a well and a well that had
been dug by man with spade and pick.
Most springs come out in a break in
the earth like a canyon or under a
bluff. I
These springs are deep. One, the
west one they are about a quarter
of a mile apart is very deep and
full to the brim. It is covered over
with a platform and a hand pump.
This supplies, by an iron pipe that
takes care of the overflow, to a water
ing trough about 50 feet distant.
Near this trough is a granite boul
der which has the legend "Oregon
Trail" chiseled in, supposed to have
been done by Pioneer Meeker in 1906
when he retraced the old Emigrant
Road with his ox-team that year.
There is also a bench mark on this
stone, set by some surveying party.
Over the west spring has been
planted a locust tree that shades the
platform the only green thing in
sight. Unlike most springs there is
the absence of the usual shrubbery
of wild roses, cress and the tangle
that comes up where there is an over
flow from a spring.
Near this spring, about 100 feet
distant, may be seen three graves of
emigrants, maybe more, doubtless
there are, with nothing to mark these
spots but a square-like depression
that shows that once a pick and shov
el made a permanent resting place
for those who succumbed to the trials
of the road.
Upon the bench, a quarter of a mile
back from the west spring, we count
ed 13 graves laid out in rows and
there may be others, now obliterated.
There are no markers, no names. One
grave has a picket fence about it and
few fleur-de-lis had been planted
a pioneer's grave, but no head board.
These graves are in the fence cor
ner of the sheep man's land, along
side of the main road, in plain view.
It is this "sacred acre that his
torical societies and Daughters of the
American Revolution desire to
close and place a marker of some
One of these unknown graves is
the last resting place of the father
of ex-postmaster R. E. Williams, who
told the story of the death of his
father and that he was buried at
Wells Springs in 1852, when the for
mer was at the banquet of the Emi
grants at the auditorium on "Cov
ered Wagon" Day. Mr. Williams
said he was but one year old at that
time. Mr. Williams father was
brother of Griffith E. Williams, the
pioneer head of the firm of A. M
Williams and Co. of this city.
wells springs was the camping
place where Colonel Cornelius Gil
liam ended his life early in 1848,
when returning from the relief of
the captives of the Whitman massa
cre. He was drawing a lariat out of
a wagon-bed with which to stake his
horse and the rope tripped the ham
mer of a gun lying on the bed of the
wagon and, discharging the contents
into his body, killed him instantly
His body was brought to The Dalle;
and sent to the Willamette valley
From this fact Gilliam county gets
its name. Wells Springs was in Git
liam county before Morrow county
was set off.
The word has come to my attention
that the east spring at Wells Spring?
has bubbles and odors that indicate
petroleum and that there is now
syndicate with machinery ready to
come in and tost the prospect for
oil. If successful, we feared for the
preservation of the old graves,
At the invitation of Mrs. H. E.
Warren of Boardman, who was chair
man of Oregon's committee on H
toric Spots. Daughters of the Amen
can. Revolution, last year, we det
mined to investigate for ourselves a
to the proper plan to pursue for thei
preservation, We therefore made the
Sunday trip of discovery. We con
eluded that by throwing a wire fence
on two sides of the "Sacred A
we would have enclosed securely tin
plot and a marker could be sot at th
corner in full view of the road, with
the legend "Emigrant Graves 1S4 t
59," or any other identification which
would seem descriptive.
It nlso seemed the husiniMs-liko
way to do this would be tVr the
county court of Morrow county to
get a perpetual easement from the
sheep ranch owner to this aire. This
would ensure a permanent place for
the graves under the direction of the
And it is possible that the hiator-
j iuns of Walla Wullu and any relative
By Arthur Brisbane
Dangerous Decision.
This Thrifty Country.
Watching Teddy.
New Ocean to Rule.
Laymen, out of respect foT tht
courts, assume that the Supreme
Court judges of California interpret
ed the law accurately when, by a ma
jority of only one, they decided that
La Follette's electors, although duly
named by petition, should not go on
the ballot in November.
The people do not like to be told
by a judge, or anybody, that they may
not vote for their own choice. For a
court by a majority of one, in dis
regard of established custom, to lay
that State electors are the servants
and agents of political conventiona,
and therefore the people have no
right to name their own electors by
petition, ia DANGEROUS.
This California decision will be
worth a great deal to those who be
lieve that the public, having power
to put judges on the bench, should
also have the power to take them off.
Louisiana follows California by re
fusing La Follette electors a place on
the ballot. President Coolidge, much
tc Ms credit, expresses regret that
any American should be forbidden to
vote for the man of his choice. The
Presdient's statement will be ap
plauded by ninety-nine per cent of
American voters.
Somebody is saving money in this
country, because of higher wages or
prohibition, or whatever you choose.
Savings deposited in 1923, as revealed
at the bankers' convention in Chi
cago, amounted to more than EIGHT
While the population of the coun
try increased fourteen per cent, sav
ings bank dposits increased 108 per
Business men that put Detroit on
the map and Detroit products all over
the world, propose to add control of
the flying machine industry to their
automobile industry. Edsel Fort
supplies money for airplane research
and puts a flying field near his Dear
born plant at the service of all work
ing on metal airplanes. The Hudson
and Packard motor companies are
pending money generously in the
same direction.
A'.l that is good news for those in
terested in this country's indpend
ence of foreign domination.
Two thousand years sgo ths land
in Palestine was marvelously fertile.
real earthly paradise. Money
would restore that fertility, and
strangely enough the money, more
than Palestine ever dreamed of in all
its glory, may be taken out of th
Dead Sea.
That great body of intensely salt
water is found to be heavily charged
with potash. It can be got out simp
ly at a cost of $5 a ton, and marketed
Europe at $15 a ton, against the
now prevailing price of J30. There
is a chance for enterprising Ameri
Americans will watch with interest
young Theodeore the Second, follow
ing his father's footsteps. The orig
inal T. R. went to the New York leg
islature, so did his son. The orig
inal T. R. ran for Governor and was
elected. His son is now running for
Governor. Whether he will be elect
ed or not remains to be seen.
Georges Clemenceau celebrates his
eighty-third birthday in his little
house on the French coast, looking
out on the wild waters where ancient
Basques used to catch whales.
Clemenceau's health is good, be
cause he is wise. A fighter all his
life, he avoids all controversy now.
Anger poisons men always, and in
old age it kills them.
Picking a rose in his garden he
says, "1 like flowers; they have an
advantage over men, they are silent."
The average citizen in this country
pays less attention to news of the
war in China than he would to news
shout someone falling off a horse.
Yet there are 500.000 men lined up
for the decisive battle that is expect
ed. And that is no child's play. The
Chinese like the Japanese are build
ing lighting flying machines. Let
thtit be remembered by elder.y naval
gentlemen dozing sweetly, uncon
scious of the fact that the battleship
is obsolete, out of date, a joke in war.
The flying maeliir.e is the new weap
on, the ONLY on that counts. The
air is the NEW OCEAN. Who rules
that oeeHn. rules the world.
of Colonel Cil'inm now residing
there, will aid us.
The Wells Springs are about two
mile frcm Tub Springs on the old
Emigrant Koad that lends down Jun
iper canyun along winch we traveled,
much of which is m pinin view. Near
Tub Spring, there whs once a tine
growth of juniper trees. Pioneers
cut them down for fence posts and
the spot of about an acre is now bare
of any truce of trees having ever
been there. In fact the winter floods
have worn the place down to hard
pan and shmved that the location had
at one time been a fuctory for Indian
points. We stepped for a few mm
utes and found several good ones.
This shows a most ancient Indian
This is a desert, not a live thing in
sight hut ciietUH ard jack-rabbits,
itnd even ths sage slinwed that it had
survived a mignty dry summer.
What did the emigrants think
when they came to thi. part of Ore
gon? They must have been strong-hearted!