PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1924. Superintendent's Report Shows County Schools In Very Good Condition By IXNA JAEU. MIT'RTE. Parinf tht last fciei.iv. urn, tiotvith trni ng hw tu burden nd crop fhi nrc. our w.ioolfi have nhowrt ft tetfer;cr for fcMtfnm-nt of U edu CMtona' fanhties. In torrpr:.p the pat two years ll i. th pr. two years and baMrf our firidtrtpi on th diburf mrrli for elementary schools ard the number of children In Hendanre v ir6 a decrease of $29.00 rer pupil in cont of maintenance. This, ho cwr did not in thj lrat cause a re duction in efficiency. In onmt diftnets aalariet were low errrd, .n others raijird. 90 that the av erage alary paid teachers in our one rm.m rural ohool shows an increase of $4.56 per teacher. All teacher? en ployed were certified before the opening of school bo that temporary certificates were not prantd. School boards were more careful in the se lection of their teachers and witn but few exceptions pupils passed their examinations successfully. A new school district was formed last fall comprising 63 H sections, valuation $397,030, census IS. This district has not built a schoolhouse yet, Pcpils are attending the Hepp nr achool. In place of furnishing transportation the pupils' board will be paid by the district. At Alpine, District No. 27, a hiph school was orpanixed. The require ments for a standard four year school have been met and they are waiting for the State Department to declaie it a standard school. This will make seven standard high schools and one union high school which is also a four year standard school. Wa feel proud of the fact that lleppner High was recognid by the Northwest Association last spring, making the 28th high school in the state to meet its standard. The Alpine school district was bonded for $10,000. A two-room building with basement has been erected, one room will be used for high school and one for the grade. Part of the funds were used for equipment, part for water and part for converting the old building into a teacherage. District No. 22, Idea, purchased lumber this week to build a new school house. There has been no school in this district for . several years. District No. 35, lone, will in about five week complete the erection of a building containing eight recita tion rooms besides a basement. Con nected to the building and made a part thereof will be an auditorium and gymnasium combined. Cost about $43,600. Barns to sheter the horses were buit in three districts. Improvements have been made in a number of dis ticts, such as painting, remodeling. e'eaning. etc. A well was bored in District No. 23, also one in District No. 61. In three other districts cis terns were built and filled with water a few days before the opening of school. Boys' and CirV Club Work is not at strong as 1 would like to have it If it were possible to have a club leader in each district after school closes in the spring, or if we could have a county club leader during the vacation period results would be sat isfactory. Boys and girls are enthu siastic at the beginning of the school term, but with no county fair and no competent leaders throughout the county, there is little incentive. Cred it must be given our County Agent, Mr. R. W. Morse, and Mr. R. B. Wil cox for the effort made in this work and for ita successful completion. We lament the losa of our county nurse. Neither the Red Cross nor the county were in position to finance the work longer hence we have been without since November, 1923. For several years we have been UH' in O. S. T. A. membership and we feel that we can contiue to be so. We have a County Division of the O. S. T. A. All the teachers in the coun ty have been members of this divis ion and we think this coming year will be no exception. For three years we have had a Reading Circle Library in the county. These books are loaned to the teach ers free of charge. Three local institutes were substi tuted for the annual institute, the first ore being in session at Heppner. Schaol boards gave their teachers one Fiuiay in October to attend. The Otis Intelligence Test was given to every teacher and later to every pu pil attending school. The Hedrick Hopper Test in Oregon History was given to all eighth grade pupils, and before school all pupils were given the Woody-McCall Arithmetic Test and the Monroe Reading Test. The two other institutes were held one at lone and the other at Board man. The County Cnit Plan was the mam topic at lone Our State Super-! intendent, J. A. Churchill, was with us at Board man which was most grat ifying to the teachers present. The County Unit Plan was placed on the ballot at the time of the Pri mary election, but failed to pass. We feel, however, that the people will try to leant more about the system and perhaps in time will reahxe its benefits. The outlook for this year is very encouraging. With a splendid corps of teachers, with an awakened inter est in the members of school boards, the tax payers and patrons, we feel that the schools are fitting into the needs of the communities and we are sure the year will be a successful as well s a prosperous one. for the da nee here next Saturday. The new hardwood floor in the Odd Fel lows hall will be used. The Hardmaa orchestra will furnish the music. The Odd Fellows had a banquet and dance her last Saturday night. The high school ia planning a big Hallowe'ea carnival for November 1st. A minstrel show will be one of the main feat urea. HOT DOG!! Big rifle shoot for two-year-old beef at Ben Buschke's ranch on Rhea creek, October 19. at 10:30 a. m. Nothing barrred but a telescope sight. Everybody welcome. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECVTRIX. Notice is hereby given that the un designed has bn nnAi'n.J k- k- County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of W ffott deceased, and that she has qualified as such. All Mrn. w.i claims against said estate must pre sent them to me, duly verified, at the Hill Dental Clinic Pendleton The Hill Dental Clinic is conducted along the most advanced lines of dentistry, which enables patients to obtain the services of a group of dentists each doing work he is best fitted for at considerably less cost than is required under ordinary practice. Out of ton patient', work will be done aa quickly as aible. office of Wood.on Sweek, my at torney,, at Heppner, Oregon, on or beforo six month, from th, data of first publication hereof. LAURA V. SCOTT. Executrix. Data of Srit publication, October 9th. 1924. Heppner Tailor Shop 1. Skuteskie SUITS MADE TO MEASURE $35 Up GUARANTEED TO FIT HARDMAN NEWS ITEMS, The local football boys played a game with the lone boys last Satur day. The game ended with the inev itable victory for lone. The acore was 25 to 0 in favor of lone. This did not dishearten the boys, however. It is hard to discourage them. Final preparations are being made HARWOOD'S Jewelry Store HAMILT0NS FOR MEN . and WRIST WATCHES WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED Chime Clocks, Cuckoo Clocks and all makes repaired. WHY THROW AWAY THAT ALARM CLOCK WHEN IT CAN BE MADE TO RUN AS GOOD AS A NEW ONE. Complete Line Records and Sheet Music I Let us show you the complete Swanson PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, Phonograghs and Sheet Music HEPPNER, OREGON Gilliam & Bisbee s j& Column j& We can supply you with Superior and Kentucky Drills in both hoe and disc. Copper Carbonate and Bluestone for treating wheat Look over your Drills and get your extras while our stock is complete. Su perior and Kentucky, and a few extras for the Thomas Drill. We arre agents for the Calkins Wheat Treating Machine. When you fail to get extras call on us and we will find them if they are made, but we must have I the number. It Come in and see our j Before and After Taking," Tum-A- .,1111 T ..1 n 1 ! L.urn.Der dook. un I A prize book of sug- 1 I croct.nnc fni moLJnr o III I iiiuui-iu iiuiue uui 01 f the old house, with pj ! I III m any illustrations 1 and plans. I TUM-A-LUM j I LUMBER CO. I pj j j Heppner, Lexington, lone 11 1 m inlaws s 1 n x x jfi iL 1 MM- h 11 . mtmmteiir. Gilliam & Bisbee EVERYTHING IN Hardware - Implements We have it, will get it or H is not made. The stuff that "champs" are made of Such popularity must be deserved V THERE'S no royal road to "stardom." How well the big stars of baseball know this. And in merchandising as in baseball, big success is scored only by deserving it. A prod' uct, too, must ' deliver the goods." All over the country men are turning by thousands from other cigarettes to Chesterfield. For a reason 1 Chesterfield has given smokers convincing proof of finer quality for here's quality you can taste Chesterfield CIGARETTES millions I For tiis Hunter New Stock of Real Leather VESTS and COATS Just Received We handle nothing but the best in leather work and dress coats and'vests. Our prices range from $8.50 to $27.50 We have no sheepskin coats in stock. . N. Gonty Shoe Store Maxwell- Chrysler Automobiles Fisk Tires and Satisfactory and Weil Known Atwater-Kent Radio Sets. GASOLINE, OILS and GREASE Guaranteed Automobile Electricians and General Repair Shop. CITY GARAGE WALTER L. LA DUSIRE, Prop. Your Ship will con in on tint If you to will It. Yob and you clone steer its coua and Hi arrival depends entirely upon your judgment, your inteUlgence, your vilion, your induitry, your wetchfulneee, d your deilre to reach the port of Peace and Plenty. Start today on the good ahlp THRIFT maybe in a aavinga account, maybe through putting yeur aavinge to work for you in aound inveatmenti maybe through expaniion of buitneea along methods which proved ef fective in smaller ways. We ate in position to assist you. Drop in someday soon and let's talk it over. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank 0reKn THE GAZETTE-TIMES, ONLY $2 A YEAR A Closed Car For an Open Car Price The new Duplex-Phaeton replaces the time honored touring car. Baloon Tires, force feed lubrication, hydraulic four-wheel brakes (optional), bigger motors, many other new features for 1925. MAURICE A. FRYE Everything Electrical STUDEBAKER SIXES Star Theater Friday, October 10 Bebe Daniels and Earnest Torrence in ZANE GREY'S "HERITAGE OF THE DESERT" Also Edna Murphy and Harold Miller in "LEATHERSTOCKINGS" from the world-famous novel by James Fenimore Cooper. 20c and 30c Saturday, October 1 1 Johnny Walker in "FASHIONABLE FAKERS" A swirling cloudburst of comedy. The greatest f un-f est of the year. Also Ben Turpin in "ROMEO & JULIET" Sunday and Monday, October 1 2 and 1 3 Virginia Valli and Milton Sills in "A LADY OF QUALITY" From the famous novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Mystery, love and spectacle in terwoven in a flashing picture of quaint days and stirring times. Also Aesop's Fable and Topics of the Day. Tuesday and Wedesday, Oct. 1 4 and 1 5 Lois Wilson, Richard Dix and Noah Beery in Zane Grey's "TO THE LAST MAN" Produced under the personal direction of the author in Tonto Basin, the exact locale of the book. Also "MONEY TO BURNS," with Alberta Vaughn as the Telephone Girl. FOUR CRACKERJACK PROGRAMS SEE TIIEM ALL. Lwuerr Mtdi Toa.cro Co