The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, October 02, 1924, Image 1

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    ,-.r Socles-
The Gazette-Times
Volume 41, Number 27. HEPPNER, OREGON, THUSDAY, OCT. 2, 1924. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Portland Chamber of
Commerce Favors Re
peal of Income Tax
More Than 213,000 Ballots
Have Been Cast From
All Over Country.
Heppner Rodeo Draws
Big Crowds and Was
Much Enjoyed.
Event Were Snippy and Strong Com
petition for Every Conteet; Lot all
Win All Flint Prlies.
Heppner's third annual Rodeo wai
the meant of drawing Urge crowd!
to the city on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday lait; the lait two dayi
bringing the moit people to witness
the event! at Gentry field. Thursday
opened up rather gloomily, as in the
morning It wai raining and dark
eloudi hung over the city to luch an
extent that it was feared the day'i
performance might have to be called
off. Thii, of coune, leisened the at
tendance for the flrit day, yet in the
afternoon it turned more pleasant
and the big ihow got under way. In
figuring up the total attendance, how
ever, it wai found that the crowds
were not so large ai last year, and
this may be accounted for by the
present financial conditions; our peo
ple did not have the money to spend,
and they were compelled to remain
away on this account. Those at
tending were given a good ihow
better than the year before, and the
management are to be congratulated
that all events were pulled off prompt
ly, while the perfnrmen came through
without any serious injuries being
inflicted to either man or beast.
Being a local production, and the
performers being practically all lo
cal men and boys, the Rodeo creates
an interest that is different from the
professional performances pulled off
elsewhere. A few profeiionals were
entered in events here thia season.
Iced I'arker, Ed Thompson and George
Fletcher taking part in bucking and
ateer roping contests, follow up the
round-ups and rodeoa each season,
and they came over here from Pen
dleton, expecting to carry off the
prises in the leading events. They
found themielvei up against iom
good local talent, and they found, also
that somt of the horses produced here
were about as wicked buckers as they
run up apainst anywhere.
The Condon band was here for the
second and third days and added
n.uch to the entertainment. The boy
were loaded to the guards with plenty
of good music and war not stingy
in jilaying it, giving concerts in the
afternoons and evenings at well as
playing at short intervals at the!
grand stand at the grounds. An or-
chestra from Condon also furnished
the music for the dancing at the pa
vilion each evening.
On the second day Miss Alice Rlet
mann of lone was crowned queen of
the Rodeo and she presided in a real
queenly manner. Being an excellent
horsewoman, Mias Rietmann was
praised for the way the handled her
steed at the head of the parades. On
the grounds there was nothing to mar
the fdll enjoyment of the events, and
Friday and Saturday were beautiful
days, the rain of Thursday having
settled the dust and there wai no
wind, so the weather conditions
could not hsve been better. The large
crowds in the city on those days
seemed to enjoy themselves immense
ly. The concessions at the fair
grounds were fairly well patronized
but no great amount of money was
spent there, and the complaint went
up that the carnival and other con
cessionaires failed to make any profit
on their three days stay in the city.
The management reports that they
will come out O.K. from a financial
standpoint and meet all obligations,
having but lltlte left, however, to
carry over for another year.
The results of the events for the
three days follow. In tome of these
the finals, only, are given.
Saddle Horse Race tt-mile, three
day event. First day's race declared
off because of non-appearance on the
part of entrymen. Second day, P.
Gilllland. Ukiah, 1st; Lawrence Rean
ey, Lexington, 2nd. Third day, V. H.
Stickles, Heppner, 1st; Barney Ward,
Hoppner, 2nd.
I'ony Express Race 1 mile, three
day event. Finals! V. H. Stickles,
1st, time 6:48 4-5; Jack Garhart 2nd,
time 7:17; P. Glllluind 3rd, time
7.27 -8.
Calf Roping 1st day: Tony Vey
1st In 80 seconds; Joe Kenny 2nd in
SH seconds. 2nd day: Negro George
Fletcher 1st in 48 aeconds; Joe Kenny
2nd In 69 seconds. 3rd day, Ed
Thompson winner, time 1:23,
Boy's Pony Race 14-mile, daily
event. 1st day: Lawrence Reaney
1st, Earnest Connor 2nd 2nd day:
Antone Cunha 1st, Earnest Connor
2nd. 3rd day: A. Gilllland 1st, Max
Lawson 2nd.
Steer Roping- Three-day event.
Red Parkor 1st in 30 seconds. 2nd
Ed Thompson in 43 2-5 seconds, 3rd
Ed Sheridan in 1:12. 2nd day: Tony
Vey 1st in 39 1-6 seconds, Ralph
Reade 2nd In 1:18, P. Kilkenny 3rd
In 1:25. 3rd day, finals, Ed Thomp
son 1st In 1:16 2-5, Tony Vey 2nd in
1:64 1-5, Red Parker 3rd In 1:67.
Mule Riding Daily event. Money
divided between Lloyd Matteson and
Jack Terry first day. 2nd day, Emery
Moore 1st, Claud Brown 2nd; 3rd
day, Dolph Brown lit, Stoney Gib
ton 2nd.
Steer and Bull Riding two-day
event. 2nd day purse split between
Roy Stamp and Emery Moore Srtl
day, Brick Hall winner.
Bareback Riding Dally event 1st
day, Clarence Brown winner, 2nd day
Smoky Snider winner; 8rd day, Oscar
(Galax) Hanks winner.
Bucking Conteit Daily event. Fi
nals, Jack Terry 1st, Red Parker 2nd,
Ed Thompson 3rd. Prises In this
event were (00, (40 and 'i0. Jack
Terry also gave an exhibition ride
following the announcement of the
Judces, riding llohby Burnt for a
purse that was contributed by the
fans Previous to tho announcement
of the Judget, Rod Parkor announced
that he would give an exhibition ride
The following resolutions have been
adopted by the Portrland Chamber of
Commerce with regard to the recom
mendations of their Tax Fact Finding
Whereas, the. Tax Fact Finding
Committee of the Portland Chamber
of Commerce strongly recommends
the repeal of the present state income
tax law, and
Whereas, the Board of Directors
examined many statements of in
vestors both from within and without
the state to the effect that by reason
of the passage of the Oregon Income
Tax Law, many investments have been
and are being reduced, withheld, with
drawn or suspended pending repeal
of the law, and finds the evidence
substantiates the contention that due
to this law many millions of dollars
have been diverted from investment
in Oregon industries that would pro
vide a home market for Oregon ag
ricultural products and contribute to
the development of our state; and
Whereas, it is the opinion of the
Board of Directors that the only sub
stantial relief that may be looked for
from our present tax burden is thru
the increase of industry, population
and taxable wealth within the state,
which increase is being and will be
greatly retarded by the present law
as shown by the, evidence referred
to; and
Whereat, no directly competing
state has ever adopted an income tax
law and, as revealed by the Tax Fact
Finding Committee's report, only thir
teen states have personal Income tax
laws, the only northwestern states in
this number being Oregon and North
Dakota; therefore be it
Resolved by the Board of Directors
of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, that the Board indorses the
Committee's recommendation that the
Oregon State Income Tax Itw be re
pealed, and urges the memben of the
Chamber and other voters of the state
to vote at the November election for
the repeal of this law.
From State Board of Health.
That the State of Oregon has an
abnormally high percent of individ
uals affected with goiter hat been a
matter of common knowledge for
years, but only recently has any par
ticular attention been given to it.
Iodine is necessary for the proper
function of the thyroid gland. When
the storage of iodine in the thyroid
gland gets below 0.1 the gland be
gfns to enlarge and a goiter is formed.
It has been shown beyond doubt that
endemic goiter is due to a deficiency
of f'rdine in the water and food in
gotterous districts It is also known
that beginning goiters have frequent
ly been made to disappear by the use
of Iodine. Goiter Is prevalent in cat
tle, horses, sheep, hogs, and poultry of
goiterous regions A very small
amount of iodine taken with the food
prevents the development of goiter
in these animals
Kndemic goiter T definitely and
easily preventable. Existing enlarge
ment may be frequently caused to dis
appear through administration of
some form of iodine As to the form
of iodine to be used, it should be
tow in cost and in a form that wilt
insure its regular use. The choco
late iodine tablet taken once a week
has been found convenient and palat
able. This Is the continuous method
and is preferable to the saturation
method of giving iodine once or twice
Next to water, common salt Is the
most universally used article of food.
Most salt brines from which salt Is
crystalHxed contain a small amount
of iodine, but in the process of re
flnement and crystallisation the io
dine is lost. Salt manufacturers are
now placing on the market table salt
containing iodine A small quantity
of iodine in the food will make chil
dren immune from simple goiter.
Common salt is something that is
used by everyone regularly. Salt is
therefore an ideal medium for sup
plying iodine to children.
The average person eats about
seven pounds of salt a year and in
order to furnish sufficient iodine ,02
of sodium Iodide has been added to
common table salt.
Thre is no danger of causing ill
effects by the use of Iodized salt.
Common table salt containing this
quantity of sodium iodide is there
fore recommended for the preven
tion of simple goiter. Simple goiter
ia a gland enlargement which can be
prevented If treated in time.
on Poul H. but refused to make good
when he was apprised that he did not
win first in the finals. He appar
ently lost out with the fans when he
failed to make good.
Relay Race Three-day event. Fi
nals: P. Gilllland 1st, time 11:12;
Jack Earhart 2nd in 11:62; Lonnie
Copcnhaver 3rd In ll:68tt.
Steer and Maverick Race Djiiily
event. 1st day, Joe Kenny winner;
2nd day Frank Gentry, winner; Sid
day, Neilly White winner.
Quick Change Race Daily event.
1st day, Ed Sheridan let, Kenneth
Depuy 2nd. 2nd day, Claud Brown
1st, Kenneth Depuy 2nd; 3rd day,
Kenneth Depuy 1st, Claud Brown 2nd.
Special race Last day. P. Gilll
land 1st, Frank Gentry 2nd
Cowboy Race Dally event. 1st
day, Barney Ward 1st, Lonnie Co
pcnhaver 2nd. 2nd day, Claud Brown
1st, Lawrence Reaney 2nd. 3rd dny,
Lawrence Reaney 1st, Frank Gentry
Cow Milking Contest Tony Vey
winner as roper, Lonnie Copenhaver
as milker,
Tony Vey gave exhibition steer
roping two days, riding horse without
bridle or halter. Ho roped nnd tied
his F.tcer the first day In 34 seconds,
and the second day roped and tied
tho steer In 2fl seconds. Vey has a
wonderful horse for this work and
mnn and beast are both clever In the
performance, calling forth much ap
applauxe from the fans.
Ed Thompson was awarded tho
prise as best all-round cowboy, re
ceiving the silver mounted bit nut
i up by the busniosi men of Heppner,
La Follette Second and Davie Third;
Cast Your Ballot Now In This
Big Voting Test; Ends Soon. -
The nationwide presidential poll
in which The Gazette-Times is co
operating with more than 7,000 daily
and weekly newspapers In every state,
has piled up a total of more than
213,000 votes, figures which furnish
the basis for some very Interesting
political speculation.
Votes from twenty-seven states
have been received and in numbers
sufficient to indicate the trend of po
litical sentiment. These states are
from all sections of the country and
beat out the prediction that the na
tion is now into one of the closest
political races in many years.
This nationwide teat vote is con
sistent with other straw votes and
shows Coolidge leading, La Follettte
second and Davis third. However,
this vote shows Davis running a bet
ter third than do some of the other
test votes, namely the Literary Di
gest vote and Hearst's Newspapers'
poll. This can be accounted for in
that this newspaper's poll embraces
the rural vote, while the other two
are mostly from the cities.
The latest returns in the Literary
Diif st poll shows Coolidge for in the
lead. His vote is 162,473 to La Fol
lette's 63,534 and Davis's 42,611. La
Follette is running neck and neck
with Coolidge in California, In the
Digest poll. This is consistent with
thin newspaper's poll.
The vote being taken by the Hearst
newspapers shows a strong La Fol
letto sentiment but the same posi
tions of the candidates: Coolidge first,
La Follette second, and Davis third.
Latest tabulation of this newspa
per's poll shows Coolidge with 87,824,
La Follette 65,398, and Davis 59,797.
The table below shows how the voting
is progressing in twenty-seven states
throughout the country:
Cool. LaFol. Davis
New York 11.744 6,898 6.837
Maryland 8,961 7,245 9,682
Illinois 8,867 7,135 4,842
Wisconsin 1,180 2,091 643
Washington 1,749 1,903 663
Massachusetts 2,914 2.023 1,986
California 6,552 8,769 2,485
Texas 1,696 9 49 8.546
Georgia 636 879 2,478
New Hampshire 3.601 134 618
Missouri 1,521 679 1,687
Kansas 2,087 383 1,215
Virginia 1,956 645 2,749
West Virginia .... 673 180 1.443
Pennsylvania .... 4,085 6,238 3,577
Montana 962 1,358 1,007
Wyoming 768 813 692
South Dakota .... 8,356 8,429 3,529
Nevada 221 632 481
Indiana 6.723 471 8,217
Michigan 2.957 876 1.032
Oklahoma 1,884 - 781 1,641
Connecticut .... 1 621 369 877
Nebraska 2,756 8,223 1,821
Minnesota 1,691 2,394 139
Ohio 2,731 8,473 1,899
Arkansas 143 29 812
87,824 65,398 69,797
The local vote this week gives Cool
idge 20, La Follette 11, Davis 0,
Senator Henry J. Taylor was fn
Heppner from his Pendleton home on
Friday nnd Saturday, taking this op
portunity of meeting a very large
number of his constituents in Mor
row county who were also in the city
attending the Rodeo. Mr. Taylor
was accompanied by Mrs. Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wattenburger of
Echo, and the company enjoyed a
fine visit with many old-time friends
Senator Taylor is very earnest in
his desire to support any and all leg
islation that tends to reduce the tax
ation in the state. During the last
session of the legislature, being a
member of the ways and means com
mitte, he had a pretty strenuous fight
in keeping down appropriations, and
he appears to be none too well pleas
ed with the way things stand at pres
ent in this regard; expressing a feel
ing that our "promising" governor has
failed to make good on the tax reduc
tion question. In other words, Mr.
Taylor believes that you cannot in
vent means of spending more money
and expect to reduce taxes. Beinir a
consistent democrat, Mr. Taylor is
supporting his party's nominee for
president and thinks Mr. Davis a
very fine man for the place, but would
not venture the statement that he
expected him to succeed in the elec
Heppner won over the Hardman ag
gregation in the football game play
od at Hardman last Friday with a
score of 38 to 0. The members of
the Hardman team showed their spirit
and took their defeat in good grace.
They played exceptionally well but
showed a lack of coaching The
Heppner team, however, showed sev
eral rough edges and a need of sub
stitute material.
In the football schedule for this
year Heppner plays with:
Grass Valley at Hoppner, Oct 11.
Wasco at Heppner, Oct 18
lone at lone, Oct. 25
Fossil at Fossil, Nov. 1
Lexington at Heppner, Nov, 11
Arlington at Arlington, Nov. 22.
Hoard man at Heppner, Nov. 27.
I hereby nnnounco myself as an In
1 pendent candidate for the office of
SnorilT of Morrow County, and oak
for the support of the voters at the
comlnir General Election in Novem
ber. If elected 1 promise faithful
performance of all duties pertaining
to the office. WM. BALL.
tFBid Advertisement.)
' .
Justice Cornett Has
Busy Day On Monday
The court of Justice Cornett was
quite busy on Monday, following the
wind-up of the Rodeo A number of
arrests were made for liquor selling,
possession of liquor and intoxication.
State prohibition officers were pres
ent during the days of the show, and
they were pretty active. Just how
many Invaded the confines of Hepp
ner was not known, but their pres
ence here was noted, and violators of
the Volstead Act were pretty cautious.
The following cases were disposed
of in the Justice court on Monday,
each party pleading guilty to the
charge filed against him and not
standing trial:
George Elder, selling liquor; fined
$250 and costs.
Ed Kissler, of Yakima, selling
liquor, $250 fine and costs.
E. M, Graven, possession of liquor,
fine of $25 and costs.
Fred McMurray, possession
liquor, a fine of $150 and costs.
Isaac Dexter, for being drunk
public places, $26 and costs.
Ralph Corrigall, possession
liquor, fine of $25 and costs.
Wilbur Gourley, possession
liquor, fine of $100 and costs.
For reckless' driving Cleo Drake
was given a fine of $10 and costs.
Some other cttses are Btilt pending
in the justice court, the result of the
activities of the prohibition officers
here during the week. It is likely
these cases will go to trial before a
Angus Hale Dies
After Short Illness
Angus Hale, for long years a resi
dent of the Heppner country, and a
well known character here, died on
Monday, September 29 at the Hepp
ner Surgical hospital. Mr. Hale was
taken suddenly ill the day previous
and was taken to the hospital where
he received medical attention. When
discovered he was sitting in a chair
and apparently dead, but it was found
that life was not extinct and he lin
gered until Monday morning.
Angus Hale was born in Benton
county, Oregon, August 31st, 1854,
and at the time of his death was aged
70 years and 29 days. He leaves his
mother, Mrs. Nancy Crank of Spo
kane, two brothers, Harrison Hale of
Ukiah and Frank Hale of Ritter, also
two half brothers, Elias Hale of
Brownsville and John Hale of Salem.
His funeral was held on Wednesdny
afternoon, burial being in Masonic
Phillip Mahoney and Peter Kil
kenny departed on Sunday for Seattle
where they will become students at
the University of Washington for the
coming year. Miss Kathleen Mahoney
has also registered as a student at
the same institution.
.WTfirfr.. .
I 111 1,1 N If f 111 llW . ,1 . I Ulna.
I I 7.11' II I i IT f I II II L 111 . .1 MU M.'l . It' I li i !i 'J 1 1 if -T --i--
III liPlMt
Your Choice for President?
JOHN W. DAVIS Democrat
(Put an X mark before the one you intend to vote.)
Aftr filling out this trial ballot, please mall or bring to
the office of The (iaiette-Timea, Heppner, Ore.
.. ....
Bethel Missionary society held its
September meeting last Tuesday af
ternoon in the chapel. The rooms
were exquisitely decorated with a
profusion of cut flowers and blossom
ing vines. Chinese draperies and art
lights added to the charm of the at
mosphere. A most' interesting and
instructive program on China was
given by Mesdames McAtee, Soren
ron, Phelps, and Mahoney. Mrs. Ed
ward Chinn read the Twenty-Third
Tsalm in Chinese, after which Master
Daniel Chinn admirably rendered a
?oh in the same language. Refresh
ments consisting of Chinese noodles
ir, large Chinese bowls, and tea in
dainty Chinese cups were served by
Mrs. Chinn. Silver chopsticks wer
passed -and were also passed on as
most of the ladies were too timid to
attempt their use. Mrs. Chinn, as
hostess, was assisted by Mesdames
John Patterson, Phelps, Frye and
Pruyn. The society had, as its guests,
Mrs. Bennett of Pennsylvania and
Mrs. Wilson of Iowa. All declared
themselves as having spent another
one of their beneficial and pleasing
afternoons together in the Chapel
Frits Rader appeared in the court
of Justice Cornett this week and paid
a fine that was assessed to him a
number of months ago for violation
of the prohibition laws.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Lowry arrived
Tuesday from Santa Anna, Calif., for
an indefinite visit at the home of her
son, R. W, Lowry in this city.
Sam Hughes departed for Portland
on Tuesday to be absent in the city
for a few days on business.
Lexington Will Play
At Boardman Saturday
The Lexington high school will
have their first game of football on
Saturday, engaging the Boardman
team at Boardman. The outcome, of
course, is just a little uncertain, as
the boys have not had time to get
into trim Heretofore the Lexington
high school has been mighty hard to
beat, but there will be many new men
in the lineup and it remains to be
seen just how they are going to per
form. Saturday's game will help to
get a line on their work.
Prof. Fred Kelly, principal of the
Lexington school informs this paper
that the new school year is starting
off fine. Tho enrollment in the high
school is 42 and the grades 61 at pres
ent He expects that this number will
be increased as the work on the farms
for the fall is coming to a close. The
assistants- of Mr. Kelly in the hi'h
school are Mrs. Vera Kelly and Es
ther E Lemery. Myrtle McNeill has
the 7th and 8th grades; Audra Gro
gan, 5th and 6th; Gladys Benge, 3rd
nnd 4th; nnd Pearl Vnil 1st and 2nd.
Sfi LA
Prospects for Completion
O.-W, Highway Not Good
It was not with any great degree
of optimism that Judge Campbell and
Commissioner Davidson made a visit
to Portland durir.g the past week to
hold a confab with the state highway
commission: ii fact their enthuaius-n
was so small, and their knowledge
gained from previous visits was so
great, that they did not appear at the
sittings of the commission at the
court house In Multnomah county at
all, but used a little strategy and got
a hearing with Commissionr JQuby on
the side, presenting their proposition
to him. it did not take long to find
where he stood. Mr. Duby is a kind
ly gentleman, and well disposed to do
all that he can for every county in
the state finding itself somewhat in
our position, but what is to be done
when the county has no money to put
on the table, and has to come up with
the propostiion of seeking aid for the
completion of a state highway within
its borders and has to admit that
they can offer no cooperation. So
there seems just at present no solu
tion to the problem of completing
the Oregon-Washington highway in
this state. The seeking of federal aid
Is fruitless, and in order to get money
to cooperate to an extent that the
state highway commission might aid
us, would necessitate a bond issue
and this, too, is impossible and can
not be thought of.
Commissioner Duby has consented
to make a visit to Heppner in the
near future, when the entire situa
tion wilt be gone over with the busi
ness men here and the attitude of
the commission in this regard be
made fully known.
C. A. Minor Takes Lease
On Webb Bros. Ranch
C. A. Minor is getting back Into the
sheep game again. He has taken &
lease on the place of Webb Bros, on
Thorn creek and will run sheep re
cently purchased on this ranch.
Paul Webb, who has been living
on the place and looking after things
during the past year, is moving with
his family to Walla Walla where
they will reside.
Sheriff McDutTee and a couple of
state prohibition officers landed three
stills on the farm of Richard Jones
on Rock creek Tuesday, and arrested
Robert Warren and his son as the
persons responsible for the operating
of the moonshine outfit. Together
with the stills, which were just being
made ready for a run, was taken three
barrels cf mash. The outfits were
brought to town and are now on dis
play at the sheriff's office. Warren
and his boy will have their hearing
later. From what we were able to
learn the outfits had been in opera
tion for a long while, and the officers
had some difficulty in locating Jthe
plant. It was finally found under a
pig stye.
Mrs, Bonnie Cochran, chairman of
Heppner chapter of the American Red
Cross, announces that there will be
a special meeting of the chapter on
Friday evening, Oct 10th, at the of
fice of Judge Wm. T. Campbell in
the court house.
It is desired that there be a goodly
attendance of the executive committee
and all other members of the local
Red Cross chapter who can possibly
We desire to express our heartfelt
thanks and appreciation for the sym
pathy and assistance extended us by
the friends and neighbors during the
illness and death of our beloved hus
band and father, W. G. Scott, and for
the many beautiful floral offerings.
Supt, Lena Snell Shurte is out visit
ing the schools in and around Bur
ton valley in the southern part of the
FOR SALE Murat grapes, 10 e per
lb., prepaid. A. E. Anderson, R. 1,
The Dalles, Ore.
By Arthur Brisbane
Ten Men and a Thousand.
One Oak, $4,000.
W. L. Douglas, Builder.
Dempsey and Defense Day
Very good news for the United
States is this:
The President la considering the
relative ralue of battleships and air
planes. Those that sell battleships at forty
million dollars apiece will tell the
President that the country can't sur
vive without plenty of battleships.
Manufacturers of hansom cabs
would also have said a little while
ago that the taxicab couldn't be a
real success.
Before the President builds an
other battleship let him aBk the build
er this question:
"Are you willing to build that ship
for forty million dollars and guaran
tee that it will be afloat ten hours
after being attacked by one hundred
thousand dollars' worth of fighting
If the President discovers, as he
will, that a hundred thousand dol
lars' worth of airships, manned by
ten men, can destroy any forty-million
dollar battleship with more than
a thousand men on board, he -will
decide not to build battleships
Governor Pinchot has signed the
death warrant of a young colored
woman who killed a colored police
man and pleaded self-defense. She
will be the first woman executed in
the State of Pennsylvania in thirty
five years. Governor Pinchot signed
the death warrant when he was in the
hospital When he comes out, entire
ly recovered, it may occur to him
that putting a negress to death in
stead of locking her up is small busi
ness for a great State.
The question is not "Does she de
serve death?" It is "Does Pennsyl
vania deserve disgrace?"
There are now regular quotations
for counterfeit notes. The average
price is $25 for $100 worth -of bogus
bills. The market is stabilized by
the demand for such money, used
by bootleggers in buying liquor from
the rum fleet, sent by our British
The managers of the boats are
good bootleggers, but not familiar
with American money, and many, it
seems, nave been taking bad iunev
for worse whiskey which seems fair
A Presbyterian church in New Jer
sey spent $4,000 in one year, taking
care of a huge oak 400 years old.
The oak may be worth it. But that
sum would have planted several thou
sand trees along New Jersey roads.
Or, if you don't resent dragging in
religion, it would have done a good
deal to help some of those "little
ones that are supposed to be more
important than many oaks.
Above the base at Quantico, Va.,
flying machines are practicing, and on
the ground our honest U S. Marines
in deep amazement, "observed that
a flock of buzzards, after watching
the aviators, imitated all their flying
tricks in the air."
You remember the gentleman with
his house on fire who gathered in his
arms the furniture he could carry,
finally picking up the baby with his
teeth fastened in the little dress.
As he lifted the baby he saw a cat
walknig acress the floor holding a
kitten in her mouth, and said, "Look
at the wonderful imitation of that
W. I. ni)llflfl Hiort in Rnstrtn loot
week. His name will be remembered
among the builders of great industry,
among those that helped to free hu
manity from slavery, by making ma
chines do the work of human hands.
He began life driving pegs in shoes
for his uncle. He lived to make ma
chines to do the work of thousands
of human be in if a and distrihutpd
American-made shoes throughout the
Those that consider Preparedness
and Defense Day a menace to peace
please notice this:
Jack Dempsey is prepared. If you
doubt it, pull his nose. As he goes
through thick crowds everybody
knows him, everybody is POLITE.
Nobody slaps him or insults him.
and he does not hit or insult any
body. HE'S PREPARED and people
let him alone. He lets them alone
unless they get in the ring with him.
As it is with individuals, so with
nations. When they are prepared
they have peace.
State President Will
Make Heppner Visit
Mrs. Geo. J. Perkins of Portland,
president of the Oregon State Parent
Teacher association, will be in Hepp
ner on the evening of Saturday, Octo
ber 11.
The local P. T. A. are arranging a
suitable program for this occasion,
which will be given at the auditorium
in the high school building
Just two more days remain In
which to register. The books clone
Saturday evening. If you have not
attended to this important duty, do
ao promptly, that you may be lined
up for the November election. You
will wish to vote then, and regis
tering now will save a lot of trouble.
Prominent Lexington Cit
izen Answers Last Call
Friday Morning.
Bora Jane 17, 1862; Came- to Oregon
In 1385 and Built Up Reputa
tion for Square Dealing.
Following an illness of about three
weeks, during which time he was a
sufferer from an attack of pneumonia,
W. G. Scott passed away at his home
in Lexington on Friday morning at
8 o'clock.
While on a trip to Spokane about
three weeks ago, Mr. Scott was taken
ill and on arriving home he was com
pelled to seek his bed, a severe case
of pleural pneumonia having devel
oped. Just prior to making the Spo
kane trip, Mr. Scott complained of
feeling bad and thought he was com
ing down with a spell of sickness. He
made the trip in his ear, however, as
he was anxious to do some business
with the Federal land bank on behalf
of those in his community who were
in need of assistance, and as was his
custom when business called, he pro
ceeded with the business in hand re
gardless of his physical condition.
Arriving home it was soon discovered
that Mr. Scott was a very sick man,
and though a strong fight was put up
the ravages of the disease could not
be overcome, and the final call came
to him on Friday morning. Realis
ing that he would not likely get well,
Mr. Scott arranged his business af
fairs' and made all suggestions as to
his funeral, asking that his attorney,
C. E. Woodson, make a short address
and that all things pertaining to his
funeral be simple
The funeral was held at the home
in Lexington on Monday at 10:30 and
was very largely attended by friends
from over the county. Rev. Ten
Broeck, rector of the Episcopal church
at The Dalles, read the scripture and
offered prayer, and a quartette sang.
Mr. Woodson, following the request
that had been made, delivered the
discourse, which was a short recital
of the life of Mr. Seott as it had been
lived during the many years he re
sided among the people of Morrow
county, ind in appropriate language
the record that had been thus lived
was set forth to the people gathered
on the lawn nnd under the shade
trees at the beautiful Scott home,
who could alundantly testify to the
correctness of the statements made.
A simple service was held at the
grave, where a song was sung and
the committment service was pro
nounced by Rev. Ten Broeck.
William G. Scott was bom in Can
ada, near Ottowa, June 17, 1862, and
died at Lexington, Oregon, Septem
ber 29, 1924, being 62 years, 3 months
and 12 days of age. At the age of
8 years he came to Iowa with his
parents, in which state he grew to
manhood, and there received a good
public school education. Coming
west in 1882, he spent one year in
Montana, and then came on to Ore
gon and settled in Umatilla county.
His early business experience here
was gained in the saw mill business
with the late S. P. Garrigues, then
taking over the mill and running it
for two years, when it was totally
destroyed by fire. He immediately
rebuilt but the reverses put him
badly fn debt and left him nothing
with which to pay the men he owed
or the people who had backed him
for the t:'w machinery. Benig a man
that vjuld not yield to discourage
ments. Mr. Scott cut cordwood, haul
ed it to Heppner and sold it for what
he couid get, finally accumulating
u!;cient money to pay his creditors
every cent that was due them, to-
pother with the interest This was
J characteristic of the man.
t Mr. Scott later engaged in farming
and atockraising in the Blackhorse
section and accumulated land ho'd
ings to the extent of 1300 acres, the
most of the land being purchased on
a contract with the late Oscar Minor.
Finally disposing of the farm, Mr.
Scott moved to Lexington and es
tablished the water and light plant
there, also engaging in the banking
and warehouse businesses, being
president of the Lexington Statt
Bank and manager of the Scott-McMillan
warehouse at the time of his
death. In these ventures he suc
ceeded well.
He was married to Miss Laura V.
Palmer on Sepetraber 15, 1885, who
survives him. No children were born
to them, but they adopted a daughter
and a son. Besides these, Mr. Scott
is survived by several brothers and
sisters residing in Iowa and Canada.
Corporations Must File
Tax Returns Annually
Portland. Ore., Sept. 23. Every cor
poration, whether or not engaged ac
tively in business, is required to file
a capital stock tax return annually
with the collector of internal revenue.
"Ordinarily," said Clyde G. Hunt
ley, collector of internal revenue, in
a statement issued today, "these re
turns must be filed not later than
July 31, each year, but this year, on
account of the enactment of the new
revenue law, the Bureau will accvpt
without penalty all returns received
not Inter than September 30.
"Every corporation fn Oregon has
had blanks and instructions for mors
than two months, and those who havs
not yet attended to this Important
matter are urged to prepare and file
thoir returns by Sepcniber 30, after
which date heavy penalties may be
Rev. and Mrs. Ten Broeck of The
Dalles were in ilfppnur uvr Sunday
night, Mr Ti'n Hrovck holding ser
vices Ht thi Kpiaeupul church In the
evfiimg. While in the city thy wre
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Malcolm I'. Clark.