.et. The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 41, Number 21 HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 21, 1924. Subscription $2.00 Per Year 1824 CAMPAIGN WAS FULL OF BITTERNESS Bickering By All Factions Played Prominent Part In Stirring Fight. PROPAGANDA USED Sectionalism Pronounced, With East Against Wwt In Campaign Which W&a Decided In Congress. Written for The Gazette-Time By Edward Percy Howard. The admission of Missouri as a slave state was one of the dominant issues of the campaign of 1824, which, failing before the people, was decid ed by the House of Representatives. The bitterness and sectionalism of the -contest never has been equalled, the attacks on Crawford being meas urably approached only by the inten sity of malignity with which Presi dent Wilson was assailed in some quarters. The North was openly against the South, the East desper ately against the West. Arguments, powerful, logical, Il logical, true and untrue, intrigue, scurrilous attack and vituperative bickering marked the contest up to the very moment of the count. As today, the Western farmer interest was arrayed against the Eastern in dustrial forces. Adams made a deliberate appeal to New England and the North charging that the South waa dominating the entire nation in that every President for twenty-four years had come from the South. This phase of the cam paign inflamed both Northerners and Southerners to a point that was reach ed only in the Civil War. Owing to the difficulties of travel the speechmaking was of a stationary character. The candidates had no opportunity to appear before the country. Likewise, the press had not reached any widsprcad circulation, and white it played an important part in the contest locally, chief depend ence was placed on the pamphlet. The pamphleteers were busy day in and day out. Before the fight was ended these organs of publicity developed into a mass of literature of a dis graceful and. judged by present-day standards, highly dishonorable char acter. Few of the pamphlets produced were of a po stive character. Mostly they were negative, devoted to attack and villincation rather than to giving reasons why their favorite sons, they in whose interest they were written, should ba elected, Jackson was open ly attacked as a murderer, a military despot without regard for the Consti tution or for law. The Jacksonites swung their acid at Crawford, charg ing him with being a Federalist. Crawford was clearly the favorite, but this charge hurt. North Carolina and New Jersey practically deserted him. Still he retained the advantage. Accord ring to custom the party was to caucus in Congress and make the nomination, Crawford was confident. Adams, Jackson and Clay were nerv ous. They combined to attack the in famy of the caucus system, denounc ing it as anti-republican, the agency for robbery of the people's rights. Martin Van Buren of New York, gen ius In politics and with a powerful organization back of him, tried his best to check the reform wave, but the combined scheming of the oppo sition could not be overcome. The caucus was called. The galleries were packed to suffocation, but the members were only scantily re pre sented. An effort was made so ad journ, but Van Buren, battling for Crawford, opposed it because no mu tually convenient date could be set. The people, he said, expected a nom ination. Then came the ballot: Craw ford 64, Adams 2, Macon 1, Jackson 1. Crawford waa declared the nomi nee, but 68 votes out of 261 did not satisfy the people it meant nothing, and so the scramble for office want to the people. Soon after that Crawford was stricken with paralysis, a doctor having administered lobelia to him. Every possible pressure waa brought to bear to have him withdraw, but he steadfastly declined. His "pitiful condition" was alluded to by his sup porters and denounced as hypocritical propaganda by hia enemies. It was quite obvious that with four candi dates there would be no election. Clay believed he could carry Louis iana, but he came out fourth. Jack son led with a majority over Adams greater than the entire vote of Clay or Crawford. The bitterness of the fight grev in intensity. Public fights were a common occurrence. Even duels were foupht, Then came a dramatic episode. Henry Clay appeared at the Crawford home end entered. Crawford's hopes were blasted. FIRST CHURCH OK CHRIST. Lord's Day, August 24. No man can be true to himself and fellows, who is not true to his God; one of the evidences of fidelity to God Is his faithfulness in worship. Come and worship with us on the Lord's Day. Bible School at 9:45, communion and preaching service at 11, Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. and union preaching service in this church at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting service every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. You will find a cordial welcome at all of these services. LIVINGSTONE. Sheriff McDuffee and District At torney Notson went to Bonrdman Fri day morning on a enso Involving lar ceny in a dwelling. Alex Allcnback and Theodore Rettz were held to an swor to the grand jury, and Elmer Re its- was remanded to the juvenile court These young men are charged with having entered a residence at Messner and taken therefrom articles of value. Sheriff McDuffee, on the trip picked up two speeders and they were interviewed by Justice Goodwin at Boardman, VARIOUS METHODS OF SMUT CONTROL SHOW DIFFERENCE Comparison Made of Nursery Tests Here and at O. A. C. Experiment Station. The following letter commenting on the smut treatment tests in the Morrow county nurseries, and com paring the results with the tests at Corvallis, has been received by Coun ty Agent Morse from Prof. H. P. Barss, plant pathologist at Corvallis: I have just finished tabulating the results and am able to give some in formation that may prove of value to you, although, in general, it con firms the results secured by yourself in the nursery trials. By the way, your trials are quite consistent, with the exception of a rather heavy percent of smut secured with the blue stone and blue stone lime treatments at Redding. Our re sults correspond better with your experience at lone with formaldehyde and bluestone. With us formaldehyde has given the best control where the smutting of the grain was excessively heavy. In one test we used one part of smut to 77 parts of wheat by weight. The result was that we did not get per fect control with any material tried, but formaldehyde gave the nearest to it, while the standard brands of cop per carbonate, containing 50 or better of copper and the usual degree of fineness, gave the next best con trol. Copper sulfate and copper sul fate followed by the lime bath gave results about equal to copper car bonate. Then came the less than standard copper carbonate types those that have around 20 of cop per, like Corona copper carbonate. These gave much less satisfactory control than the standard copper car bonates, with this heavy degree of smutting. They were closely approach ed in effectiveness by Seed-o-san duttt, Semesan dust, and Corona 620 dust. These are all organic mercury com pounds. Corona 40 gave very poor results. This is a mercury compound of a different sort, and we also tested another mercury compound sent by the University of Maryland chemist which gave no control whatever. Nickel carbonate gave very poor con trol although some evidence of action on smut was found. As soon as we increased the Bmut dilution on the seed we got better results. At the smut rate of 1 to 500 we had practically perfect con trol with 2 ounces of standard brand copper carbonate. This particular brand was Mountain Copper Co., but other tests have shown similar results obtainable from the material wc se cured from Braun-Knecht-Heiman or Wheeler, Reynolds & Stauffer, As soon as we went to the smut rate of 1 to 1000, we got practically equal results from the high grade copper carbonate, low grade copper carbon ate, and best grade mercury com pound. We could not see much difference between two and three and four ounces per bushel of the dust except in the most heavily smutted lots of wheat. In other words our tests in dicate that except where the grain is excessively smutty two ounces of copper carbonate will give very excel lent control if thoroughly applied as was ours. I note that in the tests at lone the Stauffer copper carbonate gave the least aatisfactory results. This is not confirmed by your Redding test, where the Stauffer copper carbonate is practically equal to the MoCoCo. Our experience shows that the Stauf fer material is not inferior, as far bf we can judge, to the other standard brands. Stalter Uncovers Fine Ledge of Ore at Mine Jack McCullough, Emit Groshen and Paul Hisler returned on Friday from trip to the Greenhorns. While up that way, they catted on Dan Stalter t the mine of the Heppner Mining company, and found him to be just as busy as usual, and much elated over the uncovering of a fine 4-foot vein of ore that he Is opening up. Mr. McCullough, who is one of the stockholders in the mining company, says the ore now being uncovered is of high quality, the assay Tunning $156 to the ton in gold, besides carry ing a large percentage of copper. The extent of the new ledge has not yet been determined but it shows every evidence of being targe, and as a con sequence Mr. Stalter is much elated and believes that -the Heppner Mm ing company will yet have a mine from which they will make fine re turns, and be well repaid for their years of labor and expense. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neigh bors who so kindly assisted us in our bereavement, in the death and burial of our husband and father, Hiram E. Clark, and for the many bcnutiful floral offerings. Mrs, Hiram E. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Clark Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Frieburg. In the court of Justice Cornctt on Monday Jas, O'Neill of Cecil was Ar raigned on a charge of assault. The offence was committed upon the per son of John Mclntire some time ago when, it is alleged, the altercation took place over the settlement of wages claimed to be due O'Neill from Mclntire, O'Neill having just re turned to Cecil he was requested to appear in court to answer the chnrge standing against him. This he did, and pleading guilty, was snscssed fine of $10.00 and costs amounting to $7.50, The claim for wages was ar bitrated and settled. Fancy non-irrigated Elbcrta can ning peaches, $1,15 f, o. b. The Dal les. Subject to market changes, Phono or write J. J. Fleck, Box 203, The Dalles, Ore, IMSTIK i FMMPITSG'Tpp5 Large Wheat Loss Thru Dockage; $290,000 To tal Last Season. A press dispatch to the daily news papers this month, from Yakima, Wash., stated that M. McCallum, of Glasgow, Scotland, representing the Scottish Co-Operative Wholesale So ciety, had been making a study of the marketing system of apples fn the Yakima valley, and that he de clared that if his society could buy apples direct from the growers of the district a much larger distibu tion in Scotland would result, and a much larger demand for Pacific coast apples would develop. Mr. McCallum stated that the society had a mem berchip of 700,000 members, spending 21,000,000 pounds sterling annually within the organization. This is a matter that should be worth considering, not only with ap ple growers, but with producers of other export products. Organisation should take over the functions of the middle men. Co-operation could di liver apples and other products to Europe direct from producers, lower ing the price and increasing consump tion. The worst enemy of the farm er and of cooperative marketing is the farmer who will not co-operate. He is the joy-rider and the hold-back of the movement and becomes an ac tive factor and aid to the speculator in his fight against the producer. LaBt year the farmers of four spring wheat states hauled 11,600,000 bushels of dockage to market with their wheat, states the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture; $675,000 was paid for threshing this dockage; $S 00 ,000 in freight was paid on ft, by weed seeds lowering the grade and by losing the feed value of this dockage. The State Grain Inspection Depart ment of Portland, gives out these startling figures: For the crop year of 1923-24, for the district of Port land, there were 1,432,064 bad order grain sacks, assessed at three cents each, touting $12,961.92. There were 77,916 re-sacks, at eight cents each, totaling $G5,195.20 loss, largely due to negligence by the growers in not having good sacks at shipping point. For the same crop year there was shipped to the Portland ports foul dockage equal to 147,343 bushels of wheat, value at 75c per bushel, to taling $110,497.25. During the same period there was smut dockage equal to 237,107 bushels of wheat, valued t $117,830.25, making a total loss of the two, equal to wheat of $288,327, 50. With the sack loss added to these figures, there is a total loss of $290, 522,70 for the full crop year. For the four crop years, 1921 to 1924 inclusive, the loss on poor sacks. dockage, and smut totaled $940,212. 32, and to this great sum must also be added freight, insurance, interest, storage, cleaning and handling .narges. The way to stop these great losses is to clean the wheat on the farm, preferably at the thresher, with a portable disc cleaner, or with any good cleaner, at the granary. This removes the dockage for feed on the farm; increases the market value of the grain; provides clean wheat for sowing and saves freight charges. The British Co-Operative Union is one of the world's big co-operative successes. This organization has a membership of 4,580,623 people, heads of families, who are actual members of the union, and in 1923 the organi zation did the tremendous business of $711,330,000. The United States has nearly 700,000 farmer members of 43 farmer-controlled association?, marketing tobacco, cotton, grain and rice. One grain marketing associa tion reports 63,000 members. Aged Sheephcrder Dies Near Deerhorn Flats Walter Mntteson, who Is located in the mountains near Parkers Mill, sends in the following report con cerning the finding of the body of Carl Sundstrom, an aged sheepherder in the employ of Johnny Curran, whose body was found after a four dnv search in the woods: The body was found at Deerhorn Flats near Ukiah Saturday afternoon. Sundstrom, who was about 65 years of age, had been sick but was feeling better and went out with the sheep in the morning, and in the evening the sheep coming in without the herd er, other employees of Mr. Curran began the search for him at once. The following day the horse he was riding also came into camp, and upon finding the body it was apparent that the man had died white attempting to ride up a hill, having fallen from the horse. The coroner at Pendleton was noti fied and came out and got the body and took it to that city. Sundstrom had a homestead at Doyville, Oregon, but claimed his home was in Mtnne anolis. He was a native of Finland and so far as is known had no rela tives in this country. New Rabbit Poison For mula Effective. (Morrow County Farm Bureau News) Rabbit poisoning has been carried forward very successfully in the north end of the county the past month. The use of green alfalfn and strychnine alkaloid, worked out by Mr. Gnrlough of the Biological Sur vey, has proved very satisfactory. Mr. Roy Fugnto of tho Biological Survey is hack in the county after two weeks spent in Umatilla county and will work here for the next two or three weeks. Some time during the next week he will visit the wheat section in the north end of the county to work out effective means of killing the rab bits in that section, A. W. Moore, also of the Biological Survey, is now working along Butter creek in Uma tilla and Morrow county, AUTOCASTtft- Pioneer Called By Death at lone Home Eugene Myers died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Young, in lone at 2:35 Friday afternoon, Aug- , ust 15, 1924, at the age of 69 years, 10 months and 10 days. Death fol lowed an illness of nineteen days. He suffered a stroke of appoplexy ; while eating his supper at the farm home of his son-in-law, Frank Younf. He was immediately brought to lone, where medical aid was summoned at once. His children were immediately lied, remaining constantly at his bedside until the last, doing every thing possible for his comfort that loving hands coutd do. Eugene Myers was born October 7, 1854, near Geneva, Wisconsin, being the eldest son of Joseph arid Mary Myers. In the spring of I860 his parents decided to cross the plains. They started with a party of fifty four relatives and neighbors, with ox teams, enduring many hardships and encounters with the Indians. Several of the party were killed by the In dians, including an uncle, John My ers. When they finally reached Ore gon they located in the Willamette valley near Salem. About the age of 19 Mr. Myers came to Eastern Oregon with J. F. Farrens. engaging in the sheep business, and later returning to the Willamette valley. In June, 1878, he was united in marriage to Miss Alice Farrens, and to this union four children were born, one dying in infancy.- They are Mrs. Ethel Mooreland of Monmouth, Mrs. Cecil Young of lone and Herbert W. Myers of La Grande. He leaves be sides his children to mourn his going five Bisters and two brothers: Mrs. W. W. Martin, Mrs. Oliver Beers, Mrs. Hattie Erb, Miss Carrie Myers, Lrnest and Will Myers of Salem, and Mrs. Jennie Stafford of Gates, Ore., and nine grandchildren, besides a host of friends. Funeral services were held at the Congregational church in lone on Saturday, August 16, at 3:00 p. m., conducted by Rev. Head, the pastor. The body was laid to rest in the lone cemetery. Contributed. Petitions for Rodent and Predatory Animal Control (Morrow County Farm Bureau News) A petition to get the following in itiative measure placed on the bal lot at the November election U being circulated throughout the county, This measure was voted upon favor ably two years ago and has provided the money used in cooperation with the Biological Survey in the control of predatory animals, and furnished poison in the control of rodents the past two years. If money is to be made available for these purposes, the next two years, it is necessary that a majority of the voters at the Novem ber election favor the measure. An Act Providing for a levy of five-tenths of a mill on the dollar of taxable prop erty of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, to be used in the de struction of predatory animals and rodents In the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, and providing for the expenditure of the money aris ing from said levy. Be it enacted by the people of the County of Morrow, State of Ore gon: Sec. 1. That there shall be levied upon each dollar of the tax able property of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, as shown by the tax roll for the year 1924, in addition to the regular county levy, a tax of five-tenths of one mill to be collected and paid In the same manner as other county taxes arc collected and paid in. Section 2. That the money aris ing from said levy shall be expend ed under the direction of the Coun ty Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, in cooperation with the Federal Government and farmers and stockmen of said coun ty, in destruction of predatory ani mals and rodents. "HA! HA!" LOCAL ENS ITEMS Howard Swick, nephew of Mrs. Lil lian Turner of this city, passed thru Heppner recently, accompanied by his bride. Mr. Swick was married at Portland on August 10th to Miss Ha- ze Lankins, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Swick, parents of the bridegroom were pres ent at the wedding and the party re turned to their home near Monument last week, stopping over just a short time at Heppner for a call on rela tives. For two years Mrs. Swick had charge of the Monument high school. The newlyweds will make their home oti..th Swick stock ranch near Mon ument. Art Alderman Was hailed into the court of Justice Cornett one day last week, charged with the possession of liquor. Pleading guilty to the charge, he was given a jail sentence of ninety days and a fine of $500. Not being able ao far to raise the fine, it is like ly that he will have to sweat this out in the county bastile, where he wili be compelled to spend the greater part of a year. Mrs. Chester Darbee returned on Tuesday from a sojourn of a few weeks at Rockaway. She brought with her little Miss Dorothe Ann Rogers, who is now being royally en tertained by Grandfather Darbee. Mrs. Rogers will arrive at the end of the week for a short visit here before returning with her daughter to their home at Redmond. , Lotus Robison of Hardman return ed from Portland on Tuesday. He shipped a car of fat steers to the Portland market on Sunday, and on Monday found the cattle market at that point pretty well glutted. Hav ing top stuff, however, he made dis posal pf the shipment at a pretty fair price. Sam VanVactor, Jr., who has been spending the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Rietmann north of lone, was in town on Wednesday, enjoying a short visit with Boy Scout comrades. In a few days he will re turn to his home at The Dalles to take up the school work again. W. C. Lacy came up from Port land on Wednesday and will spend a few days hera looking after business affairs. Ho thinks the Portland coun try has certainly had a pretty dry year of it, but the drouth is now bro ken and plenty of rain has been the order of late. ' WANTErt-Singlc man not over 30 years old, to care for and train val uable dogs. Must be free to travel part time. Salary $150 a month and traveling expenses. Must be able to po.t $500 cash bond. Answer before Friday noon. Box W.R.M., care The Gazette-Times, Everett Vanderhoof was brought before Judge Cornett on a charge of petit larceny Monday. He purloined a pair of spurs from Richard Peter son and upon restoring the property was let off by the court with a light tine and the payment of costs. STRAYED From Barney Ward's pasture, one bay mare, branded cir cle D on right hip, with bay colt; brown horse, branded reverse F. Fin der notify The Gnicttc-Times or Peoples Hardware Co. Mrs. Willis McCarty and children arrived from The Dallea on Tuesday and are guests at the home of Mrs. McCarty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Campbell, Papeihanging, decorating, painting, by experienced man. Prices reason able. Inquire at Peoples Hardware Co. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Anderson re turned on Wednesday from Wallowa lake, having spent the week-end nt that beautiful mountain retreat. Dr. D. R. Haylor, eye specialist, will be in Heppner, Sept. 1 and 2. Do your eyes need attention? For Sale A light weight ivory baby cart. Inquire nt this office. V1' H i W blow mv J "Going Up" Slogan of Live Stock Exposition "Going up!" That's what the elevator man says. That's what the Pacific International Live Stock Exposition might have chosen for its slogan. Ever since it was founded, it has been going up. Going up in numbers and excellence of exhibits, going up in attendance, going up in import ance. This year its building went up m Bmoke. But that didn't stop it or daunt it. A new building U going up. This new building is to follow rn general the plan of the old one but it is going up bigger and better than ever. The arena is to be larger than the old one and in better proportions. The seating capacity will be increased to 7000, and the arrangement of boxes and seats will be improved. The horse department will be larger and better equipped. The boys' and girls' clubs are to have a department all their own. The poultry show will be larg er than the old one. Other minor but important improvements have been made in the plans. The type for the premium list is going up now, and by September 1 or thereabouts it will be in the mails. It will show some changes but more premium money than ever will be placed temptingly before the exhibit ors. The ashes were not cold before Gen eral Manager O. M. Plummer was talking with President E. A. Stuart over the long distance telephone, making arrangements for the new structure. A day had not passed be fore a man was figuring on the lum ber for the new building. Before the week was gone work was begun on salvaging and clearing the ground Today the financial arrangements are completed for the start and the new great building, "bigger and better than ever," is "going up." Construc tion has started. The contractors have agreed to turn it over, complete, by October 25. On November 1, at 9 o'clock A. M., the big new doors will swing open to the public. It is gratifying to the men and wo men, yes, and children, who have a proprietary interest in the Pacific In ternational Live Stock Exposition, to know of the enthusiastic and deter mined and practically unanimous sup port this great exposition is receiv ing from banks, merchants, hotels, business houses in general, the press and the pulpit. The fire has made us realize, perhaps as never before, how vital this exposition is, and how nec essary its continued life is to the en tire Pacific Slope. Last year the exposition had over 4000 entries of livestock. It offered over $90,000 in premium money. It had an attendance of 125,000 people. This year it expects to increase its entries, its premiums and its attend ance. A bigger and better plant will be ready for the opening day. More and better livestock of every kind will be there. Better accomodations for the guests have been arranged and more people will visit this four teenth annual event. WOOL POSITION STRONG. The position of wool in the world market is gaining in strength now, according to a telegram received from headquarters of the National Wool Growers' Association at Salt. Lake City by Mac Hoke, secretary of the Oregon Woolgrowers association. The telegram was us follows: "Fairchild report Monday indicates continuation of strong tone with prices working upward. Advance of sterling exchange increases price of foreign wools to American buyers. Next London sales expected to show 10 per cent ad vance." East Oregonian. Mrs. Mnrtha Wood and her grand daughter, Miss Belva Danielson, who hnve been guests at the McCarty and Turner homes in Heppner for the past two weeks, departed on Monday for thir homes at Berkeley and Sac ramento, Calif. Mr. and Mrs W. G McCarty took them as far as Portland in their car. Hiram Eldridge Clark Answers Final Call Waa Oldest Resident of Marrow Con- ty, Coming Here at the , Age of Tea. Following an illness from which he had been a sufferer for many months Hiram E. Clark, pioneer of the Hepp ner country, answered his final call at hia home just west of Heppner at an early hour Sunday morning, Aug ust IT, 1924. Death resulted from heart disease, and Mr. Clark had been s sufferer from the ailment more or less for the past year or two, though bedfast but litlte of the time. Mr. Clark waa the oldest resident of this part of the stats, eoming to what is now Morrow county when a lad ten years of age. He was also a native Oregonian, the place of his birth being Corvallis, the son of early pioneerrs. Hia father's family came to the eastern Oregon eountry in the year 1865 by ox teama, he driving one of the teams himself. They estab lished their home on Willow creek, taking op the place now known ss the Andrew Reaney ranch at the mouth of Clark's canyon, that locality taking its name from Mr. Clark's father. The home of Hiram E. Clark has been on Willow creek ever since, he having never removed from this locality. He has resided for the past thirty years on the farm where he died. Hiram Elbridge Clark was born at Corvallis, Oregon, February 28, 1854, and died at his home near this city on August 16, 1924, being aged 70 years, 5 months and 19 days. On December 13, 1884, he was united in marrirage to Melvina Ferguson, and to them four children were born, Laura Belle, now Mrs. V. L. Hamilton of The Dal les, Ernest Elbridge and Edward D. Clark of Heppner.and Iva J., now Mrs. T. C. Frieberg of Portland. In addi tion to these he leaves to mourn his loss, his wodow, and five brothers, Chas. N, Sanford E Edward W Loren D. and Elmer R. Mr Clark followed farming during all his life and accumulated a fair competency. He was known as an industrious, upright cititen in this community and was esteemed by a host of friends of long standing. He will always be remembered as a kind husband and father, a true friend and a worthy citizen. He belonged to that type of heroic pioneers who made possible this great northwest coun try; he endured the hardships but ever remained faithful on the job and passea to his reward after long years of faithful endeavor, leaving behind him & name that will be ever cherished, not only by his family, but all whose privilege it was to know him. Funeral services were held at 10:30 A. M., Tuesday, at the Christian church. Rev. W. O. Livnigstone, the pastor, officiating, and interment was in Masonic cemetery. WOOL CLEANED UP ON LOCAL MARKET All of the wool on the Heppner market, with the exception of some very small lots, has been cleaned up. The Ralph Thompson and Mike Kenny clips were taken over by Henry Cohn during the past week at an advanced price, up to 40 cents, and this cleans the slate at Heppner of the 1924 clip. Mr. Cohn has handled a total of 500,000 pounds of wool this season, buying for the firm of J. Koshland ft Co- of Boston. Former Heppner Resident Killed by Train At Biggs Elmer Ingle, freight conductor running out of The Dalles, was in stantly killed about 7 o'clock Sunday morning, when five cars passed over his body. While at work on a brok en coupling at Biggs the cars were switched onto the track where he was busy and he was knocked down. The cars passed over his neck and his head was severed from his body and the body crushed. Mr. Ingle, who was the eldest son of Mrs. Hessie Kinney of this city and formerly lived here, had been fol lowing railroading for many years. His home was at The Dalles and he leaves a wife and two children. The funeral services were hied at The Dalles on Monday. The following account of the acci dent and other facts concerning Mr. Ingle, are furnished this paper by his sisterr, Mrs. Mabel Brumbaugh of The Dalles: Elmer Ingle, son of Mrs. Hessie Kinney of Heppner, Ore., met with a fatal acident on Sunday morning, August 17th, at Biggs, on the O.-W. R. A N.t between The Dalles and Ar lington. Called at an early hour as conduct or of a freight, he left his wife and sons at home, never to return to them alive. It is claimed deceased was assist ing a trainman adjust an air hose connection between two cars when a freight train backed over the same track causing five cars to pass over his body, death being instantaneous. The remains were removed by spec ial tram to the funeral home of Bur gett & Calloway at The Dalles. The funeral on Monday afternoon was one of the largest ever known in The Dalles. Six conductors acted as pall bearers. He was a member of the Moose and Elks lodges, and the latter order officiated at the service at the cemetery. Born in Milton, Oregon, In 1S86. upon the death of his father he be came the mainstay of the family. They moved to Heppner in 101 where he lived until he began his railroad career at the age of 21. He became one of the best known conductors in the serrvice. Besides his mother he leaves in deepest mourning his wife and two sons, Donald, 14, and Shel don, 6, his sister, Mrs. Mabel Brum baugh of The Dalles and his brother Earl of Portland. The Christian Science service was read and inter ment was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery He sleeps beneath wreaths of gor geous beauty and banked flowers, si lent tributes to the memory of one whom everybody loved. By Arthur Brisbane Never "Something for Nothing." Nearer Perfect, Bigger Returns, A Surprise for Elijah. No Population Scare. Charles Fox offers to the United States Government an engine that "consumes do gas or other fuel and runs forever.' The inventor says, "You jast start her up and let her flicker," and he thinks it will bring millions. It won't bring a cent, A Power wiser than Charles Fox won't allow us to get "something for nothing." That would be bad for us. Therefor there is no perpetual motion, nothing worth having, for which we don't give effort and value in return. It pays to develop a perfect thing, from cows to radio. Mrs. H. McK. Twombly. of New Jersey, owns a Guernsey named Langwater Fairy, No. 97979. She looks like any other cow, but gives three times as much milk, four and a half times as much butterfat as the average cow. Her amazing record just announced is 13,605 pounds of butterfat in one year. In that kind of prosperity there is no speculation, no manipulating, just plain, simple production of wealth through intelligent Attention to breeding. Daily the radio offers something new. This time it is "broadcasting church music for rural weddings." The bride, trembling, will give the last poke at her hair. The sexton will "tun in," and up she will march in Farmingdale, N. J., to the tune of "Faithful and True," played in Chi cago, I1L Florida says, "Come." The rich will answer, "I am hurrying." Have you an income? Florida offers you attractions over and above the fin climate. Florida intends to put into her constitution a provision that will exempt incomes and inheritances from all taxation. This is intended as a "courtesy to prosperous people from the North." They will appreciate it. No death tax on inheritance, no State tax on income! Oh, joyt Oh, rap ture! Florida says, "Come to Flor ida. Here your income is alt yours to spend. We chop off nothing and your heirs get sll you leave them when you die. We wont tax dead men." A long time ago Ellsha "took hold of his own clothes and rent them in two pieces," when he saw Elijah go up in "a chariot of fire and horses of fire." What are Elisha and Elijah, now in heaven, saying to each other as they see the Right Reverend Harold Rob" erts Carson, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, calmly riding from one parish to another in a flying ma chine? The navy lends him the fly ing machine and he visits places oth erwise inaccessible. All that men can IMAGINE they can DO. Dr. Pearl, professor of biometry and vital statistics at John Hopkins, says our population will be 197,000,- 000 in the year 2100. That will be our maximum and then will come the decline. With all due respect to the learned professor, any child could mako as good a guess. Dr. William Allen Pusey recently told the American Medical Associa tion that population would reach 175,000.000. And "with that density of population, the pressure of exist ence will become so strong that the death rate, particularly Infant mor tality, will overtake the birth rate. That is another poor guess. Under intensive cultivation, as it is now un derstood, the State of Texas alone could feed the earth's entire popula tion, and that is at least sixteen hun dred millions. There will be a thousand million human beings in THIS country, in finitely happier, richer, better off in every way, than any population that ever has lived. In 124 years, sinre 1800, our pop ulation has risen from 6,000,000 to 112,000,000. What is the use of guess- ng what will happen in the next 120 years? It would have been impossible to guess how many people this coun try could feed before harvesting ma chinery was invented. Impossbile be fore the arrival of the tractor. Lack of food won't limit popula tion. Men's brains will always pro vide for their stomachs. But a higher race will gradually produce fewer children. Disease breeding cities will be broken up by the flying machine, tak ing us to live on mountain tops where there is fresh sir. These mountains are not to be forever uninhabited. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of county com missioner, made vacant by the resig nation of R. L. Benge. This step is taken only after mature consideration of the many urgent requests of my friends, and should I receive the en dorsement of the voters at the No vember election, I promise a faithful performance of duty. JEFF JONES. K. K. K. ATTENTION. The attention of members of Mor row County Klan Is called to the reg ular meetings. From this date on the Ktan will meet at Lexington at th usual hour every Monday evening, and all members should be governvd accordingly. By order of Secretary.