PAGE TWO THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1924 THE GSM-TIIS tb iiwPNF.ii curm, IttUW4 THI HF-Pl'Skk TIKV-k. FtbIIK4 n .it :. .- CONMl.ItiAltl- IKHM'ART Is. If.t rK;..M r"TJ TVur-i vrti-o h sauna isn ipsmh rP(in 4 oi.irid 1 iK l'o.l ot Hnpw. iH-f a. rnl -. mtu-f. 4IMTI(II': TF CIV EN ON a ATION r. "smrnoN RATts- On. Year 2 SIS Hntilh. I Trx-m St. -.he ..... -J Euw Otmo - MORROW COrSTT OFFICIAL PAPER forrlp fcdrertt.lnf Rprrtative THh ASU.KKAN I KLSS ASSOCIATION IOI.ITK Al. REASONING tV M'LAOY POLITICAL lenders in ait s"tions of the country are exhibiting grav ing aiftrm over the trend of our o voter toward irdependenre. The rerv U to. a in the formation of of cluhs and learue of w.-r.ien voter. 'The fair sex pro poses to strike out for independent thourht ar.d action. She believes that the natural welfare of the sexes mtiies it imperative for her to weld herself into a political factor along i.r.ea entirely separate from those trt govern the wen. Moat of these women's clubs art in wore or less embryo state dealing for the most part with the thousand and one sideshows that decorate the po litical arena, but as the politicians see the greatest dsr.ger lies in their intimation to support candidates rather than parties or principles. The general character of candidates has a marked bearing on any appeal to the feminine vote. The split tick et split often into the finest splinters-is the final result. Here and there the more experienced women are it.ftuenced by avowed principles and platforms and stand ready to vote for men they do not approve, it tne principles for which they stand are considered sound. The younger sis ter, however, reasons in her own pe culiar way. Platforms may be all right, but quite unsafe to step on un less the candidate is of a character that commands implicit confidence. Where the women are going to stand in the coming election is a question that is giving many a poli tician sleepless nights, H-S DESTROYING WAR, IT IS ASSURING and gratifying that in the general movement through out the civilized world to outlaw and abolish war, there is none more ear nestly oiuspoken in support of this movement than President Coolidge or the Democratic presidential nominee, Mr. Daviji. Making Dust Fly Mrs. Miriam Ferguton, wife of the former Tex&a governor, ia as? pirmg to the tame office and polled enough votes m tb primaries to enter the fall ejections. She is making the dust fly ia hex net for the governorship. FOLKS IN OUR TOWN All The Same To Maggie mm ( HELLO ELEANOH6 SAY - I WON "V A LITTLE PuP X . f MI55 VOON. f I I " OK ruP.LV I r?AVTTftANCR ( WOULD WU ) ( ME ' I Sh.s IS 1 ' J LIKE TO HAVB J ) H 1 o LOOK Ule S A LITTLE KJr I SO ) f V A DO& ' '' V DO&- . y r SUDDEN ' ' N : ? . Wheeler the Champion Family Man rj tp ,q ?pb Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Mont., Vice Presidential candi date with La Follette, is the champion family man of the six candi dates of the three big parties. Here are the six big planks in his platform Mrs. Wheeler, Francis, Richard, Edward, Elizabeth and John. Both have made it clear that this grand movement has their unquali fied support. Both agree with the vast number of right thinking people that war is ft crtature of savagery, passed down through the ages from the time of primitive man, and no longer toler ated among civilized people. Until the nations and peoples of the world come to a like realization and join in this movement it would o: course be most unsafe and unwise i for the United States to destroy its armaments or fail to keep them at a standard sufficiently strong to safe guard against foreign aggression. But the United States, now the pre mier of nations, constituted of peo ple devoted to peace and abhorrent of war, is obligated by the standing among nations it has attained and its influence in world affairs, to lead the movement for universal disarmament. Wherever and whenever the ques tion of disarmament arises, the strong voice of this government should speak up in its behalf. President Harding and Mr. Hughes, his secretary of state, took a long step in the right direction when they called a conference to consider the question of disarmament. That was the first real step towards outlawing war ever taken and resulted not only in halting an orgyof battleship con struction which presaged greater war, but it turned the world-mind from thoughts of war to thoughts of peace. It was an accomplishment when rightly appraised that will il lumine the pages of history for all time, for it set ineffaceably the seal of condemnation on the adjudication of national differences by military arbitration and turned the dynamic thought of the world from war to peace. . What an inspiring thought that war, the most destructive of all monsters, is itself to be destroyed! Manufacturer. s-s-s WAGES COMING IN AND GOING OUT. TODAY the hourly earnings of build ing labor are by far the highest in Central Phone 653- We solicit your harvest trade with low priced and high quality meats. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD nOTHt WANNA AT TH' CARN.VAL -r, -.7 YoJ , WANNA KEEP IT AN' MAV IS LAC.T M,fin-r . H TU5T e S. . OOTA TOWN J" ' A TO HAVE XV- fj. vvoulo you it coblv rr, LtKfi TO ROT MOTHER N IP ( "rVSr V hAve it ; ? r I foobios doos A , x, &ive it v. y in the vr ( To o1-' pi House - . 1 ?. r' i MAI 0 any industry in the United States. The hourly wages in seventeen of the building crafts are 100 per cent high er than in 1914. The cost of building, of course, re flects the cost of homes and the cost of living generally. This opens up a field of inquiry that reveals almost startling facts. Washington figure sharks tell us that 86 per cent of the persons gainfully employed in the United States receive incomes of $2,000 a year or less a great many of them less. The same figure sharks then point out that rents for moder ate-priced accomodations such as are used by the average wage-earner, arc 85 per cent higher than they were in 1914. Followed to its logical result this means more skimping on the part of the housewife, more limitation to the comfort of children, less pleasure, fewer clothes, and a general tighten ing up all around. Of course, the shortage of labor plays its part in this condition, which in turn is aggravated by our immi gration laws. On the surface the condition appears to be a splendid one for the American worker, but ev en he is coming to learn that natural law is inexorable and that he must pay the piper. S-S-S CECIL NEWS ITEMS Henry Krebs of the Last Camp made a hurried trip into the moun tains on Wednesday on account of the sickness of one of his herders. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Funk. David Hynd of Rose Lawn ranch was a visitor in Cecil on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. T. H. Lowe of the Highway House returned home with him. where she will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd, accom panied by Mrs. John Shaw and daugh on Thursday after visiting with Mr. Market WHV AM I BLU6 ? AW. I WON A PUP LAST NIGHT POP ' WANTED TO OHVB IT TO ELEANORS BUT HER K HATES DO&S I DON'T KEEP IT AN' MAV 15 OUTA TOWN tera Carrie and Mary, returned home and Mrs, Roy Scott of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kesteraon of Portland spent Monday and Tuesday at tlia highway house as the guesw of Misses Annie and Minnie Lowe. T. H. Lowe of the Highway House and W. G. Hynd of Heppner returned , home on Saturday from ft few days in and around .Seattle. Chris Henrik?en returned to the Strawberry ranch on Wednesday af ter spending a few days with rela tives in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. French and family ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shively, all of Heppner, were Cecil callers on Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Jones', accompanied by her ion and daughter of Portland, were callers in Cecil on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Pettyjohn and family of Morgan were callers on Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter Wednesday. Osrar Lundell and Herman Have cost of Rhea Siding were business callers in Arlington during the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Havecost of Rhea Siding, also Harold Aha It, were Cecil callers on Sunday. Al Henriksen of Pendleton was a Sunday visitor at the W. V. Pedro ranch at Ewing. Krebs Bros, of the Last Camp have been busy during the week erecting a fine windmill. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter and family were visiting in Morgan Sat urday evening. John Krebs returned home Monday after spending a few days in the rose city. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats was caller in lone on Friday. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO STOCK OWNERS. Having taken possession of the Henry Jones ranch, I desire to notify all owners of stock that I will take up and hold any animals found run ning at large on the premises and will deliver the stock only upon the payment of charges against them. WM. INSTONE. BOND REDEMPTION CALL. $5,000.00 6 Bonds of Heppner School District No. 1, Morrow County. TlivuaA tit earof it ockies , 1 Trip Excursion Fares on ale daily to Sept 13 Kansas City , $72.00 St. Louis ... 81 50 Chicago . . 86.00 Detroit. . . . 105.62 Cleveland . . 108.56 Washington .141.56 NewYoik . . 147.40 Boston. . . . 153.50 Cormponding fare, to other important centers. Final rrturn limit October 31, 1924. Liberal Stop-over privilege ap ing and returning. A side trip to Yellowstone at small ad ditional cost. Call on C. DARBEE Agent Heppner, Ore. WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon 88 it STANDARD of QUALITY STANDARD OIL COMPANY (.CALIFORNIA) Oregon, being No. 1 to I inclusive, of issue of September 10th, 1907, are hereby called for redemption and will be paid on presentation at office of County Treasurer on or after Sep tember 10th 1124. at which date in terest on said bonds will ceas. By rdt r of School Board. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, August 7th, 1924. LEON W. BRIGGS, County Treasurer. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Notice ia hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Eugene A. Chapel, de ceased. All persons having claims against aaid estate must present them to me duly verified at the office of Woodson A. Sweek, in Heppner, Ore gon, on or before six months from the date of first publication hereof. First published July 21. 1924. BLAINE E. CHAPEL, Administrator. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. Mem Westfall, Plaintiff, TS. Charles Westfall, Defendant. To Charles Westfall, defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby requir ed to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court on or before six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 14th day of August, 1924, and if you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff be forever dissolved and that the plaintiff have an absolute divorce from you, and that plaintiff have the care and custody of the minor children, Wayne Westfall and Homer Westfall, and for such other relief as the court may deem just and equitable. This summons is published upon you in the Gazette-Times, once a week for six consecutive weeks pur suant to an order of Hon. Gilbert A TREAT FOR THE FAMILY The wife and kiddies will enjoy a change from the monotony of home-cooked meals, so why not suggest coming here for dinner ev ery one in awhile. No wor ry, no delays, no dishes to wash just sit down to a de lightful, wholesome, satisfy ing meal, served in a way that all will like. Moderate prices, too. We Serve Chinese Noodles ELKHORN RESTAURANT HEPPNER'S POPULAR EATING HOUSE Delicious Coffee $5, $10, $20 Standard Oil Scrip Books in these denom.' inations like travel cheques are especially convenient for touring. They save carrying cash, and are accepted by Standard Oil Service Stations and dealers everywhere for good, reliable Red Crown gasoline, Zerolene and other dependable products for your carl W. Phelps. Judge of the above en titled court, which order is dated June 28th, 1924. and the date of the first publication of this gummosa la July Ird, 1924. JOS. J NY8, Attorney for plaintiff. Residence and poatoffiee address. Heppner, Oregon. CALL FOR BIDS. Notice it hereby given that the Board of Directors of School District No. 4-39 of Gilliam and Morrow coun ties, Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to and including August 16, 1924, for Bus Driver and Matron (man and wife preferred). Bus starts at the southern boun dary of district, from the "Lundell Ranch," following the Oregon-Wash ington Highway to Heppner Junction, thence to Arlington via. Columbia River Highway, ft distance of approx imately 18 miles. Board of directors reserve right to reject any or all bids. MARY LUNDELL, Clerk, Dist. 4-89. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. Percy Hughes, Plaintiff,) vs. ) John Woodward and Ada) Woodward, his wife, Fan-) nie Woodward, Clarence) Woodward, Chancey) Woodward, Nancy Crank,) John Hale, Ellas Hale,) Loyd Hale, Angus Hale,) Ralph Hale, Harrison) Hale, Glenn Willingham.) and Laura Willlngham,) his wife, Clarence WH-) linitham. Frank Hale, E1-) la Vale, Gussie Ayers, E1-) len Hale Duncan, and) William Duncan, her hus-) band. Henry Cannon,) Mary Cannon, Darrel Can-) non, George Baiter, Mil-) ton Baker, Edward Baker,) Ella Baker Sperry, Sylvia)SUMMONS Baker, Mary Hale, C. S.) Hale, Michael Hale, and) Maude Hale, his wife, P.) G. Hale. Clay Hale", and) Myra Hale, his wife, Del-) la Armitage, and Harry) Armitage, her husband, J.) H. Cochran, and Cynthia) Cochran, his wife, Ida) Grabil, and Thomas Gra-) bil, her husband, Guy) Hale, Caroline Cason, and) C. L. Cason, her husband.) Sarah Cason and Walter) Cason, her husband, Dan) Hale, and Lettie Hale, his) wife, also all other per-) sons or parties unknown) claiming any right, title.) estate, lien or interest In) the real estate described) in the complaint herein,) Defendants:) To Nancy Crank, Loyd Hale, Ralph Hale, Fannie Woodward, Clarence Woodward, Laura Willlngham, Ella Vale, Gussie Ayers, Ellen Hale Dun can, W-illian Duncan, Henry Cannon, Mary Cannon, Darrel Cannon, George Baker, Edward Baker, Slyvia Baker, C. S. Hale, Michael Hale, Maude Hale, P. G. Hale, Clay Hale, Myra Hale, Delia Armitage, Harry Armitage, Guy Hale, Dan Hale and Lettie Hale, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real - estate de scribed in the complaint herein, De fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court on or be fore six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wit: on or before the 28th day of August, 1924, and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof the plaintiff wilt apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In his complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiff be adjudged and decreed to be the owner in fee simple of Lot 3 in Block 1 in Morrow's Second Ad dition to the City of Heppner, Mor row County, Oregon, and that you and each of you be forever barred from all right, title and interest therein, and for such other and fur ther relief as may be just and equit able. This summons ia published upon you in The Gazette-Times, once a week for six consecutive weeks pur suant to an order of Hon. Wm. T. Campbell, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order ia dated July 16th, 1924, and the date of the first publication of this summons is July 17th, 1924. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and postoffice address, Heppner, Oregon. Professional Cards DR. A. H. JOHNSTON Physician end Surgeon Calls answered Night or Day GRADUATB NURBS AiSISTANT I. O. 0. F. Building Phones: Office, Main l ; Km,, Ut HEPPNER, OREGON A. M. EDWARDS I DRILL WELLS I also handle Casing, Windmills and Supplies, do fishing and eltan out old wells. BOX 14, LEXINGTON, ORE. DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST L 0. 0. F. Building Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN A BURGEON Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner, Oreaoe Drs. Brown and Chick PHYSICIANS SURGEONS 800 Alberta St. (Cor. E 24th.), PORTLAND, ORE. WOODSON & SWEEK ATT0RNEY8-AT-LAW Offices In First National Bank Building Heppnee, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTOENIT-AT-UW Ottee la Casrt Boss Hi F. II. ROBINSON LAWYER 10NE. ORWON Heppner Sanitarium DR. J. PERRY CONDER Pkraieiaa-la-Ckarf Treatment ef all disease!. Isolated wards for contagious diaeaeea. FIRE INSURANCE Waters & Anderson Heppner. Oiea Yum! Yum! You simply can't resist that sweet, juicy melon taste IRRIGON MELONS Spell everything that is delicious in WATERMELONS MUSKMELONS CANTALOUPES We have them fresh from the patch. Sam Hughes Co. Just Received 1 a fresh car of i OLYMPIC I Flour and Cereals 1 If you want the best I ask for 3 I OLYMPIC 1 Phelps Grocery Company DUAMD Kfl E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY C. A. MINOR FtRE. AUTO AND UFR INSURANCE Old Line Ceaapaaies REAL ESTATE Heppeer, Ore. MATERNITY HOME MRS. G. C AIKIN, HRPPNER I am prepared to take a limited aem ber of maternity mw at my homo. Patients prtfUosoi to ckeose tkolr owe physician. Boat of ears and attontloa asearot.e PHONI lit JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Upstairs la Humphreys Building