( ) THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1924. PAGE THREE Derid Hynd nnd litter Mill Anna Hynd returned to Morrow county the ) 11 itt of the week from a vacation pent at Portland and the eoast. Da vid and Will Hynd were Heppner via itori on Monday. Pave aayi the feed ituation for live stock thia coming; winter ia not critical In gpite of the shortage of the hay crop thia year, as there ia an abandonee of feed left from last year. A heavy crop last season and light feeding during: the winter months due to the mild weath er are responsible for the supply. Due to the peach shortage, people will be glad to know of any opportun ity to obtain them. A. E. Anderson, former Morrow county resident, now a fruit grower near The Dalles, an nounces that he has some choice peaches for sale Sea his local ad in these columns. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McNamer and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Latourell re turned Tuesday morning from Ukiah, where Messrs McNamer and Latour ell went last week on Rodeo business. They returned by way of Desolation lake, where they enjoyed a short out ing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shively re turned home from their honeymoon trip to Seattle, Vancouver, B. C., and other Washington points last Friday afternoon. They are residing in the Roberts house on Center street. H. M. Cummings, special agent for eastern Oregon and Washington of the Union Oil company, arrived in the city Monday to help arrange for the opening of the company's new sub station the first of August. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Campbell de parted Sunday morning for Spokane, where they went to meet their daugh ter, Mrs. Wm. Crow of Yank, B. C. They expect to be absent from the city about a week. 0. W. Hanger of San Francisco spent several days in Heppner the past week looking over the real es tate ituation with a view to pur chasing land in this county. Mr. and Mra. Emmett Hughes, who spent a week visiting with Morrow county relatives and friends, returned to their home at Woodburn Wednes day morning. Mr. nd Mrs. Andrew Olson arrived in Heppner the first of the week from Baker. Mr. Olson is locsl agent for the new Union Oil company station in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reid, daughter Lois and Marjorie Clark returned home from a week's vacation trip at Yellowstone National park the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek drove over to Monument Saturday and spent a couple of days visiting with Mr. Sweek's folks. They returned home Monday. LOST Near Parkers Mill, July 4, black nad white spotted bird dog, li cense number 777. Suitable reward. Notify Bert Bleakman, Hardman. Guy Huston and family were in Heppner Thursday on business and visiting local relatives from their Eight Mile borne, Mrs. Fannie Rood of Portland is visiting with Heppner relatives this week, driving here from the city in her car. Mr. and Mra, Kenneth K. Mahoney departed by car Sunday morning for Rainier National park on a vacation trip. J. B. Stanfield of Pendleton was registered at Hotel Heppner Saturday. F. M. Page, Monument resident, was a Heppner visitor Friday. Canning peachea for sale: Goldea Cling, 11.35; largo 1.60, prepaid, per box. A. E. Anderson, B 1, The Dalles W. 0. Allison, farmer of Ukiah, was a Heppner visitor on Thursday, making hie annual visit to the city. FOR SALE 24 Eambouillet bucks, 3 years old; 10 coarse bucks. Fine condition. W. B. Barratt k Son. Arthur Erwfn, wheat farmer of the lone aection, waa a Heppner caller on Tuesday. Alex R. Livingstone, wool buyer of Boston, was in Heppner the last of the week, 0. H. Warner of Alderdale, Wash., was a business visitor in the city oi Tuesday. Nat Shaw, Clark'a canyon farmer, was a business visitor in the city on Tuesday. W. F. Mahrt, Eight Mile farmer, was transacting business in the city Friday. For Rent Furnished apartment, four rooms and bath. Mra. A. L. Garrett. B. A. Amy of Condon was transact ing business in this city on Tuesdsy. CAMP GROUND SANITATION Froa 8Ut Boat f Haoltk. On account of tht rapid increaM in the number of automobile! and tho constant improvement In methods of transportation, the problems of camp ground sanitation are becoming in creasing! more important. This is especially true In regard to the Pa cific Coast states, owing to the many attractions offered by this aection to tourists and summer campers. No vacation is eomidered complete these days that does not include a visit to the Pacific Coait In order to meet this situation, without endangering the public health, it is necessary to pay more attention to the sanitation of our camping grounds. What is meant by the sanitation of camp grounds? Obviously, the prob lems of camp ground sanitation are not materially different from those of the sanitation of homes and small communities. In general they include the questions of site or location, wa ter supplies, inwect penis, the diwpo iiYf Oregon r.:kn i.i rv" i . ir iitih.k 1 HP llll The UNIVERSITY o( OREGON contains: The ColU-pe of Literature, Science and the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi tecture and Allied Arts Business Administration Education Grad uate Study Journalism Law Medicine Music Physical Edu cation Sociology Extension For a catalojue or any information uwi( The Rejutrar, Umftrtit) of Oretfon, Eujtinc, Orejfon The 49th Yen Opens September 25, 1924 Steela used in the Studebak er Light-Six Touring Car are selected from 35 for mulas. On soma we pay the makers 15 , per cent bonna to get exactness. Let us prove It. Maurice A. Frye Everything Electrical Studebaker Sixes Don't buy blindfolded Red Ciown,Sir- fromtheRed.White and Blue Pump ! " Much of the strongest praise that "Red Crown" gets comes from the 6000 dealers who sell it and know what it will do. Their faith is backed by the performance which makes "Red Crown" the most popular "gas" in the West. To save carburetor adjustments, and to improve your car's performance on the hills and the long steady pulls, for power and mileage and true economy, use "Red Crown." You'll always be glad if you do. And remember Ttkt along one or two Standard Oil Scrip Books two yards of this scrip will take you about 1800 miles. Obtainable in 5, 010 and $20 denom inations at all Standard Oil Service Stations. Convenient! saves handling cash and is redeemable by dealers as well as at ail Standard Oil Company Service Stations. In Morrow County these dealers will serve you Red Crown Gasoline G. A. BLEAKMAN Hardman, Ore. II. J. DIDDLE lone, Ore. BAI.COMB A BAl'ERNFIEND Morgan, Ore. COHN AUTO COMPANY Heppner, Ore. COLLIVER A MILLER Hardman, Ore. ED. D. CLARK Heppner, Ore. M. R. FELL Heppner, Ore. L. H. FREDERICKSON Lexington, Ore. GILLIAM & BISBEE Heppner, Ore. L. L. LA DUSIRE Heppner, Ore. LATOURELL AUTO CO. Heppner, Ore. E. R. LUNDELL lone, Ore. LEACH BROS. Lexington, Ore. T. H. LOWE Cecil, Ore. M. S. MAXWELL Eight Mile, Ore. MARTIN REID Heppner, Ore. E. NORDYKE Lexington, Ore. PEOPLES HARDWARE COMPANY Heppner, Ore. PYLE A GRIMES Parker Mill, Ore. I. R. ROBINSON lone,' Ore. W. G. SCOTT & CO. Lexington, Ore. VAUGHN & GOODMAN Heppner, Ore. Js sition of rarbar and of human wait, and the proper policing of the ffrounda. In addition to thia, there are certain sanitary appliancea and equipment, which nuit b provided for every camp ground, before it can be approved by the State Board of Health. In ehooUnr camp ground ait, a great deal of attention ia generally paid to the wonderful acenery, the pictureique aurroundinga. the prox imity of flatting, hunting and bathing reaorta, but little attention ia gen erally paid to the safety of the water supply and the proper disposal of gar bage and waste. The rules and regulation! of the Oregon State Board of Health make the management responsible for the sanitary conditions of camp grounds, and also for the equipment and sani tary appliances on the same. A care taker must be employed to visit the grounds daily and see that they are kept clean and aanitary, and free from litter. An adequate and safe water supply must be provided for the campers. If a water supply is unsafe or doubtful, it must be elim inated or placarded, warning against its use. Water flush toilets or sani tary privies, both for men and wom en, must be provided within a reason- sf AITrD TREATED AT VjUI ILK home Simple home treatment. Bend for FREE booklet and tca.tmonlala. WARNER'S RENOWNED REMEDIES CO., 721 Ss carUy Bide MinnaatioUs, Minn. able distance. Fly-tight vessels must be provided for garbage and watte and these must be emptied daily. Copies of the rules and regulations are required to be printed and posted on the grounds in conspicuous places. Copies of these rulea and regulations may be obtained from the State Board of Health. led the community singing. The p:e- ' me is an annual event and those in ' charge extend a cordial invitation to everyone to attend next year's session. PIONEER PICNIC BIXCESS. A large gathering of pioneers of Gilliam and Wheeler counties enjoyed a four-day picnic at the Julia A. Hen derson eamp grounds on Service creek on the John Day highway Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of last week. Singing, speaking and talking over old times in the camp fire's glare constituted part of each day's program. Speeches were made by Messrs. Simmons, Wheeler and others and Mrs. Emmet Cochran of Heppner aang several solos as part of the mu sical program. Mrs. Cochran also FIRE AT WELLS HOME, A small blaze at the home of J. J Wells, county assessor, in the lower end of town Friday afternoon was the cause of considerable excitement. The fire started on the exterior of the house and had a good start when the chemical truck arrived. Application of chemicals soon had it under con trol, and a volunteer brigade removed the contents a safe distance from the houtte out of danger of harm by fire or water. The roof and two rear rooms were quite badly damaged, but sufficient insurance is carried to cover all repairs. FOR BALE Feeder pigs on Butter erffk. Phone fSr,F22t Echo. 2t kvVfr Ay STANDARD OF QUALITY STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Hotel Hepp tier Fn8 Class Dining oom Merchants' Lunch 12 tO 2 OC 12 to 2 W. E. BELL, Proprietor WHEN SHIPPING LIVESTOCK Consign to DUFFY COMMISSION CO. Union Stock Yards, North Portland, Ore. Office Phone Empire 1661 Residence Phone Garfield 3501 s A F E T Y & s E R V I C E Best Wool Fabrics FALL AND WINTER SAMPLES of the J. B. Simpson made-to-measure, all wool clothes direct to you from the sheep's hack have arrived. Fit, satisfaction and wear guaranteed at $31.50 WORTH $50 OF ANY MAN'S MONEY FRANK W. TURNER HEPPNER, OREGON Ke2 s4 WVtf i-SOa NOW IS THE TIME FOR Summer Dress Goods We have a large showing of VOILES, CREPES, GINGHAMS, TISSUES, RATINES, ORGANDIES Tweeds Suitable for Sport Suits, Coats and Skirts Come in and see them Thomson Bros. ONE DOLLAR Will start an account in this large bank. The size of your first deposit doesn't matter with us. It's you that we want for a customer. As a bank for the business men of today, we are naturally interested in the business man of tomorrow. We therefore invite all boys who are working during the summer va cation or have a small income from other sources to start with us in a small way. HMD 11 ftf V BTE-I Fir National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Printing is the Inseparable Companion of Achievement Who's Your Tailor? Ed. V. Price & Co. have just sent us their Book of AUTUMN and WIN- TER SAMPLES, containing over 300 Suit Fabrics in Cassimeres, Worsteds, French Backs, Worsted Chev iots and Twists. Here are very attractive designs: Small Checks, Club Checks, Basket Weaves, Cord ef fects, Overplaids, Herring-bone, Hair Line and Pen cil Stripes. ALSO A WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF NEW - OVERCOATINGS MALCOLM D. CLARK GENERATORS STARTERS, MAGNETOS OVERHAULED Vulcanizing U. S. TIRES Willard Batteries GAS, OILS, GREASE HEPPNER TIRE & BATTERY SHOP C. V. HOPPER CAR FOR HIRE E. J. STARKEY iff 4e for comfort and rest and health and the simple life, all in pleasing variations at NORTH BEACH, CLATSOP BEACHES, TILLAMOOK BEACHES or NEWPORT Our iirnt will hand you "Outings In tha Pacific Northwear and "Oregon Outdoors" and they will tell you the whole ory. A round-trip summer excursion ticket via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM f affords that wonderful trip through theColurobia K iver (tore. let tar a rat arrange your Itinerary and auk jixu reset vattuaa. C. DARDEE, Agent Hepim.r, Ore. WM. McMl'RRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon 8