The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 24, 1924, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Volume 41, Number 17
Subscription $2.00 Ter Year
Demise Unexpected and
Pioneer Is Active
Until Last.
Native of Vermont Came Here In
1875 ; Waa Successful Sheepman
For Great Many Years.
The sudden death of William P.
Dutton occurred in Portland at 1
o'clock Monday afternoon. Mr. Dut
ton had not been ill, and had spent
some time Monday morn in in the
lobby of the Imperial hotel talking:
with friends. He went out to lunch
eon and died at the family home
shortly after arriving, apparently of
heart failure. Mr. Dutton was in
Heppner on a viait week before last
and at that time was apparently In
aa (food health as has been his lot
for several years.
Mr. Dutton's body was brought to
Heppner Wednesday evening: and fun
eral services were held at 10 o'clock
this morning from the Episcopal
church, the Rev. W. 0. Livingstone,
pastor of the Christian church, offi
ciating;. Business houses of the city
cloKed during; the funeral in honor
of his memory, and a very large con
course of friends attended the funer
al. Interment was in Masonic ceme
tery. William P. Dutton was born in
Vermont, at Macindoes Falls, Novem
ber 23, 152, and died in Portland,
Oregon, July 21. 1924, aged 71 years,
7 months and 28 days. He left the
state of Vermont at the age of 16,
and came to California, where he re
mained three years. He then removed
to Portland, Oregon, where he was
en (raged in the grocery business, the
firm name being Farnworth & Dut
ton. Being burned out in the big
ti.-e of 1875 he came to Morrow coun
ty, accompanied by his partner, 0. E.
He settled on Rhea creek on the
Charles Miller place and engaged in
the fchecp buniness with Mr. Farns
worth. In 187ft he came to Heppner
and wa employed as clerk in the
store of Uncle Jack Morrow, making
his residence at Mr. Morrow's home.
When Old Chief Joseph went on the
warpath the same year, Mr. Dutton
was among the citizens of Heppner
and community who built a fort for
mutual protection. Since 1S7fl he
lived in Eastern Oregon, on Rhea
creek and in and near Heppner, until
11 years ago when he went to Port
land to live, and where he has since
resided. During Mr. Dutton's resi
dence in Morrow county he became
an influential stockman and land own
er, and made quite a large success
of the business in which ho was en
gaged. On May 17, 1883, Mr. Dutton was
married to Minn Ida Hallock, who
survives her husband. They had no
children but ho took at the age of
nine, W. H. Dutton, son of his de
ceased brother, and cared for him as
hia own, the two sustaining the re
lationship of father and son.
He was a member of the Woodmen
of the World and the Ancient Order
of United Workmen. He was a high
ly respected and much honored citl
sen and played a large part in the
development of Eastern Oregon. His
sterling worth and strength of char
acter won for him a hot of friends.
He was a great lover of horses. He
was a true friend, kind husband and
a real father in spirit; a fine type of
American cititennhip. In his going
the state of Oregon sustains no small
loss, but his works will live after
Kick By Horse Fatal to
Ilardman Young Man
Elwyn W, Stevens, 17 year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stevens
died at the farm home of the family
near Hardman Friday morning as a
result of Injuries received from a
kick by a horse. The accident hap
pened Thursday nfternoon when El
wyn went to the lower ranch of Mr.
Stevens to catch a colt. He chased
the colt into the barn and it kicked
him as he went in after it. The blow
landed directly over his heart, and he
was laid out for some time. Ha came
to later and crawled into the manger
on some hay, where he laid for sev
eral hours. Finally, feeling somewhat
better, he made his way home, arrlv
ing between 8 and 9 o'clock in the
The next morning he did not seem
to be suffering greatly, and ate a
light breakfast. Shortly after, how
ever, he took a turn for the worse and
died within two hours.
Funeral services were Held Satur
day nt 1 p. m.( from the I. 0. 0. F.
hall at Hardman, interment being in
the Hardman cemetery.
Elwyn Stevens was born at Hard
man February 23, 1U07, being 17 years,
4 months and 23 days old. Besides
his parents he leaves three sisters
and two brothers, Mrs. C. C. Saindon
of Portland, and Eaten, Mildred, Arl
ton and Lois Stevens of Hardman.
Theresa Marie Huff, 18-months old
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Huff
of this city, died Saturday as a result
of pneumonia and complications
suiting from food poisoning. Fun-
ernl services were held Sunday morn
Ing at 11 o'clock at the cemetery
The other Huff children are also sick
from the food poisoning, but their
condition Is not serious, according
to reports,
Wo wish to thank tho people of
Heppner and Hardman who so kind
y assisted us during tho sickness
nnd death of our beloved father. We
also wish to thank them for the beau
tiful floral offering.
Mr. and Mrs, Blaine Chapel,
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Chapel.
Mrs, lluttie Johnson,
Hot Water May Be Taken From
Power House; W. B. Barratt
Gives $50 Toward Work.
"Wow, it's cold!"
Such exclamations will not be heard
for Ion at Heppner's fine new swim
ming tank, provided by the American
Legion. A move has been started
that looks like a sure go, that should
take the chill off the pond In a very
short time.
The many complaints against the
cold water caused the Legion boys to
get together Tuesday evening and dis
cuss the probability of remedying the
evil. A way of providing the heat had
already been suggested. It had been
figured out that there was enough
waste hot water from the power plant
to warm the tank sufficiently. With
this much to work on, besides several
offers of donations to help install the
piping necessary to transport the wa
ter, the Legion boys were quick to
get into action.
A benefit dance for Saturday night
was announced, and several volunteer
ticket sellers among the business men
sent out to do their work. Besides
tickets to the dance, tickets for the
swimming pool are also being dispos
ed of.
To start the ball rolling, W. B. Bar
ratt, who has already given very lib
erally to the cause by making a pres
ent of the ground on which the tank
Is located, gave $50 toward installing
the warm water. Mr. Barratt has
been a strong advocate of a good
swimming pool for Heppnr for a long
time, and he has backed this interest
in a very substantial way. Besides
the contributions of land and money
he is at work interesting others in
the enterprise.
With the general interest being
taken in this move it should be but
a very short time before people have
lost the excuse of staying out of the
tank because the water is too cold.
As it is many are getting real en
joyment from a plunge in the moun
tain nectar, and every day finds a
iarge number in the pool.
Ten Millionth Ford
. Greeted With Music
Tour 'of Car Marking Record Pro
duction Reaches Middle West;
Running on Schedule.
Music and the Ten Millionth Ford
are making merry along the Lincoln
If it were possible to reproduce all
the selections that have greeted the
enr so far on its eventful trip from
New York to Pan Francisco, the
world would be given a phonographic
record which would make the modern
jazi orchestra green with envy, ac
cording to accounts of the tour.
There would be recorded a great med
ley of airs, produced by a big variety
of instruments and punctuated by
frequent bursts of song, continual
honking of auto horns and blasts of
factory whistles.
Never before has there been so
much music along the great national
roadway which connects the East and
West coasts as has characterized the
journey of the Ten Millionth Ford.
There have been parades and re
ceptions with large bands, Bmall
bands and even orchestras. Men's
bands, ladies' bands, and boy's bands
have participated in greeting the car
at various places. Scotch bag pipers
were a feature along part of the
route. Buglers announced the coming
of the car in some towns and in one
little city a group of pretty girls rid
ing on a float heralded its advent
with horns. Even calliopes have at
different points added their familiar
notes to the welcome.
Numbers rendered have included
everything from the1 inspiring tones
of patriotic airs and the ever appeal
ing awing of the march to the latest
popular jazx fancies and a reversion
to the more intimate tune of "The
Little Old Ford Rambled Right
Now traversing the great stretches
of the western part nf the country
through Nebraska, Wyoming and
Utah and maintaining its schedule
with characteristic Ford perform
ance, the car which is telling the in
teresting story of the production of
tin million transportation units by
the Ford Motor company, is moving
steadily on toward the Pacific coast
with enthusiastic and picturesque
welcomes at every point along the
Rcbckah Lodge Installs
Officers Last Friday
fin Imt Frlrlnv ntfht Snn Knuel Rn.
bekah lodge Installed their offices
ior me coming u'rm oi mx mourns.
Mrs, Lulu Prophet was the Installing
officer with Mrs. Olive Fryo as mar-
Those installed were Hattie Wight
man, N. G.; Alice McDuffee, V. G.
T.lllinn Turn pi. Kirritnrv! fllarn Sin-
cum, Treasurer; Ella Benge, Warden;
Charlotte Gordon, Conductor; Etta
Uevin, I. U.; Lulu Prophet, O. U.
Olive Frye, R. S. N. G.; Alice Bavlesa,
L. S. N. .; Anna Brow, R S. V. G.;
Mabel Chaffee. L. S. V. G.: Bessie
Campbell, Chaplain.
After lodge light refreshments were
Dick Johns, who spent several days
at Bend and Prineville last week.
makes announcement that he will
open a new garage and repair shop in
Prinevilto in the near future. Dick
returned the last of the week from
Central Oregon and was busy for
several days getting his tools and
equipment used in the Universal gar
age ready to ship. The Central Ore-
gonian of Prineville states that Mr,
Johns and his mechanics have leased
the Morris-Seggllng building on Main
street formerly occupied by the
Wright Kandy Kitchen.
Coolidge to Make Accept
ance Speech of Interest
To the People.
Washington, D. C, July 23. The
formal notification of President Cool
id ge will take place in Washington
about the 19th of August and similar
ceremonies will be held at Evanston,
Illinois, a few days ater when Gen
eral Charles G. Dawes will be form
ally told that he has been selected
aa the running mate of Coolidge.
The speech of acceptance by the
President will, according to close
friends, be a document that will be
understood by all the people, it will,
no doubt, be as plain as was hia first
message to congress, which it will be
remembered brought forth thousands
of letters and telegrams from all
sections of the nation complimenting
him upon his honest declaration of
principles and the straightforward
stand he had taken upon public ques
tions. There will again be demon
strated to the people that the Pres
ident is unafraid, that he refuses to
ue high sounding phrases in order
to catch votes, or to offer to the peo
ple some theoretical cure-all that
everyone who stops to think will
realize could be put in force. Cool
idge has always been honest with
the people, he believes that they
should be told the truth, he believes
in their intelligence and their de
sire to do the right thing by their
government, and he means to see that
their government does the right
thing by them.
Coolidge is the kind of a President
who believes it his duty to use all the
power of his office to see that the
people of the United States are giv
en a square deal he believes it his ;
duty to aid in bringing the greatest j
amount of prosperity possible to all
sections of the nation, he takes his
job seriously and thinks less of the
great honor of being president than
he does of the opportunity that has
been given to him to be of real ser
vice to his fellow citizens.
A Washington newspaperman, one
who has followed politics carefully,
for many years, made the following:
statement the other day it was: "It I
in remarkable to see a man in high
public office who cares so little for
himself and so much for the people
the people believe in him they dem
onstrated this at the primaries and
I'll wager that you will see the votes
coming out strong for hira even long
before election. I have talked with
many democrats, some conservative
who do not like the second on their
ticket progressive democrats will
not accept the head, and they will
have none of the independent candi
date, claiming this is no time for ex
periments with theories, the great
majority of these men recognire
Coolidge's honesty and ability and
unless I miss my guess, many who
followed the war president or the
democratic nominee in 1920 will go
quietly to the polls and "vote for
S. E. Notson Attends
Big Crime Conference
S. E. Notson, who is attending the
anti-crime conference under the aus
pices of the Northwest Association
of Sheriffs and Police in Seattle this
week, is on th program as one of
the speakers. His subject is "Rec
ommendations for Speeding Up Crim
inal Trials." In a note to this paper
dated the 21st, the first day, he states
there is a large attendance from Ore
gon, Washington, Utah, California
and Canada with more delegates ex
pected to arrive that afternoon. The
dates of the conference are July 21,
22, '23, 24. Many prominent speakers
are scheduled, one theme of especial
interest, "Crime and Heredity," being
handled by Hon. Harry Olson, chief
justice municipal courts of Chicago.
Mr, Notson writes that hia daugh
ter, Miss Mary Notson, who is in
Seattle to attend the summer ses
sion of the University of Washing
ton, has been ill for some time. She
was taken to a hospital Friday and
was operated on Tuesday, the trouble
being renal calculus.
W. A. Richardson returned home
Sunday evening from the Elks na
tional convention at Boston. He re
ports a very good trip though quite
hot. It has been 46 years since Mr.
Richardson left Boston, which was
his boyhood home, and be said he was
unable to locate any of his relatives.
There was a very 4arge crowd at the
convention and It look the big par
ade three hours to pass one point.
Mr. Richardson said there was a big
cloudburst during the parade which
proved to be a blessing as it alleviat
ed the excessive heat. Had it not
been for the cloudburst he believes
many would have been suffocated as
the crowd was jammed together bo
closely and the heat was so intense.
As it was Red Cross ambulances were
busy continually hauling persons
away who were overcome. After it
was all over several truck loads of
women's hats which had been ruined
by the downpour and thrown away
were picked up, said Mr. Richardson.
The Elks convention will come to
Portland next year.
July 27, 1924.
Your opportunity Is now and here;
not in some remote time and place;
seize it. The church constitutes eith
er the opportunity itself or way to it.
Our Bible School is at 9:46, then the
Communion Service at 11 o'clock,
followed by the preaching service.
The r.uhject of the morning sermon
will be "A Parting Message." The
Christian Endeavor service will be
held at 7 o'clock, tho subject is "Zeal"
and the leader is Reid Busclck.. The
eening union preaching service will
he held in the Methodist church, and
Rev, F, R. Spauldlng will preach the
News was received by Heppner
friends the first of the week of the
unexpected death of Miss Ben Emma
Mathews at her home in Gresham on
Monday. The news of the death of
Miss Mathews, who was known by
many here as "Babe" Mathews when
she was a stenographer in the law
office of F. A. McMenamin, came as
shock to her Heppner friends, as
she seemed in perfect health and
spirits when she resided here. Fun
eral services were heJd in Gresham
Wednesday. ,
W. O, Livingstone will ship his
household goods to Hood River on
Saturday of this week, and will room
at the home of W. G. McCarty until
September 1st, when he will enter
upon the work of his new field.
Harold Cohn and Paul Gemmell are
maintaining camps in the mountains
for their families, and the two gen
tlemen make the trip to them every ;
evening, driving back to their busi
ness duties the next morning.
"Hank" Howell returned to Hepp
ner Tuesday evening from a shearing
trip to Montana. He reports a good
run there this season. Bernie Gaunt
who also sheared there returned home
the first of the week.
Gene Ferguson was laid off work on
his Blackhorse farm Tuesday by a
strain received while doing some
heavy lifting, and came to town to
consult a doctor. lie was accompan
ied by Mrs. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Prophet, daugh
ters Shirley and Margaret and W. W.
Smead departed yesterday morning
for Lost Lake, to spend an outing in
search of huckleberries and hooking
the "finnies."
Miss Thelma Miller returned from
a week's vacation spent at "Butterhy
Flats," the farm home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Hynd near Cecil, and is
again on the job at Harwood's Jewel
ry Btore.
J. W. Morrow of Portland, an old
time resident of Heppner, is in the
city today to attend the funeral of
W. P. Dutton.
Mrs. Phil Brady of Portland has
been visiting for a week at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. A.
Remember the BIG ALUMINUM
SALE at Peoples Hardware Company,
one day only, Saturday, July 26th.
W. H. Dutton of Portland is in
Heppner today attending the funeral
of his late uncle, W. P. Dutton.
Blaine Hallock is in the city today
from Baker to attend the funeral of
his late uncle, W. P. Dutton.
Howard Anderson, Eight Mile far
mer, was a business visitor in the
city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson are
in the city today from their Willow
creek home.
Marion Evans, from his farm home
on Willow creek, is a Heppner caller
Charlie Erwin was in town Wed
nesday from hts farm southwest of
John Kirk was In Heppner yester
day from his Willow creek farm.
J. W. Steven's of Hardman was a
caller in this city Monday
FOR SALE Feeder pigs on Butter
creek. Phone floF22, Echo. 2t
Eugene Arthur Chapel, commonly
known to all as "Pappy Gene," died
at the home of Wm. Ayers in Hepp
ner, July 20, at the advanced age of
73 years. Funeral services were held
Monday at Hardman.
He came to Oregon in 1873 and took
a homestead near Eight Mile center.
He has since been a farmer until the
last few years. Ho was married to
Mrs. Barnard soon after coming here.
To this union one child, Arthur, was
born, who died in the sen-ice during
the World war. Later be was married
to Ida Johnson. Three children were
born to them, one of whom is living,
Blaine Chnpel of Hardman. Mr.
Chapel leaves one son and two step
children to mourn his loss.
The entire community extend their
sympathy to thoae in sorrow at the
loss of their father and wo feel the
world is better by his having been
here. Contributed.
Safe Water For the
Tourists and Campers
Prom State Board of Health.
No problem is of greater import- 1
ance tc the tourist and camper than
the safety of his drinking water. At
home he is familiar with his sur- i
roundings, he knows the source of
his water supply and is safe-guarded
by rules and regulations of his State
and local boards of health. This is
not always the case in camps and on
excursions. Persons who are ordin
arily .cautious about their drinking
water at home, may become careless
and indifferent when on their vaca
tions. Furthermore, many campers
and tourists are entirely ignorant of
the dangers of contaminated water.
No surface water should be con
sidered safe until it has been tested
at a competent laboratory, and a
sanitary survey made of its source.
In the army, it is customary for a
medical, officer, well in the van, to
make a sanitary survey of the avail
able water supplies. This is sup-,
planted by a few laboratory tests to
determine its purity or safety. It
is gratifying to note that this meth
od is being adopted more and more,
by such organizations as the Boy
Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and the
Camp fire Girls. The educational
work being done among these young
folks is far reaching in its effects
and should be encouraged.
In case of doubt, do not hesitate.
Sterilize your water. Several methods
of sterilisation have been recom
mended for campers and excursion
ists. Boiling wil Istenuze almost
any kind of water. The flat taste
produced by boiling may be removed
by stirring the water briskly with an
egg beater, or pouring it from one
vessel to another. A Lister bag, such
as is used in the army, may be used
also In camps. This consists of a
water-tight canvas bag holding about
forty gallons. The water is sterilized
by the addition of one gram of hypo
chlorite of lime (bleaching powder.)
Either hypochlorite of soda or hy
pochlorite of lime (bleaching powder)
may be used for the sterilization of
water. The powders may be obtained
on the market in small containers
for 5c and upward. A stock solution
is made by dissolving a teaspoonful
of powder in a pint of water. A tea
spoonful of this stock solution will
sterilize ten gallons of water. There
are also a number of tablets con
taining chlorine sold on the market
for this purpose. They may be ob
tained through your druggists. One
of these tablets ia generally used to
sterilize a quart of drinking water.
Filters cannot be depended upon un
der camp conditions. Safety first!
Winner of Scholarship Is
Nephew of Mrs. Vaughn
The following item, taken from the
Oregonian of July 22, announces the
winning of a Yale scholarship by El
ton R. Allison, nephew of Mrs. Carrie
Vaughn, formerly of this city. El
ton's father Oscar Allison once farm
ed on Eight Mile.
"A four-year scholarship to Yale
university, consisting of tuition fees
and $500 a year cash, has been award
ed to Elton R. Allison, high school
student at Centralis, Wash., in a na
tion-wide essay contest conducted by
the American Chemical society, ac
cording to a message received here
yesterday. Eleanor Ruth Andrus, 538
East Seventh street North, Portland,
received honorable mention. She is
a student of Jefferson high school.
The award to the Ccntraha stu
dent was one of the six announced
yesterday by Herbert Hoover, secre
tary of commerce and chairman of
the national awards committee of the
American Chemical society."
Several carloads of prime beef cat
tle were shipped to the Portland mar
ket Sunday. Duffy Commission com
pany was the main consignee, and
among the shippers were Dillard
French, three cars; Wenner, 1 car;
Chance Wilson, 1 car; B. F. Soren-
son, 1 car, and John Brosnan, 2 cars
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Palmateer and
daughter, Miss CI eta, of Windynook,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Palmateer of Estacada, Ore., were
visiting friends in Cecil on Sunday,
Wid Bays he has begun harvest or at
least he has been trying to find out
where all his wheat has gone to and
all he has been able to get so far is
thirty-six sacks. Wid declares he
will take a vacation and join the ape
hunters at Spirit Lake.
Mrs. Jack Hynd and son Jackie and
daughter Miss Violet of Butterby
Flats autoed to Arlington on Wed
nesday to meet Mrs. Hynd's sister-in-law
and daughters, Mrs. John Shaw
and Misses Mary and Carrie, of Ar
thur, Ontario, Canada. These ladies
expect to spend six weeks visiting
various parts of Oregon before re
turning to their home.
Geo. Shane and Louis Montague of
Arlington made a short stay in Cecil
on Saturday on their return journey
from Ritter hot springs. Geo. Shane
was taking his mother, Mrs .Doney, to
the springs where she will take treat
ments for a few weeks.
W. A. Thomas of Dotheboys Hill
was a Cecil visitor on Saturday. W.
A. says be has no wheat to harvest,
but he won t grumble for most of his
neighbors are in the same fix, and
misery likes company. "
Miss Thelma Miller of Heppner ar
rived at Butterby Flats on Sunday
and that accounts for Heppner and
Pendleton being so well represented
on Willow creek during the past few
Mr. Hathaway, formerly postmaster
of Ritter, now of Portland, accom
panied by his wife, made a short stay
tn Cecil on Tuesday before leaving
for Hamilton.
Messrs. Walker & Frederickson,
prominent citizens of Lexington, were
spending their leisure hours on Sun
day morning among the rabbits on
Willow creek.
Cecil Lieuallen, traffic highway of
ficer, and Emery Gentry, insurance
agent, etc., of Heppner, have been
very busy in the Cecil dsitrict during
the week,
Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Roosevelt,
Wash., were callers in Cecil on Mon
day. Mr. Cox was seeking baled hay
from Cecil's fine alfalfa ranches.
Mr. and Mrs, M. U. Logan and Syd
ney Wilmott of the Willows spent
Sunday evening visiting friends
around Cecil.
Krebs Bros, of the Last Camp
shipped a carload of fine lambs from
Cecil on Friday morning for Port
land. Messrs. Young of Portland and
Howk of lone were attending to rail
way business in Cecil on Thursday.
Bob Montague and E. Strait made a
short call in Cecil on Monday on their
way from Boulder to Juniper canyon.
Masters Billie and Wesley Jarvis of
Arlington were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Lundell during the week,
Henry Krebs and Gus Davis of the
Last Camp left for Krebs Bros, ranch
above Heppner on Sunday.
Mrs. Jack Hynd and son Jackie
were calling on Mrs. M. U. Logan at
the Willows on Saturdy.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and
family of Rhea Siding were calling in
Arlington on Saturday.
Mrs. J. E. Crabtree and family of
Cucktoo Flats were doing business in
Cecil on Sunday.
Hermann Havercost and Harold
Ahalt were doing the sights of Cecil
on Wednesday.
Miss Violet Hynd of Butterby
Flats was a visitor in Arlington on
Frank Carr, son of Henry Carr of
this city, came up from his home at
Portland the first of the week to look
after his father who was injured by
the fall of a horse last Thursday
Frank has been enjoying a visit with
old-time friends, it being 18 years
since he left Heppner. On his re
turn home he will be accompanied by
his father.
Mr. and Mrs. Gun Wilcox arrived
in Heppner from their home at Ksta
cada today and will spend a few days
here on business.
Famous Manufacturer Points Out
Possibilities of Producing Ni
trates for Immense Power.
Interview In Collier! Shows How V.
S. Could Force Peace Through
Development of Resource.
New York, July 23. Henry Ford
believes great wars can be ended by
the United States wielding the big
stick. In an interview with Samuel
Crowther in Collier's, the National
Weekly, for July 26th, Mr. Ford de
clares that potential nitrate produc
tion of Muscle Shoals will make the
United States independent of Chilean
nitrate and able to manufacture high
explosives on a colossal scale, un
dreamed of by munitions manufac
turers, and thus "develop war power!
beyond anything that has even been !
known. In the interests of peace,' he 1
declares, "it seems that we ahall
have to do it." 1
Mr. Ford states that war ia not in-1
evitable. "The worJd does not seem !
to be tired of war in spite of the fact i
that everybody lost and nobody won
in the last war. People are still
thinking that force, and-force atone,
is important, and they are going to
go on thinking in that way until a
force appears which makes the big
gest forces they can muster trivial in
comparison.' He believes that force
is latent in Muscle Shoals, and that
it can and must be developed unless
an enormous emergency expenditure
is to be totally scrapped.
"Our bid for Muscle Shoals, he
says, "hag been talked about a good
deal, but we have not been doing the
talking." He adds that his interest in
Muscle Shoals was that of preserving
a national asset of vital value in a
future national emergency, and that
if there is a better way of developing
the project than the one he suggest
ed it ought to be adopted.
He describes the boosting of the
price of nitrates for agricultural use
as "poor, petty business," and that
nitrate profits could be easily multi
plied by selling nitrate products to
the farmers as cheaply as possible.
"Petty larceny wars," he states
"will die out of themselves," adding:
"We cannot prevent all war, but we
can prevent great wars."
Mr. Ford believes that that potent
instrument of war-making, the aer
oplane, "can be commercially devel
oped as oon aa they (airplanes) are
taken up in a commercial way.
Ground at Dearborn has been given
over to an aviation field. As soon as
we know as much about them aa we
do about automobiles and that will
not be long then they can be built
by the thousands or by the millions,
he declares.
"International justice is very apt
to be power balanced against power,
instead of right balanced against
right," and Mr. Ford believes that the
queer combination" of banking and
business abroad, which he says is not
commonly the case in America, re
suits in war as a contest for markets.
The home market is our chief con
cern, he concludes. "We have no
temptation to make war for trade pur
poses. '
In the same interview in Collier s
Mr. Ford refers to the recent oil in
vestigation and its disclosures, as
serting that "No people other than
our own would have kicked up such a
fuss. The worst evidence that has
been turned up concerns action which
in many countries could be taken as
a matter of course. They expect their
politicians to act that way. These
investigations would scarcely have
been started even in this country
twenty or thirty years back. We shall
have nothing to fear so long as po
litical rascality is exposed."
Small Boy Loses Eye
By Bullet Explosion
Roy C. Boggs, Jr., 9 year old son
of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Boggs of Mon
ument, lost an eye and had a close
call to losing his life Sunday when
the shell of an exploded bullet lodged
his eye. The projectile entered
through the pupil of the eye, going
directly through the center just above
the optic nerve, and had it gone a
sixteneth of an inch further, the at
tending physician says it would have
reached the brain, the result of
which would have been fatal.
The accident happened Sunday af
ternoon when young Boggs, on horse
back, passed some boys playing in a
yard and was called over to see what
they were doing. He was asked to
look into a bucket on a fire, not being
told what the contents were. The
boys had placed some 22. calibre cart
ridges in the bucket and just as Roy
peered into it one of them exploded,
with the result as given.
He was rushed to Heppner to a
doctor. Dr. Johnston dressed the in
jured member, and thinking there
might be a chance to save the eye an
operation was not performed imme
diately, but an x-ray picture was
taken. Development of the picture
revealed the shell in the precarious
position, and the eye containing it
was removed Monday afternoon by
Drs. Johnston and McMurdo. Infec
tion was starting to set in, and the
operation was performed just in time
to save the other eye, the physicians
We wish to thank the many kind
friends and neighbors who so kindly
assisted us in the death of our dear
son and brother and also for the many
beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. J W Stevens and
The Willing Workers wilt hold their
monthly window sale at Humphreys
Drug company store Saturday morn
ing. There will be a choice supply
of cooked foods.
By Arthur Brisbane
Warning to Parents.
8 Million Little Pigs.
Riding a Driving Wheel.
Eastman's Millions.
All fathers and mothers should
be put on their guard by the death
of the President's son. The boy
wore shoes, or sandals, with no
stockings, as thousands of boys and
girls do, every day in Summer. THAT
The earth, everywhere, is impreg
nated with dangerous germs, includ
ing the germ of lockjaw, and innum
erble other germs that may cause
blood poisoning if a slight wound is
The feet and especially the toes.
are more easily infected than any
other external part of the body.
Cramped for generations in shoes,
deprived of their natural blood sup
ply, very often the toes lose their
power of resistance to germ attack.
Constantly you read of blood poison
ing that starts in the foot. -
Wearing shoes without stockings,
neglecting a cut or blister, as chil
dren often do, any germs accumula
ted are persistently and continuously
rubbed into the tissues and into the
blood circulation, with no protecting
stocking between the foot and the
The pluckier the child the more
probability of a 'neglected wound.
And boyish courage, unfortunately,
is no protection against germ at
tack. The Spring erop of pigs is short
by 8,000,000 in the corn belt." What
becomes of the "consciousness of
those 8,000,000 little pigs that never
saw the light of day?
Are they suspended somewhere in
eternity, waiting for a chance to kick
up their little legs in the corn belt
and eat good corn, previous to having
their throats cut?
If they could think at all, what
would they say to a system that
brings them into the world to eat
corn for a little while and then be
eaten by their "superiors," a system
that keeps eight million of them out
of the world when the price of corn
happens to go up? What is the exact
difference between 8,000,000 pigs and
the same number of humans?
Next in importance to INTELLI
GENCE comes POWER. Everything
we have comes from power intelli
gently directed. The World Power
Conference in London, discussing the
possibility of harnessing the wind,
waves, tides, sunlight, natural steam
and hot wells and unused possibili
ties of alcohol production, is a most
important gathering.
Prince Conti says the United States
of America could get more power
from its hot springs in California,
the Yellowstone, "Valley of Ten
Thousand Smokes" in Alaska, etc..
than from all our waterfalls. And
think of unused heat, deep under
Sir Charles Bedford says alcohol
from waste vegetable matter would
provide more power than gasoline,
when oil is exhausted. Rice straw
wasted in India could produce enough
alcohol to equal in power the annual
production of petroleum.
This earth is a driving wheel and it
is silly to think that we could ever
run short of power, living on a driv
ing wheel.
The attempt to climb Mt. Everest
is abandoned for this year. But with
the patience and perseverance of
other insects, men will keep on try
ing and they will reach the top.
They may find there the froien
bodies of Mallory and Ervtne, two of
the expedition last seen as they en
tered a heavy cloud in a drive for the
Rather a romantic grave, in the
freezing cold of the highest spot on
earth. Some day sightseers in flying
machines will look at a stone "cover
ing the dead bodies of the first two
men that ever climbed up here," and
children in the sightseeing flier will
ask, "Why did they climb up, instead
of flying?"
Five years ago George Eastman, of
Rochester, allowed 6.000 employes of
his Eastman Kcdak company to sub
scribe for stock in the company at
par. Last week the employes got
their stock, worth $21,000,000.
They paid just half that price for
it originally, making a profit of 100
per cent. That's a good way to en
courage good work and interest work
ers in their jobs.
The death of W. P. Dutton ai un
expected by his friend in Portland,
according to tl;e following item takt-n
from the "Those Who Come and Gu"
column in Tuesday Oregnnian:
'Judtfe William. Duitun, who for
several years haa ben ore of tho
constant visitors in the lobby ut th
Imperial, died suddenly ycateidiiy
noon. He had been chatting m muni
in the lobby and at noon went out f'r
lunch. Half an hur later wind earn
back that the juilge had expired
Judge Dutton wit for years a farmer
in Morrow county but rolired a fi-w
years ago, moving to Portland. H
waa the must enthusiastic advoru'n
of Morrow county thtit ever came to
1'ortland and was firmly cn vinrd
that hiii county wan the finest pur
in the world. The death of the julg
came as a shock to hia lobby ccinjdfi-iona."