PAGE TWO THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924. THE GAZETTE-T Till HETPNF.R GAT EM .. CaUblUM K.-Hl M. IMI TBI BErrSEH TIMES. EaubUtM CONSOLIIlATtl) FEIiRVAKr U. Hit e-oMfchee" every awTwlne ft ATIH St rKNCIiII CRAW FORD ... e'tr. ft! the 'Mt Olfcee ml Hrppncr. iaM matter. ADVERTIIUVfi KtTF4 CIVtV ON Al'PLU ATll-N SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Om Y-.7 SI W Sia Month . i-M Three MM . "t fttnt Coptee M MORROW COVXTT OFFICIAL PAPER Pomfii Advvntelnf ReprteeTitatii'e THk AMKR1CAN PHKSS ASSOCIATION AS TBROVCH A GLASS DARKLY. TEN year Afro en June 23, 1914 t mad Serbian student tent a bul let into the heart of the heir to the Austrian throne and a world flamed into war. The perspective of time has already shewn us that the re fwlting conflict wa? inevitable that the chance accuracy of Princep's aim served only to speed the turn of the wheel of fate that waa foredooming millions of men to death. Yet for a time for nearly a month, in fact after the Serajevo assassination f-nly the farseeing" among men probably read in the event a portent of the world convulsion that was to follow. Look back at the newspaper files for July, 1914, and forgetting, if you can. what the next decade brought, see if from a perusal of the front paes of that early summer you could have foretold the headlines that would be emblazoned there the first week in Aurust, Men are poor judges of their own times; it is no more difficult to fore tell the future than it is properly to weigh the significance of the present. What soldier who fought at Hast ings guessed that in the defeat and death of Harold and the triumph of William the Cor.querer the English nation had had its birth? What em battled fanner firing from behind a stone wall on the Concord-Lexington road could see in the dust clouds raised by the heels of the fleeing redcoats the vision of a great repub lic stretching from ocean to ocean, peopled by a hundred million liberty- loving descendants? War is merely the first spark of the sputtering fuse of an epoch history. The flash from the pistol of the assassin at Serajevo lighted the bomb that extinguished the ancient Romanoff dynasty of Russia and the Hoheniohern s power over Germany. And the fuse is still sputtering, fir ing in its course great stores of gov ernmental explosives. In both France and England it has touched off na tional fireworks Roman candles and skyrockets blazing forth eratically to herald the fall of ministries and pres idents and premiers. To the eyes of America, turned watchfully toward her shores, Europe still appears one vast pyrotechnic display. And, we must admit, we have our own flares and firecrackers all a part of the train of combustibles which has been burning ever since the first flash at Serajevo. History, of course, is not a perpet ual red fire parade, so mankind hope fully expects that order .and peace will soon come again. The advan tages of that peace and order will be strongest for the nation that first anticipates them. And they may come sooner than we now dare hope. What doughboy, flung on his belly in an Argonne thicket in the tooth-and-n&il fighting of late October, 1918, would have dared hazard the incred ible guess -sthat the war would be over in two weeks? American Leg ion Weekly. s-s-s WILL HOLD FAMILY REUNION. The chi'dren of Mrs. Mattie Smead are gathering at Heppner for a fam i y reunion that will be held tome time during this week. It is expected that ail of the family will be present except Maurice Smead who is engag ed in business in Portland and will not be abl eto attend. Those already here are Mrs. Guy Boyd and three children, and a niece, Mrs. C. H. Brown of Parma, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Chas H. Curtis of Stockton. Calif., and Mrs. Lena White and two daugh ters of Corvallis, all of them arriv ing the first of the week. John Glass cock and wife of Portland, Roy Glass cock and wife of Mt, Vernon, Oregon, and Frank Glasscock and family of Lexington will be present to parti cipate in the gathering. The family have not all been together for many years. Mr. Smead and wife arrived from Portland early Wednesday morning to be present At the reunion, having decided that he could not afford to remain away on this joyous occasion. Judge and Mrs. W. T. Campbell retunred Friday evening from Sum tnerville, Union county, where they were called to attend the funeral on Thursday of Matt Sanderson, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Campbell and prominent resident of Union county for many years. Death came to Mr. Sanderson as a result of paralysis be suffered some two or three weeks previous. He was 72 years of age, and is survived by his widow and spvera! grown children. Send for of nature minimum itinerary PI II I THROUGH C. DAKBEE, Agent Heppner, Ore. or address WM M.Ml'HRAT Grnpial l'i,(ii(,.r A Kent. 1'urllaud, Orrguu Farm Activities FROM THE "MORROW COUNTY FARM BUREAU NEWS" Wheat Growers Confer- ence to Be Held at ! St. Paul. ! The McNary-Haugen bill failed to I pass the session of Congress just adjourned, but according to state ments made by George C. Jewett, chairman of the McXary-Haugen Leg islative committee, the campaign to have the bill passed Improving the general purposs of the McNary Haugen bill wi!l not be dropped. A letter received by the Morrow County Farm Bureau from Mr. Jewett is as fol'ows: "To Farmers and Farm Organ Sta tions: "You are hereby invited to attend and participate in a National Organ ization Conference to be held at St. Paul at the Garrick theater, begin ning 10 a. m. on July 11 and 12, 1924. "This conference haa been called in accordance with the desires express ed at Washington, D. C, by national farm organizations, for the purpose of forming a temporary organization to hare charge of a national campaign to secure the enactment into law of the basic principles of the McNary Haugen bill. "This is a matter of extreme im portance, and you are most cordially urged to be represented at this con ference." Potato Bugs. Potato bugs are causing consider able damage in potato patches thru out Morrow county at the present time. The following control methods are effective and are recommended: The Colorado Potato Beetle, or Strip ed Potato Bug is easily poisoned by spraying or sprinkling with lead ar senate mixed at the rate of four lbs. to one hundred gallons of water. This can be sprayed on the vines with a small spray pump or by sprinkling with the ordinary sprinkling can. An other method, easier to handle for small patches ia to thoroughly mix powdered lead arsenate and air-slacked lime at the rate of one part by weight of lead arsenate to nine parts of air-slacked lime. Put this in a sack and dust it over the vines by shaking the sack. It is much easier to get them when they first come out and are only a few bugs on the vine tha nto wait until eggs laid by the bugs are hatched out and the slugs appear. Harvest Labor Service to Be Given. Arrangements have been made by the County Agent to supply harvest labor when needed. Mr. H. J. Biddle of lone, and Mr. Tucker of Lexing ton are cooperating with the County Agent's office to secure harvest hands. Farmers living tributary to these towns are requested to call on them for help and if they cannot be se cured at the towns they wil eall the County Agent at Heppner who will have the men shipped in from points outside the county. Wherever pos sible, an effort will be made to se cure local men to handle work and A TREAT FOR THE FAMILY The wife and kiddies will enjoy a change from the monotony of home-cooked meals, so why not suggest coming here for dinner ev ery one in awhile. No wor ry, no delays, no dishes to wash just sit down to a de lightful, wholesome, satisfy ing meal, served in a way that all will like. Moderate prices, too. We Serve Chinese Noodles ELKHORN RESTAURANT HEPPNER'S POPULAR EATING HOUSE Delicious Coffee Is the Nation's Greatest Playground Every American should ahare In th tnnplratlon of ita towrr)ri(t &k. Icapm Keynvru. growling grotto, boiling- c0ullronn. In th mid fit of whlfh arematmtf iornt hot-la. charming cot (art vlllagei., thO miiea of matchlee boulevard n.i.d all the comfort of home. our booklet It tells the thrilling tory wonderland- Our SLEEPING CAR Operated DAILY during the season between Portland and West Yellowstone by the Union Pacific System It ournepreaentallvee explain the various toura which enable visitors to see Ihe V eilowslone at cost; also quote ran-s, prepare yn and make yuur reservations. Call i only in th0M wher local mn can no oe s ecu re a win tne outside labor be imported. Men looking for work in the county should be direct ed to Mr. Biddle or Mr. Tucker or to the County Agent's office at Heppner where they will be placed if pos sible. Wool Market Reports Are Brodcasted by Radio. A recent letter from Mr. R. A. Ward, general manager of the Pacific Cooperative Wool Growers associa tion of Portland announces that bis organization will, on each Thursday evening about 7:35, broadcast from KGW, the Morning Oregon i an ita-1 tion, a special wire on the wool mar ket, received from the Boston office of the U, S. Department of Agricul tural Economies. Tuning in on this station at that time will give wool growers the latest information on the Boston wool market before it can be secured here through the usual news paper channels. Mr. Ward further stated that he had recently returned from an extended visit in the mill districts in New England and found the wool manufacturing industry to be in rather poor condition, partic ularly with reference to the worsted branch of the industry, and various esumaies piace me activity oi wors- ted spindlers at somewhere between 50 and 60 per cent. The more con servative elements of the trade es timate it to be nearer 40 per cent to 60 per cent. Foreign markets for wool keep on a high basis and there is now a margin of 30c to 35c per pound between fine staple Australian wool out of bond duty paid and the nearest corresponding grade of ter ritory fine staple. Wheat Inspection for Certified Seed. Three days of the past week were spent by the County Agent and Mr. E. R. Jackman, extension farm crop specialist, inspecting wheat fields for seed certification in the county. All of the requests for inspection were not covered and another day or two will be spent, starting July 7. to fin ish up the work in the county. Any farmer having wheat which he wishes inspected for certification is request ed to notify the County Agent not later than July 5. In the inspection work the past week a number of excellent fields were located and detailed data will be published on the fields passed for certification as soon as the work is completed. Among the fields which looked especially good at this time were 480 acres of Turkey Red grown by Fred Raymond of Rhea Creek, 300 acres of Forty-fold grown by Leonard Carlson of lone, 160 acres GOITER home Simple home treatment. Send (or FREE booklet and tesftmonlals. WARNER'S RENOWNED REMEDIES CO.. 731 Se curity Blda-.. Minneapolis, Minn. To Look On the wear a Styleplus Suit Easy fitting and metropolitan in ev ery line. Hanging straight from wide shoulders it is a beauty in rich variety of all the better fabrics. Blues and Greys predominate in the season's new est colors. You can pay more but you can't better the smart style effect. Let Us Outfit You This Week DAVID A. WILSON A Man's Store for Men of Turkey Red grown by W. L. Cop enhaver of Lexington, and 140 acres of Turkey Red grown by Frank Mason of Lexington. A number of other fields inspected will pass certification requirements and be o.k.'d for seed ing. A large number of fields thru- out the county have some rye in them which puts them out of class A cer tified seed class. Most of the rye found is volunteer between the rows probably spread by feeding rye hay when working summer fallow or seeding. Certification requirements are as follows: Class A certified seed, a tolerance of one-half of one per cent mixture of wheats of different color or texture with a total tolerance of one per cent mixture of other vari eties. No rye mixture is tolerated in Class A seed. For Class li certified seed a total tolerance of two per cent mixture of other varieties and a trace of rye ia admissable. Bungalow for Rent Furnished or nartlv furnished. Inauire at First National Bank. n--r .,, i , , n -th- i -,. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of the provisions of a chattel mortgage, held by the undersigned, arainst the property of W. W. How ard, hereinafter described, I will at the ranch of W. W. Howard, about 9d miU ft of Hennner. Morrow County, State of Oregon, on the 6th AhV Qt juiy. $2A, at the hour ot mree ociock r. m. u iu unjr, vuc. for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the following personal property, to-wit: One 3 inch wagon. Two wagon racks. One 3 section drag harrow. One gang plow and one walking plow. 3 sets harness. One fresno scraper. One blacksmith outfit, and tools. One gray mare, eight years old; one bay mare eight years old; one roan mare five, years old; one brown mare, five years old; six head of two year old colts; one brown saddle horse ; one one gray saddle horse; three head of work horses, one black, one bay and one roan; two cows. The above sale is for the purpose of paying the claim of the under signed in the sum of $1334.54 with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from November 29, 1921, $25.00 attorney fee and costs of sale. F. J. IRVINE Adress: Echo, Oregon. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of, and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County on the 25th day of June, 1924, upon a certain judgment and decree entered and rendered in said court on the 23rd day of June. 1924, in: a certain suit in said court wherein W. Y. Ball, plaintiff, recovered judg ment against T. H. Williams, and Corda Williams, his wife, defendants. for the sum of $1625.76, with interest thereon from the 24th day of August, 1922, nt the rate of fight per cent Your Best Fourth per annum, the further sum of $150.00, attorney's fees, the further sum of 012.15, with interest there on from the 26th day of March, 1924, at the rate of six per cent per annum, and the sum of $21.60. the cost and disbursements, and to me directed commanding me to sell at public auc tion the following described real property situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Being 1787.7 acres of land in Town ship No. four (4) South of Range twenty-four (24) East of Willamette Meridian and described as follows: The North half of the Southeast quar ter, the East half of the Southwest quarter, the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter and that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter containing 15.43 acres more or less, lying South of the County road running up and down Rood Canyon of Section four teen (14). That part of the South half of the Southeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of the South west quarter of Section fifteen (15) lying south of the County road in Rood Canyon containing 74.98 acres. The East half, the East half of the Northwest quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section twenty-two (22); the North west quarter, the North half of the Southwest quarter, the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter and the West half of the Southeast quar ter of Section twenty-three (23). All of Section twenty-six (26). That part of the East half of the Northwest quarter of Section twenty-seven (27) described as follows: Beginning at the quarter Section corner between Sections 22 and 27 and running thence South 40 chains to center of Section 27; thence West along the East and West center line of said Section 11.40 chains; thence North 10 degrees West 28.04 chains down Canyon .to Rock Creek and across to the North bank of said Rock Creek; thence North 74 degrees 45 minutes West along said North bank 3.62 chains to the Mouth of a canyon; thence North 38 degrees 30 min. East along up said canyon 14.0 chains to the North line of said Section twenty-seven, (27); thence East 10.55 chains to the place of beginning containing 57.29 acres. Now, therefore, in compliance with said execution, I will on Saturdiy, the 26th day of July, 1924. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Court House at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash all the above described real property. Dated this 25th day of June, 1924. GEO. McDUFFEE. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. , Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as executor of the estate of Thomas L. Dorman, deceased, by virtue of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, duly made and en tered on the 2nd day of June, 1924, authorizing and directing the sate of the real property hereinafter describ ed, will, at my office in lone. Morrow County, Oregon, from and after the 25th day of July, 1924, proceed to sell for cash, at private sale, to the high est bidder the following described real property belonging to said es tate, to-wit: That portion of Lot 5, Block 13, lying south and west of the channel of Willow Creek, Town of Lexington, Oregon. Lot 10, Block 13, Town of Lexing ton, Oregon, except the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Com pany right-of-way. Lots 4 and 5, Block 20, Town of Lexington, Oregon. Said sale will be made subject to confirmation by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow i County. Luieu bins i ( tn uay oi June, i;w. T" ..... .1 iL!. mL A T innt H. J. BIDDLE, Executbr of the Estate of Thomas L. Dorman, deceased, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORECLOSURE EXECUTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That under and by virtue of a foreclosure Execution and Order of Sale, isued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, upon a Judgment and Decree of foreclo sure, made and entered therein on the 7th day of May, 1924, wherein Lawrence A. Perry was plaintiff, and John J Kelly, P. T. Murphy, Eugene Molitor, Mary E. Gorman and G. W Gorman were defendants, and to me directed, I have duly levied upon, and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the front door of the County Court house at Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, on Monday, the 14th day of July, 1924, at the hour of ten thirty '10:30) A. M. of said day, all of the right, title and interest of said de fendants, or either of them, in and to the following described premises, to wit: The NW Sec. 19, SH of SH Sec. 20, SWKSW& Sec. 21, NE& NW& Sec. 28, Sec. 29, except N! NEtt; SNtt, and NNE4 Sec. 30, SEtfNWK, SWNEi. NWtt SE, SViSE'4, and SttSW Set?. 31; all Sec. 32, Tp. 4 S, R. 24, E. W. M In Morrow County, Oregon. Said sale to be of the whole of said described lands, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the Judgment of the Court in the above entitled cause, to-wit, the sum of $21,679.38, together with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the said 7th day of May, 1924, the further sum of $1100.00 attorneys' fees, and the sum of $62.00 costs and disbursements, to gether with accruing costs and ex penses of such sale; aaid sale to be made subject to confirmation by the said Court. Dated and first published this the 12th day of June, A. D. 1924. GEO. McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. By ANNA DOHERTY, Deputy. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a writ of execution in foreclosure duly issued out of, anil under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, on the 10th day of June, 1924, by the Clerk of said Court upon a judgment and decree entered and rendered in said Court on the 9th day of June, 1924, in favor of W. II. Trolsch, plaintiff and against Amos B. Strait, and Bertha M. Strait, his wife, J, F. Lucas, I'hlll Cohn, J, A. Williams, Helen V, Knappenberg, and Southwestern Washington Hank, a corporation, defendants, for the sum of $3900.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the 20th day of August, 1920, for the further sum of $250.00, at torney' fees, and the sum of $47.20, cost and disbursement, and com manding me to sell at public auction for cash all th, following described real property, situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The Northwest quarter, and the South half of Section eight (8) in Township two (2) North of Range twenty seven 127) East of Willamette Meridian. Now, therefore, I will on Saturday, th, 12th day of July, 1924, at the "hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for eash all of the above described real property to satisfy the above judgment and ac cruing cost on said writ. Dated this 11th day of June. 1924. GEO. McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice it hereby given that by vir tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, to me directed and dated June 2nd. 1924, upon a judgment ren dered and entered In said Court on the 13th day of May, 1924, tn favor of J. C. Gilbert, as plaintiff and against Harry L. Duvall and Frank Saling, defendants, in the sum of $968.75 with one half of the interest on Bcid sum from Jan. 1, 1922, to January 1, 1923, at the rate of seven per cent per annum and Interest thereon from January 1, 1923, at the rate of ton per cent per annum; the further sum of $1937.50 with interest front Jan uary 1, 1922 at the rate of seven per cent per annum; the further sum of $1937.50 with interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from Jan uary 1, 1923, to January 1, 1921, and interest thereon after January 1, L?4, at the rate of ten percent per annum: the further sum of $400.00 attorneys' fees and $24.95 costs and disburse ments, less the sum of $231') paid thereon on the 13th day of March, 1924, commanding me to make bale of the real property described in the mortgage which was given to the plaintiff to secure the payment of said judgment. I will in compliance with the com mand of said writ, on the 7th day of July, 1924, at the hour of 2:30 o clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner Morrow County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the undivided one half interest of Harry L, Duvall and Amanda Duvall, his wife, Imand to the following de scribed premises in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-wit: All of Section 21; East half of Section 16; North half of Sec tion 28; Southwest quarter of Section 22; Northeast quarter of Section 21), all in Township One North, Ranee 26, E. W. M., and all the right and title that either of said defendants had on March 8th, 1916, or have since acquired in said real property, and if the sale of the interest of said Harry L. Duvall and Amanda Duvall in and to said real property fails to produce sufficient funds to pay the plaintiff's judgment, including costs and attorneys' fees and accruing costs of sale, then by virtue of said writ, I will at said time and place, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand all of the right, title and Interest that Frank Sating and Vashti Saling, his wife, and Harry L. Duvall and Aman da Duvall had in and to said real property on the 8th day of March, 1916, or have since acquired or now have, or so much of said real proper ty as may be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's judgment, together with costs, attorneys' fees and accruing costs of sale. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Date of first publication, June 5, 1924. Date of last publication, July 3, 1924. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of R. E. Jones, deceased, has filed his final account of the administration of said estate with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 7th day of Ju!y, 1924, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room at the Court House, at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place, for hearing ob jections to said final account, and alt persons having objections to said tinal account or the settlement of said estate are hereby required to file same with said Court on or before the date fixed for hearing thereof. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 4th day of June, 1924. C. N. JONES, Administrator. Professional Cards DR. A. II. JOHNSTON Physician and Surgeon Calls answered Night or Day GKAUl'ATB NI HSE ASSISTANT I. O. O. F. llulldina Fhones: OfTW, Main 933 : Km., 41 HKl'I'NKH, OHKUON A. M. EDWARDS I DKIIX WELLS I also handle Casing, Windmills and Suppliesdo fishing and clean out old wells. BOX 14, LEXINGTON, ORE. DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST I. O. O. F, Building Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant HVppner, Oregon Drs. Brown and Chick PHYSICIANS A BURGEONS 800 Alberta St. (Cor. E 24th.), PORTLAND, ORE, WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYB-AT-LAW Offices in First National Dank Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT -LAW Office la Court House Heppner, Oreo F. II. ROBINSON LAWYER IONE. OREGON Heppner Sanitarium j Phyiielaa-la-Caarte Treatment of all diseases. Isolated wards for contagious diseases. FIRE INSURANCE Waters & Anderson Hrppnar, Orefo ffolqpr&f Jjosizry Ladies' Silk Hose Range in Price from $1.00 to $4.00 ALL POPULAR SHADES AND COLORS. The Large Assortmen Includes: Silver, Airdale, Rose Beige, Lark, Otter, Jack Rabbit, New Bobolink, Samoan, Fawn, Cloud, Sponge, Caravan, Noisette, Beige, Gun Metal, Cordovan, Black and White. Sam Hughes Co. Of Course j I YOU Will Attend Chautauqua j JUNE 30 to JULY 5 Make Our Store and Rest Room Your H Headquarters While in Town. 1 A Little Advice J That Will Save YOU j FOOD Money H Let us reserve your Season Tickets for H you NOW. Get them any time up to 1 H noon of the first day, June 30. g HELP THE LOCAL GUARANTORS TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO KEEP j THESE HIGH CLASS ENTERTAIN- j MENTS COMING REGULARLY. l Phelps Grocery Company J PHONE 5? lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN BOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Heppaer. Oregoa I ITI C. A. MINOR PMIE. AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE 014 Line Coeapaaies REAL ESTATE Happnar, Ore. MATERNITY HOME MRS. G. C AIKEN, RBPPNRR 1 am prepared to take a limited anot her of maternity caae at my hum. Pfttitnta privileged te die their ewe phreleian. Beat of ear and attention auored. PHONE m JOS.J.NYS ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Upstairi in Humphreys Building Heppner, Oregoa SMI i '