The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 41, Number 14 HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924. Subscription $2.00 Per Year 10 Programs Are Best Ever Brought Here in Big Tent. DR. HULBERT SPEAKS Eminent Authority on Far East Brings Startling Measage; Big Play Success la Good. With the opening of Chautauqua on Monday, Heppner people are en joying one of the best programs cvit brought to this city in the big tent, thla week. In ipite of the warm wea ther and early harveat crowd, in at tendance so far have been large and a keen interest generally la being taken. The opening feature Monday after noon waa presented by the Dsvlos-Qualen-Greene entertainers. This trio of talented musicians with their clever arrangement were indeed well chosen to get the chautauqua-goers in a receptive frame of mind for the programs to follow. David Davies, baritone, Evelyn Greene, pianist and John Qualen. ftutist-impersonator. compose the trio. Monday evening a headllner num ber, the big play auccesa "Six Cylin der Love" clinched the friendship of an audience which packed the tent, and practically assured the success of this year's Chautauqua. In its clever comedy situations combined with human interest appeal, "Six Cylinder Love" can certainly be said to be one of the very best plays of the year. Taking an automobile for the villain, and therewith bringing two American luxury-loving families to ther senses this play brings an en tirely new thought into modern stage productions. Three charming and talented lad ies, the Going-Bell-Epperson com pany, split the time both afternoon and evening Tuesday with Dr.' Homer B. Hulbert, eminent authority on Korea and the far east, and the dou ble programs were a treat indeed. With programs of vocal and piano solos, duets, readings, impersona tions, whistling and ensemble num bers, Evelyn Going, Bernice Bell and Fay Epperson made many lasting friends in Heppner. Miss Going has a sweet soprano voice and her sing ing of classical and popular aongs was a rare treat Miss Bell, who served as accompanist at the piano, also played several aoloa of merit, whila Miss Epperson served to bring the exceptional program to a climax of perfection with clever imperaona tiona, readings and probably the best of all, her beautiful whistling. Miss Epperson's bird imitations had un usual interest being educative aa well as entertaining. Tha message brought to Heppner by Dr. Hulbert contained startling facta with regard to the far east which opened the listeners' eyes to things heretofore a closed book to them. Having lived in Korea for 25 years and much of that time acting in official governmental capacity, Dr. Hulbert has been in a position to study the far east question from ev ery angle at close range. During his long residence there he formed a lasting love for the Koreans and Chi nese which added to the aincerity and . forcefulnesa of his message. Dr. Hulbert declared that the far east question is much more sinister and involved than we in this country have any idea. He emphasised strong ly the great difference in every as pect of the Japanese and Chinese as well as the Korean people. While the Chinese have always held mil itarism under their heel and elevated commercialism, the Japanese have elevated militarism and spurned com-mereiall-m. This, he declared, has made China a land of opportunity for surplus Amercian products, while it has made of Japan a nation of dominant militarism and veritable cut-throats. Tha vivid description which Dr. Huibert gave of Japan's treatment of Korea made the cold chills run up one's, spine, and his praise of the heroism with which Korea met this theatmont could not help but create a like feeling within the breasts of hia listeners. We are sure that when all America hears and under stands Dr. Hulbert's measage a very different attitude will be shown by this country toward our little friend Korea. The two programs yesterday were given by the Vernon Symphonic Quintet, report of which we will give next week. Chautauqua week in Heppner will end with the last pro gram Satuailay night. F. L. Harwood's Mother Passes Away at Hillsboro Mrs. David Harwood, a pioneer of Washington county, mother of Frank llnrwood. of this city, died In Hills boro on Tuesday, June 24, 1924, and the funeral waa held in that city on June 20th. Mrs, Harwood's home was in Portland and at the time of her death she was visiting in Hillsboro She ia survived by her husband David Harwood and the following aona and daughters! Mrs. Wm. Tur- pln of Marshllcld; Mrs. Elwood John son, Mrs. Goo. Hart, Hillsboro; Chas, Harwood, Silverton; Mrs, F. Alien- droth, Portland; Frank L. Harwood Heppner; besides 24 grand children and 2 groat grand children. Mr. Harwood attended the golden wedding of his parenta just two weeks before his mother's death Though his mother had been III for some time word of her death came as a sovcre shock to Mr. Harwood. it being the first death in his Im mediate family. Mr. Harwood hat Just returned from a visit to his mother's bedside when he received a telegram announcing her demise, and he left immediately to be pre lent at the funeral, Universal Garage Taken Over By Walter LaDusire Walter LaDusire haa taken over the Universal garage, formerly run by Dick Johns, and expects to take charge of the aame this week. Mr. LaDusire haa been in charge of the Heppner Garage Machine shop for the past three years, running it by himself since buying out his partner, Mr. Patrick, a year or more ago. He will make some improvements in the new location and expects to add a car agency to the business, probably the Maxwell and Chrysler line, and carry a complete stock of tires and other accessories. Being a splendid mechanic, Mr. LaDusire has enjoyed t good business and he expecta that this will be expanded to a consider able degree at the Universal garage. Just what Mr. Johns will do, he has not yet fully decided, but he will likely leave Heppner to engage in business at some other point where there la a good opening. He will take time to look around before com ing to a definite decision. Battle Goes On In Big Democratic Gathering Late Returns Yesterday By Radio An no a nee But Slight Changes on 37th Ballot at New York. The battle still goes on In the dem ocratic convention at New York, and the 37th ballot reported by radio from Portland and received here at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon indicates that it may be some time yet before the candidates are named. The battle rages between the McAdoo and Smith forces, with the former still leading but apparntly weaker than when the balloting began. Some sixteen can didates were presented to the con vention, and numerous state delega tions still stay with favorite sons. Jimmy Cox, who will be remembered as the man who led the national dem ocracy to the greatest defeat In Its history four years ago, is getting fav orable mention again and looms up In the convention with a pretty strong following and 65 votes to his credit. Sam Notson, who is deeply interested In the affair at New York, is strong fn the conviction that Cox will yet be the nominee, but there are other dark horse candidates, and no man can predict to a certainty who will be the head of the dmeocratic ticket. It appears to be generally conceded on all sides that neither McAdoo nor Smith can possibly win, and another day or so should bring about a change and a stampede to some one of the many men before the convention. According to the latest reports the ballot stood as follows: McAdoo 444, Smith 321, Balaton 32, J. W. Davis 107, Robinson 24, Glass 24, Cox 65, Underwood 39tt. Summer School for Boys and Girls. (By R. B. WILCOX.) This month there will be held at Corvallls, a two weeks short course, for Club boys and girts. Club mem bers from many sections of the state will gather there for study and en joyment. One county that I person ally know about makes a specialty of sending a large number of its boys and girls there, and my personal ob servation has proven to me that Club work and a trip to O. A. C. Summer School does more lasting good than most anything that can happen in a boy's or girl's life. If we could only get people, old and young, to take more interest in the things near at hand a more con tented people would result. Our pre sent system of education largely turns out a product that is restless and discontented, and usually un qualified for any of the ordinary du ties of life. Until we weave into our school sys tem something that Is personally ben eficial as well as instructive, enter taining, etc., until we do this the re sult of our educational system will be unsatisfactory. The Greek and Roman educators were for intellectual development and enjoyment. Slaves did the work. For any years this was the idea of edu cation, and only those who did not work were educated. Only true happiness can come from service or work whatever you wish to call It. The idle person in search of happiness is never satisfied. Why can't we forget the old idea that the common things of life are not worth systematic investigation? Why can't our schools turn out boys and girls who have an intelligent understand- ng and a like for the things near at hand, rather than a graduate whose chief desire is pleasure, dis taste for home conditions, desire to live some where else, and a belief that work is disgraceful. Club work where intelligently car ried on has been producing the de sired results. Mrs. A. L. Strait died at her home In Juniper canyon on Sunday and the remains were brought to Heppner where they were prepared for ship ment to Portland at the undertaking parlors of M. L. Case, Mrs. Strait, who was 49 years of age at the time of her death, had been a sufferer for some time with leukemia, a fatal blood disease, but the immediate cause of her death was pneumonia. She Is survived by her husband and one grown daughter. The remains wore taken to Portland on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. H. Latourell re turned from Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Latourell spent two weeks visiting in the city, while Mr. Latourell went down a few days ago, Charlie re ports the mercury At 112 in The Dal ies when he went through there and sayi people there are really suffering from the heat, our scige being com paratively light. Miss Evelyn Waro, a charming young lady of Olympin, Wash., is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H, M. Olden near Fair-view, OVER-CHLORINA-TION OF WATER Proas Bute Board of Hoaft. Water Is an absolute necessity. No organic matter can grow, nor can any living being exist, for any length of time without water. To secure an adequate and safe supply of this ele ment is one of the first problems of a civilized community. In incorpor ated towns and cities, the responsi bility for a safe water supply rests upon the mayor and city council. Under our present conditions of civilisation, it is becoming increas ingly more difficult to find a natural water supply that la safe. The prob lem must be met by sterilization. Of all the methods devised for the pur ification of water, chlorination is the most practical and efficient. It will be necessary, therefore, for an in creasing number of communities to install chlorination plants. On installation of chlorination plants, city officials are frequently besieged with all kinds of complaints. People imagine that all their ills are due to the chlorine in the water. The conditions most frequently complain ed of are a disagreeable taste and odor, certain skin eruptions, cramps and intestinal disorders. That these are purely imagination is proved by the fact that complaints continue to come in long after chlorination has been discontinued. Chlorine in the proportions for the sterilization of water is harmless. Authorities agree that chlorine, in the proportion of two or three parts per million, produces no harmful ef fects on the human organism. As a rule, only a small fraction of this amount is used in the sterilization of water. Filtered water from lakes and rivers is sterilized by two or three-tenths of one part per million. Water supplies from wells and springs are sterilized by two-tenths to six-tenths of one part per million. Raw surface water is sterilized by five-tenths to one part per million. The average water supply in this country is sterilized by three-tenths to eight-tenths of one part per mil lion. Disagreeable tastes and odors are generally due to the presence of or ganic matter rather than to chlorine in the water. Undoubtedly, it is well to have a competent person in charge of the chlorination plant. As a matter of fact, however, water sup plies are seldom over-chlorinated. Blacksmith Shop Burns; Man Seriously Injured The blacksmith shop on the farn. of R. W. Brown, 9 miles west of lone, took fire at about 11 o'clock on Tues day evening and the building, with its contents, together with a combin har vester standing near by on which re pairs were being made, were totally destroyed. Mr. Brown, who was preparing for bed at the time of the fire, rushed out to the shop in his bare feet and was attempting to save some of the mov able property, when he became sur rounded by the fire and before he could get away he was badly burned about the feet and legs. His injuries were very serious and painful, the feet being so badly burned that the skin slipped off when he ran from the blaze. Dr. McMurdo was immediately called from Heppner and dressed the burns and administered relief to Mr. Brown whom he found suffering in tense pain and agony. It will be sev eral weeks before he will recover from the effects of the burns. The fire evidently started from the forge, where live coals had been left earlier in the evening. WOULD CAN WORTHLESS HORSES. J. B. Huddleston, Lonerock sheep man, was here on business Saturday, Speaking of the summer range, he found the pasturage better than he expected on the national forest al lotment. Like many other sheep and cattlemen, he finds his summer range damaged by numerous worthless horses. He estimates that 300 of these animals graze on his allotment. Most of them are worth little or nothing an average of less than (5 apiece yet they destroy much pas turage, as they graze over wide tracts twelve months in the year. Most of them bear no known brands. The forest service authorities do not want them to run in the national forest, but have found no way to get rid of them. It is said that there are fully 10,000 of these worthless equines grazing in the national forest re serves to the south of us. Mr. Huddleston suggests that they could and might be canned and sent to Europe instead of sending funds to feed the starving population of mid hurope. It is suggested that J. B. is just as serious about this canning business as he has proved to be about his ef forts to doll up in double harness. In spite of all that various newspap ers have done to aid him, he still travels "alone and unattached." Condon Globe-Times. ATTENTION, MASONS. There will be no meeting on Sat urday evening, July 6th, owing to the Chautauqua and other at tractions in the city. special communication will be held on Monday evening, July 7th, at 8 o'clock when there will be work hi the F, C, degree. Visitors are always wel come. By order of the W. M, L. W BRIGGS, Sec A break In the main line along the route of the city water line Tuesday evening, left the residents of Hepp ner minus water during the nigh and up to the middle of the forenoon Wednesday. Supt. Pruyn got busy with the auxillnry pumping plant at once, and the city was furnished water from the deep well until th water main was repaired. The bronk was in the concrete pipo line at th Lish Watklns place. Alex R. Livingstone, Jr., reprosen tative of Boston wool buyers was in Heppner on Tuesday looking over the situation here. He has been spend ing some time in the Eastern Oregon country, PROGRAM HEPPNER, OREGON JULY 4th, 1924, 10 O'CLOCK Music Condon Band Invocation Rev. W. 0. Livingstone "America" Audience My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountain side Let freedom ring. My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and templed hills: My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees: Sweet freedom's aong; Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. Our fathers' God, to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect ui with Thy might, Great God. our King. Reading of Declaration, of Inde pendence .... Miss Bernice Woodson Address Rev. W. W. Head Music Condon Band Heppner Young Women At School in Los Angeles Miss Fay Spaulding and Miss Mary Spaulding of Heppner are now in Los Angeles attending the summer ses sion of the University of southern California. Well-known instructors from all parts of the country have been obtained by the university this year for its summer session. Fay Spaulding is taking courses m the principles of elementary educa tion, educational tests and measure ments, ,the junior high so-iool and problems of Americanization. Mary Spaulding is taking courses in Amer icanization, elementray education, ed ucational tests and measurempntr. principles of elementary education. and the California school system and school law. Among the faculty at the U. S. C. summer session who are creating a great deal of interest are Dr. Edward S. Mima, head of the English depart ment of Vanderbilt university; Miss Jessamine Williams of Oregon Agri cultural College; Gilmore Brown, di rector of the Pasadena Community Players; Norma Gould, nationally known dance interpreter; Joan Corse, well-known artist of Cleveland; and Knute Rockne, famous football coach of Notre Dame. FINED FOR ASSAULT, BATTERY. Roy Dempsey was brought to Hepp ner on Tuesday from Board man and had a hearing in the court of Justice Comett on a charge of assault and battery. The complaining witness was Capt. Wm. Warren, 85 years of age, whom young Dempsey had beat up following a little controversy over an irrigation ditch at Boardman. Dempsey is twenty years of age, and rather boasts of -his prowess as a prize fighter, having appeared on sev eral of the cards at various smokers In the county. His experience with Mr. Warren cost him a fine of $50 and costs, and the latter item will run close to $100. Capt. Warren was many years a resident of Hepp ner and has numerous friends here. He waa pretty badly used up in the battle, but it is stated at that he put up some fight. He makes his home with his son, H. E. Warren at Boardman. The result of partial smut count; on the treatment tests in the wheat nurseries this year show that on the average copper carbonate is giving aa good control as the wet treat ment. During the next two week? checks on the number of large fields where the two treatments were used under similar conditions will be made and the total results published in next month's Extension Service News. One of the things that shows up in the counts made so far is that where real smutty seed is used it is ad visable to use at least 8 ot. of copper carbonate per bushel. For all prac tical purposes where clean seed is used two ounces per bushel is suffi cient.. Smut counts are yet to be made on the spring wheat in the lone nuraery but stand counts taken in this nursery which was seeded in March when the ground was much drier than last fall, shows the fol lowing relative stand on bluestem wheat. This count Is for rows one rod long allowing the reduction of twenty per cent in seeding rate for the dry treatment. Taking the stand of the thickest wheat aa 100 and fig uring the per cent of stand of the various treatments on this basis gives formaldehyde a 42 per cent stand, bluestone 95 per cent, blue stone and lime 97 per cent and cop- per carbonate 100 per cent. CECIL NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. U. Krebs, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ssmmerfeldt, and Miss Dorothy, Misses Margaret Krebs, Mabel bommerfeldt and Roy Hurst, returned to their respective homes in Portland on Tuesday after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Krebs of The Last Camp. Mrs. A. C. Crowell and son of Heppner, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Cool of Athlona Cottage, left on the local on Tuesday for Stevenson, W.n., where they will spend a few days and return home by car. Mr. and Mrs. Asher Montague and family of Eight Mile, accompanied by Mrs. Doney and children, were look ing up' their Cecil friends on Sunday. Miss LaVerne Curtiss of Grand Dalles, Wash., who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Curtiss, returned to her home on Tuesday. Marcelous Van Schoiack, who has been visiting at The Last Camp for some time returned to his home in Arlington on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butter by Flats spent Sunday and Monday at Freeieout, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pettyjohn and twin sona visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at Tha Last Camp on Sunday. Robert Hynd of Portland arrived in Cecil on Wednesday and will visit with relativea for some time. Robert Lowe and Jack Hynd were callers at the M. V. Logan home on Wednesday. J. W. Beymer of Heppner was transacting business in Cecil on Thursday. Walter Pope left on Wednesday for Burns where he expects to be for a few days. Karl Farnsworth of Rhea Siding was a business caller in Cecil on Tuesday. Chester Warneld of lone passed through Cecil on Monday en route to Bend. . A. H. Reed of Pendleton was call ing on his Cecil friends on Friday. Mrs. Roy Stendcr of Seldomseen was a Cecil caller on Thursday. Sox Morgan of Rhea was an Arling ton caller on Sunday. Ed McDaid and Neill Doherty were up from their ranches in lower Jun iper canyon yesterday. They report pretty hot weather out that way these days. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward were in the city over the week-end. They will soon be in the midst of their harvest out on the farm south of lone. For Sale LeRoy engine for McCor mick or Deering combine; good run ning condition; price $106.00. Theo dore Beck, Eight Mile, Ore. 3t. Miss Leora Devin returned home this week from ft visit of two weeks with Miss Reta Neel nt Yakima, Wn. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Aschenbrenner at their home at Eight Mile on June 26. Jas, Carry, ranchman and sheep owner of Tub Springs, waa in town on Monday, LOCAL EE HEMS J. G. Clouston, forest ranger In charge of the Tupper station near Parkers Mill, reports that there is a small fire in the forest out that way that burned over some 80 acres but did slight damage, being under eon- i trol when he came to town on Tues- i day. The forest officials are keeping j very close watch these days for any signs of fires, and they expect to en force the laws and regulations strict ly. Some time since a party left a fire on his way through the forest, and he was followed up by the offi- i cials and asked to report to the jus- 1 tice of the peace at Heppner. This I he did this' week, and Justice Cornett I gave him the minimum fine for this I offense, it having been shown that I he attempted to put the fire out be- J fore he left it, and thought he had done so, but it was whipped into life again and might have started trouble had the ranger not appeared on the scene in time to prevent its spread ing. Mr. Cluoston states that it is . absolutely necessary to have a per- mit to build camp fireB in the forest, ; and this regulation will be strictly 1 enforced. This is an exceptionally i dry year and fires will be started ' very easily. Arthur Campbell arrived home the ! end of the week from Iowa City, where he has been employed as a ' teacher in the state college for the past year. He and three other young men made the trip through to Oregon by auto, and they experienced some pretty tough traveling on the way out. Mr. Campbell, after spending his summer vacation with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Campbell in this city, will return to the Iowa school, where he has been employed for another year. M. Sepanek and daughter were in from Sand Hollow Thursday. Mr. Sepanek reports an election was held Tuesday in school district No. 27, at Sand Hollow and $10,000 bonds was voted for a new Bchool building. As there were eight graduates from the eighth grade last year, it was found necessary to add a high school build ing to the present grade building. It is possible the new school house will be completed by this fall. Echo News. Monday was an excessively hot day in Heppner, the thermometer stand ing for several hours at 100 in the shade. From some points in the county 103 was reported, and there was a very hot north wind blowing throughout the day. A party over from Pendleton Tuesday reported that it was 115 at that point. The hot wave continues, though Tuesday and Wednesday did not get quite ao warm as Monday, Messrs. Hugh Grimm and G. E, Glasgow, of Irrigon, were in- Hepp ner the first of the week. These gen tlemen state that the melon crop at irrigon will be abundant this season and the watermelons will be coming on for the market in about three weeks. Heppner will be supplied by truck service from there. There will be no peaches at Irrigon but a fairly good crop is maturing at Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Akers and Mrs. Carrie Vaughn arrived from Portland Sundya evening and are re maining here until after the Fourth. Mr. Akers has been at Centralia, Wn., for the past month, where he is employed in the hardware establish ment of Watkins & Stanton. That part of Washington is moving along pretty well, and Mr. Akers states that business is good. The contract for the building Of Ione's new school house was awarded las tweek to the Anderson Construc tion company of Portland, as a price of $42,316, and it is expected' that work will begin just as soon as ma terial and equipment can be put on the ground. The contractors plan to use local labor just as far as possible, states the lone Independent. Harry Jones arrived Tuesday eve- panied by his mother, Mrs. Margaret Jones, and his sister. Mrs. Stell, Bailey, who will remain at Heppner for some time. Harry, who is en gaged in business at Eugene will re turn home this week-end. Mrs. Jones is here to look after her property interests. Mrs. May Case departed Tuesday for Seattle where she will make her home in the future with her son and daughter, Don Case and Miss Vehna Case. She has been the efficient dep uty in the office of Cierk Anderson for the past year, and is succeeded in that position by Herman Hill of Lexington. P. M. Burke, of Cordova Beach. Cal., is visiting ot the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Nys in this city. Mr. Burke is the father of Mrs. Nys and is on his way to North Dakota where he expects to spend at least a part of the summer season. He ex pects to visit at Heppner for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. trwin left Sun day afternoon for Shippard's miner al springs, whore Mrs. Erwin will remain and take treatments for rheu matism. She has been suffering for some time and is in hopes of receiv ing benefit from the springs. lone Independent, A son was born at the Heppner Surgical hospital in this city on Mon day to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ball of lone. Mother and child are doing well, and Grandfather Mahoney is re ceiving the congratulations of friends over the arrival of this, his first grand child. Prof. K. H. Hedrick, who has been employed for the coming yeiir as su perintendent of the Heppner schools, will be in Eugene for the next six weeks, attending the session of the summer school ut tho University of Oregon. John Kilkenny returned Monday from Portland whore he had been over the week-end, attending to bus iness matters. Harlan McCurdy, manager of the big Davidson ranch at Gooseberry, was doing business in Heppner on Tuesday. Heppner Young People Married Wednesday The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Merritt waa the scene of th mar riage of their daughter Violet to Mr. Ray Shurte .early Wednesday morn ing. Ihe wedding- was a quiei an air, none but the immediate relatives of the bride and bridegroom being pres ent. Miss Leora Devin waa brides maid and Mr. Carrol Shurte attended the bridegroom and the ceremony was performed by Ber. W. O. Livingstone. Following the ceremony, the company sat down to a delightful wedding breakfast. The young couple took their departure immediately after breakfast on a short honeymoon trip and will be at home to their friends in Heppner upon their return. Mrs. Shurte la a popular young lady of Heppner, a graduate of the high school here and chief deputy in the office of W. W. Smead, postmas ter. The groom, son of C. W. Shurte of this city, is employed in the mill of Martin Beid, ia a fine capable young man, and we join with their many friends in wishing for them prosperity and happiness. Farmers Picnic at Eight Mile, Sunday, June 22. (Morrow County Farm Bureau Newi) On Sundayf'June 22, 220 people met at the Fred Akers grove at Eight Mile for a picnio and visit to the Eight Mile wheat nursery. The erowd gathered about ten olock and en joyed horseshoe pitching and races until noon when a picnic dinner was had. Free lemonade was served by the Morrow County Farm Bureau After dinner a short program was held in the grove with the following speakers: Mr. R. B. Wilcox, president of the Morrow County Farm Bureau, spoke briefly on farm organizations, stating that there were three major farm organizations tn the country daily working for the benefit of the farmers; namely, the National Grange, Farmers Union, and Farm Bureau. He urged every farmer to get behind at least one of these or ganizations. Mr. E. R. Jackman, extension farm crop specialist of Corvallis, discussed briefly the general farm situation, touching lightly on diversification possibilities. Diversification over a large part of the Eastern Oregon wheat growing section is impractic able at the present time, according to Mr. Jackman. Mrs. Herb Olden gave an excellent reading. Mr. D, E. Stevens spoke on the need of better farm homes throughout Eastern Oregon, calling particular attention to the possibilities of grow ing trees over most of the state which would provide more attractive homes, wood and posts for the farm and shade for the farmers and farm stock. The Mack locust is one of the most practicable trees that can be grown and a number of other var ieties were planted at the Moro sta tion and are being successfully grown under dry land conditions. Under most all conditions Mr. Stevens says that trees can be grown throughout Eastern Oregon providing they are cultivated and weeds and grass kept down. After the program a visit was made to the nursery on the Lawrence Red ding place. Thirty-two cars and 112 people visited the nursery where the different varieties were discussed by Mr. Stevens and Mr. Jackman. As in the lone nursery, Mosida (beard less turkey), the white turkey wheats, a purple straw selection of turkey red and the smut-resistant wheats were of particular interest. The win ter barleys, spring wheats, spring barleys, and peas were looked over and the most promising ones dis cussed briefly. Mr. B. B. Bayles, in charge of the nursery work at Moro, explained the method of crossing wheat varieties and obtaining new wheats by this method. The smut tiials were explained by County Agent Morse and the counts on the various treatments given. After two hours spent at the nursery the crowd dis banded, many of them going back ' the P'ic ground, to play horse- shoes and other games. Altogether those present expressed themselves as having a very pleasant and profit able time. BIDS CALLED FOR. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School District No. 27, of Morrow County, Oregon. will receive sealed bids up to and until Saturday. July 12, 1924, for the erection of a school building in said district; plans and specifications can be seen at the home of I. N. Jones, district clerk, in Sand Hollow; all bids to be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of bid; Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. I. N. JONES, District Cierk. Dated this 3rd day of July. 1924. Dick Johns, who has disposed of his interests in the Universal garage to Walter LaDusire, expects to make visit to Bend, looking up a location at that place. Dick is ft first class auto mechanic and is devoting much attention to the electrical end of the business, in which he hopes to estab- ish himself. J. W. Johnston and family were passengers out for Portland yester day morning, where they will be for some tin,". Mrs. Johnston, who has been in poor health for some time past, will consult with a specialist while in the city and the family may remain there for thirty days. Charles Chick, who was graduated from the University of Oregon at Eugene in June, is spending a few days in Heppner on business. He fin ished tho part of the medical course given in Eugene and will enter the University of Oregon school of med cine in Portland this fall. Phill t'hn, who has been upending a week at Heppner, returned Wednes day to his home in Portland, being accompanied by Henry Ulackman, who was also a visitor here for sev eral day. George W. Dykstra left Monday for the Willamette valley on an ex tended visit, expecting to upend the most of utt; time at his old home near Sheridan. 10 GOUPRAPIDLY Large Force at Work on Property of Union Company. STORAGE TANKS BIG Four 20,000-Gsllon Containers Will Supply Trade With Gasoline, Kerosene and Distillate. The Heppner station of the Union Oil company will soon be an accom plished fact, Some two years ago the company decided to enter this field and put in a complete storage and distributing plant, and with that end in view they began negotiations for the tract of land at the north end of Gale street, and just north of Willow creek, lying on the east side of the county road and edjoin- ing the Willow creek highway. It took some time to get the titles straightened out to the property, but this was finally accomplished, and now the actual work of construction has begun. A spur of railroad has already been extended to the property and will line up with the ware room and stoa age tanks so that the tank cars can be conveniently emptied. The plans call for the erection of four 20,000 gallon storage tanks two fro gas oline, one for distillate and one for kerosene. Besides this, there is to be a large warehouse for storage of oil and gas drums and other products of the company and in the center of the plot will be erected a neat little building for the offices and to one side the garage for the trucks and cars. Actual building operations began this week with a crew of twenty men in charge of C. R. Watson as fore man. The crew arrived here from St. Helens, Oregon, where the com pany has just finished the installa tion of a similar station. Mr. Watson states that he and his crew have just four weeks in which to complete their work, and he expects it to bo done on time. Other crews will ar rive at once, and to the working force will be added local help. Mr. Watson states that the new oil station will present ft very attractive appearance when completed as all buildings and surroundings are painted white and the construction is permanent and substantial. Brothers Visit Old Home After Absence of 41 Years The following item of news was published in Monday's Oregonian under date of Brownsville, June 29, and is republished in these columns because the men mentioned are un cles of the editor of this paper, who were in this city a few weks ago on their way to attend the pioneers' an nual picnic at Brownsville After an absence ot years, Hugo Dunlap of Prescott, Wish., ace jm panied by his brother, Robert, has returned to this city to visit sur vivors of 60 years igo. The bcy& visited the farm where thpy were boro, in the hills five miles southeast of here, but found few signs of the log cabin in which they were born. Hugh Dunlap said his relatives, Mr. and Mrs, John B. Courtney, who took up an adjoining claim, were the first settlers in the Calapooia river district, arriving there early in the spring of 1846, after having crossed the plains the year before. The boys are sons of John A. Dun lap, who came from Missouri to Ore gon in 1847, spent the first winter at old Vancouver, and then came into the Willamette valley and up the Calapooia the next year. With him came Mrs. Dunlap and her three bro thers, John, William and David Fin ley. They were among the earliest settlers in Linn county. The father went to the first territorial legisla ture in 1849. CHILD DRINKS FLY POISON. The little baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Farley of this city got hold of some fly poison early Wednesday morning and drank some of it just how much was not determined, but sufficient to poison the little fellow quite seriously. Fly paper contains arsenic poison and it is a very fatal drug. What the boby got of it made him very sick. Dr. McMurdo was im mediately called and administered proper antidotes alter pumping out the stomach and the little fellow seems to be recovering all right. Grimm Alfalfa. (By R. B. WILCOX.) For several years Grimm alfalfa has been advertised as much superior to the common variety. Some of the points given in favor of Grimm are: First That it is much hardier than the ordinary variety. Second That Grimm princes more to the acre than the ordinary kind. Third That In planting Grimm not as much seed is needed as for the ordinary alfalfa. Last year in the spring of 1921. I teeded several acre of alfalfa. Part was planted with ordinary med, about IB lbs. to the acre. Tlf ret of the field was planted wit) Giinun, about 9 lbs, to the acre. I jirepan-d the seed beds In tho suin way. They were planted at the name turn. The soil for the two kind n tha same. They have been treated the name since planting. My olMwrvatioiii 10 fur are that the cl.iim mmlp f r Grimm are justified. If any ohm is interested in looking the two t'tulrla over, for their own Hi.faMion, I would be (find at any turn- to have them cotne to my place and do no. For Sale-- Duruc Jin?y pltffl, abmt 8 week old; 40 h-tad. Krwd KuYimnd, lone, Oregon. Kt,