PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 19. 1924. .i 9 t i nonea i iciure I From (nrntion i t i' Uncle John FIRST LADY SEES SON GRADUATE Above are shown C. Bascom Siemp, Secretary to the President, and Congressman Nicholas Lor.g. worth. .the 1st President Roose velt'a son-in-lmv. at the Cleveland Convention. This picture was sent by telephone and was on New York streets in less than one huur aitr being taken in Cleveland. I reckon the picnic season is th finest time that there to set the red blond i ri'i'in' and to mate our emotions whin. O, it's then we can slip the halter off an' roll, to our heart's con tent an' pet up an" shake our selves, an' feel like a hundred an' ona per cent! As soon as the picnic season'a on an' the styles begin to ad vance, it's proper to think of the custard pie. when selectin' yer sun-kist pAnts.-.And, the hard-biled egg an' the peanut salve, which is staple as alfalf hay They're items to be pro vided fer, on the eve of the pic nic day . . . Of course there's handicaps lurkin' around, as there allers will be, I guess... The chigger deploys his sub-mareen band, in the depths of the pic-nic dress ...An' I ain't complained, you understand, of the trysts in the coolin' shade but, the thing that's quickest to call my hand, is red ants in the lernonadel study of atmospheric static, ar a few of the many forest problems, for est officers say. in need of careful and intensive study. The Douglas fir region economical ly is one of if not the most important in the United States today, for within the states of Oregon, Washington, and California is found one-half of the remaining merchantable timber of the country. Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, first lady of the land, and her oldest son, John Coolidge, as he was graduated from the Academy at Merccrsburg, Pa., last week. Mrs. Coolidge motored from the capital to attend tht exercises. CECIL HEWS ITEMS Our best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henriksen and family in their new undertaking. They will be great:? missed from i our locality by ail their friends. We ! understand W. V. Pedro of Pendleton j will shortly take possession of the : Henriksen pace. We hear that W. , V. is an e!ipib'e bachelor and his lat est accomplishment is singing and his latest snr.g is ''There's a girl : wanted at Ewing; a girl wanted j there; dark or fair. 1 don't care, bat there's a girl wanted there." Encore! Pedro. Mr. and Mr. Jack Hynd of Butter by Flats and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe of Cecil visited Hynd Eros, ranch at Sand Hollow on Monday. Master Ew- : ing Hynd ard sister Miss Luias of Lkiah and Miss Nellie Doney of Yamhill returned to Cecil with their i uncles for a visit. The Mayor has called on the Constable to be on con stant duty wnile our young visitors are exploring the wonders of Cecil and having the times of their lives. Jim Hardest y of Morgan, accom panied by Henry J. Streeter of Cecil, left on Saturday for Dufur, where they purchased a 2"i centrifugal pow er pump. Jim and Henry have been endeavoring for a coup.e of days steady plumping to drain one of Hen ry's weils at Cecil, but after irrigat ing his gardens, orchards, etc.. they have given up and gor.e to Morgan to practice on Jim's well, for Henry's well will not be drained. C. G. Morey arrived in Cecil and after visiting a few days with his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Streeter, he left on Wednesday for his home in Os wego, accompanied by his grand daughter. Miss Helen Streeter. Miss Helen is to be introduced to all the sights of Portland before returning home, so we doubt if Cecil will be able to "keep ker down on the farm." Miss Annie C. Lowe, accompanied by Master Marcelius Van Schoiack, motoied to Ariirgton on Friday. Mar celius to inspect bis home town of Arlington ard to make sure it had not moved across the river, and Miss A. C to meet her sister Miss Minnie who was returning from Mon mouth normal for her summer vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Stender and sister Miss Flossie Stender of Sel domseen, accompanied by Mrs. Lins ley of Gooseberry left on Monday for Salem where they will visit with friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Biddle of lone were in Cecil on Friday. Mr. Biddle was shipping out a car of mules which have been pasturing at Krebs Bros, ranch for several weeks. E. Lights, late of Four Mile, arrived from his home in Boring with his family and was visiting with Mrs. H. J. Streeter on Wednesday before leaving for Portland. Walter Pope and Frank Connor were out again on Sunday afternoon and we traced their "little footsteps" as far as the lawn of Athlone Cottage near lone. Jack Yocum, student of Benson Polytechnic school, Portland, arrived in Cecil on Wednesday and will spend his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Funk. J. W. Osborn and sister, Mrs. Wel tha Combest of Fairview ranch are now occupying their cottage at Cecil and resting up before their harvest begins. W. 0. Asher, representative of the department of home missions of Sev enth Day Adventists of Portltnd, was making calls around Cecil on Friday. Mrs. Harry Cool of Athlone Cot tape, accompanied by her niece, Miss Leia Crowell of Heppner, were call ing in Cecil on Monday. Elmer Griffiths and Fred Lunger prominent business men of lone and party of friends, honored Cecil with a visit on Thursday. Otto Li nd strom from his ranch near lone was visiting Pete Bauern fiend at Cecil on Saturday. Mrs. T. H. Lowe and son Bob of Cecil were calling in lone on Sunday. Ground cherry plants for sale. See F. . Brown. tf. Approve Northwest For est Experiment Station NOTICE OF TAKING VP EST RAY. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has taken up and now hold at my farm on Eight Mile, in Mor row County, Oregon the following described est ray. to-wit: Ona brown mare mule, weight -about 1000 pounds, and branded 185 rwtj - sua Word has just been received at the district forester's office in Portland that congress has passed a bill pro viding for a northwest forest experi ment station for Oregon and Wash ington. The movement for an adequately equipped forest experiment station for the Douglas fir region has been before congress for several years, and was strongly supported by chambers of commerce, timber owners, forest schools, and federal, state, and pri vate foresters of the northwest. The forest service has had a small station in the Wind River valley near Stabler, Wash., for some ten years, but has never had sufficient funds to carry on the investigative and stud ies work that was needed to be done, forest officers say. In spite of in adequate equipment and insufficient : personnel, the experiment work under i Dr. J. V. Hofman, formerly director, has proved its practical value to for : esters and timber owners of the ' Douglas fir region, it is generally rec ognized. Such results as methods of natural restocking of Douglas fir ; lands and relative humidity as re ; lated to forest fires have proved the ' value of such investigative "work, is the opinion of foresters. Studies of rate of growth of oar ftree species, best methods of manage ment of second growth stands, effect of different methods of logging on natural reproduction, rate of spread of forest fires in different forest types, prediction of fire weather by 1 UNDERTAKERS HAVE NO MONOPOLY ON SAO FACES. I nETT A HAR Pit VE.STER-DAf s A 86 on left stifle. Notice Is further given that said est ray was trespassing upon my prem ises, and that 1 will on Saturday, the 2Sth day of June, Vri, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at my farm above described, sell said estray at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the damages and cost of taking up the same unless before aaid time the owner thereof claims the same and satisfies the damages and cost of tak ing up the same. Dated this 4th day of June. 1924. WALTER BECKETT. Bungalow for Rent Furnished or partly furnished. Inquire at First National Bank. Her Make-Up Deadly y N; .V,, W- TREATED AT HOME GOITER Simple home treatment Send for FREE booklet "and testimonials. WARNER'S RENOWNED REMEDIES CO.. 723 Se curity Bids., Minneapolis, Minn. Lillian warren, ot Canada, adopted a modern "mako-up" when she reached California, and so shocked her wheat-growing sweet heart, Dana Stewart, .10, that h committed suicide by shooting. Denser Healer .fA U. S. Golf Champ A 130-Dound golfer from Engl wood, New Jersey. i th new open eolf champion of th United state. He i Cyril Walker, who abut core of 279 on 72 hole. Tha City Motor Track i ng Company of Portland, Oregon, operate two 4 ton Packard trucks, six 3 -ton Packard trucks and one 4-ton Federal. Zerolane id used exclusively. mm f " 1" f fcs ROUND TRIP '1 --I 'C A R. Robert B. H Bdl, of Urn m Epiarupa Church, who hat bmt performing aeemingly won drful faith cure of the ill, blind nd cripplH In New York and New leraey. The heaiingt were per formed by "laying on of hands and prayar" In tht preaenea of 800 peraona Inclodinjt nan? nrwapapcr frnwriera. Excursion Fares le dally to September 15 Kama. City .... 72.00 St. Loula Chicago M.00 Detroit 10 Cleveland 108 54 Waahington 141. 54 New York 147.40 Boaton 163.SO rorreepondlnr; farea to othT Imiormnl cennra. Final re t.irr, iimlf octoljer 21. 194- atop-ov;r privneaa in( and returning. Ktnall additional coat. Cull on C. DARBEE Ageat Heppner, Ore. WM. McMURRAY General I'anaenaer Ayent Portland, Orefon ZEROLENE helps win PACKARD CONTEST In 1922 the City Motor Trucking Com pany of Portland, Oregon, won the Pack ard's low upkeep contest in the State of Oregon with its 4-ton Packard .No. 180 590. During the period of this contest Zerolene oil was used exclusively, and the Company writes us as follows: "In consequence of our success in this contest, and be cause of our uniform satisfaction with the use of Zero lene in all other equipment, we naturally consider Zerolene as an absolutely dependable and correct lu bricant We most cheerfully recommend it to any and all truck operators to receive real efficiency in lubricating oils." It is records like these that month af ter month and year after year are cutting the ground from under the superstition that there is something mysteriously "better" about eastern oils, just because they cost more. Zerolene sales have increased seven fold in seven years. The more experi enced the motorist, the more likely he is to discover that the Zerolene-lubricated car deliv ers better gasoline mileage, accumulates less carbon, costs less for upkeep, and has a longer working life. Why pay tribute to a su perstition? Insist on Zerolene a better oil even if it does cost less. ZEROLENE F for FORDS the Standard Oil Company's new improved oil for Ford cart "Feed Thote Oil-Starved Ford." STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) This booklet reports inde pendent icrvice teitt of Zerolene made by a num ber of large uin. Ak any Standard Oil Company ciIm representative or Zarolen dealer for a copy. mm Hotel Heppner FirSt Class Dining om Merchants' Lunch For aalc at a bargain 7-room res idence with lull baaement; on corner next to power houae. Would con aider land or light auto truck in trade. W. H. CLARK, Box 24, Hepp ner, Oregon. tf. FOR 8AI.E 3000 first claaa poata, nearly all tamarack, at 6c on ground. Dry, ready for use. Southeast I'ar ker'a Mill mile and a half. SILAS A. HARRIS. jnM-2mp. Remember we are aellinf hardwood at 10c a board foot PEOPLES HARD WARE COMPANY. We have juat received a ahlpment of Spokane Draper Company'a har vesting machinery drapera. The beat draper made. Come in and aee them. PEOPLES J1ARDWARE COMPANY. LOST Automobile crank, below N. S. Whetatone place on Willow ereek, May at. Finder pleaae leave at Lex ington Filling Station and receive re ward. jnt2-4t. FOB SALE Seed corn; N. W. white dent Acclimated to local conditions. Postpaid, 10c per pound. ALWYN JONES, Box 231, Arlington, Oregon. 12 to 2 50C 12 tO 2 W. E. BELL, Proprietor . " Is the Nation's Greatest Playground Everr Amer-lran should share In the ttiNplratton of tta towering ptaka, lea ..inn: fywri, growling grtrttoa, tMillinjf cauldron. In the midst of which are nwK'1t'''t''-s, charmlnif f"tiaftr vllUtKea, t00 miles of matchless boulevards and all the 00m forts of home. Bend for our booklet It tells the thrill Inj story of nature's wonderland Our THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Operated DAILY during the aeaaon between Portland and West Yellowstone by the Union Pacific System I jet our representatives explain the various toura which enable visitors to aee the Yellowstone at minimum ennt; also quote far, prepare your Itinerary and make your reservations. Call on C. DARBEE, Agent. Heppner, Oregon or a-ldfe WM. McMI'ItltA Y Gen.-ral Ini,..r Aepnt, l'ortlund, oreou " I V19IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!IIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH J VfPA mi nnn BIG CELEBRAT ON HEPPNER, OR. JULY 3- 4 JJUJLY 3rd MORNING Big Horseshoe Tournament. Children's Races and Sports. I AFTERNOON H BASEBALL Condon vs. Heppner JJUJILY 4th MORNING BAND CONCERT, Condon Band PATRIOTIC PROGRAM, Big Tent REV. W. W. HEAD, Orator of Day Dancing Both Evenings EVERYBODY COME ESt! AFTERNOON BASEBALL Condon vs. Heppner M lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllilllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllillllM mmBmmmamwmsm