The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 29, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Misses Johnnie F. Fleet end Har
riet Chtmbera, teachera the peat two
yeara in Heppner high achool, depart
ed for their homea at Portland
Saturday, following the commence
ment exercises. Theae young ladiea
will not teach In the Heppner achool
the coming aeaaon, though they had
each been re-elected. Mini Chamber
will go to Pendleton aa the head of
the home economic! department ii
the achool there next year, whll
Mite Fleet will retire from teaching
no 11 reported mai ane win return
to her former home in Missouri
Goad teachera, both of them, and the
Heppner achool board regreta to
Iooie them.
B. B. Baylea, in charge of plant
oreeaing at Moro experiment ttat on
Tin I ted the Morrow county wheat nur-
eenee on rniiay, and In company
wnn lyouniy Agent Morse checked
up on the two nuraeriee here. Mr.
Baylea wai Tery agreeably impressed
with the ahowing made up to the
present time and found the grains
standing me drought well. The gen
era! condition of crops in Morrow
county ia no worse on the average
man in bherman and Wasco counties.
the entire grain aectlon being affect
ed alike by the continued dry weath
er. Mr. Baylea went on over to Uma
tilla county Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mra. Albert Adkina return
ed on Sunday from Hood River and
oresham. Albert took in the I O
0. F. grand lodge at Hood River and
then went on to Gresham to join
Mra. Adkina and have a short visit.
Returning with Mr. and Mra. Adkint
were Mr. and Mra. John Brown, par
enti of Mra. Adkina, who are spend
ing the week visiting here. In for
mer yeara Mr. Brown formed in the
Social Kldge section, along side hi
cuubiii, tfuag-e iampDeu, Dut ne re-
iireu iron me game a good many
yeara ago ana it nas been at least
twenty yeara since he was in Heppner
R. J. Caraner of Spray, renubllcan
nominee to succeed himself aa state
aenator from the 18th senatorial dis-
trict, was here Monday. Carsner h:
been one of the most Independent and
dependable senatora in the Oregon
legislature and it is gratifying to his
friends here to know that ha is to
be returned for another term. His
democratic opponent ia A. B. Robert
eon of Condon, but the vote which
tenner received indicates that he
will be retained. In hia home pre
cinct he received 136 votes to seven
for his opponent. I'rlneville Central
Billy Padberg was In town Satur
day and aays that he la going to have
a fairly good yield of wheat at har
vest time. It would nol surprise him
to see an average of Bbout 15 bushels
to the acre out in his part of the
county; the fact is Morrow county
always producea a lot of grain re
gardless of the season. When you
atop to think about it isn't it re
markable that the grain is holding
up aa well as it Is; there waa no
moisture in the winter and it has
been a long time since we have had
Mra. Ruth Barnett of Walla Walla
accompanied by her son Louie Wind
sor and wife, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bcnge in this city
on Sunday. Mrs. Barnett la a sister
of Mr. Benge. Mr. Windsor, whose
home is near Yuma, Arizona, la on
a visit to relatives In the northwest
and he and Mrs. Windsor will return
home by way of California. The via
Itors departed on Monday morning,
Mrs. Barnett returning home and Mr.
and Mrs. Windsor going to Longview,
Mra. T. J. Humphreys left by auto
Wednesday morning, her destination
being Hillsboro, where she will spend
a few days and then go on to Eugene
to be present at the commencement
exercises at U. of O., where Misses
Lata and Evelyn, and Roland are stu
dents. Mrs. Humphreys was accom
panied as far aa Portland by Mrs.
W. O. Livingstone and daughter Lois,
and Miss Melick. Mrs. Livingstone
and daughter expect to spend a cou
ple of months in the Willamette val
ley. Sheriff McDuffee returned home
Friday last from Salem and Portland.
He reports the Willamette Valley as
looking very pretty just at this time
of year, and apparently not affected
to much by dry weather as Is Eastern
Oregon. However, they need rain and
it must come pretty soon or there
will be a different story to tell. The
dry spell it already noticeable in the
hop fields and unless rain comes very
toon thit will be a ahort crop.
Harry E. Cool of lone was a pleas
ant visitor at this office on Saturday
while spending a few hours in the
city. Mr. Cool is on the place known
aa the Shutt ranch on Willow creek
below lone, and states that this is a
year when It ia good to be located on
a place where irrigation is handy.
The first crop of alfalfa is made on
his place, and Mr. Cool ia "wetting
up" for the second crop while Willow
creek affords plenty of water,
Mr. and Mra. R. L. Benge and
daughter, Miss Luola, departed for
Walla Walla Tuesday morning, going
to that city to take In the big pageant
and to enjoy a visit with relatives
and old-time friends. Mr. lienge is
a native of Walla Walla and he will
ace many former friends and ac
quaintances during the two days of
tha pageant.
Mrs. C. L. Kelthlcy was a visitor
hare from Pendleton on Friday, com
ing over with D. C. Wells, of the firm
of Wells A Kelthlcy, realtors of the
Umatilla county capital, who was In
Heppner closing up a real estate deal,
Mra. Kelthlcy remained over at Hepp
ner for the week, visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mra. J. C. Kirk.
George Wilson of Cecil waa In
Hoppner Saturday, making prepara
tiona to go into the high mountains
with some of tha Hynd Bros, sheep.
The shcop will be moving out to the
summer ranges at once, and George
xpecta to put in the aummor in the
vicinity of Granite.
Mr. and Mra, C. H. Latouroll re
turned Monday forenoon from East
lake, where they apent several days
outing the past week, and when
Charley landed a lot of the big east
ern brook trout. They also enjoyed
a big rain atorm at the lake.
For aale at bargain 7-room res
idence with full basement; on corner
next to power house. Would con
alder land or light auto truck in
trade, W. H. CLARK, Box 24, Hepp
ner, Oregon, tf,
R. M. Hart and daughter Lucille
came up from Portland on Friday,
remaining over until Monday. Thia
ia Mr. Hart's first visit to Heppner
ainea leaving here two yeara ago. He
ia enjoying a prosperous business in
Portland and aays timee ara good in
the city. Mr. Hart atill owns his
residence property in thia city and
waa here to look after it.
Everett Pattison came up from
Portland on Sunday and ia spending
a few days In the city helping his
mother in the disposing of tome of
their household effects. Mra. Patti
son expeett to leave Heppner about
the coming Sunday and will remain
In Portland for aome time before go
ing on east to join Mr. Pattison.
Harlan McCurdy, who was a visitor
in thia city on Monday atatea that
the shearing of the Davidson and Mc
Curdy sheep was completed Saturday
ar.a mey got a tine clip of wool. Grain
on the big Davidson ranch atill holds
up well though there ia indication
of shortage and tha thin apott are
pretty dry now.
T. W. Cutsforth and wife of Lex
ington, old frienda of the Kliti fam
ily, motored to Boardman Saturday
and visited at the F. F. Kliti home.
Mr. Kliti had come up from Arling
ton on Friday to attend the high
school commencement exercises and
remained home over Sunday. Board
man Mirror.
Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Lindha nt
Alpine were visitor! in Heppner Sat
urday. Mr. Lindhe states that tha
continued dry weather has raised
havoc with a mighty fine atand of
wheat on his place and he shall have
to be satisfied with about a ten-hu.
snel yield.
Prof. Wallace Kellogg and Mrs.
neiiogg were among the Lexington
visitors attending the graduation ex
ercises of Heppner high achool or
rriday evening. The school at Lex
ington closed the past week and Mr
and Mrs. Kellogg will leave the city
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gorham and
family of Walla Walla were viaitinir
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Valentine over the week-end. Mrs.
Gorham is a daughter of Mr. Valen
tine and they are engaged in farm
ing in the Walla Walla country.
Grant Olden and A. A. McCabe.
Fairview farmers, were doing busi
ness here on Monday. They think
if it does not rain pretty aoon, we
may be afflicted with. a long dry soell.
The cooler weather haa been a help,
however, to the grain.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Beach were
Lexington folks who witnessed the
graduation of the class of 1924 of
Heppner high school Friday eveninfi.
Their tons, with some other Lexing
ton students, assisted with the orchestra.
LOST One 3-yr-old ateer, branded
BMP on left hip; lower crop, or
under alope in left ear; one 2 yr.-old
steer, same brand and ear mark, hirh
rehed horns. Reasonable settlement
to finder. B. II. PECK. Heonner.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Irwin, now
residing at La Grande, are the proud
parents of a little daughter, born to
them on May 2Uth. The little lady
has been given the name of Barbara.
jenereon and rrant Evan a were
down from Walla Walla over tha
week-end, enjoying a visit at the
home of Marion Evana on tha creek.
They report the crop outlook pretty
oura in tha Walla Walla country.
Mra. G. C. Akien departed Wednes
day morning for Oakland, California,
tor a visit at the home of sister
residing there. She expects to re
main in tha California city ontil
about the first of July.
Misa Gertrude Daviea and Mi
Lorena Wright, grade teachers of the
Heppner achool, departed for their
nomea on Friday afternoon. Miss
Daviea went to Baker and Mi
Wright to Portland.
Misa Gloria Christ, teacher tha past
year in me Heppner grades, haa been
employed to teach in one of the Port
land achoola the coming vear. She
departed for that city on Friday afternoon.
Misa Helen Curran, who ia a stu
dent nurse at the St. Vincent's hos
pital in Portland, came up Monday
for a visit at the home of her parenta,
Mr. and Mra. Mike Curran, in thia
We have just received a shipment
of Spokane Draper Company'a har
vesting machinery dranera. Tha best
draper made. Come in and see them.
Mies Issabelle Steele, music teach
er in our achool during the greater
part of tha past year, left for her
home in the Willamette Valley the
first of tha week.
FOR SALE Seed corn; N. W. white
dent. Acclimated to local eonditiona.
Postpaid, 10 per pound. ALWYN
JONES, Box 231, Arlington, Oregon.
Cashier John Higley of Farmera
Stockgrowera National bank return.
ed Monday from a trip to Portland,
going mi me city on Saturday.
Judge Campbell returned tha laat
of the week from a visit over in
Grant county, having business at
Dayville and Canyon City.
W. O. Hill, cashier of Lexina-ton
State Bank, attended the closing ex
ercises of the Heppner high achool
on rrdiay evening.
Mrs. E. F. Day of Portland anent
the week-end in this city visiting at
me noma ol her sister. Mra. El en
Buseick. '
John Padberg and wife and Oris
Padberg and wife were Heppner Flat
iarmera in the city on Saturday.
John Jenkins, prominent resident
of the Boardman project, waa a via
itor in this city on Tuesday.
Judge Jas. A, Fee. oioneer attomev
of Pendleton, waa a business visitor
in this city on Friday last
Experienced girl wants work, ranch
preferred. Inquire at office, or ad
dress Box 187, Heppner.
I Morrow County Eitetuioa Service News)
Tha foot and mouth disease oat
break ia California appeara to be
slowly yielding to control measures
that are being taken by the Federal
Veterinarian in charge. No new out
breaks have been found in tha paat
ten daya, and the aituation ia en
couraging according to reporta re
ceived from Dr. T. B. Simma, of
tha Oregon Agricultural College. Dr.
Simma baa been in California tha
past month aa a representative of
tha Oregon State Livestock Sanitary
Board. Several auapicioua cases in
Morrow county have been investigat
ed by County Agent Morse, and no
indicatioi of tha diaeaae wai found.
Tha County Agent baa been appoint
ed by the Morrow County Court
to have charge of precautionary meas
ures to be taken in Morrow county.
Any auspicious cases should be re
ported to him at once. Tha follow
ing symptoms are quoted from a let
ter from the State Veterinarian:
"Always remember that foot and
mouth diabase ia generally ushered
in with a chill followed immediately
by high temperature, 106 degrees fre
quently and sometimes more. Ani
mals develop a blister-like lesion in
the mouth, on tha tongue and around
the hoofs. These blisters an white
and look exactly like a blister that
fonna from a burn from boiling wa
ter. It has yellowish serum inside
and when it ruptures the skin breaks
off with a square edge just the aarae
aa a blister on the hand. In four or
five daya time tha whole herd would
have foot and mouth disease infec
tion. When animals get lama they
get lame In all foor feet aa a rule.
They stand humped and run a high
fever for about a week and the milk
secretion ia practically stopped."
, their presence can be easily detected
in the fields.
A reported infestation of alfalfa
weevil in the north end of the county
waa investigated by County Agent
Hone and Mr. H. K. Dean of the Her
miston Experiment station. The worm,
thought to be the larvae of alfalfa
weevil was found to be a small green
worm that was feeding on aphis
which were present in the fields in
large cumbers. The larvae stage of
alfalfa weevil is a green worm-like
creature one-fourth of an inch long
with a black head and a faint white
stripe down the middle of the back.
It feeds upon the leaves of alfalfa
during early summer. This ia the
stage at which they do the most dam
age and ia about the only time that
12 to 2 6 to 8 p. m.
Chicken a Is RhHne
Lettuce with Thousand Island
Choice of -
Chicken Fricassee with
Tarisenne Dumplings
Roast Chicken with Ssae Dressing
Boiled Shoulder of Mutton with
Caper Sauce
Baked Virginia Ham with Cham
pagne Sauce Dressing
Mashed Potaotes Succotash
Choice of Pie or Ice Cream
Tea, Coffee, Ice Tea, Milk or
Are You Making
This Mistake?
Some people think that because Willard Bat
teries are quality batteries, they must be
expensive. That's wrong! You can buy a
genuine Willard Wood-Insulated Battery
with Willard reliability for $17.55.
This battery is the lowest-priced reliable
battery you can buy.
30x3 Vi ROYAL CORD TIRES $13.25
The Morrow county unit of the Ore
gon Co-operative Grain association
held their annual meeting and elec
tion on Friday, the 23rd. Twelve
members were present at the meeting
and membera sent in their votes
by mail. Delegates elected from this
district were Howard Anderson,
Ralph Benge and Henry Smouse.
Remember we are selling hardwood
at 10c a board foot. PEOPLES HARD
Change now to the
brand that never
changes and you'll
nerer change again.
You wfll remember your pleasures and joys
of the summer but not with the accuracy
that pictures tell. Carry a camera with you
on your trips this year. Every person is a
photographer with our easily manipulated
SENACA and EASTMAN cameras.
Prompt Service on Printing and Developing
Humphreys Drug Co.
Headquarters for Vacation Needs
Sacrifice Sale
Now is the time to secure your Radio
at a great saving.
Everything Electrical
Summer Dress Goods
We have a large showing of
Tweeds Suitable for Sport Suits, Coats
and Skirts
Come in and see
Thomson Bros.
All stand upon a common ground this day, duty bound to make this nation
a living monument to our soldiers of all wars who gave their lives in the cause
of Liberty and the furtherance of our national ideals.
We want to join you in honoring our heroes and are happy to cease mater
ial tasks of the day and turn to the lofty and the spiritual. We bow in respect
ful silence and renew that prayer of freemen that this nation "shall not perish
from the earth."
Ours is a nation free at last from all lines no North no South no East
no West a world leader in every great movement for peace and happiness.
We are eternally grateful for our enviable position as a nation.
The First National Bank of Heppner
Lingerie For Summer
Materials for Princess slips, night gowns, envelope step-in suits
and pajamas, are
Trimmed with effective touches of laces and embroidery, your
wardrobe is complete.
Give the well groomed woman the correct foundation for her
Spring Sport Clothes.
Splendid fitting models with low and medium low top; short,
medium and long skirts. Ideal for summer
sport and dress wear.