The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 29, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    page Forn
I Farm Activities
improunj; the Wool Clip.
T INrw.RF.N,
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IsrH of
! 1 le Cnur.ty have
Tbry lire inuret
r.ra flc-rcs vary in
Nuirth Stwaring from:
It I!
..i.litl I. Is) ti. Wf-ipMs oi
lri .1 wtip'.ts rre Utken on
.-hi ii ir fr"m tVfse ewe. The
K .tw w the variation that exists
w:in llf y.ur trrr sV.een.
crt wrii;hts are naturally heav
u jrar ii! ov.t th Hate due to
-,,if cordi! ' -r,. In tVe fifures
Kr,v-i tt'ai tr.e of low
er shearers have decreased over last
year tih-i a rorre-pur.Jins increase of
tWe shca:ir( aSove 111 lbs. Mr.
SWiork's t'ves are highly graded
U rln ui:! !'. ( .irvfully selected rams
are belt u-i for t' same breeding.
A sin :;ar d( monstrlion is being
sUrld on the W..H. C cve'.and sheep
of Mf-rro County. Ire first weights
will hi UKor this week and figures
will be rJb:ihii in the next Farm
Bureau Sens.
Numerical Record of Fleere Weighte
on Ned Sherlock Sheep, Lakeview,
for Two Seasons:
S"hearir.s Pate stay 14-1
lota! Slieer ShcsreH .. -Cuiing
S'.arjdfcrd I b. . i
NumlT Shesru.g oVW
Nomiier Sheanr.c Above
Snndrd - 1S04
Total 1
Averse for Sheep Shear-
ir Above Standard
Per lm Uraimed for
Heaviest Fleece Wt-ipht
l.iphtesl Fleece Weight
Number Shearing 1 0 lbs.
4 u iba. IS
t to I It. ..... . 1
t at lha. ..... 1H I
T to Tt lha. . - 40
f u lha. .. .. ... . l" 42
I to S lbs V.i 1&
10 to lOt lt - 1M i'
II to 11-S lb. - .. S 120
1! to 15 lha. - 14 el
11 to US Iba. t If
Seaaaa at 1!
Photo Sent Over Telephone Wire
Mac 1-4
riS.S 16S09 2
.. .""
8.7! 10.11
15.7 Id. i
IS. 5 15 S
3.5 2.S
I'd 4S5
Ready for Battle
t ft ar.r
' M i
a . :
To show th variation "in weight
of yearling fleeces, the following fig
ures are of interest":
Number of Slwep ... 4SS
Av-rir Fwe Weight, IU. 9 ST
HfvMt Flew . U.t
I.rhtel Fleeee - 4.4
Number Shearing than i lbs 16
Number Shearing From :
to 9 lb - 15
t to 7 Ihs. 65
S to i.9 lb. a. -111
9 to . lb. M
10 to 10 9 lb. 49
11 to li t lha 17
11 to 11.9 Iba. I
The statement has been made by
many sheepmen in regard to culling
on fleece weights: 'Cut out the old
ewes and you get rid of the light
shearers." This is undoubtedly true.
However, the figures quoted on these
yearlings are of interest to show that
there is a considerable variation in
fleece weights among the younger
sheep also. However, it is felt, as
stated before, that one should not
cull too closely on the first year's
It will be noted that the average
fleece weight on the ewes is about
one and a half pounds heavier the
1924 season than they were dnring the
19:23 season.
The 1924 culling standard was set
one half pound heavier than that used
in 1923, It is of interest to note that
the per cent of cull was reduced from
15.8 to 10.2, comparing the two sea
sons. The tag weights were averaged in
1924 and added to fleece weights.
This was not done in 1923. The av
erage tag weight was right at two
tenths of a pound.
In commenting on this work, Ned
Sherlock stated: "I am very much
pleased with the showing that is be
ing made by my sheep. I feel that
by the end of the five-year period, my
average fleece weight will be very
materially increased because of this
work. At first I thought it would
be a hindrance at shearing, but it
actually has been a help. No extra
men are needed."
JWS .1. '
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In the first demonstrations this week of sending photographs
over long-distance telephone wires, the picture of President looluige
was transmitted from Cleveland to New York. The telephone com
pany promises regular service of sending pictures in the near future
Also that soon you can step into the nearest long-distance booth and
have "Your only one' smile at you as you talk.
Most butter aubtitutes are made
from oils shipped In from foreign
'countries. Much of it cornea from
:Aia and the South Pacific Islands.
The work of preparing this oil ia
; mostly done by unclean natives in a
I v?ry unsanitary manner. If this
cheap, low food value, and unclean
.butter substitute is to be placed in
i competition with our butter it will
mean that our dairy industry will be
crippled. Dairying is one or Ore
gon's best resourcea. Destroy that
and other lines of agriculture will
tis-e up the farm endeavors nwo util-
d thru the dairy cow. That is.
seme oi the land that is now used to
raise crops to support the dairy cow
ill go back to raising wheat, thus
increasing the wheat surplus and
lowering the price.
The Pure Dairy Products Commit
tee of Oregon, with an office at 106
Chamber of Commerce Building,
Portland, Oregon, is carrying on an
Auti-Oleomargin campaign.
The public at large is requested to
help finance this campaign. Espec
ially the dairymen are expected to
donate at the rate of 10c for each
head of milk cows. Money to help
this movement may be sent to the
above address, in care of Cheater L.
Mulkey, who especially has charge of
this work.
Owns Black Gold
hopper poison which will be tried out
within the next ten days to get data j
on the relative cost and effectiveness ;
of the poison. Previous experience
indicates that with a nominal cost the
damage around alfalfa fields can be
cut 80c or 90. An arsenic bran
mash is used which gives effective
control when properly mixed and
scattered. Arsenic is the most ef
fective grasshopper poison known but
is rather slow as the hoppers do not
die for from four to five days after
taking the bait. There are several
effective methods of mixing the pois
on and it is to get data on the rela
tive costs that the experimental work
will be carried on.
Rodent Control Notes.
Rabbit poisoning in the north end
of the county usir.g the cedar stakes
has been giving excellent results for
the past six weeks. The stakes are
also being used in the Alpine com
munity to some extent, Mike Sepanek
reporting that he was killing more
rabbits than by using salt.
Another mixing meeting was held
ir the Irrigon community Sunday.
May i with ten farmers turning out
to get poison and five more sending
in for poison to be put out around
their places.
Over three hundred pounds of
squirrel poison have been put out in
the Hardman community and D. T.
Colliver, who is distributing the poi
son there states, "All I have talked
with say that this bait is better than
anything that they have tried before."
Potato bugs are making their ap
pearance in Morrow County in large
numbers at this time and will destroy
or at least reduce the yield if they
are not controlled. The Colorado
Potato Beetle, or Striped Potato Bug
is easily poisoned by spraying or
sprinkling with dead arsenate mixed
at the rate of four pounds to one
hundred gallons of water. This can
be sprayed on the vines with a small
spray pump or by sprinkling with the
ordinary sprinkling can. Another
method, easier to handle for small
patches is to thoroughly mix pow
dered lead arsenate and air-slacked
lime at the rate of one part by weight
of lead arsenate to nine parts of air
slacked lime. Put this in a sack and
dust it over the vines by shaking the
sack. It is much easier to get them
i when they first come out and are only
a few bugs on the vine, than to wait
until eggs laid by the bugs are hatch
ed out and the slugs appear.
Agricultural and Business
(Prepared by Research Department,
A. F. B. F.)
General price levels are tending
downward. Wholesale prices report
ed by U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
are 7 per cent lower than a year ago.
The farm products group declined 1
per cent in this period and the food
group 5 per cent.
This year started off with indus
trial activity at a high point. Steel
output was heavy; automobile manu
facturing was going strong; railroads
were making liberal purchases of
equipment; building was holding at
record levels.
In all cases named there has now
come decline in activity. This start-
aatailDB vmt CVTV)P
V I X j j
null rnt which ia not farrlad out
to ny ajreavt eltent The moat im
portant ttep whicn your reprea"--tivea
can Uko ia to do your gtmoat
to hv wages uniform. For th laat
five years one or more 01 our coun
ties has disregarded this and at this
time of year neighbors are paying all(
the way from $40 to 76 month for
the aame kind of work. Thia, aa you
understand, raiaea havoc during har
vest when there ia usually a shortage
of labor. Wagea will not be higher
than last year. Whether they ehould
be lower I cannot aay at this time.
Your farmers are in a better position
to know what they can pay and I
have never yet attended a farmera'
meeting where the farmera did not
try U aet the wagea .a high, and eeea
higher than they could afford. The
main thing is to stick to the wagea
after they are aet."
Mr. Arthur W. Jones, director or
Public Employment Service t Fort
land, writes as follows! "Replying
to your letter of May 10, will state
that present indicatlona point to plen
ty of labor in all linea, and applicant
for work are greatly in exeeae of the
joba offered. We believe that thia
condition will be continued over a
con siderable period. W shall appre
ciate any order you may send."
Bungalow for Rent Furnished or
partly furnished. Inquire at Firat
National Bank.
This Week
By Arthur Brtsbeuie
Florida Great Empire to Be.
Two Political Question.
Deep Plowing Payt.
Dress Up, Girls, Dress Up.
Uncle Jahn
lia. I
Tom Gibbons of St. Paul and
George Carpentier of Franre are
fit and ready for battle at Michigan
City, Ind., on Saturday, May 31.
If Gibbons disposes of Carpentier
tn a hurry he may get another
chance at Dempsey.
Numerous reports have been re
ceived at the County Agent's office
regarding the presence of large num
bers of young grasshoppers through
out the southern part of the county.
The County Agent has sent for small
quantities of three kinds of grass-
The crisis In an industry,
like diggin' coal, ye know gives
rise to apprehensions of the
winter with its snow, and the
crisis in the meat-supply, or
grain that makes our bread,
keeps the average consumer in
a constant state of dread. . . .
And it sends the prices sky
ward, every time the crisis
frowns, when the life preserv
er's out of reach, of course the
sailor drowns. . . .While the
wreckin' crew is patchin' up
more economic laws, the panic
devil tears us with his unre
lentin' claws. ... I have
watched the operation through
so many gloomy days, that I
harbor my suspicions of the
feller that it pays.
There's a reason, at the bot
tom of each economic mess, and
when a trouble's chronic, it is
hard to cure I guess. . . . Ain't
it time for changin' doctors
when the treatment seems to
fail? Can small-pox treat itself
without the drugs a-growin'
stale ? We'll never find the
remedy in self-inflicted laws,
while the pestilence is spread. n'
under treatment by its cause!
a- 9
ed with the political disclosures lasl
winter. The business caution which
now persists is without doubt partly
due to the political uncertainty of a
presidential year. Also, since the de-
pression of 1921, business men have
been more than "ordinarily inclined to
caution. This is one important far
ter of safety.
Business customarily tends toward
a decline in the late spring and sum
mer months. It is hopeful to know
that part of the present quiet can be
explained as a seasonal movement.
Another source of encouragement h
the strong position of the banking
What is the situation for the ma
jor agricultural commodities? The
i production of domestic wheat, ac
cording to forecasts now available
promises to be a little less than last
year. The world crop will be some
what smaller. A moderate upward
price trend is anticipated. Kansas
which will furnish one-fourth of the
winter wheat harvest this year ex
pects to have a 60 per cent larger
crop on a smaller planted acreage.
Nebraska is expecting a 90 per cent
larger production. The cash outlook
for the hard winter wheat belt is
much better than last year,
A large acreage of corn is being
planted with less livestock in the
country than a year ago, there is
some doubt of prices holding.
Cotton growers have planted 5 per
cent more acres than last season. The
crop is in average condition.
The total number of cattle on
farms is about the same as a year
ago. There are 5 per cent less beef
cattle on feed. The increase in un
employment points to a weaker de
mand. The situation suggests a fair
ly even price trend.
There are 11 per cent fewer brood
sows on farms. Domestic consump
tion of pork is continuing heavy and
while exports have fallen off some
what, it seems probable that a good
foreign demand will be resumed. A
balancing of the factors indicates a
gradual upward price trend.
All farm products may yield a lit
tle less cash to farmers the coming
crop year, but if prices of industrial
commodities do not turn up more
than can reasonably be anticipated,
farm purchasing power should be
stronger this year and should be a
sustaining influence during the per
iod of business uncertainty through
which we are now passing.
The stock of the Atlantic Coast
Line in Florida reaches a "new
high." Big profits are made, and
the stockholders exult. If Florida
interests you, or railroad profits,
find out what S. Davies WTarfield,
president of the Seaboard Air
Line, is doing with his new rail
road In Florida. When he finishes
the short cut from the West Coast
of Florida across to Palm Beach
and other points, establishing di
rect connection between New York
and Southeast Florida, over his
own rails, there will be an active
flight for business and profits.
Mn. R. M. Hoots of Oklahoma,
owner of the two year old "Black
Gold" the first western-bred horse
to win the Historic Kentucky derby
In four years.
Labor Conference to Be
A call is being put out by the sec
retary of the Morrow County Farm
Bureau for a labor conference to be
held at Moro, Sunday, June 8. Dele
gates from Umatilla, Morrow, Gill
iam, Sherman and Wasco counties are
being invited to attend with a view
to forming a permanent labor com
mittee for these counties to stand
ardize farm wages and assist in the
distribution of farm labor throughout
the district.
Present indications are that labor
will be more plentiful this year than,
for a number of years past. Mr. W.
C. Carpenter, federal director of Uni
ted States Employment Service of
Spokane, says in a recent letter, in
part, "Labor is plentiful at present
and also quite efficient. The press yes
terday had scary headlines about I.
W. W, strike, July 1 in the harvest
fields, but as you know this is an an-
There will be plenty of business
for both roads, however. No
Imagination can foresee what the
prosperity of Florida is to be.
That State, which, as the Jack
sonville Journal tells you, Jer
son could once have bought for
five cents an acre, and ultimately
did buy for fifteen cents an acre,
is apt one day to be in several
different ways the greatest State
in the Union.
Oleomargin or Butterfat
At the next general election, the
electors in Oregon will have a chance
to grant or withhold permission to
manufacture oleomargin, or other
butter substitutes, in this state.
Canada has lately made a law for
bidding the sale, importation or man-
ufacture of oleomargin, and other
dairy substitutes for butter, doing ho
"In the interest of the public health,
agriculture, and general welfare."
What better reasons could be asked?
It is an acknowledged fact that
most butter substitutes are unhealthy
and that none of them have near the
food value that pure butter has.
I a- , . SWw
rrvt iP f NOW MH' 6URNS wrtAT did himAforDth'
FOLKS ( yovi zxu v- v he havb V "one" .
ill VU1 DOLLARS ON A onlV Ar4 V- 1 Tu?neJlL I
1UWN YOU SEEN HIM j A&0 j 7 J-
Mi.undtr.tood JgJA W Y MfrJ 0 I (WM
JJ Democratic Keynoter
7 T II t& 4
T"EN J V TO SEE -felJ e-A , JL- , '
i fki.jL
Senator Pat Hsrrmon of. Missis
sippi will deliver the keynote
speech at the Democratic National
Convention in New York June Kith.
He was favorite in selection as
choice for the temporary, chairman
Two questions that Interest poli
ticians are these:
Can the Democrats be persuaded
to give up the rule that compels a
man to get two-thirds oi all tne
delegates before he can be nomi
nated ?
And will the Democrats put in
their national platform a plank
denouncing the Ku Klux Klan, and
thus outlawing many southern
States on whom the Democrats
must depend to win?
It is a delicate question and may
be solved by some vague general
ization concerning all secret so
Simple home treatmrtit. Send for FREE
booklet and testimonial. WARNER'S
curity Bide., Minneapolis, Minn.
20H Acres in Hood River. Ideal
Berry and Chicken Ranch.
4 acres under cultivation. All un
der irrigation. 1 mile from grad
ed school. 2Vs miles from Odell.
In Baltimore, a farmer named
Meyerly is said to be plowing up
a good wheat field, with a sub
soil plow, having been told there
is gold in his land. He won't dm
gold, but if he plows deeph
enough, and plows his wheat un
der, Tie will improve his soil, and
Increase his farm s value.
In the second part of Faust,
Goethe tells of the farmer plowing
deep because under the Emperor's
law he was allowed to keep all
buried treasure, "turned over by
the plow." That was probably an
ingenious scheme to make the
farmer plow deeper, make his noil
richer, and thus be able to pay
heavier taxes.
The State of Kentucky killed
three men by electricity, two
white, one colored, one white man
seventy years old. Forty-six
minutes after they began walking
to the death chair, one after the
other, all were dead. Only one
spoke, as he was strapped into
the chair. It was Frank Thomas,
white man, who said, as the light
was shut out from his eyes for
ever by the electrocution mask,
"Good night, I'm going home."
After Every Meal
It's the longest-lasfina
confection you can buy
-ana it's a help to di
gestion and a cleanser
for the mouth
and teeth.
Wrlgley's means
benelit as well as
Wouldn't it be interesting to
know where, how, in what home
those three men will awake if
at all. Will the black man still
be black, when he comes to and
dimly remembers how he died?
Will the gray-haired murderer
still be seventy years old, or begin
again as a new baby? Interest
ing questions.
College young ladies, of the
Young Women's Christian Asso
ciation, tell working girls to dress
"plainly and demurely" for their
souls' sake and to impress possi
ble husbands with their good
qualities. Sensible Helen Gwynne,
retiring president of the Y. W.
C. A., who is a factory worker,
and has presided over an assem
bly of 80,000 factory girls, tells
these girls to dress as conspicu
ously as they can, "even flashily,"
The rich girl, says Miss Gwynne,
can afford to dress plainly. That
sets her off in her luxurious sur
roundings. But the working girl,
in her plain home, must dress as
well as she can, by way of con
trast with her surroundings, if she
wants to marry. Sensible Miss
An automobile smash-up with
Jess James hurt reveals the fact
that the son of the great highway
man now works as a patrol to pre
vent highwaymen holding up auto
mobiles. 0
Everywhere you see verified
Fourier's saying "Contrast In char
uiar between lather and son."
MAY 22
Wt SEPT. i5
Denver ... t 64.00
Omaha 7200
KansaaClty 72.00
St. Louis... B1.60
Chicago ... 80.00
Detroit .... 106. S2
Cincinnati., 106.30
Cleveland .$10B.5
Toronto ... 113.75
Pittsburgh.. 119.76
Wrshinqton 141.56
phll'Ualohla 144 62
N'w York. .147.40
Boston 163.50
Correspond Ins; fiirc to olh'-r lmp"i'"nl
rantum. Kltuil rplnrn llllill n,M(ilir SI.
WH. I.lh-rnl trp-ovr irivllcg"s g"lnn
and rolurnltiK.
A side trio to YnllnWMtnnn lit small
additional rosl will afford th exporlnnrj.
of a llfo tlrnfi.
Call us by ihnne and Ipt us mnkn all
your Krrnnir'!rnrnts. It costs no rnure
and will suvo your valimlile lliuu.
Hrppner, Ore.
Cenrrnl Pnsrninr Agent
Portland, Oregon
Gentry Field
Friday, May 30
We have just received an assort
ment of the latest new colors:
Airdale, Jack Rabbit Gray, Tan
Bark, Pearl, Banana
OUR PRICE RANGE FROM $1.00 to $3.00
Ladies' Silk Hosiery Only
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
Mm tht famous
Evff !?
Not In Style
The man in the barrel is not
dressed according to the latest
mode, and is not in position to
make the best impression.
This, however, is not the case
with your printing if it is done
The Gazette-Times
3 m
i ; we aress it in tne latest lasn- i
11 : ion and it makes the right im- J
r pression wherever it is seen. ;f7