The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 22, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Swiss Cows Wrestles for Title
trtam m h"r4 tit HWifc.
K- M Vrth cifcirr for ih iit-
T - dv
f ,v. . ... ., ....... i l .h2-STr!t iv
t,rr, ,u(.!.rl to rain ,-r.frs' ac- J Jk. iJKSXSI JVM5j5kliT 'Y'
: ,. j . t eV m ,1 ''"D T HJI.M I
frotli tfcf t roMt f rr ft fever pa- J . tljaj
titlt" bar'.rii, krnun remo!y?if j . V
strer tx'orri. r-Trura a as- ? ' V
rtci tv nmrv to be the caue of f , i
the dKeise. Te hrmoVtir strepto- ' f J f
cc r fatn-Iiit erw-fi tht hax-r Xjkl
prr f breaktrp don the blood i j A
But iiir ce it us p'r.own 1bt : JfV
pHf ptrrrtorwri wer f T-rnt in i
hrr lvfr pirf- hf-iile te throsts ,
of fcuriet ff-irr vtif-r.t tVeir pr-s-rr-.ct
pfreriii'y ri (rsrti as that
of a pfcoridjtry invMt.n.
The utrfiiocnrci brfve betn studied
ncroiofrir .y d me now flspsHed
into dfnit bio'opirji! croups. THs
lrno'dce (Treat ;y ubtartiated tbe
ttn-ptcoccu? thpory ard led to a re-j
ftwil of enr irr Rttpmpts to produce I
wariet fever in rim; by inocula- !
tioii of ptreptoeor c us cu'ture. Tbe?e
ttempt? re rot yucceyful until
Pierce ard co-workers discovered
tbt if the inoculntions were made in
nucb a -y a to produce a loca.izod
abscess in p'sre of the u?ua wide- !
pred distribution, there followed a ,
reaction of fever rah markc-tiy re-,
iemblinp scarlet fever. Carrying tris
a bom for the preparation of a cur
ative serum. They found it would
require several inoculations in order
and Guard Ctnl and th nnainint
llnra will toon b in comni.tion.
I kiah and Hrpnr and Parkar'a Mill
were connected last week.
R- A. Culick went on duty this
week and is aasistinf on telephone,
road ard trail maintenance. Due to
the continued drouth all improvement
work in preparation for the nre aea
son is bviiiff ruehed.
Ranrer ooJ declare! that the
forest is now drier than he haa ever
seen it so early in the season and.
unless copious rains fall, anticipates
a bad fire season. Already a number
of tires have been reported from the
Heppner district.
The permitted graiinf season open
ed on the Five Mile Cattle range May
IS and due to the dryness of the
ranpe on the foothills the stockmen
were anxious to move their cattle to
the monntains. The first two days
of Ihe season over a thousand head of
cattle were brought in.
1'nirersity of Oregon, Eugene, May
1. (Special.) Marraret Woodaon
I of Heppner, a sophomore in the
j school of law at the University of
j Oregon, will soon receive a coveted
I gold "0," awarded by the Associated
Students at Oregon to varsity debat
ers and orators. Miss Woodson has
j beea active in debate for two years
and haa won much honor for herself
; and distinction for tha University.
Andrew Greiner of Condon, a well
known pione-r of the Mayvilla dis
trict, died last Tuesday at tha age
of 75 years. Long time friends thru
out the county are grieved at the
news of the passing away of a highly
respected neighbor and friend. Ar
lington Bulletin.
An annual wmtlin. : tourney, for cowi Is held at Martigny, SwiUer
arhKh i atterded by thouiMtda. of farmer, from .11 ec tioni
The cows wrestle until one trot, off In defeat The final winner it
crowned queen and given choic. .-ruing- paatura for on year. Photo
shows tha final tuss.e for tha titla.
fever, s circulatory poison is present
in the blood stream, analogous to the
toxin present in diphtheria, and that
this poiscm may be neutralized by
substances present in the anti serum
in a similar way to the neutralization
of diphtheria toxin by diphtheria
antitoxin. Since this toxic substance
is not formed when the organism is
grown artificially, it is presumed that
a step further Dochez and his ( the tolin js p,,, onW b th(
ates becan the immunization of ! of the ,tptocoeeu-in livi
i growin 01 tne streptococcus in living
tissue, i. e., in the throats and ad
jacent tissues of scarlet fever pa
tients and in the abscesses of the ex-
,o proouc. a serum .u curate . p,,,, .nimals .To determine the
F . ,, . , , v j , i curative value of the serum, iniec-
Serum collected from the blood of , to, of 4fl c e intl.amuscularly have
this horse has since been tested on ' bpen ive sc,r;et fevfr case T
carlet fever patients br lniectine s.i' foj r .
i severe of bospital ca?es. In most of
the cases the recovery was rapid and
without complications.
minute quantities into the skin for
what is known as the "Bianchinj:
test," and by injecting large quanti
ties into the muscles to note its cur
ative effect. By the "blanching" test
It has been shown that the horse se
rum produced the same effect as
that produced by convelescent human
carlet fever serum, nameiy, that of
eau&ing the complete disappearance
of the rash within an area of one
half to an inch in diameter. It was
found, however, that if immune horse
serum was first mixed with the serum
ef a patient in the acute stag of
acarlet fever, the mixture was devoid
of blanching power. This latter fact
Is taken to indicate that in scarlet
Can He Stick?
a. ,-:.a a Bi A
From a public health standpoint
the possibility of the development of
a laboratory diagnosis presents it
self as being of even greater benefit,
in the control of the disease than the
discovery of a curative serum. With
the mild character of scarlet fever
as it is now occurring in this country
satisfactory isolation is almost im
possible, because of the large number
of cases that escape isolation. The
1 "blanching" test, though apparently
quite reliable in cases with a definite
rash, obviously can be of no service
in those cases in which the rash is
very scant, transitory, or absent in
other words, in just those cases in
which a test is most needed. Diagno
sis by the taking of throat cultures
on the other hand, if such a test
could be made practicable should
turn out to be fully as great in value
as the similar test so long in use for
diphtheria. At the present time, how
ever, the process of grouping of the
streptococci obtained from the throat
cultures takes far too much time and
trouble to be practical for diagnosis
on a large scale.
Gurdane Forest Notes.
Construction work on the Sturdi
vant hill on the Ukiah to Ellis Rang
er station road was begun Monday.
Foreman Perry Simpson already has
a crew of about ten men and is using
caterpillar, teams and grader. The
new grade will contain a maximum
of eight per cent. This is a part
of the road that is being built by
the Umatilla Forest from Ukiah west
ward past Ellis Ranger station and
connecting with the Heppner-Ritter
road on Ditch creek, a total distance
of 23 miles. It is planned to complete
the road this summer. It will be a
Brest convenience to travel between
Ukiah and Heppner and between Uk
iah and Gurdane.
About fifty miles of the telephone
lines of the Gurdane district have
been maintained by Ranger Woods
I Backed By Klan ,
FOR SALE 5-room house, modern
conveniences; half acre ground be
sides lot; chicken park, fine shade
trees, some fruit; also fine piano and
Pathe phonograph, both same as new;
furniture; slightly used Ford touring
car. MRS. S. A. PATTISON, Hepp
ner, Oregon. 2t.
Good Horse Pasture Fine bunch-
grass. $3 per month. Address Vern
Pearson. Lena, Oregon. tf.
FOR SALE One Holt combine. tO
foot cut. good condition; 46-horsepow-er
Holt engine. Will take cauls or
sheep as part or all payment; also
will take one grain binder. 0. T.
FERGUSON. Heppner, Ore. tf.
Wanted Women to work in fruit
cannery; fair wages and modern
plant; present prospects indicate sev
tral months steady work, commencing
about June loth. Write for further
details. LIRBY, McNElL It L1UHY,
The Dalles, Oregon. St.
For Sale Deering 2-man combine,
with motor. Fair condition. See
Charles Maruuart, 4 miles north of
Lexington. tf.
Bungalow for Kent Furnished or
partly furnished. Inquire at First
National Bank.
For sale at once, all my household
furnishings. Mrs. Ray Moore, city.
One black gelding, age about 6
years, branded 21 on left stifle; one
yellow bay colt, roached mane. 1 vear.
old, n,o brands. Strayed from my
ranch on Social Ridge about March
13. ARCHIE NICHOLS, Lexington
Oregon. 4t.
Edward Jackson, of Indiana,
nominee for Governor on the Re
publican ticket, who won by a big
majority in the primaries through
upport given by the Ku Klux Klan.
Branded a "political blatherskite"
by Senator Reed; charged with the
responsibilty of hiring and sending
atooi-pigeons to Montana to get
evidence against Senators Wheeler
and Walsh without the knowledge
and consent of President Coolidge;
further charged with trying to read
Senators Borah, Norris and other
Republicans out of the party,
Washington is now Speculating
whether Geo. B. Lockwood, Secre
tary cf the Republican National
Committee, will survive when Wm.
M. Butler succeeds John T. Adams
as chairman in June.
Gilliam & Bisbee's
jZ? Column jZ?
The Dalles and Pendleton
in Internal Medicine for the
past twelve years
Will be in The Dalles on
Saturday, May 24, at The
Dalles Hotel
And in Pendleton on
Sunday, May 2-j, at the
Dorian Hotel.
Office Honrs: II a jn. to 4 p. m.
No Charge for Consultation
Dr. Uellenthin is a regular gradu
ate in medicine and surgery and is
licensed by the state of Oregon. He
does not operate for chronic appen
dicitis, gall, ulcers of stom
ach, tontils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful re
sults in diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting,
catarrh, wenk lurgs, rheumatism,
sciatica, leg ulcers, and rectal ail
ments. Bciow are the names of a few of
his many satisfied patients in Ore
gon; Finnla PekkaH, Uwaco, Wash.,
Chest trouble.
V. C. TodJ, Grass Valley, Ore.,
nicer of the stomach.
Joseph Schuster, Beaverton, Ore.,
Catarrh and heart trouble,
Eiiiabeth Taylor, Buker, Ore, in
testinal trout e.
Mrs. Ernest Lacty. Ironside, Ore,
heart and nervous trouble.
C. J. Minch, Estacada, Ore, kidney
and bladder trouble.
Mra. Henry Baker, Bunks, Ore, gall
stones and appendicitis.
E. C. Nichols, Lebanon, Ore, ap
pendicitis. Ren, ember above date, that consul
tation on this trip will be free and
that his treatment Is different.
Married women must be accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: til Bradbury Bldg., Los
Angeles, California.
A car of Poultry Sup
plies just arrived. Any
thing and everything for
the Hen.
Lots of mill feed and
Dr. Hess' stock tonic for
your live stock.
Sheep dip and lice exter
minator and other reme
dies for livestock and poul
try. Our spring stock of sin
gle trees, lead bars, wag
on tongues, plain beams,
handles, clevises, etc., just
Looseand Dried-Out Wheels
GREASE itl. IV. r EjIL,
I Bacon and Lard I
2 L.AKU, rf-lD. Tins 50c
1 LARD, 5-lb. Tins 75C 1
j LARD, 10-lb. Tins $15 H
I BACON 20c, 25c, 30c (
I The Peoples Cash Market I
Cash & Carry Store j
Gilliam & Bisbee
Hardware - Implements
We have it, will get it or
it is not made.
We Carry a Full Line of the Best Quality .
Canned Goods
Also Preserves, Jellies, Cereals, etc.
In fact, most everything good to eat. We
believe in giving the best obtainble at the price.
We hate inferiority in products as well as in
men. We combine with our service in propor
tion a sense of fairness; a square deal always,
both in theory and practice; courteous treat
ment and consideration for the other fellow.
The CltUene' Transfer St
Storage Company of Tuc
aon, Arisona, operates a
fleet of eighteen trucks in
local and long distance
hauling. Zerolsns is used
Work Clothes
Don't forget I carry a complete line, such as
WORK SHIRTS, 85c, $1, $1.25
Work Shoes
Ranging From $3.00 to $7.50
If you like a good comfortable work shoe, stop in and try on a pair of
our No. 807 COMFLEX Soles. You will be pleasantly surprised: they
need no breaking in.
A Man's Store for Men
and lubricates better
With the passing of the superstition that there
Is something mysteriously "better" about eastern
oils, just because they cost more, Zerolene sales
have increased seven-fold in the last seven years.
The following extract from a recent letter writ
ten us by the Citizens' Transfer & Storage Com
pany of Tucson, Arizona; has some bearing on
the reasons for this increase:
"Previous to using your Zerolene oils we experienced
considerable trouble with eastern oils, which were
much higher in price, and we found not suited to our
use. We have used Zerolene oils and greases for the
past five years. Our equipment (18 trucks and 2
passenger cars) is operated continuously throughout
the year and the maintenance has been confined to
keeping it supplied with the proper amount of oil and
grease; bearings have required only reasonable ad
justment after long intervals, and no repJacements.
We were well pleased with our recent quarterly
check on the mechanical condition of our equipment
and knowing this condition to be maintained by the
use of your oils and greases, we thought your com
pany would be interested to know of our complete
satisfaction." v
the Standard Oil
Company's new
improved oil for
Ford cars "Feeds
Those Oil-Starved
Wa believe that Zerolene will
improve the gasoline mileage, re
duce carbon deposits, and lengthen
the working life of every car in
which it is used.
Why pay tribute to a supersti
tion? Insist on Zerolene even if it
does cost less.
This booklet reports inde
pendent servica tests of
Zarolene made by a num
ber of Urge users. Ask any
Standard Oil Company
i representative or
Zerolene dealer for a copy.
Graduation Gift
An essential part of the graduation jifriod
is the time honored custom of the Gradua
tion Gift. Appropriate gifts is our aim at
all times and with this in view our last
shipments have been especially selected
for graduation.
May we help you with suggestions.
Everything in Jewelry
and Music
Odd Fellows Building
Main 1062
Heppner, Oregon
Printing is the Inseparable
Companion of Achievement
Ambition Without Thrift
Is Treasure Loft
Fabulous wealth lies hidden in the dark, unfath
omable depths of the seas impotent, worthless, be
cause it is inaccessible to man.
Like this lost treasure is an unthrifty man's am
bitions. Day dreams, air castles, and the far reach
ing plans for the future are NOT impossible for the
man who learns the value of thrift!
The bank book is the guide to success and the
realization of your plans. Save now; be able to
make your dreams come true; be ready For oppor
tunity when it comes.
This bank helps people save by paying 4 percent
interest on saving accounts. Start yours today.
Farmers & Stockgrcwers National
Heppner $ank Oregon
Not In Style
The man in the barrel is not
dressed according to the latest
mode, and is not in position to
make the best impression.
This, however, is not the case
with your printing if it is done
by '
by ' -
Tim rinrjnf fr TIimaa I
- ne urcss it in the latest fash- 5$
1 :l ion and it makes the right im- Ji
prcssion wherever it is seen. ftj