PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER. OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 22, 1024. 1924 Graduating Class of Heppner High School r i . - t.-i iki r - lien . L;: -wfe r-o ( . . .- j e - ""V -' - , t " A - - , 'J e : f&m :Jn I. r? V; . ,.t- -U-:-;' It.: - 'Mil) 1 W i . vr jh- - -i : I r r K M i liffiFaiSSSsual T - -j-i -arl It li in I i i T Mitii ri L ,. '.amMfcAiaMJ LITERARY SOCIETIES. For a number of years there were two literary societies in the Heppner school. These mere the Ciceronians and the Philomathians. About four years ago they were allowed to go down. This year two new ones were organized, the Arions and Heppnenans. The membership of these societies embraces a large part of the student body. The Arions maintain a scholarship requriement for en trance while the Heppnerians admit any who are interested and anxious to work along literary lines. These societies have put on several programs be fore the student body this year. Another feature earned on by the Heppnerians has been the pub lication of a mimeoerarhed rarer of interest to the students. Interclass debate has been greatly stimulated through the presentation to the school by the Patron-Teacher association of a cup to be awarded to the winning class each year. Three classes entered competition for it, Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors. In the contests this year the honor was awarded by the judges to the Freshman class. ' 1 ir ft O jKfl TV, -. - I j II, II, o. ruuiuuu lvuin j "'.' .. ' . ' !: v-.-T -"0 THE FACULTY. E. H. HEDRICK Superintendent Latin, Teachers' Training r I- BUV.rv.NLAl KATHLEEN MAHOXEY FRANCIS DOHERTY MYRA WELLS BER.N1CE SIGSBEE t'Sili RACHAEL L'HEKZIMjr.R BLANCHE UROSHESS EMERY GOODMAN FA YE RITCHIE BERX1CE WOOPSOX COMMENCEMENT. Commencement exercises for the class of 1924 began with the Junior-Senior banquet at the Hotel Heppner, Friday evening. Under the leadership of Miss Chambers, the Junior class advisor, the banquet had been elaborately planned to represent the idea of a ship finishing her voyage. The whole scene was tastily decorted with the class colors. The huge table, around which some 40 guests were seated was designed to represent the ship of "1924," while the whole program, toasts, favors and all were in wonderful harmony with the sym bolism which was being carried out. Sunday evening baccalaureate services were ELAINE SlUbUEE HELEN WELLS REID BUSEICK DOROTHEA ANDERSON AGNES McDAlD HAZEL ANDERSON VIOLET HYND BRUCE SPALDING DORIS FLYNN DOROTHY PATTISON. v v - i I A f - I' ' :,' f to ' linr araiT rm--'-rir ""n m CARL CAsoN held at the Christian church Rev. V. 0. Livingstone delivering the sermon. Tuesday and Wednesday the final examinations were scheduled while Thurs day the annual school picnic was the order of the day. Friday evening at 8 o'clock commencement exercises will be held in the high school auditor ium. Prof. N. H. Cornish of the Oregon Agricul tural College has been invited to deliver the main address of the evening. The Senior class of 1924 consists of 18 members, listed above. Four of the girls, Doris Flynn, Violet Hynd, Dorothea Anderson, Fay Ritchie, with two of last year's class, Reatha Owen and Frances Par ker, have completed the teacher training course and are entitled to certificates to teach. JOHNNIE F. FLEET I. 'x 1 h !I I 1 I ' v - - 1 English and Commercial 1 .;. v . .. - a The Hehisch Staff mm a. w v 7 W ' -' U!V7.!W: Al -TIN I SMITH BERXICE WOODSON REID BUSEICK K-'iitor in Chief . Bnines Manager Circulation Manager LL'fiLA HENCE ELMER BUCKNUM MURIEL CASON DOROTHY PaTTIsON Literary Atfiietic Jokei Society VIOLET HYND HAROLD BECKET ELAINE SIGSBEE Music and Drama AiUnt Editor Athletica THE HEHISCH The Hchi&ch is the name of the Hepp ner H:gh School annual. It is a word that Webster never knew. Evidently it was coined by Spencer Crawford who was the first editor and put out the first edition of the annual in 1915. In that annual he tells us "how it happened "the word is made up of the first Ictitrs of the words Hepp ner High School. The book has been put out regularly each year since that time and with each succeeding year the editors have endeav ored to prolit by the mistakes of the past. Tins year the annual contains &6 pages, rich in cuts o( student life and made up of articles on the social, literary, athletic and other organizational activities of the school. The book is purely a student pub lication, the faculty having but little to do with it. This year the editor-in-chief is Austin Smith with Bernice Woodson as business manager. These two students, with a large corps of assistants and con tributors have put out the book. The cost of the 1924 annual is a little more than $500. This is paid mainly from two sources, the advertising and the sale of annuals, with the student body making up the deficit. Something over 200 copies have already been sold at $1.25 each, and indications are that the amount the stu dents will be called upon to pay will be small. MUSIC AND DRAMA. For the first time in five years there has been a change in the music department. Mrs. Bernice Dafoe Hopper was granted a leave of absence ear ly in November and Miss Isabelle Steele arrived about the middle of the month to continue the work. No drastic changes were made except the addition of the orchestra work, which was formerly in the hands of the students themselves. The mixed chorus was continued and girls' and boys' quartets chosen. The mixed chorus is composed of nearly thirty members who are always ready and willing to help in any school entertainment. The chorus was or ganized at the beginning of the school year 1923 1924. It consists of the following members: First sopranos: Aura Gentry, Audrey Beymar, Mary Farley, Violet Hynd, Grace Buschke, Kath leen Mahoney, Kathleen Monahan, Marguerite His ler. Lois Livingstone, Faye Ritchie. Mezzo sopranos: Reta Crawford, Velma Huston, Lucile McDuffee. Altos: Marjorie Clark, Velma Fell, Louise Thom son, Cecilia Kenny. Tenors: Bruce Spalding, Austin Smith. Baritones: Earl Merritt, John Turner, Francis Doherty. Basse"s: Emery Goodman, Duck Lee. The Girls' and Boys' Quartets. A girls' quartet and a boys' quartet have been selected from the mixed chorus. Among the num bers which have been prepared by the girls' quartet are A Ltitle Pink Rose and Whisnenne Hooe. The quartet expects to take part in the commence. ment exercises. Members of the girls' quartet are: First soprano, Violet Hynd. ' Second soprano, Leola Bennett. First Alto, Faye Ritchie. Second alto, Marjorie Clark. The boys' quartet was not organized until the middle of the year. They have not as yet made a public appearance. The members are: First tenor, Bruce Spalding. Second tenor, Austin Smith. Baritone, Earl Merritt. Bass, Duck Lee. THE "H" CLUB. Students of the High School who satisfactorily meet certain academic and athletic requirements are awarded the gold letter H. Holders of these letters are organized under the name of the "H Club. This organization was formed in 1923. Its objects are to preserve the best traditions of the school, promote clean athletics and scholarship in oraer io ne accepted into tne ciuo an H man must be doing passing work in four subjects. When ,ie falls below this standard he is dropped from the club. The present members are Carl Cason. Francis Doherty, Harold Bccket, Ralph Moore, Eu gene Doherty, Ed Bell, Crockett Sprouls, Emery I r,;j n i- ,i . . .. ' vjouuman, reia Duseicn, nowara mcuuffee, Jim stout, Leonard senwarz. i en tr.." '.- L ' ''-: . ' - P.I -: . x- . S . $ ISABELLE A. STEELE HARRIET CHAMBERS f :j U -1 Mathematics, Home s "'"',.T '' jr "I Economics ' ' 'Or" BERTHA L. MELICK "7 ' J English and Ili.tory f 'i$ifj I. A. MATHER I f I Science and Mathematics I J ADMINISTRATION. From the standpoint of administration and organization several changes and im provements have been made in the school system. First of all, the school district has been enlarged somewhat by the inclusion within its borders of four sections of land lying along Hinton creek. This addition slightly increases the number of children and adds to the taxable valuation some thing over $13,000. At the beginning of last year, the com mercial department which had been in the discard for a number of years was re-established. In re-placing the department in the school it was the idea of the board that it must function in a more efficient manner than it had done in the past if it was to justify its existence. Standards and requirements for the department were ac cordingly raised. Only those students who by past performance in other lines showed a disposition and ability to profit by the work were admitted to the course. Some thing over 30 students are now enrolled. Miss Fleet has had charge of the work which has been of a high order. This is shown by the fact that in the typing tests recently given, nearly every student was able to demonstrate an efficiency 50 per cent greater than the minimum required by the state for the first year's work. The science laboratory has been equip ped with new material and apparatus for the teaching of the sciences physics, chem istry, biology, and general science which the school offers. The library, within the past two years has also been greatly enlarged, re-catalogued and accession records made. It has the past year been admirably conducted by student volunteer librarians under the supervision of a faculay member. Some member of the force is on duty there at all hours of the day. The Heppner High School offers four years English, four years science, three years mathematics, two years Latin, tea cher's training, commercial, home econ omics, and music. A few weeks ago, the high school was thoroughly inspected by Mr. E. F. Carlton, representing the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools who rec ommended it for membership in that asso ciation. Out of 255 high schools in the state Heppner is the 27th to meet the requirements. For a number of years the high school has been recognized as stand ard by the State Department of Oregon and the colleges of the state. This new recognition gives the school standing in other states and enables its graduates to be received without question in the col leges and universities of those states. In the grade school there have been no radical changes. The main emphasis has been in the direction of "taking up the slack" and increasing the efficiency along the whole line. Standard tests have been given in the " principal subjects in all grades in order to determine the amount of work done during the year and to en able us to compare the level of the work done in the Heppner schools with that in other schools throughout the country. By the aid of these and other tests we endeav or to discover in each grade the stronger pupils who by special promotion are al lowed to advance as fast as age and abil-. ity will permit. This also allows the teacher to devote more attention to the slower pupils who remain in her grade and gives the whole school a better and more even classification. In the recent state examinations for the eighth grade, 25 pupils took it and only one pupil failed in one subject. The enrollment this year has been some what large and conditions a little crowded both in the grades and high school, al though not to an extent that interferes ser iously with work. Two hundred eighty eight pupils have been enrolled in the erades and 137 in the hi'eh school. I H. H. S. Basketball Team i Zz :' . " - - . ": v k ,';.-. v.; '' ... 'v , yi. All of the present teaching force has been re elected for the coming year in both high school and grades with the exception of Miss Christ, in the 4th grade, who was elected in Portland, and Misses Steele and Melick, in the high school. These two teachers came to us as replacements during the year and were not applicants for re-election. The faculty for the coming year as elected by the board is as follows: E. H. Hedrick, superintendent and Latin; I. A. Mather, mathematics and science; Miss Johnnie F. Fleet, English and commercial; Miss Harriet Chambers, home economics and algebra; Miss Josephine Kirtley of Eugene, history, civics and English. Music instructor to be selected. Breynton R. Finch, 8th grade; Miss Gertrude Davies, 7th grade; Miss Lorena Wright, 6th grade; Mrs. Breynton R. Finch, 5th grade; Miss Harriet Case, 4th grade; Mrs. Opal Clark, 3rd grade; Mrs. Elizabeth Dix, 2nd grade; Mrs. Edna Turner, 1st grade. ATHLETICS. This year Heppner High School sup ported three major athletic activities, foot ball, basketball and baseball. It is the aim of the school to secure the participa tion of all students in these sports who are eligible to enter. From the large group of try-outs the teams that are to compete with other schools are picked. Football enjoyed a very successful sea son. In the upper Columbia league, seven games were played and six of these were won. This year the school loses three of her first string men by graduation. They are Buseick, Doherty and Cason, but oth ers are on hand to replace them and with the other men one year older in experience prospects for next year are very bright. The basketball season was also a suc cess. Though a little hard luck was en countered on the start, the school emerged with the championship of the eastern div ision of the upper Columbia league. The girls' team, under the tutelage of Miss Chambers and Miss Anita Turner, played four garnes, winning three and end ing the fourth in a tic. In baseball Heppner won five of her seven scheduled games and should have done better had it not been that other school and class activities operated to in terfere with and shorten the schedule. In basketball as well as baseball consider able new material turned out for practice this year and under the guidance of Mr. Mather, learned the rudiments of the game. Though there will be some loss of material through graduation, Heppner should easily be in the championship class again. Financially football is self-supporting, but the other athletics are not. The rev enue for carrying them on is secured very largely through student programs, plays and "smokers." In putting qn these plays the High School has always been loyally assisted by the local theatre and they have been splendidly supported by the people of the community. During the past two years expenses have been rather heavy. Almost the whole equipment was purchas ed new but by the close of the year all expenses will have been met and the stu dent treasury will be able to show a small balance. IN APPRECIATION. In presenting this page of Heppner High School departments and activities during the past year, The Gazette-Times is indebted to the Hehisch for the cuts, and the co-operation of Prof. E. H. Hedrick for the write-ups. The Hehisch, produced in our plant, was placed in the hands of the students last week. This year's edition consists of 96 pages bound in a handsome gold embossed, dark blue cover. It is a fitting example of the progress of Hepp ner High School under the supervision of Mr, Hedrick,