THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1924. PAGE THREE OF CO-OPERATION Nothing Gained by Sys tem of Some Group Selling Agencies, C. E. Bpene. Market Agent When It eoiti more to market pro duct! through a co-operative organi sation than through the prexent mar keting system, that organization will never get very far. There are too many of them in that condition. They have their organizations, their offices, warehouses and officials, but when re turns from the marketed products come in they are no better, and often less, than coutd have been received by marketing through the regular commission houses. i Co-operative organizations are not going to be very successful until they re able to take over p rents between the grower n'd eater. Between these is the field r real co-operative re suits. Collective selling to the same 01 d agencies doesn't get the farmer anywhere. It simply makes it better and easier for the agencies. These organizations have got to have embraced in their program the wholesaling end, the commission end the distributing end. They have got to And their own markets and handle their products all the way through 10 inose martcets. When the grower gets but five cents for his prunes and they are retailed in the Willamette valley, almost in sight of the orch ards where they are grown, for 27 cents, it li time to go further with marketing associations. It is time to do business direct with the heads of the great chain stores and other big concerns and lop off this almost 500 per cent between the prune orchard and the kitchen. And this great "spread" applies to almost any pro duct of the farm. This change cannot be brought about In a any, but if organizations II ill would make the selling end of equal importance wun growers contracts. results would come quicker. A manu facturing concern knows where it is going to sell its goods before it builds its factory, and it knows it ia going to have a profit on the output. Representatives of a co-operative association recently met with the state market agent to discuss why their organization was not getting results. The statement was made that the growers had lost money on every shipment made during the year. yet their sales agent was paid MW per month for running them in debt. The committee stated the growers would be far better off if they had no organization, and were free to sell where they might. This organization has much capital n vested in buildings and equipment, and it is vndr heavy overhead ex penses. And ft sells very largely through the same channels that the individuals sold through before the organization was started. In this case the growers simply added the over head expenses onto themselves with out any benefit in selling prices. The grower who was not a member was better off. The sales agent and the other employes were the only ones who were well off. If this high-priced sales manager, the general manager and all others who draw good salaries regardless of results, received pay in proportion to the profit showing of the business, perhaps the year's output wuold not have been sold at less than he pro duction cost. If a sales manager has not enough ability to have his salary based on results, then he is not the man for the place. It does not re quire a $5,000-a-year man to give away goods. Co-operation Is bound to work when it is worked out right. It must start on a solid foundation. Too many start out with high salaries and expenses first. It will take more than a lot of pro ducers signing up contracts to bring all their products to one place, to make collective selling pay. It will take men to break into the middle profit combinations and get these profits for the co-operators. It will take men with good, sound sense to start the organization right; keep the costs in proportion to the profits ROUND TRIP Ciimmor Excursion Fares IN EFFECT DAILY BETWEEN MAY 22 . - AND SEPT. 15 Cleveland .H.M Toronto ... 113.T5 PltUbiTflh.. 119.76 Washington H1.W PUM'detrhla 144.92 Ntv York. .147.40 Boiton 153.S0. D.nv.r ... 64.00 Omaha 72.00 K.ntj.Clty 72.00 St. Loull... tl. SO ... 800 Detroit .... 100 62 Cincinnati.. 106.30 Corrflapondlnir farra to other Importnnl cenu-ra. Final return limit Ortotwr 31. 1924. Liberal atop-ovr privileges going and returning. A aide trip to Yellnwatone at amall additional coal will afford the eiperlence of a Ufa time. Call us by phone and let ua make all your arriinaemenlB. It Costa no mora and will save your valuable lime. C. DAKBEE Agent Heppner, Ore. WM. McKUItltM Grne'.l PsMewer Agent I'oitland, Oregon A TREAT FOR THE FAMILY The wife and kiddies will enjoy a change from the monotony of home-cooked meals, so why not suggest coming here for dinner ev ery one in awhile. No wor ry, no delays, no dishes 10 wash just sit down to a de lightful, wholesome, satisfy ing meal, served in a way that all will like. Moderate prices, too. We Serve Chinese Noodles ELKHORN RESTAURANT HEPPNER'S POPULAR EATING HOUSE Delicious Coffee on the business, invade the middle men's field, and gradually and mUiy find profitable markets. FARM POINTERS. (From 0. A. C. Experiment Station.) Cabbage plants recently transplant ed are likely to be injured by the at tacks of green worms and aphis. A ead arsenate nicotine dust applied noon after transplanting is regarded by the experiment station as the best preparation for the control of these insects. fihoi.n Mn In a 9 n.v rt .nlutlnn is a good disinfectant for the incu bator before storing ft away until next year. Thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the inside of the machine and washing up the trays is time well spent. Draining the water from the pipes prevents rusting. Broody hens will come back Into production more quickly if well fed and handled humanely than if abused and roughly treated. Flea beetles and 12 spotted bean beetles will soon be attacking the leaves of the egg plant. Oregon veg etable growers will profit by dusting with lead arsenate after the plants are set out, says the experiment sta tion. Bush and pole limas are like wise chewed by the 12 spotted bee tles. The station finds that lead ar senate dust applied soon after the first two leaves appear will repel the insect and keep the leaves from being injured. Currant and gooseberry growers In Oregon whose bushes are affected with leaf spot disease or anthracnosc spray immediately after the crop is harvested. The experiment station recommerxU vpraying with Bordeaux I er on Tuesday, taking bis mother, mixture 4 4 50. I Mrs. Olive Fry. hl tiK al" tend the meeting of the grand as- M auric A. Fry drove to Hood Riv- sembly of Rebekahs. after every meal Cleanses month and teeth and aids digestion. Relieves that over eaten feeling and acid mouth. Its 1-a-s-t-l-n-g flavor satisfies the craving for sweets. Wrlgley's Is double value In the benefit and pleasure It provides. Sealed in it Purity Packagt. I I kaUUlUa:' L I laal WORLD'S lf LAKfjkST Si ? CHAIN II DEPART- II MKVT II RELIABLE QUALITY GOODS ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES PenneyCS .11 ' 'Incorporated Ok 475 DEPARTMENT STORES PENDLETON, OREGON Just Received! Our Allotment of 450,000 "Rig Mac" Work Shirts Get Your Supply Now at Only None Certain Without ThU Label "BIO MAC" is Our Registered Trade Mark. "Big-Mac" Work Shirts JkfS made of good quality fadeless chambray of both fin and coarse yarn in plain bhc and grey cut big and all throughout with large square tail finished with two big pockets that button just the roomy shirt that affords greatest comfort and pleasure to the wearer Al Size 14 Vi to 17. WI A QRKSHi PAY DAY OVERALLS, $1.49 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. INCLUDE POSTAGE Can You Tell Wool? Do you know which fabrics give longest wear? Do you know why retail costs are so high? Our little booklet gives you answers to these questions and much other useful and interesting information for clothes buy ers. J. B. Simpson made to measure all wool clothes come di rect from the sheep's back to your back with the least possible expense. I would like to call and give you a copy of our in- ' teresting booklet and at the same time show you the hundred or more all wool fabrics which retail at $31.50 fit, satisfaction and wear guaranteed. The Best Virgin Wool Fabrics, per suit $31.50 Genuine All Wool Tropical Worsted 2-piece suit $21.50 Thousands of America's best dressed men wear Simpson made to measure clothes. The fit, style, quality and wear make them worth $50.00 of any man's money. Sold under a positive guarantee of perfect fit and satisfaction FRANK W. TURNER . HEPPNER, OREGON Paint-Up Time IIAVE YOUR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING AND DECORATING DONE BY AN EXPERT WORKMAN I guarantee all my work and my prices are reasonable, either by the day, hour or job. LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR WORK A. E. HUFF Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Co. S A F E T Y & s E R V I C E Such popularity must be deserved POPULARITY isn't luck there is no royal road to the spot light. Popularity, today, means "delivering the goods!" Lastyearbrokeallrecordsforthe number of Chesterfields smoked. Why? Because Chesterfields make good! There are loads of ordinary cigarettes smokers want something better 1 Better quality proved by bet ter taste thats why men are turning by thousands from other cigarettes to Chesterfield. Chesterfield CIGARETTES "vrlclit IQ24, Llnrtt 8i MvcnTotitcco Co. -millions! A Pleasant Spot One way of getting pleasure and excitement and at the same time real benefit is systematic saving. Figure out how much you would like and in all probability could save in one year. Divide this amount into weekly or monthly sums and then deposit this amount regularly in the bank. Why not pick your goal and begin at once. Fir National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Maroon Body Black Fenders Cream Wheels That's a combination that will make the "old bus" look like a million dollars. All you need is the right finish and the right instructions. We can supply them. VV carry a full line of the genuine Acme Quality Motor Car .. . Finishes. Don't start the summer with a shabby car. Come in and see us. We have other snappy color combinations. Do it Yourself with ACME QUALITY MOTOR CAR FINISHES Peoples Hardware Co. Service With a Smile 24-Hour Service on Anything in the Automobile Line. GAS 25 Cents 30x3 1 -2 Goodrich Cords . . .$10.00 Connecting Rod Bearings for All Cars. Brake Lining of All Sizes. Benz Guaranteed Springs for Chevrolet, Ov erland, Buick, Ford, Dodge, Max well and others. Axles, Valves, Wris tPins, Piston Rings and Cylinder Head Gaskets. PHONE 593 MARTIN REID Heppner, Oregon