THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924. PAGE THREE IS WHEAT LOWERED Canadian Editor Hrings Fact Again to Public Attention. Hjr C. E. SI KNOB, Bute Market Agent. While the price of wheat in the United Status has declined by ap proximately && per cent since l'J17. the price of bread has been reduced by lesi than b per cent. In other word the drop In wheat prices has been ten times the drop in bread prices.-Ontario (Canada) Sun. This U a Canadian editorial com ment, illustrating again the two standards, the disproportionate re lationship which exists between the price of farm products and the price of those products after other inter ests have seized them. Wheat went down ten points and bread one point. From the authority of the Depart ment of Agriculture conies the state men that a pound lonf which cost 6.3 In 1914 now costs 9 cents, while the margin between the flour price and the bread price has increased from $10.40 to $1S.30. The Depart ment states that ttiis condition hurts both producer and consumer and thut "all Interests in the country, includ ing those of the bakers and millers, would be benefitted by the restora tion of a normal ratio between the price of wheat when It leaves the farmers' hands and its price to the consumer." The bakers are almost solidly organized. They fix the bread price and get it, regardless of what they pay for flour, to it would seem. State Grange Muster Goss of Wash fngton state says that two million people left the farms last year; more than half of the population of thin country is now living in the towns and cities; only about one-fourth of the people are now on the farms; that farm mortgages are fast Increas ing; that the farms are fast slipping away from the farmers and farmers fast slipping away from the farms. Mr. Goss has for weeks been endeav oring to get his national marketing bill recognized by congress lenders -a bill which would abolish speculat ing in grain and bring agriculture up to the other standards--but like Speed Still His I' hi i x 3 . PL . .UTOCACTE Charles Paddock, fastest sprint man the world has ever known shows the form of old in his first Olympic tryouU. Last week he shattered another mark, making him the holder of nine world records. bills that would really do some thing fur tt e furmeri, it has a slim chance at the pre.sent session. A dairyman at Horing, in Clacka mas county, givt'S his system of mak ing dairying prolituhle under prt-f-ent condition: He da. a uilo and feeds corn enfilade; be grows his oats and grinds them, and he feeds a small quantity of molasses with his hay. ile Mays he does not feed a pound :A miller' feeds, and he does not see how a dairyman can make it when he pays almost a much for bran as the farmer gets for his whole wheat. "Farmers are getting 1 '4 cents per pound for their wheat and paying cents per pound for mill feed that has little but bran in it," Bays tli is dairyman. "Until this profit spread is cut down, I can't sec how a dairyman can make money on mill feeds to his stock." The egg grading rules and regula tions, recently ordered Ly J. 'D. Mickie, state dairy and food commis sioner, were utged. among others, by the state market agent, whose duties under the law are to aid standardiza tion of products. Oregon produces a lurge surplus of eggs that must tirid outside markets, and they must be graded and standardized to com pete In the eastern markets. Like all new laws along this line, the- egg ruling of Mr. Mickle has been criti cized. On one side the producers think the ruling is too drastic while on the other hand consumers and members of the trade think the rul ing is not being drastically enforced. The same double criticisms resulted when the potato grading law was put into effect, but the market agent went ahead with education of both producers and shippers rather than with wholesale prosecutions. The re sult is that the law does not now re quire much enforcement, producers, shippers and consumers alike recog nizing the benefits of the honest pucks and generally observing and upholding the law. ECTHYMA A Com municable Skin Disease From Sut Hoard of Health. This form of skin eruption Is not strict I y speaking a disease separate or distinct. It is rather a modified form of Impetigo Contagiosa, and is due to a streptococus infection the same as Impetigo. It occurs in most cases on the extremities, the lower in particular, but the trunk and neck are often attacked. The eruption begins as a very small Mister or vesicle but instead of the clear anther colored rruhts of Im petigo, the cruets are thick and dark in color, a(ihfriti clop!v while a slight ulceration forma beneath the entirely destroyed epidennU. The lesion spreads at the circumference dissecting up a cup of epidenmU collarette" with a red or purplish halo surrounding. The spota vary in ize from that of a split pea to a half-dollar. On the backs of the hands and on the legs large sized crusts Usually occur and consequent- i ly larger areas of purplish pigmenta- i tion are left after healing whila les ions on the trunk are much smaller and leave small dark brown pigment ary spots. It is not uncommon to see Ecthy ma situated solely on one or both shin bones, forming indolent scab bing ulcers with large purplish sur rounding zone. It is frequently an accompaniment of some itching dis ease such as pediculosis corporis or scabies, infection taking place in abrasions produced by scratching as the lesions are auto inocuable. Every physician has encountered the blis tering infection spreading from the margin of a cut o rscratch in which the blister soon changes to a yel lowish color and scales over. This is the very phenomena of Ecthyma and is probably carried by the same strain of streptococci which cause the crust to change to a turbid yel low. Three factors determine an out- COMING TO The Dalles and Pendleton I Jijtir every meal t A pleasant and agreeable sweet and a 1-a-s-l-i-n-g benellt as well. Good lor teeth, breath ,,;.. is. I 1 Makes lbe.A$V?v?! next clnarir'tfi! taste belter, E5 it Jk I Specialist in Internal Medicine for the past twelve years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be in The Dalles on Saturday, May 24, at The Dalles Hotel And in Pendleton on Sunday, May 25, at the Dorian Hotel. Office Hours: 10 jn. to 4 p. ra. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu ate In medicine and surgery and la licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appen dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stom ach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, teg ulcers, and rectal ail ments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Ore gon: Finnia Pekkari, Ilwaco, Wash., chest trouble. W. C. Todd, Grass Valley, Ore., , ulcer of the stomach. Joseph Schuster, Beaverton, Ore., catarrh and heart trouble. I Elizabeth Taylor, Baker, Ore., in testinal trouble. I Mrs. Ernest Lacey, Ironside, Ore., : heart and nervous trouble. C. J. Minch, Estacada, Ore., kidney and bladder trouble. Mrs. Henry Baker, Banks, Ore., gall stones and appendicitis. E. C. Nichols, Lebanon, Ore., ap pendicitis. Remember above date, that consul tation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. Can You Tell Wool? Do you know which fabrics give longest wear? Do you know why retail costs are so high? Our little booklet gives you answers to these questions and much other useful and interesting information for clothes buy ers. J. B. Simpson made to measure all wool clothes come di rect from the sheep's back to your back with the least possible expense. I would like to call and give you a copy of our in teresting booklet and at the same time show you the hundred or more all wool fabrics which retail at $31.50 fit, satisfaction and wear guaranteed. The Best Virgin Wool Fabrics, per suit $31.50 Genuine All Wool Tropical Worsted 2-piece suit $21.50 Thousands of America's best dressed men wear Simpson made to measure clothes. The fit, stylo, quality and wear make them worth $50.00 of any man's money. Sold under a positive guarantee of perfect fit and satisfaction FRANK W. TURNER HEPPNER, OREGON - i ma 1- fi'm wwti I Y ft'ffil R0UND TRIP V Mil- Summer VVtjSW Excurs'on rfiar Fares ?L fJP DAILY BETWEEN MAY 22 Wf SEPT. 15 Paint-Up Time HAVE YOUR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING AND DECORATING DONE BY AN EXPERT WORKMAN I guarantee all my work and my prices are reasonable, either by the day, hour or job. LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR WORK A. E. HUFF Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Co. Dtnver .. . .$ 64.00 Omaha 72.00 KanaaaClty 72.00 St. Loula... 81-50 Chlcaqo ... 86.00 Dftroit .... 105 62 Cincinnati.. 106.30 Cleveland .1108.56 Toronto ... 113.76 Pittsburgh.. 119.76 Washington 141. 96 phll'delphla 144.92 New YorK. .147.40 Boston .... 153. SO ill Cor report din fares to other Imiiortnnt cpiiUth. Finn I rflurn limit October 31. v:A. Ubprnl stop-over privileges going and n-turning. A ulrto trln to Yellowstone at imftll additional com will afford the experience or a hie time. Onll us hv rhon and let ut make ell your flrriiriRpnifntR. It cost no more and will snve your valuable time. C. DA It REE A Kent Ileppner, Ore. WM. McMURRAY Gcncrnl PawnKPr A Kent Hoitland, Oregon break of Ecthyma: ft rat, a lowered vitality; second, a point of entrance of diminiihed resistance for; third, the invading organism. Ecthyma is spokea of as a "alum disease be cause it is so often encountered among poorly nourished or over crowded city dwellers. The disease attacks all ages and both sexes, but is more common in adult males. It is more indolent and chronic in un dernourished anaemic individuals. Children with Ecthyma should be ex cluded from school as the disease is communicable. The treatment consists of cleanli ness, good food, improved living con ditions an diion tonics which should be continued for several months until there is a complete restoration to normal health. The local treatment consists of re moving the crusts with a weak white pricipitate ointment, not stronger than one-third of the U. S. Pharma copoeia strength. If Ecthyma occurs in combination with scabies the treatment should be first directed to the eradication of the itch infection. Ecthyma is a com municable disease and should be re ported to the health department. For aale at once, all my household furnishings, Mrs. Ray Moore, city. A TREAT FOR THE FAMILY The wife and kiddies will enjoy .a change from the monotony of home-cooked meals, so why not suggest coming here for dinner ev ery one in awhile. No wor ry, no delays, no dishes to wash just sit down to a de lightful, wholesome, satisfy ing meal, served in a way that all will like. Moderate prices, too. We Serve Chinese Noodles ELKHORN RESTAURANT HEPPNER'S POPULAR EATING HOUSE Delicious Coffee George A. Bleakman of Hardman, and Mr. Gentry of the Latourell Auto company, were Irriffon visitors Wednesday. Mr. Bleakman has an nounced himself as a candidate for county judge and is out for the nom ination in the May primaries. The writer and others had quite a talk with hmi and judge him to be a man well oimlififtd to fill the portion and a man whowill see that all interests are deal iwitn equal justice. Judire Campbell also is quite well known in this district and the writer knows nothing against him. Boardman Mirror. Kough lumber, f 16 per 1000 at the mill, fyte Grimes. Parkers Mill, Oifpon. ff. ONE OP THE STRONGEST COMPANIES IN AMERICA Jhe greatest amount of FROTECTIOM per dollar An insurance policy u protection. The greater protection it provides, the better the investment. A Perfect Protection Policy in the West Coast Life provides for every contin gency. If the insured dies from natural causes, the company pays . . . $5,000 If the insured dies from accident, the company pays . . . $10,000 In case of permanent total disability, the company will 1. Waive all premium payments 2. Pay $25 per week for one year and in addition 3. Pay $50 per month for life and 4. Pay $5,000 to beneficiary when in sured dies. 5. If disability involves loss of limbs or sight as result of accident, the com pany will pay $5,000 immediately in cash in addition to other benefits. In case of temporary disability, as a re sult of either sickness or accident, the company pays $25 per week for a limit of 51 weeks. "A Service That Endures" ACCIDENT SICKNESS ADVERSITY OLD ACE DEATH West O :EST WOAST JLlFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE-SAX FIUNCISCO E. C. GENTRY, District Manager Heppner, Ore, WSl N" fit!! West Coast Life Insurance Co. OS hbrfce Fraocuco Qfldnvit; U'itltoHf ofcfigarum on my pari. tend mt more information. 145-30 s A F E T Y & - nMiMii S "& s E R V I C E A Civic Benefit When you get the habit of hank ing a portion of your income regular ly you will help yourself, the hank and the community in which you live. For by your act you are adding to the available capital of the commun ity, thus assisting toward home build ing and other industrial development. BEGIN TODAY AND HELP YOUR TOWN GROW Firl National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON THE UNIVERSAL CAR F. O. B A Welcome Member of the Family A MOTOR car is never more appreciated than ir! the springtime. Its convenience and enjoyment are shared by all the family and by speeding up the day's work, it provides more time for recreation. A Ford Touring Car provides every motor car essen tial at the lowest price for which a five passenger car has ever sold a price only made possible by complete manufacture, in tremendous volume, in the largest and most economically operated plants in the automobile industry. Efficiency of manufacture -J accurately reflected in the quality and price of the Ford Touring Car. FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DET ROTf.TCHIGAN Runabout- 1265 Coupt 1525 Tudor Sedan 1 590 Fordor Srdan 655 A U prices f o. b. Detroit You can buy any model by making a small down payment arranging easy terms for the balance. Or you can buy on our Weekly Purchase Plan. The Ford dealer in your neighborhood will gladly explain both plans in detail SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 295 Detroit Demountable Rimi and Starter M$ Extra SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE TO MEET BILLS-F0R 30 DAYS ONLY-25 PER CENT OFF ON ENTIRE STOCK April 15th to IT A TJ fT) Useful Grad May 15th Alrl I .LJY uation Gifts 7 Maroon Body Black Fenders Cream Wheels Thar' s a combination that will make the "old bus" look like a million dollars. All you need is the right finish and the right instructions. We can supply them. We carry a full line of the genuine Acme Quality Motor Car Finishes. Don't start the summer with a shabby car. Come in lild see us. We have other snappy color combination. Do it Yourself with ACME QUALITY MOTOR CAR FINISHES Peoples Hardware Co. :l t: :l t: 5iw!V ! ! ! aWWES" :t ! ! ! m&d liiii iilli 1 11 in 1 i in : 1 1 II lllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I Fresh Fish of All Kinds I Received Every Thurs- day Evening at I The Peoples Cash Market In