The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 41, Number 5.. HEPPNER, OREGON, TH URSDAY, MAY 1, 1924. Subscription $2.00 Per Year Hi I RANCH DEAL D. A. Watson Is In Jail For Passing Bogus Checks. BIG SUMS INVOLVED Depoitta $24,000 Check on Modesto, Cal Bank With Pint National Here. Heppner experienced a deal in high financing this week which elated her for awhile, then when its true color was revealed, fitted her with remorse and consternation. And ai a result one D. A. Watson, 75 yeart of age, late of Modesto, Cat,, has fallen with in the clutchei of the law and will be given a chance to explain to the jury the meaning of it all. Last Saturday a deal was nearly completed in the real estate office of C. A. Minor in this city whereby D. A. Watson of Modesto, Cal., was to take over the Hamilton ranch in this county belonging to A, Henrik en, for the sum of some $50,000. It was to be a cash deal, and on the face of it there was nothing to lead one to believe that Mr. Watson was not acting in good faith, according to Mr. Minor. Wataon la Fraud. In the course of the deal, to show that he was acting in good faith, Watson went to the First National bank of this city and deposited a check for $24,000 drawn on a Modesto bank. He then wrote Mr. Henrikften a check for $6,000 on the First Na tional bank to hold the deal, and af ter passing off several other checks, he departed, so he asserted, on a hurry-up business trip to Condon. When the First National bank com municated, with the Modesto bank regarding the rating of Mr. Watson, they reported him to be a fraud. Im mediately a net was set for him and he was located Monday at Pendleton, where, it was learned later, he passed off a number of checks on the bank here. From Pendleton he went east, and was next heard from Tuesday when a Huntington bank wired the Modesto bank if Mr. Watson's check for $6,000 would be honored. The Modesto bank replied that he was a fraud and was wanted by the author ities at He miner. The Modesto bank also notified the Firat National here that Watson was at Huntington, and the First National immediately swore out a warrant for his arrest and, had him taken into custody there.. Watson was also in Calwell, Idaho, Tuesday where he attempted to make a large deposit with a bank, so it is reported. Deal Looked Good. Mr. Minor and Mr. Henriksen were both considerably disappointed with the outcome of the deal, for if it had been as represented it would have been a boost to them and to the county as well. Watson was to have paid for the ranch in cash, take immediate pos session, and then he was going to ex pend between $26,000 and $,'10,000 for purebred cattle with which to stock it. He declared, and had good evi dence to support his declaration, says Mr. Minor, taut he had just disposed of a big tiact of land in California and after looking all over Montana and Idaho for a place to locate, had decided that the Hamilton ranch was the best proposition that he had come across. He looked and acted like a man with business judgment, declared Mr. Minor, and there was nothing to lead one to bolfeve that he wasn't per fectly alright. There was only one thing in the whole deal which seemed out of the way to Mr. Minor. When it was suggested that they have a lawyer draw up the contract, Watson told Minor to go ahead and fix It up 1 statement. Authorities say he ap himself and It would be alright with ; pear to he perfectly sane. Announcement To the Voters of Morrow County, Oregon : The time has expired for the announce ment of candidates for county offices and no one has announced for the office of County School Superintendent. I am a duly registered member of the Re publican party; I have all the requirements prescribed by law for the office, of County School Superintendent; I have taught in Morrow County for four years, three years at Lexington and one year as principal of the Hantaan school. I am married and have a family of two boys, and my husband is teaching with me. If the voters of Morrow County will write in my name on the Primary Ballot as Can didate for County School Superintendent and I am nominated I will accept the nom intion and if elected, I will qualify and give my best efforts during my term of office to the schools of Morrow County. HELEN M. WALKER. Dated this 30th day of April, 1924. For County Superintendent of Schools X Helen (Paid Advertisement) Heppner High School Rated As First Class Prof. E. F. Carlton, U. of O. Recota- mende H. H. S. Be Admitted to Northwest Aeaoclattoa. The Heppner school board has just been notified by E. F. Carlton, Ore gon representative of the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools, that the Heppner High School meets the standards required by that association and that he has accordingly recommended that it be admitted to membership. The standards of this association are quite high as Is shown by the fact that out of the 256 standard four year high schools in this state only 26 have so far been able to meet tht) requirements. Approximately 60 measurements are taken which may be grouped as follows: (1) In general, size of city, number of pupils, size of classes and work required for graduation. (2) Teachers, their prepration for the work, character and amount of work done. (3) Organization of the school, character and nature of.. (4) Efficiency of instruction, moral and Intellectual tone of the school. (5) Building, character and condi tion of, equipment, library, labora tories, etc. For a number of years Heppner has had a standard four year high school, fully accredited by the state department and the colleges and uni versity of the state. The new stand ardization by the Northwest Associa tion will give the school full recog nition in other states and enable its graduates, so long as she holds this rating, to be accepted in the colleges and universities of other states with out question. CASE HEARD IN JUSTICE COURT. The trial of the damage suit of John Kelly vs. Neal White was heard in the court of Justice Cornett in this city Wednesday. Kelly was su ing White for the value of 19 head of sheep, alleged to have been killed by White a year ago last fall, when the latter drove into a band of Kelly's sheep parked by herders on the mar ket road out of Lexington and near the farm of Otto Ruhl. The case had been pending settlement for some time, and finally came to an issue and was heard yesterday before a jury, C. L. Sweek appearing as at torney for Kelly and S. E. Notson for the defendant. After hearing the testimony, the jury were taken out to the place where the sheep had been camped that the deliberative body might view , the surroundings. Upon returning the jury brought in a verdict for the defendant. There were a goodly number of witnesses appearing for both litigants and the Lexington community was quite well represented at the hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner were lone people visiting in this city on Tuesday. him. Mr. Minor said he did this and when Watson looked it over he sug gested a change here and there, as any business man would, ard then agreed to it. The thing which struck Mr. Minor as being odd was his some what loose manner in this regard. Watson In Jail. Watson had an automobile and chauffeur who drove him over the country. The chauffeur he picked up at Cascade Locks. He was a tel egraph operator and was having a vacation at the time he Tell in with Watson. Having proved his inno cence of being complicated with any of Watson's transactions he was turn ed loose. He was loser somewhat on number of checks which Watson li.eH In n.v him. Sheriff McDuffee left Tuesday i night for Pendleton, going to Baker Tuesday morning where Watson was being held, and returned with him last night. Watson is now in jail awaiting trial. Watson Is an elderly man 75 years of age, and single, according to his M. Walker THE (glEAT HAHOHAL MIE Monument Young Man Is Spotted Fever Victim On Monday last occurred the death of Lyman Dewey Swick of Monu ment, Grant county, youngest eon of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Swick. About three weeks ago Dewey was presumably bitten by a poisonous tick which caused a severe attack of spotted fever. He was rushed at once to a competent physician who was in attendance frequently during his illness but a complication of as thma developed which caused uncon trolable choking and a septic sore throat. Since last Friday he had been dangerously ill and Dr. Belnap of Prairie Ctiy waa called in consul tation but every effort to save his life seemed in vain. At the time of his death he was 25 years, 8 months and 9 days of age, just in the prime of manhood and a very successful stockman. He was very popular with both old and young which was plainly mani fested by the large concourse of friends who were in attendance at the funeral. Dewey leaves to mourn him besides his friends and relatives of Monu ment, John Day and Heppner, a bro ken hearted mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Swick, and one bro ther, Wm. Howard Swick of Monu ment The family of four were very hap py on their large stock ranch, but now the vacancy is too large to be filled by anyone. In this sad loss the lamny nave me sympainy 01 in. in tire community Stockholders of Hotel Heppner Hold Meeting There was a meeting of the stock holders of Hotel Heppner on Tues day afternoon last at the office of the secretary, C. L. Sweek. The meeting had been called for the pur pose of making some disposition of the property and there was a fair majority of stock present and voting. After considerable discussion of the present status of the company. and the hearing of a proposition for taking over the property made by the present lessee, Mr. Bell, it was voted to place the disposition of the prop erty in the hands of the board of directors with instructions to sell the property to Mr. Bell, or to anyone else on the best terms obtainable, following which the corporation will be dissolved and go out of business. WILL RUN FOR SHERIFF. Frank Lleuallen of this city has decided to enter the race for sheriff on the democratic ticket. He came to this conclusion a little too late to tret his name printed on the official ballot, hence he is asking the demo crats of the county, when they go to the polls to vote on the 18th, to write in his name for that place, and he nays that if nominated, he will make the race and do his utmost to win out in the fall election. Mr. Lieu- alien has followed farming and ranching In Morrow county for a good many years, and but just recent ly retried from that line of endeavor. He is a native of Umatilla county and cornea from pioneer stock and Is well thought of by his friends and neighbors and should ba able to carry his party strength in the race for the important office of sheriff. MORROW-GILLIAM COUNTY BASE BALL LEAGUE STANDINGS. Won Loet Pet. lone S 0 1.000 Condon 1 1 .666 Heppner 1 2 .SSS Arlington 0 1 .000 LAST SUNDAY'S SCORES. At Condon IS, Heppner 6, At lone 4, Arlington S. NEXT SUNDAY'S PLAY. Condon at Heppner. lone at Arlington. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Barratt arrived home on Tuesday from Portland. Than nntra naon ariacnt for the n three weeka and during that time I toured much of the Willamette and Rogue River valleys, Mr. Barratt at tending a meeting of the grand chap ter of Royal Arch Masons at Albany, the unveiling of the monument, "The Circuit Rider," at Salem, and the past week taking in the dedication ceremonies of the Robert A. Booth bridge at Winchester in Douglas eounty. There was a splendid crowd of people at the bridge dedication and the ceremonies passed off in a suc cessful manner. Mr. and Mrs. Bar ratt traveled some 1300 mllea while on the trip. Earl W. Gordon has accepted a po sition with Patterson ft Son, drug gists, in this city and began with them this morning. He has been lo cated for the past year or more at Arlington where he had charge of the drug store of Dr. Donnelly. Mrs. Gordon is expected to join her hus band by the first of the coming week. Earl began his career as a druggist in the Patterson store in this city and he ia glad to be back among old friends again. Vern Sage, who has been with Patterson and Son since about the middle of December, will seek labor in another field, possibly going to California. i Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mahoney of Portland have been the guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney in this city. D. J. is the eldest of the Mahoney brothers and though a resident of Portland for some years this is his first visit to Heppner. Mr. Mahoney is a travel ing salesman, having been engaged in this line of work since he was a lad of seventeen. He reprenta the big wholesale merchandise firm of But ler Bros., of Chicago, and while vis iting in this city is looking up bus iness for bis company. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Barlow are in town today from their home on Rhea creek. Mra. Barlow returned home Tuesday from Oregon City, where she had been for a few days, accompany ing her daughter, Mrs. Shunk, to her home in that city. Frosts have done a lot of injury to strawberries and some other small fruit crops about Oregon City, Mrs. Barlow states, and the need of rain ia being felt very badly in the Willamette valley as well as in the Eastern Oregon coun try. Mr. and Mra. Louis Marquart who reside out north of Lexington, were in Heppner Saturday, Mr. Marquart was not complaining about the crop outlook, but like all our farmers from out that way, he would be pleased to have some good showers of rain; the anxiety would be thus relieved. The grain haa come very thick this season and a few days of northwest wind soon haa a serious effect, es pecially where the ground is shallow. L. E. Van Marter has again taken charge of the store of the Peoples Hardware Company in this city, suc ceeding Johnnie lliatt, who resigned recently to go into business for him self. Mr. Van Marter, who has been engaged in the real estate and in surance business for the past year or so, was formerly manager of the hardware company and this work is not new to him. Joseph Eskolson was in the city a short tmie Tuesday, making this of fice a pleasant call. He arrived at Lexington on SundAy from his home in Salem for a short visit with mem bers of hia family in this county. He states that the Salem country was hit with heavy frosts during the past couple of weeks, and much damage to early fruit has resulted. Wallace Jones of Crcswell, Oregon, has accepted the pastorate of the Christian church at Lexington and is expected to begin his labors with the church there on the second Sunday in May. He la a graduate of the Eugene Bible University. Anniversary Program Is Enjoyed by .Oddfellows In commemoration of the 105th an niversary of the founding of the or- "uu . "iw "uge no. w ui una cuy waa nosi on Daturaay evening to the members of the sin ter lodges of the county, and all branches of Oddfellowship represent ed here were gathered together in large numbers at the hall on this occasion. There was an extensive program that waa greatly enjoyed. Various lodges of the county contributed numbers, and a feature that was greatly enjoyed was the male quar tet from the Pilot Rock lodge, this company coming "loaded" and ren dering numerous fine selections that delighted everyone that heard them. There were some 150 members of the subordinate lodges and Rebekahs of the county, and after listening to the splendid program, light refreshments of Ice cream, cake and coffee was served and then a social time was had, In which the assemblage par ticipated until after midnight. It was pronounced one of the best times the lodge in this city ever had. The program was carried out as follows: Anniversary ritual. Vocal solo Edna Vaughn Address of welcome -...8. E. Notson Selections, male quartet...Pilot Rock Vocal duet, two members of quartet Address, "Three Links, Past Pres ent and Future," Rev. W. W. Head, lone. Piano solo Miss Lee, Lexington Swiss yodeling Marvin Roy, Pilot Rock Selections - Male quartet Each number on this program was first class and there were many re sponses to the hearty encores. Arlington Battles lone Close Game; Score 4-3 With several new men in their line-up Arlington played lone to a stand-still on the Egg City diamond Sunday. lone edged their opponents out in the ninth frame with the count 4-3. lone still remains unde feated. They will play Arlington again next Sunday at Arlington. SMOKER AT LEXINGTON. On Saturday evening, May 10, a smoker will be staged at the Lexing ton gym for the benefit of the build ing fund. This smoker will be the best one of the season and there will be two main events staged. Harold Ahalt of lone will take on Joe Black well of Heppner, and Russell Wright of Lexington and Ray Dempsey of Boardman will have another go, they having fought to a draw down at Boardman recently. The bout be tween Ahalt and Blackwell will be six 2-minute rounds. The admis sion charges for the smoker will be 25, 50 and 75 cents and the entertain ment will be worth the money. TO HOLD JOINT INITIATION. At the regular meeting of Klan No. 33, Lexington, to be held on next Monday night, there will be joint in itiation of both men and women at the Klan hall. The women have just recently been organized and new members are to be taken in at this joint meeting on Monday evening. The ceremonies will be followed by a good social time and refreshments. This occasion will also be In the na ture of an anniversary celebration, it being just a year since the Morrow county Klan waa instituted and it also being the anniversary of the national organiiation. ATTENTION MASONS. A regular communication of Hepp ner Lodge No. 69, A, F. & A. M will be held Satur day evening, May 3rd. A full attendance of mem bers Is requested. Visiting bre thorn are made to feel at home. By order of the W, M. L. W. BRIGGS, Secretary, i-5 Portland to Be Scene of Anti-Saloon League Gathering. A "Council of War" In which moral forces of the Northwest will Join to lay plana for an intensive campaign against violation and non-enforcement of the Prohibition laws has been called by the Anti-Saloon Lea gues of Washington, Idaho and Ore gon, for June 3-4-6 in Portland. A "Committee of One Thousand" is being organized to insure the suc cess of this citizen's law enforce ment congress and several national ly known speakers have already ac cepted places on the program, it is announced. In addition will be a number of outstanding figures of the Northwest. In a letter to W. J. Herwig, Super intendent of the Oregon Anti-Saloon League, Governor Walter M. Pierce pledges the Congress his support, declaring "something must be done to arouse the citizens or the enemy of Prohibition in this territory will be in control. Dishonest officials and lax law enforcement today threaten the life of our civilization, the most perfect that man has ever developed. "1 find that apathy and Indifference of our own people in the enforcement of the Prohibition Laws a severe handicap," he says. "Time for ac tion is at hand and the time is ripe for a mighty movement for a vigor ous enforcement of all laws. I will be pleased to do anything in my pow er to make the Congress a success. Let us make this Congress ao great and so effective that there can be no mistake as to the sentiment, pur pose and determination of the moral forces in the obedience to and the enforcement of our Prohibition Stat utes." A great law enforcement rally planned for Municipal Auditorium the evening of June 5 will provide the climax for the Congress. Gover nor Pat Neff of Texas Is scheduled as the principal speaker of the eve ning and additional delegates from all parts of the northwest will join in the final meeting. Other speakers now obtained for the three day series of meetings are "Pussyfoot" Johnson, world renown ed reformer, journalist, author and globe trotter who, his supporters af firm, "lost an eye which will make England dry"; Dr. F. Scott McBride of Chicago, newly elected superin tendent of the Anti-Saloon League of America, and Dr. A. E. Cooke, the "fighting parson cf Vancouver, B. C Dr. Cooke's subject will be, "How Regulation and Control of the Li quor Traffic Does Not Work in Brit ish Columbia." A survey of the benefits of Prohi bition in the Northwest is Hearing completion and will be presented to the Congress. This review of the dry law results in the three states ia given by leaders of the Congress as the first object of the gathering. Other purposes they anonunce as fol lows: Second: "To create a stronger sen timent for obedience to law; to make it unpopular for citizens to violate the Constitution of the land; to brand those who patronize bootleg gers as criminals equally guilty with the bootlegger; to give attention to a more intense fidelity to all law, especially the Prohibition Statutes, as the only sare foundation of gen uine partiotism, high morality and true citizenship." Third: "To awaken and unite all moral forces in an aggressive and effective campaign for the enforce ment of the Prohibition Statutes, by supporting and encouraging all faith ful officers who are doing their duty and. by driving out of office all who fail to effectively enforce the Pro hibition Laws." Prohibtion leaders declare the call ing together of all moral forces in the Northwestern states is "in recog nition of the tremendous propaganda which is being carried on to nullify Prohibition and discredit the law." The three Anti-Saloon Leagues have invited alt organizations inter ested in law and order, churches, lo cal, county and state W. C. T. U., Young People's Societies, Adult Bible clr.sses to send delegates. Member ship in the. "Committee of One Thou sand" will embrace citizens from throughout the three states. The in itiation fee of $2 will be used in de fraying expenses of the Congress. All sessions of the Congress, ex cept the closing rally, are scheduled for White Temple, beginning Tues- iday, June 3, at 7.30 p. m. Meetings will be held all day Wednesday and Thursday, ending with the Thursday night rally. CHURCH OF CHRIST. " Lord's Day, May 4, 1924. Give your soul, and God a chance to co-operate go to church next Lord's Day. Our doors are wide open and Bible school begins at 9:45; come and find your class. Commun ion and preaching at 11 o clock.sub ject of the morning sermon, "What the Scriptures Teach About Foot Washing." The Christian Endeavor- era hold their meeting at 7 o'clock, the subject being, "Christ s Tempta tion and Ours," and the leader is Jim Stout. Shall we look for you? Evening preaching service at 8 o- clock, subject, "Is Anger Christian?" We Bhall be delighted to have you worship with us. LIVINGSTONE. HEMSTITCHING. Mrs. Devlne of the Needlecraft Shop has purchased the hemstitching machine of Mrs. C. C. Patterson and takes immediate possession of the same. She is now prepared to do all work in this line. Mrs. Bessie Thompson of Echo was called to Heppner on Thursday last by the very serious illneas of her mother, Mrs. Francis Gordon, and has been in constant attendance at the bedside of her mother since. Mrs. Gordon Is stilt very low and there is no hope held out for her recovery. Students Raise Money For A Student Union Long Felt Want at Ualveraity air Orrfo Te Be Cared For by $21,87 la Pledge. Univeraity of Oregon, Eugene, April 30. (Special.) In a campaign lasting only three days, the students on the campus at the University of Oregon at Eugene raised more than 1200,000 to build a student union as their part of the University's 15,000, 000 gift campaign. Their total sub scription amounted to $219,087, most of them pledging $100, payable over a ten-year period. Many of the dor mitories and living organizations pledged one hundred per cent of their membership. The student union is to provide a center for the social life and student organizations on the campus. It will contain officea for the student offi cials and the graduate manager, com mittee rooma, a dining room, reading rooms, and social rooms. The Uni versity of Oregon student body haa grown ao large that it is necessary to have some such center for a com mon meeting ground for students from all parte of the campus. A number of other universities throughout the country have built student unions which have proved most successful. The student cam paign seta a record for quick cam paigning and is a challenge to the alumni of the University who are seeknig to raise $1,000,000 among themselves daring the month of May, and to the people of the rest of the state who will have opportunity to make contributions to the Gift Cam paign next fall. The citizena of Eugene have offer ed to erect a $500,000 auditorium as their part of the program, and the J alumni have undertaken to provide an adequate libtary building, a mem orial court in honor of the forty seven University of Oregon men who died In the world war. and s men's gymnasium. The $5,000,000 gift campaign has been made necessary because the University ia determined to keep its standards of instruction high despite incresing enrollment. This policy of giving Oregon" students the best possible education has required that practically all of the University's income be spent on instruction, leav ing scant margin for building pur poses. The $5,000,000 building pro gram will provide all the necessary additions to the plant of the Univer sity that are required for the next five years' growth. BOY IS BURNED WITH POWDER. Earl Hootman, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Hootman, was severe ly burned by s powder explosion on Wednesday evening. With some other boys on the way home from school, one lad produced a tobacco can in which there was some black powder, and the suggestion was made that they "touch it off.' A match was applied, but the powder failed to ex plode, and curious to know what the trouble was, Earl took a look at the can just as the explosion occurred. The result was a very badly burned face and he ia now wearing a false face of cotton and gauze while his injuries heal. Following the explo sion, the other lads immediately skip ped out, leaving Earl to his fate. He rushed into the house 'of Henry Schwarx near by, and Mrs. Scwarc and Mrs, Kennedy ministered to his injuries, and the lad was taken to the doctor's office. One eye is swelled shut, but it is thought that the in juries to the boy's eyes are not ser ious. Oregon breeders of pure bred sheep are marking their lambs with ear tags this month before they are too large to identify. Properly kept breeding records save much time in making out the registration papers. Permanent and regularly devised breeding records can be obtained from any good farm record book, ac cording to H. D. Sc udder, professor of farm management at the collepe. Prices Slashed Our Sale Will Continue on ALL Merchandise at Greatly Reduced Prices AH Hardware, Ammunition, Cutlery, Etc., at 20 DISCOUNT FLORENCE OIL RANGES A 5c, 10c ft 15c Counters, Value, to high grade combustion oil stove. 8-burner with oven, regular $44.00 ?liO Now $23.95 OLIVER GANG AND WALKING AND I -WAY PLOWS at JJ be- HARDWOOD 10c Board Foot T,,u'- ,3 ""'t Inch gang plow, regular 1175s now DANE BL'CK RAKES, Reg. 105; $120.00 Now $73.00 PYREX CASSEROLES AT GREAT- LY REDUCED PRICES. WINONA AND MANDT WAGONS SELLING BELOW WHOLE- I-bottom. 16-Inch Now IB5.M SALE COST. DRAG HARROWS John IVern ft Oliver steel lever harrowe, regular DANE MOWER, Regular 1110.00; 15 00 rt"": ",w - $70.00 FILLER Pl'RE PAINTS AND KALSOMINE 59c 51b. Package ENAMELS AT H-I'KICE VAN BRUNT and Sl'PEKIOK 1 4-H. P. STOVER G AS ENGINE DRILLS Rare Bargalne 20-7 Now 175.00 hoe Van Brunt: Regular $230, now p STOVER - Now $l.0 $150.,00 J-ll. P. WATERLOO Now IIM.M Peoples Hardware Co. Heppner, Oregon TO Cfiil, 13-fi Breaks Against Locals . Responsible For Defeat. 4th IS FATAL INNING Two Flukea, Some Errors, a ad Hooaer By Brown Combine to Jiax Fourth Frame. Taking the breaki fn an otherwise closely contested game at Condon, Sunday, the Condon boyi walloped Heppner to the tune of 13-6. Hepp ner errori at inopportune timet were the aource of the breaks that ipelled the undoing of the locals. It didn't take shape in the form of a general "blow-up, and no one man waa entirely responsible it just hap pened. Condon got in three earned runs the first time up. Then In the second inning Heppner put serosa three of the same kind. Neither team scored in the third frame, bat then came the fatal fourth. Condon at bat, no tallies apd two gone. A little pop fly to Moore on second it looked like a cinch oat but, as sometimes happens, he muff ed H; next man up sticks oat a sin gle. 'Roberts walks the next. Bases full, and "Pern" Brown, Teteran stick er steps up and clouts s high one over the center fielder's head for a home run. Thus break number one allowed Heppner's opponents four scores. But the inning Is not yet done. Another man steps up and sticks a grounder down to Van Mar ter at third. Van fields it clean, bat pulls Aiken off the bag st first on the throw. Thus another man got on, and s couple more hits netted Condon two more runs, when Roberts fanned the third man to take the count. Several of th e h i te which we refer to, were not clean hits, but should have been fielded. Therefore, considerable loose playing as veil as the breaks was responsible for scores. Fred Roberts, pitcher, and Jim Conley, shortstop, are the only men in the Heppner lineup who did not have one or more errors chalked up against them. Roberts pitched s nice game and was held up in fins shape by "Dutch" McPherrin, catcher. Ralph Moore and "Spec" Aiken each knock ed a three-bagger for the locals, while Drake and Aiken tied for hit ting honors, each getting three elean (Continued on Page Six.) Date of School Play Set Ahead A Week Is it possible to tell th, absolute truth even for twenty-four houra? It is at least Bob Bennett, th, hero of "Nothing But The Truth," accom plished the feat. The bet ha made with his business partners, and the trouble he got into with his part ners, his friends, and hia fiancee ia the subject of the high school play to be given at the Star theater, Wednesday, May 14. The data waa changed from Hay 7 to this time in order that more thorough prepara tion could be made for ita presenta tion, and the managen assure all lovers of drama a treat on thia occa sion. The cast of characters follows: Robert Bennett Carl Cason E. M. Ralston Clarence Carmichael Dick Donnelly Reid Buseick Clarence Van Dusen... Guy Hall Bishop Doran Bruce Spalding Gwendolyn Ralston, Bernice Woodson Mrs. E. M. Ralston Fay Ritchie Ethel Clark. Violet Hynd Mable Jackson.... Elaine Sigsbee Sable Jackson Kathleen Mahoney Martha Dorothea Anderson