The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 40, Number 52. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAR. 27, 1924. Subscription $2.00 Per Year STOCK RATE CASE BACHELORS WIN EX- Dr. linnville Speaks FROM BENEDICTS To Heppner Citizens i irrniMr m in ri rr-i i wr rr t i IXX,TilNO inc. WL rLLLUW DUO I j ITTO Railroads Declare .Profits Small on Livestock Shipments. DIFFICULTIES SHOWN Unfair Competition With Other Liaes la Drawback; Falcokcr for Wool Men Farora Settlement. (Wednesday'! Oregonian.) The ease brought before the in terstate commerce commission by cattle raisers and shippers of the northwest to obtain lower westbound rail rates was concluded yesterday before Examiner Wagner. Continuation of testitnany showing the high costs of operation for those northwestern lines whose rates were under fire embraced the railroads' presentation yesterday. A. C. Roberts, conductor; A. C. Murphy, engineer, and E. C. Sheppard, a dispatcher, ex plained operating conditions on the northwestern lines and the difficulties of expedited cattle service, showing that the costs for this elasa of trans portation were materially higher. Influence la Related. F. A. Cleveland, assistant general freight agent of the Northern Pacific system, testified the rates of the Milwaukee railroad from Montana to St. Paul had an influence on the westbound tariffs, and that the rates from Pendleton to this territory are at present below the cut asked in some instances. Edward Britton, chief clerk of the Spokane, Portland at Seattle railway, testified that the rate reductions ask ed would result In unfair competition for the Southern Pacific because it would force cattle shipments north out of line with the present south ern movement. Woo! Han Takea Stand. Fred Falconer, president of the Oregon Wool Growers, on the stand declared that he was personally ad verse to the case and favored an am icable settlement with the roads with out going into court. He admitted, however, that the wool group's inter vention was authoritatively author ised by that body. .In cross examination J. E. Davis, assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific, explained that the feed in transit rates allowed on certain classes of livestock shipments into this section are lower than the stock rates asked by the complainants. Cross examination brought out a dif ference, however, in the fat cattle rate of $20 on shipments from Palmer, Idaho, to Salt Lake, as against the shipments to Portland, where the dis tance is the same. He declared that on only three classifications, hay, gravel and logs, was there less rev enue to the roads than the handling of the expensive livestock shipments. Reductions Are Considered. Under conference ruling 7, Mr. Da vis said, when queried by the exam iner, it may be possible that reduc tions will have to be made in the Idaho Falls section on shipments to Portland because of the blanket rate of 1130 per car existing in the Butte section. The ruling provided for re ductions without specifying separate cases, but in the event that such a cut Is forced by the overlooking of the special conditions attached to the higher rates in the vicinity of Idaho Falls, permission to frame a new tar iff will be sought by the roads follow ing voluntary reduction, it was said. If the case, which opens today, In volving rail extensions to central Or egon, is completed by the end of the week, the action of the Northwest livestock Shippers' Traffic league for lower hog rates from Montana and northern Idaho will be begun. Report on Heppner-Spray Road Filed With Judge County Judge Campbell thin w.;k received report on the Heppner Hrray road from the federal roads hurc:BU, made by B. F. Bceiley, who about two years ago went ove the proposed route for this road through the Umatilla forest between Hard man and Spray with former county commission G. A. Bleakman and made very thorough investigation. Mr. Beezley not only shows in the report that the proposed road would be of much benefit to the government and the country through wheih il passes, but he also points out that Its construction would prove of great value to the traveling public In gen eral, forming a direct connecting link in the highways between Walla Wn!ln and Klamath Falls via Pendleton, Heppner, Mitchell, I'rineville and Bend. JAILED FOR KIDNAPPING. M. W. Corman, of Portland, was held in the jail at Heppner for 24 hours Friday, on a charge nled against him by Mrs. Grace Peterson, of the same city, who claimed that Corman was her father-in-law, and had kidnapped her. The couple ar rived in Heppner in an old car, which waa offered for aale here by Corman for $50, and then he offered to let it go for 116. The claim of Mrs. Peter son was that Corman had asked her to go riding with him up the Colum bia highway, but instead of returning to Portland he cams on to Hood River, where they epent the first night in the car and then drove on to Heppner, The caso waa taken up with the husband of the young wo man in Portland by District Aattor ney Notson and Sheriff McDuffee and ha forwarded a ticket for her return home, Not hearing from the Port land authorities, Corman was releas ed from jail after being held for 24 hours. FOOD AND APRON SALE. " The ladles of the Methodslt Com munity church will hold a food and apron sale on Saturday, April 12th, at the store of Cast Furnlturs Co. Baseball Opened Sunday When Prowess of Old-Timers Was Matched Against Cubs., What looked like a walk-away for Heppner 's benedict ball toners, from their 4-tally lead in the first inning, proved to be a closely contested game when the benedicts and bachelors crossed beta for the opening of the local season on Gentry field Sunday afternoon. The old boye stepped right out and landed on the "pill" the first time up, making so much dust that the light-whiskered boys were unable to get their bearings until four men had crossed the home plate. Once started, however, the young bucks came into-their own strong and allowed their enviable opponents only one more score, while they took six for themselves. The game ended in the middle of the fifth inning, the married men throwing up the sponge when the young bucks started a raid on the ball which netted them a one tally lead with promise of many more. It is admitted that the game was loose, but then that Is to be expected when many of the fellows had hold of a ball for the first time in a year and aome of them in three or four years. Some good prospects were in evidence though, and Heppner may yet put a winning nine on the diamond. EXCUSES AND REASONS. (Dearborn Independent.) The difference between an excuse and a reason is important to one who considers politics. Political decisions are usually motivated by reasons which lie deep down in the hearts of the men who decide. Some of these reasons are petty; some are improp er; aome are sinister. And seldom are these reasona given utterance to, when the politician explains his course of action. - The explanation the politician gives is the excuse, not the reason. Colonel William Hayward, United States District Attorney for the Southern District of New York, gave a clear example of the distinction when he vigorously denounced the op position to a real prohibition enforce ment act for the State of New York. Last year, the New York legislature repealed the Mullan-Gage State Pro hibition Act, which conformed gen erally with the National Prohibition laws. One excuse eloquently urged for this repeal was the fear that citi zens stood in double jeopardy of pun ishment for violating prohibition laws. The United States Supreme Court had given utterance to an opinion that the punishment under a state act did not preclude penalties under the national laws. Thia decision eausesd vast expres sions of horror by certain New York legislators. Tney hastened to repeal the atate prohibition law, leaving the enforcement of the Eighteenth Am endment, in the most populous state,. to the national laws. New York om- ciala were not bold enough, however, openly to defy the law of the land, and gave utterance to rather mild as sertions that the police and other state and municipal law enforcement agencies would be expected to make complaints for law violations under the Volstead Act, But this state of affairs was not satisfactory. This year, even avowed wets conceded that it would be wiser to pass some sort of a prohibition law for the state. The old cry of "double jeopardy" was brought forth. Colonel Hayward gave reply. "The so-called 'double jeopardy has never been more than an excuse," he declared. "It was never a reason. In all the thousands of cases in the state and Federal courts under the Mullan-Gage law or the Volstead Act. I believe there ia no instance of prosecution by the Federal authorities following state prosecution or vice versa. The 'double jeopardy' bugaboo is similar to the silly claim that the Eighteenth Amendment is a minority enactment, when as a matter of fact it received the most overwhelming ratification that any amendment ever received. It was submitted to ninety six legislative bodies, two in each of forty-eight statea. On the face of the returns it swept the couuntry ninety three to three." Public officials who give excuses in stead of reasons require watching. AN EVENING WITH THE POETS. Those who enjoyed the Burns pro gram recently given by the mem bers and friends of the Methodist Community church will be pleased to know that another program is to be given by them on Friday evening, March 28th, which promises to be even better than the former enter tainment. Thia will be "An Evening With the Poets" and some vory at tractive numbers are listed on the printed program. No admission charge will be made, but a silver off ering will be taken. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. The engagement of Miss Beryl Jar- mon of Butter creek, senior in home economics, to Horace T. Strong, of Santa Ana, Cel., senior in agriculture, was announced at a dinner party at Waldo hall, O, A. C, thia week. Mr. Strong is a member of Delta Kappa fraternity, president of the Farm Crops club and a member of the Oregon Countryman staff. Echo News. Healthy baby chicks from my rec ord laying strain of W, Leghorns and Barred Rocks; all awards; commer cial class; eggs for hatching and stock for sale. Postal brings price at. R. Woolery, Capital Poultry Farm, Salem, Ore. lot. REAL BARGAINS Spring Tooth Harrows 110 per section less than present eost. 8-bottom 10-Inch gang plows at 1130.00 less than present cost in Portland. Buy now. Save money. PEOPLES HARpWARE CO. Phlll Cohn visited with hi. fnlV. In Portland for a few days during the week. HEB.E'8 ANOTHER. ONE fOR YOUC BOOK., OL' TlER. CECIL illEWS ITEMS We were glad' to see such a large number out on Sunday evening to hear Archdeacon Goldie'a aervice in the hall. Between fifty and sixty were present. We were also pleased to see so many present from the Morgan district. Archdeacon Goldie waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe during his stay in Cecil. Our weather man "Mac" for once has tried to please all hie friends. Mac has served Sand storms, wind storms, rainy daya and dark, cloudy days, but to get into favor once more has caused the sun to shine on us after giving us a good fall of anow on Thursday and heavy frosts, too, during the week. . R. A. Thompson of Heppner again made a rushing trip to The Shep herd's Rest on Wednesday. He had look around to make another capture of an old man for his home in Hepp ner, but R. A. left alone, not one was to be found. Peach and apricot blossoms are in full bloom and early gardens are making a good showing In spite of frosts. Irrigating and everyone shouting for their share of water at once is the order of the day on Wil low creek. J. C. Ballinger, prominent hay buy er of Boardman, was doing business in Cecil on Wednesday and has bought several hundred tone of baled hay from W. H. Chandler of Willow Creek ranch. A fire caused by sparks from the local engine on Tuesday afternoon en tirely destroyed the barn, baled hay, horse and saddle of The Poplars, one of Krebs Bros.' ranches near Cecil. Mrs. H. J. Streeter and daughter Miss Opal, accompanied by Mrs. Pearl Cline of Cecil, were visiting with Mrs. H. V. Tyler at Rhea Siding on Wed nesday. Several carloads of Cecil's leading cititens took in the smoker given by the American Legion in Heppner on Monday. All report a fine evening'a sport. Msx Gorfkle and his assistant from the Army and Navy store of Pendle ton were doing a rushing trade on Willow creek during the week. J. W. Morris of Portland waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Funk during the week while inspecting his interests at Morses, near Cecil. Cecil Ahalt left Cecil on Saturday for Toppenish,, Wash., where he will visit his sister, Mrs. Bob Montague, for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madden of The Willowa are spending a few days in Heppner with Misses Annie and Violet Hynd. Delamer Smith, prominent grain buyer of Arlington waa doing busi ness in the Cecil vicinity on Saturday. Harmon Montgomery has returned to hsi ranch near Rhea Siding and will once more take up farming. Mrs. T. H. Lowe and daughter Miss Annie C, were calling on Mrs. G. A. Miller at Highview on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Funk and daugh ter Miss Geraldine spent the week end with friends In Wasco. M. J. Morrow of the Pendleton Marble works was calling in the Ce cil district on Friday. Krebs Bros, of The Last Camp were doing business in the county seat during the week. C. W. Erickson of Grass Valley was the guest of the Mayor at Butterby Flats on Sunday. Melville Logan of The Willowa was visitnig hia brother Leon on Saturday at Four Mile. John Gray of Shady Dell waa look ing up hia friends in Cecil. Geo. Moore Is Reported Better After Operation Goo. Moore, who was recently opor ated on at a Portland hospital, and who for aeveral days was in a crit ical condition, la reported to be im proving and the chances are quite favorable for hia complete recovery. Mr. Moore had been very ill for weeks bofore going to the city, suffering from ulceration of the stomach. It ia hoped that the operation will be the means of restoring him to com plete health. Mrs. Moore accompan ied her husband to Portland. Near East Relief Work Is Well Remembered Heppner was visited on Sunday by a native Armenian in the person of Rev. M. B. Parounagian of Salem, who, in the morning at 10, addressed the Sunday school at Bethel Chapel, delivered a sermon at the Christian church at 11 and then at the Meth odist church in the evening, remain ing over for a day or so to gather up what the community had to offer for the relief of the orphans in his na tive land. Mr. Parounagian arrived on Saturday evening, and visiting the Masonic lodge he was given a fine reception and financial aid for his cause. He also addressed the high and .grade schools on Monday and from the children there he received substantial gifts of money and when the canvass was completed, he was able to report that Heppner was sup porting the Near East in a gratifying manner, Sunday schools, churches, lodges, schools and individuals re sponding so liberally as to put her record ahead of former years. Rev. Parounagian, who is a minis ter in the Methodist church, is a very interesting speaker and he can pre sent the plea of the Near East in a manner that reaches the hearts of his hearers and cannot fail to bring a response. Martin Reid Extends Auto Accessories Line By referring to his advertisement in another column it will be noted that Martin Reid has branched out considerably in the line of automo bile accessories. Mr. Reid has recent ly made changes in his garage on north Main street to' accommodate a very large and complete stock of auto supplies, and it is his intention to add to this until he has a complete line and Is in position to furnish ac cessories for any and all makes of machines and motors. Repairmen and individual car owners in this terri tory will be able to get from Mr. Reid any parte they may require, and at such pricea that they cannot afford to send their money out of town. MRS. AMANDA BARLOW. Funeral services for the late Mrs. Amanda Barlow were held in Oregon City on Friday, March 21, interment being in the cemetery there along side the grave of her late husband. Jere Barlow. Mrs. Barlow passed away at the family home near Oregon City on March 19, at the advanced age of 76 years and 6 months, following an ill ness of long duration. She was the widow of Jere Barlow and with her husband was a resident of Morrow county for 16 years, coming with the family from Kansas in 1902, and she and her husband removing to Oregon City in 1P18. Mr. Barlow died on December 5, 1923. Mrs. Barlow was the mother of 14 children, nine sons and five daugh ters. Five eons are dead, and of the remaining members of the family, all were present at the time of Mrs. Bar low's death, except one daughter. The remaining members of the family are Mrs. Ella Hum of Seattle, Frank Har low and D. S. Barlow of Heppner, Mrs. Ida Young of Heppner, Mrs. Catherine Love of Colby, Kansas, O. H. Barlow of Portland, Mrs. Mary Hum of Hoqulam, Wash., Joel Barlow and Mrs. Minnie Schunk of Oregon City. ALFRED SMITH NOT CANDIDATE. In Monday'a East Oregonian the statement is made that Alfred Snith. joint representative from Umatilla and Morrow counties, will not be a candidate to succeed himself. He made this definite statement this morning. "A number of men have asked me to go into the race, but I am busy with my own affairs and have given my time for the one term and am willing to get out." Why not get a good Morrow county man into the race someone like Billy Barratt, for instance? BOY SCOUTS FIRE COMPANY. A Boy Scout Fire company hHS been organised under the leadership of the senior fire chief, Marshal Devin. The chief of the company is Charles Not son, the other members aro Jim Thomson, Reid Iluselck, Crockett Sprouls, Durward Tash and Robert Tash, These boys are being trained to become real fire fighters, to assist tht senior fir company. lj LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Our thanks are due Harley Adkins, of Aberdeen, Wash., for a copy of the annual edition of the Aberdeen Daily woria, issue or Wednesday evening, March 19. The wonderful resources and attractivenRgR nf th ftratm Uar bor country of Washington is set lonn oy story and picture in this issue of the Aberdeen paper in a man ner that would ha Bn . - ' ' ' - w ' city and any publisher. The lumber ing, snipping, nsning, uariying and agriculture of Grnv ffurhftf" Mnntn and illustrations of its tourist at tractions, cities and towns, make this issue oi tne uauy world of 114 pages a great booster for that nnrtlnn nf the state of Washington. Rev. Parounagian was with the members of Willow Lodge No. 66. I. rVs. -O. F, lost evening, and after pre senting tne claims of the Near East, an offering was taken and a consid erable sum in cash turned into the fund. He is in lone today in the interest of the relief cause. A dance will be staged at the Heppner pavilion Saturday night for tne benefit of the ball club. Exten sive arrangements have been made for entertaining a big crowd and the management promises one of the best hops of the season. Come out and give the boys a lift. Several of the children of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Lawson, residing on the Hughes place in Shobe canyon are down sick with the measles. The mother of Mrs. Lawson, residing be low Heppner was also very sick for several days the past week, but is now recovering. M. A. Frye has been, annointed to the Studebaker agency for Morrow county, except the Lexington terri tory, which is still to be handled by Karl JU beach. Mr. Frye has received his demonstrator and will now divide hia time talking cars and radio sets. The many Heppner friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rogers, of Redmond, Oregon, will rejoice with them over the arrival of a daughter at their home on Wednesday, March 19th. Mrs. Rogers was formerly Miss Gwendo lyn Darbee of this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller returned on Sunday from Albany. They spent several weeks there with their little grandson, Kenneth Jones, who was receiving treatment and he ia pro nounced by Mr. Miller to be very greatly improved in health. W. O. Livingstone will be at Ion thia evening and will hold a meeting with the people of the Christian church there. On Monday he expects to go to Portland, where on Tuesday he will attend a meeting of the state board of missions. Sheriff McDuffee drove over to Pendleton on Tuesday with Dr. Lin ville, federal prohibition director for Oregon, and while there was a guest of the Exchange club along with the doctor. The sheriff returned home late Tuesday night. It is reported hereabouts that Lax- ton McMurray of lone is being urged to inter the lace for county commis sioner from that end of the county, but so far this paper has been un able to verify the report. W. P. Mahoney and family return ed from a trip to Portland the last of the week. They were in the city to take in the recital at the auditor ium of Ignace Paderewskl. Miss Mary Clark went to Portland on Thursday last and on Friday en joyed the piano recital by Paderew- ski at the auditorium. It was a grand treat. At Gentry field tomorrow afternoon there will be a game of ball between the Hardman and Heppner high schools the first of the season. Several members of the family of E. R, Merritt were down with the flu the past week. They are reported well on the road to recovery. B. G. Slgsbee of the Star Theater is absent this week on a tour of the Central Oregon towns, expecting to be gone for several days. Mr, and Mrs. French Burroughs and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rurroughs of near Jordan Siding, were visitors here today. Mrs. C. E. Woodson returned home on Tuesday from a visit of several dnya In Portland. Declares No Finer Work ers Anywhere Than O. A. C. Graduates. "America hasn't done anything fin er in her history than the construc tive work she is now doing in Armen ia, Greece, Palestine and Syrai," states ex-Governor Allen of Kansas. "Recently I was in the Near East, saw the work and the splendid group of worker and I am glad to say there are no finer worker anywhere than those relief workers, and Leonard Harthill and Ethel Long Newman, of the Oregon Agricultural College, are two of the best among these. "At Alexandropol, I met Harthill, who is in charge of a great agricul tural work. He is teaching in an an cient land modem agriculture and modem stock breeding. Working al most without material, he is creating an institution which will be to that country what institutions like O. A. C. are to Oregon. By modem meth ods he has- doubled the productivity of the soil and already his graduates are being sought by the Government. One of the best things he has done is I w iigm Buccessiuiiy tne nussian plague. "I also met Ethel Long Newman, formerly of Oregon, who together with her husband, ia doing a splen did work in the Caucasus. Their ranch is to become in time a school under the direction of the govern ment. At present it is a part of the very great work that Harthill and the Newmana are carrying on for the Near East Relief." Concerning thia school, Mrs. New man writes: "We shall have a small school, emphasizing agriculture, of course, and correlate it with practical core, breeding and feeding of stock, milk production, dairying, general gardening, forage crops, etc. We shall have not more than fifty girls, whom I expect to give training in home making not forgetting that the Ar menian wife ia at once the house keeper, dairy maid and general farm hand. I am afraid with my western ideas that I shall be a little loath to have them qualify for the latter job! But knowing that to be married is their chief aim, perhaps I had better have them known as particularly good harvest hands!" "The emergency is not past," con cludes Allen. "Children are dying every day in the Near East for lack of nourishment. I have borrowed money to contribute to the Near East Relief work. I wish I had more to give than I have. I am not a crank upon the subject, but I have picked it out as one of the most deserving efforts because it deals mainly with childhood life. The correction of the situation over there must begin with the generations that are now coming on." The Oregon office of Near East Relief is at 613 Stock Exchange, Port land. Another Transfer Made of Big Hinton Creek Ranch The deal completing another trans fer of the T. J. Matlock and N. S. Whetstone ranches on Hinton creek was completed the first of the week, when D. M. Stuart of Portland, who but recently purchased these places transferred the properties over to J. I. Hanna of Independence. The deal covers about 2400 acres of land here, and in the trade Mr. Hanna turned over a dairy farm at Independence, consisting of 240 acres and also a piece of alfalfa land at Hermiston. It is understood that Mr. Hanna will at once stock the Hinton creek farm with good dairy cattle and hogs, and he, with his family will become active members of this community. The family arrived on Monday and Mr. Hanna is on the way here with the shipment of dairy cows and hogs. He will have one of the best places in the county for conducting of the dairy and hog raising business. Heppner Elks Have New Set of Officers At the recent election of Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. Elks, the fol lowing officers were chosen and will be installed the evening of April 10: Exalted Ruler, C. L. Sweek; Esteemed Leading Knight, Frank Turner; Es teemed Loyal Knight, Gay M. Ander son; Esteemed Lecturing Knight, Clarence Bauman; Secretary, J. O. Rasmus; Treasurer, Walter Moore; Tiler, Harvie Young. The election was held on the evening of March 13. HIGHER STANDARDS FOR OREGON INSTITUTION. New standards prescribed by the United States Bureau of Education for the higher institutions of Oregon will go into effect in 1926. The date was postponed at the request of the State superintendent of public in struction and representatives of the colleges and universities of the State. The new standards are substantially those adopted by the American Coun cil of Education about two years ago. Oregon is the only State in the Union in which the Bureau of Education is authorized by law to accredit colleges and universities. The following in stitutions at present consttuto the list of standard institutions in this state: University of Oregon, Oregon Agricultural College, Reed College, Willamette University, Pacific Univer sity, and Linheld College. AN "APRIL SHOWER. The ladles of the Willing Workers society of the Christian church are planning for a delightful occasion on April 4 In the way of an "April Shower." A shower Is asked of the members and friends of the church of money, or any commodity that can be converted Into money, and follow ing this will be a delightful social occasion and refreshments. Every one Is cordially invited. A fair-sized audience gathered at the Christian church on Monday eve ning to listen to adresses by Dr. Linnvill. federal prohibition director for Oregon, and Mrs. McAllister, vice president of the state W. C. T. U. Mrs. McAllister spoke first and gave soma little history of the Wom ens Christian Temperance Union and the great part that organization had in bringing about national prohibi tion in a period of SO years; atating that the organization still had a great work to perform in the matter of law enforcement, and urging th good people of Heppner to stand behind their law enforcing officers, and sup port only such men for office aa stand four-square on th prohibition amendment and the carrying out of the provisions of the Volstead act and the prohibitory law of th state. Following the talk of Mrs. McAllister. Dr. Linnvill spent about three-quarters of an hour in telling of the work of hi office and of th difficul ties met up with in landing the boot legger and moonshiner; also speak ing in high praise of the cooperation he is receiving over th state from the sheriffs and prosecuting attor neys, not failing to hand deserved praise to our own Sheriff McDuffee and District Attorney Notson, stating that Morrow eounty stood in the lead so far in th number of convictions proportionate to the arrests made. There is no doubt but his hearer better appreciated what the federal and stat law enforcing officers are up against since having heard Dr. Linnville, and he did not fail to cre ate a stronger sentiment in favor of law enforcement and a greater regard on the part of all for the better ob servance of all laws. Following the adress of Dr. Linn ville, Mrs. McAllister proceeded with the organization of a local W. C. T. U. with Mrs. Alice Adkins, president; Mrs. Wilson Bayless, vice-president: Mrs. S. E. Notson, secretary and Mra. t. K. Huston, treasurer. A collection was taken which goes to the work of the state W. C. T. U. , OPERETTA "SYLVIA" Heppner High School Will Present Popular Mus ical Entertainment. One of the most popular operettas ia "Sylvia" which will be presented at the Star Theater in this city on next Wednesday evening, April 2nd by the pupils of Heppner High school. The entire production will have or chestra accompaniment under the di rection of Miss Steele, leader and director of the high school orchestra who will ably support the following cast: Sir Bertram DeLacey, the count poet Bruce Spaulding Prince Tobbytum, a man of conse quence Paul Aiken William, an honest farmer . Earl Merritt Robin, a country lad Emery Goodman Sylvia, bethrothed to DeLacey Leo la Bennett Betty, bethrothed to William Violet Hynd Arabella, a lady in waiting at the court Marguerite Hisler Aram in ta, her sister Doris Flynn Polly Kathleen Monahan Molly Marjorie Clark Dolly Louise Thomson Farmer's Daughters, Kathleen Ma honey, Cecelia Kenny, Mary Far ley. Farm Lads. Austin Smith, John Tur ner, Leonard Schwarx, Crockett Sprouls, Reid Buseick, Duck Lee, Francis Doherty. Haymakers, Fay Ritchie, Lois Living stone, Grace Buschke, Velma Fell, Velma Huston, Reta Crawford, Lu cille McDuffee, Audrey Beymer. Scene, a hayficld. Time, eighteenth century. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Lord's Day, March 30, 1924. There are at least two things that do not know how to go backward, the sun dial and the Church of Christ. If you would be convinced meet with us at any worship hour. Bible School 9:45, Communion and preaching at 11, morning sermon theme, "Looking Ahead." The Christian Endeavor ser vice at 6:30, subject, "What Missions Do For Social Welfare," and the lead er is Reid Buseick. Let us have our usual splendid meeting. Evening preaching service at 7:30. subject for the sermon is "Guarding Our Lives." Evangelistic meetings with home forces begin next Lord's Day; plan to attend every evening of these meet ings for the two weeks. A big wel come at all of the services. LIVINGSTONE. GETS VETERAN'S JEWEL. At the meeting of Willow Lodge No. 66, I. O. O. F., last evening, Jeff Jones was presented with a veteran's jewel in token of his having been a member of the lodge for twenty-five years. Mr. Jones had evidently not been contemplating what was in store for him and had to be haled before his brethren and reminded in a mot pleasant manner that he was eligible for the honor. Samuel E. Notson was spokesman for the occa sion and is reported to hars done the honors of presentation in his usual nble and felicitous manner, and now Mr. Jones is proud to ba the bearer of the beautiful emblem earn- d by all n embers of the order wto have been faithful In their allegiance for the period of a quarter of a cen tury. REAL BARGAINS-Spring Tooth Harrows $10 per section less than present cost. 3-bottom 16-inch gang plows at $130.00 less than present cost in Portland. Buy now. Save money. PEOPLES HARDWARE CO. By Arthur Brisbane Two Long Flights. Napoleon's Shirt. Postal Workers' Pay. Learn at Mar's Knee. Three army men are on a flight around the world. Good luck go with them. Good courage goes surely. About the time they started a well dressed man, unknown, jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City another and Terr different "flight." How far has he gone by this time? You have heard from the man that doesn't want to pay income tax, the other man that hates the inheritance tax, all the eomplainers. What do you think of Wesley Jordan, seventy five years old, farmer, just dead at Lancaster, Ohio7 Hjb will expressine gratitude for happiness and liberty enjoyed under the Stars and Stripes, orders his executors to aeli property lor casn. After paying his funeral expenses, all the restabout $16,000 goes to the Treasury of the United States. The House of Representatives has approved the plan to let Henry Ford develop Muscle Shoals. People in the South are celebrating with bon fires. Next will come action by the Sen ate. Every farmer in the United States is interested in the proposi tion. Senators, thinking they can afford to vote against it because "it is a long time before election" will find that this particular thing will not be forgotten. The shirt that Napoleon wore when he died of ulcers in the stomach and bitter disappointment will be sold at auction by the descendonta of Arcb ambault, Napoleon's servant. With it will go a piece of his coffin and the glass from which he drank last. That trash Isn't worth a cent. But who will write a book, making it clear that Napoleon ruined hia health and lost his energy for lack of which he dilly-dallied in. Russia, and was beat en in Waterloo because he prided himself on eating too fast and sleep ing only four hours. That book might be worth millions to aome of Amer ica's nseful builders that live aa fool ishly aa Napoleon did. Salaries of post-office employees should be increased. It costs them all more to live. It costs mail car riers much more to buy shoes. Work put upon all employees is greater. The physical load on the backs of letter carriers, with parcel post and all the rest of it, is doubled. You appreciate post-office werkers, so please wire your Congressman and to your Senators, urging support of the bill to increase post-office sal aries. Uncle Sam should set an example as a good employer, and pay the peo ple's employees decent wages. Eventually every part of this world will talk to every other part through the air. The great question Is will this planet be able to talk through the ether to OTHER PLANETS? Shall we learn from Mars, forty mil lion years older than the Earth, all that she has learned, as children learn from full-grown teachers? Let's hope so. That will be a short cut to information. Imagine this, In a strange, inter planetary code: Planet Mars calling. Lecture for younger planeta on simple method of releasing and harnessing pent-np forces of atomic construction. Judge Bartlett, in Philadelphia, de cides that when grape juice ferments, that is "an act of God," and, of course, nobody can be punished for God's own act. That's an important decision if sustained. It means that you may squeeze the juice out of grapes, and when fermentation pro duces alcohol you may drink ft and give it to your friend?. In other words, making wine is legal, sines God and not man does the work. Some higher court probably will alter that decision, which might mule wine the national drink, in p!ac of bootleg whiskey. The Census Bureau gives facts about six Western states showing that this country is prosperous Iowa's value is more than ten thou sand million dollars, and average per capita is $4,274. Oregon's average is $4,182. The combined wealth of the six states, including Minnesota, Neb raska, Colorado and Montana is over thirty thousand million dollars. And that's only a fraction of the REAL wealth. Professor Kammerer, professor of biology which means the science of life in the University of Vienna, says that the problem is not to muktj fha knHv l.t.-. hint.. hi.t f n,Blt. tr.. brain remain young fur a longer penoa. Therein Professor Kammerer sp"k mhat th fnitA CU.a aall. "mouthful,' A human being is useful wnue tne Dram ts young, before It sets like concrete and refuses to take new impressions. Once the mental rnncratfl lit aa (ha sminap that hint t goes back into the ground and the spirit is set free to start over again in a youngur brain, the bvttttr. Not older bodies, but younger brains Is what civilization needs. Harold Cohn Uepurtid this morning for Portland, going to the city en business for the Cohn Auto Co.