PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1924. CECIL HEMS W. DrarL.r.d now hy R. A. ToirM in wkm m many or rd trip. o Tha ShapharoV Rt. tta kr that R. A. ku foordd homa for "Id B lomiwkir, in Hrppnrr ana R A-'a f.rst Inmata wt Ukm from Ocil in ha parsoa of "Flp-n, Hlf " Sad te ralaU "SUf-M'-t-Hi'f," like tha cat. has tnmt bara ara rolvrd ta ra- fuaa to alio R. A. to laka any mm at our dear old from Ocil. N1 Streetfr was tha prondast Ud in i.rrtw county on Saturday when a fina bicy.-la arrived oa tha local for him. No Im than thr other ly cyoiin, arrived to welcome Noel and hi, ryc'e. Cyclita aporti were the train events for tha raat of th day at Cecil. No arcidente wr re portad at tha and of a anoat perfect day. Mr. and Mrs. Go. Noble accoiapan led ty Johnnie Shifeldt, left Rhaa Sidir.f on Friday for Vancoover. Wakh., whera Ctorga will have charge of a taction craw. Our baft wishes go with thtra in thair paw horn a. Mr. Roy Scott and daughter, Miss Cora, who have been risking at Bnt tarby F.ats, left for Heppner on Sunday where, they will isit with Mr. Jack Hynd before Uayinj for their home at FreeieouU Al Ilenrikacn of tha Moor ranch near Heppner waa making tha duit fly around Cecil on Friday, but he departed a "sadder but wiser" man, when informed a dance would be held in Cecil hall on April S. Visa Cleta Palmataer of Windy nook, accompanied by Misses Thelma and Gertie Morgan of Broadacrea, ware exercising their horses and alio paying calls in Cecil on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Perry of Ewint waa visit ing her daughter, Hiss Crystal Rob erta, in Heppner on Tuesday. Miss Crystal is a student of Heppnar High school. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom from thair ranch near lona were risiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lsndell at Rhea Siding on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gildner of Cam eron, Idaho, spent Thursday and Fri day in tha Cecil district before leav ing to visit friends in Portland. Peter Bauernfiend, Cecil's right hand man, spared enough time dur ing tha week to spend a few hours amongst his friends in lona. W. A. Thomas of Dotheboya Hill was busy hauling baled hay from W. H. Chandler's ranch on Willow creek on Thursday. W. G. Hynd and David Hynd of Sand Hollow were visiting Hynd Bros, ranch, Butterby Flats, on Saturday and Sunday. J. W. Osborn of Fairview ranch and Walter Pope of Cecil were calling on their Arlington friends during the weak. Miaa Hasel Logan returned to Four Mile on Monday accompanied by her brother Cecil Ahalt of Los Angeles. Gus Davis, who has been working at Tha Last Camp for several weeks, left for Pendleton on Monday. Miss A. C Hynd of Butterby Flats waa calling on Mrs. Frank Madden at The Willows on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnswroth and children of Rhea Siding were visiting in Arlington on Monday. John Erebs of Tha Last Camp and T. H. Lows of Cecil were doing bus iness in lone on Friday. C. D. Sennett of The Willows has been busy daring the week pruning trees around Cecil. Ray Halferty of lone waa a busy man around Cecil on Friday hunting up his horse. Mr. C. Poe of Wall Springs was doing business at Butterby Flats on Wednesday. Master Billie Logan of Four Mile waa calling on his pals at Cecil on Saturday. The Largest Orphanage In The World- -afl( Ml VP V , . 'aaBanvreTf . .e,-.. . . sv.-.-s .' ! -a i w5T 7 wt x t $, i BARDMAN NEWS ITEMS. Baaeball ia in full swing a4 Hard- man, The business men are takinc ite an interest in tha aport and are giving the high achool team aome rood BraCtir fnr lhir (nlnrurhnl... tic games. The first high achool game win oe played with Heppner on their field March 9. A f.ittU ri.Jhann..K - . 1 .. i three acta, will be preaented by the Freshmen and Sophomores at the High School auditorium on Friday, March 28. The play ia full of humor from beginning to end, while each act enda with a fitting climax, ahow- ine thm IMitkna ftf 1 1. . .Wi.L centers around the little clodhopper irom the poorhouse. Blanche Hum mel has consented to favor the public Some of the 17.0D0 children at the Near East Relief orphanage in Alexandropol, Armenia, for merly barracks of the Imperial Russian Army. Sixty thousand children are being cared for by the American relief organization In its institutions In the Near East, Eighty one percent of these young sters are under fourteen years of age and sixty one percent are under twelve. with a solo and reading between acta. George Bleakman, who has been ill with la grippe tha paat week ia re ported aa improving and will aoon be able to resume his work. J. C. Walker ia contemplating mov. ing into Pete Prophet'a atore building on the corner acroas from tha hotel, where he intenda to put in a stock of merchandise. The hay growera of S. H. Boardman have a arrangements to ahip falfa to the east coast ket ia good and atill hay. A rate of J per tained and the return will be about $16 Standard. Boardman thru bout completed 600 tona of al where the mar a demand for ton can be ob to the grower net. StanAeld JUST SMILES. "E for the Pupil. A school tirl required to write 200 wordi about motor car. She ubmitted the following': "My uncle bought a motor cur. He wti riding in the country and it stop ped while going up a hill. The other ISO words are whtt my uncle said when he was walking back to town, but I know that you wouldn't want me to repeat them here. Poor Peter. The wife of a sailor handed the pastor of a church the following note: "Peter Bowers having gone to sea, his wife desires the prayer, of the congregation for his safety. The minister glanced over it hur riedly and then announced: Peter Bowers having gone to see his wife, desires the prayers of the congregation for his safety." What Say You? The grammar lesson proceeded smoothly enough until the teacher asked a small boy what kind of a noun 'trousers" was. It's a n uncommon noun," was the reply, "because it's singular at top and plural at the bottom." BLONDE BESS OPINES "My good a ess, I didn't know the ahip of state was an oil burner. Aint It the Truth, Mabel? "What could be more sad than a man without a country?" "A country without a man, an swered the pretty girl. Obliging. Man (in water): MHey! Help! Do something! Can't you at least give a yell?" Freshman: "Sure thing. Rah! Rah! Rah! What'a his name." Reason Enough. Robert: "Maw, I can't go to school with this sprained wrist" Mother: "Nonsense! It's your left hand. Why not?" Robert: 'Too many kids owe me a licking." Evidence. "Maude says she puts her heart into her cooking. Yes poor thing. I ate some of her cake and know she is heavy hearted. It Can Be Done. George: "I hear you got married. Who to? Fred: "To a woman, of course, you insect. Who ever heard of marrying man?" George: "Well, my mother did." Misinformed. She said her dad Was a retired millionaire. So I went in to chat awhlie. Now I am aad, Because the old lad was Up and kicked me out through the stile. PCRDY'S PHILOS. Everybody in this world wsnta the right-of-way. But ft comes not without .the price even though you ride In the city's ambulance. Paint-Up Time HAVE YOUR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING AND DECORATING DONE BY AN EXPERT WORKMAN I guarantee all my work and my prices are resonable, either by the day, hour or job. LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR WORK A. E. HUFF Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Co. Are You Making This Mistake? Some people think that because Willard Bat teries are quality batteries, they must be expensive. That's wrong! You can buy a genuine Willard Wood-Insulated Battery with Willard reliability for $17.55. This battery is the lowest-priced reliable battery you can buy. ALSO 30x3 H ROYAL CORD TIRES $13.25 OTHER CORDS AS LOW AS $9.75 HEPPNER TIRE & BATTERY SHOP C. V. HOPPER Gilliam & Bisbee's j& Column j& A car of Poultry Sup plies just arrived. Any thing and everything for the Hen. Lots of mill feed and Dr. Hess' stock tonic for your live stock. Sheep dip and lice exter minator and other reme dies for livestock and poul try. Our spring stock of sin gle trees, lead bars, wag on tongues, plain beams, handles, clevises, etc., just arrived. Gilliam & Bisbee EVKRVIHINO IN Hardware - Implements W have it, will get It or it it not made. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted The most modern and scien tific instruments used in the diagnosis of eye trouble. Office Phone Main 1164 Residence Eaat 8206 Evenings and Sunday by Appointment. Dr. Arthur J. King OPTICAL SPECIALIST 327 Morgan Bldg. (Broadway and Washington) Portland, Oregon GAT.1PLE card will do, and we will mail free and postpaid, a sample copy of Popular Mechanics MABAZ.1NZ the most wonderful magazine pub lished. It contains the never ending story of the Events of the World and 400 PICTURES 160 IHustntnS Pap erery month, that will entertain every member of the family. There a a petal department for the Radio fant for Ue Handr Man and Farmer who like to use tools: for the Amateur who wants tips on how to do and make things, and Women are deJirhtnd with the "Household Tools" pages. Each Uauacontataseomathinr to Interest verrbodr. You do not obligate yourself in any way by asking for free sample copy. If you like it you can bur a copy every month from any Newsdealer or eeod ua your subscptjoo-2.6ok one year. Popular Macfcanica Caapanw WE PAY the Is rg est commission to subscript tion Arrita, and want one tn every com munity Vnd tor (,h.mS' fkiR outfit. UK How's That Arm? Now is the time to be warming it up for; BASEBALL DAYS ARE HERE We carry all equipment for the national game in Reach, Spaulding and Wright '& Ditson all standard goods. Fielders' Tips, Catchers' Mits, Baseballs, Bats, Masks. Also Pads and Tape. Everything at Reasonable Prices Humphreys Drug Co. Baseball Headquarters. - 17 Otataria , Cat aa, 111. Popular if tehmtet tmttdtnf U 4m4 ezclutieeiy to Ih production of thu I M in t 1 MUSIC We cater to the very latest in Records and Sheet Music GENNETT RECORDS are one month to'six weeks in advance of others. This is creating such a demand that they are fast becoming the most popular record on sale. New Releases Every Thursday. HAVE YOU HEARD "HAVANA" Spend a few of your liesure momenta in our delightful music room. HARWOOD'S Odd Fellows Building Main 1062 Heppner, Oregon Cash & Carry Store YOUR CHOICE FOR 20c Per Can STRAWBERRIES - SLICED PEACHES APPLE BUTTER - SALMON TOMATOES - PEAS - HOMINY SAURKRAUT - SWEET POTATOES PUMPKIN L. G. DRAKE, Prop. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING A Business thout "" Printing Is Like a Man Without Clothes Let us supply your business with the proper dress of print ed matter letter heads, envel opes, cards, statements, plac ards, envelope stuffers, etc. The Gazette-Times Vaa. Marti Rat. ' LOOK FOR THIS LABEL- - A BIG NAME IN CLOTHES Styleplus no better designing at any price tailored for style, plus all-wool fabrics, guaranteed to wear popular prices. Style at its best plus. The Styleplus all-wool fabrics are from the standard looms. The weaves and pat terns are distinctive, fashionable. Styleplus Clothes are in a class by them selves. Bought every season by thousands and thousands of men and young men who seek style and demand value. . ' "AMERICA'S FOREMOST STLYE LINE AT POPULAR PRICES" David A. Wilson A Man's Store For Men ua SoTheyVotedfor'TH" The quesiton in the Graham home was whether it was to be TH-rift or D-rift. The vote was for TH-rift after Mrs. G. presented it thusly: "Are we content to drift along with no prepara tion for the future f "Or, are we thriftly going to save money for the future? "A bank accoimt-will help us meet possible mis fortune without a qualm. "And when opportunity knocks it will make it possible for us to take full advantage. "Now what do you say, shall it be thrift or drift?" This bank helps people save by paying 4 percent interest on saving accounts. Start yours today. Farmers & Stockgrqwers National Heppner 3ank 0rcn Star Theater THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MARCH 20-21 AGNES AYERS and RICHARD DIX in "RACING HEARTS" . A hurricane of thrills, a cyclone of "laughs. Theodore Roberts is in the cast, too. Also EDNA MURPHY in "HER DANGEROUS PATH" Also PATHE NEWS WEEKLY SATURDAY, MARCH 22 Marguerite Coutot and Lew Cody and full all-star cast in - "JACQUELINE". From story "Blazing Barriers," by James Oliver Curwood, an epic of "The Flaming Forest." Also "FELIX". SUNDAY and MONDAY, MARCH 23-24 T. ROY BARNES and SEEN OWEN in "THE GO GETTER". From the story by Peter B. Kyne, one of the Cappy Ricks tales. Also comedy "Powder and Smoke" TUES. and WEDS., MARCH 25 and 26 Elaine Hammerstein and Conway Tearle in "ONE WEEK OF LOVE" A modern romance with cave-man angle. Thrilling railroad wreck. Remarkable air plane crash. - An up-to-the-minute play. Also Fighting Blood, f'Long Live the Ring." ffmmmt rearw 3f