The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 20, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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K. L. Batch of Laxingtoa was
knocking about tho court housa for
short tirat Monday aftarnoon. W
understood he was contemplating
making his declaration to become a
eitlien, or something of that sort; It
may have been that he only desired
to change his registration end get
lined up to rota at the coming pri
maries, for all these long years Karl
has been an ardent prohibitionist and
always registered as such, and this
year his party is out of business, in
this county at least and if he does
not change his registration he will
have no vote coming until someone
else has said whom ha shall vote for.
There may be a number of others sim
ilsrly situated, and they should do as
Mr. Beach is doing and get in line
to vote at the primary.
Fheriff McDuffee was down in the
north end of the county Tuesday
where he assisted Traffic Cop IJeu-
alien in landing a few of the speeders
along the Columbia highway. Mr.
McDulfee states that the renuilt mac
adam in the north end of Morrow
county is now a beautiful piece of
work. The new filler used as a bind
er is perfect and the surface of the
highway is just like pavement. The
road ia widened to 20 feet and this
is also a great Improvement in pro
viding for the traffic. The temptation
to speed over this piece of highway
seems irresistable and the traffic cop
Is picking up a lot of violators and
will land more as the traffic increases.
Justice Goodman at Boardmsn is not
easy with them and has no hesitancy
In assessing heavy fines.
Mr. and Mra. M. R. Morgan and Mrs.
Fred Murray of lone were visitors
here on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Mor
gan left a petition here for signatures
of republicans, placing his name on
the ballot for the nomination of coun
ty judge and his announcement ap
pears in anohter column of this pa
per. He has many warm supporters
in the lone section who are quite con
fldent that Mr. Morgan will be in the
race for the finals in November.
Pat Doherty, Butter creek sheep
man. was a visitor here yesterdsy.
His camps are busy now taking care
of lambs that are arriving at a rapid
rate, he said. He does not expect the
peak of the season to be reached In
his camps until about Marcn a. ine
percentage of increase is very satis'
factory, he declared, and the lamDi
are fat and thriving. The wool clip
promises to be exceptionally good
according to Mr. Doherty. East Ore-
Bert Mason, mayor of lone and
leading merchant of that city, was a
visitor here Monday. Me reports bus
iness rather quiet in the north end
of the county but prospects are good
for crops. Apricot and peach trees
are out in full blossom and Mr. Ms
son fears that they may be the vie
tlms of late frosts. Escaping this con
tingency. however, there will be an
abundant fruit crop In the lower Wil
low creek and Rhea creek sections.
Mrs. W. Y. Ball returned from
Portland on Satuday, leading her
mother, Mrs. J. H. Cox, feeling much
better than when she left Heppner
the middle of last week. Mrs. Cox is
at the Portland Sanitarium, 60th and
Belmont streets, for the present, and
HeDoner friends who happen in Port
land should not fail to call on her.
W. P. Cox, who accompanied his
mother and sister to Portland, return
ed home on Friday.
Nela Justus was in town Saturday
from the sheep ranch of 0. 0. Justus
t Sons and sUtes that the ambing
season will begin about the first of
the month, with all conditions favor
able. Mr. Justus states that it has
been a very fine season for the sheep
men and he hopes for the continua
tion of good weather conditions
throughout lambing and shearing.
Barney Doherty came In from his
biz Sand Hollow ranch on Sunday and
was here for the St. Patrick's dsy
ceremonies. Mr. Doherty is fast be
coming one of the most extensive
wheat raisers in the county, besides
helne- larzelv encased In the produc
tlon of sheep and wool, and he Is
making a auccess of the farming
Lea Davidson, county commission
er, was here Saturday, accompanied
by his son-in-law, Harlan McCurdy.
Davidson and McCurdy will soon be
the midst of lambing at their big
ranch in the Gooseberry section. Lou
is again m candidate for commissioner
from hit end of the county and it not
likely to have any opposition.
Ray McAlliter of Lexington spent
few hours in the ctiy on Saturday.
Ha has but recently reutrned from
Portland, where he spent some time
i tanaUrium. He la much im
proved in health aa result of the
treatments he took while under the
care of physiciana in tbe city.
Chrii Sautter was down from Mil-
ton-Freewater Tueaday with a load
of produce. Ha aaya that the poach
er and apricots arc all in full blos
som now in that big fruit section
and there is prospect of a wonderful
rop, providing the frosts do not get
In their deadly work.
Clyde Wells, realty dealer and in
surance man of Pendleton, was in the
city for a short time on Saturday, bo
ng accompanied by George Roberts
and another gentleman from the Uma
tilla capitol. Mr. Roberts Is a bro
ther of Al and Mika Roberts, former
well known residents of this city.
Froai Stat Board ef Health.
J. A. Lytic was a resident of the
Boardman project who was called to
Heppner. on Monday to look after
business matters. He states that the
alfalfa fields down that way are look
ing mighty fine just now and give
promise of a big yield of hay.
George Krebs of the Last Camp
ranch at Cecil, where he is engaged
in aheepraising and alfalfa produc
tion along with his brother, was a
visitor in Heppner on Saturday and
reports everything coming along fine
in the Cecil country.
Healthy baby chicks from my rec
ord laying strain of W. Leghorns and
Barred Rocks: all awards; commer
cial class; eggs for hatching and
stock for sale. Postal brings price
list. R. Woolery, Capital Poultry
Farm. Salem. Ore. lt.
FOR SALE One Holt combine, 20-
foot cut, good condition; 45-horsepow-
er Holt engine. Will take cattle or
sheep as part or all payment; also
will take one grain binder. 0. T.
FERGUSON. Heppner. Ore. tf.
Edward Chldsey came in Saturday
from a visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. Chidsey, now residents of
Bridal Veil, Oregon. He reports them
doing well and his mother is much
improved in health.
Cecil Hale and wife and young son
were in Heppner on Saturday from
their home at Walla Walla, and en
joying a pleasant visit with friends
and relatives. They returned home
on Sunday.
FOR SALE Seed corn; N. W. white
dent. Acclimated to local conditions.
Postpaid. 10c per pound. ALWYN
JONES, Box 231, Arlington, Oregon-
Herman Neilson, extensive farmer
of Hardman, waa in Heppner on Mon
day attending to business matters.
For Sale Nine head good mules,
4-year olds this spring; all broke.
Harvey Young. tf.
There are poisons that are develop
ed within the body. The life processes
produce poison aa by-products. The
liver destroys these poisons and the
skin, lungs, kidneys, and bowels elim
inate them. These poisons csuse old
age and eventually death. Were it
possible to insure perfect elimination
we might live indefinitely. It is there
fore important that elimination be
promoted by efficient kidney, action,
regular bowel movements, and an ac
tive skin.
It is not alone Important to elim
inate the poison produced within the
body, but it is just as important to
keep out of the body poison from out
side. Drugs, self-administered as
medicine, and habit forming drugs
re imnortant causes of physical Im
pairment. The type of self-medica-
tinn whlen la particularly nnii-
is the taking of headache powders,
which in no instance effect a cure of
the underlying cause. The abuse of
nun-stives and laxatives is another
type of poison.
However, the most common form 01
ooiionine is infection. Infections are
due to the growth In the body of min
ute animal or vegetable ionns
monly known as germs. Infections
enter the body through the skin and
.-in, membranes. These germs are
carried from person to person and the
diseases which they cause are xnown
as "catching." Most of these germs
develop in the body and leave by way
of the discharges. Mouth sprays,
snaeting, coughing, and kissing may
convey the Infection to others. In
fected persona and carriers may
through their discharges infect wa
ter, food, and eating utensils. Infec
tion is spread by unclean hands and
promiscuous expectorating. Water
supplies are infected by aewage.
Avoid infection by keeping away
from congeated placea during epidem
ice. Keep away from persons who are
sick with acuta Infection. Know that
the persons who are handling your
food are not "disease carriers." Use
no water or milk that is not care
fully safeguarded by the health de
partment. Milk that Is not properly
pasteurised may contain dangerous
germs. There is danger of infection
from germs in swimming pools that
are not constantly filtered and chem
ically purified.
Although most healthy people's
germs are not disease gernaa and are
therefor harmless to v-her people,
it is hard to tell when oven healthy
people may get dissaso germs from
some on else. Try not to let other
people paaa on their germs to yon, es
pecially if they have any fever, mea
ales, etc. Persons having on them
or in them, germs of communicable
disease, must be controlled. To do
this properly means intimate atten
tion and aupervision of infected per
sons by health authorities who know
their business and do nothing else.
Do not allow poiaon or infection
to enter your body.
Mrs. T. C. Freeberg was here from
Portland en Saturday, being a guest
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hirsm Clark until Sunday.
LOST A spsn of bay geldings
weight about 1300 each; age 8; both
roach mane. Strayed from my place
about Jan. 1. 1924. RAY YOUNG.
For good, wholesome, horn cooking
get your meals at Mrs. Kinney's, next
door to Central Msrket, Gilman Bldg.
For Sale Pure bred 8. C. Rhode
Island Red cockerels and S. C. White
Leghorn roosters, at $2.50 apiece. J.
O. Turner, Heppner. tf.
For Sale New residence property
on Court street. Mrs. Guy Boyr.
Political Manager
During Lenten Season we will keep a
complete stock of fresh and cured
fish. Fresh fish received each evening.
Mr. Edith Longfield, of Ft
Wayne, Ind, hai been selected by
Mayor Shank of Indianapolis to
manage his capaign for the Gov
crnorahip of Indiana.
Chip off Block
Chang bow to the
brand that norer
changes and you'll
newer change again.
after every meal
Cleanses month and
tee In and aids digestion.
Relieves that over
eaten feeling; and aeld
Its 1-a-s-t-l-n-g flavor
satisfies the craving lor
Wrlgley's Is doable
value In the benefit and
pleasure II provides.
Seofeof in its Parity
jrM VI2W- ill
9he flavor lasts
Prizes worth $2,500
ENTER the du Pont International Crow-Shoot
$2,500 in merchandise prises. It costs yon
nothing to register. Deatroy this menace to game
andcropa. W rue today for booklets about the crow.
Sporting Powder Division
WILMlMilUH. uu.
u M TVinmninil. dauftth
ter of the late Congressman Champ
Clark of Missouri, is a candWate
for seat In Congress from Louisiana.
b the investment that add to your
arullk nf tionltk. It 10 ,
sential to afe-fuard and build up
strength than it ia to add to your
wealth of sold. To an under
weight child or anemic adult
Lmj . f llmaM rlniltf umiM
an investment that would yield
I I! J t.. la .fesasntrtk Skrwl
sVpicnuiu rciuiiie in wiciikw""-
V VII VKWta m ' "
concentrated, tonic-nourishment,
ideally suited to a
HIE name "Webster"
is synonymous with
"Dictionary" be
cause of the ability of
that early compiler. Just
so, "Red Crown" means
"gasoline" because it is
the recognized standard
of quality. "Red Crown's"
quality is a definite
matter of greater
power and mileage.
And hard to forget. The habit of
saving is easy to acquire.
Teach your children to save while
they are young.
The habit is a good possession and
will be the means of "laying up"
something for the future.
an Mm
Fir& National Bank
The wife and kiddies will
enjoy a change from the
monotony of home-cooked
meals, so why not suggest
coming here for dinner ev
ery one in awhile. No wor
ry, no delays, no dishes to
wash just sit down to a de
lightful, wholesome, satisfy
ing meal, served in a way
that all will like. Moderate
prices, too.
We Serve Chinese
Delicious Coffee
There's a rich beauty to a painted floor
' that appeals to all. Then it is a remarkably
easy floor to clean and keep clean. Acme
Quality Floor Paint (Granite) seals the wood
against moisture and dirt It protects it
against wear. And it is so easy to put on.
Dries quickly, too. The Acme Quality label
tells you that it is the best paint for the pur
pose. Ask us for color cards, prices, etc
Peoples Hardware Co.
Printing is the Inseparable
Companion of Achievement
Big Sale on Coats
1-4 Off
1-4 Off
1-4 Off
Thomson Brothers
Make this a Fordson Year
Have dependable Fordson Power ready
when the fields are first ready for breaking.
Through all the year, use its steady, versa
tile power for bigger profits on every farm
task that requires power.
To be sure of this, however, we must have
your order now. Spring with its peak load
of Fordson buying orders is almost here.
Don't wait. Order today. Make this a
Fordson year.
i ''I'M
HffTjia Detroit, Michigan & fesil
mm WIW
t CALir u iv. in ia;
SooU a Bowna Bkoonaels. K J. sMBs