The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 13, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Gsorf Perry, lowar Willow crrak
farmer, wee In the city for a day or
o the first of th week, looklnf after
buiineie. He states that everything
ia coming along fine down that way,
some of tha sheepmen being in the
midst of lambing and making a fine
percentage. Vegetation is growing
well. It being a month ahead of the
unual season. Mr. Perry thinks that
there ia bound to be a shortage of
water on the lower creek for irriga
tion this season because of the light
fait of snow in the mountains.
Crocket Kirk went to the Heppner
Surgical hospital on Sunday, and on
Monday morning underwent a minor
operation in preparation for a ma
"jor operation he will undergo a little
later. He is reported to be resting
well and will be in good shape for
the more severe ordeal. Mr. Kirk has
bees a sufferer for a number of years
from bladder trouble and it is hoped
that the operation will be the means
of relieving him of this and restoring
him to better health.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wheeler of Pen
dleton were visitors here on Friday,
on their return home from a trip
to Portland. They were accompanied
to Pendleton by Mrs. F. E. Sharkey,
sister of G. B. Swaggart, who had
been spending several days visiting
here and at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, rorth
of Lexington, and will visit other rel
atives at Pendleton before returning
to her home in Portland.
Frank Lleuallen and family
moved to town from the Bill Hughes
place where they have been residing
the past year. Mr, Lfeuallen has giv
en up the place and will sell off his
atock and farming implements at pub
lic sale at the Hughes place on the
lath. N. V. Law ton ar.d family have
moved on to the place and Mr. Law
son will farm it for this year at least.
Mr. anJ Mrs. V. W. Rippee were
here on Friday and Saturday from
the ranch of Joueph Hnyes on Big
Butter creek. While in the city, Mr.
Rippee underwent an operation for
the removal of her tonsils at Me
hands of Dr. McMurdo. Mr. Kinpee
states that everything is flnj out jn
Butter creek, and the wool clip will
be a bumper this season.
Mrs. Guy Anderson and Mrs. Chas.
Cox and her sister were in Arlington
on a brief business stay this week.
They report everything flourishing In
and around the Heppner country. Mrs.
Anderson's husband is clerk of Mor
row county and Mr. Cox runs the
creamery at Heppner. Arlington Bul
letin. R. J. Carsner, district representa
tive of the legislature and candidate
for state senator, is convalescing
from recent rather alarming illness
at his home at Spray, states Dr. Jenk
ins, who has made several other trips
to that vicinity this week to see sick
folks. Fossil Journal.
Mrs. Dafoe, a milliner of Rockford,
North Dakota, visited friends in Ar
lington Wednesday. She has been vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. C. V. Hopper
of Heppner, for several weeks and
whs here to take the Spokane train
for her home. Arlington Bulletin.
Healthy baby chicks from my rec
ord laying strain of W. Leghorns and
Barred Rocks; all awards; commer
cial class; eggs for hatching and
stock for sale. Postal brings price
Hit. R. Woolery, Capital Poultry
Farm, Salem, Ore. 10t.
Mrs. J. H. Cox was taken to Port
land yesterday and will be placed in
a sanitarium there for treatment. She
has been quite ill of late and has
.suffered much. Her family and
friends hope for her speedy recovery.
She was accompanied to the city by
her son Prewitt Cox and her daughter
Mrs. Will Ball.
FOR SALE One Holt combine, 20
foot cut, good condition; 4o-horsepow-cr
Holt engine. Will take cattle or
sheep as part or all payment also
will Uke one grain binder. 0, T.
FERGUSON, Heppner, Ore. tf.
Wanted Dressmaking work done
promptly, satisfaction guaranteed.
Prices reasonable. One block north,
two west, of Farmers Bank. Mrs. W.
C. Inom.
For Hale Nine head good mules,
4-year olds this spring; all broke.
Harvey Young, tf.
Exposes Vet Graft
Maj. W. 0. Watts, who exposed
Kraft and incompetency in the Vet
ran Bureau, has resigned as Chief
of Inspection to help prosecute the
How Oriental Rugs Are Made
u2:JLkL If
Under the direction of a refugee teacher, these girls In a tonar
East Relief orphanage In Greece are being taught the art of rug
weaving, ualng the methods handed down through centuries. The
rug ia made by tying knots of colored wool around the warp, each
rug being composed of hundreda of thousands of single knots. An
export worker can tie aa many a 13.000 knots in a day. Rug
making offers a good means of placing the orphans on an event
ually slf supporting basis, the the ultimate goal for each of tha
60,000 children now under Near List Keller care.
LOST A span of bay geldings
weight about 1300 each; age 6; both
roach mane. Strayed from my place
about Jan. 1, 1924. RAY YOUNG.
Thoroughbred Barred Rock Cocker
els Famous Holterman and Klein
smith strain, at a bargain. Gerald
A. White, Lexington, Ore. tf.
For Bale Pure bred 8. C. Rhode
Ialand Red cockerels and 8. C. White
Leghorn roosters, at $2.50 spiece. J.
0. Turner, Heppner. tf.
For Bale No. 1 seed barley beard
ed variety. (36 per ton at ranch
northeast of Lexington. Harvey Mil
ler. 4tp.
For good, wholesome, home cooking
get your meals at Mrs. Kinney's, next
door to Central Market, Gilman Bldg.
Change now to the
brand that never
changes and you'll
never change again.
Cecil Lieuallen, state highway traf
fic cop, was in the city a day or two
this week on official business and en
joying a visit with the home folks.
Apologize or face suit, says Carter
to Egypt in tomb dispute. And Egypt
says Tut Tut.
Experienced girl will do house
work. Address Box 193, Heppner.
For Bale New residence property
on Court street. Mrs. Guy Boyer.
in iiiiliiiiSlSmm I
Chew it after
every meal
It stlmolalea
appetite and
Ids digestion.
II makes your
food do you more
aood. Note how
II relieves that slully feeling
alter nearly eatiag.
eTlawWhltcas teeth.
Its Seed Time Now
Spring Rye
Beardless Barley
Bearded Barley
Hard Federation Wheat
Early Baart Wheat
Increase Baby's Strength
Everybody loves a baby and
everybody wants a baby abun
dantly robust There are many
young children to whom
given in small portions at intervalsduring
each (fay, would be an important (actor
in overcoming malnutrition and starting
them well on the road to robust
Bees. Ecmry drop of Soott'M
It pore, rich noariihmmnt, tht
kind that baildt ttrmngth oncf
vram-ofM AeoffAv growth.
OMIdren Thrive oh Sootfm
L Scott ft Bowat, Btoemosld, X. J. It-It
Convinced that highway advertising
signs detract from the natural beauty
of the great routes of travel of the
Pacific Coast, this Company has de
cided that it will erect no more such
signs and that it will immediately re
move all of its signs of this nature now
standing. Hereafter the Company
. will confine its use of signs to com'
mercial locations.
The Company feels that the splendid
scenery so characteristic of nearly all
of the highways of California, Ore
gon, Washington, Nevada & Arizona
should be unmarred, and on that ac
count is willing to sacrifice the adverv
rising value of the signs.
( California )
Pro State Boar of Health.
Cleanlineia cover tha whola field
of sanitation. It la tha beginninf and
the end. TJncleanlineas is ons of the
dead licit of removable causes ef dis
ease. Filth is dangerous because it ,
may contain the germs of disease. 1
Cleanness or absence of dirt is not ,
merely an aesthetic adornment, but
is above all a sanitary safeguard of
importance which has been learned
by hard experience. Personal clean
ness fi more important than public
cleanness. Avoidance of personal
filth is far more necessary than for
example cleanness of streets, back
yards, and the like.
And yet it must be remembered
that public supplies are public dan
gers. A polluted water supply may
infect no matter how scrupulously
clean the residents of a city may be
with respect to their persons.
An adequate water supply is abso
lutely necessary for the preservation
of health. No obstacle should be plac
ed in the way of providing the com
munity with pure water supply. One
of the most important uses of water
is probably its cleansing properties.
Super-cleanliness is the first step to
ward efficient disease prevention.
Clean bodies and clean clothes are
essentials of personal hygiene. Clean
liness is promoted by perspiring
prior to bathing. The function of
the skin in removing waste -matter
is not great, but a healthy skin de
mands frequent bathing. Warm clean
sing baths followed by a cold show
er or swim stimulate a normal indiv
idual and increase his resistance to
The importance of washing the
hands before meals csnnot be too
forcibly carried home to every indiv
idual. There is an accumulation of
filth and infection in almost every
type of work and health demands that
everything that touches the food sup
ply shall be absolutely clean. The
hands, face, and finger nails should
be kept clean, especially before meals.
Internally; water it valuable in
that it promotes elimination. Water
is the great solvent and carrier of
material from place to place in the
body. Blood is nearly all water and
carries food and oxygen to the mus
cles, brain, etc., and waste matter
from the kidneys and lungs. Your
blood demands a continuous supply
of water. If sufficient water is not
provided constipation will result. The
improvement in individuals who hab
itually drink little water is often re
markable when they systematically
drink water in sufficient amount".
Reduced Prices on
Case Furniture
There' a rich beauty to a painted floor
that appeals to all. Then it is a remarkably
easy floor to clean and keep clean. Acme
Quality Floor Paint (Granite) seals the wood
against ' moisture and dirt It protects it
against wear. And it is so easy to put on.
Dries quickly, too. .The Acme Quality label
tells you that it is the best paint for the pur
pose. Ask us for color cards, prices, etc
Peoples Hardware Co.
And hard to forget. The habit of
saving is easy to acquire.
Teach your children to save while
they are young.
The habit is a good possession and
will be the means of "laying up"
something for the future.
W1V T t
Fir National Bank
How much water should an average
normal person drink in a day? A
good rule Is six glasses, one on ris
ing, one at eacn meal, one in the
forenoon and one in the afternoon.
Larger amounts should of course be
taken when freely perspiring. Free
water drinking between meals and
when the stomach is empty especially
before breakfast, will do much to
prevent constipation and assist in ef
ficient elimination.
The wife and kiddies will
enjoy a change from the
monotony of home-cooked
meals, so why not suggest
coming here for dinner ev
ery one in awhile. No wor
ry, no delays, no dishes to
wash just sit down to a de
lightful, wholesome, satisfy
ing meal, served in a way
that all will like. Moderate
prices, too.
We Serve Chinese
Delicious Coffee
Economy Car
The new Overland Champion is an
entirely new kind of closed car.
Removable rear seat and upholstery
big carrying space useful to merchants,
salesmen, farmers. Both seats adjust
backward and forward comfort for
tall and short people. A business car,
family car and camping car in one!
Seats make into a full-size bed in the
car your own hotel on wheels. Big
power. Big reliability. Touring $495.
Sedan $795, f- o. b. Toledo.
Heppner, Oregon
Big Sale on Coats
1-4 Off
1-4 Off
1-4 Off
Thomson Brothers
JP :''U "
Every spring the demand for Ford Cars is
several hundred thousand greater than the
available supply. Place your order immedi
ately, to avoid delay in delivery.
" Detroit. Mlchijin
NOTE: A small payment down puts
your name on the preferred delivery list.
See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer