The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 06, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Chaa. Cox and wifa and Mn. Gay
M. Anderson motored to Portland
Sunday. Mr. Cojt was called to Port
land to attend a meeting in promo
tion of the export eommiision bill,
held in that cily to aid the Portland
Chamber of Commerce in setting be
hind the McNary-Haugen meaaure.
Mrs. Anderson expected to visit with
relatives at Vancouver, Wash. They
returned home yesterday.
Pat Connell, sheep man of Morrow
county, runs sheep on the -Umatilla
national forest and was here today
from Heppner to confer with J. C.
Kuns on range matters. He joint the
chorus of sheepmen in praise of
weather conditions during the past
fall and winter season. East Oregon
ian of Friday.
Joe Batty was In the city from
Eight Mile on Saturday. At the pres
ent time It is much too wet to do
successful plowing out his way, but
he hoped to get at the job some time
this week, provided it did not storm
again. The ground Is well filled with
Healthy baby chicks from my rec
ord laying strain of W. Leghorns and
Barred Rocks; all awards; commer
cial class; eggs for hatching and
stock for sale. Postal brings price
list. R. Woolery, Capital Poultry
Farm, Salem, Ore. 10t.
Mrs. L. V. Gentry who has been
very sick for the past several weeks,
a victim of the flu, is now reported to
be slowly recovering. Mrs. Gentry
Bartered from a relapse and her eon
ditlon was quite grave for a week or
TaahiAF Cunzel of the Bank of lone
was In Heppner Monday, accompanied
by Chas. Alllngor. They drove nere
by way of Eight Mile and encoun
tered a small amount of mud, result
ing from the big rain of Sunday night
Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte attended
the meeting of the Eastern Oregon
Superintendents and Principals asBO-
elation at La Grande on Saturday, re
turning home on Sunday. She reports
a very fine educational meeting.
E. J. Merrill was down from Hard
man on Monday, remaining over until
Tudiiv to look after business. He
Hnnrti tht n far this winter he h
not fed a bit of hay, and cattle on the
range are In prime snape.
Nell Magnusen has been much un
der the weather of late, suffering an
attack of flu. He is able to be on the
street! attain, however, and thinks
that he Is improving slowly.
LOST Bull-terrier dog, dark tan
and white, bearing 1923 Morrow coun
ty license tag, rabies vaccine cross
on collar. Reward. Address Jack
Howard, Heppner.
Wanted Dressmaking work done
promptly, satisfaction guaranteed
Prices reasonable. One block north
two west, of Farmers Bank. Mrs. W
C. Isom.
LOST A span "of bay geldings
weight about l.'MM) each; age 6; both
roach mane. Strayed from my place
about Jan. 1, 1924. RAY YOUNG.
Thoroughbred Barred Rock Cocker
els Famous Holterman and Klein
smith strain, at a bargain. Gerald
A. White, Lexington, Ore. tf.
FOR SALE Good oats and two
varieties of barley seed stuff. B.
F. Swairgart, Eastern Oregon Jack
Farm, Lexington, Ore.
W. P. Mahoney, who suffered a
backset with the flu during the past
week, is now improving ana able to
be up about the house.
For Sale Pure bred 8. C. Rhode
Island Red cockerels and S. C. White
Leghorn roosters, at 2.50 apiece. J.
o Turner. Hennner. tf.
For Sale No. 1 seed barley beard
ed variety. 136 per ton at ranch
northeast of Lexington. Harvey Mil
ler. 4tP-
For good, wholesome, home cooking
get your meals at Mrs. Kinney's, next
door to Central Market, Oilman Bldg.
Paul Webb is down from Walla
Walla for a few days, looking after
business matters here.
Experienced girl will do house
work. Address Box 1M, Heppner.
Owners of Harding Newspaper
. A rA.UToe.CTip )L
tion depends upon the sixe of the con
tainer and the consistency ef the food.
4. Canning powders are aubstances
supposed to prevent spoilage in can
ned foods. There ia no necessity lor
the use of chemical preservativea in
home canning. Sterility by heat ia
the only requirement of good can
ning. Canning powders do not pre
vent botulism spoilage.
Next week the bulletin will resume
its outlined course.
Roy D, Moor and Louie H. Brush, who bought the Marion (0.)
Star from the lata President Harding, appeared baore the Senate
Committee to den? tfaa (barge that an xcesalve rice waa nan Ior
the property.
From State Board of Health.
Preserved foods have been employ
ed by man since early times, when it
was necessary to carry foods from
times of superabundance to those of
scarcity. Certain processes of food
preservation have been practiced on
a small scale for hundreds of years.
It is within the last hundred years
that these processes have been in
creased and improved to the extent
of having an important bearing on
our food supply. The preservation
of food by canning, that ia enclosing
in heremetically sealed containers,
and then subjecting to the action of
heat sufficient to destroy the organ
isms of fermentation, putrefaction,
or decay, dates from the early years
of the nineteenth century. It is not
surprising that in view of the igno
rance of microbic life, of spores, and
of the significance of bacteria that
grew without air, there ahould have
been many failures and much spoil
In the last twenty-five years science
has replaced guesswork, and exact
knowledge is taking place of ignor
ance and superstition. Scientific con
trol of canning has made the product
clean, wholesome, sterile, and safe
from contamination. Canning is
therefore a direct aid to public health.
But the principles of safe canning
are not well understood by the public.
Specific directions for canning have
not taken into consideration the ther
mal death point of certain bacterial
spores that are found on fruit and
vegetables in many parte of this
country. It is also true that definite
experiments have not been made to
determine the heat penetration of
the various packs used in home can
ning. This is a service that the home
economic department of our state ed
cational institutions and the U. S.
Department of Agriculture ahould de
velop in order to safeguard home canning.
Canned foods should be made from
sound material, and should be pre
pared in a cleanly, sanitary manner.
1. Wash thoroughly with pure
2. Cook all vegetables such as
string beans, corn, spinach, etc., at a
minimum temperature of 240 degrees
Fahrenheit. This temperature can be
obtained only under pressure. The
spore of B. botulinua is decidedly heat
resistant, such temperatures as z
degrees for 4 minutes; 239 degrees F.
for 10 minutes; Z30 degrees r. ior so
minutes: 221 degrees F. for 110 mm
utes; 212 degrees F for 360 minutes
have been demonstrated as the mini
mum time which the most resistant
strains of B. botulinus have not with
3. Vegetables that are preserved at
water bath or boiling temperature
should never be tasted but reheated
and boiled at least 25 or 30 minutes
before using. The toxin or poison is
destroyed at boiling temperature, but
the time necessary for sucti destruc
Change now to the
brand that never
changes and you'll
never change again.
After Every Meal
It's the longest-lasting
confection you can buy
-and It's a help to di
gestion and a cleanser
lor the moutn
and teeth.
Wrigley's means
benefit as weU as
Utoes in the field last fall now ia
good time to pick out especially good
tubers for the special aeed plot this
spring. Medium sired potatoes well
filled out at the ends, free from
knobs, not misshaped, and without
any tendency toward being spindly
are best. Potatoes with rather deep
eyes for the variety are often more
free of disease. Those with the stem
end discolored are not suitable.
Charley Vaughn returned on Sun
day from Portland. He was called to
the city by the illness of Mrs.
Vaughn, whom he reports much im
proved when he left for home.
From 0. A. C. Experiment Station.)
Look out for larkspur and water
parsnips. Both these planta may be
found in the pastures now and are
poisonous to stock. Where stock has
died from poisoning before, pasture
land should be carefully watched for
these plants. Preventive methods
rather than treatment of the trouble
are the best means of controlling the
Watch the chicks more than the
thermometer. They will ahow you if
the temperature is right no matter
what the thermometer reads. Watch
them constantly during the first week
as this is the critical period.
With the present price of butter-
fat it is not advisable to churn at
home with the idea of selling the
butter. Butter for home use may be
secured by trading one pound of butter-fat
for one pound of butter at
your local creamery, and this eaves
the work of churning. Dairy butter
usually sells from 6 to 10 cents cheap-
than creamery butter, tnereiore
you can get as much for the fat as
you can for the butter. A steady and
regular trade for the butter made is
an exceptional ease.
If yon did not select hills of po-
For Hale Nine head good mules,
4-year olds this -spring; all broke.
Harvey Young. tf.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller departed
on Friday for Albany with their little
grandson, whom they were taking to
a reialit for treatment.
For Sale Thoroughbred Silver La
ced Wyandotte cockerels. Write Mrs.
W. E. Tompkins, lone, Oregon. 3t.
"Mr. Bob," Junior Class play, March
20th. It will be good.
For Bale New residence property
on Court street. Mrs. Guy Boyer.
"Mr. Bob," Junior Class play, March
20th. It will be good.
Reduced Prices on
Case Furniture
Murderer of Four
r rutin mtuunwi, .v
Petersburg, Fla., claims his sub
conscious mind prompted the mur
dar bv shootinor of 'his mother and
father this year and burning to-
death of bit listers in. iW.
may mean weak lungs and
need more thorough treat
ment than mere syrups,
physics or stimulants.
helps chest colds by giving
strength to the blood and neat
to the body. It is famous with
physicians lor hard coughs
and weak lungs, throat
and bronchial troubles.
cost a Bowne. Dloomfleld JJ J, 17-11
What Is the Value
of the Railroads?
400.000 Miles of Track at only J25.000
a Mile
The Department of Agriculture estl- -mates
that the average cost of a
mile of improved highway today, is
about $36,000.
69,00(1 Locomotives at only $20,000 1,380,000,000
Locomotives cost an average of
about StiO.000.
2,400,000 Freight fare at only $1,000 2,400,000,000
The average cost of a freight car
today la about $2,500.
57,000 Passenger-Train Cars at only 570,000,000
$10,000 each ,
All stool passcngcr-traln cars now
cost from $30,000 to s:)o,uuu eacn.
Material and Supplies
Railroads have to keep on hand
millions of tons of coal, rails, ties,
spikes, and all other material re
quired in maintenance and opera
tion. Working Capital
50.000 Stations and Terminals, Yards,
Bignala, Roundhouses, Shops, Ma
chinery, Water Supply, Power
Planta, Elevatora, Docks, Coal Pita,
and all other items, Including administration
In over 1,000 cities and towns, sta
tions and terminal facilities cost
over a million dollars apiece.
The shops and machinery engaged
in the repair of equipment consti
tute an enormous Industry in them
selves, employing nearly 400,000
The above property is believed to be
worth fully $10,000,000,000, and
could not be duplicated for any
where near that amount today.
This Totala
And a valuation recognising all the
elemrnta of value assured to the or
dinary property-owner would be far
in excess of this amount.
The tentative minimum valuation of the rnllroads at the end of
1919 was found by the Interstate Commerce Commission to be
$18,900,000,000. This valuation was based mainly on coBt of labor,
materials, equipment, etc., on June SO, 11114. The subsequent in
vestment from January 1, 1920, to December 31, 1923, brings the
Interstate Commerce Commission valuation for rnto-making pur
poses as of December 31, 1923, up to about $21,200,000,000.
Each reader can judge for himself the fairness of the conten
tion that the Interstate Commerce Commission vnluntlon should
bo reduced by from $7,000,000,000 to $10,000,000,000. Such a con
tlscntion of values would In effect be a denial to the railroads of
their chief menns of keeping pace with the development of the
country. , ,
Fair recognition of railroad property values la essential Tor ade
nualc earning power and credit for further expansion.
Omaha, Nebraska, President.
March 1, 1924.
There's a rich beauty to a painted floor
that appeals to all. Then it is a remarkably
easy floor to clean and keep clean. Acme
Quality Floor Paint (Granite) seals the wood
against moisture and dirt It protects it
against wear. And it is so easy to put on.
Dries quickly, too. The Acme Quality label
tells you that it is the best paint for the pur
pose. Ask us for color cards, prices, etc.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Come in and look
over our new location
in the Odd Fellows
Building, where you
will find one of the
best equipped dining
rooms in Eastern Ore
gon. And when you have
inspected the front,
come back and take a
look at our sanitary
You will be able to
get quick service at
our lunch counter.
ED. CHINN, Prop.
To you he's worth
$2,500 in Prizes
THE da Pont Company Is offering; 12.500 In mar.
chandiso prizes for team and individual scores in an
International Crow-Shooting Contest. S pons man in the
United 8 tales and Canada are eligible.
The crow ia destroyer of growing crops and of game
birds. He is menace and a noiaance. Get him I
Send for two, free booklets telling all about the crow.
It coats yon nothing to enter the contest. Write today
for foil information.
Sporting routdt Division
It's Seed Time Now
Spring Rye
Beardless Barley
Bearded Barley
Hard Federation Wheat
Early Baart Wheat
ifflllf ;
And hard to forget. The habit of
saving is easy to acquire.
Teach your children to save while
they are young.
The habit is a good possession and
will be the means of "laying up"
something for the future.
Fir& National Bank
Big Sale on
1-4 Off
1-4 Off
1-4 Off
Thomson Brothers
Every spring the demand for Ford Cars is
several hundred thousand greater than the
available supply. Place your order immedi
ately, to avoid delay in delivery.
Detroit, Michigan "
NOTE: A small payment down puts
your name on the preferred delivery list.
See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer'