The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 21, 1924, Image 1

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The Gazette-Times
Volume 40, Number 46. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1924. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
"Clarence" Makes Hit
Lena-Jones Hill Gap
May Be Constructed
This Veek
With Local Audience
County Unit of Organiza
tion and Taxation
Presented Here
Mr. Smith, Mrs, Bhurt and Other
Talk In Favor of th Plan to
Adopt Modern Methods.
At tht meeting of school officers
and citizens held in the circuit court
room at the court house on Friday
afternoon, In response to the call la
sued by Superintendent Shurte, there
was a representative gathering of di
rectors, clerk i and patrons from over
this part of the county. A similar
meeting was held at lone on Satur
day, and we understand this was quite
well patronized by the teachers and
school officers and patrons from the
north end.
The proposal to place on the ballot
In May the question of adoption or
rejection of the County Unit System
of Organization and Taxation as per
tains to the elementary schools, was
the evident reason for calling theae
meeting!, that the law might be pre
sented and explained.
W. M. Smith of the state superin
tendent's office was here and attend
ed the meetings, and he spoke in fa
vor of the adoption of the plan, set
ting forth Its many advantages, and
favoring it as a progressive measure
and one that is calculated to get ui
out of the old rut and the present
antiquated and unsatisfactory sys
tem. Mr. Smith did not present the
question in the manner of one who
came to tell the people of Morrow
county what they should do, but ra
ther to set out the so-called advan
tages of the meaiure and to show in
his opinion it would be a good thing.
It was quite evident from ques
tions asked Mr. Smith, following his
address that the people here had given
the plan no particular thought, that
it was entirely new to the most of
them and that they desired Informa
tion and would not commit themselves
and take any hasty action until bet
ter informed.
Following Mr. Smith, Mrs. Shurte
also spoke in favor of the adoption of
the plan. We understand from Mrs.
Shurte that she has been in favor of
taking this advanced atep in the
school government and taxation sys
tem for a number of years; it has
been a question she has given much
thought and attention, and while she
feels that its adoption would put her
out of a job, yet it should be adopted
because of the general good results
that are, in her opinion, sure to fol
low. So she is emphatic In the asser
tion that it Is not for any personal
reasons whatsoever, that ahe fa boost
ing the adoption of the plan. In her
talk, Mrs. Shurte presented facts and
figures in support of her claims.
R. B. Wilcox, who helped put over
the plan in Klamath county, which is
one of three counties of the state now
working under the provisions of the
the law, gave enthusiastic endorse
ment of it, and strongly urged Its
adoption here.
All speakers were listened to quit
attentively, and there appeared an
earnest desire on the part of those
present to get all the information
possible regarding the plan. Many
school officers admit the lameness of
the present system, know that it is
Inefficient, and whan they become
convinced that the proposed plan will
do what Its advocates claim for It,
they stand ready to support It.
As setting forth some of the pro
visions of the proposed plan, we have
the following communication from
Prof. E. H. Hedrick, superintendent
of Heppner schools, who has had oc
casion to go into the provisions of
the act very thoroughly. While In
Jackson county, this plan Was present
ed on the ballot, and at that time Mr.
Hedrick atrongly opposed It, as he
was thoroughly convinced there were
many holes in the law. It was de
feated. He has since modified his
views considerably, upon being as
sured that the objectionable points
In the law will be remedied. We feel
that Mr. Hedrick is competent to
present this matter in a purely un
biased and non-partisan manner, and
this he will do in a couple of articles,
of which the following is the first.
(I have been ankd to write for The Oa-nMte-Timwi
an impart 11 itatement of the
rounty tmlt plan of conduction upon which
the voter of the rounty will be called to
consider at the May election. The flrat
article- will concern ttHf with trh fcneral
provisions of the law. The awnnd will at
tempt to show how It will apply to Morrow
(Continued on Pafra Four.)
A Real Bargain
Heppner, Oregon
Money to Loan on First Class Securities
High Bchool Production at Star The
ater Cleverly Played Before
Packed Hoe a.
"Clarence, Heppner High school
dramatic production was played be
fore a packed house at the Star the
ater last night, when It completely
captured its audience. The plsy, writ
ten by Booth Tarkington, depicts the
experiences of an ex-soldier In the
post-war period, and Is one of the
cleverest comedies being played on
the legitimate stage. It Is divided
into four acts, and each act is filled
with suspense and laughter.
Clarence, who claimed he was a
mule driver In the army, which feat
he performed without learning the
use of profanity, was Introduced in
the first act when he applied for a
position at the office of Mr. Wheeler,
a modern business man. Forthwith
he became entangled in the private
affairs of the Wheeler family, when,
after being admitted to Mr. Wheel
er's private office, several members of
the household called on Mr. Wheeler
to straighten out some domestic af
fairs. Bobby and Cora Wheeler, 'teen
aged son and daughter of Mr. Wheel
er, Immediately took up with Clar
ence on meeting him at the office, and
poured their personal grievances into
his car, seeking his advice as to the
proper procedure. Quite a scene took
place when Violet Pinney, Cora's gov
erness, who had been in consultation
with Mr. Wheeler concerning Cora's
relation with Hubert Stem, grass wid
ower, endeavored to depart with Cora.
While the young Miss was display
ing some of her mulish proclivities,
her step-mother, who was jealous be
cause of the many private consulta
tions of her husband with Miss Pin
ney, arrived and took Cora's part.
Things were at high heat when Clar
ence, who had been sitting by un
noticed, arose from his chair and
caused a hurried departure.
As a result of this episode, and
Clarence's ability to drive mules with
out swearing, Mr. Wheeler offered
him a position in his home. Here
Clarence proved himself to be a won
derful fellow, winning the hearts of
all, and Misa Pinney in particular,
to whom he became betrothed in the
last act. The final scene showed ev
erything serene in the Wheeler home,
with Miss Pinney leaving to become
the wife of Clarence who was re
turning to his old-time profession of
entomologist. The curtain dropped
as Cora reclined on the davenport and
sighed, "Oh Clarence."
The students fn the' play displeyed
especial aptitude for their parts, and
performed them in a professional
manner. Elmer Bucknum, who por
trayed Clarence, did it exceedingly :
well. Dorothy Pattison was especial-1
ly clever in the part of Cora, while
Bruce Spautding was ideal as her!
spoiled brother who took himself a,
bit too seriously. Carl Cason did Mr.
Wheeler up brown; Bernice Sirs bee
acted well the pert of his jealous
wife, and Elaine Sigsbee pleased as
Miss Pinney. The other parts were
ail well portrayed with Bernice Wood
son as Mra. Martyn, Mr. Wheelers
secretary; Guy Hall as Hubert Stem,
who made love to Cora; Kathleen Ma
honey as Dora, house-maid,' and
Leonard Schwarx as Dinwiddie, man
servant. The high school orchestra played
during interludes, and Miss Steele
rendered a beautiful violin solo. The
evening was a rare treat for all who
attended, and the high school was
well repaid financially.
Tom and Richard Crewdson, aged
respectively 20 and 18 years, are be
ing held in the county jail, charged
with the taking of several articles
from the livery bam of W. T. Mc
Roberts on last Sunday. The boys
had been working at the barn, and
they are charged with leaving early
Sunday forenoon with a sixshooter
belonging to McRoberts, a saddle, the
property of a customer of the bam
and a pair of chaps belonging to Jack
Terry that were also left in the barn.
Shortly after dinner McRoberts miss
ed the articles and reported the loss
to the sheriff, who dispatched Mc
Roberts and Walter Matllson on their
trail. They overhauled the Crewd
son s three miles this side of Pilot
Rock and returned them to Heppner
along with the missing articles. They
are now awaiting the return of Dis
trict Attorney Notson, who Is in the
east, when they will have prelimin
ary hearing.
A George Washington Party will be
given In the parlors of the Christian
Church on February 22 at 7:30 p. m.
There will be a program and refresh
ments. No admission will be eharged,
but a silver free-will offering will be
received at the door. Come and enjoy
yourself for the evening.
880 Acres, comprising: 550 acres of
good plow land and 330 acres of Rood
grass land. This place is a producer
with good marketing facilities.
Positions Are Asked
For Disabled Vets
Rehabilitation Men of Northwest Re
ceive Thorough Training, Mak
ing Them Good Workers,
With 692 World War veterans of
this district completing vocational
training during the first six months
of this year, L. C. Jesseph, Pacific
Northwest manager of the United
States Veterans' Bureau, earnestly
requests active cooperation of local
employers In the matter of furnish
ing employment opportunities for
these men who have successfully
overcome vocational handicaps due to
war injuries.
Of the total number of training
completions, 267 are being rehabili
tated in trades and industries, 96
along commercial lines, 98 in profes
sions and 161 in agriculture, accord
ing to Mr. Jesseph. Special appeal
s made to have employers place book
keepers, accountants, watch repair-,
men, shoemakers and auto mechanics,
a large percentage 6f the rehabilit
ants being in these occupations.
"One hundred and twenty-eight ex-;
service men of this district will com-!
plete their training courses during
the month of March," said Mr. Jes
seph. "It Is essential that they be
provided with suitable employment
immediately upon their rehabilitation
under the jurisdiction of the Veter
ans Bureau. It should be kept in
mind that the war disabilities suf
fered by these men do not hinder
them in carrying out of their newly
chosen occupations. A large percent
age of these men have had training
on the job. Much interest has been
shown in the Bureau's rehabilitation
and employment program by employ
ers of this district in the past and
further eooperartion Is looked for in
order that the task of restoring these
ex-fervice people to economic useful
ness may be properly completed."
Mr. Jesseph stated that on January
1. 1924. there were 65,000 ex-service
men and women in vocational train
ing In the United SUtea. More than
49,000 others had completed their
training courses and many of these
are now earning more than they did
before the war. President Coolidge,
governors of a dozen states and num
erous national civic organisations
have called upon the citizens of this
country to join actively In the solu
tion of this employment problem.
Employers in sympathy with actual
nd complete rehabilitation of World
War veterans should write to the dis
trict office of the Veterans' Bureau at
Seattle, it was urged.
President Will Endorse
Measure Says Thompson
That President Coolidge may be ex
pected to endorse the McNary-Haug-en
bill within a few days is the pre
diction made by S. R. Thompson, pres
ident of the Oregon Export Commis
sion league, in a telegram received
from him Monday morning by the
Pendleton Commercial association,
states the East Oregonian.
He expressed the belief that the
bill will pass and designated eight
states that stand behind it at pre
sent. Secretary Hoover of the de
partment of commerce Is opposed to
the measure. The telegram in full
is as follows:
"Looks like bill has good chance
of passing. Expect president's en
dorsement In a few dnys. Secretary
Hoover against us. The states for
bill now assured are Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana, South Dak
ota, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. Can
give you more In a fow days."
There will be a special communica
tion of Heppner Lodge No. 69, on Sat
urday evening, February 23.
Work in the M. M. degree.
There will also be a special
meeting on Tuesday, Febru
ary 20, beginning at 8:30 In
the afternoon. There will
be work in the M. M. degree, followed
by a banquet at 6:30 in the dining
room, and further work after the ban
quet. It is hoped that all members
will be present, as it will be one of
the most enjoyable occasions of the
year, Visiting brothers always wcl
come. By order of the W. M.
U W. BRIGGS, Secretary.
P.-T, Association Has
An Interesting Meeting
At the meeting of the Patron
Teachers association held at the high
school auditorium on Friday evening,
a splendid program was rendered that
was listened to by a large gathering
of patrons and friends of the school.
Mrs, 8. A. Pattison, vice-president
of the association, called the meeting
to order and announced that as Mrs.
Woodson had been compelled to resign
on account of her health, the execu
tive committee had chosen Mrs. Clara
Boyer for the place, and she intro
duced Mrs. Boyer, who presided In a
very efficient manner, showing that
she is fully capable of taking over
the duties so well managed by Mrs.
Woodson. Mrs. Boyer made an ap
propriate talk upon accepting the du
ties, and we are sure that she will
be accorded the hearty cooperation
of the other officers and the members
of the association in the carrying out
of her work.
The program consisted of the fol
lowing numbers:
Opening selection by high school or
chestra. The Ox Dance by ten girls of sev
enth grade, direction of Miss Dav
ie s.
Accordion solo by Pauline Ulrich,
also of seventh grade.
Violin solo by Miss Steele, Bernice
Woodson at piano.
Reading by Luola Benge.
Piano solo by Mary Clark.
Piano duet, Mrs. Missildine and Mrs.
The president announced the ap
pointment of committees, and then
the vote was taken on the attendance,
the 6th grade winning. Their reward
will be a half-holiday from school
W..M. Smith, who was present at
the meeting, was introduced. Fol
lowing complimentary and encourag
ing words to the P. T. A., he took up
the discussion of the county unit
plan for some thirty minutes, and
enlightened those present upon the
workings of this proposed measure,
going over much of the ground cover
ed by him at the afternoon meeting
at the court house, but speaking to
an entirely different crowd of people,
who gave close attention to what the
speaker had to say.
The second local teachers' institute
of Morrow county was held at the
lone High school, Saturday Febru
ary 16, It was well attended by teach
ers from all parts of Morrow county.
Mr. Smith, the assistant state super
intendent, was present to explain the
county unit plan of taxation to the
teachers and to the lone people who
attended in the afternoon. The af
ternoon was spent in a discussion of
this plan in which Mr. Smith and
Mrs. Shurte answered the questions
the teachers asked about the county
unit plan. After the discussion, in
which it was shown that the plan
would benefit Morrow county, the
teachers present showed themselves
to be in favor of it by a vote of 32 to
0. A vote of thanks was given the
teachers and the people of lone for
their cooperation, and to Mrs. Shurte
for her untiring efforts in behalf of
the children and teachers of Mor
row county. Mr. Head of lone closed
the meeting with a few remarks
showing his approval of the county
unit. Watch the papers each week
for Information on the county unit
plan.- Contributed.
Arrangements are being made by
the county agent to bring certified
Netted Gem seed potatoes Into the
county to be distributed to the farm
ers at actual cost. The seed brought
in last year from Weston Mountain
gave exceptionally good yields the
past summer and It is planned to ob
tain the seed at the same place again
this year. The cost will depend some
what upon the quantity ordered, but
will not exceed the price of last
year, which was $2.76 per hundred.
If enough seed is ordered so that a
carload can be shipped, the rate will
be cheaper than it will If It hns to
be shipped in by truck. Anyone
wishing good seed potatoes should
put their order in with the county
agent at once.
The regular monthly food sale by
the Willing Workers will be held at
the Htore of Humphreys Drug Com
pany on Saturday.
K. of P. Anniversary
Is Fittingly Observed
Doric Lodge No. 20 Carries Out Pro
gram, Assisted By Local Talent)
Is 60th Birthday,
The 60th anniversary of Pythlanism
was fittingly observed at Castle Hall
of Doric Lodge No. 20 In this city on
Tuesday evening. On this date, the
19th of February, 1924, every lodge
In the wide Pythian domain carried
out the beautiful Diamond Jubilee
program prepared In honor of the
event by the supreme lodge, and the
beautiful tenents of the order were
thus forcefully impressed upon a
great mass of people. We are sure
this is true If each individual lodge
the country over rendered the pro--am
as effectively as ft was present
tti to the large number of Pythians
and others that gathered Tuesday
evening in this city and listened to
the fine addresses and enjoyed the
musical program that interspersed
and lent spice and variety to the en
The set program, over which E. J.
Keller presided as Chancellor Com
mander, called for the presentation
of the cardinal principals of the or
der Friendship, Charity and Benevo-
ence being set forth beautifully and
praticularly emphasized. The vice-
chancellor, Oscar Edwards, presented
Friendship, first of the trinity, by rit
ualistic reference, followed by the
reading of the beautiful poem. "A
Friend to Man." The second. Charity,
by the prelate, Chas. Thomson, end
ing with the reciting of the poem.
He Cannot Read His Tombstone
When He's Dead," while the third
came from the station of the master
of work, Fred Tash, the great senti
ment of Benevolence being aptly ex
pressed in the fine rendition of the
poem, "The Youngster Who Has Stub
bed His Toe." Another cardinal vir
tue of the order, Patriotism, was ex
pressed in a few words from the
printed program and a salute to the
flag by master at arms, W. W. Smead.
These subjects were then present
ed in addresses, W. B. Barratt giv
ing a splendid paper on the first.
Rev. Gillanders of Lexington handl
ing the second in a masterly way.
Rev. Livingstone, the third in his us
ual pleasing and instructive manner
and Mrs. Livingstone taking "Patriot
ism" as her theme and delighting the
audience with the many beautiful
sentiments expressed in a period of
ten minutes.
Other numbers on the program
were piano solo by Miss Violet Mer-
itt; vocal solo, Miss Kathleen Mon
ihan; Scotch songs by Alex Gibb;
piano duet, Mesdames Missildine and
Turner; Highland dances by the
Mieses Thomson, Barratt, Hiatt and
Tash; vocal solo, Mrs. Gibb.
During the progress of the program
he keener of records and seal read
the list of charter members. Doric
Lodge No. 20 was instituted at Hepp
nr on July 14, 1883, with the fol
lowing charter list: T. W. Ayers.
Heniy Blackman, P. L. Paine, John T.
English, S. P. Florence, Phill Cohn.
T. E. Fell, Chas. Youngren, P. O.
Borg, L. A. Florence and Dellivan P.
Garrigues. But few of these remain,
and of the number but three reside
here Phill Cohn, S. P. and L. A.
Florence. Doric Lodge will be 41
years old on the 14th of the coming
July, and its members have always
been numbered among the best of
our citizens. The great order of
Knights of Pythias, instituted on Feb
ruary 19, 1864. at the City of Wash
ington by Justus H. Rathbone and a
few of his intimates, has on its ros
ter, in good standing, the nnmes of
900,000 true men whose simple creed
is an abiding faith in the Fatherhood
of God, the Brotherhood of Man and
the Immortality of the Soul.
Heppner ""town team journeyed to
Arlington Saturday night where they
met the Arlington town team in a
game of basketball. Heppner had
make-shift team, got together on the
spur of the moment, but nevertheless
played their opponents a close game,
the final score being 16-14 In Arling
ton favor. Those playing for the
locals were "Spec" and Paul Aiken,
Paul McDuffee, "Brick" Hull nnd
"Jap" Crawford. Aiken brothers
scored all the points for Heppner. A
return game is being arranged to be
played here, the date to be announced
Engineers Klein and Baldock Look
Situation Over; Mr. Klein Thinks
Work Should Be Done.
State Highway Engineer Klein, ac
companied by District Engineer Bal
dock, was here during the week, and
with Judge Campbell and Commis
sioner Benge went over that section
of the O.-W. highway between the
end of the macadam on Jones Hill
and Lena postoffice, a stretch of about
3 1-2 miles. This short piece of road
is now in bad condition but has been
much worse, and the engineers could
readily see what the people and the
public in general that have to travel
over that route are up against In the
winter months. It has been just next
to impassable, and will never be bet
ter until put on the grade and ma
In going over the route, the engin
eers discovered that someone who had
been enroute to Heppner with a load
of sheep pelts, had hit on the idea
of a pelt covering. One of the worst
places in the road had evidently pro
mised to swallow up truck, load and
all, and to prevent this the driver had
made a covering of pelts and extrica
ted himself from the mire, leaving the
pelts in the road as evidence of the
scheme he devised to save himself.
In talking over the situation with
the members of the court, Mr. Klein
left the impression that something
tangible might be worked out with
the highway commission, and that
before the year was over, the state
in cooperation with the county would
be able to get this piece of road
graded and macadamized. Commis
sioner Benge Informs this paper that
there is much to be encouraged about.
Engineer Klein urged the members of
the court to be present at the March
meeting of the highway commission
in Portland, when it is expected that
the plans would mature that will per
mit the work being done. The state
stands ready now, we are informed,
to do the grading, on the promise of
the county court that they will put
on the crushed rock. This the county
can not do at this time for lack of
funds, but the way seems tobe open
ing up.
People of Heppner and Pendleton
will welcome the day when the entire
gap between Jones Hilt and Vinson
is completed, thus closing the final
link In the construction of the Oregon-Washington
highway. This may
come, also, within the next two years,
and perhaps sooner, Commissioner
Benge thinks. He bases his opinion
on the general program of the state
highway commission who seem pledg
ed to this policy of closing up all
gaps In the main highways before
other roads are placed on the map.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor arrived
from Portland he first of the week
and will make their home in this city.
They have taken rooms in the Gil
man building. Their household goods
were brought in by Frank Turner on
his big truck. Mr. Minor contemplates
engaging in business here again, but
just what line he is not ready to an
nounce at this time.
Mrs. D. H. Erwin and daughter.
Miss Margaret Erwin, of Prescott,
Wash., are visiting this week with
the family of her son, C. H. Erwin,
in this city. They will also visit with
Arthur Erwin and family near lone,
expecting to spend some ten days or
two weeks with the members of Mrs.
Erwin's family residing in this coun
ty. Jay Hiatt and wife attended the
K. of P. diamond jubilee at Castle
hall of Doric Lodge No. 20, Tuesday
evening. Mr. iiiatt resides on tsutter
creek and he reports beautiful warm
weather, with vegetation coming
along rapidly getting in a precar
ious condition should a cold snap hit
us any time soon.
If not attending Bible school else
where, Bethel Chapel invites you next
Sunday morning. And don't leave
your children at home, either where
they usually leave you but bring
them and get yourselves registered
with the Rinkeydinks or the Hoot
owls. You'll be in good company.
Rav W O T.ivincetnnp HprtArted
this morning for Walla Walla, where
on Friday he will attend a conference
of ministers of the Christian church
frnm nil nnrta nf tho inlnd emnire.
called to formulate plans for the com
ing Set Up campaign. He will re
turn home Saturday.
Victor Peterson, school clerk from
one of the Eight Mile districts at- i
tended the meeting here on Saturday
of school officers and patrons. , He
was much interersted in the discus
sion of the county unit plan.
Maurice Frye reports much interest ;
in the Butter creek and Echo sections
in radio, the people out that way
having the bug proper and Mr. Frye
has made sale of a number of sets as
a result.
W. W. Bechdolt, Hardman farmer
and stockman was in Heppner on
Tuesday and a part of Wednesday.
Spring weather, with plenty of sun
shine prevails out his way.
Mr. and Mrs. French Burroughs and
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Burroughs of Jor
dan Siding were in the city last eve
ning to take in the play, "Clarence,"
at tho Star theater.
Miss Cleone Andrews, of Portland,
is a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. D. Clark, where she will
spend ten days visiting with Miss
Mary Clark.
The ladies of the W. R. C. will have
a sale of cooked food at the store of
Humphreys Drug Company on Satur
day, March 1st. Keep an eye open
for this. 2t.
The regular monthly food sale of
the Willing Workers will be held at
the store of Humphreys Drug Com
pany on Saturday.
L. P. Davidson, county commission
er, is in the city today from his home
; at lone.
By Arthur Brisbane
To Land of Promise.
Forcing Young Minds.
Ramsey and His Pay.
They Killed Gee Jon.
The Place for Alcohol.
Everybody on this train Is going
to Palm Beach, via the Seaboard Air
Line. A solid row of twleve Pullman
cars left New York via the Pennsyl
vania Sunday evening at seven-five,
with everything full.
Back in your little room. Yon study
the map and realise that these pil
grims of fashion all testify to unseen
wisdom. They are taking their mon
ey to be spent in developing a mag
nificent state. They will return to
make known a marvellous climate,
the wonderful land of Florida, with
its sensible, industrious people, the
land that in years to come will be a
great garden for the nation, a mar
vellous playground in winter for mil
lions of real workers, the permanent
abode of contented, prosperous tens
of millions.
The train travels along the edge
of the Atlantic, carrying its precious
freight, of which 98 per cent would
be about as useful in heaven as it
is on earth. Phildelphia, Washing
ton, Richmond, fly past, and Jackson
ville, that one day may be greater
than all of them, as the seaport of a
southern empire.
A young Czech o-Slovakian, assisted
by all the people in his town, is work
ing at the problem of transmitting
power without wires. Whoever solves
that can command hundreds of mil
lions for himself and endless billions
for the world. Waterfalls could run
machines hundreds of miles away,
and airplanes fly with power taken
through air, through earth plants.
Ethel Jaeger entered public school
at bix and in eighteen months did
three years' work, advancing from
one class to another rapidly. In addi
tion, the child took piano lessons and
studied classic dancing. The little
girl will be praised, the father and
mother will be proud. . But that is
false education.
A child with a superior mind should
be held back. Children would be bet
ter off as a whole if allowed to devote
their first ten years to outdoor ex
ercise, and learning through their
eyes, not teaching them even to read
until ten or twelve years of age.
Ramsay MacDonald, British Labor,
Prime Minister, gives up one of two!
$25,000 salaries to which he is en- I
titled. !
The English have brains enough to
pay well men to whom they give im-;
portant jobs. This makes it unnec-!
essary for oil companies or others to
pay them after they LEAVE office
for services rendered while IN office.
Good news Is that General Motors, !
big automobile making company, !
broke all records last year, selling
8,000,000 worth of cars. Many
Americans are getting fresh air that
didn't use to get it, plus the health
that comes from fresh air.
Nevada killed Gee Jon, Chinese
tong murderer, with hydrocyanic gas.
Mr. Jon, according to guards, "wept a
little as he was placed in the chair."
His tears seemed to ask, "Why pick
on me?"
Doctors say death was painless, but
they don't know. Gee Jon lived six
minutes after he began breathing the
deadly gas. Where is he now? Some
where in space telling Confucius
about it?
If government insists on killing
it should kill as savages usually do,
choking with a rope, cutting off the
head or in some other savage fashion.
Science and scientists should not
be disgraced in the operation. Ten
thousand years hence this will be
spoken of as an age that used to
hang, shoot, asphyxiate, kill with el
ectricity and then foolishly expect
criminals, with the undeveloped
minds of children, NOT to imitate
a murderous example set by the gov
ernment itself.
In a race against American cars at
Stockholm, last week, a Swedish car
driven by Swedish motor alcohol, beat
all the American cars. The latter
used gasoline imported from the Uni
ted States.
That's good news. Unlike oil wells,
the supply of alcohol never can give
out. We could get enough alcohol
out of corn stalks in the United
States, and other vegetable matter,
to run all the machinery of the Uni
ted States. There is power inexhaus
tible. And the inside of an explosive
engine is the right place for alcohol,
not the inside of a man.
Lord's Day, February 24, 1924.
What's the matter, and who's to
blame for it? Lots of folks are go
ing to the bad; is it the fault of the
church? Is it the fault of the indiv
idual? Don't be too hasty in reply
ing. Well, you're invited to come to
church next Lord's Day, it will help
matters wonderfully. We have the
Bible School at 9:45, Communion ser
vices following, then the preaching
sen-ice at 11 o'clock. The theme of
the morning sermon will be. "The
Place We Live In. -Present, Future."
The Christian Kndeavorers will have
their meeting in their parlor at 6:30,
-a great service for the young peo
ple; then the evening preaching ser
vice at 7:30. The subject of the eve
ning sermon will be, "A Quest Worth
While," Come and worship with us.
Only Two Men Announce
Their Candidacy For
County Offices.
Aspirants Being Groomed, Is Heard,
and Next Few Weeka May Bring
New Hats Into Ring.
Public office appears to be less at
tractive in Morrow county than in
other years, judging from the laek
of material that has so far stepped
into the arena to ask favors of the
electorate. It is perhaps a little early,
and this may be the reason, so we
in the ring within the next week or
shall look for more hats to be placed
two. It is understood that various
and sundry persons are being groom
ed and our fears that enough men
would not get into the game to make
the race exciting may prove ground
less. Besides state, congressional and
district offices, the following county
offices are to be filled at the coming
election: judge, sheriff, clerk, super
intendent of schools and one commis
sioner. To date but two have ventur
ed into the ring. Gay M. Anderson for
county clerk and G. A. Bleakman for
county judge, but rumors are spread
ing that others will announce for
these two prominent places how
many, we cannot now say, not know
ing. For sheriff there is at present
no avowed candidate, but we presume
that Mr. McDuffee is receptive and
may announce for the place and be
come his successor In the office, while
the office of county school superin
tendent may be eliminated, in the
event that the county unit plan is
adopted; but to date we have heard
of no aspirant for the place of Mrs.
Shurte. The commissioner job will
likely be left to lone, as it is conced
ed that end of the county is entitled
to name a successor "to Mr. Davidson,
whose term expires at the end of the
year. We have understood that Lou
would run again, and there will doubt
less be others induced to get into the
race from the north end of the
Mr. Notson will make the race again
for district attorney and we under
stand that he has filed his petition
with the secretary of state. He is
not likely to have any opposition.
Morrow county should also be in
terested in the legislative ticket. As
we are tacked on to Umatilla, form
ing a joint district, this plum usually
goes to the big county unless Morrow
gets a hustle on and presents a good
man for the place. Umatilla had the
joint representative at last election
because our county failed to get be
hind a winner from this end of the
district and secure his nomination. It
is time to get busy and trot out a
leading citizen from this county when
Umatilla is understood to be in favor
of supporting a man from here.
There is no election this year for
joint senator, H. J. Taylor, the incum
bent, being the holdover.
Army Recruiting Officer
Will Visit Heppner Soon
Corporal John Fisher, from the
Regular Army Recruiting Office, Pen
dleton, Oregon, will be in Heppner
on recruiting duty from February
22nd to 28th inclusive. Corporal Fish
er is authorized to make enlistments
for practically any Camp or Station
on the Atlantic or Pacific Coasts,
Mexican border, Philipine Islands,
Hawaii, or Panama. The Corporal is
making special effort to secure men
for the 16th Infantry, which is sta
tioned at Governor's Island, Statue of
Liberty and Fort Wadsworth, alt in
New York Harbor. Five cents car
fare from any of the stations to 42nd
street and Broadway, New York City.
The 16th Infantry was the first regi
ment of Infantry to go to France dur
ing the World War and the last to re
turn. Men enlisting for the 16th Infant
ry and other organizations on the
Atlantic Coast, will be sent from San
Francisco, California, by transport
through the Panama Canal to New
York City.
Hardman High won their second
basketball victory over Heppner High
for this season, when they played on
the Hardman floor last Friday night.
The game was rough and one of the
fastest of the season. During the
first half the teams were evenly mat
ched, with neither side having a de
cided lead at any time. At the close
of the first half the score was 8-10 in
Hardman's favor, In the second half
Hardman set the pace too fast for
Heppner, and this, in addition to their
accurate shooting, put them so fur in
the lead that Heppner was unable to
keep up. The final score was 12-22
in Hardman's favor.
The lineup;
Heppner 12 Hardman 22
Devine RF P. Bleakman
Doherty LF D. Bleakman
Bell C Howell
Lee RG William
Moore LG Knight' n
Substitutions: Heppner--Cason fur
Bell; Heisler for Moore; Bull fur
The biology class went on a hike
last Monday afternoon and collected
a large number of specimens for the
laboratory. The day was perfect for
for the trip, and the students com
bined business and pleasure. They
rtpor a most delightful day spent in
the wood.).
F.tbert Gibson, a brother of Mrs,
L. G. Herren, accompanied by hit ton,
Elbert, Jr., arrived the pant wek
from Birmingham, Alabama. He con
template locating here and engaging
with Willsrd Herren in the bunlnen
of the Blue Mountain Fur Farm.