, C.OC1 The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 40, Number 44. HEPPNER, OREGON, TH URSDAY, FEB. 7, 1924. Subscription $2.00 Per Year i i iii 1 Woodrow Is Laid End Comes 11:15 Sunday Morning While Great Man Sleeps. SORROW UNIVERSAL President Coolidge Proclaim! Period of Reaped; Other Natlona Poor In Worda of Sympathy. Ex-President Woodrow Wilson died at 11:16 a. m Sunday, according to telegraphic reporta from Washington, D. C. He had been gradually sinking for several days and the end came peacefully. The funeral was held privately at the S street residence in Washington, yesterday afternoon at S o'clock. This service was followed by another at 8:30 o'clock at the Bethlehem chapel in the Cathedral at Mount Street Al bans, where the body was placed in a vault to stay until arrangements have been made as to a final resting place. Dr. Grayson, friend and physician of the ex-president, announced the end of the great war president in this bulletin: End la Peaseful "Mr. Wilson died at 11:15 o'clock. His heart action became feebler and feebler, and the heart muscle was so fatigued that it refused to act any longer. The end came peacefully. "The remote causes of death lie In his ill health, which began more than four years ago, namely, genera! ar teriosclerosis with haemopligia. The immediate cause of death was ex haustion following a digestive dis turbance which began in the early part of last week but did not reach an acute stage until the early morning hours of February 1." Present at the passing moment, be sides a negro servant standing watch at the door, were Mrs. Wilson, the eldest daughter, Margaret, and Dr. Grayson. Mrs. Wilson, who had put up a hard tight for the life of her be loved husband, waa holding his right hand when he breathed his last. Newt Saddena World The whole nation, and the whole world, were anxiously awaiting the crisis, having been aware for several days that little hope was held for Mr. Wilson's recovery. When it was made known that the crisis was past and that the brave American had passed to the great beyond, the nation at once went into mourning. President Coolidge immediately issued a procla mation, ordering the flogs of the land to be placed at half mast for a period -of SO days and governors of the re spective states followed suit. Yes terday, memorial services were held in practically every city, town and hamlet in the United States. Many foreign countries have sent words of sympathy and respect to this country, realising that a great friend has de parted. President Coolidge paid his re spects at the Wilson borne Immediate ly on receipt of the word of Mr. Wll aon's passing, and then issued his proclamation for the nation to fol low suit. The entire machinery of the national government was brought to a atandstill yesterday, that due reverence might be paid the deceased. Health Poor for Years Mr. WlUon's passing was not dis similar to that of the late President Harding, says reports from the Cap itol. His first serious breakdown came In the form of a paralytic stroke while on a western speakin tour in 1919. The seriousness of this break down was concealed from the public for fear that It might cause a money panic. Mr. Wilson was not a well man when he entered the White House, according to the reporta, hav ing been threatened with Brlght'a disease at that time. This condition of Ill-health added to the great strain which he waa forced to undergo, due to the great load of war work, was too much for him to bear, and his vitality waa lowered to such an ex tent that he could not pull through the attack of acute Indigestion, the blow which caused his death. K. of P. Will Celebrate Their Diamond Jubilee Doric Lodge No. 20, Knights of Pythias, of Heppner, will celebrate their Diamond Jubllca Tuesday eve ning, February 19, at their O.istle, at 8 p. m., Odd Fellows hall, In Heppner. A program, In keeping with the occa sion, will be given and the puhllc Is cordially Invited to attend. Come and bring a friend. The program is arranged as follows: Piano solo Miss Violet Merrltt Invocation Prelate "Why We Are Assembled" .. M Vice Chancellor Presentation of Flag Master at Arms "Lest We Forget" K. of R. ft S. Lecture on Friendship .. W. B. Bnrratt Piano Duet Mesdamet Roy Mlsslldlne and F. W. Turner. Second Cardinal Tenet of Order Chas. Thomson Lecture on Charity .... Mr. Glllanders Vocal Solo i Alex Glbb Third Cardinal Tenet of Order Fred Tash Lecture on Benevolence Rev. W. 0. Livingstone Piano Solo Mrs. Glbb Duty of Knights of Pythias Glenn Young Lecture on Patriotism. .. S, E. Notson Vocal Solo I. A. Mathor Retiring of the Flag Master at Arms . Closing Chancellor Commander Wilson To Rest Woodrow Wilson Born, Stauton, Va., Dee. 28, 1856. Son of Rev. Joseph R. and Jessie Woodrow Wilson. Scotch-Irish an cestry on both sides. Graduated Princeton U, 1879. Graduated in law, Virginia U., 1881. Practiced law, Atlanta, Ga., 1882 83. John Hopknia U., poet-graduate 1883-85. Married Ellen Louis Axson, Sa vannah, Ga., June 24, 1885, (died Aug, 6, 1914). Second marriage to Edith Boiling Gait of Washing ton, D. C, Dec. 18, 1916. Took up first educational work In 1885 at Bryn Mawr. President of Princeton Univer sity, 1902-1910. Governor New Jersey, 1911-1913 (resigned when nominated for Presidency in Democratic Nation al Convention, Baltimore (1912). Elected Twenty-eighth Presi dent of the U. S. Nov. 4, 1912. Re nominated and elected for second term, 1916-1920. Declared war on Germany and Central Powera, April 6, 1917. Left for France December 4, 1918, at the head of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace; arrived at Paris, Dec. 14; visited England December 26-30, 1918; Italy, January 2-6, 1919; Belgium, June 18-19, 1919; delivered many addressee and given honorable de grees by various universities of allied countries; returned to Uni ted States February 24, 1919. Left on second trip to Europe, after speaking at closing session of Con gress; arrived in Paria, March 14; signed Peace Treaty June 28, 1919; returned to U. S., arriving In New York July 8, 1919. Author; Various Historical Works. Home: 2300 S. Street, Washing ton, D. C. Died Monday, February 4, 1924. Mill At Lexington On Fire This Afternoon Fire broke out in the Joseph Bur- goyne flouring mill at Lexington about 1 o clock this afternoon, and for a time it was feared the entire struc ture would be destroyed. Prompt re sponse to the alarm, however, brought the chemical engine of the city into play and the flames were brought un der control. The loss sustained ia quite consid erable, so we were informed over the telephone, but just how extensive had not been ascertained when we put the paper to press. Just how the fire started, we did not learn. Local Trap Shooters Making Good Scores With the final wind-up of reorgan ization of the Heppner Rod and Gun Club, 32 local men have placed their names on the roster. Harry Duncan has been elected president of the club and Leonard Gilliam secretary treasurer. Good scores were made by many of the members at the traps on Gentry field Sunday. A majority of the mem bers turned out for the best practice shoot since the reorganisation of the club. "Bub" Clark made high score of the day, breaking 24 rocks out of 25. Other members making good scores were: .(Number denotes rocks broken out of 25.) McMurdo 23. Van Marter 21, BIs bea 21, Bennett 19, Duncan 19, Len Gliliam 19, Stone 19, Reid 17, Farrlor 10. Shlvely 16. Many beginners at the sport were out, aome of whom showed prospects of developing Into good shots. Among these are Sam Turner, Dave Wilson and Clair Hopper. Turner broke 8 out of 10, it being his second attempt at demolishing the clay birds. "Jnp" Crawford had the only perfect score of the day, not getting so much as a feather of 25 straight. Anderson Announces Candidacy For Clerk Gay M. Anderson, incumbent, an nounces that he will be a candidate for nomination for the office of coun ty clerk in the republican primaries May 14. Mr. Andcrwon, who acted as deputy under J, A. Waters, and was appointed by the county court to nil out Mr. Waters unexpired term, is young man of high qualifications. He first became connected with the office eight years ago, when he was named as deputy by J. A. Waters, who was then elected to the olflco for the first time. Since that time Mr. Anderson acted at deputy till his appointment aa clerk. Only two candidates so far have announced themselves for county of flees, Resides Mr. Anderson for clerk O. A. Illeakman has announced him self at a candidate for judge In the republican primaries. Mr, Hleakman is well qualified for this position, hav ing served as county commissioner and having been actively connected with the road building program of this county. Mrs. T. H. Lowe was called to Port land this morning on account of nor- lous Illness of her son Kobert, in that city. The "Cecil Items" appearing in this paper wilt be discontinued until her return. We hope for an imme diate recovery of her son and for Mrs, Lowe's hasty return. Norman Florence waa in town Tuoii day from his farm home up Willow creek. LEGION FAVORS COMPENSATION Local Post Will Strive to Interest Oregon Delegation in Favor of Service Men's Measure. It was the unanimous vote of Hepp ner Post No. 87, American Legion, at its meeting Tuesday evening, that the adjusted Compensation bill now be fore Congress should be passed. It was decided that a telegram be sent to the Oregon delegation to that ef fect, and that each individual member of the post write our senators and representatives expressing their In dividual sentiments. During the dis cussion of the measure it was brought out that the opposition to the meas ure were using very unfair means to defeat it, and it was strongly urged by those in charge of the Legion cam paign that nothing should be done for the bill that was not square and hon orable. The smoker which had been an nounced for the 22nd has been post poned until the 17th of March and will be under the auspices of the lo cal post. There will be two good main events and several snappy pre liminaries, according to present plans, although these are not completed suf ficiently to enable us to give the names of the contestants. The smok er will be followed by a dance. The post is interested in seeing that a swimming pool and tennis courts are Installed in Heppner and at its meeting the first Tuesday in March it s expected that definite action will be taken to secure thee mu:h needed sport facilities. Ask Coolidge Support McNary - Haugen Bill Delegation of Oregon Men Join Head of Wheat Growers In Visit to White House. Portland, Feb. 6. The outstanding developments in the progress of the Export Commission program during the past week were the appearance of General Manager George G. Jewett of the American Wheat Growers Asso ciated, before President Coolidge for the purpose of explaining the biil and seeking his support; Mr. Jewett's ap pearance before the Senate and House Committees on Agriculture, for the purpose of going over the details of the bill with these bodies; selection of additional delegates from the Northwest to go to Washington to work for the bill; the unqualified en dorsement of the Oregon Agricultural College Economic Conference of the plan, and its endorsement by the Ore gon Woolgrowers convention in ses sion at Pendleton. General Manager Jewett of the American Wheat Growers Associated, accompanied by Secretary of Agri culture Wallace, Herbert Egbert of The Dalles, representing the Farmers Union of his county; Representative French of Idaho, and Professor Dale of the University of Idaho, appeared before President Coolidge in support of the measure. Mr. Jeweett called the attention of President Coolidge to the fact that H was not an opportunity to borrow money that the wheat farmer needed, but rather a price for the product which he raised. Later these men also appeared before the Senate and House Committees on Agriculture at difTerent times and carefully went over the bill with those bodies, ex plaining in detail just how operations would be carried on under the bill. The Oregon Export Commission League la rapidly gaining ground in this state; county organisations hav- ng been formed at La Grande, The Dalles and Moro wthin the past week, and organizations will be formed In Gilliam, Morrow and Clackamas coun ties this week. The Export Commission League has arranged to send A. N. Wright of Moro and Wesley W. Harrah of Pen dleton, both large producers of wheat, to Washington to work for the Mc- Nary-Haugen bill. These men will bring the total of the Northwest del egates at this time in Washington working for the wheat farmers to six, for in addition to Mr. Jewett and Mr. Egbert, President Shumway of the Oregon Cooperative Grain Growers, and Director Harry Goldsworthy of the Washington Wheat Growers As sociation, and Secretary of the Wash ington Export Commission League, are at the National Capitol. High School Classes Elect New Officers AHon Literary Society Initiated, three new members laRt Friday. These were Muriel Canon, Marjorie Clark, and Kathleen Monahan. Worthiness! on the part of the applicants had to be proved in various ways before the members were sworn in. Class officers have been elected for1 the second semester by the Seniors, Sophomores and Freshmen. The of ficers of the Junior class are elected for the whole year, Seniors : President Reid Buseick Vive-President Myra Wells Secretary Kathleen Mahoney Treasurer Doris Flynn Sergeant-at-arms.. Rachel Scherzinger Sophomores: President Anita Hughes Vice-President Margaret Prophet Secretary Lucille McDufToe Treasurer Jim Thomson Freshmen: President Howard McDuffee Vice-President Velma Huston Secretary Louise Thomson Treasurer Stanley Minor Sergeant-at-arms May Farley And his name Is Clacnce Smun, or is It Moon, or is It Smart? Well, it's none of them, but Wheelers and Miss Pinney didn't know it. And he can fix hot water plants, drive mules without swearing, run a typewriter, and tune a piano. Still, he's an au thority on colenptura. You may see him sometime this month. Cooked food and candy sale on Main street, Snturday. Senior Class, Hepp ner High School, A Great American A n ft 4 ' A( j f r r Jh ajC2c -Z2&SE5& America's War President, Woodrow Wilson, earned his place in history as a great American. These pictures show (big photo) as he looked during his second term of office just before sailing to Paris to help negotiate peace. No. 1, Woodrow Wilson on his 65th birthday, two years after retiring to private life; No. 2, Wilson back from Paris Peace Conference himself taking the treaty to present to U. S. Con gress; No. 3, Woodrow Wilson's first public appearance in Washington after being stricken down through overwork in concluding peace. Mrs. Wilson is with him. , i -J Heppner Bows Head In Honor of Wilson Heppner joina her fellow towns and cities of the United States in memor ial services for the late Woodrow Wilson, this afternoon at 2:30 in the High School auditorium. For an hour her citizens drop their menial labors and pay their respects to the honored dead. An appropriate program has been arranged, the main part of which is taken up in ten minute speeches by prominent citizens of the community. Musical numbers and a prayer ser vice comprise the remainder. The death of the great American has sent a shock around the world. Heppner has felt that shock, and her people are doing homage to it this af ternoon, that the principles which made Woodrow Wilson great may be perpetuated in this community. EMMA DEAN DICE Was born at Winterset, Iowa, Oc tober 21, 1858, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. G. Crawford, In Joseph, Oregon, February 1, 1924, aged 65 years, 3 months and 11 days. Mrs. Dice came to Heppner in Feb ruary, 1914, and made her home in this city with her daughter and hus band for more than a year and a half, returning to Marshalltown, Iowa, in October, 1915. She returned to Ore gon again in the summer of 1919, re turning to Marshalltown in Septem ber, 1920, and remaining one year, when she came west to remain, mak ing her home at Joseph with her daughter and family. She was strick en with an illness in September, 1922, which finally resulted in her death at Joseph, and since that time had been a constant sufferer and was bed ridden the most of the time. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Sunday, conducted by the pastor, J. Fred Stilwell, inter ment being in the Prairie Creek cem etery. Friends and neighbors of the family attended the services in large numbers, and there were many and beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Dice had been a faithful mem ber of the Methodist church for 48 years, and she held membership in the following orders: Silver Lake tte bekah Lodge 121, of Joseph: Juanita Temple No. 7, Pythian Sisters of En terprise; Chapter R. P. E. O., Enter prise, and Joseph Woman's Club. HEPPNER DEBATER HONORED. University of Orepon, Eugene, Feb. 6. (Spccinl.) Margaret Woodson of Heppner, a sophomore doing pre-legal work at the University of Oregon, has been pledged to Zcta Kappa Psl, na tional honorary debating society for woman. Each year Zcta Kappa Pai pledges women possessing unusual forensic ability, paying particular attention to those who go out for varsity do bate. Miss Woodson has been chosen a member of the women's varsity de bate team this yenr and will contest against teams from O. A. C. and Wil lamette University this month, Cooked food and candy snte on Main street, Saturday. Senior Class, Hepp ner High School, Widow of Great War President x ( Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, widow of the former president, who lovingly had been his distant companion and nurse since his physical break down before the completion of his second term of office. Upper, as she appeared when she became his second wife during his presidency. Lower, the most recent picture of her. nan NUTRITION SPECIALIST TALKS. Miss Marjorie Smith, nutrition spec ialist from O. A. C, held a demonstra tion meeting at Morgan yesterday. She Is holding a demonstration at lr rlgon today. WILLING WORKERS MEET. The Willing Workers of the Chris tian church will meet In the church tomorrow (Friday) at 2:30 o'clock. Don't overlook this announcement. HEPPNER TEAMS WIN FROM I0NE Boys Victorious 18-9, While Girls Take Game 19-15; Exhi bition Fast and Clean Retaliating defeat at the hands of lone two weeks ago, Heppner high school boys won from their opponents on the home floor last Saturday night, 18-9. Heppner showed her stuff by allowing the visitors only one field basket, their remaining 7 points being made by free throws from the foul line. Heppner high school girls de feated lone high school girls, 19-15, in a closely contested game preceding the boys' game. Doherty, forward for Heppner boys, was high point man for his team as usual, making 9. Aiken was second with 6, while devine scored 2 and Lee 1. For lone boys Bristow, guard, scored the most points by converting 5 free throws. Colvin, forward, made the only field basket for his team, and Clarence Linn made two free throws. Mr. Lath dram, principal of Pendleton high school, refereed the game, giv ing decisions satisfactory to all. The boys' lineup: Heppner 18 lone 9 Devine RF Carl Linn Doherty LF .... Clarence Linn Aiken F , - Ray Hall RG Bristow Moore , LG Bamett Substitutions Heppner: Lee for Devine, Devine for Lee, Cason for Moore. lone: Colvin for Carl Linn. Next Saturday evening Heppner High school boys play the Lexington boys in the new gymnasium at Lex ington. This promises to be a red hot game and a large turn-out is ex pected. Heppner has lost but one league game to date, that to lone, and Coach Mather says they are assured the right to play at the Wasco con ference of the championship of this section. Should they win at this meet they will be entitled to play for the state championship at Salem. CECIL ENS ITEMS Mac Smith, our weather man, has been treating Cecil with heavy rains for four or five days and on the pen alty of instant deth at last has al lowed the sun to shine brightly over Cecil at time of writing, Feb. 2nd. Groundhog day at that; so prepare for future storms. Hank Howell of Heppner arrived at the Shepherd's Rest on Monday and is almost ready for his at home day. Hank says a little more time and a little more elbow grease then things will shine at the Shepherd's Rest and all be in readiness for his visitors. Clifford Henriksen of the Moore ranch near Heppner was calling on friends around Cecil on Wednesday on his return from Pendleton. Clif ford was driving a fine new Star car which he had purchased while in Pen dleton. Willie Ah alt and Herman Haver cost who have been trapping for sev eral months in the Shearer's Bridge district for several months, arrived in Cecil on Thursday and will assist dur ing the lambing season at the Last Camp. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton and chil dren who have been residing at the Poplars while the haybalers were bal ing Minor & Krebs hay. removed to lone on Friday, where John Partlow is now baling for L. McMurray. Our mayor and his wife arrived at Itutterby Flats from Pendleton on Thursday. The mayor holds his head a little higher since becoming one of the vice-presidents of the wool growers association. Emry Gentry, resident agent of the West Coast Life Insurance Co., ac companied by C. K. Langdon of Hepp ner, were business men in Cecil vicin ity on Thursday. Wre are glad to see Al Troedson of Grand view ranch out again after his recent illness. Al and his friend Ben Mogan of Broad acres were calling in Cecil on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cline and son and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noble of Rhea Sid ing were Lexington visitors on Mon day evening during the Ku Klux Klan display. Several car loads of hay which had been baled at the Last Camp for J. C. Ballenger of Boardman were shipped to San Francisco on Saturday. Mrs. Hazel Logan returned to her home in Four Mile on Sunday after visiting friends in lone for a short time. Peter Farley of Heppner. who has sheep wintering near the Willows, was doing business in Cecil on Fri day. Mrs. W. H, Chandler of Willow Creek ranch was visiting with Mrs. Jack Hynd at Butterby Flats on Fri day. J. C. Ballenger and E. Warner of Boardman made a short stay in Cecil on Sunday before leaving for lone. Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and children of Rhea Siding were calling on Cecil friends on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Buchanon of ione was visiting at the home of Leon Logan on Saturday and Sunday. Misses Annie C. Hynd and Myrtle, Laura and Grace Chandler were call ing in Cecil on Friday. Texas People Invest in Morrow County Land Clyde Wells, of the really firm of Keithley & Wells of Pendleton, con summated a deal in Heppner Tuesday, whereby Mrs. L. E. Olstein and son John Olstein of Texas become the owners of the Wm, Stewart farm, south of Heppner. The Stewart farm consists of 300 acres, and the Texas people take immediate possession, Amount of consideration was not learned. Cooked food and candy sale on Main stuiet, haturdny. senior Class, Hepp ner High School. Flour By barrel or sack. Brown St Lowry. By Arthur Brisbane If Teddy Were Here. Money in Satchels. Evolution Embryology. Lenin's Good Brain. The Wise British. Can you imagine what Theodore Roosevelt would be doing about now if that Teapot Dome scandal were uncovered in his administration He would have all the liberal givers of cash before him, he, personally, in specting their satchels. He would have ft battleship on its way to France to bring back Sinclair if the law would let him, and whether it would or not. His teeth would be snapping and his hair bristling. There would be real fireworks, and how he would enjoy it. And Mr. Fall, Secretary of the In terior, who leased away valuable oil lands that had been reserved for the navy, testified that he got $100,000 from Mr. Ned McLean of the Wash ington Post. Then, on second thoughts he testified, as did Mr. McLean, that the latter gave him a check for $100,- 000, but he didn't cash it. Now comes Mr. Doheny, one of the ablest business men of the country, who testified that he lent his old friend Mr. Fall $100,000 which he gave in casti in a suit case, and Sinclair, lent, or gave, Mr. Fall $140,000, some in bonds. "Easy money?" Yea, very. Mr. Fall says, "I am a sick man." That isn't because he couldn't hire a doctor, apparently. One hundred thousand dollars in cash in a satchel that Mr. Doheny lent to Mr. Fall without taking his note or receipt had nothing whatever to do with the fact that a few weeks later Mr. Fall, as Secretary of the In terior, member of President Harding's Cabinet, leased 28,000 acres of oil lands in California to Mr. Doheny, Mr. Doheny says he believes the company will make one hundred mil lion dollars of profit out of that lease, which shows that he is a good busi ness man. The next time the United States needs a Secretary of the In terior it might hire Mr. Doheny. He knows how to make a good bargain; more than can be said for some of our Secretaries of the Interior. North Carolina forbids teaching fn public schools any form of evolution which makes it appear that man de scended from any of the lower order of animals, monkeys or anything else. The North Carolina authorities should also forbid study of embryol ogy. It is discouraging to find, in em bryonic conditions, that human be ings in the perod before birth, pass through various animal stages, dupli cating practically all of them, from the single cell up to the fuljy devel oped "primate." At one stage of his development be fore birth every man has two feet like a gorilla. Sometimes one of the feet does not develop, and the man is born with one gorilla foot, which we call a "club foot." That can easily be arranged by for bidding the teachers to say anything about embryology. If you don't like facts, why, smother them. Doctor Semashko announces that Lenin's brain weighed 1,340 grams; not an unusual weight. The brain of Turgieneff weighed 2.000 grams. That of the great naturalist Cuvier was even heavier. But the convolutions in Lenin's brain were extraordinarily deep. That is what counts. The deeper the convolutions the larger the surface of the brain, and all thinking is done close to the brain's surface, just as all crops are raised close to the earth's surface. In the depths of the brain, doubt less, as in the depths of the earth, are hidden great treasures not yet devel oped. Surprising to Americans that do not know the English is the fact that Englishmen of high rank and most conservative traditions consent to join the Labor Government. You could not imagine any of our powerful reactionaries joining a cab inet with a union labor man at its head. Britain has statesmen, used to changes, asking only, "How can I render service to the Empire?" It is announced that President Cool idge will veto any tax bill carrying a higher surtax than 25 per cent. In time of war any tax is just When Government says to the poor man, "I will take your life for a dol lar a day," and takes it, it may welt say to the rich man, "I will take half or three-quarters of your income." But the war is over. Excessive tax ation discourages new enterprises that employ new labor and develop new wealth. If this country knew as much about collecting taxes as they know in Eng land, a twenty-five per cent surtax on the biggest incomes would produce an amount of money that even our ex cellent spenders couldn't spend. MAKE VISIT TO KENXEWICK Roger W. Morse, county agent, ac companied by H. W . Grimm and C. h. Glasgow of Irrigon, were at Keiine wick, Wash., Monday and Tuesday They were inspecting the working of an organization there which handles the marketing of strawberries and asparagus for the growers of that section. They were especially inter ested In their accounting anj pre cooling systems. The Irrigon Melnii Growers association is considering the installation of a pre-cooling system for the handling of their melons. HEW LEX I nl GTONS ATU R D Y Organization of Export Commission League Is Feature. LARGE SIGN-UP HERE Temporary Officers Elected at Hepp ner Laat Week; Lexington Meet ing Holds Mack of Interest. With a sign-up of 93 members In Heppner, a temporary organization of the Morrow County Export Commis sion League was formed at Odd Fel lows hall in this city Saturday after noon. Other sign-ups are being made at Ione and Lexington and the final organization will take place at the farmers meeting at Lexington next Saturday. Not a turn-down was given the lo cal committee in their solicitation Friday afternoon and Saturday morn ing, wmch they believe is a good cri; terion that the organization will go over strong in this county. Ralph Benge waa elected president of the temporary organization, W. 0. Hill vice-president, and Chas. B. Cox, sec retary-treasurer. Completion of organization of the Morrow County Export Commission League will be the main feature of the Lexington meeting, Saturday. Men who had part in the state organization will be there to help, chief of whom is S. R. Thompson of Pendleton, presi dent of the Oregon Export Commis sion League, The meeting will con vene at 10 a. m. in the high school auditorium, and will last until 4 in the afternoon, with time off at noon to partake of the bounteous dinner served by the Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church at 50 cents a plate. Other matters of vital interest to the farmers of Morrow county will be taken up as well. E. R. Jackman, extension specaiiist from Oregon Ag ricultural college will explain the general wheat situation. Those who heard Mr. Jackman in Heppner at the Farm Bureau meeting last month say he is mighty well posted and that it will be of benefit to every farmer to hear him. D. E. Stephens, superin tendent of the Moro Experiment sta tion, will also have some meaty thoughts for our farmers to digest on economical wheat production. Mr. Stephens has made a close study of this topic in Morrow county, and what he has to say wlii be exactly appropos to the local situation. There will also be present a representative of the Oregon Grain Growers' Inc., who will have a message in regard to how this organization is trying to get the farmer a jtfst return for ids wheat. Committees will be appointed to take care of the work of the meetnig. A committee on resolutions will pre sent many measures for the meeting to vote upon, and a committee on la bor will frame a document regarding hiring and paying of farm labor dur ing the coming season. A short musical program is also being arranged as a diversion from the business sessions. Among those taking part will be Dan Lindsey and Harvey Miller with vocal solos, and the Turner-White orchestra. Roger W. Morse, county agent, de clares this meeting to be of very great nnrortance to the wheat farmers of Morrow county and urges tha. they turn out in force. High School Presents "Clarence" Feb. 20th Heppner High school will present "Clarence," Booth Tarkinfrton's mas ter comedy, as their leading play of the year at the Star Theater, Febru ary 20. The students have been work ing on the play for some time and L A. Mather, principal and play coach, announces that by the time of pres entation they will have it down "pat." "Clarence" has made a big hit' wherever presented, its 1 heart-felt comedy situations being irresistabie to any red-blooded American. Clar ence was a mule-driver in the army, and before that a "bug specialist." However, when he got back to his "civies" after the armistice he proved himself capable of mastering several uncompromising situations entirely foreign to either of his previous oc cupations. Did you ever hear of a fellow wno could skin mules without swearing? Clarence did. See him at the Star theatre, February 20. HARUMAN" NEWS ITEMS. Friday evening, Feb. 1, Lexington basketball team played Hardman on the Hardman floor. At the end of the first half the score was 14 to 5 in Hardman's favor. The score at the end of the game stood 22 to 10 in Hardman's favor. The game was Hardman's from the beginning. They were too fast for Lexington. The line-up was as follows: Lexington 10 Hardman 22 Nichols RF .... Dale Bleakman CarmichBfl LF . Percy Uleakman Morey C Howell McMillan LG Adams Wright KG Williamson Sub. Shearer for Carmieheal, The girls' teams also played. The score at the end of the game stood 18 to 8 in Lexington's favor. The line-up was: Lexington IS lUrdnian S Tucker RF Saling Palmer LF A kern Moroy JC Keithley Wright R(i H. McDonald Padberg RO Akers Tucker LG E. McDonald MASONS ATTENTION. A special communication of Hepp ner LoiIk'.' No. fll) wilt be held in Masonic hsll Satur day evcninif, February 9th. There will be work In the F. C. di'grvr', and a god at tendance of the members is requested. Hy ordvr of the V. M. L. W. BRIUUS, Sucietury.