The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, January 31, 1924, Image 1

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The Gazette-Times
Volume 40, Number 43.
Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Big Crowd Witness First
Conclave of County
Parade of 8 Robed Figure. Followed
By Pgbllc Lecture and In
Hlitloa It Profram.
One of the largest crowds of people
ever gathered in Lexington attended
the first public exhibition of the Mor
row Count? Ku Klux Klan No. 33, at
that city Monday night. That the
throng was not unsympathetic wai
evidenced by the fact that the whole
proceeding waa carried out In an or
derly manner, and a apirit of Intense
Interest was predominant.
At 8 o'clock the parade of 98 white
robed flgurea started their double-file
march up Main street, headed by a
tingle Elansman bearing a erosa light
ed with red lamps. Silently the pro
cession marched on toward the school
house, the crowd following closely in
Its wake. When the schoolhouse was
rounded, a huge blazing cross beyond
the athletic field burst into view. It
was then seen that this object was
the destination of the parade. The
robed file circled the burning cross
and came to a halt, when the leader
gaTo the order to aing "America."
This done the klansmen once more
took up their march and proceeded to
the high school gymnasium, where
. the remainder of the program was
An air of expectancy pervaded the
elosely packed meeting place at the
Impressive opening ceremonies took
place. The ceremonies, though sim
ple and not unlike those of other
lodges, were given an added air of
solemnity by the silent robed klans'
men. Three raps of the gavel brought
the membera of the order to their
feet, when they gave the aign of the
erott. saluted the flag and were led
In prayer by the Rev. Mr. Cooking-
ham, Presbyterian minister of Pen
dleton. The meeting thus opened, the
Kleagle introduced Mr. Cookingham
at the lecturer of the evening. Fol
lowing Mr. Cooklngham'a address, in
itiation of a class of 18 new members
held the center of the stage.
In opening his address the Rev. Mr.
Cookingham laid a foundation for the
purpose of organising the present or
der of Ku Klux Klan. He gave in-
atances in the progress of history de
scribing the rule of tyranny which
hat held man in complete aervitude.
and which finally caused our Puritan
forefathera to seek relief by tailing
to America. He lauded the principles
for which the Revolution waa fought,
and praised the constitution, declar
ing that it was the purpose of the
Klan to uphold the provisions of this
document at all times. Coming up
to the present day, the apeaker de-
scribed existing conditions which
necessitate such tn order at that he
was representing.
He declared that at the present rate
of immigration it la impossible for
the United States to Americanize the
hordes thtt flock to our shores. Mtny
foreigner! coming to this country do
not become assimilated. They main
tain their old country customs, refuse
to recognise our government, and
thereby become a great menace to de
mocracy. He declared that out of the
more than six million inhabitants of
New York city, only approximately
1,(00,000 are American citizens. Like
condition exists in most of our cities
he said. He cited many examples of
how foreign influences are working
to undermine our free institutions,
and stressed the purposes of the
Klan to uphold white supremacy
maintain separation of church and
state, and at all timea work toward
the enforcement or our state ana na-
tional laws. Especially Is the Eigh
teenth Amendment recerving coopera
tion of the Klan In lta enforcement,
ht declared. Mr. Cookingham ended
hit speech by reciting J. G. Holland's
stirring poem, "God Give Ut Men."
The work of the Ku Klux Klan a
exemplified by the public initiation
eeremoniet conformed to all the prln
ciplet of trut Americanism. Lestures
of officers to the neophytes followed
closely tht tentiment of the speaker's
tptech proceeding. The oath taken
Included nothing offensive to true
American sensitiveness. Candidates
pledged themselves to do nothing dis
honorable, but to do all in their power
to uphold true Klanlshnest and all
that It stands for. It win brought out
in the proctedingt that the Klan doet
not advocate taking the law Into itt
own htndt in any way, but it doet
advocate bringing pressure to bear
on the proper officials toward uphold'
ing tht law.
Klansmen and their families enjoy
id refreshments following tht eve
ning't program.
Then wat a meeting of Morrow
county republican! on Tuo:'dny eve
ning it tht office of Judgt Campbell
it tht court house, at which time
than was a smtll attendance of mem
bers of tht party (and progressives).
The object of the meeting wat to dis
cuss the matter of organization of a
republican club, in answer to the call
tent out from tht office of the ttate
club in Portland. After tomt discus-
lion, however, It was decided that the
time wat not just opportune for the
completion of such organization here,
and anothtr meeting having In view
the organization of the Morrow Coun
ty Republican club will doubtless he
called later.
Tht ttatt meeting of republican
clubt will bt held In Portland on Lin
coln't birthday, Tuesday, Feb. 12,
when it it txpected that there will be
a very largt gathtrlng. In order that
Morrow county bt rtprtaented at this
meeting, the following men were
chosen at delegates! A. Henrlksen
of Cecil; C. E. Woodson and W, B.
Barratt, Heppner; Dillard Fronch,
Lena; W. H. Ayert, Hardman, and
Btrt Mason, Iont.
Deep Inhalation and Slow Exhala
tion, With Proper Posture,
Protection Against Disease.
Of all th organi of th body, tht
lungi and air pa sage are most fre
quently attacked by diseases. Colds,
bronchitis, and Influenza are so com
mon that no one entirely escapes
them, while pneumonia and tuber
culosis kill thousands of persons an
nually. Yet everyone can do much
to avoid these diseases by taking
reasonable care of his breathing or
gans, and by securing an abundance
of fresh air.
In our civilisation the art of slow,
regular, and deep breathing seems to
have become almost a lost art. The
advantages of deep breathing were
appreciated by the early races whose
existence depended upon their physi
cal endurance. A certain Oriental
deep breathing exercise Is used to
cultivate mental poise. The first step
in the control of the nervous system
Is deep quiet breathing. Deep breath
ing calms mental agitation and tent's
to give the individual confidence. In
deep breathing the whole lung is for
ced into action and the circulation of
the blood in the abdomen is more
efficiently maintained, thus equalizing
the circulation throughout the body.
Breathing is an unconscious act,
but much can be done to create habits
of using the whole lung. In ordinary
breathing only about 10 per cent of
the lungs' contents is changed at each
Deep breathing exercises will prove
valuable to everyone but especially to
the indoor worker who will find this
a good resource. The habit of taking
dozen deep breaths of fresh air
daily will do much to promote effi
ciency and good health.
Breathing exercises should be slow,
regular, deep, and through the nose.
Deep breathing must be slow to be
beneficial. Three breaths per minute
Is a good rule. Remember that slow,
regular, deep, breathing calms while
rapid breathing agitates the nervous
Take a full breath very slowly
through the nose, mouth being closed.
hold the breath for a few seconds
after which the air is exhaled very
slowly and fully through the mouth.
The act of Inspiration can be streng
thened by gradually raising the arms
to a horizontal position during in
breathing, and letting the arms fall
again during out-breathing.
Correct posture is an essential of
good breathing. Stand erect with
heels six inches apart and toes direct
ed straight forward. Imagine that you
are pushing some resisting object
with your chest. Your body will then
be in proper position, that is your
chin will be in, your chest arched for
ward, your neck perpendicular and
well stretched, your arms hanging by
their own weight and about the mid
dle line of the hips.
Fresh air and carefully regulated
exercise should be kept strictly with
in bounds, and should be governed by
the advice of the physician. In addi
tion to systematic breathing exer
cises, walking, hill clinfbjng, swim
ming, golf and tennis are interesting
and will do much to promote good
breathing and good health.
Meeting: at Lexington
Holds Much of Interest
Details of the Morrow County
Wheat Growers conference, to be
held at Lexington, February 9, are be
ing worked out, and this promises to
be one of the bout wheat meetings
ever held In Morrow county. At this
meeting D. E. Stephens, superintend
ent of the experiment station at Moro,
will talk on economicnl wheat pro
duction. E. R. Jackman, extension
farm crops specialist, will discuss the
general wheat situation in the coun
try. The factors that affect the cost
of production of wheat broupht out
bv a survev of the wheat farms In
Sherman county the past three years,
will be discussed by R. S. Bcsse, farm
management demonstrator of Cor
vallis. Representatives of the Ore
gon Export Commission League, and
othera will explain in detail the Mc-Nary-Haugen
Bill, and steps will be
tnken to organise a branch of the
Export Commission League in Mor
row county.
The meeting will ttart promptly at
10:00 a. m. and the program will be
finished by 4:00 p. m., which will al
low all farmers ample time to get
home early. The meeting is being
sponsored by the Morrow i.,ounty
Perm Bureau and the s,itcinl com
mittee In chargj at Lexington is Karl
Beach, Fred Lucas and Roy Campbell.
Former Heppner Resident
Dies at Redlands, Calif
John C. Brown, who for over 40
yeart was a resident of Heppner and
Immediate vicinity, died at his home
in Redlands, California, on Friday,
January 26, and he was laid to rest In
that city, whero as a young man and
more than 50 years ago he resided
coming from there to the Heppner
He waa engaged for many years In
farming and wheatrnising in the
Blackhorse section a few miles north
of Heppner, but before going out
there he resided in this city. He
came here In 1876, leaving here for
Walla Walla in 1917 and a couple of
yeara later removing to Redlnnd
where he purchased a beautiful home
and spent his last days in the enjoy
ment of pleasant surroundings and
free from the exacting caret of life,
Mr. Brown was a native of New
York tiate and a veteran of the Civil
war. Ho la survived by seven chll
dren, two sons and five dnughters, his
wife having died scvcrnl years ago
and fa buried in the cemetery here,
To the ladles of Heppner and vl
clnltyi My nerdlecrnft shop will be
open to the public, Tuesday, Febru
ary 5, at 2:110 p. m. Owing to do
layed shipments, my stock Is far from
comploto, hut will serve to the best
of my ability.
IS OUR winter at an end? We
surely have been having a lot of
blustery March weather the past
week, and the warm showers of the
last couple of days have caused a
green tinge to creep over Mother
Earth's vegetation all of which
may lead us to believe that winter's
chill wind will not disturb our mar
row for another nine months.
Rut, look outl Let's don't be too
cock-sure. Our destiny is yet to
be determined. Wt have been told
that mere man is not to be the
judge. We must be patient a little
longer before we can know whether
to relegate our heavies to the moth
balls, or pull the fur up around our
necks for another siege.
February 2 is the day yes, just
day after tomorrow. Then our anx
iety shall be at an end. Then we
shall be certain. Why? Because,
then Mr. Groundhog shall arouse
himself from his slumbers, shake off
three months' accumulation of
drowsiness, break the crust away
from the mouth of his habitation,
crawl lazily out and cast his eye
upon the scenery. The test 1 then
at hand. Spring has either come
or we are In for six weeks' more
cold, unrelentless winter. If Mr.
Groundhog meets naught but the
constant gray of a cloudy day, all's
well. But if he finds cast back at
bim from the bright surroundings
of a sunny day the awful image of
his starved, grizzly, grotesque self,
so terrible will be his fright that
he will dodge back Ito his hole, and
not expose himself for six long
weeks and, during this time, we
are told, man shall suffer the grip
ping paw of old man winter.
R. A. Thompson, one of Heppner'e
prominent sheepmen, arrived in Cecil
on Wednesday accompanied by hia
right hand man, Lon Merrill. Lon is
now located at the Shepherd's Rest
and getting things into ship shape
ready for the arrival of "Hank" How
ell, who will officiate at cook tnd dish
waaher for tht lambing crews.
Jack Hynd returned from Heppner
on Monday accompanied by bod
Thomson, one of his old school pale
from Canada. Bob soon explored the
beautlet of Cecil and left to visit
friends elsewhere.
Mac Smith left Cecil without her
weather man for the week-end to in
vestigate the weather mattera at the
county seat. Finding all was well he
soon returned and the sun ia atilt
shining on Cecil.
Don't forget the dance to be held
in Cecil hall on Saturday evening,
February 2. Four piece orchestra,
Supper served at midnight by Mrs.
T. H. Lowe. Everybody come and en
joy themselves.
Several paira of lambs arrived at
The Last Camp on Tuesday. Sheep
men are all preparing for a busy
time. Weather la all that could be
desired at time of writing, Saturday,
Jan. 26th.
Klmer Tyler from Rhea Siding was
visiting Noel Streeter on Sunday. No
need to say these boys had a good
old time unearthing all the hidden
treasures within twenty miles of Ce
The Mayor accompanied Miss Annie
Hynd of Butterby Flats and Miss
Mvrtla Chandler of Willow Creek
to Heppner on Thursday to una in
the high school operetta.
C. H. Balllnrer of Boardman has
been busy thipping several cart of
baled hay from Krebt Broi. ranch at
Cecil during the past week
J. W. Osborn and alster, Mra. Wei'
tha Combest, left for their Fairview
ranch near Cecil on Thursday. J. W,
ia preparing for leeding.
Fred Buchanan and Laxton McMur,
ray of lone, prominent ranch men of
that district, honored Cecil witn
visit on Monday.
r.rA H.I! .d .l.t. r Mrs. Wat-
tenburg and daughter, of Eight Mile,
were doing business in Cecil on Wed
Henry J. Streeter of Cecil has been
a busy man during the week sawing
wood for his neighbors with hit new
Jack Davis and also Dick Logan of
Four Mile were calling on W. A.
Thomas at Dotheboy't Hill on Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Misner of
Daybreak ranch near Cecil were vlt
Itorc it tht county sett on Saturday.
Al. Troedion of Grandview ranch
near Cecil and Karl Troedson of lone
were calling In Cecil on Tuesday,
W. H. Chandler of Willow Creek
ranch apent a short time at the home
of W. A. Thomat on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEntire and
children of Killarney visited the
county seat on Wednesday.
John Gray from Shady Dell ranch
near Cecil was calling on J. W. Oa
born on Monday.
Otto Llndstrom and iont from their
ranch near lone were calling in Ct
ell on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. L. A. Funk and daugh
ter, Miss Goraldine, left for Wasco
on Tuesday,
Geo. Krebs of The Last Camp wat
doing business In Arlington on Frl
Elvln SchnefTor of Lexington was
visiting at Butterby Flata on Sunday,
Mrt. Geo. Perry of Ewlng left thit
week to visit frltndt it Lont Rock,
Mrs. Meadows Laid
To Rest Wednesday
Pioneer Woman of Morrow Count r.
Well Known Here In Former
Years, Died In Cillfomla.
The funeral of Mrs. Minerva A.
Meadows was held from the Method
ist community church In thi city at
2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, Rev.
F. R. Spaulding, pastor of the church
delivering a short and impressive ad
dress. The pulpit platform was bank
ed by a profusion of beautiful flow
ers, the floral offerings being excep
tionally fitting and expressive of the
high esteem in which the deceased
was held by old friends and neighbors
in this community. A quartette mang
favorite hymns, and there was a large
attendance of the friends of the fam
ily. Minerva A. Meadows, wife of the
late Samuel W. Meadows, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. N. W.
Boyd in Oakland, Calif., on Saturday,
January 26, 1924, aged 65 years, 2
months and 18 days. Her marriage
to S. W. Meadows occurred in this
county, on McKniney creek, Septem
ber 4, 1881, and they lived together
for more than 42 yeara. For a num
ber of yeara following their marriage.'
Mr. and Mrs. Meadows resided at
Hardman, later coming to this city,
where the husband engaged in busi
ness and where the family resided
up until about 13 years ago, when
they removed to Portland. Mr. Mead
ows died in Portland and waa buried
here just a little over two months be
fore the summons came to the faith
ful wife and mother.
Of the immediate family of Mra.
Meadows, she is survived by two sons
and one daughter, these being Lester
Meadowt, and Mrs. N. W. Iloyd,
of Oakland, Cal., and Samuel Wilford
Meadowt of Portland; also one grand
son, Kobert Wilford Meadows of
Portland. Besides these there ia tur-
viving the following brothers and sis
ters: John Dennis of Montana, Major
Dennis of Salem, II. F. Dennis of
Portland, Will Dennis of West Vir
ginia, Mrs. Mattie Adkins of Hepp
ner and Mrs. M. B. Whitehead of
Spokane, Wash. Two brothers. Major
and ForeBt, with their wives, were
able to be present at the funeral.
Mrs. Meadows, who was the daugh
ter of Rev. H. F. Dennis, a pioneer
Methodist preacher of Morrow coun
ty, and held pastorate here for the
E. church, South, was a faithful
member of that church, and a devoted
wife and mother. She waa a kind
and considerate neighbor and depend
able friend, and there are many in
Heppner who well remember her kind
ly and sympathetic ministrations
when she resided here, and they re
gret her passing. She held a mem
bership in the Degree of Honor lodge
n thia city and carried a policy ox
insurance with that order. She wai
also a member of the Rebekaha.
Interment was in Masonic cemetery
beside the grave of her late departed
Edward Chinn Baby
Is Pneumonia Victim
Edward Chinn, Jr., the infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chinn of
this city, died at the family residence
on Gale street shortly after noon on
Tuesday, death being caused from
pneumonia from which the little one
had been suffering for several days.
The funeral was held from the Case
undertaking parlors at 10 o'clock this
forenoon, and interment waa in Mas
onic cemetery.
The death of the baby came at a
shock to the friends and neighbors
of Mr. and Mra. Chinn, who were not
aware that he was seriously ill. He
waa past 11 months of age, and al
ways well and hearty until a short
time ago, when he was injured by a
fall down the basement stairs, from
thia he waa recovering, but had tak
en quite a severe cold that developed
into pneumonia, and the little fellow
died in the arms of his father, who
had taken him up and waa holding
him while he slept, the life of the
child passing out perhaps very short
ly after the father had taken him into
his arms. The physician thought the
baby had been dead for more than
an hour when he was hurriedly called,
upon the discovery by Mr. and Mrs.
Chinn that hit pulse waa gone.
The parents are heartbroken over
their sad loss, and have the sincere
sympathy of friends and neighbors.
Heppner Couple Married ;
Friends Given a Surprise
A surprise was sprung on their
J numerous Heppner friends when the
announcement was received here that
Harry Huley, electrician with the
Heppner Light & Water Co., and Miss
Emma Bcrgstrom. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Olaf Bcrgstrom of Eight
Mile, had become husband and wife
The wedding took place in Portland
on Wednesday, January 23rd, the cere.
mony being performed by Rev. A. V,
The newlyweds returned to Hepp,
ner the first of the week and Mr.
Huley. was busy on Monday passing
out the cigars and receiving the con
gratulatlons of his friends. Mr. Hu
ley is a veteran of the World War,
having spent four years In France
and Belgium with a Canadian regi
mcnt with which he enlisted in 1914.
He has resided at Heppner for a num
ber of years, is an experienced elec
trician and machinist. The bride
whose home is at Eight Mile, but who
is really a Heppner young woman
hat a large circle of friends here
among whom the is quite popular,
Tht young people will make thel
home in this city.
To our many friends and former
neighbors of Heppner, we wish to ex
tend our sincere thanka for the!
kindly assistance and expressions of
sympathy extended during the fun
oral and burial of our mother, Min
erva A. Meadowt, and for the man
and beautiful floral offerings.
Lexington Defeated
In Close Hoop Game
Locals Wla 21-2 After Extra Five
Minute, of Play; Second Team
Victor Over Pine City.
Heppner defeated Lexington in one
of the eloaeat and hardest fought
games ever aeen on the local floor,
Saturday night. The game was nip
and tuck from start to finish and at
no time did either tide have a large
lead. At the end of the allotted time
of play the ecore ttood 16-16, neces
sitating an extra five minutes of play
a more exciting five minutea having
never been experienced by local fans
when Heppner lead her opponents
b7 one point; ecore 21-20.
Doberty, forward, was high point
man for Heppner with 11 points, and
Aiken waa next with 8. Cason and
Hall scored one point etch.
The line-up:
Heppner 21 Lexington 20
Doberty RF Sherer
Lee LF Nichols
Aiken C Morey
Moore - RG McMillan
Hall LG Wright
Substitutes Heppner: Cason for
Moore; Moore for Lee. Lexington:
Carmichael for McMillan, McMillan
for Wright, Wright for Morey.
Coach Kuaka'a protegees from Pine
City put up hot scrap against Hepp-
ner't sceond ttring, and in the pass
ing end of the game outplayed them.
Heppner, however, was more familiar
with the home baskets and outscored
tht visitors. The final score was 14-6.
Hitler and Cason tied for high honors
for the locals, making 6 points each,
while Gent Doherty scored the re
maining 2.
The line-up:
Heppner 14 Pine City 6
Hisler . RF Young
Groshens LF F. Carlson
Bell C J. Carlson
Cason RG Bartholomew
Stout LG Jarmon
Coach Mather used many substi
tutes in the Heppner string.
Bethel ladies and several guests en
joyed a pleasant and profitable after
noon at the chapel on Tuesday, when
the regular monthly missionary meet
ing was held. Mrs. Mahoney gave an
Interesting talk on the Japanese. Sev
eral Bethel girls conveyed a fine les
son to the ladies through a Japanese
play of one act. The girls, in their
Japanese costumes assisted the hos
tesses. Mesdames Smead, Aiken and
Thomson, with the delicious refresh
merits. The ladies will meet next
Thursday for the election of officers
of the auxiliary.
Mrs. Joe Mains, who has been a pa
tient at the Heppner Surgical hos-
plt for the paat two weeks, recover
ing from an operation for appendi
citis, was able to return to her home
on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Major Dennis of Sal
em were called to Heppner to attend
the funeral of the late Mrs. S. W.
Meadows. Mr. Dennis was formerly
well known here where be resided for
many years.
Mrs. A. E. Miller of Lexington was
operated on at the Heppner Surgical
hospital on Monday for appendicitis.
Her physician reports that she is
getting along well.
Mra. Fred Elder came up from The
Dalles on Tuesday to attend the fun
eral of her aunt, the late Mrs. S. W.
Women's Relief Corps
Installs New Officers
Rawlins Post No. 23, W. R. C. of
this city, held their regular meeting
on last Wednesday afternoon at I. O.
F. hall, at which time the newly
elected officer, were installed. Ada
M. Ayers, instituting and installing
officer, presided, and she was assisted
by Emily Kelly, conductor.
There waa a very pleasant time at
the meeting and the Corps starts off
the new year under very favorable
circumstances and with a bright out
look for the future work.
It it expected that another meeting
of the ladiea of the post will be held
soon, at which time more stress will
be laid upon the social features. Wed
nesday's meeting was well attended
and the members exhibit a keen in
terest in the patriotic work of the
Corp a.
The Oregon Agricultural Economic
conference held at Corvallis last week
adopted an agricultural program for
the ttate of Oregon covering general
policiet of agriculture in the state.
The recommendations of the various
commodity groups at the conference
are now being worked over by a spe
cial committee of five, appointed by
the chairman of the general confer
ence meeting. Thia committee, the
chairman of which is Marshall Dana,
of the Oregon Journal, ia putting the
program resulting from the confer
ence in such thape that it can be
published in the near future in bul
letin form. Detailed parts of this
program will be in the papers of the
state aa they become available.
Over five hundred people attended
the conference and of this number
over three hundred were farmers rep
resenting every part of the state of
Oregon. Those attending from Mor
row county were Jeff Jones, Garnet
Barrett. R, W. Turner and County
Agent Roger Morse.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud
White of Sand Hollow was the scene
of a very pleasant party Friday eve
ning, January 25, it being in the na
ture of a shower for the J. S. Moore
family, who recently lost their home
and all Itt contents by fire. About
60 neighbors end friends gathered
and the evening was spent In play
ing games, closing with refreshments,
and everyone reports an enjoyable
time. Many useful and timely gifts
were brought and presented to the
Moorcs, which proved to them that
they are living among true neighbors,
and for all of which they are ex
tremely thankful.
By Arthur Brisbane
Ambition the Picker.
Money Cheap, Stock Ner
vous. Fourth Dry Anniversary.
Enough Wealth for All.
The Hen's Ancestor.
It is suggested that the United
States admit "picked immigrants."
How will you pick them? A picking
system would have rejected Stein
metz, crippled hunchback, who came
here as a boy, became head electrician
of the General Electric Company, and
created work for many thousands.
The picking system would have re
jected Napoleon, had he come to the
United Statea when he went down to
Italy and beat the Austrians. He waa
undersized, pallid, thin and suffering
from the itch.
The picking tystem would have
turned away Pope, who wrote the
"Essay on Man" and some other
things worth while. He was such a
sickly little creature that he had to
be tewed up in a canvas jacket each
morning, that he might sit up straight
and write.
The aafest "picking system" is to
allow immigrants, in future as in tht
past, to be aelected by their own am
bition and energy.
Money in the stock market was
cheap last week. Tou could borrow
it at 4 per cent if you wanted to spec
ulate in stocks. It cost a little more
if you wanted it for some slower, dull
er business. The atock market went
up and down like the pulse of a ner
vous lady expecting a proposal. Gen
tlemen that are gambling (or as they
would prefer to put it, "investing")
don't quite know what is going to
happen with General Dawes in Paris
and the Labor Party in the House of
There was some comfort for the
farmera, corn and oats going to new
high prices for the saeson. Of course
the new high prices come, at usual,
after nearly all the f ramers have sold
their corn and oats.
The fourth anniversary of the
eighteenth amendment was celebrat
ed in Washington last week. How do
you think prohibition has worked thua
Ita anunies tell yon, truly, that
bootleg liquor born of prohibition, fa
the worst ever drunk it blinds, pois
ons and kills.
Friends of prohibition tell you, also
truly, that fewer people go to jail, the
poorhouse and the insane asylum, and
many more millions are deposited in
savings banks than in the old days.
It is for you to choose. Meanwhile,
be sure of this: Nobody will know
anything about prohibition for at
least sixty years. It will take that
long to prove whether alcohol is nec
essary to Northern races whether
Orientals have amounted to little be
cause they drink no alcohol, or in
spite of the fact that they drink no
I. C. Herman, manuracturer of hand
kerchiefs, gives his business to em
ployes, saying, "I am rich enough,"
and that surprises us.
We should all be rich enough, ten
times too rich, as regards what we
really need if the earth were prop
erly developed and competition were
replaced by emulatoin.
This earth would produce more
than enough of everything for all the
people on it, and for ten timea as
many people, if it were intelligently
developed, as it will be tome day.
It happens once In a while, at Sen
ator Capper tells you. Swindlers
persuaded Dave Tapper, of Iowa, to
buy some land in a Texas town "to be
built immediately." Tapper paid $50
and got a deed. When he tired of
paying taxes, his sister, Mrs. Hester
Egbert, took the land and went on
paying. Wow, alter iweniy-mree
vears. an oil company has paid Mra.
Egbert $10,000 for her land and one-
eighth of all the oil. That "eighth'
pays her $1,000 a month. The swin
dlers swindled themselves out of I
But observe that Mrs. Egbert did
not buy stock she bought land, and
Texas land at that, there Is notn
ing like owning part of the earth.
Dinosaurs used to lay eggs. You
knew that. Did you know, also, that
they had gizzards and that scientists
find in skeletons or dinosaurs large,
finely polished pebbles with which in
the dinosaur's gizzard ground up food
as the hen now grinds her food with
cravel in her gizzard?
And did you know that the hen ol
today is the direct descendnnt of the
dinosaur seventy feet long? The hen
would probably object to that state
ment, while Mr. Byran objects to Dar
win's theory. But in both cases the
facts are overwhelming.
A big dinosaur would weigh 200,000
pounds. Whnt Burbank will reverse
evolution's process and give ui
chicken of that size?
New York is quite a city. Tht 1924
telephone book contains more than
750,000 listings. That one city has
more telephones than all of England
Scotland and Wales, put together,
Only a while ago, when men now in
the fifties were starting out in life,
you could have bought the origins
telephone stock at your own price.
It was called "an Interesting toy,
There will be a dance and basket
social at the F. E. Parker home in
Six Dollar on February IB, the pro
coeds of which will be used for the
benefit of Willowny school.
For good, wholesome home cooklni
get your meals Bt Mrs. Kinney's, next
door to Central Market, Uilman Uldg,
Patron-Teachers' Cup Offered
This Year for Fisrt Time;
Oher H. S. News.
The P. T. A. debate cup, which wat
given thia year for the first time, has
been awarded to the Freshmen, who
received the most points on tht ques
tion "Resolved: That the government
should establish and maintain a min
imum price for wheat"
Three debates were Held latt week.
the Freshmen, Sophomorea, and Juo
ion being the competing teams. The
first debate waa between the Junior
affirmative and the Freshman nega
tive teams. Vawter Parker and Har
old Beckett composed the Junior team
and Marjorie Clark and Velma Hut-
ton were the negative team. The
judget were Mist Wright, Miss Cham
bers, and Miaa Retha Owen. A 3-0
decision was rendered in favor of the
The next debate waa a much closer
one between the Freshman affirmative
and the Sophomore negative teams.
Mary Farley and Orrin Bisbee made
up the affirmative team and Lucile
McDuffee and Flossie Stender the
negative. Mra. C. E. Woodson, F. L.
Harwood, and Charlie Thomson were
the judges. A 2-1 decision was given
the negative.
The third debate was held in the
assembly with a large number of par
ents present. Thia debate was be
tween the Sophomore affirmative and
the Junior negative teams. Mra. Ar
thur McAtee, C. E. Woodson and W.
P. Mahoney acted aa judges, giving
a 2-1 decision in favor of the nega
tive team, Austin Smith and Luola
Benge. Margaret Barratt and Char
lea Notson comprised the affirmative
Thus, though each class won one
debate, the Freshmen won in num
ber of votes having four, while the
Sophomores and Junior8 respectively
had three and two votes.
Mra. WoodBon presented the cup
to the Freshmen, complimenting all
the teams on their work in a short
Hubert Stem certainly ia a bold
man "a-callin' at the very front door"
to tee Mist Pinney. But Clarence
got rid of him by a decidedly novel
method. Learn how to get rid of un
welcome suitora in the play "clar
ence." Tryouta for the big high school op
eretta, "Sylvia," were held last Mon
day. All Lawyer Poets Do
Not Live in Montana
District Attorney Notson received
a communication from the office of
C. F. Gillette, lawyer, Hardin. Mont,
I thit week, in words aa follows:
I made wager with a preacher man
That there were enough lawyera in
the land.
Who would buy bricks at four-bita a
To build a church in our town, and
am asking you to back me up
To the full extent of half a buck.
So into thia card place the lawyer's
And return to me by mail tonight
Your letters and cards I shall careful
ly file
In the church archives, and many
will smile
Aa in after years their pages they
And enjoy the wit of the legal man
Sincerely yours,
(The church building will be dedi
cated to the lawyers.)
In order to demonstrate the fact
that all the lawyer poets do not re
side in Montana, and further to show
that hia heart is in the right place
and that he believea in the building
of churches aa well, Mr. Notson en
closed with hia four bits, the follow
ing: Heppner, Oregon. Jan. 29, 1924.
A lawyer's church! Who ever beard
Of anything quite to absurd?
Who ever heard of a preacher man
W ho d aay, "No good of a lawyer s
The preacher man his wager'U lose.
For the laywer man will spread the
And win the hearts of the lawyers all,
Who'll buy the bricks to build the
They'll buy each brink for half a buck
And with each brick will go good
The church will then in grandeur rise
To point men upward to the skies.
Then folks will say, in a joking mood,
Sometimes e en lawyera do tomt
And there the liwyert' church will
From sin, to help redeem the land.
Auto Accident Caused
By Very Dense Fog
While returning to their home on
Willow creek, six miles northwest of
Heppner on Saturday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Bauman ran into a
dense cloud of fog, their car going off
the grade and turning over. Mrs.
Bauman was caught under the ma
chine and was quite seriously injur
ed, her pelvis being broken by the
weight of the automobile. Mr. Bau
man escaped injury and Mrs. Bau
man is reported to be getting along
well, though suffering a great deal of
pain. Mr. and Mrs. Bauman were re
turning to their home from Heppner.
Another accident from the same
cnuse occurred at the concrete bridge
acrosa Willow creek at the head of
Gale street. A Ford car belonging
to a Mr. Aubray. and driven by him,
in which there were three other men,
in negotiating the bridge went to one
side and over the embankment into
the creek. A front wheel was de
molished, but no other damage done.
Forest Dennis, brother of Mrs. S
W. Meadows, came up from his Port-
land home to attend the funeral of
his sister. He was accompanied by
hia wife. Many years ago Mr. Dennis
was a resident of Heppner.
Morrow Well Represented
At Convention Held
in Pendleton.
McNary-Haugen Bill Endorsed; W ce
tera Manufacturing Advocated;
"Truth in Fabric" Urged.
The 27th annual convention of the
Oregon Wool Growres association was
held in Pendleton on Monday and Tu
esday of thia week, and there waa
an attendance of more than 200 sheep
men and othen interested in the in
dustry at the various sessions. It is
stated that Morrow county had the
largest single delegation of sheepmen
there, outside of Umatilla county, and
our section waa not far behind the
big county.
Matters pertaining strictly to the
affair! of woolmen occupied the first
day's sessions, but on the second day
they departed somewhat from the con
sideration of their own problems and
gave their attention to speakers who
spoke on the big questions that have
bearing on the industry of wool
and mutton production in a more in
direct way.
Oppoee Grazing Fee Increase.
Resolutoina opposing the increase
of grazing fees on the national for
ests, indorsing the McNary-Haugen
bill, asking for the enactment of na
tional and ttate truth-in-fabrie lawt
were among those adopted by the
Oregon wool growers in the closing
business session of the ttate conven
tion in Pendleton Tuesday afternoon.
The convention also went on rec
ord at being opposed to the creation
of any new public parka or game pre
serves in Oregon, for the reason that
all public domain should be used for
the creation of wealth, according to
the resolution.
A state law authorizing the eradi
cation of wild horses that now roam
the rangea and die from hunger and
exposure during the winter montha
was urged as a economic and humane
measure and waa authorized to be
presented to the state legislature for
consideration at ita next meeting.
Fred W. Falconer of Pendleton, one
of the biggest individual aheep oper
ator! in the atate, waa re-elected
president of the organization, and
three vice-presidents, K. u. Warner
of Pi.ot Rock, Jack Hynd of Heppner,
and Fred Herring of Ashland, were
chosen. The office of secretary-treasurer
ia appointive, and President Fal
coner gave notice of the reappoint
ment of Mae Hoke of Pendlteon to
that office.
Banquet Final Event.
The convention came to m formal
close tonight with a banquet given
at the Elks lodge under the auspices
of the Pendleton Commercial asso
ciation. The next meeting place of
the association was left to the execu
tive committee to select, and it was
indicated that Pendleton probably
will be named aa host again to the
wool producers.
For more man one nour, Charlea
J. Brand, chief of the bureau of mar
keting of the department of agricul
ture, held the attention of the aud
ience that filled the Rivoli theater
while he explained in detail the pro
visions of the McNary-Haugen ex
port commission bill and talked on
the economic conditions that caused
it to be written and presented to
congress. Mr. Brand is the author of
the bill which has the indorsement of
the secretary of agriculture.
If regulation of the railroads on
the part of the federal and state gov
ernments is not relaxed ana tne car
riers permitted to earn an income
equal to the income that can be re
turned to the stockholders in unreg
ulated industries, the roads eventual
ly will crash and the only alternative
will be for the government to take
them over and operate them, accord
ing to the statement of Judge l. i.
Reed, of Seattle, assistant to the
president of the Northern Pacific.
Health Report Heard.
Dr. J. C. Exine reported that the
condition of health of flocks in Ore
gon and Washington is excellent.
Oregon now has no scabies, so far
as is known, he declared, and in only
one county is the disease present in
Paul V. Maris, director of exten
sion of Oregon Agricultural college,
gave a resume of some of the eco
nomic factors which must be faced
by producera in the state today, par
ticularly in relation to production
and needs of the market.
E. L. Potter, chief of the depart
ment of animal husbandry of Ore
gon Agricultural college, give It as
his opinion that one of the chief prob
lems facing livestock interests it tht
purchase of more from the range
land of the state at as early a date
as possible. Of about 42.000,000 acret
of range land in the state, at present
only about 6,000,000 acres are owned
by livestock interests, he said.
Other speakera before the conven
tion Included H. A. Lindgren of Ore
gon Agricultural college. Dr. W H.
Lytle of the livestock sanitary board,
and A. E. Burghduft, state game war
February 3, 1921.
The seven major needs of a human
being are shelter, food and clothing,
educaiton, business, government, re
creation and religion: the greatest
of these is religion. The business of
the church is to supply an avenue for
the inflow of this need. Com. and
try it. Bible School at 9:45, Com
munion and preaching at 11; theme
of the morning sermon, "A Soul-Stlr-ring
Urge." Christian Endeavor at
rt:30; young people don't miss this.
Evening preaching service at 7:10,
subject for the evening sermon, "The
Mastery of Environment," We have
both the equipment and tht message,
come and worship with us.