The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, January 17, 1924, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Volume 40, Number 41.
Subscription 52.00 Per Year
County Officials Present
Matter of Closing
O.-W. Gap.
Shortage of Fonda Makes Work Im
possible Now; Jonea Hill-Lena
Stretch May Be Improved.
Judge W. T. Campbell and Com
missioners Davidson and Benge re
turned on Sunday from a week spent
at Portland and Salem. At Portland
they attended the session! of the
state highway commission on Tues
day and Wednesday and then pro
ceeded to Salem, where they were
a part of the large attendance of
county judges and commissioners at
their annual assemblage.
The proposition of getting aid from
the highway commission for the con
struction of the gap in the Oregon
Washington highway between Lena
and Vinson, which if done would
complete that part of the state's
highway system, was presented to the
commission jointly by the members
of the county courts of Umatilla and
Morrow countlea. While Judge Camp
bell was impressed with the fact
that the commission is very desir
ous of having this work done, the pe
titioners were given to understand
that it was impossible to do so now,
for the reason that the funds are
lacking. At that time the matter
was taken under advisement, but our
county court understands that there
can be no cooperation on the part of
the state highway department at this
time, or anywhere in the very im
mediate future in the construction of
the Lena-Vinaon unit, for the funds
are lacking.
We were informed by Judge Camp
bell, however, that there might be a
chance to get a portion of this work
done; that portion from Jones Hill
to Lena, a distance of about three
miles. At the time the Jones Hitl
section was built, the state advanced
the county $30,000 to be applied in
cooperation by the county, this sum
to be repaid on the basis of $10,000
yearly to the state. Our court made
the proposition that they might ap
ply this on real construction work,
the county taking the contract and
thus repaying the state in this man
ner by building that much of the
road as would lead from Jones Hill
to Lena. There Is a possibility that
this may be granted by the highway
commission, and should it be done,
the worst portion of the Lena-Vlnson
gap would be taken care of, though
it is not the most expensive to build
by any means, and the people down
on Butter creek would receive much
needed relief in getting to town, es
pecially at thia time of the year when
the road gets very soft and almost
The meeting of county Judges and
commissioners at Salem was one of
the best they have yet had, and Judge
Campbell states that much very val
uable information was gathered by
the officials pertaining to the carry
ing on of their work. The visiting
of the various state Institutions and
the manner in which they are being
cared for opened the eyes of a great
many of the visitors, and when they
could see things from the inside it
was made manifest to them that the
state officials have a big job on their
hands. The business sessions of the
convention were very interesting and
profitable, and Judge Campbell feels
that the time and expense necessary
to take In this annual event are both
well spent. It was decided to hold
the next convention at Salem instead
of Portland.
The high school basketball team is
scheduled to play the Lexington high
school team next Saturday on the
Lexington floor. The Lexington boys
will give a return game on February t
Following Is a synopsis of the
eomedy. "Bashful Mr. Bobs," which
will be given here next Friday eve
ning: The Hendersons are at the
Farmers Hotel. Rplintervllle, State of
Delaware, awaiting the arrival of
their friend, Marston Bobs. His cou
sin, Robert Bobs, who is very bash
ful, arrived on the seen. Ha is mis
taken for Marston Bobs and has to
shoulder the blame for the latter's
flirtations. Obadiah Stump gets a
sham pain and disturbs one of the
boarders, 4 travelin' evangelist, as it
were. Marston finally shows up with
explanations, and claims the movie
actress for his bride. Bashful Mr.
Bobs strolls out in the moonlight
with little Jean, who has been crying
her heart out.
Cast of characters:
Katherine Henderson, a young wife
Ethel McDonald
Frederick Henderson, her husband
Neal Knlghten
Mrs, Wiggins, the landlady
-.Alice Keithley
Obadiah Stump, a fresh country
product Teddy Burnslde
Francis Whittaker, an athletic girl
Hazel McDonald
Rosalie Otis, a society bud
Lucy Williams
Mr. Robert Bobs, the bashful one
-Harlan Adams
Jean Graham, a Delaware peach
... Hazel Hays
Marston Bobs, anything but bashful
Hubert McDonald
Celesta Vanderpool. of the movies
Lee Merrill
Julie, her maid Laura Williams
A big dance at Hnrdman next Fri
day night after the high school play.
Uood music. Supper at the hotel
Walter Farreni and family have
moved from Hardman to Rhea creek.
where they will reside during the
road work.
Regular meeting of Heppner Lodge
No, 69, next Saturday evening, Jan
19. Work In F. C. degree. By order
of W. M. L. W. BRIGQS, Sec.
Cynthia' Strategy is Clever Com
edy; Other Interesting Items
of Student Activities.
"Cynthia's Strategy," a short op
eretta, will be put on at the Star
theater Thursday, Jan. 24, in con
nection with the picture. This is a
very clever little bit of comedy which
everyone will enjoy. You are prom
ised an evening of enjoyment and an
opportunity to help your school.
"Clarence" will be presented in
about a month by the student body.
This is a play of unusual distinc
tion, being very modern and having
been given on the legitimate stage
and the screen. vThe characters for
the high school presentation of It
have been well chosen and it will be
the best play put on In years. Hu
mor and pathos are blended harmon
iously in each act.
The girls and boys basketball
teams played at Stanfield last Fri
day. The girls tied Stanfield with a
15-15 score and the boys won with a
core of 19-13.
Both the boys and girls teams will
play at lone next Friday, when they
will again bring home the bacon.
The Freshmen gave a party for the
student body last Friday which was
a return for the party given them
at the first of the year. Fortune
telling was an interesting feature of
the entertainment. Many startling
events of the future were revealed
by the fortune teller; some great
celebrities are. to spring from H. H.
S. If her word may be relied upon.
The refreshments consisted of
fruit salad and cake which served to
soothe the overwraught feelings of
those who were later to commit sui
cide, murder a mother-in-law, or
see ghosts,
Carl Cason and Reid Buseick, the
delegates to the Eugene convention,
gave their reports Tuesday in a very
interesting manner. They gained
many new ideas from the speakers
and brought them back to the stu
dents. The Egyptian dance to be given the
night of "Cynthia's Strategy" will
add much to the interest. Be sure
you see it.
The Freshman pennant has arrived
and been elevated to its position in
the Assembly Hall. It is a large
one designed in coral and silver.
The finals in the interctass debate
on "Resolved, that the government
should establish and maintain a mini
mum price for wheat," will be held
next week. It is a question of great
interest which class will win the cup
offered by the P. T. A. The compet
ing classes are the Freshmen, Soph
omores and Juniors. Outside at
tendance at this debate is welcome.
Don't strain your memory, but
don't forget the H. S. smoker on
January 22.
More Room Needed ,
at Orphans' Asylum
Who Will Inveat In One Acre of Land
For the Homeless Children
of the Farm Home?
The call through the papers for
cows for the children's Farm Home
near Corvaltis, had such a generous
response that that need has been sup
plied for the present with cows prom
ised, and the "kiddies" will soon have
all the good rich milk that they can
consume. Incidentally it would warm
the hearts of the givers to see the
pale faces take on color and the sad
eyes become bright through the use
of this real "Childs food."
We can fully understand that this
appeal for milk touches the hearts
of child lovers because it so directly
touches the child. But before cows
can give milk they too must have
rich food and before that can be
raised we must have good fertile land
to grow it. Of the farm of 245 acres
108 acres have been paid for and 26
more pledged by the Baptist church
of the state in addition to the cot
tage which they are raising money to
erect. This leaves the purchase of
112 acres to provide for. It Is de
sirable that this payment be made
very soon both to cut out the burden
of interest and to "clear the decks"
for further building.
If any one has thought of the pay
ing for the land as a thing apart from
the little children that are being hous
ed and cared for at the home we
would ask them to consider a beauti
ful field just across from the building
plot which is now growing green with
feed for the "bossies" that kindly
people have given us. We would ask
them to try to imagine the pretty
lake of five acres where both boys
and girls take their much loved sport
of swimming, boating and wading.
Then there is the picnic ground which
overlooks this lake containing about
two acres where good boys and girls
may disport and visitors may view
their aport Jn the water.
There are garden spots for the
children where they will learn to
take part with God in making things
grow and the other acres where the
pigs, chickens, goats, calves and oth
er animals may be cared for and
housed by clubs that the "club men"
from the O. A. C. will be organizing
very soon. Then there is the straw
berry patch and the orchard in which
they will be taught to work, and
with skill, by the O. A. C. men who
are cooperating with us in this "Real
Home on a Real Farm" where home
less unloved children will be prepar
ed for useful and happy citizenship.
When one takes thia view every
acre touches vitally the child and ev
ery one becomes as important as
milk In their education and care. The
farm stretches out into a great beau
tiful book In which these children
will learn their most important les
sons and It Is directly feeding them
to supply the dollars to pay for the
Every Individual community or or
ganization that supplies the purchase
price for one or more acres will have
this gift perpetuated in a name on
a bronze plate which will be placed
in the administration building which
, It la hoped may be built some time
James Johnson, who is running a
bunch of his cattle on the Charley
Bartholomew ranch at Pine City, was
in Heppner yesterday. Mr. Johnson
has Mb home ranch at Range, Grant
county, and states that his section
harvested splendid crops of hay and
grain the past season, and the North
ern Grant country came back in good
shape. Barring a little excitement
during the past season In the burn
ing of schoolhouses and chasing sus
pects with bloodhounds, Jimmy says
his neighborhood has settled down to
its wanted quietude and everything
is serene.
Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Johnston ar
rived from Arlington yesterday and
will take up thier residence in this
city. Dr. Johnston has been located
at Arlington for the past two years,
and he comes to our city highly rec
ommended, taking over the practice
of Dr. Chick who removed to The
Dalles the past week. Dr. Johnston
and wife are just such people as will
find a warm welcome at Heppner.
A. B. Cochran and Miss Ellen Berg-
strom, both of lone, were married in
Portland January 4, 1924. The groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Cochran and the bride a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bergs trom, estim
able parents of the young couple.
They will reside on a farm north of
town. We all congratulate them.
lone Independent,
L. P. Davidson is in attendance at
the annual convention of the county
judges and commissioners which is in
session at Salem this week. It's a
sporty week for Davidson, as he is
to attend many banquets, entertain
ments, auto rides to the different
state Institutions, picture shows, and
what not. 0, boy, some time! lone
Some good road work is reported
being done down Butter creek from
the Chas. Bartholomew ranch, the
road receiving a good coating of
gravel that will put it in excellent
shape. Mr. Bartholomew is boss of
the works, and the people of the dis
trict are working out their special
tax while they can do no farm and
ranch work.
Carl Cason and Reid Buseick, rep
resentatives of Heppner high school
at the conference in Eugene the last
of the week, returned home Monday.
They report a fine meeting of the
high school students from over the
state, and they greatly enjoyed their
Sheriff McDuffee returned home the
first of the week from Portland. He
apent several days in the city the
past week, attending the state meet
ing of sheriffs and peace officers.
Dtllard French, Gurdane cattleman,
was down to Heppner on Saturday
to attend to business matters. Wea
ther conditions were ideal out his
way, Mr. French stated.
John Brosnan, Lena stockman, was
In town Wednesday. The snow is
all gene and the weather is fine,
though it continues to freeze pretty
hard o'nlghts.
Ray Drake, Eight Mile farmer, was
doing business in this city on Tues
day. Mr. Drake is farming the Mrs.
Chas. Furlong piaffe.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Latourell re
turned on Sunday from their trip to
the coast country in Coos county.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reid have
been spending the past week, visit
ing in Portland.
Egg Producer, $3.00 per sack.
Brown s Lowry.
Two dnys of each week, the Peo
ples Cash Market will have a supply
on hand of the famous Red Rock
Dairy Cottage Cheese. This is a
high grade product, and you will be
delighted with it. Twice a week at
thia market Mondays and Fridays,
Try It. Also the best of everything
the market affords in meats, Ash and
In the next year. At any rate the
names are being carefully listed
to be placed there when built. So
who will be the first to send In either
the entire amount or a portion, with
pledge for completion of payment of
$200 each for one or more acres.
Send to Farm Home Office, 015 Stock
Exchange Bldg, Portland, making
checks to Children's Farm Home.
A telegram was received early Mon
day morning by District Attorney S.
E. Notson, announcing the death of
Ms father, R. P. S. Notson, at his
home at Hamburg, Iowa, Mr. Notson
who was a pioneer resident of that
part of Iowa, was past 94 years of
age. He would have been 95 this com
ing April.
For the greater portion of his life,
Mr. Notson had resided in Iowa, com
ing to that state from Tennessee, his
native state. He is survived by his
aged widow, who at this time is in a
very poor state of health, five sons
and three daughters, besides many
grandchildren and great grandchil
He was of sturdy pioneer stock and
during his long residence in the state
of Iowa was instrumental in the de
velopment of that commonwealth,
and was known and honored as a citi
zen of substantial qualities, and a
splendid Christian man. With but
possibly ene exception, Mr. Notson
was the oldest Mason in his state.
Farmers' Conference
In Morrow Feb. 9th
At the annual meeting of the Mor
row County Farm Bureau, on Janu
ary 5, it was decided to hold a coun
ty-wide wheat growers' conference
in the county early in February. The
date for this conference has been set
for February 9, and details will be
arranged for at a meeting of the ex
ecutive committee of the county or
ganization to be held in the County
Agent's office, on January 19. The
attendance at this conference of D.
E. Stevens, Superintendent of the
Moro station, and E. R. Jackman, Ex
tension Farm Crops Specialist of the
Oregon Agricultural College, has
been assured. Other authorities on
the growing and marketing of wheat
will attend and the question of the
policy for the wheat growers in
Morrow county will be thoroughly
discussed and a program outlined to
work toward in the county.
Will Have Offices In
I. O. O. F. Building
Dr. A. H. Johnston, who !s locat
ing in Heppner from Arlington, will
have offices in the I. 0. O. F. building,
and Dr. Fred E. Farrior, dentist, will
remove from the Swinburne building
to the I. 0. O. F. building, where he
will in the future be located, the two
doctors using the middle office room
there as a reception room. They
expect to be established in the new
location by the middle of the coming
week, or just as soon as the rooms
are put in shape and they can get
their fixtures in place, which should
not be later than the time mentioned.
That the jackrabbits were some
wild Sunday is testified to by Frank
Harwood, popular young Heppner
jeweler. Frank says he knocked
over four out of four boxes of am
munition, and believes his misses
were not altogether due to poor
marksmanship as he declares the rab
bits were sure on the go. He forgot
to add, however, how much of the
four boxes was used by his compan
ions. Mr. Harwood was accompan
ied on the rabbit hunt in Cecil vi
cinity by Jasper Crawford and the
Misses Isabella Steele and Harriet
Chambers, the young ladies being
popular high school teachers in this
A. W. Moore, of the United States
Biological Survey, spent several days
in the county last week, going over
the jack rabbit control work with
County Agent Morse. Mr, Moore
stnted that he had never seen jack
rabbits as fat any place at this time
of the year, as he found them hero.
A small amount of very effective
poisoning was carried on in the
county while the snow was on, but
the snow was not thick enough over
most of the north end of the county
to bring the rabbits in out of the
sage brush in large numbers.
Mrs. J. E. Eskelson of Seattle Is a
guest at tho home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Mikesell, in this
"Mac" Smith and Arthur Conner of
Heppner arrived at The Last Camp on
Thursday. As soon as Mac, the wea
ther man, put his foot on Cecil
ground our snow disappeared in the
twinkling of an eye. A fine chinook
on Thursday soon cleared the snow
from our hills and warm weather is
osce more our lot.
Mr. and Mrs. Zenneth Logan of
Boardman were calling on their
friends on Willow creek on Friday
and will spend a few days in the
Cecil vicinity. Zenneth still has a
warm spot in his heart for Cecil al
though his horn, is now at the "land
of promise," vis. Boardman,
R. W. Morse, county agent, was
calling on the Mayor on Wednesday
vijd discussed farm bureau and the
jackrabbita of Morrow county.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs and chil
dren of Tha Last Camp were visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henriksen
at Ewing on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth of
Rhea entertained a large party of
their friends on Saturday evening,
Dancing, games and cards were the
order of the evening with refresh
ments served between times.
Mrs. E. Willancks and children,
who have been visiting with Mrs.
Willanck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Chandler at Willow Creek ranch
for some time, left on Saturday for
their home in Vernonia.
T. H. Lowe, H. J. Streeter, J. W.
Osborn, Henry Krebs and Walter
Pope, not forgetting our worthy
Mayor, the leading light of Cecil,
were all visiting the county seat
during the week.
David Hynd of Sand Hollow, who
has been visiting Hynd Bros, ranch
at Cecil left on the local on Tues
day for Heppner to attend to busi
ness matters before returning to his
Mr. nad Mrs. Ellis White of As
toria, who have been visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. May at Lone
Star ranch for several weeks, left
on the local on Monday for Portland.
Frank Conner of The Last Camp
who has overdone himself during the
holidays by eating turkey, winning
blankets, etc., is having a lay-off till
he recovers from his exertions.
E. Linsley, who has been visiting
hit sister, Mrs. J. E. Crabtree, left
on Friday for Portland where he will
visit for a few days before return
ing to his home at Salem.
Archdeacon Goldie of Cove held a
fine service in Cecil on Sunday eve
ning. In spite of the severe weather
a large number of people were pre
sent. Road crew and their state trucks,
graders, etc., left for Pendleton on
Thursday. The bad weather postpon
ing the road work for the present.
W. A. Thomas of Dotheboys Hill
waa calling on his friends in Cecil
on Sunday and investigating the
weather question.
Martin Bauernfiend, the obliging
storekeeper and car doctor of Mor
gan, was doing business in Cecil on
Gordon Hall and W. Fletcher of
Four Mile are busy men these days
hunting horses or jackrabbits.
E. Bellinger of Boardman has been
shipping several cart of baled hay
from Cecil during the week.
Oscar Lundell of Rhea Siding was
delivering hay in Arlington on Sat
At the annual Oregon Wool Grow
era convention to be held at Pendle
ton January 28 and 20, the proposed
increase In the Forest Service grat
ing fees will be one of the principal
questions to be discussed. The offi
cials of the state association have
arranged an excellent program for
the meeting and the committee in
charge of the annual banquet prom
ise a better program than ever before.
All the wool growers In the state are
invited to be present and take part
in this meeting, which promises to
be of more importance than any state
meeting that has ever been held.
0. J. Cox, farmer of Lexington, and
a member of the school board of that
district, was a visitor here today,
looKing alter business alTairs.
Miss Helen C. Barratt
Bride of Idaho Man
The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Barratt in this city was the scene of
an impressive but quiet wedding at
high noon on Saturday, January 12,
when their eldest daughter, Miss
Helen Constance, became the bride of
Mr. Iryin C. Reiman, of St Maries.
Idaho, in the presence of a number of
the relatives and close friends of the
bride and her family.
The Barratt home was made more
beautiful and attractive for the occa
sion by the addition of many beauti
ful and choice cut flowers, and at
high twelve, the contracting parties
marched into the parlor to the strains
of the wedding march, attended by
Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Barratt, and
took their stand near the archway,
where the beautiful ring ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. 0. Liv
ingstone and the young people uni
ted in the bonds that bind them for
The bride was attired in a beautiful
dress of white silk georgette over sat
in and carried a bouquet of pink
roses and white carnations, while the
bridegroom wore the conventional
black. Following the ceremony and
the congratulations of the company,
the newly wedded couple led the way
to the dining room, where all were
seated about a sumptuous wedding
dinner, appropriate place cards mark
ing the station of each one at the ta
ble. The bride's cake was the work of
Mrs. Jennie Lowe of Cecil, and at the
proper time the bride was called on to
carve this delicacy and each guest
was served with a piece. Another
delicacy served at the wedding din
ner was Scotch short bread, a supply
of which had but recently been re
ceived direct from Scotland by Mrs.
Barratt, who is thus remembered
each year by a brother residing there.
To a number of the guests present
thia cake was a rare treat, as they
had never eaten of it before.
At the conclusion of the repast,
Mr. and Mrs. Reiman took their de
parture, amid showers of rice, old
shoes and the well wishes of all, for
Pendleton, where they expected to
take the night train out for Spo
kane. Mr. Barratt took them over
in his car. After spending a short
honeymoon at Spokane and other
points, they will go on to St. Maries,
Idaho, the home of Mr. Reiman, and
where he has been engaged in busi
ness until recently. Whether Mr.
and Mrs. Reiman will make their
home in the Idaho city in the future
is not yet settled, and they may de
cide to locate near Spokane.
These young people were formerly
students together at Oregon Agri
cultural College, and it was here
that the acquaintanceship ripened
into an attachment that eventually
made them man and wife. Mr. Rei
graduated from the college in 1922,
and Mrs. Reiman the year follow
ing. After hia graduation he return
er to his home town in Idaho and
went into business, disposing of this
but a few weeks ago. The bride was
one of Heppner's popular native
daughters, admired and respected by
all, and the bridegroom is an excell?
ent young man, highly recommended
by all who know him, and the young
people have before them a very bright
The guests present were Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hynd, Miss Annie Hynd and Miss
Violet Hynd of Cecil; William Hynd,
David Hynd and Miss Annie Hynd
of Rose Lawn Ranch, Sand Hollow;
Mrs. Anne Williams, Mr. and Mrs.
Garnett Barratt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Vawter
Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Liv
ingstone, Miss Hazel Anderson and
Miss Juanita Hughes, the latter two
young ladies assisting Miss Margaret
Barratt in serving.
I. O. 0. F. Lodges Have
Installation of Officers
The following are the officers of
San Souci Rebekah Lodge No. 33 re
cently inducted into their stations
by Mrs. Anna Brown, installing offi
cer: N. G., Dessa Copenhaver; V.
G., Hattie Wightman; Secretary,
Lillian Turner; Treasurer, Clara
Slocum; Warden, Mrs. R. L. Benge;
Conductor, Mrs. M. C. Smith; Chap
lain. Mrs. W. T. Campbell; R. S. N.
G., Mrs. Hanson Hughes; L. S. N. G.,
Mrs. A. M. Phelps; R. S. V. G., Olive
Frye; L. S. V. G., Ellen Buseick; I.
G., Pearl Wright; 0. G., Doris Flynn.
Willow Lodge No. 66, I. 0. 0. F.,
with E. R. Huston as installing offi
cer, installed N. G., D. 0. Justus;
V. G., C. L. Standish; Secretary, A.
M. Phelps; Treasurer, Albert Ad
kins; Warden, Lee Slocum; Conduc
tor, 0. M. Scott; R. S. N. G., 0. O.
Edwards; L. S. N. G., S. P. Devin;
R. S. V. G., D. C. Gurdane; L. S. V.
G A. J. Knoblock; Chaplain, J. L.
Yeager; R. S. S., Geo. McDuffee; L.
S. S., J. J. Wightman; I. G., G. W.
Sperry; O. G., A. Z. Barnard.
Mrs. T. J. Matlock has disposed of
her Hinton creek ranch of 900 acres
to Mrs. Nancy E. Stuart of Portlaad.
The consideration in the deal is not
revealed by the deed filed this week
in the office of Clerk Anderson, but
the amount of revenue stamps it
bears would indicate that it was
around $23,000. In the deal Mrs.
Matlock takes over Portland resi
dence property which is said to be
quite valuable. Portland realty men
put across the deal, and we are in
formed that they have listed other
Morrow county ranches, which they
state they will have no trouble in
disposing of. We understand Mrs.
Matlock will go to Portland to reside
as soon as her affairs are closed up
Geo. T. Cochran, of La Grande
Grand Mnater of A. F. A A. M. of
Oregon, will make an official visit to
Heppner Lodge No. 69, on next
Thursday evening, January 24th. A
full attendance of the members is
expected to be present to extend
greetings to the distinguished visit
or. Pinna are being made for his
entertainment and a banquet will
be included.
Flour by barrel or sack. Brown
& Lowry,
Fixing the Bible.
Brave Men Are Valuable.
Power in the Head.
Four Greatest Horses.
Watch Europe's Exchange
A Chicago professor translates the
Bible and cuts out completely John's
story of the woman whom Christ for
gave, saying to the collection of old
gentlemen with stones in their hands:
He that is without sin among you,
let him first cast a atone at her."
John never wrote that, says the
learned translator; somebody put it
in. Another learned man says the
Book of John waa written two or
three hundred years after the death
of Christ, and, if that be true, John
might have missed something.
If now some other wise person
would cut out of the New Testament
"The Sermon on the Mount" and
"suffer little children to come unto
Me, and forbid them not," the job
would be perfect
The story about the woman for
given, in the eighth chapter of John,
is especially interesting, because in
all the Bible it contains the only
reference to any writing done by
Christ: "Jesus stooped down and
with His finger wrote on the ground."
And that answers In an interesting
way other wise men, including Ro
man, who say that Christ, a simple
peasant of Galilee, never could read
or write.
It pays to save little things. And
some very rich men are rich because
they know it. But suggest saving
to a young man who hasn't got any
thing he smiles compassionately and
passes on.
Henry Ford doesn t do that. His ,
plant in Detroit saves waste paper.
string, used-up heads of mops, broken
pails, nuts, bolts, etc. At the end of
a year the saving equals a million
dollars a month.
It is planned to send the dirigible
Shenandoah to the North Pole; an
interesting idea, but some engineers
and others declare the Shenandoah
unfit for such a journey.
If there is any doubt about it, there
should be no such North Pole trip,
and men of high authority should
take no needless risk with others,
especially as they themselves would
not be included in the crew.
Men were sent to their death in
badly made flying machines during
the war. But that was war. This
is peace, and men able and brave
enough for that North Pole trip are
valuable. A mere trip of interesting
scientific investigation may well be
postponed until it can be made safe
ly. Man is an inferior animal, science
tells you. If you were as strong as
an ant you could lift 120 tons. If as
agile as a flee, you could jump over
a tall building. What of it?
By pressing a button, working a
machine created by his brain, man
can lift many thousands of tons.
He can't jump like a flea, but he can
go up in a flying machine, and stay
up. The flea cannot do that. It's
better to have the power in your
head, than in leg or arm.
"Market buoyant on a big turn
over" was the Wall Street line yes
terday. Somebody bought 1,319,000
shares of various bonds and nearly
all of them traveled upward.
It would be hard to find cause
for gloom as regards this country's
prosperity. If our lawmakers would
allow enough immigrants of the kind
that this country needs to come in
to develop unused acres, conditions
would be even better.
The worker who thinks that im
migrants would reduce wages should
remember that the average man
makes today, with 110.000,000 people
in the country, from six to ten times
as much as he made when there were
only 4,000,000 people here.
The four greatest race horses in
the world or at least the four best
advertised Zev, Papyrus, Epinard
and Grey Leg, will race this year
at Ascot.
Any one of those horses would sell
for at least $100,000.
The automobile show, not far off,
will show you various cars, selling
for a few hundred dollars, any one of
which would take the four greatest
race horses,- one after another, and
run them all to death in one after
noon. Once fast horses were important.
Now they are part of gambling ma
chinery, and they won't last long.
For real news of Europe watch the
exchange market. What the world
thinks of a nation's money tells what
the world thinks of that nation and
Its position. Yesterday the franc fell
below five cents, the lowest record.
The French public debt, in three
years, has risen from 200 billion to
400 billion francs. War does not pay.
especially if you keep it up after it
ought to be ended.
Rabbit drives were held in the
east end of the Boardman project
last Thursday and Sunday. A good
crowd was in attendance and alto
gether several hundred rabbits were
taken In the two drives. County
Agent Morse, and A. W. Moore, ot'
the Biological Survey, made short
talks on the seriousness of the rub
bit problem, and the best method of
control in this section. A drive is
scheduled for the west end of the
Boardman project for January 20.
Fill sura
Many Failures Shown By
Report of Secretary
of Agriculture.
Money Shortage Makes Cooperative
Organization Hard; Help for
Agriculture Imperative.
By C. E. SPENCE. State Mrkt Afent.
723 Court Home, Portland.
The report of the Secretary of Ag
riculture is a rather doleful story of
the condition of the farmers of the
country. He says that in the east
north central states six per cent have
lost their farms in the past three
years; of seven west north central
states over nine per cent have lost
out; that in three mountain states
nearly twenty per cent have failed,
and that the percentage of renters
who have lost all they had runs much
There is little hope that conditions
for grain and other farm products
will be much better this year, for
there is nothing in sight to warrant
a change. True, there are something
like twenty bills before Congress to
aid the farmers, one or two of which
may pass, but the most of them pro
vide simply for easier means to bor
row money. But if all of them be
come laws the farmer would not be
prosperous because of them. They
would help, but the situation is one
where it will require more than leg
islation. It is one where the farmers
must help themselves.
No business can ever be permanent
ly successful that throws its pro
ducts on the market and takes the
price the buyers give. It isn't busi
ness. It is unsound, jtnd it cannot
succeed. This is an age of combin
ation control. Every industry in the
nation of importance is organized to
control its production and prices ex
cept agriculture. Hence the plight
of the farmer. He is pillaged because
of his defenceless condition.
It is a difficult time to organize
farmers into crop control and market
ing associations, for the man reason
that it takes capital to finance such
organizations, and farmers are des
perately hard pressed, but it is such
emergencies that bring out self-defense
action. When a farmer smarts
hard enough then will come mass ac
tion for protection. And when by
organization and co-operation they
can control the greater part of their
production, determine a fair profit
price on products and hold for that
price, then will they get it, just the
same as all other combinations get
their profits. But it can never be ac
complished until producers have come,
largely to one mind, that they must
pull together.
The co-operative poultry associa
tion has gone over and is signed up
for another five years' business. It
had been in fairly successful opera
tion for several years, with the ex
ception of one disastrous season, but
thetrouble was that it was not strong
enough it did not control enough of
the egg output. So the new contract
provided that unless at .east 250,000
hens were signed up the contracts
were not binding. On the last day of
the old year the drive went over, and
it is expected that many mere poul
try flocks will not be added to the or
ganization, as it will have strength
enough in the future to have a big
bearing on markets and prices.
Sidney Anderson of the whest
growers association urges that co-operative
organizations extend their in
fluence into political activities, as
well as marketing associations. He
points out that taxes on farm lands
have increased from 30.9 cents in 1914
to 69.3 cent in 1922, per acre, and he
declares that high taxes and high
freight rates must be combatted as
e!l as low product prices.
Slowly but certainly the indisput
able facts are being impressed on the
minds of farmers that the relation
ship between the price of farm pro
ducts and the prices of articles that
have gone through the manufactur
ing process are unjustly dispropor
tionate and unfair, and with this they
realize that the prices they must pay
for what they buy are fixed by organ
ization strength, while what they sell
iB offered in an "open shop" market.
They realize that they must combine
and bring their industry up to the
standard of other prices or they
must quit the farms. The new year
should see rapid progress in farm
co-operative movements.
The God-less lite i the hopeless
life, and the hopeu -s life is the life
minus the main-spring. The church
has the message of hope; come and
get it. Services at the church will
be held at the usual hours: Bible
School at 9:45 a. m.. Communion and
preaching immediately following.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 and the
evening preaching at 7:30. Prayer
meeting will be held on Thursday
evening with Mr. E. R. Huston as
leader. Helpful and practical themes
will be used in both the morning
and evening services and you are
cordially invited to worship with us.
The Leavitt Soul Winning Team
will begin an evangelistic meeting in
Lexington on February 3. The team
held a meeting at Ine last March
and attracted quite a bit of atten
tion, in addition to holding a good
The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Holboke on Halm Fork was the scene
of a delightful dancing party on last
Saturday evening when about sixty
of their neighbors and friends gath
ered and enjoyed a few hours of
pleasure. The company was royally
treated by Mr. and Mrs. Holbuke,
and it Is stated that this party bas
brought Balm Fork to the front.
Wheat middlings for cows or hogs,
Brown A Lowry,