PAGE STX THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1923. In T Gwin-'rt wr,t to Portland far dT tc ji-irs Vr Tid I"ri, Jr., ' t l brer, ir. lb city fr,r MTf t'n-ii Thfv iW T-pd the holiday ; m !r.g H h rr . lives. Min Vln arrivrd him from F!t. mi Saturday r.d Pnl th hoJiii.y M-ns-n with her m-'tfr, Mr. May SVp i. Mr. nd W -. A. I.. Ar. acccm panu d by Mrs. Annie SprriC'r. dfprv d Saturday a'tcrTioon for !"ortijTd. rxp4-fiir.ff to vim ir. the city over the ho. dny (crnon. Mr. nd Mr. W. P. McMi'.isn of Ijfxinfrton frr in town Ijim evcnirip to "Ir Jock" t the SUtr theatrt. Thi rUrold Lloyd comruy a hip draw-in? card. V. M. Sacketi, who is ith the Stan dard Oil company at Sheridan, Ore gon, it a visitor in thin city this wetk a puft at the hume of Mr. and Mr. S, E. Notson. Heppner merchants are all busy now taking inventories of stock., and by January I, they wiil all 'know where they ar at." Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Living-stone and Mips Lois spent Wednesday in lone where tht-y enjoyed the day vis iting with friends. Misa Gertrude Davies, grade teach er departed on Saturday for her home at Baker to spend the holidays with her parents Percy Jarrcon is in from his Pine City ranch today. The winter weather down his way still remains mild and open. Gunnar Lindfce. extensive farmer of Alpine, was a visitor in this city on Monday, doing some Christmas shop ping. The year li24 is leap year and all the girls will be in line to do the "proposin'." Boys will have to look out. Billy Padberg was in town yester day. He and his family enjoyed Christmas with relatives in lone. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wyland of lone were Christmas shopping in Heppner on Saturday. Chas. Allinger was a prominent resident of lone doing business in this city on Monday. Farm Activities FROM THE -MORROW COUNTY FARM BUREAU NEWS iJJmtritrttrs By REV. M. A. MATTHEWS, D. D.. L. L. D. (Editor's Note Rev. Mr. Maf.hews is the man whom the Bethel Chapei peopie heard by radio last Sunday evening.) NEW YEAR, The habit of course of the superficial is to speak of turn ing over a new leaf. It is not ao much a new leaf as it is a new pen, a new purpose, a new policy, a new prophecy the world needs. Let us make resolutions, even if we break thera. If we fail let us try. try again until we succeed. We are enjoined not to yield to temptation, for yield ing is sin. Each victory will help us some other to win. If that negative truth is valuable, the positive side of it is more valuable. Try, even though you fail. Eaeh effort new strength will bring. Arise and try again, for the mountain peak you shall reach. Be not faint-hearted, the future is yours. Be not short sighted, the horizon is extended. Be not little, the world is big. Be not human only, God is your friend. Do not look at the fail ures of last year. Look at the material of next year, out of which you can construct success, fortune and favor. The prophesy of the future is pregnant with prosperity, progress and power. If Jesus Christ does not return before the year ends there will be, from a human standpoint, un- limited progress and power. These things should make us ser ious because we need more hu mility and grace in the moments of disaster and peace and prog ress tnan we do in the moments of disaster and sorrow. The new year is before you, seise it, use it, go through it, and at its end you shall be a better man, worth more to the world, and the world snail lay at your fet its garlands of gratitude. World Search for "Master Swindler mmmnm i mi m 0 f rtyrOA f,.r American Wheat Growers Plan Export of Surplus Proposals for legislation to improve conditions in the wheat industry will be at the front during the seaaion of Congress which is just opening, and the tnot discussed among te many plan to increase wheat prices is the program advocated by the American Wheat Growers Associated. This or ganization is the sales agency for nine state wheat growers associations art! brings to the support of its pro posal the united strength of the more than 60.000 members of these state oitianiza lions. The American Wheat Gro-voia As sociated advocates the creation of an agricultural export commission c-m sifting of the Secretary of the treas ury, the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Agriculture who would be chairman. The cammisjmii wcv'id have power to levy a tax upon v! of the saleable wheat produced ir. the t'nited States. The fund thus created would then be applied as a I rvmtum on that portion of the .nrat crop which is sold for export. Inas r. vrh as the export portion of the oor i less than one-fourth of tie ti-ta. production, the bushelag tax Cv. 'ected would be increased few I fold w' applied as a premium jn the export wheat. Through the addition of this pre mium to the export price, according to the American Wheat Growers As sociated, the domestic price paid lur the three-quarters of the United States crop wheih is consumed in this country would be increased a like amount. The marketing organization declares that domestic buyers of wheat would be forced to increase their prices to compete with the world's price plus the amount of the premium, thus creating a general large increase over the going inter national markets. "Take the present price condition as an example to see how this plan would work," said George C. Jewett. general manager of the American Wheat Growers Associated. "From the present crop we have approxim ately 700.000,000 bushels of saleable wheat that portion which leaves the farm. A tax of seven cents a bushel or $49,000,000 would be assessed against this amount of grain. Then the fund would be applied as a pre mium to the available price which could be secured for the portion which we export, approximately 170, 000.00 bushels. This would add about 30 cents a bushel to the price re ceived for the export wheat, 'The result would be that the am- "Haunted Valley" By Herbert Robinson Adapted from the Patheserial by Frank Leon Smith Copyright by Pathe Exchange, Inc. Ir iwlndlKr, wbc 1 allitiod to htv nriimirMi rrlmidi, MmIufm mo ad Diotbrr to tbt amount of Art million dollar, alan Uir hla ifa (Ivlow) and two rlilldron pvnallMt )tn lit rtrpirtwl Dw. & CHAPTER XIII To Hazaroous Heights Henry Mallinson was having an them, but before she could lay ho exciting time of it in the control room. With Ruth Ranger and the re porter in the mine shaft, and with fire destroying the treasure at the bottom of the shaft, Mallinson was is a frenzy. "Are those levers working over there ?" he shouted to the control man. The answer came in the affimative. "Then turn 'em on and flood the passages!" he shouted. Ruth and Dick Foster were in deed in a precarious predicament. The elevator was rapidly reaching the top of the shaft, and threatened to crush both of them. Suddenly Foster whipped out his revolver and began shooting holes in the planks in the top of the elevator. He suc ceeded in -gradually smashing his way through into the inside, where he managed to grasp the lever and start the elevator downward. In the underground passage, Fos ter began to tell Ruth of his discov eries. "Mallinson is behind the entire scheme," he finished, "and in that control room they've got all kinds of devilish contrivances. They kept me a prisoner for a week, but I got this map of the whole layout for my trouble." After looking the map over the girl decided she would explore the place at once. "I've gone too far to turn back now," she declared. "I'm going to solve this mystery before I leave Haunted Valley." And grasping the arm of the reporter, Ruth started forward to explore the lower room. Meanwhile, Vivian Delamar jvas worrying herself sick over the dis appearance of Mallinson. She final ly decided to visit his home and see if she cpuld learn anything there. L'pon her arrival, she found Mallin son's servant burning a lot of papers in the fireplace in the library. "Mr. Mallinson telephoned me and asked me to destroy all these papers before the police can make a search," he explained. "Mr. Mal linson is at his headquarters in Haunted Valley, and he is badly wounded." Vivian was startled at the news that the man she loved was injured. She determined to get a doctor and hurry to the control room. As the girl was about to leave the house, she encountered Eugene Craig, about to enter "Where is Mallinson?" he asked. M have an account to settle with him." Vivian saw she must act quickly. "If you have anything important to take up with Mr. Mallinson," she said, "I know he will be glad to see you. Just one moment and I will tell him you are here." Craig seated himself as Vivian Delamar walked into the next room. But the young lady didn't believe in wasting any time. She walked through the library, picked up her things and hurried for the side door of the house. Now it so happened that the sus picious and ever-wakeful IMnny had observed all that had been going on in Mallinson's home. When Vivian left, Dinny followed; and when Vivian started for Haunted Valley w ith the doctor, Dinny succeeded in climbing onto the rear of the auto mobile and enjoying the ride to the same spot. Mallinson was giving final orders in the control room when Vivian and the doctor arrived. Dinny had sprung from the rear of the car and had hidden in some brush before the car had stopped. The youngster wondered whether he should follow the enemy into their camp or wait outside for developments. He sud denly made up his mind, for he be held i stranger furtively picking his way through the valley, only a short distance auay. Dinny hoped that by following the man, he would find some clue to the whole mysterious business surrounding Ruth. Meanwhile, Ruth and Foster had wended their way through the maze of underground passages in the valley. The place seemed unusual ly spooky, and both had the feeling that t third person was somewhere near them, watching every move they made A noise behind them caused then both to wheel around, and their eyes fell upon a cheit that thev had not observed before. Foster hurried to open It, but the client was tightly bolted and the cover could not be budged. Ruth's flshlight fell on some papers on the Boor, he girl (rasped quickly for ount thus added to th export prico would also place the domestic priee :'0 cent, a bushel above the present vuld's leevl. The cnl rnced price fo e.port wheat would have to be .i.-t hy those des iirir tc purchase dix.e.tie wheat, The, to the la'Mer, then, wo.-10 be SO cents s bushe! above the price he is now re ceiving:, and front Ihi, would have to be deducted the seven -.tnt tax, leav ing him a net K-iin of 23 cents a bushel through the operation of thi export commission. The tax, according to the plan of the marketing orua-iiiation, would be collected by the government through railroad channels and through certi fied mill reports on wheat delivered directly to mills by farmers. Export premiums would be applied on an equiuble basis on flour milled in this country from United States wheat and then exported. The tx and premium would be sub ject to revision by he commission from year to year depending upon the piobtble amount of the surplus and the world's price range, but always so fixed that the actual return to ttu farmers would be maintained at a FOR SALE. A thoroughbred barred rock rooster. STANLEY MINOR O. A. C. Short Courses Intensive practice. Instruction in agricul tural specialties varying- from one week to 20 weeks as follow,: General Agriculture Jan. 8-lfarch 19 Horticulture J,n. t-Usrrh 19 Dairy Manufacturing Jan. 7-Feb. t Herdsmen and Cow Testers....Jan I. -June It Farm Mechanics, Tractors, Trucks, etc Jan. g.Mareh 19 Farm Mechanics (one wek)..Feb. 18-Feb S3 Third Annual Canner, School 'Feb. 1-F.h. as Land Classification and Appraisal ; ...Jan. 7-Jan. IS Agricultural Economic Conference Jan. 11 -J an, li For further Information regarding any course address The REGISTRAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corrallis. Oregon. hands on them they were quicklt snatched away. Ruth grappled witt the man and Foster made a flyinj tackle, but the stranger eluded then; both and scurried off into the dark ness. Fortunately, Ruth did not gel a look at his face for it wai Eugene Craig, Dick wanted to pur sue the man, but the girl was more interested lust then in the paper! which he had left lying on the Boor. Under the light of her Bashlight Ruth discovered that the papers were very old parchments, and writ ten in ancient Spanish script. ' With that old chest back there and these papers, we may discover the secret of Haunted Valley, the girl ven tured. But when they returned to the chest is bad mysteriously dis appeared. Meanwhile, is the control room, Mallinson's men chanced to look through the radio periscope and see an old prospector scurrying through the valley with a chest in bis arms. I he control man gave an order and a terrific explosion was the result. When the smoke in the valley bad cleared the prospector had disap peared from sight. But in the underground passage ay, the explosion had startled Ruth and her companion, and perhaps more so when they heard footsteps running in their direction. The owner of all the noise was Dinny, who had become lost in the ladyrinth of passages and had just chanced to run into the arms of Ruth when the noise of the explosion had fright ened him to death. I J followed some old pros pector in here, Dinny explained, breathing hard, "and mavbe he's the one who got away with the chest." Dinny was unanimously chosen guide to lead the two explorers through the passageway and out to daylight Soon the three emerged from the dark passageway, and for a moment the light of the sun almost blinded them. In a moment they had re covered and Ruth cast her eyes about the place. "Look!" Foster exclaimed sud denly. "There's something funny going on over there!" Ruth and Dinny looked in the direction that Foster indicated and saw Vivian Delamar and a man carrying a small kit evidently a doctors emerging from a cabin. "That must be the cabin where Miss Delamar and the doctor have been taking care of Mallinson." Dinny exclaimed. "All right I Let's go!" Foster added, enthusiastically. But Henry Mallinson was still extremely alert With his arm bandaged, he saw the trio approach ing. Drawing hastiy back from the window, he decided to skip. Run ning from the cabin, he hurried toward some ladders on the face of the cliff and started climbing upwards. Ruth, Dick Foster and binn" saw him nearing the top, ani followed hot on his trail. As they started climbing the ladder, Mallinson reached the top. Here he was sud denly blocked by the man of mys tery, who sprung out at him. The struggle was very brief, as Mallin son employed a trick, managing to floor his attacker and escape. The mystery may struggled to his feet and was about to pursue Mal linson when he heard voices com ing from below. Peering over the top of the cliff, he saw Ruth Ranger rapidly climbing up the ladder. A sneer escaped his lips and he hastened to dislodge the fastenings of the ladder at the top. He was not aware that it was secured firmly at the bottom. Ruth was now half way up. But suddenly the ladder began to give way at the top and started to sway. She suddenly swung out into space and seemed almost done for, but Dick Foster and Dinny, waiting below, caught hold of the ladder and steadied it. Ruth could not un derstand what had happened. How ever, everything seemed all right again, so she resumed her journey upward. unce more the mystery man peered over this time grim hatred was written on his face. He seized the top of the ladder and lifted determined to plunge the girl downward (To be continued) We handle the verv hest nnalitv j . j of Copper Carbonate and Blue- stone for treating seed wheat against smut. Winchester shells loaded with chilled shot are the best ammuni tion for game birds We handle the famous Kentuc ky Drills in both Hoe and Disc. Extras for same are always easy to obtain. o Take good care of your chick ens during the cold weather. We have everything you will need and our poultry foods and reme dies are the best obtainable. We carry the Chatham Fanning Mill in stock. STAR THEATRE, TOMORROW NIGHT Gilliam & Bisbees JZ? Column j& Gilliam & Bisbee EVERYTHING IN Hardware - Implements We have it, will get it or it is not made. Passion Players Awe-Struck But Unaffected Amid New York's Glitter Nf Y s mvr pA HVi ill Prom the rallej of Oberammerftn, In Bavaria, where their lives are molded to the character they aspire to portray Id "The Passion Play' (produced every 10 years) hat come a small baud of wood carvers to sell their wares, all returns to help feed their starving women and chll. drea. jit is their first trip away from their valley. Though awe-struck and marvelling at the fife and glitter of New York, they refuse to bo moved from their simple Christian thinking and ways of living. Head lng the group la Anton Lang, who is the present Christ us, having por trayed Jesus In the last three productions, his brother Andrea Laii Peter, and Quldo Mayr, Jud44. point equal in purchasing power per bushel of wheat to the pre-war value of the commodity. The present tariff would be increased to at least 60 cents a bushel to protect domestic markets from the influx of foreign grown wheat. Mr. Jewett meets the argument that such an increase in price would re sult in greatly increased production by the statement that the collection of the tax would be an ever present argument to all farmers of the evil of growing an excessive surplus. Bert Johnson and Oscar Donovan of the "J. D. Ranch' near lone, were in Heppner a short time today and this office acknowledges a pleasant eall from them.. These young men are extensive wheatraisers of their sec tion, and while they admit that the farmer U getting a pretty hard denl at the present, they are optimistic and will stay on the job,, fully ex pecting that within a couple of years at least they will be on an even foot ing again and come out OK. We stopped the press long enough to get bcrt'tt picture in the paper, and if you will take a second look you can locate it on the first page. WE GIVE TO OUR CUSTOMERS The Best and Largest Assortment of Meats in Morrow County. The Lowest Prices Possible. ' WHAT MORE CAN WE DO? CENTRAL MARKET G. B. SWAGGART YOUR PATRONAGE WE SOLICIT jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu J A. M. EDWARDS WELL DRILLER, Box 14. Lexington, Ore. s Up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for all sizes of hole s s and depths. Write for contract and terms. Can furnish you s CHALLENGE SELF-OILING WINDMILL 1 a all steel. Light Running, Simple, Strong, Durable. 3 aiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiiimiminiiHnmHimmnHiHig French Burroughs, the Rhea creek farmer, shipped 1300 pounds of tur keys to Portland this week. For the Thanksgiving trade some 1600 pounds were shipped. lone Independent. FOR RENT The George Parman wheat ranch in Gooseberry section. For further information call on or write C. J. Anderson, lone, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rcitmann of lone were Saturday visitors in Hepp-nsr. mm IT THIS Holiday Season we think of our customers as our friends. We like to feel that in a broad sense our cus tomers are our partners that our success is but a reflection of theirs. And so, on the eve of the New Year we extend to you our hearty Good Wishes. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank 0reSn Sf S3 M if 5? M S3 11 if SI if si if if 5H pKE the treasure ship of olden times, full fraught with precious things, so may the New Year come to you laden with all that will make for your Happiness and Contentment. Kniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirmrmrttrrimiwuuiuiuutiiiiiiiiittttt Cash & Carry Store IE THANK OUR MANY friends for the patronage they have given us during the past year, and may the Ney Year be filled with Contentment, Happiness and Prosperity for all. L. G. DRAKE, Prop. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING Star Theater THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 COLLEEN MOORE in "BROKEN CHAINS" An Emerson Hough Picture First prize winner in Chicago Daily News scenaro contest. Something doing all the time. Also FELIX" Gets Broatcasted. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28 ROY STEWART in "THE SAGE BRUSHER" By Zane Gray RUTH ROLAND in HAUNTED VALLEY and the Pathe News Weekly. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 Dorothy MacKail and James Rennie in "MIGHTY LAK A ROSE" A picture that should please any one Also Pathe Review, Screen Magazine SUNDAY and MONDAY, DEC. 30 and 31 Helene Chadwick and Richard Dix in "QUICKSANDS" Romance, Pathos, Thrill, Suspense and Sen sation were never more skillfully combined. Also Comedy, "KILL OR CURE" TUES. and WEDS., JANUARY 1 and 2 "SOULS FOR SALE" By RUPERT HUGHES A story of Hollywood, its problems and its people. See it. Also "FELIX IN HOLLYWOOD"