11 PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1923. IHE GRZETTE-TIMES Tfit. HKfTrH AT KTTT K. K-taM.W4 THK HVVJ Nth I.MKy K-.Wi.K rOSM4,UrATU I KHkt ART It. l!t VAWTtk AMI KI'tM 18 ftAW FoRP fid ema-rfd kl ih Po-t at Itn-I. Or-mft. k rrmii -c let mat im ADVERTISING R Tf:S C.l KX PS AI'I'IH ATi'S BlTHSTkimON R ATF-S . One Yar Kt Month , Thn Month . Hlnrw (o,tiea . .... .. . MORROW C01' XT T OFFICIAL PAlER For fir A dwrt I. i ti r RTvrtwri I t i v THa, AMKUKAN l kKK ASSOCIATION -RING OIT THE OLD: THE NEW," RING IN THK y-r of our Lord 1924 is at hand. Willi it comes new hopes, new dmirea, and new ambitions. Nine teen Twenty-Three is Hearing its irrave. With it, let us hope, wiil be buried many blasted hopes, lost de itirea, and ur gained ambition, let the new Uke the place of the old; oa!y, in doing so, make the new hope, desire, and ambition more unto the pattern set for us nearly two thou aand year a fro by Christ Jesus. A new order should be introduced by our people to take the place of the ones found faulty in the past. Let us look carefully over the order of the past year, and find w hat hap "caused our blasted hopes, lost desires and un gsined ambitions; see what methods of procedure we have followed that have led us astray. Then, with cray on in hand, let us frame one all in clusive resolution to correct these, that our progress may be more far reaching and our happiness many timet multiplied when Father Time has rolled his dial around to 1925. No time in our section is more ap propriate for doing this than the first of the year. Things are at ebb-tide; a time of relaxation is at hand. Our harvest is over and preparations for the new crop are nearly completed. Only, to complete the preparations, a better and more thorough program for handling the new crop is neces sary. This is the part that mostly spells for prosperity or for failure. We have not been prosperous the past year. We will all admit that. What has been the matter? We can find all kinds of answers to this. We blame the administration, the after math of war, and many other causes. But why not look to ourselves first? Have we not been in some way at least partly to blame? Why not look ourselves over and see if we cannot make corrections within ourselves that will make for better times the coming year. The group is composed of individuals. When each indmd sal within the group becomes per fect, then, and then only, can the group be perfect. This applies to firms, towns, cities, counties and states, as well as to nations and yes, to the entire world. Let no one blame the other fellow till he himself has become perfect. Many times the past year have we heard the phrase, "What's the matter with Heppner?" It shall not be our purpose to try to answer this. But let's think of it in forming our reso lutions, and try to the utmost, the con.ing year, to correct anything that Ti'ay be the matter with Heppner.! We can all help by looking to our- ! selves first. With this plea for an organized at tack on problems that will confront us in 1&24. The Gazette-Times ex tends to ali it friends, neighbors, and a?, im. in lances, the wish for a most i 'osperous and happy New Year. s-s-s IT'S A FINNY W ORLD. THERE it scarcely a day torn off the calendar but what you hear some one complaining of high taxes. With a good many taxpayers it has become a tort of chronic grouch. They will tell you the present day levy of taxes has a tendency to in jure business and retard prosperity. If a candidate for public office an nounces that he stands for a reduc tion of taxes the people look upon him as a Moses who will lead them out of the wilderness. He receives their support at the polls and is el ected on ft platform the main plank of which is the reduction of taxes. And yet when he redeems his pledee and makes good his promises the same men who stood by him for the reason of these pledges set up a howl that can be beard over in the next state. It dawns upon them they are unable to do without the things that it is necessary to dispense with be fore a cut in taxes can be made. This was demonstrated a few days ago when the tax budget of Umatilla county was cut over $2,000.00. Th commission responsible for the cut was criticized. Expressions similar 4a wni4lioHl ( Driifltd to Pretidmt Hurting Slix Ilf betran World history's been wrought With an'i $nm batik oft nwwed and fought; Progress haa lament th evil of our way. And peace la dawning with a newer day. The force of tnlpht not rtsht haa often ruled. And all the world In armament been schooled; I'leaae God. no more, vast craveyarua where we kneel. But Join our hearts and hands for comuiou weal. Men's minds hare Tied for better ways to malt IVatructive foroea for destruction's sake; From chana and contusion there shall rise Kndurlnf peace and everlasting ties. Chaw We pray for peace ou earth, good will toward all) May love instead of hate our hearts enthrall. We pray that every nation sees the right ; That truth and Justice rule In place of wight; That armament forever cease Its reign ; And wasting war may ne'er return again. Long may the world be bright With freedom's holy light. And sing Creiit Clod our King! to these were heard: "The commis sion should be ousted." "We must have the thing they took away." It seems to be a case where every one is ready and willing to dance, but when it comes to paying the fid dler, that's different. Hermiston Herald. S-S-S AX OREGON SPORT. ONE of the commonest qualifica tions of the public utilities of Or egon is their utility at the receiving end of a harpoon. Through diligent .practice Old Man Oregon has become unusually proficient in "soaking" these luckless corporations. Most of them he could not very well get along without, but that he retains their senices at all is probably due to the fact that they are "stuck here with large investments and cannot get away. The latest wrinkle consists of boosting the assessed valuation of public utilities a little matter of twenty per cent. They are now tax ed at ft ratio of assessed valuation to full valuation approximately double that of realty. Nothing is gained of course, by this sort of practice, as the consumer pays in the long run. We assume that the psychological ef fect is supposed to be wholesome, however, for the reason that the con sumer who is Mr. Taxpayer in gen eral is given occasion for delightful gloating at the discrimination against the "soulless corporations," yet does n't realize that an inevitable boomer ang hits his own pocket. Weston Leader. S-S-S 1922 WHEAT PRICES. SINCE the actual closing of the 1922 pool, which was made some time ago, the actual final average prices secured by grower members through the Oregon Cooperative Grain Grow ers association, are available. The figures mentioned below are the average of a large number of re turns to growers at the points men tioned and represent actual cash paid to the grower for the wheat deliver ed. In addition to paying the grower this money, the Association paid in terest on the advances made to the member, paid his freight and ware housing charges, and the entire ex penses of marketing his wheat. The 1922 wheat crop was consider ably off-grade and the figures listed are not the basis No. 1 prices that would be quoted in the country but are the "as is" prices actually paid to the grower: Moro Turkey Red 90c Heppner Turkey Red 90 Condon Turkey Red - 90H MadrasTurkey Red 85 Madras Gaigalos and Baart 94c Heppner Fortyfold . 88c Condon Fortyfold tk Elgin Fortyfold -...88c Umatilla County Club 92c Oregon Voter. S-S-S SPEND XMAS AT PENDLETON. Miss Loye DeVore of Florence, Al exander F. Andraieff of Roseburg and Mrs. A. Z. Barnard and little daugh ter Loye of Lexington, arrived yes terday to spend the Christmas holi days with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hoyt at 322 North Madison. Monday's East Oregonian. Slat's Diary if By ROSS FARQUHAR. pRIDAY Ma and pa never seldom agree on noining. irey was a. a Party last nite and when they was a tawking about it this morning ma remarks that a certain pet had the appearance of Chesterfield and pa sed No he looked more like a Camel. Witch is all greek to me. As I don't no neither 1 of them. Sat. Tomorow is Ot toists day at are chirch. That is evry buddy witch runs a ottomo- bile or a ford is sus- posed to be present at the service. Ma says we are all a going. And pa says he hopes it rains so he wont fel ike he is looseing so much good time in that kind of a case. Sunday Fair and cooler. Well it diddent rain and are happy famly went to chirch in a body, ma was a waiting for me when Sun. skool left out in case I mite ferget about chirch as she joakingly remarked. The last song on the list was intit!e Threw that Beautifull Land on high witch was very approperate pa sed. Enjoy ed a good nap and 1 and pa kept ma busy nugging us evry now and then. Monday I have ben trying to fig ger out what I am going to be when I am groan up a little more. Pa ad viced me to lern a good trade like being a bricklayer or sum of those kind of things witch pays a dollar a hr. but I gess I d rather be a Dr. be cause insted of gitting payed by the hr. they get payed by the few minits. Tuesday Played a innocent joak on Jane today and I gess she diddent like it. I slips her powder Puff out of her pocket book and sprinkles sum pepper in it and just as we was a going to recite arithmittick she gives her nose a dabb and commenced to start sneesing. She has treated me like I had the smal pox ever sence. Wensday Pa tuk us out in the ford for a spin on witch he has had a new Carharater put on and he was sling ing dust at the rate of 35 miles purr and he turns around smileing joy fully and ast us how did we like it and ma sed not much it was to much like as if you was a rideing fast to yure own Funeral. Witch is not the way it is being done in these day and ages. Thirsday I have found a new way to make money. By writeing pomes to put on greeting Cards & sell them. Sent in 1 today witch went like this Sum travels East and sum travels West. But never the trains shall Meat. They are only 1 thing to keep it from being a Success. I mite not be able to sell them. of his race, and the ride he made to win here haa gone down in the annals of the Pendleton Round-Up as one of the classic performances of its kind in the history of the show. Information of the death of the In dian rider was received here by Charles Bennett in letter from his daughter, Josephine B. James, Charles Half Moon and Jones Will iams, well known to Umatilla Indians, died last week, according to the let ter. East Oregonian. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FILING PETITION TO VACATE STREETS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That I will at the first meeting of the City Council of the City of Heppner, to be held on the first Monday in February, to-wit: February 4, 1924, present to said City Council of the City of Heppner, Oregon, a petition to vacate certain streets in the City of Heppner. Oregon, particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the West line of Lot 1 in Block 1 of Morrow's First Addition to the Town of Hepp ner, Oregon, which point is ten feet Southwest of the Northwest corner of said Lot 1, running thence North westerly on a straight line parallel to and fifty (50) feet distant from the South boundary line of Block 3, of Morrow's First Addition to the Town of Heppner, Oregon, to a point where said line intersects the Northeast boundary line of Block S of Jone's Second Addition to the Town of Hepp ner, Oregon, thence running in Southeasterly direction on the North east boundary line of said Block 3 to the most easterly corner of said Block 3, thence running Southwester ly to the Southeast corner of said Block S, thence running West on the South boundary line of said Block S, to the Southwest corner thereof; "thence South to the Northwest cor ner of Kinsman's First Addition to the Town of Heppner, Oregon, thence Easterly on the North Boundary line of Kinsman's First Addition afore said to a point where the Westerly line of Lot 1, Block 1 of Morrow's First Addition, extended Southwes terly intersects the North Boundary line of said Kinsman's First Addition thence running Northeasterly along said West boundary line of Lot 1 Block 10, Morrow's First Addition ex tended, to the point of beginning. J. O. HAGER. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Lexington State Bank. Lexing ton, Oregon, on the second Tuesday in January. 1924, (January 8th, 1924), between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., of said date for the purpose of electing directors and for the trans action of such business as may legal ly come before the meeting. W. O. HILL, Cashier. Dated this 13th day of December, 1923. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING S0T1CE IS HEREBY GIVES to the legal voters of School Dis trict No. 1 of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said district will be held at the Council Chambers in Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of January, 1924, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board. The total amount of money needed by the said school district dur ing the fiscal year beginning on June 18, 1923, and ending June 30, 1924, is estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, speciiil district tax, and all other moneys of the district: BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICE ' No. Salary TjtaT" ""Superintendent I I I $2800.00 2800.00 Principals - 1 2000.00 2000.00 Teachers, High School 4 1380.00 6400.00 Teachers, Grades 1 1350 00 1350.00 2 1260.00 2520.00 2 1170.00 2340.00 3 1125.00 3375.00 Janitors 1 1440.00 1440.00 Clerk - 1 200.00 200.00 Total MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: Furniture (desks, Btoves, curtains, etc.) .. Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.) Library Books - Flags - Playground equipment ... , ,. Janitor's supplies Fuel Light and water Postage and stationery Total MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Repairs on buildings and grounds t 150.00 500.00 200.00 10.00 50.00 300.00 1300.00 375.00 76.00 t 760.00 Total INDEBTEDNESS: Bonded, and interest thereon All other indebtedness and interest thereon . Thoroughbred Bronze . Turkeys Toms, $10; hens $6. Mrs. Cora Bur roughs, lone, Oregon. Practically new piano at a sacri fice. See Miss Ruby Corrigall at First National Bank. JACKSON SUNDOWN IS DEAD. Jackson Sundown, winner in 1916 of the championship of the world as a rider of bucking horses when he finished first in the competition at the Pendleton Round-Up. is dead. His demise occurred last week and funeral services were held December 20 at his home near Sweetwater, Ida. Sundown, who was 60 years old when he won the championship here, has been acclaimed the preate-t rider POST-CHRISTMAS CARTOONETTES ' " . Total INSURANCE: . Total $2680.00 6000.00 $ 160.00 Total Total Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year $21,425.00 $ 2,960.00 $ 750.00 $ 7,680.00 $ 160.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $33,575.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during coming school year From state school fund during coming school year From elementary school fund during the coming school year Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the ceming school year $3500.00 650.00 3600.00 3200.00 Total estimated receipts, not including propostd tax . $10,950.00 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax Balance, amount to be raised by district tax $33,675.00! 10,950.00 Dated this 13th day of December, 1923. C. E. WOODSON, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: VAWTER CRAWFORD, District Clerk. Where the Sun Shines ' Most of the Time and the very air seeme to dispel worry nnd tone tip the nerves. One can pick oranges, climb moun tains, dance at fine hotels, bathe in the ocean, visit old mismons and play golf all in one day, if desired; or every day for months and each day something new. 4000 Miles of Paved Highways The most wonderful system of hotels, apartment houses, cottages, bungalows and suites for the accom modation of tourists in all the world, and costs reasonable. Raprsssntatlves of tha ' UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM will gladly furnish Illustrated booklets giving compUte Information ahout the glorious play ground of tha West. Iet them tell all about otel rates, railroad fares, through car sarvioa. C. DAKBKK, Agent, Heppner, Oregon WM. McMIJKRAV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice is hereby gvien that there will be a meeting of th, stockholders of the Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, on th, second Tuesday in January, 1924, (January 8, 1924) between the hours of II A. M. and 4 P. H., of said date, for the purpose of electing di rectors and for tha transaction of such other business that may com, before the meeting. J. E. HIGLEY, Cashier. Dated this 11th day of December, 1923. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Hepp ner, Oregon, on the second Tuesday in January, 1924, (January 8th, 1924), between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., of said date for the purpose of electing directors and for tha trans action of such business as may legal ly come before the meeting. W. E. MOORE, Cashier. Dated this 6th day of December, 1923. S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY -A T-LAW Ofle in Court Hoaas Hvppasr. Orafua F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER 10NC. OREGON Heppner Sanitarium no i pet-ddv rnvnRB Physiciaa-tB-Caarae Treatment of all diseases. Isolated wards for eontagioua diseases. FIRE INSURANCE Waters & Anderson Heppner, Oreeor E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Heppaar. Ong i ITS L. VAN MARTER FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Lin Cosapaales REAL ESTATE Heppner, Or. MATERNITY HOME HKS. O. C. AIKEN. BEPPNKB 1 sia prepared ta take a lUalUd as bet of maternity eaaas at ssy bosm. Palluils prWUxed rlM Ml ewa phytictaa. Bwt of ears and attention asaurea. PHONE 111 J0S.J.NYS ATTORNEY AT-LAW Upstairs In Humphrey! Buildlnf HapptMf Orofoa - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalle. Ore., Dec. S. 1U23. NOTICE Is hereby riven that Hiram L. J uh niton, of Hardman, Oregon, who, on July 25, 1919, maue Homectvad Entry No. 020860, for SWi SB1. Sec. lfi, NWVi NK'4l Sertion 22, Township & South, Kanw 26 East, Willamette Meridian, haa tiled no tire of intention to make three year Proof, j to establish claim to the land above dra- iTiuru, wiorr; vmy an . nnueraon, unut-a States Commissioner, at Heppner, Ore, t-on the 14th day of January. 1924. ' Claimant names mm witneiwea: Chaa, Hack man, C. G. Wright. John Boyd, all of Hardman, Ore., L. E. Bra.-h.er. of Heppner, Ore. J. W. DONNELLY, Retrinter. NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dallett, Ore.. Dee. t, 1S2S. NOTICE ia hereby Kiven that William Hill, of barkers Mill, Ore., who, on Sept 22, 1&20, made Homestead Entry No, O'ilSOK, for E WH, NW4 NEV;, Section 12, Town hip 0 South, Range 26 Eaat, Willam ette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to eatablUh claim to the land above dencribed, before Gay M. Anderson, United States Commis sioner, at Ht-ppner, Ore., on the 17th day of January, 1924. Claimnnt names a witnesses: Nela M. Johnson, of Parker Mill, Ore., S. A. Ilarrii, of I'arken Mill, Ore.. G. A. Parrenx, ot Hardman, Ore., J. ii. Huddles ton, of Lonerock, Ore. J. W. DONNELLY, Reg-inter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U, S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 28, 192. NOTICE U hereby given that Frank Van Hlaircon of Heppner, Oregon, who on Mar. 29. 1)I9, made Homestead Entry No. 020522 for E'i. Section 27, Township 4 South, Range 24 Eat Willamette Meridian, haa tiled notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to cstahlbh claim to the land above described, before Gay M. Anderson, United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 9th day of January, 1924. Claimant names an witnesses: Jos. Robbins of Heppner, Ore., T. H. Williams, of Hardman, Ore., Harlan Jones, of Hardman, Ore., N. IL Leathers, of Hardman, Ore. J. W. DONNELLY, Register. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS UNDER AGISTER'S LIEN. Notice ia hereby riven that the under signed, by virtue of an agister's lien upon the hereinafter Uvcrlbci animals, amount ing to the sum of Eighty-nine and 80-100 Dollars, for depasturing said animals, will. on Friday, the ZHth day of December. 1923. at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at my ranch on H in ton Creek. five miles east of Heppner, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described animals, or such of them as may be necessary to pay the amount of said lien and the costs of said sale, to-wit: Three red Jersey heifers, about two years old, and one Jersey cow, hrp un known. T. C. BEYMER. IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIllMIHIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllltlllllllllllf APPRECIATING your business and hoping that the pleasant relations now existing between us will continue we wish you much hap piness and prosperity for the New Year. nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr. Sam Hughes Co. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has flU-d her final account as admin istratrix of the estate of George A. Miller, deceased, and that the County Court of the State of O retro n for Morrow County has fixed Monday, the 7th day of January, 1924. as the time, and the County Court Room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place, of hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections to said final account munt be filed on or before said date. SENA MILLER, Administratrix NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing; be tween the undersigned John Berg strom and Cecil M. Lutkina, doing, business under the firm name and style of Beruntrom & Lutkins, haa been this day by mutual consent of said parties dissolved; that all debts owing by said firm are assumed by John Berpstrom aforesaid and will be by him paid; that all accounts due said firm are payable to said John Bergutrom, who U authorized to re ceipt fully for all payments. Dated this 26th day of November, 1923 JOHN BERGSTROM. CECIL M. LUTKINS. DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST Offica Upstairs Orsr Postoffica Heppnar, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Office in Masonic Buildlnf Trained Nurse Assistant Hsppncr. Oregon C. C. CHICK, M. D. PHYSICIAN A BURGEON Offlcs Upstairs Over Postoffica Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN KVS-AT-LAW Offices In First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon We desire to extend to you the Compliments of I Mil ws A ggar a-K-7 X-T M. A. Professional Cards and express our sincere wishes for your J llll nrnsnentv the rnmina vpar. with III HI 1 1 j o j 7 ...... a continuance of the cordial llll relations existing be- tween us. I J -HHH- II II I Phelps Grocery Company PHONE 53 . .