The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, December 27, 1923, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Harley Sparry, who departed from
lona torn two yeari ago, and ainee
that tlm. haa been out of light of the
. authorities who were wanting him,
waa taken in charge by Sheriff Mc
Duffee at Portland lait week and
brought to Heppner. He had a hear
ing before Juatice Comett on Satur
day and waa held in the aum of I1A00
to Hipee r before the grand Jury. He
waa Uler released from euitody up
on frlneda appearing from lone and
putting up hie bond for him. Mr.
Ep.-rry, upon leaving lone wai alleged
to be ahcrt in hia accounts with var
ious persons, but ho straightened up
these matters in ths main and will
tnJeavor to make good to all of them.
D. E. Gllman returned home on
Sunday evening from an 8-day trip
Into Grant county, where he was look
ing after buainess affairs. He cora-
pllments that section quite highly for
the many good roads they are now
building, and states that great im
provement has been made in this re
gard during thu past year or ao. As
a result of this Mr. Gillman thinks
there mny occur a cutting up of the
many large ranches and a consequent
increase in the population of the
county, a result much to be desired.
He found business conditions much as
they are here, cash money being a
scarce article.
Sam Ganger, Wayne Sperry and
George Ritchie of lone were visitors
here on Saturday. Mr. Ganger, who
is running the lone hotel, which he
took over in October, states that he
Is enjoying a fine business in his
line, and the former popularity of
that hostlery is being rapidly re
stored under his management Wayne
has about recovered from the serious
injuries he received in an automo
bile accident some two years ago. His
right arm, which was badly broken
and had to undergo different opera
tions, is now getting to be quite use
ful and he feels that he is again a
pretty good man.
Mat Halvorsen and F. B. Church
man of lone were in Heppner on
Monday. These gentlemen were in
terviewing the county court with
reference to putting a ditch along
the market road. Mr. Churchman is
on the Ed Day place and Mr. Halvor
sen also has land down on the creek
and they are interested in putting
in an irrigation ditch that will par
allel the Rhea creek market road for
some distance and they desire the
permission of the county court to
place their ditch on the right of way.
Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Young of
Eight Mile were in the city on Sat
urday. They had just returned from
Oregon City where they have spent
mors than a month at the home of
the parenta of Mrs. Young, Mr. and
Mra. Joel Barlow. They were called
there by the serious illness of Mr.
Barlow and were with him when he
paspcl away on December 3th. Mrs.
Bai'r, who is also quite aged, is
very sick, but was somewhat improv
ed when Mr. and Mrs. Voting left
Oregon City to return home.
Elta Sutton and family of Spring
field are spending a portion of the
Christmas holidays visiting with rela
tives in Morrow county. They were
at the home of Mr. Sutton's mother,
Mrs. Frances Gordon for Christmas
dinner, and are also visiting a part
of the time with Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Hill at Lexington, Mrs. Sutton and
Mrs. Hill being aisters. Mr. Sutton
la in business in Springfield, and it
has been six years since he last vis
ited Heppner.
The marriage of Miss Edna E. Lit
ten to Mr. John M. Jewell, both of
Morgan, took place at the court house
on Saturday, Judge Wm. T. Campbell
Fred Lunger and wife drove to
Portland Sunday, accompanied aa far
as Hood River by the Misses Irene
Devin and Opal Seely, who returned
home with them Tuesdsy evening.
The Lunger car had just passed the
spot where a slain man was found
a few minutes before the murder was
committed, near Warrendale, which
occurred Sunday. lone Independent.
Prof. E. H. Hedrick and Mra. Hed
rick were passengers out for Port
land Tuesday, where Professor Hed
rick goes as a delegate to the meet
ing of the State Teachers association
held there this week. Other dele
gatea from thia county are Superin
tendent Lena S. Shurte of thia city
snd Prof. Wallace Kellogg of Lexing
ton. Andrew Balrd, father of Mrs. C. C.
Pstterson and Mrs. Osmin Hager of
this city, arrived the past week from
his home near Pittsburg, Pa., for a
short visit with his daughters here.
Mr. Bafrd's coming was a surprise as
he had not let his people at Heppner
know of hia intentions of making
them a visit at this time.
Lowell McMillan, of Lexington, for
merly with the First National bank In
this city, arrived home the latter part
of the week from 0. A. C, where he
is a student. He was in' Heppner
Saturday and expects to remain at
home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. McMillan at Lexington for the
R. i. Carsaer, who has represented
Sherman, Gilliam and Wheeler coun
ties in the lower house of the legis
lature for the last two terms, was In
Fossil with Mrs. Carsner Monday
from their ranch near Spray. Mr.
Carsner will seek election this time
to the Oregon senate. Fossil Journal.
Miss Genevieve Phelps is visiting
her parents, Judge and Mrs. G. W.
Phelps. She is a student at Univer
sity of Oregon. Miss Margaret Phelps
who is Instructor in public school
music at Kelso, Washington, will be
here for Christmas and New Year's
also. Pendleton East Oregonian.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnson and
Mrs. Ingard Skobo drove to Heppner
one day last week. At this time Mrs.
Skobo received her final citizenship
papera. She was highly compliment
ed by the judge upon her accurate
answers to the questions propounded.
Boardman Mirror.
Roland Humphreys, a junior at U.
of O., arrived home on Thursday last
to spend his holiday vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hum
phreys. The Misses Leta and Evelyn
Humphreys, who are also students at
the I'nhcrsity, arrived home on Sat
urday. Miss Johnnie F. Fleet, Miss Har
riet Chambers, Miss Isabelle Steele,
Miss Gloria Christ and Mr. Irving
Mather, all teachers of the Heppner
schools, departed on Friday afternoon
for Portland, where they will spend
the holiday season.
Miss Alice Howard of Milton is
spending the holiday season at the
home of her grandmother, Mrs. Alice
Adkins in this city. S'e is the
daughter of W. C. Howard who is
now connected with the Milton Eagle
ss editorial writer.
Mra. E. R. Huston, who was called
to Albany last week by the death of
Dr. Davis, returned home on Satur
day, being accompanied by her daugh
ter, Miss Elisabeth, a freshman this
year In the U. of 0., who will be here
for the holidays.
James Luper of Heppner Flat, de
parted on Saturday for Portland and
Salem for a visit during the holidays
with his daughter, Mrs. Lets King,
residing in the former city and son,
Rhea Luper, state engineer st Salem.
Herman Hill, who is a student this
year at 0. A. C, came up from Cor
vallis on Saturday and is spending
the holidaya with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. Hill at Lexington.
B. R. Finch returned Sunday after-1
noon from a trip to Portland. He
left here Friday evening with a
bunch of teaehera, taking them to
Portland in hia car. The teachers
will spend the holidaya in the city.
Ore Matlock returned home Satur
day from Seattle where he has been
a atudent at the University of Wash
ington for the first half of the col
lege year. He does not expect to re
turn to school for the coming term.
Mrs. Phil Cohn arrived from Port
land on Thursday last and is spend
ing the holidaya in this city with her
family. Mrs. Cohn is living in Port
land thia winter while Eleanor la
attending school there.
Ellia Minor, of End of the Trail
farm near lone, was a visitor here
on Saturday. He was accompanied
home by his cousin, Stanley Minor,
who is spending his vacation season
on the farm.
Miss Elizabeth Phelps arrived home
on Saturday and la spending the holi
day season with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Phelps. Miss Phelps is a
student at University of Oregon.
Ray McDuffee, aon of Sheriff and
Mrs. Geo. McDuffee, arrived home on
Thursday last from Corvallis to spend
the holidays. He is a student at Ore
gon Agricultural college.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd, young
people of Cecil, were week-end vis
itors in Heppner, attending to Christ
mas shopping. Mrs. Hynd is a teach
er in the Cecil school.
The Misses Odile and May Groah
ens are home to spend the Christmas
holidays with their mother, Mrs. Jack
McCullough. Miss May is attending
school in Portland.
Miss Alma Akers arrived home from
Portland on Sunday afternoon and
has been spending the holiday week
with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8.
Mrs. J. Perry Conder and sons John
and Claude are spending the holiday
week in Heppner from the Conder
farm at Alpine.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huebner of north
Sand Hollow, were in the city on
Monday doing Christmas shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan D. McCurdy
were in Heppner on Saturday from
their home at lone.
im to uni ts nww I iim is iwimi wk n mtui lis is tin sstwm
USto 1.80 1.55to 1.1S 1.00 lo .75 .60 lo .45 .60 lo .30
Are YOU getting your share of the big money "SHUBERT"
is paying for furs? If you're not, that's your fault Wake
upl Get "SHUBERT" prices for your furs from now on
just take a look at the prices quoted below for Oregon Fursl
That's what "SHUBERT" will pay on an honest and liberal
grading. Our shippers right in your own neighborhood are
reaping a golden harvest Get in on this big money.
autjFarrHJimj 17.00 lo 15.00 1 3.50 lo 12.00 1 1.00 to 9.007.50 to 6.507.50 to 3.75
uTni 14 00 10 ,2-00 n 0 10 00 8-50 ''7.756.O0lo 5.00 6.00 to 3.00
Fae Dark . . -Il4.00 lo 12.00 10.50 to 9.00 8.50 to 7.25 6.00 to 5.00 6.00 to 3.00
Uml Color.. 10.00 to 8.50 8.00 to 7.00 6.00 to 5.00 4.75 to 3.75 5.00 to 2.50
Com 8.00 to 7.00 6.50 to S.oq 4.75 lo 3.50 3.2S to 2.50 3.25 to 2.00
These extremely high prices are based on the well-known
for Immediate shipment No. 3's, No. 4's and otherwise
inferior skins at highest market value.
Don't delay another minute! Quick action
means more money for you.
Hurry in a Shipment
Reduced Prices on
Case Furniture
Relieved of Catarrh
Due to La Grippe
Thank8 VoW
To ,xrJS
L P 1 i V I f f T 1 f .
Mr. Laura Berberick, over 7
yean of age, 1205 Willow Ave
Hoboken, N. J, writes : "A iever
attack of La Grippe left me wit'
hoarseness and slime in the hea
and throat. I had chronic catarrl
It grew worse. I could not lie dow
or sleep at night. I was alway
bothered by the slime, pain in tfu
back and a terrible headache overj
Finally I bought a bottlt of
Pe-rn-na which was of great benr
fit It gave me blood and strengtl
I have no pains in head or bac!
nor noises in the head. The slim
hai gone and I can sleep. M
weight hat increased. I am cheer
ful and happy, thanks to Pe-ru-na,
which I shall always keep in the
home and recommend to niv
For every form of catarrh
Pe-ru-na meets the need, Coughs,
Colds, Nasal Catarrh, Indigestion,
Bowel disorders are all forms of
Bur it any where in tablet or
liquid form.
Come in and look
over our new location
in the Odd Fellows
Building, where you
will find one of the
best equipped dining
rooms in Eastern Ore
gon. And when you have
inspected the front,
come back and take a
look at our sanitary
You will be able to
get quick service at
our lunch counter.
The Season is at hand when we gladly welcome
the opportunity to extend to you the
UlantWBt iejoltbag ferttnga
and express our appreciation of that intangible
and invaluable asset, Goodwill, that you
have so kindly bestowed on us during
the past year and which we
fully reciprocate.
Sty? (&nztttt-Em?B
Demonstrator Is Here
The 1924 STUDEBA
KER is here, and I will
be pleased to give dem
onstrations at any time.
Call, write or phone.
Lexington, Oregon
Retrospective hours are here again. Men of fam
ilies pause to weigh achievements of the past twelve
months. It is good time wasted unless costly exper
iences are converted into firm resolves to make the com
ing year a better one.
Responsibilities make men great Do not despair
at failures of the past. They are gone. The thing that
now interests you most is "how to care for your family
properly and at old age find yourself independent of
The answer is a simple one. Spend less than
you earn and save the difference. You'll be
surprised how soon dollars pile up in a savings
account. Then you can put dollars to work for
you. They will earn your ease and comfort.
The First National Bank
to wish you a good
old Merry Christmas and
to extend a hearty wish
that the New Year will
bring you all the pros
perity and happiness that
you can wish for yourself.
New Year
Peoples Hardware Co.
To Our Friends and Patrons:
We wish you a
Happy and Prosperous -New
. mm
Deluxe fjSSO&Tok
The National Favorite
Weary of folding scats and seat-climbing,
the public has literally flocked to
the Willys-Knight Coupe-Sedan!
Doors front and rear. You enter and
leave without awkward contortions.
And it has the wonderful Willys
Knight sleeve-valve engine same
type as Panhard, Daimler, and others
of Euiope's finest cars. See it! Try it!
Othrt Willys- Knight mod tit: S-patt. Touring
$ I .'75! 2 fu.. Rnjd.frr 41175; 7 pats. Touring
$132.'i 5 o...i. Coupt-SfJant Standard S I 50:5-mm.
J 7US. S paa. Solan IU LuxtSlS9S: 7-puss.
5fiJmt I vV5 ; all prices f. r. b. Tottdo. We rtacrv tht ,
right tothang prict and specification without noticm,
Cohn Auto Co.
Spitzenbergs and Winter Apples, Newtowns
and Ortleys, for cooking and eating, at
80c A BOX
Hood River, Oregon