The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, December 13, 1923, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Volume 40, Number 36. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 13, 1923. ' Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Disposition of the Large
Docket Began Monday
State Prosecuting Shooting Affair;
Seven True Bills Returned
By Grand Jury.
With the largest docket to be dis
posed of for many terms, circuit court
convened for the December term Mon
day morning. Judge Gilbert W.
Phelps of Pendleton is presiding and
cases are being disposed of rapidly,
with the prospect that all business
will be cleaned up or continued tilt
another session by the end of the
Today the most important criminal
case of the term is being tried, that
of State of Oregon vs. Alvin Strait.
Strait was indicted by the grand jury
on two charges of assault and batteey
with intent to kill. The case
arose from a shooting fray which
several officers of the law had with
Strait when they attempted to seize
a moonshine still which it was alleg
ed he was running, about a year ago.
Strait escaped at the time, but was
recently apprehended and arrested
near Vancouver, Wash, Strait was
arraigned Monday afternoon and en
tered a plea of not guilty. The jury
was drawn this morning for trial on
one count and trial will start this
afternoon. He will be tried tomor
row on the second count. George
Neuner, Jr., prominent prosecutor of
Koseburg, Ore., is assisting District
Attorney 8. E. Notson in the prose
cution. F. A. McMenamin, attorney
of Portland, Is defending Strait.
Seven true bills were placed on the
docket of the court by the grand jury.
which met last week. These, combined
with considerable held-over business,
have given tho court a busy week.
The report of the grand jury was
heard Monday morning, when a trial
jury was drawn for an equity case
Instituted by the Cohn Auto company
for collection against Oxman and
Harrington, contractors who held the
contract for the construction of the
Oregon-Washington highwny up Hin
ton creek, the past summer. Verdict
was returned for plaintiff. A com
plete reading of the docket was heard
on Monday evening, and points on
several divorce cases brought out.
Monday afternoon petitions for
naturalization papers were heard.
Petitioners were Edward Breslin,
Heppncr, Anna Skoubo, Irrigon, Chas,
Henry Schmidt, Lexington, and Don
ald Joseph Gillanders, Lexington.
Anna Skoubo was granted final pa
pers. Petitions of Edward Breslin
and Charles Henry Schmidt were
continued till the June, 1924, term of
court, and the petition of Donald Jo
seph Gillanders was denied because
his witnesses were not property qua!
Dick Robinett, Indicted for forni
cation, and Matt T. Hughes, indicted
for rape, were arraigned Monday,
and given until Tuesday morning to
plead. Both entered a plea of not
guilty Tuesday, trial being set for
Wednesday. Robinett, however.
changed his plea to guilty yesterday,
and a sentence of 16 months in the
state penitentiary was pronounced
by Judge Phelps this morning. Be
cause Mr. Hughes' case could not be
put in shape for this term, it has been
Nels Justus, Indicted on a charge
of assault and battery, was arraigned
Tuesday morning, entered a plea of
guilty, and was fined f 100. A civil
cane, Wm. Instone vs. Dan Doherty,
was also heard Tuesday morning, the
verdict being returned in favor of
the plaintiff, who was allowed $130,
In the case of the State of Oregon
vs. E. E. Adkins, covering confisca
tion of Mr. Adkins' car by the state
when vehicle was found to contain
Illicit liquor, the court ordered that
Mr. Adkins' car be returned. Grounds
for the order were founded on the
fact that the state failed to prove
that Mr. Adkins had any connection
with the booze. Two other men were
operating the car at the time it was
Cecil Ledgett, 19-year-old boy In
dcttcd for burglary of auto tire from
the Hynd Bros, farm on Sand Hollow,
was arraigned Tuesday afternoon and
entered a plea of guilty. Sentence
pronounced by the court orders tha
he serve one year In the state peni
In the divorce case of Mary A. Heln
vs. C. E. Hein, prayer of plaintiff was
The Cochrrfn divorce case has been
postponed with the judgment of th
court that Mrs. Cochran receive $100
a month, $400 attorneys' fees an
$400 court costs.
. The Strait cases end the Importan
. bunlncia of this session of court.
Whnt In known in Heppncr as th
FhIt building, wherein is situated th
postofllce, Phelps Grocery Co., an
Farmers and Stockgrowcrs Nationli
hunk, has had its name changed. Th
building was erected by the Heppner
Building and Loan association, which
organization existed as a corporation
under the Oregon laws for man
years, but was dissolved some four
vi-arti ago, and the concern is a sim
pie company now, having a number of
stockholders, chief of which Is Dr,
Ralph C. Swinburne, of Seattle. Whi
i hero this week, Dr, Swinburne chang
ed the name to Swinburne bulUlin
and from hence forth it will be so
designated In all business transac
tions. Mr. Swinburne holds the ma-
jorltj stuck in the company.
Anson Wright was in the city to
day, having just returned from Port
land whore he went with a shipment
of fat cattle).
John P, Hadley, pioneer resident of
Hnrdman was down to Heppner on
Robert Thomson, who for a number
of years has been ranching in the
Alberta country in Canada, has dis
posed of th greater portion of his
nte rests there and returned to Hepp
ner. He reports very adverse condi
tions for the farmer and ranchman
in the Canadian province. While
times appear hard here for this class
of our citizenship, Mr. Thomson ex
pressed the opinion that we are migh
ty well off in comparison with peo
ple of the north. Prices for wheat
and livestock do not justify raising
these commodities, and they cannot
be produced except at a heavy loss
under the existing conditions. In
undreds of fields in the part of Al
berta where Mr. Thomson resided the
grain was cut and bound and then
left unthreshed because ft would not
pay to take it out of the field and
transfer it to market.
Postmaster Smead requests that we
call attention to the postal regula
tions regarding the placing of stamps
and labels, other than regular post
age on letters and packages. At this
season of the year many are placing
Christmas aeals and stamps on their
packages, and the regulations strict
ly forbid that such should be placed
on the address side of letters and
parcels. Put your seals and Christ
mas stamps on the reverse side of
letter or package and comply with
the postal regulations.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Giger of Scotts
Mills, Oregon, have moved to Hepp
ner and expect to reside in this vicin
ity in the future. Mrs. Giger Is. a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F, D. Cox
of Hinton creek. She has been in
poor health for a number of years
and it is hoped that the change to
Eastern Oregon will prove beneficial
to her.
T. M. Arnold was in town Wednes-
ay from Eight Mile. He is prepar
ing to leave for Hood River valley
here he and his family will reside
in the future. Mr. Arnold has been
working on the Howard Anderson
place for the past couple of years.
He will have a position with a nur
sery at Hood River.
Dr. Ralph C. Swinburne is here
from his home at Seattle to spend a
ay or so in this city looking after
usiness matters. Dr. Swinburne is
leading dentist of Seattle, where he
enjoys a splendid practice. It has
been several years since he visited the
Id home town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs, of the
Last Camp ranch at Cecil were visit
ors here on Saturday. Mr. Krebs re
ports that owing to the grass getting
late start on the range about Cecil,
feed Is not good. The rains were late
nd cold weather prevents the grass
George F. Mahrt, age 2G, and Iva
Mahrt, 19, were granted license to
wed by County Clerk Anderson on
n ednesday of last week, and the
young people were wedded at the
court house by Judge W. T. Campbell.
They are residents of the Gooseberry
The ladies of Bethel chapel are giv-
ng their bazaar at the chapel rooms I
today, where they have many beau- i
tiful and useful articles of needle
craft for the Christmas season. Be- i
ides, there is an abundant supply
f homemade candies and cooked food.
Dr. Fred E. Farrior and Mrs. Far-
rior were in Pendleton on Saturday ;
and attended a banquet of the Uma-
tilla County Dentists' association !
given at the Elks club on Saturday j
vening, Walla Walla and Heppner
dentists being guests.
Geoge Neuner, Jr., of Roseburg, 1
where he is a leading attorney, Is in
Heppncr today. He is assisting Dist.
Attorney Notson in the prosecution
of the case of State vs. Strait. Mr.
Strait is defended by F. A. McMen
amin of Portland.
W. W. Bechdolt is one of the cir
cuit court, jurors from the Hardman
section. He states that when he left
home everything was covered with
snow and it was necessary to hand
the feed out to the stock.
Sam H. Board man of the State
highway department, was a visitor at
Heppncr during the week on court
business. Mr. Boardman has charge
of highway repair work between this
city and the junction.
Karl L. Beach, plumber and imple
ment dealer of Lexingotn, Is spend
ing this week in Heppner, being one
of the jurors for the regular Decem
ber term of the circuit court.
Born At their home in Heppner on
November 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Aiken, an 8-pound son. We apologise
to the young man for not mentioning
his arrival sooner.
W. E. Pruyn, superintendent of
Heppner Light A Water Co., made a
business trip to Portland the first
of the week, returning home on Wed
Earl Fitch of Lexington, who is
farming the Stephens and Humphreys
piece north of town, was a visitor in
Heppner yesterday.
R. D. Allstott and son Robert de
livered a fine bunch of hogs at Hepp
ner on Friday for shipment to the
Portland market.
A. D. Leedy, formerly of Canyon
City, has been here from Portland
during the week on court business,
Attorney F. A. McMenamin has been
In the city during the week on busi
ness before the circuit court.
Isaac Howard was up from lone on
Monday, looking after matters of
buriness in this city.
Ed Gonty la In Poitland this week
at the bedside of his mother who Is
very seriously ill.
David H, Grabill was among the
lone visitors in Heppner for a short
while on Monday.
W. W. Brannon Is down from Hard
man this week, serving as a juror In
the circuit court.
Dr. C. C. Chick went to The Dalles
on Saturday, where he was called on
When Christmas shopping don't
forget Haylor's.
R, C. Bradshaw of The Dalles, and
J. R. McEwen of Goldondale, Wash.,
are two visiting attorneys In attend
ance upon circuit court this week.
R. E. Duncan of Busy Bee ranch
was a busy man In Arlington Tuesday.
We understand R. E. has finished ex
tracting his honey for this year. Ten
thousand, six hundred and twenty-six
(10,626) lbs. is the full total of strain
ed honey, besides fifty cases of comb
honey which R. E. has obtained from
his bees at Busy Bee ranch. Duncan
also has two hundred and forty
Flemish Giant and New Zealand Red
rabbits. One of his Flemish Giants
carried away first prize at Salem
State Fair and 1st at GreBham and
also 1st at Portland Stock Show. Ce
cil still stands second to none accord
ing to her size.
Jackie Hynd and Clifford Driscoll,
students of Heppner High school,
spent the week-end at Butterby Flats.
The Mayor puzzled his brains for a
remedy to keep these young gents out
of mischief and finally put them to
work to haul several tons of salt to
ranch from Cecil warehouse. We
have heard that these boys have fore
sworn salt for the rest of their lives.
Roy Chandler of Lebanon is visit-
ng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Chandler at Willow Creek ranch. Roy
was driving a fine Star roadster. He
must have been napping while his
brother George took his car and Ce
cil's best looking girl to the Masonic
dance at lone on rriday night and
left Roy lamenting.
Mrs. M. V. Logan of the Willows
accompanied by her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Madden and her husband of
Portland, also Masters Gene Logan
and Sydney Wllmott, spent Saturday
visiting with Mrs. Jack Hynd at But
terby Flats.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hardesty and
J, B. Gorton of Morgan spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter at
Cecil. J. B. declares it adds several
years to his life after he has a good
Bun bath in Sunny Cecil.
C. D. Sennett, who has been work-
ng his mine in Montana for several
onths, returned to the Willows on
Thursday and will visit with his
daughter, Mrs. M. V. Logan, for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Stender of
Seldomseen ranch near Cecil accom
panied Henry Stender and his daugh
ters Misses Annie and Flossie to their
town house in Heppner, on Sunday.
Hermann Haverstock, who has been
working in Portland for the past year
arrived at Cecil on Wednesday and
will work for Oscar Lurdcll on bis
ranch near Rhea Siding.
Mr. and Mrs; T. W. May of Lone
Star ranch, accompanied by their
daughter and her husband, J, W, Isom
of Hood River, were calling in Cecil
on Saturday.
Zenneth Logan and his wife re
turned to their home In Boardman
on Thursday after visiting with their
friends around Cecil for a few days.
Jack Hynd, accompanied by his
daughter, Miss Annie and John Krebs
of the Last Camp, were visiting in
Arlington on Sunday.
W. G. Palmateer of Windynook left
for Portland on Friday to find where
the whent market had gone to from
Morgan and Cecil,
Fete Farley and J. J. McEntirc of
Killarney were doing business around
Cecil on Tuesday before leaving for
the county seat.
Hat Pearaon and son Hlnkely of
lakima made a short stay In t..eril
on Thursday before leaving for Echo.
Frank Connor of the Last Cam'p
spent Sunday in the Egg City viewing
the sights and visiting friends.
J. D, Brown from his ranch near
the Willows was doing business in
Cecil vicinity on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cline and son spent
the week-end with friends in Salem
The Chrsltian Endeavor society of
the First Christian church extends
an invitation to the public at large,
and the evening church audience to
meet with them on Sunday evening
next at 6:30 o'clock In the church
pnilnrs, at their regular meeting. No
anonta! program will be rendered, but
thoy wish the public to see whnt their
society looks like, and what is their
accustomed program. Everyone is cor
dinlly invited.
RE1D BUSEICK, President,
Patron-Teachers Asso
ciation Has Meeting
A very interesting and entertaining
meeting of the Patron-Teachers asso
ciation was held at the high school
auditorium on Tuesday evening and
a large number of patrons and friends
of the school were present. The pro
gram as previously announced was
curried out with the exception of one
or two members, and Mrs. Woodson,
president, presided in her usual dig-'
nified and efficient manner.
Numbers furnished by the high
school orchestra, - an organization
made up of pupils and but very re
cently organized, were much appre
ciated. The orchestra is under the
leadership of Miss Isabelle Steele, an
accomplished violinist and recently
installed at the head of the musical
department of the school. Miss Steele
also appeared on the program with
a delightful solo with Mrs. Walter
Moore as accompanist, and was warm
ly encored. The Sixth grade appear
ed in a dance and also delivered
themselves well in a little playlet,
much to the credit of their instructor.
Addresses of the evening were by
W. O. Livingstone on "The Boys'
Problem," and Dist. Attorney Notson
on the anti-cigarette law of Oregon.
The subjects were well handled and
enthusiastically received by the hear
ers. Mesdames Frank Turner and C.
L. Gillilan sang well a beautiful duet
and the program closed with a selec
tion by the orchestra.
A vote on attendance was then tak
en, the largest number present having
attended upon -the invitation of the
pupils of the sixth grade.
Following this refreshments of
coffee and cake were served and a
short social season closed the delight
ful entertainment of the evening.
Ex-Rep. McArthur Dies
Suddenly at Portland
Clifton N. McArthur, former mem
ber of congress from the third Ore
gon district, died suddenly on Sunday
uight from complications following
an attack of meningitis and an opera
aton to relieve an infection near the
brain. Mr. McArthur was 45 years
of ape, and had served as a member
of the 64th. 66th, and 67th and 68th
congresses, being defeated for re
election last year by Elton Watkins,
democrat, of Portland. He had but
recently begun a very vigorous cam
paign for u. S. senator, seeking the
nomination before the primaries next
spring. He had served two terms in
the Oregon legislature prior to be
ing elecetd to congress, and had serv
cd twice as speaker of the house at
balem. He was a clean politician and
a man of force and ability as a con
The funeral of Mr. McArthur will
be held In Portland on Saturday after
noon. He was a native Oregonian
and came of pioneer stock. His sud
den demise will doubtless put a dif
ferent light on the senatorial contest,
as it was known that he would make
very lively and vigorous campaign
for the nomination and was thought
by many to have the lead for the re
publican nomination.
Sunday School Will
Give Xmas Concert
The Sunday School of the Congre
gationat church at Lexington is mak
ing preparations to give an appro
priate Christmas concert and enter
tainment at the church in that city
on Sunday evening, December 23. This
program will take the place of the
usual Sunday evening services.
A new school district wag this week
formed by the district boundary
board, and (t has been given the num
ber of 41 by Superintendent Shurte.
It lies to the east of District No. 17.
and waa formed largely out of terri
tory In no school district, though
some land was taken from other dis
tricts. John Kenney, Garnett Bar
rett and Jim Sharp were interested
in the making of the new district,
and when the school house is built
and school opens some eleven or
twelve children will attend. The lo
cation of the new school house is a
matter yet to be settled. Territory
included in this new district lies up
Hinton creek east from Heppner in
"No Man's Land" but did not take it
all, and District No, 1 should got
busy and annex the remaining sections.
Great interest in basketball is being
manifested this year. The prelimin
ary games have been played between
the classes, the Sophomores coming
out champions with the Seniors sec
ond in the race. The boys are now
divided into different teams in a
doughnut league, which plays on
Tuerdays and Fridays. The girls
have the hall on Mondays, Wednes
days and Thursdays after school,
while the first and second teams prac
tice in the evening at 7. Back the
team and expect a snappy season and
you will have ltl
The photographs for the Hehisch
are being taken at the Sigsbee Studio
this week. Work on the annual is
progressing well. The contract for
eneravine has been eiven to Hicks-
Chatten Engraving Co., of Portland.
aetA the printing will be done by The
Gazette-Times office. The work is
being done earlly and it is hoped to
pet the Iiehisch out earlier than has
been done previously.
"Cynthip's Strategy" it was some
strategy! Strategy is necessary in
other things than war, and yet some
thing coupled with war for "all
is fair in love and war." If you don't
believe it you should see this clever
musical comedy which will be put on
by the high school December 20, the
Thursday before Christmas.
Also "The Long Lost Nephew," a
short play will be presented that eve
ning. You 11 enjoy the awful dilem
mas of Mr. Dauntless, Miss Bella
Bashful, and the other clever charac
An Egyptian dance and other In
teresting specials will be given.
The Juniors gave a candy sale Tues
day evening after school to raise
necetary funds.
The .American History and Civics
classes visited court Monday after'
noon to hear the process of natural
izing aliens.
Rachael Scherzinger has been elect
ed sargeant-at-arms of the Senior
class to fill a vacancy.
The Christian church is planning to
put on "The Nativity for their
Christmas program this year, a repi-
tition of the program of last year un
df-r much more favorable conditions,
ard making it much more impressive
ard beautiful. This program is often
repeated for a number of years in
some of the large churches, its char
acter admitting of such repitition
with increasing popularity. The pro
gram will be given on Monday eve
ning, December 24.
On the afternoon of the 24th an
indoor picnic will be given in the
parlors of the church for the little
folks of the Bible School in conjunc
tion with a program. The little folks
will be given an opportunity to make
an offering of toys, clothes, money,
etc., to Orphans' Homes and thus
bring other little folks a merry
Fosters announce a three-act com
edy drama to be given by students
of the Lexnigton High school at 8:00
p. m, on Friday, December 21, 1923.
The play is a story of New England
life, the scenes being laid in the vil
lage of Bradford, the county scat of
Bradford county. Lester White as
Dan Chamberlain and LaVelle Leath
ers as Edith Hnzelton have been as
signed the leading parts while Elmo
McMillan as Abner Sherlock Holmes
Judkins with Mrs. Kellogg as Sally
Marie Snodgrass, furnish abundant
comedy. A four-piece orchestra has
been engaged to furnish music and
record crowd is expected. A general
admission of 50c for each chair, will
be charged and no reserve seats will
be sold. If, as is expected, the audi
torium will not seat all of the spec
tators, the play may be given the
second time during the following
All Red Cross solicitors in Heppner
are requested to turn in all surplus
cards and buttons at once. Owing
to the absence of Mrs. Emmet Coch
ran, chairman of the Seventh Annual
Roll Call, from the city, the request
is made that cards and seals be re
turned to John Higley at the Farmers
St Stockgrowcrs National Bank,
Ullfl TREE
All Kiddies in the City to
Be Presented With
Meeting Held at Hotel Tuesday Eve
ning; Glenn Jones Commander
For the Coming Year.
The youngsters of Heppner up to
the age of 12 years will be the guests
of Heppner Post. No. 87, American
Legion, at a Community Christmas
tree this year. Plans to that effect
were completed at the meeting of the
post at Hotel Heppner Tuesday eve
ning. The party will be staged Sun
day afternoon, December 23rd, be
tween the hours of 6 and 7 p. m., at
the street intersection at the hotel
corner, and it is expected and desired
that every youngster in Heppner will
be there to receive his treat and gift.
A short program is being prepared
and Santa Claus himself has promised
to appear for the benefit of the guests.
Officers for the post were elected
at the Tuesday meeting. Glenn Jones
will serve as post commander; F. E.
Farrior as vice-commander and John
E. Higley as post adjutant. W. E.
Moore was reelected post finance offi
cer. Mr. Moore's report for the year
showed the post to be in good finan
cial condition.
Steps were taken to secure a per
manent meeting place for the organi
zation, and it is expected soon to have
suitable headquarters fitted up. It
was also decided to take steps toward
the organization of a ladies auxiliary.
The turn-out of members was
rather slim, various activities keep
ing many from attending. The din
ner served was extraordinarily fine,
and an enthusiastic vote of thanks
was given the hotel management for
the excellent service.
Up-to-Minute Notes from
the Market Agent's Office
By C. E. SPENCE, State Market Agent.
Grading and standardization of po
tatoes is now generally recognized
as absolutely important and neces
sary to commercial handling. The
condition of the stock at the shipping
point very largely decides how it will
stand in the consuming market in
competition with potatoes from an
other section or state. It must be up
to standard to bring the standard
price, and when a shipment has both
a state and federal certificate of its
quality, that guarantee puts a stop
to the many sharp practices that have
been worked against shippers and
growers and prevents many disputes
and losses to growers and shippers.
Standard grading lessens the element
of chance between the price paid the
grower and the price paid the ship
per. It guarantees that the potatoes
in the sack are what they are marked
on the sack. Fifteen states are now
co-operating with the federal depart
ment on Btandard grades and it is
but a matter of time when ail states
will come under standard grades in
order to find markets.
Market Agent Spence says too many
potatoes are grown in Oregon that
are of poor commercial value, and he
advises that growers should find out
the one or two varieties best adapt
ed to their locality and stick with
them. He says the Burbank seems
to be a good all-purpose potato. It
is practically free from disease, is a
good shipper because it will stand up
and is a popular table varety. As
for seed potatoes for California ship
ment, there are Beveral varieties that
do well in this state.
The Supreme Court of Wisconsin
rendered a decision last month, that
while given very little, if any, pub
licity in the press, is of utmost im
portance to co-operative organiza
tions. The supreme court made per
manent a temporary injunction grant
ed to a co-operative organization by
circuit court which restrained an
outside company from soliciting or
buyng the product from members un
der contract to pool. The decision is
sweeping victory for co-operative
marketing organizations. In its opin
on the court said:
We consider that the law is well
settled that one who maliciously in
duces another to breach of contract
of a third per soft- is liable to such
third person for damages resulting
from such breach."
Often the propaganda is printed
that the farmers and workers can
never co-operate, because their in
terests oppose, that the farmer wants
lower wage scale for the workers
and the workers a lower price for
food products. The farmer does not
wnnt the city laborer to work for
less pn. What he wants is a larger
part of the worker's dollar that goes
for the food the farmer raises. The
worker does not want the farmer to
get lower prices for his products,
what he wants is more goods for his
dollar, a bigger share of the middle
man's tribute. Farmers and workers
know the bridge between them
charges too high toll rates. When
they will, they can co-operate and
shorten the route between the farm
and the kitchenthey can do away
with much of the middle profits, ex
pense and waste, The result will be
that city workers will get products at
lower prices and the farmers will get
higher prices. There are two many
.making profits between.
One Not a True Bill Found Out
of Eight considered; No Re
commendations Made.
Seven true billi were found by the
grand jury In session last week,
which made its report to the circuit
court at 9:00 o'clock Monday morning.
Eight bills were investigated during
the session of three days, and only
one was reported not a true bill.
The one not true bill found was
in the case of Andrews brothers and
F. C. Barnes vs. Andy Rood, Jr which
arose over a wage dispute. All others
are Included in the docket handled
by the court.
The report of the grand jury fol
lows; "We, the undersigned, the duly em
paneled grand jury for the June term,
1923, of the above entitled court, re
spectfully report as follows:
"Since our former report we have
been in session three doys. We have
inquired into all violations of the
criminal laws of the State committed
within said Morrow county, which
have been submitted to us or of which
we had knowledge. We have return
ed seven true bills and one not a true
"We have examined the county jail
and the offices connected with the ad
ministration of justice. We find the
jail in good condition and the offices
properly kept so far as we could de
termine from our inspection.
"We have no special recommenda
tions to make at this time,
"We have completed our labors and
respectfully ask that we may be dis
"Signed F. M. Akers, chairman
Harriet G. Robison, Otto Ruhl, A. M.
Moore,, Joseph Pringle, H. Kirk,
Robert Gammell.
Heppner Rod and Gun
Oub Will Reorganize
Several of the old members of the
Heppner Rod and Gun club met Mon
day evening in the office of La Verne
Van Marter with a view to reorganiz
ation. The club bas been inactive for
two years. As a preliminary step the
ias ordered the old elub house
moved from the Cowins' property in
south Heppner to Gentry field, where
the traps will be set. This work was
started by J. H. Cox, local contractor,
Aa an adjunct to the old trap shoot
ing organization, the club will join
the National Rifle association. By
joining this association rifles and am
munition are obtained very cheaply,
and a great enlargement of the sport
will be gained. Through this associa
tion it is also hoped to have fish
planted in our streams and other
sport advanced, as it is the policy
of the association to do these things.
The Heppner Rod and Gun club has
already arranged for a trap shoot for
Sunday, December 23, with turkeys
as prizes for high scores. This will
be an open shoot for all comers.
Some time ago I attended a meet
ing of the Heppner Commercial club
when the matter of the Heppner
Spray road was taken up. I was
great. y in hopes that definite action
would be taken but it seems nothing
has been done so far in the matter.
Now then, let's ict a back-bone in
stead of a wishbone and do something
to get this work going, and finish up
a road that will connect up practical
ly all the highway system of Eastern
Oregon and serving all people travel
ing from the interior of Eastern Ore
gon to Pendleton, Spokane, Walla
Walla and other places, all the way
from 20 to 100 miles distant and some
places even farther. Morrow county
and the city of Heppner are spending
ah.ut $12o,000 on this road. The
length of the road is 50 miles, 32 miles
of which is in Morrow county and
the balance in the forest service and
Wheeler county. Now 30 miles of
this road has been used as a p08t
road for more than 40 years and also
hna K0n mmA i t. ,.
last 15 years; and so far it has never
had one cent of post road or forest
road funds spent on it. We have had
the matter up several times with the
post road officials and they have al
ways told us that the first thing to
do is to get the road put on the state
road map as part of the state sys
tem and then they could take action
on it. It has already been put on the
forest road map. Now then. I would
like to see a meeting called in Hepp
ner as soon as possible, to get busy
in this matter in order that we may
get it before the state highway com
mission at its meeting in January,
and see what can be done in the mat
terand get a road built that will
benefit all of eastern Oregon. Let's
G. A. BLEAKMAN, Hardman.
Lord's Day, December 16, 1923.
Each day is God's day. He gives us
the full use of six of them, and asks
that we devote just one to His wor
ship, and this is wonderously to our
benefit. Let us remember that Lord's
Pay morning and be found in the
iii ise of God in a worshipful state
of mind and heart. The Bible School
wii! meet at 9:45 and immediately fol
lowing will be observed the Commun
ion svrvice, followed by preaching on
a helpful, practical theme; the pub
lic meeting of the Christian Endeav-
orers will be held in the church par
lore at 6:30, to which the public is
coidially invited, then followed
7:30 by the final peaching service of
the day, designed to be strengthening
And helpful. You are invited.
The sheep and all the personal
property of the Donald Ross estate
were sold at Sheriff's sale in Pendle
ton on Thursday last, under a decree
of foreclosure, states the East Ore
gonian, Pat Doherty was the highest
bidder and purchaser, his bid f
2400 head of sheep and personal prop
erty, exclusive of the hay being $23,
500. He paid (1600 for the hay.
Van Marter, President of
Club, Gives Situation
as It Now Stands.
Finishing of Uncompleted Portion of
O.-W. Highway to Be Asked For;
Delegation to Meet Commission.
What has become of the Heppner-
Spray road project? This is a ques
tion quite generally a.ked since the
re-organization meeting of the Hepp
ner Commercial club some time ago,
at which an enthusiastic move was
made to start the ball rolling. La
Verne Van Marter, president of the
commercial club, made some enlight
ening disclosures in an interview yes
terday. Contrary to opinion that the club
and eounty court have been sleeping
on the job, Mr. Van Marter says the
problem has been gone over thor
oughly. The reason that the project
hasn't already been put over in whirl
wind fashion is because the opportune
tme has not yet arrived for action.
The Heppner-Spray road is a good
thing and it will come in time," de
clared Mr. Van Marter. "But before
Heppner can hope to have anything
done with it, they must first get the
gap closed on the Oregon-Washington
highway between Heppner and Pen
dleton. It is the policy of the state
commission to start no new work un
til all gaps in present program are
closed, and the Spray road project
i not yet on the map.
The advisability of first closing the
gap between Heppner and Pendleton
before pushing the Spray road is eas-
ly seen, according to Mr. Van Marter.
As proposed the Spray road, when
completed, will be but a link in the
chain between the Columbia highway
at Pendleton and the Central Oregon
highway to California. Therefore, the
apparent thing to do is to complete
the unfinished part first.
"That the Spray road and the new
route thus opened, is wanted," said
Mr. Van Marter, "is a well-established
fact. While in Eugene some time
ago, I was approached on the subject
and several people declared them
selves as favoring the project. Al
though this interest has no immediate
effect in getting the road completed,
it shows that outside people as well
as the people of Heppner, are after
Mr. Van Marter also brought up
again the argument that the comple
tion of the Heppner-Spray road will
mean the solution of the congested
traffic problem on the Columbia Riv
er highway. It will afford as good a
route to California from the east, at
the same time shortening the distance
to a very considerable degree. The
same being true of California traffic
going east. Besides this, it will also
open up much of the interior coun
try, which heretofore has been hard
of access.
The main reason Heppner wants
this road, declared the commercial
club president, is that it will give
us back the interior trade which used
to be curs, and also give us a large
share of the tourist travel.
When asked what arrangement had
been made to meet with the state
highway commission in January, Mr.
Van Marter said the county court
has plans already made to have a del
egation in Portland at that time.
Pneumonia, A Com
plication of Measles
Is measles a serious disease? Judg
ed by the carelessness and inditTer-
w.m some pan aiiow
Mir children to be exposed, it would
I ffP" ? aUs- e popular
1 idea is that "Willie must have meas-
les some day, as it is one of the chil
dren's diseases, and the sooner he
has it the better." This idea is ob
solete and has proved to be a fallacy.
In the first place Willie doesn't have
to have measles any more than he
has to have cholera or bubonic plague.
In the second place it has been shown
that most of the deaths from measles
occur before the sixth year. H is
also true that more deaths occur from
measles than from any other infec
tious disease, except tuberculosis.
The death rate from measles in the
United States is about 14 per 100.000
population. In the U. S. Army in 1918
there were 38.84(3 cases of measles
and 1,144 deaths resulted. From 2 to
3 of alt cases of measles result fa
tally. In England in 1917 there were
10.500 deaths from the disease. Meas
les does not kilt on account of the
rash or high fever, but on account of
complications. Of these the most im
portant is pneumonia. Or case a
of measles occurring at Camp Cody
in 1918. 77 cases of 3:r'o developed
pneumonia. Of these died. About
4H of all canes of measles termin
ate in pneumonia, and the pneumonia
resulting from measles is the most
fatal of all varieties. About 11 of
all pneumonia cases diw, but of
pneumonia cases resulting from meas
les die.
Measles is a reportable disease.
Every physician attending a case of
measles is required by law to report
the same to the health officer. Moth
era who beg their phyiician not to
report a case of rk'hiIim are placing
him in a very embarassing position.
Under the law a physician who fall
to report a case of measles is sub
ject to prosecution. When there is
no attending physician the duty de
volves upon the head of the family
or the institution in which the case
occurs. Report your eases of measles
to the health officer.
The Willing Workers of the Chris
tian church will mt''t in the church
parlors on Friday afternoon ut 2:")
o'clock ; all the member huild h