The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, December 06, 1923, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Volume 40, Number 35.
Two Departed Brothers
Honored With Beau
tiful Services.
Rev. W. O. Living one. Speaker,
Prataea Work of Order; Program
! Short and Appropriate. 1
W ith a beautfiul and fmprvus-lve
crvice in their temple Sunday after
noon, Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P.
O. Elks, held their annual lodge of
sorrow. Two memberi had been call
ed to their reward, and were unable
to answer the roll call of the lodge
Sunday. S. W. Spencer, a charter
mcrrber of 368 and always an active
irember of the order, and Coe D. Bar
nard of Fossil, also an Elk of long
standing, were the two missing mem
The services started at 2:30 p. m.
with the voluntary by Miss Mary
Clark at the piano, while the large
membership of the lodge proceeded
to their places in the hall, Mir.
Chester Darbee then sang a beauti
ful solo, followed by the opening
ceremonies of the lodge. These cere
monies, exemplifying the principles
of the order, and setting forth the
object of the lodge of sorrow, were
most impressive. The work' was all
given from memory and the officers
taking part are indeed to be commend-,
ed on the excellence of the rendition.
Earl Gilliam, exalted ruler, presided
and handled his position in the best
possible manner.
Rev. W. O. Livingstone, pastor of
the Church of Christ, delivered the
address for the occasion. While hon
oring the departed and commending
the lodge for its teaching and work,
Rev. Livingstone outlined the course
for the greatest individual accom
plishment, and urged a deep consid
eration of his proposals. The essence
of his talk was that the better our
life here and the larger the service,
the more will be remembered of us
when wo have passed, and the better
we will be prepared for that larger
life beyond, about which the lodge
teaches. The minister's address was
strictly in accordance with the spir
it of the lodge and was a meaty mes
sage for all present.
"Thanatopsis," the adopted poem
for the annual lodge of sorrow, was
forcefully read by Miss Luola Henge.
Miss Mary Clark played a beautiful
piano solo, Harvey Miller sang an
appropriate solo, and Mrs. Cassie D.
Livingstone offered a prayer and pro
nounced the benediction.
The 1023 annual lodge of sorrow
will long be remembered by the targe
audience of members and visitors, as
one of distinction. Silence and an
air of thoughtfulness prevailed as the
closing rites of the order were said.
Lexington Ball Team
Guests At Banquet
Lexington, Ore., Doc. 6. Members
of both the first and second football
teams were guests at a banquet served
in Leach's hall here last Saturday at
2 p. m. The meal consisted of roast
reindeer, sweet potatoes, baked beans,
fruit salads, pie, cake and coffee.
With the last game of the season
played in which Lexington won for
the second year the championship of
the Upper Columbia Athletic League,
there was not need of dieting and the
boys made up for the days of reduced
rations. It was one of the finest ban
quets ever served In Lexington. Thi
whole expense was borne by Howard
Lane, a strong supporter of athletics,
The mothers of the football boys de
serve credit for their excellent work
in cooking and sorving the dinner.
The teachers of the school wera also
guests and enjoyed the dinner no leis
than the boys themselves.
Wo wish to thank the people of
Lexington and the surrounding dis
trict for their loyal support during
the past football season. It Is large
ly due to this support we were able
to win the championship of the U. C.
A. L. We wish to especially thank the
members of the School Board and the
owners of cars who have given the
use of their machines to transport
the team on the various trips. We
also want to thank the persons who
hnve acted as officials in the games
und those who have contributed mon
ey when needed. We believe that wo
have equal if not better support than
any other team in the league and it
will he our aim to show our apprecia
tion by playing clean, sportsmanlike
games. Soliciting a contnuation of
your support for the coming basket
ball season, we are,
JOE DKVINE, JR., Manager.
Bishop W. P. Remington of Pen
dleton will be In Heppner over Sun
day, and with Archdeacon Goldie will
conduct services at the Epiacopal
church, both morning and evening.
The bishop will conduct confirmation
services in the morning.
Mrs. Henry Taylor returned from
a trip to The Dalles, made during the
past week with hor daughter who was
operated on for the removul of her
E. L. Cornelius, of Dnyton, Wash
uncle of Mrs, Roy Mlsslldine, is vis-
Itlng with his relatives hore thi
Donn T, Goodman, Jr., was nnder
the physician's caro on Tuesday for
the removal of adenoids, and passe
through the ordeal In good shape.
Locals Win Second Place With
Condon Third; Heppner's Pros
pects Bright For Next Year.
Th tri-eountjr (thistle league, con
sisting of Morrow, Gilliam and Sher
man counties, ha. ended a very suc
cessful football season. Lexington
ia champion of the league, -winning
every game played, and being scored
on but once by a drop kick made by
lone on Thankigiving day.
Heppner took second place by win
ning five of the seven games played.
She lost a game to Lexington and tied
one with Wasco. Heppner's goa
line was crossed but four times in
the league series, twice by Lexing
ton, once by lone and once by Wasco,
and she scored 106 points to her op
ponents 82. Condon was third In the
league while Boardman and Moro
tied for cellar honor, neither team
winning a game.
All told Coach Mather's proteges
made a most eommenda'ble showing
during the season just past. With
much green material which had to be
whipped into shape in a short time,
a championship team could hardly be
expected. However, with the showing
made this year and with the loss of
only two men to the line-up, Heppner
may well expect a top-notch place
next season. Carl Cason and Paul
Aiken have completed their allotted
time on an Oregon high school foot
ball team and will be out of the game
next year. Although these two men
did much for the team this season,
their loss will not be serious, as Coach
Mather says he has plenty of matelral
to take their place.
Standings of the league teams fol
Team W L T Pet.
Lexington 7 0 0 1.000
Heppner 6 11 .833
Condon 4 8 0 .677
Wasco . 8 8 1 .600
lone 8 8 0 .600
Fossil 16 0 .167
Moro 0 6 0 .000
Boardman 0 6 0 .000
Tudor Sedan
Is Ford Creation
Detriot, Mich.. Dee. 8. The Ford
Motor company today announced an
ddition to its line of cars tn Tu
dor Sedan which brings to the public
an entirely new style of Ford en-
losed body
It is a distinctive type designed to
carry five passengers in complete
comfort. The roof line is low and
itraight with the larger radiator, now
standard on all Ford cars, gave Ford
designers an opportunity of effecting
most graceful lines and at the same
time a most sturdy construction.
Besides its general appeal and
high quality aspect, tha Tudor Sedan
has several new features which prom-
se to win immediate favor.
The two doors are unusually wide,
28 8-4 Inches to be exact, and are set
at the front of the car, hung in ex
ceptionally heavy frames and swing
open forward on either side in line
with the driver's seat.
Side windows running back from
the doors are oblong in shape and
thirty-two inches in length, affording
unusual vision to the occupants,
while a large rear window adds to
th visibility. All window glasses
are lowered flush with the framing,
affording clear vision and the maxi
mum In ventilation.
Exterior appearance is enhanced
by a windshield visor, cowl ventil
ator and secure rear fenders of new
Interior arrangement of the Tudor
Sedan meets all comfort requirements
both for driver and passengers. The
driver's seat is of the "bucket" de
sign, with easy cushion and back, as
suring rostful posture. There is a
noticeable roominess in front with
plenty of foot room. The tilting
seat opposite the driver folds com
pactly out of the way so that en
trance and exit through the large and
roomy door is easily and conveniently
effected by those occupying the rear
scat which is amply large for three
Because of the location of the door,
the driver has convenient access to
his seat without folding up the extra
seat along side. The gasoline tank
is located under the driver's seat
making it unnecessary for him to dis
turb any other passengers when fill
ing the tank.
Interior fittings are attractive, Ths
upholstery is in special Ford fabric
of dark brown with floor rug to
match. Both the doors and side win
dows have been equipped with revolv
ing window regulators of the sams
design as those used in cars of much
higher price.
The Tudor Sedan, which is now in
production, is priced at $590 at De
The Heppner High school football
boys celebrated ths finish of the sea
son by a banquet and business meet
ing at the high school Friday eve
nlng. After tha big feed most of
which was prepared by mothers of
the boys, the team elected Leonard
Schwars to captain next year's squad
Claud Huston, In from his Eight
Mile farm today, was honing for the
big storm of wind and rain to be
over soon, that he might got out home
again in some comfort. It is wet,
windy and cold in the hills, and this
section is experiencnig one of the
severest storms of the season, which
may turn into a big snow before it is
over. The prevailing wind, however.
has been In the south, otherwise we
should be having much colder wcath
or at this particular time.
The heavy wind of last night put
the lighting system on Main street
out of commission, the wires carrying
the current to the lamps boing brok
en in numerous places from the wind
A 7tt-pound daughter was horn to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holgate of Parkers
Mill on Monday, Dccembor 3rd. All
are reported to be doing well,
T. H. Lowe, Cecil postmaster, etc.,
etc took a few days vacation during
the week and visited friends in Port
land, Yamhill and other points. Bob
Lowe, student of Benson Polytechnic
school, returned home with his father
on Friday and is having the time of
his life re-exploring Cecil before
leaving for his studies on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shaw of But
ter by Flats left on the local on Sat
urday for Seattle, where they will
visit their nepTiew Russell Shaw and
his fsmily for a few days before leav
ing for Prince Ruperts, B. C, where
they expect to locate. Our best wishes
are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Shaw
in their new undertaking.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noble of Rhea
Siding spent a day or two in Port
land where Geo. purchased a fine new
Overland Champion car which he pre
sented to his wife as a birthday gift
We wish Mrs. Noble many happy re
turns of the day with her fine car.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chandler of
Willow creek ranch left on Sunday
to visit one of their daughters who
has recently been operated on at
Walla Walla. We are glad to hear
Mrs. Samuels is improving.
Geo. Krebs, who has been visiting
his sons at the Last Camp for sev
eral days, left for his home in Port
land on Saturday, accompanied by
his (on Henry, who will visit in the
city for a short time.
Noel Streeter of Cecil was visiting
his school pal E. Tyler at Rhea Siding
on Saturday. Not a spot on Willow
creek was left unexplored by the two
sportsmen, but not even a jack rab
bit was to be seen.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and
family near Rhea Siding joined the
large family gathering at Mr. Otto
Lindstrom's near lone on Thanksgiv
ing Day, where a very enjoyable time
was spent by all.
Mrs. M. V. Logan who has been vis
iting in Portland for some time ar
rived on Thursday at her home at The
Willows. She was accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Madden
Several car loads of wheat have
been shipped out of Cecil warehouse
during the week and Krebs Bros, and
the Mayor and his men celebrated
Thanksgiving loading wheat.
W. A. Thomas of Dotheboy's Hill
was an lone visitor on Monday. W.
A. couldn't be sure the Egg City was
still in the same place, so made a
special trip to see for himself.
Archdeacon Goldie of Cove Intends
holding service in Cecil hall on Dec.
11th at 7:30 p. m., and Holy Commun
ion on Dec. 12 at 8 a. m. Everyone
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fanshiers and
daughter of Four Mile were calling
on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chandler at
Willow creek ranch on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, prom
inent ciitiens of Heppner, were vis
iting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd
at Butterby Flats on Sunday.
Clifford Henriksen of the Moore
ranch spent a short time on Wednes
day with his brother Oral at Ewing
before leaving for Arlington.
Harold Ahalt, late of Cecil, is hav
ing a holiday from his work and Is
visiting his mother and sister in Cal
ifornia for a few weeks.
Miss Crystal Roberts, student of
Heppner High school, spent the week
end with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Perry
at Ewing.
The Mayor and his daughter Miss
Annie Hynd of Butterby Flats were
county seat visitors Friday and Sat
urday. Miss U. Leathers of Lexington was
ths week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs.
N. I. Morrison at Rockcllffe near Ce
cil. W. E. Ahalt and ion and Miss Ester
Logan of lone were calling on their
friends in Four Mile on Sunday.
Johan Troedson of Ella Is busy
these days hauling his wheat to Ml
nor & Hynd's warehouse at Cecil.
Mr, and Mrs. H, 3. Streeter and fam
ily attended the services at Morgan
school house on Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Clint and son of Ce
cil spent Sunday with friends in Ir-
V. II. Tyler of Rhea Siding was do
ing business in Arlington on Tuesday.
Notson's Father
Oldest Iowa Mason
From the Sioux City, Iowa, Daily
Tribune of November 29, we take the
following item, concerning the father
of our worthy citizen, Samuel. E.
Notson :
"Not many have a longer record
of membership in a Masonic order
than has R. P. S. Notson of Hamburg,
la., father of Dr. G. T. Notson, super
intendent of the Methodist hospital
here, himself a Mason. The elder
Mr. Notson has been a member of the
Hamburg lodge for more than 67
The lodge itself holds a record in
old members perhaps not equalled in
the state. In addition to Mr. Notson
there is W. J. Yowell, of Sidney, la.,
taken Into the order in 1869, who still
holds his membership, as does F. A.
Jones of Seattle, Wash, who became
a member the same year. They have
records of 54 years in the order.
"Mr. Noison, Sr., was made a mas
ter mason in Grand River lodge, No.
79 of Leon, la., April 18, 1856. The
same year he became a charter mem
ber at Decatur, la., and is the only
surviving member who signed the
charter. For many years he has hetd
his membership in Jerusalem lodge,
No. 263, A. F. & A. M. With the ex
ception of one man it Ib not believed
that any man in the state can equal
Mr. Notson's number of years in
Masonry, and that man has not yet
come forward with any claim.
"While it has been a number of
years since Mr. Notson has attended
lodge, he has kept up his dues and a
keen interest in the order to which
he worked so faithfully in his young
er days.
One of the big tasks of the church
is to transform a formal creed into
a faith; that is what we are doing
with Matt. 16:16, our creed; read it.
The Bible School will convene at 9:46,
Mrs. Livingstone, superintendent;
Communion and preaching at 11:00
o'clock; our fine Christian Endeavor
meeting at 6:30, and the evening
preaching service at 7:30. The ser
mon themes practical and
helpful, and all the services for your
benefit. Come and worship with us.
Ira Lewis and E. Nordyke Mere Lex
ington residents in the city yester
day. Mr. Nordyke is proprietor of the
Ventura parage at Ixinjrton.
Sheet Music
5 for $1.00
Har wood's Jewelry Store
Mr. and Mrs. George Sperry of
Heppner enjoyed Thanksgiving din
ner at the home of their granddaugh
ter, Mrs. H. C. Wood.
Rev. and Mrs. Livingstone, Mrs.
Smith and Miss Lois spent Thanks
giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mayne Moore.
Mr. Robinson, who had the misfor
tune to lose one of his eyes, returned
to his home in lone, but was compelled
to return to Portland to have it cared
for again.
Dr. Walker and family motored to
Portland last Wednesday to spend
Thanksgiving with the home folks.
Sam Simpson motored to Portland
Thursday, returning Sunday.
Some changes are being made to
the interior of the Bank of lone,
whiei will make it more comfortable
for the employes and will also be
more private for the patrons.
It has been agreed upon to have a
community Christmas tree in lone
this year. It will be in the hall and
will consist of a short program and
Cantatta, with candy and nuts for
all at the finish.
The Masonic and Eastern Star or
ders will hold a Carnival and dance
at the hall on Friday evening, Dec.
7th. There will be various attractions
and amusements.
Mr. Tucker purchased a new Chev
rolet car through the lone Garage
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Howard were in
Heppner on business Monday morn
The second annual carnival and
dance of the Masonic and Eastern
Star lodges of lone will be staged
at the Legion hall in lone on Friday
night, December 7th, on which date
a big time will be given the people
of lone and vicinity. A similar event
occurred last winter, and was a pro
nounced succesa. It la planned that
this carnival and dance will be big
ger and better. Ione's 4-piece or
chestra is to furnish the music, and
an invitation is extended to the peo
ple of Heppner and vicinity to attend.
Marion Huston of Dufur, Oregon,
is spending a few days in this city
this week, a guest at the home of his
brother, Luther Huston. He was for
merly engaged in farming in Morrow
Probably Most Contagoius of All
Diseases Running Rampant:
Control Always Difficult.
From State Board of Health,
Why should your chlidren have
measles? Measles is a preventable
disease. Notwithstanding this fact
there are probably more than twelve
hundred eases of measles in Portland
at this time, and three deaths have
resulted from the disease. The epi
demic, however, is not confined to
Portland alone, as reports show that
it is prevalent also in some of the
smaller communities. It is well there
fore for all teachers to be on the
lookout for cases of measles in their
schools. The disease is more common
among school children, but it may
also occur among adults.
Measles is an acute febrile disease,
characterized chiefly by skin erup
tions in the form of rash, and in
flamation of the mucous membrane,
accompanied by a watery discharge
from the nose, eyes, and throat. In
the beginning it is hard to differen
tiate from a common cold in the head,
but the diagnosis is generally settled
upon the appearance of the rash.
Measles is probably the most conta
gious of all diseases, and spreads
throughout a community like wild
fire. The disease is transmitted gen
erally through droplets and the
sprays from the nose and throat of
persons having the disease. It also
is probably conveyed to some extent
through the use of handkerchiefs and
towels. It is not believed that the
scales from measles have much to do
with the spread of the disease. Meas
les is one of the most difficult con
ditions to control. This is due not
only to the contagious character of
the disease but also to the fact that
it is contagious before the rash ap
pears. Ignorant and indifferent mo
thers also play a part in its spread.
Mothers should keep their chlidren
away from picture shows and all pub-
lie gatherings until the epidemic has
been abated.
All Warehouses Must
Have State Licenses
By C. E. SPENCE, State Market Agent.
The state market agent states that
the farmre lacks the instinct for co
operation from the fact that he is an
individualist, and that only by con
stantly driving home the conditions
forced onto him becauses of his de
fenseless postion, will come joint ac
tion for a common purposes that will
give his industry its just returns.
And Mr. Spence cites the dangerous
statistics that about half the farms
of the nation are now tenant farms,
with the proportion fast increasing;
that western farms are over-mortgaged
and over-taxed and that with
the less-than-cost returns for many
products for the past two or three
years, too many farmers cannot stand
the killing overhead, and are forced
out. Joint action is the only hope
for relief. Farmers must control pro
duction, markets and distribution
they must control their own business
as other industries control theirs.
The Warehouse law of Oregon re
quires every warehouse taxing in
grain to be bonded and to operate
under a license obtained from the
Grain Inspection Department. The
bond is required in order to safeguard
farmers storing their grain. The
license is merely a receipt that bond
has been furnished and to show to
the public that the warehouse is op
erating according to law.
A few warehouses in that state
have not yet complied with the law.
and from what can be learned from
different sources are operatnig with
out a license. The penalty for oper
ating without a license is $50 a day.
All licenses terminate July 1, and
if not renewed promptly, places the
warehouses liable to the fine when
ever it operates without a license.
It would not only be the act of a
good citizen, but really his duty, for
any one to report to the State Mar
ket Agent any irregularity in the
warehouse business. If there is a
warehouse in the state of Oregon re
ceiving grain from farmers and oper
ating without a license, those far
mers storing grain in such warehouse
have no protection for loss or theft.
Those warehouses are licensed from
the Grain Inspection Department and
delinquencies should be reported to
the State Market Agent, 723 Court
House, Portland, as such report might
be the means of saving himself or
neighbor from heavy loss.
"I wonder when the time will come
and let us pray that it may be soon
when the men on the farm and the
men in the factory and workshop and
mine will come together for the pur
pose of protecting each other and all
from the common enemy their com
mon exploiters." From the speech
of Samuel Gompers in his Portland
Yakima has long had the top mar
ket for potatoes in Portland because
of grading and guaranteeing an hon
est pack. The new potato grading
law should redeem this market for
Oregon growers,
A preacher at the close of one of
his sermons said: "Let all in the
house who arc paying their debts
stand up.' Presently every man, wo
man and child with one exception rose
to their feet.
The preacher seated them and said:
"Now every man not paying his debts
stand up. The exception, a care
worn hungry-looking individual, clad
in his last summer's suit, assumed
a perpendicular position.
"How is it, my friend," asked the
minister, "you are the only man not
able to meet his obligation?
"I run a newspaper." he answered
"and the brethern here who stood up
are my subscribers, and " "Let us
I pray," exclaimed the minister, Hail
way Lift (B. R. & P. Railway;.
George W. Singer and W. C. Jenks,
representatives of the Pendleton
Packing k Provision company, a con
cern recently taken over by ths Rain
ier corporation, a Seattle eoneern,
were in the eity Friday and Saturday
of this week. The purpose of their
visit here was to interest our stock
men in their concern, with the view
of later on disposing of some shares
of stock here. They report that the
new corporation is a three-million
dollar company, and its taking over
of the Pendleton plant will no doubt
mean much to the stockmen of this
section, giving them a market at home
competition with the Portland
market It is the intention to make
a much larger plant at Pendleton than
the present packing house, so the
report goes.
Rev. F. R. Spaulding and wife were
called to Hood River the end of the
week to attend the funeral of her"
father, Mr. Wyman, a man past 98
years of age. Mrs. Spaulding had been
at his bedside for a time, and when it
was thought he was improving, she
returned home on Thursday, to be
called away again on Friday by his
sudden demise. Mr. and Mrs. Spauld
ing returned home from Hood River
on Monday evening.
Boardman people are all sorry to
learn that Lee Mead and family leave
next week for rGass Valley, where
they will make their home. Mr. Mead
has been an operator at Messner for
several years and is a man who is
universally liked one of the few
men of the world who has no enemies,
He and his family will be greatly
missed. He will rent his ranch m
the East End for next year. Board
man Mirror.
Little Annie Lieuallen, one of the
twins of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lieu
allen residing near Heppner, fell
from a swing on Thanksgiving, break
ing both bones in her right leg. Ow
ing to the absence of their physician
from the city, Miss Clowry, trained
nurse in the office of Dr. McMurdo,
set the broken bones and applied the
splints in the proper manner, and
the little girl is getting along nicely.
This paper is requested to announce
that the regular meetings of the Mor
row county Ku Klux Klan at Lexing
ton have been changed from Friday
to Monday evening of each week.
There will be no meeting of the klan
on this Friday, but the regular meet
ing will be held Monday evening at
the usual place. Members will please
take notice.
Lotus Robinson, who was in from
his Eight Mile home yesterday, states
that a rather wintry condition Is pre
vailing, though the weather cannot
yet be said to be cold. The foothills
were covered with a,, light fall of
snow on Tuesday night, but else
where over the most of the county
there was a good rain.
Thanksgiving was very fittingly
observed in Heppner and union ser
vices were held at the Christian
church at 10:30 a. m. Thursday, Rev.
Spaulding of the Methodist church
delivering a splendid discourse to
large and appreciative audience. Some
special music was also a feature of
the occasion.
Hugh Grimm, leading citizen of Ir
rigon, was in the city on Saturday to
appear before the tax conservation
commission on budget business for
the Irrigon school district. Irrigon
residents enjoyed a very prosperous
season this year, and everything i
ccming along well there according to
Mr. Grimm.
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Finch entertain
ed at a pleasant bridge party Satur
day evening. About twenty of their
friends were present and after the
card playing delightful refreshments
were served. Mrs. E. H. Hedrick
won the honors while Mrs. W. O.
Dix carried away the consolation
A. J. Anderson and wife of Van
couver, Wash., and Mr, and Mrs. Mat
Leitzen of Kelso, were visitors here
over Sunday at the home of Gay
Anderson and wife. A, J. is a
tiether and Mrs. Leitzen a sister of.
Mr, Anderson. The;- returned ho;r.e
on Monday, traveling by auto.
County court was In session yes
terday at their chambers in the court
house. Commissioners Davidson and
Binge and Judge W. T. Campbell
were in attendance, and the usual
batch of business was transacted, the
court being able to get away with the
work In one day s session.
The members of the Lexington
football team received a pleasant
surprise last week of sixty dollars
turned over to them by Mrs. Eva Lane
and Mrs. E. A. Zochert, from the pro
ceeds of the Thanksgiving dance,
given for the athletic association.
Dr. A. P. McMurdo and family and
Miss Lulu linger motored to Pendle
ton on Thursday last, spending the
Thanksgiving day with Dr, Mark A.
Leach and family and spending Fri
day and Saturday there, getting home
on Saturday night.
W. M. Aschenbrenner, who is work
ing at the ranch of Minor & Thomp
son up Balm Fork, was in the city
on Tuesday. He reports the finest
of range and stock all in splendid
Mrs. Claire V. Hopper has been en
joying a visit for several weeks with
her sister. Mrs. E. R. Dodds. Mrs.
Dodds is planning to depart soon for
her new home at Shelby, Montana.
The banking room of the Farmers
& Stockgrowers National bank is re
ceiving some interior decorating at
the hands of painter Rummell, which
adds much to its appearance.
The grand jury is in session at the
court house todsy, preparing for the
opening of court next Monday, at
which tine they will present their re
port and ask to be dismissed.
Mrs, Roy Missildine enjoyed a
pleasant visit from her mother, Mrs.
C. C. McQuitin of Portland the past
week. Mrs. McQuinn returned to her
home on Friday.
D. O. Justus & !?ons have lea.tvd the
PtCullough ranch on Willow crk
and will run the same in connection
with their other rifnch Interests In
the county.
David H. Grabill, prominent citizen
of lone, was doing business here on
Presidential Year.
Methodists Are Shocked.
Doc Cook Again.
Men Are Dull Very.
The business man's "bad Presiden
tial year" will not be a bad year, un
less merchants and people combine to
make it so.'
A good year depends on good buy
ing. Nothing in the election of a
President prevents people buying the
usual supplies, from ice cream sodas
to fur coats, from factory sites to
This Presidential year ought to be
most prosperous year. The elec
tion reminds the people that this
country is managed by its inhabitants,
for the benefit of the inhabitants,
when they take the trouble to vote .
Europe is worried, harrassed, na
tions mistrusting each other, taxing
each other's products. Here we have
one hundred and ten millions of peo
ple living at peace in forty-eight dif
ferent States, all trading freely, back
and forth, from ocean to ocean.
While other nations lack food and
raw materials, our problem is to get
rid of our surplus on a profitable ba
We haven't even begun to scratch
the wealth of this country. Wages
are higher than they ever were;
prosperity is greater than it ever was;
and there is more money to be spent
than there ever was.
Nineteen hundred and twenty-four,
the Presidential year, ought to be the
maximum year of American prosper
ity for all time.
It will be if the pessimists will al
low it.
The King of Denmark, who was
told a while ago that Dr. Cook had
discovered the North Pole, has now
been told that Dr. Cook is sentenced
to fourteen years in jail for swindles
in connection with oil wells.
Psychologists, if they examined Dr.
Cook, would probably find that he has
the brain and the imagination of
young school boy.
Years ao he exhibited himself in a
dime museum in New York, with
Esquimaux dogs, sleds and heavy furs
and gradually imagined himself a real
explorer. Finally, he imagined that'
he had discovered the North Pole
perhaps he almost believed it. There
ia no penalty for imagining that.
But when he imagined that he had
discovered valuable oil wells and sold
stock that was a different offence.
The Methodist Episcopal Board of
Public Morals has things to say about
the stage in New York. Young ladies,
it seems, many at a time, "troop down
to the footlights naked from the waist
up, and practically naked from the
waist down don't call it nude, just
plain naked, so say the board.
Much seems to depend on what peo
ple are doing, and why, and where.
In ancient Greece young girls ran in
the races entirely naked without hurt
ing anybody's morals. Their inten
tions were good. That makes all the
Many things on the stage are both
immoral and stupid, intentionally im
moral, unintentionally stupid, but
never the less very stupid. Women,
' now presented to the public, are
about as interesting as so many
"sides" of dressed beef hung up in a
butcher shop. Managers ought to
know that.
A few years ago, even Henry Ford
wouldn't have thought this possible.
He will talk, through the air, from
his WWI station at Dearborn, using
his 360 metre wave, across a thou
sand miles of this continent, three
thousand miles of the Atlantic ocean,
to men and women "listening in" in
That miracle would have astound
ed those living when the Old Testa
ment was written.
Let's hope that in a few thousand
years, with every human being able
to talk at will with any other on
earth, men will decide to atop mur
dering each other, and follow Joseph
Pulitzer's advice, "Don't tight; ad
vertise." o
Young ladies of Chicago's "t'o-ed"
University decide that "all men are
talkers" and are alt dull. Some, with
dullness, combine seriousness, others
froth, others triviality, but all are
Nothing new in that truthful state
ment. The miracle ia that women have
endured men's dullness, pretending to
be interested in their conversation,
for so many centuries, from dull mod
ern man back to Adum. He must huvn
had nothing at all to any, being so
freshly made and having no goip to
bring home to his wife. You do not
wonder that. In the despair of bore
dom, she talked to the snake.
Heppner Post No. 87, American
Legion, will hold it annual election
at the Hotel Heppner dining room
Tuesday evening, December llfh. A
big feed will preceed thy election and
it is the desire of the pu.t oflieur
that all members be pre -tun t. T'h
feed is "on" the local post, and will
start promptly at
Harlan I). McCurdy. huttling young
farmer of the went end of tlio county,
wa in the city on Wedrn'nduy from
Friday afternoon and nil ly Satur
By Arthur Bruban