The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, November 15, 1923, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 Butter Creek Valley News
H. E. Younjr purehated m new
rtodtrt r. The community vn&hes
ivitu ur.ii p-cnemi him that h gti good service and
ccr.ftt.nt thf chwl. j fc (oI 0f pifasur oul of hit new
A. E. Wattenburper and family, ac-
comnnid by Mi Edythe McCarty
were in Portland Saturday.
C. H. Bartholomew and daughter
Faye vt sited at Pendleton Thursday.
Election return for this precinct
were in favor of the income tax.
t W. L. Suddarth is attending Mon
mouth College.
M HiMil. M.UR.
The tgh wfroo'i trtrrt bodr hetd
tU.r f-nl Nf ven ber 9. They
ij.g whwil a
nrot ' mi thai
Ir.e fiHfi c'frn r re elected:
Oartr Farihi'n.e , jre-nUrt; Op.
J a nr. on, wrrfUiy, fci1 Kty Jrmon,
A, e of thrr-e vh? appoint
ed to ritnw op a conMitntton -nd
by No definite r.ame for the
t.ipkMztlKin ha bei-n adopted, but
tudertu M-em to spree to this as
a t-ofd one: 'Tine t ity Dippers. "
A Thar. k-i vine pro pram and a
bnfket focial wiil be piren at the ;
I'tr.e City nrhool houe on the eve- j
ninp of Noverr.ber 23. The propram 1
will hi fin at o'clock.
Mudertf are work in p hard to make a very ir.terestit.j: and ertertain
inp program. A pcial feature of
"fears 17 Goopie be givtn in
connection with the repuiar propram.
Lveryb-kdy it welcomed. Arrange
ment will be made to accoir.mod:e
all that con e. We will be prateful
U ail taUit who brinp baskets.
H. Ku ko attended the Umatilla
eour.ty teachers institute at Pendle
ton Saturday. Sunday and Monday
he spent with personal friends at
Walla Walla,
The Pine City ba?keball team is
open to par aereal fwmea thit sea
son. We prefer ta p.ay twa rimei
between Thnkpi in and I'hrisunaa.
W will play a junior hijh achool
or a hrt or aecond team. Schools
desirirf fames please correspond
wnh Mr. kuka.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bortxer of
Hood River, were visitors for several
days the past week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tash in this city.
Mr. Bortier was formerly extensive
ly enpaped in farming in this county,
owninp a large wheat ranch south
west of lone.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson mo
tored to The Dalles on Sunday and
enjoyed a short visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Kit McCarty. They re
turned to Heppner Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Lewis of Lexing
ton, were visitors in this city on
Tuesday, Mrs, Lewis recently return
ed from a visit with her daughter,
Mis. Ben W. Frieie of Drain, Ore.
"Haunted Valley
By Herbert Robinson
Adapted from the Patheserial by
Frank Leon Smith
Coryright by Palhe Exchange, Inc.
lew Summer Session
Director at University
The Midnight Raid
Fortunately, a small ledge jutted 1 windows and threw them open. Oot
out just below the cliff, and this! side they saw a woman, evidently
broke the fall o( Ruth Raneer and fiehtine for her life against two
Eugene Craig. Both were a bit
shaken up, but outside of that they
were none the worse for the experi
ment Kuth could not understand
male attackers. Craig rushed out
to save the woman and the two at
tackers seeing him coming. Red
The young man sprinted after them.
the events that bad happened in the i but in the darkness he tripped over
University of Orepon, Fuptne. Nov.
1. SpciaU Prof. Fred U Stetson
of the school of education has been
appointed director el the Euirene
summer session of the University of
Orepon, succeeding Colin V. Pynient
he has been compelled to retire as
director because of the la rye amount
of work connected with the co'leite
of literature, arts and sciences of
which he is dean. Professor Stetson
as assistant director of the Eutrene
session last summer. Dean Earl
Klipatrick will continue as director
of the summer session at Portland.
The dates for the six terms' work
will be June 23 to August 1.
Professor Stetson took his bachel
or's degree and master's degree at
the. University of Washington. He
was a graduate student at Teachers
College. Columbia University, where
he undertook work for his doctor's
Upper division and graduate work
will continue to be emphasised at
the summer session at Eugene, while
undergraduate work will be empha
sised at the Portland session. Last
summer one student in four at Eu
gene were graduate students. Many
of those enrolled were from com
munities outside of Oregon.
Graduate students in other cities
as well as in Oregon have begun to
recognize that the University offers
an excellent opportunity for six
week's intensive work in the sum
mer. Students then may continue
their vacations in the state of Ore
gon, which provides exceptional re
creational opportunities.
Notice is hereby given that the
Tax Supervising and Conservation
Commission wilt hold hearings, at
the County Court house. Heppner,
Oregon, on the several tax budgets
of Morrow County, according to the
following schedule:
Friday, November 23, 1923.
City of Lexington.
City of Heppner.
City of lone.
Morrow County.
Union High School No. 1.
School District No. 35.
School District No. 12.
Monday, November 26, 192S.
School District No. 4.
School District No. B.
School District No. 6.
Schol District No. 32.
School District No. 33.
School District No. 48.
Talley, or the disappearance of
Sharkey. However, Craig advised
her to have the entire valley search
ed the next day to see if the mys
terious forces operating there could
be discovered.
The search was made under the
direction of Craig, and nothing was
discovered. The your.g coupie next
decided to go ahead with the scheme
of irrigating 'the valley, hoping in
that way they might discover some
thing about the fabulous wealth
turned at by Sharkey.
At his ofhee the next afternoon,
Henry Mailinson was engaged in
deep throught. Vivian Delamar,
deeply in love with the man, watch
ed over him anxiously, wondering
what his next move might be. The
loss of his one confidential man.
Sharkey, had lead Mailinson to send
for Brennon, the office manager of
Ranger, Inc. At that moment bren
non entered.
"So you have decided to accept
my little proposition Mailinson
asked, looking up at Brennon. "Of
course, you understand you must not
let it interfere with your connec
tion with the Ranger outfit." Bren
non nodded. "You can have Shark
ey's old office for our private con
Terences," Mailinson added. "You
must never come here openly
"I think 1 understand you, Mr.
Mailinson, brennon replied
"Several days ago," Mailinson
continued. "Miss Ranger discovered
an underground stream of water in
Haunted Valley. Do you know if
she has any plans or intentions in
trvine to irrigate the valley .
"Indeed she has. Plans have al
ready been drawn up and they were
delivered to her this morning."
"Then your first job is to get
those plans," smiled Mailinson. "It
would be fatal to my schemes to
have her put a force of workmen in
Haunted Valley at this time. Get
those plans as soon as possible."
While this was going on, Ruth
snd Craig were in conference with
Weatherby in the offices of Ranger,
Inc. The girl learned that all the
engineering projects were advanc
ing briskiv, so that full attention
could be gKen to Haunted Valley.
Ruth decided that the next thing to
do would be to look over the plans
far the irrigation work.
At that moment, Brennon entered
from Mallinson's office and hasten
ed to the v?ult where the Ranger
papers were kept. As he was about
to extract the plans, Ruth entered
and courteously and without sus
picion explained that she was just
on the point of getting the plans
herself, as she had intended to
study them that evening, brennon
was at a loss what to do, but man
aged to cover his confusion.
Evening found Ruth and Craig
seated at a large table in the library
pouring over ihe plans. "When I
discovered the underground stream
1 thougut I had learned why Mallm
son wanted Haunted Valley. But
cow I guess were farther tip s tree
than ever, the girl declared.
Brennon had lost no time In get
ting in touch with Henry Mailinson
and informed him that Ruth had the
plans of the valley in her posses
sion. That MaHinson was disap
pointed is purling it mildly. Ho
ever, he immediately conceived s
plan to gain them for himself.
While Kuth and Craig were
studving the blue-prints, several
mvsienous figures were skulking
about the grounds, one of them in
feminine atiire. These figures
seemed to he busy carrving out a
prearranged plan. Two of them
burned lowurd the house, while two
of three others were stretching
wire ciuae to the ground where light
Streamed through the french win
dows. Two nthcTB were Btanding
with the female figure, ready to go
Into anion at the signal.
Finally everything was ready and
t low whistle sounded. The two
men and the female figure advanced
Into the light ire I outside the
french window. The men seized
the woman, and in the struggle
that followed a shrill scream was
Ruth and Craig heard the scream.
JTiey both rushed to Ihe frencb
School District Na. 4.
School District No. (1.
School District No. 52.
Taeaday. November 27, 123.
School District No. 25.
City of Boardman.
School District No. 2.
School District No. 27.
School District No. 31.
School District No. 34.
School District No. 53.
School District No. 59.
Wednesday, November 28, 1923.
School District No. 1.
School District No. 2.
School District No. 3.
School District No. 8.
School District No. 9.
School District No. 10.
School District No. 11.
School District No. 14.
Friday, November St, 1923.
School District No. 16.
School District No. 17.
School District No. 28.
School District No. 29.
School District No. 89.
School District No. 40.
School District No. 42.
School Dsitrict No. 50.
Saturday, December 1, 1923.
School District No. 18.
School District No. 19.
School District No. 21.
School District No. 23.
School District No. 24.
School District No. 36.
School District No. 37.
School District No. 38.
West Extension Irrigation Dsitrict.
By.L. VAN MARTER, Secretary.
iFrom O. A. C. Experiment Station.)
Result from crop rotation are not
eery marked at firtt. In a rotation
experiment of the Oregon Agricul
tural college fiperimont station farm
which has been going for 10 years,
grain continuously yielded SO bushels
of barley to tha aero. On the same
soil which had a rotation that includ
ed a legume crop the yield of barley
this year was 61 bushels to the acre.
The following rotation is recom
mended by the dairy department of
the 0. A. C. experiment station, as
suming that dairy owners have leg
ume hay such as clover, alfalfa or
oats and vetch, and corn silage. All
the hay and silage the cows will
clean up and a grain ration made
of 300 pounds each of barley, oats
and mill run, with 100 pounds of a
high protein concentrate such as lin
seed oil meal, cottonseed meal or
eocoanut meal, one pound of this feed
per day being allowed for each I 1-2
pounds of milk produced. If kale it
available it may be fed in addition
to other feeds with excellent results.
Office on Main street for rent; In
Elevator building. See Harvie Young.
Notice u hereby given, that John H.
Hajnm, admin iatrator of the estate of C. J.
Haywa, over, ha AM with the County
Court of Morrow County, Oron. his fi
nal report and account aa admin tatratur of
the ffwtate of aatd C. J. Haym, Vctaed,
and that said court ha fiied Saturday, tbv
1Mb day of December. at 10 o'clock
A, M. aa the time, and the County Court
Room in the Court House in Heupner, Mor
row County, Oregon, as the place for hear
ing said report, and any objections there
to. Any person having any objections to
said account, is hereby required to present
the same on or before the date of hearing,
JOHN H. HAYES. Administrator.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams were
dewn from Hardman on Tuesday, Mr.
Adams calling upon the doctor to
have injuries to his collarbone
dressed. He was thrown from a horse
one day last week and received a
broken collarbone, but is rapidly recovering.
lllllllHlllltllHIIUIIlllllllllllllllllllllllinillUtlllHIUIIIIIIIIM IIIIIMIIIIIIIIIU
I WELL DRILLER, Box 14, Lexington, Ore.
Up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for all sizes of hole E
3 and depths. Write for contract and terms. Can furnish you f
I all steel. Light Running, Simple, Strong, Durable.
Diamonds -:- Watches
Pianos -: Phonographs
Sheet Music :- Records
Odd Fellows Building
Main 1062
Heppner, Oregon
John Kilkenny, L. V. Gentry snd
John Kelly were Morrow county
stockmen who attended the big stock I
show in Portland during the past I
FOR SALE 80 sacks of spring seed
rye; 2c per pound. John Olden, Hepp
the bidden wire and was thrown ta
the ground with s thud. Instantly,
men in hiding pounced upon him.
Ruth Ranger, discovering Craig's
predicament, rushed out to help him.
But the instant she left the house
by way of the window, the man just
outside stealthfly entered. Hs
wasted no time, but began stuff! nf
the blue-prints into his leather
portfolio. While this was going on,
another, on the ourside of the bouse,
cut the light wires and the house
was plunged in darkness.
I'pstairs, young Dinny was awak
ened by the disturbance. Rushing to
a window, he looked down on the
scene of action. Dinny saw that
Ruth and Craig were not havin
much difficulty with their adversaft
ies. but something else suddenly
caught his eye a man fleeing from
the bouse with the papers in his
brief case. Dinny made up his
mind in a jiffy. Swinging from the
window to the limb of a tree, be slid
down to the ground and chased
after the man. The youngster's
pursuit led to the next corner where
a car waited. Dinny hesitated for a
moment, then, as the car started off
he made a spurt and sprang to the
scare tire case on the back.
Dinny was a fast worker. Climb
ing up, he looked through the isin
glass window and much to his de
Ueht saw the sole occupant of -the
back seat was the brief case con
taining the blue-print In the wink
of an eve. Dinny had climbed
around to the side of the car, reach
-A in ,nH seized the nrecious bag.
The next moment saw him speeding
up the street as fast as his legs
could carry him, in the direction of
Ruth's home.
But the ourkriner of the blue
prints was not to be caught nap
ping, tjiancing arounu, nc saw iu
the bag was missing. He shouted
to the driver at his side and the car
came to a quick stop. Looking
hack, both saw the paiama-ciao
youngster dashing up the street for
all he was worth. Both men quick
ly abandoned the car and took up
pursuit. t j
As Uiany reacnea m iangi
grounds and pantingly sprinted to
ward the house with the precious
bag, henchmen who had remained
were seen furtively going into
ambush. And Dinny rushed straight
into their midst. He dodged the
first man, but seeing that he would
surely be caught, he hurled the bag
through a window of the house,
smashing the glass with a terrific
Ruth and Craig, to the parlor,
heard the crash and rushed quickly
to the scene. They saw Dinny
twisting and squirming hi the grasp
of the heochmen. Ruth lost no time
in entering the melee. She seized
one of the assailants and whirled
him sway. His face was suddenly
revealed to her she was confront
ed by the trsstorous Brennon!
Brennon was new to sinister
tactics. At the sudden appearance
of his employer be knew that Us
end had come. In that awful
moment, be could have killed h r to
prevent the girl from denouncing
nim. Panickly, he seized Ruth and
slapped his hand over her mouth.
Dinny gallantly rushed to her as
sistance, but was hurled aside and
Ruth was borne, struggling, to the
Weakened by his injuries, Craig
tottered out to find Ruth and Dinny.
The girl had disappeared complete
ly, and Dinny lay Inert on the
ground. Craig, in his condition,
was at a lose what to do.
in .h meantime, the car with
Ruth a prisoner, whirled away Into
the night. Her captors saw that
every prevention to keep the girl
from making an outcry was em
cloyed. She was powerless.
But at a remote garage, a gentle
man paced back and forth, nervous
ly smoking a cigarette Mailinson.
Suddenly a ear whisked into the
plsce, plunged Into the "V
portals and stopped. Mailinson
threw away hie cigarette and step
ped gayly toward the car, expect
ing to have the portfolio turned over
to his possession.
(To bi continutd.)
To know
how good a cigarette
really can be made
you must try a-
V After
(Every Meal j
Have a packet in your
pocket for ever-ready
Aide digestion.
Allays thirst.
Soothes the throat.
For Quality, Flavor and
A me sealed Package,
Reduced Prices on
Case Furniture
c-.Jw , W-r-
1 ftl Priest ati-vlA
iti4imn lj'y Wia 1821 1a
THIS little chart
shows that for
years Goodyear Tire
pricea have been
kept below the av
erage price level of
all commodities.
Goodyear Tirea to
day coat 39 leas
than they did in
1914. And they are
the best tires Good
year ever made. This
Is a good time to
buy Good years.
At Qondymmr SrWc Station
0Mr w mrd rcm
mtnd thm new Goadymmr
Cordi with tht btvltJ All.
X Wmmthmr Tr..J mmd
lAam up with tfndmti
Heppner Garage
1 it!ti w"" Tr4"-
a mght in
the cold
Yoiiye a motor
that starts
the tank
Vaporizes rapidly
one spark is ENOUGH'
for comfortable
winter driving
mm no sacrum
J Power
It usually is far easier to interest people
in an oil well in Canada or a gold mine in
Alaska than in safe and sound operations
here in Heppner. Yet virtually every well-to-do
family in this community made its
money through local activities, right here
where they could examine all detail and
watch developments.
Don't be looking far afield for opportun
ities. They are roght here in this town ev
ery day. The person with available funds
is the person who can take opportunity by
the forelock and realize a happy content
ment. We are . in position to serve you,
whether it's in investment or the method to
save and be in position to extend your ac
tivities. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank
Heppner, Oregon
The Best and Largest Assortment
of Meats In Morrow County.
The Lowest Prices Possible.
Cash & Carry Store
After November ISt
I will deliver free of
charge on Tuesday
& Friday afternoons
L. G. DRAKE, Prop.
The new Ford cars are now ready lor your
inspection, introducing changes that improve
the appearance of the various body types and
increase their comfort and utility.
They offer you not only economical and depend
able transportation, but also a more attractive
style and a greater share of motoring convenience
a combination that makes the outstanding
value of Ford cars more impressive than ever.
See the new Ford models now on display in
our showroom.
TAcs cart can ( obtained thrwgh
M Ford WttUy Purchan Plan.
Star "Theater
Thursday, November 15
Our Gang in 'THE BIG SHOW"
Friday, November 1 6
RUTH ROLAND in 7th Episode of
Pathe News Weekly
Saturday, November 17
"WEEPING WATERS," an Oregon-made
Sunday and Monday, November 18-19
Tues. and Weds., November 20 and 21
THE IMMORTAL VOICE, story of the
Watch for it.