The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, November 01, 1923, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Volume 40, Number 30. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1923. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
- , !
State Income Tax
Is Important Issue
The Gazette-Times Presents Arguments Pro and Con
on Measure to Be Voted on November 6;
You Should Study Them Carefully.
Will the people of Oregon vote for or against the
State Income Tax at the special election November 6?
The result of this election will have a significant influ
ence on the future of the state. That all readers of
the Gazette-Times may have a full knowledge of the
arguments for and against the measure before going
to the polls, we are reprinting in full the "Affirmative
Argument" from the voters' pamphlet, which contains
full text of the measure, and refutation of that argu
ment by C. C. Chapman in the Oregon Voter. Every
voter has been supplied with the aforementioned
pamphlet and should study the bill closely for himself
before making a decision. A hasty decision may cost
the future prosperity of the state. Don't vote blindly
on November 6!
The bill as it appears on the ballot reads :
Referred Kill Referendum Ordered by I'etllion of the People
Referred by the OREGON JUST TAX LEAGUE, by R. Wi Haijood, president,
and E. O. lslor, secretary; and by the STATE INCOME TAX REFEREN
DUM LEAGUE, by Cyril G. Brownell, president, W. M. McConnell, vice
president, and J. D. M. CrocVwell, secretary INCOME TAX ACT Pur
pose: To provide for the levying, collecting and paying of an income tax
on individuals, partnerships and resident and nonresident corporations
residing,, incorporated or doing business within and without the State
of Oregon, such tax being based upon net income; providing the rules and
regulations for computing and reporting such incomes and the tax there
on; and making certain exemptions.
300 Yea
301 No
As it stands on the ballot the bill is somewhat in
definite. It should be understood that marking the X
between the "300 Yes" is for the passage of the act,
and between the "301 No" is against its passage.
Following are the statements of the affirmative ar
gument and C. C. Chapman's refutation :
(On Official Ballot, Nos. 100 and SOD
(Submitted by Walter M. Pierce; C.
E. Spence, master, Oregon State
Grange; T. T. Bennett, representative,
fifth representative district; John H.
Carkin, representative, eighth repre
sentative district; and A. K. McMa
han, representative, second represent
ative district; favoring the Income
Tax Act.)
Not more taxes, but a more Just and
more equitable method of distributing
the present oppressive burden or tax
esthat Is the object of the state In
come tax law. An endeavor to make
wealthy and those who have the abil
ity to pay carry more of the burden
of taxation rather than attempting to
get the taxes by confiscating the prop
erty of the man who has not the abil
ity to pay; an endeavor to make the
wealthy man who Uvea in a rented
apartment, who sends his money to
other states for investment in bonds
and securities, who does not have his
name on the tax rolls of Oregon and
still enjoys a handsome income and
all the benefits of our public institu
tions, pay some taxes; an endeavor
to relieve the home, the farm, and
real property, representing less than
4 per cent of the tax paying ability
of the state and bearing 80 per cent
of the burden of local taxation, from
carrying such a large and unfair por
tion of the too heavy burden that Is
the object of the state income tax
"A state Income tax: Why, Mr. Vo
ter, you don't want any more taxes,
we already have too many." That Is
the argument proposed against the
income tax by the millionaires and
the wealthy tax dodgers of Oregon,
and how unfair It is. A state income
tax will not raise more money, but
will simply raise some of the money
in a different manner.
Our Present Tax Laws Are Antiquated
Our present laws of real property
taxation In Oregon are antiquated.
They were passed in 1864, even before
Oregon was admitted as a state, and
there has been but little change to
these time-worn laws of taxntlon
since. In about a score of years, tux
es raised In Oregon for state, county,
school and municipal purposes, have
increased from seven millions of dol
lars to forty-one millions of dollars,
or about A00 per cent. Our population
has hardly doubled In the same time
and yet we still pursue practically the
same methods of taxation now i
then, and as seventy-five years ago.
In 1922 a tax investigating commit
tee was appointed for this state. They
made a very careful survey and com
piled much authentic information
From a enreful examination of the
federal income tax returns for 1920
they find the total Income of Oregon
for that year to be $207,708367. Out
of this total, wages and salaries alone
amount to $126,241,124, or five-eighths
of the total. If business profits, div
idends and investment incomes are
added to wages and salaries, we have
a total of $181,122,010.11, or nearly
nine-tenths of the whole income of
Oregon citizens untouched by the
properly tax. Real estate, which
benrs at least 80 per cent of the taxes
levied for state and local purposes,
accounts for only $7,063,208 of the to
tal Income under the federal sched
ules. This amounts to 8.4 per cent of
the total. If the returns of the feder
al Income tax cun be taken as a fair
Index of the tnx-pnylng ability, less
than 4 per cent of the taxpaying abil
ity of the state (represented by real
estate) bears 80 per cent of the bur
den of state and local expenditures,
(Continued on Pave Two)
Vote YES or NO
Official Balderdash
Facti vi. Statements Contained In Of
ficial Affirmative Income Tax
(By C. C. Chapman In Oregon Voter
of October 20, 1923.)
Reckless use of figures apparently
without understanding of their mean
ing, charscterires the official argu
ment for the itate income tax mea
aure. Thii argument has just been
mailed to the 860,000 registered voters
of Oregon. Among others it Is signed
by Governor Pierce and C. h. Spence.
It Is a safe surmise that none of the
signers had the slightest conception
of the real meaning of the figures aet
forth ao glibly.
Let us take their statements, as
made on one1 small printed page and
compare them.
"Less than 4 per cent of the tax-
pnying ability of the state bean 80
per cent of the burden of local taxa
tion." ($41,117,368 for 1920). "From
careful examination of the federal
income tax return for 1920 they find
the total income of Oregon for that
year to be $207,798357."
What do these statements Imply?
That $8,312,000 of income paid
$32,900,000 of taxes!
Could anything be more preposter
ous? Yes. Home lurtner statements
made on the same page.
"Real estate, which bears at least
80 per cent of the taxes levied for
state and local purposes, accounts for
only $7,063,268 of the total Income
under the federal schedules."
Stripped of verbinge, this means
that $7,063,268 of income pays $32,
900,000 of taxes!
Again, from the tame page we
"Ninety per cent of the tax-paying
ability makes no direct contibution to
local revenues at all."
That means that the other 10 per
cent, or $20,779,886, pays the entire
$41,117,368 of local taxes levied on
property in Oregon in 19201
There we have it
"8,312,000 of income pays $32,900,
000 of taxes."
"$7,063,268 of Income pays $32,900,
000 of taxes."
"$20,800,000 of income pays $41,117,
000 of taxes."
Could any figures be more absurd?
Yet these are the figures which these
reckless advocates sling about with
out the slightest comprehension.
A parallel statement would be: "A
Buick has alx engines and one cylin
der; the cylinder supplies the power
for turning all six engines," The fig
ures "six and "one would be cor
rect as figures, but would be hitched
onto the wrong words. Any child
would notice there was something
wrong. But in tax figures the absurd
ity is not so easy to notice,
The figures quoted in the Official
Argument are correctly quoted as fig
ures, but they are hitched onto
different meaning thnn was stnted In
the source from which they wore
quoted. Hence their absurdity when
hitched to words which do not cor
rectly Identify the figures,
In their original form in the report
which Messrs. Fierce, Spei.ce et
were trying to quote, these figures
mean something entirely differon
from what Messrs. Pierce, Spence et
al thought they meant. Tnke the
statement, for example, that "the to
tal Income of Oregon for 1920 was
$207,798,867." What the original au
thorlty really aet forth as to thi
figure waa the following:
Personal income reported to federal
fOYernment by taipayers whoaa Bet
income u $207,798,867.
. $207,798,867
We have emphasiaed by black face
type what these reckleaa boosters
have omitted in the way of qualifying
their $207,798,867 figure as the sup
poied "total income of Oregon." The
"total income of Oregon" would in
clude not only the peraonal income
of those who reported personal in
come, but also the corporate Income
of those corporations reporting in
come, to say nothing of the income of
persons and corporations who made
no reports of income.
In all, income reported by persons
and corporations aggregated in 1920,
quoting the same authority misquoted
by Messrs. Pierce, Spence, et al, am
ounted to (for Oregon):
Income of reporting persons, be
fore genera) deductions. $207.798367
Grose income of corporations re
porting net income 472.286,247
Gross Income of corporations re
porting no net income 261,82702
This figure, almost a billion dollars,
does not represent the income of the
state, for it does not include incomes
not reported and does not Include
many transactions that were dupli
cated as between corporations and in
dividuals. The actual net income of
all the people of Oregon for 1920 we
estimate as slightly in excess of $600,-
000,000. Either the $941,400,000 fig
ure of the above total, or the $600,
000,000 estimate, would be nearer the
actual income of Oregon than the
$207,798,000 figure misquoted by these
proponents of the bill. So much for
the assertion that the "total Income
of Oregon for 1920 waa $207,798,857,"
and for all conclusions based upon
tnat erroneous use of that figure.
Now as to the statements that "less
than 4 per cent of the taxpaying abil
ity of the state bears 80 per cent of
the burden of local taxation" and that
"Real estate accounts for only $7,063,
268 of the total income under the fed
eral schedules.
The figure "$1,0M,2W ii the exact
amount set forth in the authority
misquoted as "peraonal Income re
ported from rents and royalties." This !
item does not reflect the income from
use of all the taxed real estate of
Oregon by all the farms. Industries
and businesses of the state, but sim
ply reflects that portion of "rentals
and royalties" reported by "persons"
(not corporations) who made returns
to the federal government. It cer
tainly does not reflect all the income
from all taxed property in Oregon.
Yet this figure, representing merelV
the Income from "rents and royalties"
only, as reported by only those per
sons (not Including corporations) who
made income tax returns to the feder
al government, is made to do duty as
the "income from real estate which
bears 80 per cent of the local tax
burden." It was by misapplying the
$7,063,368 figure, grossly misapplying
it, that the notion was evolved that
"Less than 4 per cent of the taxpay
ing ability of the state bears 80 per
cent of the burden of local taxation."
Such palpable misquotation of lan
guage and misuse of figures, if by a
private corporation to sell something,
would exclude the pamphlet from the
mails on the ground of fraud.
Yet people accept those absurd fig
ures and absurd conclusions as true.
They really suffer under the delusion
that the use of real estate is respon
sible for less than 4 pr cent of all
the income of the people of the state,
and that this "less than 4 per cent"
actually carries 80 per cent of the
local tax burden of $41,000,000. No
wonder they desire to correct so fla
grant a supposed injustice by voting
an income tax to reach the 96 per cent
of income that is supposed to come
from use of undertaxed or untaxed
property and not from use of over
taxed -property yielding only 4 per
cent of the state's income."
Nothing is more misleading than
misquotatoin of figures, or their reck
less misune In official pamphlets.
What were the facts in 1920, the
year cited?
Levied on
Property within city limits 64
Non-farming property outside of city
limit 22
Farming property 24
(Federal and local, including Sales Taxes,
Excess Profits Taxes and License Fees.)
Levied on
Property, Income or business other than
farming .. ...-.,...87
Farm property .r.18
Non-farming . 78
Farming -22
AM accurate figures, if their real
meaning is set forth correctly, agree
in supporting the conclusion that Ag
riculture bears no more than its pro
portion of the combined tax burden
and that the main burden is borne by
the income, property and business of
the cities.
Income from the use of real estate
is not separated In returns made by
industries and businesses occupying
their own real estate, and is not sep-
rable except as a concern might
charge rent to itself, which would be
a mere bookkeeping entry, arbitrary
and without general statistical signi
ficance. It is impossible, therefore,
from any ant a that exists or that it
is possible to obtain, to estimate what
proportion of income can be quoted
accruing from the use of real
estate. Because the figure cannot
be separated, it is impossible to find
an accurate basis for saying that "4
per cent," "80 per cent" or any defin
ite per cent of incomo represent the
total income of Oregon from the use
of real estate.
"Figures He and liars figure" is an
old axiom. Not for a moment do we
wish to imply that the "lying figures"
used by Messrs. Pierce and Spence
were manufactured by "liars" or mis
applied in a lying spirit. We impute
no such motive to these gentlomen.
But we do assort, without fear or
possibility of successful contradic
tion, that neither Governor Pierce,
Mr. Spence or anyone else subscribing
his name to the use of those figures
in the official argument, had the re
motest Idea of whether the figuros in
their argument were correct or incor
rect or what they really meant.
Messrs. Pierce and Spence will fall
back upon the authority they mis-
Congressman N. J. Sinnott, of The
Dalles, was a visitor in Heppner on
Wednesday, looking up the interests
of his constituents in this part of
the district. Congressman Sinnott
was at Pendleton on Tuesday, where
he attended the meeting of the ir
rigationists in the interests of the
Umatilla Rapids project, and made
the leading speech on that occasion.
The bill to provide for the prelim
inaries on this project was intro
duced by Mr. Sinnott, and he is a
very active worker In congress In be
half of our reclamation projects.
On next Tuesdav. election day. the
Villing Workers of the Christian
church will serve dinner to the pub
lic in the basement of the church.
There will be plenty of good things
to eat and your patronage on this oc
casion will be greatly appreciated by
the ladies.
W. W. Gillies, a newspaper man,
recently engaged in the business at
Deer Park, Wash., was a visitor In
Heppner on Wednesday. Mr. Gillies
had just disposed of hfa publishing
business at that point and is now
looking up another location,
D. D. Randall of Medford, repre
senting the American Sunday School
Union, and C. M. Smith, local mis
sionary, are visitors in Heppner to
day in the interests of their work.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
will hold their bazaar the first Sat
urday in December, being the first
day of the month. The place of hold
ing bazaar will be announced later.
Mrs. S. E. Notson and daughter
Margaret arrived home on Wednesday
evening. They have been spending
the past month visiting with relatives
in Iowa and Missouri.
Lester Doolittle and Chas. Vaughn
arrived home Sunday from their hunt
ing trip in the Ukiab country. They
brought in three deer as trophies of
the hunt.
Len, Clint and Earl Gilliam got in
from the mountains Wednesday, hav
ing spent much of the past two weeks
hunting. They failed to get any game.
Mrs. W. E. Pruyn has returned
home from the East where she spent
the past two months visiting relatives
in Chicago and Canada.
Born, at their home near this city,
Oct. 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil
kinson, an 8-lb. daaghter.
For Rent Furnished rooms with
steam heat and bath. For particular!
phone 722. tf.
For Sale Heating stove, practic
ally new. Price $15. See Gay M.
Office on Main street for rent; In
Elevator building. See Harvie Young.
The ladies of Bethel Chapel held
their regular monthly missionary
meeting Tuesday afternoon, Mrs.
Chas. Cox, Mrs. A. M. Phelps and
Mrs. Elbert Cox acting as hostesses
to the many who enjoyed the usual
hospitality of the "Chapel Family."
This one, big, happy family has had
many pleasant social affairs this fall,
but Tuesday's event came near break
ing the record. The Chapel rooms
were effectively decorated with jack-o-lanterns,
witches, black cats and
yellow poppies and zenias. After an
interesting program given by Mrs.
Maurice Frye and Mrs. Wallace Smead
on "Industrialism in Japan," the so
ciety transacted its business. Then
followed an invitation to enter one
of the class rooms kept closed up to
this point of the program where
three or four large tables had been
made attractive with Hallowe'en dec
orations. The hostesses served cider
and delicious individual pumpkin pies
which were much enjoyed. The big
room was then darkened, the jack-o-
lanterns lighted and a ghost suddenly
made its appearance to the surprise
and joy of all, especially the children
who were fortunate enough to be
The girls of the Chapel are anticip
ating a good time next Saturday,
when they will hold their missionary
Mrs. W. F. Mason of Chicago, 111.,
was in Heppner Saturday in search
of a lost brother, Graham Van Nes
sen. Mr. Van Nessen was in this
county in August, 1921, working in
the harvest fields. While at lone
one of his ribs was broken and he
came to Heppner, according to Mrs.
Mason. She desires very much to
learn of his whereabouts, and would
appreciate it very much if anyone
having such information would noti
fy her at 6339 Indiana Ave., Chicago,
III, To aid anyone in remembering
him Mrs. Mnson left the following
description: tall, dark-complexioned,
and 24 years of age at the time he
was here.
Portland, Oregon. F. M. Lovegren
of Heppner -and P. L. Schamel of
Grass Valley were made defendants
in suits brought in the Circuit Courts
of Morrow and Sherman counties last
week by the Oregon Co-operative
Grain Growers, for alleged violation
of their marketing contract with the
LaVerne Van Marter brought In the
prettiest catch of rainbow trout of
the season, Monday afternoon. Twelve
tine fat fish, averaging over 14 inches
in length, filled his basket to over
flowing. He made the catch up Wil
low creek. Van caught 25 the day
before, and these didn't take up as
much room In the basket as the 12
caught Monday.
quoted, the report of the Committee
on Tax Investigation, and will obtnin
much comfort from arguments in that
report in what to them may appear
ns the Identical language they quoted.
Hut close comparison will reveal that
they failed to quote exactly, and in
their misquotation lies the essence of
their misrepresentation. The com
mission was careful about its lan
guage, and qualified its utterances.
The fine points of the commission's
qualifying language were lost on
Messrs, Pierce, Spence, et al, with the
result that their quotation of lan
guage and figures made both absurd
when analysed together.
Proposition Is Receiving Strong
Support of Citizens of the
The one institution that the people
of Lexington are proud of is their
public school. Nothing is overlooked
that will give this enterprise a boost,
and right now the citizens of this
community are getting behind the
proposition of putting up a suitable
building that will be equipped and
used as a gymnasium. The need of
this building has been long felt, as
there is no place in the town suitable
for the indoor athletics of the pu
pils of the school.
No complete plans have been work
ed out as yet, but the matter of rais
ing funds to be applied in this man
ner has received attention of the
community the past week, and a tidy
amount already subscribed. Our
scribe is informed that it is the inten
tion of the school board to match
whatever sum is raited by popular
subscription, and the present indica
tions are that the project will be an
ultimate success and a building will
be erected that will be a credit to
the school and the community it rep
resents. Louie Marquardt came near meet
ing with a very serious accident on
Tuesday when coming to town with
wheat. At a point on the market road
just a short distance out of town, he
met a motorcycle coming up the grade
that was making the usual amount
of racket and his team of eight horses
took the notion to turn right about
and follow the machine. This was
disastrous, and before Louie could
right thinga the two wagons, heavily
loaded with wheat, rolled off the
grade. Thinking that they were
bound to turn over, Mr. Marquardt
jumped and landed in the rocks, in
juring one foot and ankle quite badly.
The wagons remained right side up
and no damage was done to them,
while but a dozen or fifteen sacks of
grain were thrown off. Being an ex
pert in handling horses, Mr. Mar
quardt succeeded in saving his rigs
from a complete smash up, but it
is difficult to figure out how the big
wagons got down over the Bteep in
cline where they went off the grade
without rolling completely over.
Farmers of this section are just as
busy as they can be in getting their
fall seeding done. Many have finish
ed, and others are winding up rapid
ly. Neill White has completed his 500
seres, Otto Ruhl is just getting thru,
.ie McMillans are putting on the
finishing touches, and in this neigh
borhood grain is in the ground and
many fields are coming up well,
though warmer weather conditions
would help a lot in getting the grain
growing as it should before freezing
weather sets in. Farther out north
S. E. Sim on ton has finished seeding
2300 acres and much of this is up and
growing fine; Gunnar Linthe and Wm.
lluebner and others in this vicinity
are well aleng with the fall seeding
and will soon be done. The prolific
growth of weeds, a result of the early
rams, has made seeding this fall
difficult problem on a great majority
of the farms, but it is noted that a
great many fields are in very excell
ent shape and there is much clean
The commercial class of the high
school is preparing to give a play in
the auditorium at the school building
on Saturday evening, Nov. 10. "The
Hoodood Coon" is the title of the play
and there is promise of plenty of good
comedy. The cast is as follows:
Miser Moon, a hoodood coon
Clarence Carmichael
Tom Bissle, slick as a whistle
Lawrence Slocum
Gideon Blair, a millionaire -
. Paul Morey
Hiram Tutt, an awful nut
.. Marion Palmer
Patrick Keller, a ticket seller
. Lawrence Beach
Samanth Slade, a poor old maid
- Neva Shinn
Rosebud Reese, her chaming niece
Bertha Tucker
Paula Maleek, a bolshevik
Etoyle Pointer
Lulu Pearl, a ragtime girl ....
Lavelle Leathers
The warehouses at the depot are
now piled to the roofs with wheat
and deliveries from the farms not all
completed. So far the big warehouse
of Scott & McMillan has handled
about 180,000 sacks and by the time
hauling is done, they will care for
30.000 more. The warehouse of Jo
seph Burgoyne will handle sufficient
number of sacks to increase the total
to near 240,000, making perhaps the
greatest amount of wheat ever hand
led from this point. Shipments are
going out slowly, as there has not
been extensive Bellilng, and just a?
fast as a carload or two leaves the
warehouses the space is immediately
filled by grain coming in from the
A slight accident occurred on the
highway about a mile and a half up
Willow creek Monday evening when
the cars of Luther Huston of Hepp
ner and Clark Davis of Lexington met
in collision. Mr. Davis had a wheel
smashed and front axle bent, and the
car of Mr. Huston went into the
ditch, smashing one front wheel but
doing but slight damage otherwise.
The glare of lights seems to have
been the cause of the accident and as
the cars were going slowly when they
met. The occupants escaped uninjured.
Dan Doherty is just completing a
nice four-room bungalow on his ranch
in Juniper canyon. The new house
will be modem in all respects, with
hot and cold water, bath, etc., and
fine big porches, both at front and
back that will be screened in. He ex
pects to have It ready for his family
before the real cold weather sets in.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McMillan drove
down to Portland on Tuesday, expect
ing to remain in the city for at least
one day of the Stock show which
opened on Saturday.
Auto Turns Over,
Driver Badly Hurt
While driving along Rhea creek be
low the Rugg ranch Wednesday morn
ing, Clyde W right's car struck a rock
in the road and was caused to swerve
from the grade and turned over sev
eral times in the toft dirt along the
road. Ed Rupg was riding in the
car with Mr. Wright, and jumped, re
ceiving only slight injuries but Clyde
did not fare so well. While he received
no broken bones, it is feared that he
has suffered severe internal injuries
as he appears to have been hurt by
the back of the seat striking him in
the abdomen as the car went over.
He was taken to the home of his
sister, Mrs. Ed Rugg and Dr. Chick
called out to his assistance.
The car was quite completely wreck
ed and had to be loaded on a truck
and brought to town for repairs. It
will take a day or so to ascertain just
how seriously Mr. Wright may be in
jured. He was reported to be suffer
ing much pain, but it is hoped that
no complications will arise and that
he may be out again in a few days,
none the worse for his experience.
Family Reunion Held at Home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Gay,
Pioneer Morrow Residents.
The marriage of Henry C. Gay and
Miss Florence E. Bennett was solem
nized on October 30, 1873, and on Oc
tober 30, 1923, their golden wedding
was celebrated at their home near
Hermiston by a family reunion, no
attempt being made to have an elab
orate affair. The six children of Mr.
and Mrs. Gay were all present and
the occasion was made one of great
pleasure to them.
Mr. and Mrs. Gay landed at Hepp
ner in June, 1873, coming to this state
from California. They bought a home
on Rhea creek, where they lived until
about two years ago, at which time
they moved to their present home on
the Umatilla river near Hermiston.
During their long years of residence
in this county they engaged in stock-
raising and farming, and the Gay
home was one of the best and most
attractive places on Rhea creek, and
it waa with a great deal of regret
on the part of their neighbors when
the Gay family took their departure.
Yet, they are not so far away but
what we consider them a part of our
community still, and Heppner and
Morrow county is "home" to them.
Mr. Gay was quite active in affairs
here in the years gone by. He took
part in political and social affairs
and was elected representative in the
legislature in 1886, being the first
representative of the county after it
became a political unit of the state.
He was elected as a republican and
for many years took an active part
in the deliberations of that party,
but later became a member of the
prohibition party, on which ticket he
at one time ran for the office of sher
iff. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Gay
are: A. B. Gay, L. E. Gay and W. H.
Gay of Hermiston, A. M. Gay of Butte
Falls, Ore., H. L. Gay of Lexington
and Mrs. W. A. French of Heppner.
The two little daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. French were also present, but
Pearl and Mace Gay, children of Leo
Gay, who reside at Bartlett, Ore.,
were unable to be present.
McCabe Buys Olden
Farm on Rhea Creek
A real estate deal was consumma
ted in Heppner Monday in which A.
A. McCabe, of Eight Mile, purchased
the John Olden farm on Rhea creek.
Amount of the consideration was not
learned. Mr. McCabe will retain his
wheat land in Fairview and will
run both places with the help of
his boys. 'Mr. Olden does not know
just where his family will locate, but
they will move to a lower climate in
the hope of benefitting the health of
Mrs. Olden.
Lord's Day, Nov. 4, 1923.
The most profitless thing i
the world to manufacture is excuses,
they are of no intrinsic or commer
cial value whatsoever, and serve only
as an opiate for an uncomfortable
conscience. Throw away such a
worthless thing and be with us at
the place of worship on next Lord $
Day. Bible school at 9:45, commun
ion and preaching at 11. The sub
ject of the morning sermon will be
The Prophet of Nazareth." The
Christian Endeavor, one of the best
in the state, will meet at 6:30, leader
Velma Hall, and the evening preach
ing service will be at 7:30. There's
help for you in each of these gather
ings, and you are cordially invited to
be with us. LIVINGSTONE.
Oregon Agricultural (. ollege., I or
valliH, Oct. 30 (Special.) Dallas
Ward of Lexington is one of the men
showing up well in the "rook" foot
ball squad. Ward is playing ripht
half. The freshmen have had hard
luck this year in getting games, hav
ing had five games canceled so far
this term. They have been trninmg
hard and will probably got a chance
to make a good showing in the Ore
gon "frosh"-Aggie "rook" game next
Friday morning, one of the athletic
events of homecoming week-end.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Oct. 30. Three students from
Lexington have been pledged to fra
ternities this term. A. L. "Mac" Me
Millan has been pledged to Psi Chi,
Dallas Ward to Thi Delta Theta, and
Herman Hill to Alpha Tau Omega.
Hot Lake, Ore., Oct. 30. W. W.
Dickey, sheep rancher of Monument,
reached the Hot Lake Sanitarium the
last of the week. Mr. Dickey came
here for consultation and will remain
for several days' treatments.
Freshmen Win in Pennant Scrap;
Succeed in Keeping Flag on
Pole; Other H. S. Items
The senior class was entertained at
Woodson's home Tuesday night,
Elaine Sigabeend Be mice Woodson
acting as hostesses.
A very painful time was had In
getting them to the chamber of tor
ture over the Spooky Way. The ;
shrieks that arose would do credit
to a bunch of freshmen. I
Ghost stories was one form of en- j
tertainment, a prize being given for:
the most gruesome and hair-raising1
tale. Doris Flynn was adjudged
prize winner and received a hand
some man.
Other typical Hallowe'en sports
were indulged in and then the re
freshments consisting of cider, dough
nuts and fate cakes were served.
The freshmen are feeling very im
portant and brilliant these days, due
to the fact that they were declared
winners in the pennant scrap. No
fighting and rough stuff this year;
it was all a battle of wits. The
freshmen put their pennant up in the
pole and kept it up for over twenty
four hours without the other classes
molesting it at all. Consequently they
now have the right to get their good
pennant and hang it in the assembly
The high school was entertained by
a short musical program last Thurs
day. The boys' chorus sang several
selections and the H. S. orchestra
played some numbers. This was the
first appearance of the orchestra and
it made a very favorable impression.
Stanley Peterson has done all the in
structing and it is with regret that
we lose him from the school. Mr.
Hedrick and Carl Cason expressed ap
preciation of all his help on behalf
of the school and student body, to
which Mr. Peterson responded in a
very pleasant manner. The orchestra
will keep up its work, although feel
ing a great loss in Stanley's "fiddle."
Heppner Victorious
Over lone, 27 to 6
Local Boys Outclaaa Opponents
Weight and Speed But Dis
play Poor Football
Heppner Hifrh school revived the
old "lick lone" spirit last Saturday
when thei took the Egg City lad
to a 27 to 6 cleaning on Gentry field.
The way thinga started out it looked
like tone had the edge on our lads,
for on receiving Heppner's kick-off
they marched right down the field for
a touchdown. From then on things
reversed and Heppner showed super
iority, although both teams played a
very loose game and penalties were
Heppner came back in the first
quarter after lone failed to make
yardage from the second kick-off and
scored a touchdown. In the forma
tion for goal kick lone was off-side
thereby forfeiting one point to Hepp
ner. Score at end of first quarter 7
to 6.
The second quarter was scoreless,
each team possessing the ball a good
part of the time. In the second half,
however, Ior.e was unable to stop the
end runs of Con Adkins and Paul Aik
en, each of these Heppner boys mak
ing over thirty yard runs for touch
downs, with Aiken performing the
stunt twice. Heppner's last touch
down came just as the final whistle
It is conceded the only thing that
won Saturday's game for Heppner
was her weight and speed for lone
displayed a much better brand of
football. Mr. Griggs, Boardman's
coach, refereed the game, Walter
Linn was umpire, and Ed Chidsey
handled the head linesman's staff. A
fair-sited crowd turned out to the
fray and much pep was shown by
the rooter s section,
Heppner is going strong so far, but
it is rumored that unless she gets a
little more "stuff on the ball" she will
meet up with disaster when the big
clash with Lexington takes place No
vember 10, at the Wheat City. Lex
ington places first in the list of con
testants so far, not having been scor
ed on, and promises to be a formid
able foe for the Heppner warriors.
The Heppner lads have their backs
bowed, however, and are going to
show some fight. Everyone who goes
to Lexington on this date is promised
his money's worth.
The schedule of games for Hepp
ner this year is nearly compietea.
with but two games after the Lexing
ton game. Fossil plays here Novem
ber 18, and Heppner plays at Condon
November 25.
The monthly social of the members
and friends of the Christian church
will be held in the church parlors
this evening. An interesting program
has been prepared, and a large at
tendance is anticipated. A basket
supper will be served at 6 o'clock,
prayer meeting and Bible study will
be held at 7 o'clock, and from 8 to
9:30 will be given over to social en
joyment These occasions will oc
cur on the first Thursday evening of
each month during the winter.
The annual election of officers of
the Morrow County Chapter of the
Red Cross will be held at the office
of the county nurse in this city on
Tuesday evening next. The time has
also arrived for the annual roll call.
and this will be taken up also at this
meeting. Mrs. Emmet Cochran, retir
irnr chairman is absent from the city
but others are interested in the Red
Cross work and will be present to par
ticipate in the election, and the pub
lic of Heppner is invited to be there
to take part in the deliberations. Mrs
Johnson, county nurse, closed her
work here with the end of October,
and the question of a successor to
her will also come up. These things
are important and there should be
a big attendance at the meeting.
Meeting In Conjunction
With Oregon State
Gathering Favors Intelligence Teats
and Commends County Superin
tendent on Good Work Done.
The local teachers institute held
here October 28, was well attended by
teachers from all parts of Morrow
county. This was a joint meeting of
the institute and the Oregon State
Teachers association. Morrow coun
ty has 100 per cent membership in
O. S. T. A. for the second successive
Mr. Tucker, of Lexington, was elec
ted president of the association for
the coming year. Most of the day
was spent in discussing the intelli
gence and educational tests which are
to be given throughout the schools
of Morrow county. Mr. Hedrick con
ducted a number of tests with the
teachers and Mrs. Dix gave a demon
stration with the second grade pupils.
so that the teachers might know how
to use the tests to the best advantage.
Some time was taken to discuss text
books. Most of the teachers favor
the books now used.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 af
ter adopting the following resolu
tions: Resolutions.
We the teachers of Morrow county
Special Institute assembled at
Heppner, Oct. 26, 1923, do hereby re
First That the present meeting of
the teachers of Morrow County call
ed by our superintendent was well
timed and judicious.
Second That we thoroughly concur
in the plan as outlined by our Coun
ty Superintendent for additional lo
cal institutes.
Third That we heartily endorse
the use of intelligence tests in the
schools of Morrow county and recom
mend the teachers of the county give
them a thorough and complete trial.
Fourth Whereas the O. S. T. A.
has proved of estimable value both to
the schools and to the teachers of
this state, therefore we earnestly
urge 100 support by all the teach
ers of Morrow County.
Be it further resolved that we ex
tend a vote of thanks to the County
Superintendent for her untiring ef
forts on behalf of the teachers and
schools of this county; to the school
boards of the county for allowing
the attendance of teachers and es
pecially to the school board of Hepp
ner for the use of the school build
ing; to the teachers of the Heppner
schools for their courtesy to visiting
teachers; to the instructors for the
able manner in which they have pre
sented the subjects of this institute,
and to Mrs. Missildine and to Mrs.
Turner for their assistance with the
In conclusion, be it resolved that
a copy of these resolutions be sent
for publication to all the local papers
of the county.
Days at Pacific Interna
tional Live Stock Show
The Pacific International Ll'e
Stock Exposition has finished its pro
gram of days. It is as follow:
Saturday, Nov. 3 Children's Day,
and a 1 school children are auiHid
free of charge on tha day.
Sunday, Nov. 4 Chiaffarelli's band
of 40 pieces wilt give two classical
sacred concerts and the exhibits
will be in place and can be viewed.
Monday, Nov. 5 This has been
; named Fraternal Society and Civic
Club Day, and all the activities of the
exposition start. Horse shows in the
evening and during the remainder of
the week.
Tuesday, Nov.6 -Governor's Day.
Four or five governor's are expected.
Thsi is also Editor's Day.
W ednesday, Nov. 7 r arm Bureau
and Gange Day. The former organ
ization holds a convention in this city
this day and the following.
Thursday, Nov. 8 Washington Day.
Excursions are expected from Puget
Sound and other parts of the Ever
green State.
Friday, Nov. 9 Oregon Day. Sim
ilar excursions are looked for from
various points in the Willamette val
ley. Saturday, Nov. 10 Potland Day.
One of the largest as well as one
of the best socials yet held by the
young people of the Christian church
was held in the church parlors on
Hallow evening. The social was giv-
by the pastor s bible cias of
young people and about sixty-five of
the high school age were present.
The program wus in keeping with
the occasion, ghosts, hobgoblins, etc.,
were in evidence everywhere; one of
t!e features f the evening was the
tomb of King Tutankhamen ; the
ghastly features of the old king lay
in state, in a casket in a dark cor
ner of the building as the remain
were solemnly viewed he frequently
turned in the casket.
Gumes filled the evening and deli
cious refreshments were served at
the close of the program.
Dun Stalter cume down from the
(reenhaorn mountain the last of
the week, expecting to lay otT on min
ing for the winter months. Much
progress was made this summer it
the properties of the ih-ppner Mining
Co., Mr. Stulter reports, and much
rich ore uncovered.
H. E. Crawford and W. A. Wirts
of the Turn-A Lum Lumber Co, of
Walla Walla, were in Heppner on bu
invss on Wednesday.